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Bullet Time
"You know what I'm talking about. In all the cool action movies, and I'm talking about the coolest of the cool, it always seems like time slows down in the middle of the action. You know, you can see the bullets flying through the air, the hero dodging in slow-motion. Oh man, it would be so cool to be able to do that. Bullet-time, that's what they call it. Bullet-time, yeah heh, would be so cool."
Bullet Time (sometimes referred to as time-slice photography) is a visual effect introduced in recent films and computer games whereby the passage of time is slowed down so that an observer can see individual bullets flying throughout the scene at a conceivable rate, or any fast-moving object, sometimes with streaks and trails made visible. It is a convenient way to depict , by allowing the audience to experience the same powers of enhanced perception that the protagonist is using. The difference between this and a regular
shot is that, in bullet time, the camera moves (often a significant portion of a full circle) around the subject rather than a static or simple tracking shot. It is often used to stop action at a dramatic point so that the audience can see a panoramic or surround view around objects or events.
In film, television and advertising, the effect is achieved by a set of still cameras surrounding the subject which are activated in rapid succession. The pictures in the still cameras are then displayed consecutively and spliced into movie frames, creating the effect of a single camera moving around a scene either frozen in time or moving incredibly slowly.
of Bullet Time can be found in the obscure 1981 action film Kill and Kill Again. It was also later used in a commercial by The Gap and
by the film
to the point where most contemporary uses of it are
of . Bullet Time is also used in computer games such as
where it allows the player to slow the game world down, but still allows the ability to look and aim at normal speed.
Antecedents to Bullet Time occurred . Eadweard Muybridge used still cameras placed along a racetrack to take pictures of a galloping horse. Each camera was actuated by a taut string stretc as the horse galloped past, the camera shutters snapped, taking one frame at a time (the original intent was to settle a bet the governor of California had made, as to whether or not all four of the animal's legs would leave the ground). Muybridge later assembled the pictures into a rudimentary animation, by placing them on a glass disk which he spun in front of a light source. His zoopraxiscope was the direct inspiration for Thomas Edison's moving pictures. In effect, Muybridge had achieved the aesthetic opposite to The Matrix's Bullet T it may be a historical accident that no 19th century bullet-time animations were made.
An identical phrase, "Bullet Time", is a registered trademark of none other than Warner Bros., the distributor of . It was formerly a trademark of 3D Realms, producer of the
games. It should be noted that the "Bullet Time" trademark refers specifically to the technique of using multiple cameras and a green screen to "freeze" the action and rotate around it, rather than just slowing conventional action down.
Note that while Bullet Time is often used to depict , the two are not the same — the former is a visual depiction for the latter, not a synonym. Depiction of Bullet Time contained in imitative works should only be considered authentic if the effect is shown as being an element of the given environment's physics (i.e., the environment does actually slow down, at least for the individual experiencing it, with other distortions of physics, such as a limited absence/control of gravity as a consequence) rather than being purely visual/aesthetic in nature. As a result, this should not be considered the same thing as conventional slow motion.
See also , , , , .
may ensue if your bullets aren't slowed but your enemies' are.
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&&&&Anime & Manga&
does this three times, once in episode 1 before Haruko gives Naota "CPR", again in episode 3, as Naota crashes into Ninamori in a near-kiss turned head-butt, and finally in the episode "Brittle Bullet".
did a spoof of this, right down to the Matrix-style dodge. It should be noted that said dodge ended with the performer flat on his back after time returned to normal. The same thing happened to Neo.
The end of the title sequence of
looks suspiciously similar to the classic Bullet Time rotation. This is unsurprising, as the Wachowski siblings . Naturally,
movie, bullet time showed up in some places.
Arbitrarily appears in brief bursts during a single fight scene in , with the characters dodging each other's
/ . And bullets in Ryuusei no Gemini ( for Goran since he runs at the speed of a bullet in the middle of the rain, effectively having the rain become a water jet cutter on his entire body)
In : The Second Raid, Sōsuke does this with tank shells until he manages to disintegrate them mid-air.
