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prison break第一季里台词(要英文的)_百度知道
prison break第一季里台词(要英文的)
they start with something small.- &Mom&quot.- Put down your weapon now.- Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest.- Are you sure about this, Mr. Scofield?- I'm sure.- I&#39.- Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.- Tt have a violent bone in your body,- and I know you didn't need the money..- and he's at White Castle.- I know what it is, Let's go, Sid.- You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I&#39?- One minute.- Don's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.- Justice and punishment are the same thing to her.-
He is, Your Honor.- Perhaps you should heed your representation&#39;s advice.- Your Honor, we&#39;d like tt have a few years.- Wish to hell I did.- Cs not the only one who&#39;s starting to feel that way, Ms hand- and she&#39. The branch manager&" target="_blank">http,如果要更多, Your Honor, Your Hve known you my entire life, something like that.- Not you.- You get a full set of sleeves, all im not.- White Castle?- It&#39.- Will you give us a minute.- My client&#39;s it.- Can It want you to come.- Go home, LJ.- I didn&#39,- take some additional time to consider your response.- You don&#39,你可以看看<a href="http://www.maynet.?- This is the police.- I&#39://m not playing games.- I&#39;t want you to see this.- He&#39;s not here.- Where is he?- It&#39;ve already done that, Your Honor.- I&#39;ll retire to my chambers to s a good chance of that. You are completely surrounded.- Ps a bit confused at the moment.- -
I&#39.- Uncle Mike?- I didn&, you know. Open it.- Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.- Don&#39;t you think it would be better.- I know.- Then will you please tell me what&#39;s going through your head?- We&#39;m never going to see it again. He&#39;ve been over this, look at it for a minute?- You&#39;re an artist.htmlPrison Break Season 1 Episode 1- That&#39?- You just put the book in that woman&#39;s beginning to get that anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up in prison.;, girlfriend&#39;s initials.- There&#39, yes.- Most guys, you know,t;s not gonna take this well.- Can you blame him? He&#39;s your nephew.- He&#39.- I don&#39;s recessed until 1:30... Open it.- We can&#39.- Court&#39;s a fast food restaurant.- They serve those little square burgers.- Veronica.- Why won&#39;t you let me help you?- You&#39;ve been good to me. My whole life, you have...- but you&#39;ve gotta let me deal with this. Okay?- Given your lack of prior criminal conduct,- I am inclined toward probation.- However, the fact that you discharged a deadly weapon- during the commission of the crime suggests malice to me.- For that reason,- I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield.- It says here that you&#39;ve requested to be incarcerated- somewhere near your home here in Chicago.- I&#39;m willing to honor that.- The closest level one facility to...- Level one?- That&#39;s maximum security, Your Honor.- I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me.- As I was saying,- the closest level one facility would be Fox River State Penitentiary.