Resident gun
Kohta Hirano from
does this in episode 5 , when he gets a real gun. And it gets ridiculous in episode 8, .
anime loves this trope, and uses it frequently with Alucard's guns.
to demonstrate Kinji's
when he is in his "".
uses this on occasion when cyborgs fight, .
It is suggested several times in
that we are seeing the battles as they appear to the main characters, who are all fast enough to dodge bullets and thus have incredibly heightened reflexes, meaning they're pretty much in Bullet Time constantly. This would explain some of the pacing inconsistencies (like the famous "ten-episode-long five minutes"), but the series never says for sure whether this is the case.
&&&&Films — Animation&
In , it occurs when Hammy gets a hold of .
Bullet-time nerve strikes. Tricky to pull off, but useful against rampaging snow leopards.
There is also bullet-time sitting, on Tai Lung's face. , naturally.
In the scene where Po and Shifu are fighting over the , this is used to show how freakishly fast Shifu is. As Po is jumping up to catch the dumpling with his mouth, he's moving in bullet time. Shifu, however, .
Comes up several more times in the , most notably when the entire heroic cast performs a slow-motion leap, with Po saying "I love you guys", .
. Hilarious parody of , as Princess Fiona "goes Trinity" on
and His Merry Men, complete with the rotating camera angle — and a mid-air pause while she fixes her hair. She attempts the rotating camera angle trick again in
against Thelonius, but he manages to tie her up while she's in the middle of doing it.
Parodied in the second
as well, when Alex does his zoo shtick for the stranded New Yorkers, he performs a slow-motion leap, only for one of the people, who are all still moving normally ask, "how does he DO that?"
. Rapunzel swings away from the ledge at the dam, and Maximus lunges to catch her hair with his teeth. The score makes it clear that this is a .
According to , Troodon see things in slow-motion, maximizing their hunting efficiency.
In , Maruti avoids bullets this way in the gangsters' hangout .
&&&&Films — Live-Action&
uses this on a few occasions, such as when two characters duck out of the way of an incoming German artillery shell or when the Russians bounce an artillery shell off a tank and into German HQ.
In , the Ba'ku have figured out how to induce a temporary bullet time whenever they want. Picard figures out how to do it just in time to save his movie love interest.
abuses the hell out of it, with actual bullets, a flamethrower, and countless other things used during the fights in the film.
is the , though it uses it sparingly, partly because the team were inventing the necessary techniques as they went along. The Wachowskis, in the making-of features, snark that they only had to invent it because Director of Photography Bill Pope "wouldn't let us strap him to a rocket."
film represents Peter's first use of Spider-sense with Bullet Time.
This is an explicitly-stated ability of Wesley in .
The movie version of
used bullet time before
uses bullet time in the confrontation between Blade and Deacon Frost. It also came out before .
One of the strangest (and coolest) examples of this trope is the 2009 film, including an astonishingly well-conceived slow motion explosion that is nothing like you'd expect...
Then topped with the forest chase sequence in the sequel, , which must set some sort of record for how many times a scene goes in and out of Bullet Time.
has the Chosen One fighting a cow in the meadow and dodging milk shots mimicking .
Used in , but not by the heroes. Turns out one of the reasons the moto-terminators are so deadly is that they can .
gives this treatment to the explosion of a Japanese Zero when it's struck by a Sidewinder missile. Bonus points for the film being made in 1980, decades before bullet time became common practice.
When Captain Jack Sparrow shoots at the barrels of dynamite to injure the kraken in .
Inverted in the climax of : The title pirates are going through a time-warp, where time is speeding up, and the film actually speeds up for seconds at a time. The result is weirdly cool.
A "wand time" variation shows up in a few points of , Part II.
is one of the earliest examples of this trope, although the camera pans around moments that are frozen in time rather than slowed down. The camera also appears to be handheld.
, in the final fight between V and Creedy's men. Time is slowed during V's knife attack, which wipes out Creedy's men in the seconds it take for them to reload. Complete with knife streaks.
The climax of the first
bullet-time scene with a thrown circular tray. The killer bends back... and you can hear a crack. When time speeds back up, he can't "un-bend".
The trailer for
go into super-speed (from her point-of-view) against a squad of armed guards, as she quickly slices their throats before they can fire off a shot. Strangely, the guards should have been better prepared, given that she wakes up in , where humans are openly hunting
uses it in the Train scene.
as Sucker Punch and Watchmen above, uses it in most of the fighting scenes
Occurs in the first shootout in
When the hostage explodes in the opening of , the film moves into Bullet Time and does an
to showcase the damage done to everyone in the vicinity.
in , under enforcement by the director. The action never slows down and the movements of the characters are shown in real time, to the point the camera itself can barely keep up. That, and the natural durability of the characters, really hammers home just how insanely fast and powerful the Kryptonians are.
features a young Quicksilver. His scenes usually just show his movement as a blur, but his bullet-time sequence, as well as highlighting how he sees the world when he runs, shows him to be not just fast enough to dodge bullets meant for him — he's fast enough to artfully rearrange them in flight so that they do not hit his allies. AFTER running a lap of the room and inventively messing with over half a dozen shooters on the opposing side.
with a "Sweet Dreams" scene of his in , where he evacuates an entire exploding building all by himself.
The entirety of the opening credits for
is in frozen time, with the camera whirling around a car doing a tumble while Deadpool is fighting some mooks in it, first from an extreme close-up and then slowly panning away. In addition to the , this allow the viewers to catch plenty of hilarious little details, like a picture of
getup, or Deadpool giving a wedgie to the one bad guy on a motorcycle.
In , Pietro sees a bullet suddenly emerging from the floor in front of him, and realizes too late that he is standing on glass Clint shot at from below during the fight in the HQ.
It's first used in
for a sex scene, to symbolize frozen moments, but is later used for actual bullets to show their trajectory.
Used in , when the gangsters shoot at Benny in his
at the beginning of the movie and he starts to . Combined with the use of visible bullet trails, this is also a shoutout to The Matrix.
: In Book 9, The Cauldron of Fear, during an escape from jail, it is possible for Lone Wolf (on a very high roll helped by ) to see time slowing down as arrows fly toward him, and cut them into matchwood with his sword in one strike.
A trick frequently used by
in ; when one of the characters are on the edge of death, in battle, time seems to slow down. It's never explicitly called bullet time, though.
Rin, of the , can move into a state where she has "one foot in the world of humans and one in the world of trees." In this state, she is able to dodge incoming arrows, because apparently trees do not comprehend time. Eh, we'll buy it.
Umbo from Pathfinder has the literal version of this: he can speed up people's perceptions of time, thus enabling them to think and react faster.
In 's , the protagonist can speed up after becoming a customs officer- as part of his powers "package". Of course, police-functionals are even faster, as their job is to, well, police all other functionals. When the protagonist ends up in Earth-1 (a.k.a. Arkan), the human soldiers sent after him use pills to temporarily accelerate, as the protagonist hightails it as super-speed, dodging machineguns and helicopter gunship cannons. The novel specifically mentions him seeing the soldiers move very slowly (from the protagonist's point-of-view), until the pills kick into effect, and they suddenly move at his pace.
trilogy by Elaine Cunningham, a
rage does this to the point where even hand crossbow bolts aren't too fast to swat with a cudgel or dodge out of square hits.
two characters are given temporary upgrades that alter their abilities and perfections so much that they can watch energy weapons burn through the air around them while they slaughter a group of soldiers.
in . The main character, Waxillium Ladrian, uses his partner Wayne's
to shoot a bullet to the side of a robber and his hostage, and then shoots another bullet to
(1956) just might be the earliest example of this effect:
"''The men hurled themselves at Foyle. He backed a step and pressed his tongue against his upper incisors. Neural circuits buzzed and every sense and response in his body was accelerated by a factor of five.