- As for the term of your sentence, I&#39;m setting it at five years.- You&#39;ll be eligible for parole in half that time.- Sentence to be carried out immediately.- All right, people, step inside the door and check yourself for bugs.- When you hear the knock, step out. Keep the line moving.- We ain&#39;t got all day to get this done.- No more talking in line.- Move it. You got less than five minutes to take a shower.- Keep the line moving. Keep it moving. Move it. Right now.- Let&#39;s go. Move, move.- Next!- Next down in the banks, dress. Let&#39;s go.- Name and back number.- Scofield, Michael. 94941.- Are you a religious man, Scofield?- Never really thought about it.- Good, &#39;cause the Ten Commandments don&#39;t mean a box of piss in here.- We got two commandments and two only.- The first commandment is you got nothing coming.- What&#39;s the second commandment?- See commandment number one.- Gotcha.- You talking out the side of your neck?- Come again?- I said, are you being a smartass?- Just trying to fly low, avoid the radar, boss.- Do my time... and get out.- There isn&#39;t any flying under my radar.- Good to know.- Hey, can a brother get some air conditioning up here, coach?- It&#39;s hotter than a crack ho&#39;s mouth, man.- To hell with the A.C., man. Give me the crack ho.- Come on!- Yo, Fish! What you looking at?- You look kind of pretty to be up in here, man.- Fish!- I suggest you take a seat, Fish.- Ain&#39;t nothing to do up in here but serve time.- Ain&#39;t nobody gonna serve it for you.- Welcome to Prisneyland, Fish.- You wanna talk about it?- No, it&#39;s not worth talking about.- If it&#39;s keeping you up, it is.- Oh, it&#39;s just...- it&#39;s nothing, you know.- Michael&#39;s case.- You did the best you could.- Yeah, but he didn&#39;t.- He just sort of rolled over. He didn&#39;t put up a fight.- It&#39;s not like him.- I&#39;m sorry. I shouldn&#39;t be talking about him.- Hey, if it&#39;s on your mind, it&#39;s on your mind, right?- Good night.- All wings, guard coming out.- All wings, guard coming out.- Trey Street Deuces got the hoops.- Nortenos got the bleachers.- Woods got the weight pile.- The C.O.s got the rest.- I&#39;m telling you,- the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place.- The only difference between us and them...- is the badge.- Who&#39;s the pet lover?- He&#39;ll deny it, but he&#39;s D.B. Cooper.- Parachuted out of a plane 30 years ago with a million and a half in cash.- Doesn&#39;t look like the type.- Who does?- Hey! What up, Wholesale? You okay?- Gonna be greater later.- Yeah.- What you doing with this fish, man?- He&#39;s my new cellie.- Wholesale&#39;s got it wired up out of commissary.- Anything you want, he can get it for you.- You keep handing out my jacket,- I swear I&#39;m gonna bust your grape.- Man, you couldn&#39;t bust a grape in Napa with a set of cleats on.- What are you talking about?- Man, you want to bump your gums.- Oh, no, no. Now you&#39;re talking, talking, talking...- I&#39;m looking for someone.- Guy named Lincoln Burrows.- Linc the Sink?- That what they&#39;re calling him now?- Yeah.下面是第一集的一部分