The effect was an instantaneous reduction of the external world to extreme slow action. Sound became a deep garble, color shifted down the spectrum to the red. The two assailants seemed to float towards him with dream-like languor. To the rest of the world Foyle became a blur of action. He sidestepped the blow inching towards him, walked around the man, raised him and threw him towards the crater in the living-room. He threw the second man. To Foyle's accelerated senses their bodies seemed to drift slowly, still in mid-stride, fists inching forward, open mouths emitting heavy clotted sounds.
Foyle whipped to the women cowering in the bed.
`Wsthrabdy?' the blur asked.
The woman shrieked.
Foyle pressed his upper incisors again, cutting off the acceleration. The external world shook itself out of slow motion back to normal. Sound and color leaped up the spectrum and the two jackals disappeared through the crater and crashed into the apartment below.''"
The Imperial Cadre in
use a combination of top secret drugs called "the Tick" or "Old Speedy" that cause the user's mental processes and perception to vastly accelerate, making it seem as if time has slowed down. Although they can't physically move any faster or have faster reflexes than they otherwise would, their perception of everything moving slower while the drugs are active allows them to think about what they're doing and what's happening around them, giving them the ability to be very precise in their actions and to evaluate the situation instead of having to rely on pure reflex or instinctive response.
&&&&Live-Action TV&
One of the earliest TV examples is the 1996
episode "Double Cross". The CGI used was not nearly as convincing as that of .
sequences in various episodes sometimes display a Bullet Time effect.
Used to excellent effect in the promo and episode for the season 10 premiere, the latter being a
bit. Special attention was given to .
provide us with a rare non-fiction example of Bullet Time in their tests, most notably those involving guns or explosions. The effect is achieved by using high speed cameras to get more frames of the shot, then slowing down the image. The resulting footage is slowed down enough to see a shockwave expanding out from a massive explosion, but still looks as smooth as if it was being played in real time.
The Discovery series
is all about this, in a semi-MythBusters-ish style (it does only realistic stuff, compared to the wackiness that can be myths on MythBusters).
: It's a show about a Louisiana firearms manufacturer.
The History Channel uses high speed cameras frequently on Lock and Load with host . Then again, the show is mostly about guns. So...
Appears regularly in
whenever Clark goes into
mode. Commonly called "Clark time".
. Slightly , because the point of an early scene with it is to show that the Witchblade can slow down time, rather than just to make the bullets look dramatic.
episode "Rush", made in 1999, featured teenagers who could move at super-fast speeds, and used Bullet Time in several scenes where the action slows down around the characters.
does not only this, but has the camera move around during it- a ride through the hotel lobby is the norm.
Used in both
and . Early on when the titular characters are attacked by , they flashily dodge the projectiles launched at them in slow-motion. Later, during a mecha fight, the Rangers'
bounces off the sky and .
uses a variation of this where characters with super speed fight each other in a fraction of a second, so the show uses Bullet Time to slow the action for the viewer's benefit. This results in a near frozen environment (raindrops or glass shards very slowly still falling, or in one instance a character thrown into the air by an explosion still serenely rotating several feet up) while the fighters battle at a more normal speed.
The opening of
has bullets flying in slow motion.
has the post-script two-part team-up. Kabuto and Faiz in Accel mode battle two Worms at high speed while two other Riders fight non-speedy monsters. We switch from Kabuto and Faiz's point of view, where they fight at normal speed and
for the other nearby battle, to that of the others, which now takes place at normal speed while a messy, sparky blur occurs nearby.
Appears within the first 60 seconds of 's pilot episode (with crossbow bolts, natch), and exploited frequently from there on and included in nearly every fight scene.
Referenced in an episode of . While discussing how a fly would see a movie (they would see it more like a slide show, with frame-black-frame-black, etc.), one guest notes: "A fly must sit there, watching the Matrix, thinking "When is something going to happen?""
The series
used Bullet Time, since it was based on a John Woo movie that also made use of it.
: In an episode, a pilot crash lands. Time for him remains the same, but time in the location he lands slows to a crawl. While in the town, he realizes that a truck is rolling down an incline and will run over a little boy riding his tricycle. He uses a safety belt to tie the emergency brake to the tires, and the truck is stopped before it hits the boy.
At the start of Connor's introduction when he launches several stakes at Angel.
One episode slowed time down as Fred shot a bullet through Jasmine and into Angel. This was a major plot point. Individuals enthralled by Jasmine would snap out of it when they were exposed to her blood, so the Bullet Time Cam showed that the bullet carried Jasmine's blood with it as it entered Angel's body.
Also used in later episodes of Season 5 to show the time slowing effect of Iliria.
In an episode of , Shawn watches a bullet travel in bullet time. Unfortunately, his hyper-awareness has always been bullet time fast, but he's not. He gets shot.
is a stunt game show which uses an array of special cameras around the playing field (the title cube) to achieve this effect. For example, the show often freezes the action or goes into slow-motion as the camera angle swings around, usually at a strategically-timed point such as when the contestant just jumped and is still in midair.
Any time firearms are used in . Strangely enough, this trope can be seen at numerous other times for purely dramatic effect while dealing with non-high speed events.
Used in several episodes of
to show just how fast the eponymous character's brain works — in comparison to him, everybody else thinks in slow motion. Notably in "A Study in Pink", when he explains to John how he knew about Afghanistan or Harry, and in "A Scandal in Belgravia", when he decrypts the code. Also, in "His Last Vow", Sherlock's mind goes into an even faster version as he's being shot by Mary. His mind rapidly analyzes the events and his surroundings, allowing him to figure out how to fall in such a manner to minimize the damage from the bullet. This saves his life, as well as the facts that Mary deliberately went for a non-fatal shot and immediately called for an ambulance.
Though not a straight example, Piper's ability to seemingly
demonstrates this when she freezes bullets, and that tends to happen on occasion. The same goes for Cole when he's stockpiles up on demonic powers in Season 5.
In a second season episode, a hired hit-woman goes after the Sisters and attempts to gun them down. The action momentarily slows down to show Prue using her
to stop and repell the woman's bullets back at her. And in a seventh season episode the action slows down again while Kyle has Phoebe hostage, a gun pointed at her head as he demands to talk to Avatar Leo. Time slows when Leo throws lightning at Kyle, Kyle throws a vanquishing potion at Leo, and Phoebe just barely dodges the bullet fired from Kyle's gun.
and its related series often utilized this. Most memorable examples are when the Gastornis bird attacks the Propalaeotherium and when a Hyaenodon chases an entelodont, making a splash in a puddle, and the camera circles around them.
In , medium Johnny Smith can have visions in Bullet Time, sometimes even reviewing or replaying them, to get a better perspective of the events he's seeing. For example with a car crash, for which he examine every second under every angle, to see exactly how it will happen.
Heavily used in
(2014) to show the world from Barry's perspective, especially in his fight with the , when he uses his hyper-accelerated perception to figure out which of the copies is the Prime in the middle of a .
&&&&Music Videos&
The Japanese Electropop band
parodied this one in one of their .
The mostly animated music video for 's "Freak on a Leash".
Sphere's video for "Future Stream" has scenes where one member walks around while the other three are frozen in place. As shown in the behind the scenes footage, this was done in the low budget way of everybody simply standing still, with the "floating" props hanging on strings.
Another parody of
can be seen in the clip for
by DJ Bobo. Chihuahua in Bullet Time!
A version of the effect, simplified enough to be done live is sometimes used in NFL football games when an interception is thrown. This effect is emulated in the Madden series of video games, where action stops for a few seconds on changes of possession (interceptions, fumble recoveries or kick/punt returns) while the video rotates to take on the perspective from behind the team now in possession of the ball.