You got a better way?你还有别的好办法Face- to- face works pretty good,获优等成绩, maybe. Not me.你的爱是过去时,我的不是, if you gotta know.不要太花哨,我向我女朋友求婚.面对面比较好This place ain&#39;t exactly the romantic spot.I&#39;m gonna have her go get on the Staten Island Ferry.You mean West Wilmington?No more tests.不会再故意试探你了7.要和朋友靠在一起,敌人要靠的更近8.In a letter.我愿意做解决问题的途径之一.4;t be friends.A guy doesn&#39;t drive a girl 500 miles across state lines because he wants to be friends.就象在单行道上开错方向Everyone turns up one sooner or later.人人迟早会发生一点意外.5.I deserve to know. I loved him as much as you did.我应该知道,因为我和你一样,我曾经爱过他Past tense for you,先变其身What?Nothing. That was just my senior quote1、Gd you know her?你怎么知道她的?We talked together in Boston,象你这样优秀的人才跑到这种鬼地方来干什么?Took a wrong turn a few months back, I guess,她打开信,我就好象跟她在一起了?How&#39,而不是问题本身Mmm. &quot.那更好2.What&#39,碰巧是我四年级时的座右铭That was you?This whole time, I was thinking it was Gandhi.原来是你说的呀,我一直以为是甘地说的.也许是几个月前拐错弯了You make it sound like a traffic infraction.你说的好象是交通违规似的Like all you did was turn the wrong way up a one-t be there.这种地方可不是什么浪漫之都,让她去Staten岛渡轮. I knew your wife before she passed.9.Magna cum laude?You mean Anne.Why did you hire him?为什么要雇他?Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.Men and women can&#39,一旦她可以看到帝国大厦;Be the change you want to see in the world.&欲变世界;s another word for &love&, in fact.I can&#39;t help wondering what someone with your credentials is doing in a place like this.LOYOLA的尖子生,我就纳闷了.一个男人不会驾车500公里跨越洲界只因为想成为普通朋友.6.我认识你妻子,没过世前You knew Marla,当然我不是真的和她在一起.3.I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem?在信上.Top of your class at Loyola.没什么.Then, once she can see the Empire State Building,She opens the letter.It&#39;s like almost being there.Except for the fact that I won&#39?爱的近异词是什么Except, you know, classy.I&#39;m proposing to my girl
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您使用浏览器不支持直接复制的功能,建议您使用Ctrl+C或右键全选进行地址复制美剧看过来之越狱《Prison Break》美剧看过来之越狱《Prison Break》德大西百家号我相信大多数人接触美剧和我一样,都是从这部剧开始,虽然时刻多年后,这部剧又续拍,但她依然是我内心里的不可磨灭的剧,现在依然能够回忆起刚看越狱时候的扣人心弦的感觉。致那些我们熟悉的面孔《越狱》(英文:Prison Break)是由葛·艾坦尼斯等执导,保罗·舒尔灵编剧,温特沃思·米勒和多米尼克·珀塞尔等人主演的剧情悬疑电视剧。该剧讲述的是一个关于拯救的故事,迈克尔为了救他被人陷害入狱的哥哥林肯,计划越狱并成功逃脱,在逃亡生涯中再次入狱,最后收集证据以求脱罪的过程。给米帅一个特写迈克尔·斯科菲尔德正陷于无望的困境中——他的哥哥林肯·巴罗斯被认定犯有谋杀罪被投入了FoxRiver监狱的死囚牢。虽然所有的证据都指出林肯就是凶手,迈克尔却坚信兄长是无辜的。林肯的死刑执行日越来越逼近,在没有其他选择的情况下,迈克尔持枪闯入了一家银行,被捕入狱后来到了林肯的身边。身为建筑工程师的迈克尔参与了监狱的改造工程而对这里了若指掌,他设计了史上最完美的越狱计划,入狱的唯一目的就是要把林肯救出生天并还其清白。迈克尔在狱中艰难地准备着越狱计划的同时,意想不到的人和事接连出现在通向自由的道路上。大爱的T-Bag囚犯编号:89632,他有暴力和虐待动物的倾向,10岁的时候在想要放火烧掉自己四年级老师房子的时候被捕,被送到少年看守所。就是在那Bagwell第一次接触到了“纯净联盟”,一个白人至上的组织。Bagwell长大的过程中,他所犯的罪也越来越严重。从斗殴,致命武器伤人,意图谋杀到最后的绑架,强奸和谋杀。由于他犯有多项重罪,亚拉巴马州州政府把Bagwell送往Donaldson看守最为森严的监狱,可在那他却进入了“纯净联盟”的领导层。事实上,在Bagwell的领导下,这个联盟变得十分强大,以至于Donaldson的狱长被迫驱散这个组织,把它的成员送往全国各地。 Bagwell刚来到Fox River的时候,“联盟”几乎已经不复存在了。但两年后,神奇的“T-Bag”又使它变成了监狱里最为强大的组织之一。 机缘巧合之下撞破了micheal scofield的越狱计划,并要挟众人要告密,于是顺理成章加入到越狱计划之中,最后越狱成功。第五季剧照在美剧迷的眼里,《越狱》不止是一部情节错综复杂、跌宕起伏的好剧,它更是一个时代的标志。因为《越狱》,中国人知道了“季”这个概念,知道网络上有个只干活不拿钱的“义工”字幕组,知道拖沓弱智的韩国偶像剧之外,还有一种极具技术含量以及智慧的美剧。美剧的风潮随着《越狱》开始在中国盛行。在当下,可能吸引我们的美剧有很多,而且大家的口味都大相径庭。但相信很多人都会和我一样,有一种美剧情怀,她就是不可磨灭的《越狱》。也许,与剧情无关,甚至与演员无关,就是心中的想来总会熠熠发光的,情怀。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。德大西百家号最近更新:简介: 据说每个闺蜜旁边都有一个吃货作者最新文章相关文章}


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