There are experimentations with camera technology to get Matrix-style bullet time replays into NFL and baseball games.
&&&&Tabletop Games&
A tabletop example can be found in the
supplement Mecha & Manga. Bullet Time is a power that allows you to spend a hero point while using extra effort to gain an amount of extra actions dependent on the power's rating. However, you may only get one extra attack through this method, though this is due to balance the damaging system of the game.
induces Bullet Time for the rest of a scene, improving your defenses and all of your attacks with a full "Aim" action.
&&&&Theme Parks&
Happens in
when Megatron fires at the riders but misses, and again when EVAC (the ride vehicle) fires at Bonecrusher.
&&&&Video Games&
The discussion of the trope should not go without mentioning the formal , . The Max Payne franchise was the first to use Bullet Time as an actual play mechanic. The sequel actually allows you to quickly reload in bullet-time, which has Max (or Mona) rapidly spin with the guns magically reloaded at the end. There's something -ish about this.
. The gameplay will slow down into a cinematic bullet time, complete with the rotating camera, whenever something mildly awesome is done, like when dodging an attack well, lighting a flare moments before getting swarmed, or lighting up the Taken in a particularly flashy manner. This combined with the light and particle effects makes these scenes especially awesome.
has a multiplayer variant of this trope, which is interesting because the Bullet Time is subjective; you don't slow time for all the other players when you activate the ability. It's usually used to better micromanage battles.
features Kasugami's ability to slow down time, allowing you to, say, sneak past those , or see an . It's also incredibly awesome to be able to mow down a whole bunch of
in a fraction of a second, or beat up someone while they're in the middle of a . A subversion also takes place: Kasugami, the god of Mist, about to be attacked by , slows them down using his power while jumping and twisting dramatically... .
naturally has it as one of the main features.
John Marston's "Dead Eye" ability in
slows everything to a crawl and allows the player to take the time to aim precision shots at difficult targets. Later in the game it can be upgraded (or ) so rather than actually shooting people while in Dead Eye mode you just "paint" targets and at the pull of the trigger let off a hail of gunfire at high speed.
games have Impact Time, which lets you slow down time after a collision and use the burning debris from accidents to destroy opponents or alter your flying car's trajectory to smash into more destructible stuff.
Bullet Time is activated whenever your character enters at critical moments. This usually happens whenever you are fired upon at close range or by very powerful weapons. This is for you to either get out of the way of incoming fire, or block it with a combat roll.
uses Bullet Time for the Necromancer's Haste
and the Tempest's Flask of Lightning. The former affects the entire party, the latter only affects the user.
The bullet slowdown mode is a feature available to all playable characters in the
series, through the consumption of jewels acqui however, failing to deactivate the slowdown mode before the jewel counter is depleted makes all of the onscreen bullets travel twice as fast their
speed (see this
for example).
's slow motion death cams for say... Managing a headshot on an unaware enemy that results in a . Notably referred to as the "Kill Cam" in the developers tools. Additionally, the ludicrously popular New Vegas overhaul mod 'Project Nevada' comes with the ability to activate bullet time, with awesome results.
also introduced the Turbo drug and the non-addictive perk version of it, "Implant GRX", which are more traditional versions of video game Bullet Time.
's VATS system, instead of making time stop like the rest of the franchise, made it painfully slow.
Additionally, the drug Jet and its variants, Psycho Jet and Jet Fuel, will now have Turbo's effects.
The previously mentioned "Kill Cam" is used during some melee kills, making it less a bullet time and more a melee time. Though it is also used straight when firing arrows from your bow, some magic spells at range, and crossbows (with the Dawnguard Expansion DLC).
There is also an ability (perk) in the "Archery" skill tree that will allow you to slow down time while you take a shot. It uses your stamina attribute to maintain the effect (as long as you are "aiming").
Finally, there is the Slow Time shout, which does .
lets you do this due to your "enhanced reflexes" that magically make your weapon fire twice as fast at the same time. Worth mentioning that Point Man (and later Beckett) are psychics, so 'magically' isn't that far off. Also
in the manual: you can go
with the standard pistols in the game because the player character was specifically trained for it, due to said enhanced reflexes.
In , traveling around as a ghost slows everything around you to a crawl. Later on, at least two of the bodies you can inhabit pick up a suit of armor that gives you limited amounts of bullet time slowdown in battle. If you're clever, you can even use both at the same time...
In , while you only fight one enemy who shoots actual bullets at you, the PC possesses the ability to use 'Focus Mode,' which puts you in a limited-duration Bullet Time. This comes in surprisingly handy on harder difficulty levels. The end boss can do this too, if you use focus mode yourself they cancel and it plays at normal speed. Given , this isn't really surprising.
Using Force Speed in
will slow down time, allowing you to fire or dodge blaster bolts in a de facto bullet time.
Also, killing another lightsaber user (or, on one level, speeder bike rider) slows the whole game into bullet time for a second just for effect. The slo-mo spinning death cam is actually an option in the menu: turning it to the highest level means the effect is triggered for every kill the player makes. It's impractical and the delay will probably get you killed, but it does result in a surprisingly cinematic
effect when fighting packs of mooks.
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter has a similar power called Force Reflex available when flying as Adi Gallia, the Jedi pilot. It does stretch
a bit more than simply deflecting blaster bolts with a lightsaber, since your ship also becomes capable of turning on a dime, dodging lasers, firing at an increased rate, and other things that should be mechanically impossible, at least without jellying the pilot and melting itself, but the laws of physics gave up on the
universe a long time ago, so ?
games have this, with included . The Eternal Night also has an extra power for Spyro, fittingly called "Dragon Time", which slows time down for everything around him.
and Carbon have the Speedbreaker, which slows down time so you can easily take any tricky corner (it even makes it easy to take an U-turn with the Dodge Challenger at full speed!), and also makes your car heavier to let you toss around squad cars with little effort.
One of the powers available to the
in the recent
trilogy, what with the various time-controlling artifacts around, is naturally the ability to slow time's passing.
Also happens near the end of : when the Prince leaps off from the highest floating platform to deliver the final blow to the transformed but weakened Vizier (Zurvan), the camera pauses at the action, and we get an
of nearly 360 degrees in breathtaking view in a
to . However, you need to pay special attention to the Dagger, because if you don't press the button at the moment the Dagger flashes to perform a , it's Game Over for you.
In , the only way to dodge poison darts in the Agility Dungeon, your character has to enter bullet time and dodge them in a direct homage to . However, this particular obstacle takes the most time to complete and has the worst penalty for failure (fail too often and you can't attempt it for a while) in that particular dungeon.
games temporarily slow time down during an operation whenever Derek activates his "Healing Touch". What happens when Stiles' Healing Touch happens twice? He puts The Flash to complete shame and becomes a syringing, suturing GOD.
3 has the "Exceeding Sense" mode, activated by stepping on a pedal. When activated, time slows down to the point where enemy bullets become visible and . Obviously, there is a limit to how much you can do this, shown by an on-screen gauge.
In , Bullet Time is one of several powers granted to B.J. by the mystical Thule Medallion.
Getting Molasses Time in
made you extremely slow, which allowed you to perform extremely high-point combos.
In the game , your amazing acrobatic moves slow down into bullet time whenever you draw your guns and start blasting away.
Requiem: Avenging Angel featured a bullet-time power called "WARP TIME". The game's demo coincided with the release of
in theaters, resulting in some positive comparisons at the time.
The Climax Mode
in Afterburner Climax slows time down when setting up and launching the , but you get knocked out of it when your bird gets hit, almost as if the game is punishing you for being n00b enough to still get hit despite the missiles and crap moving slower.
Youmu Konpaku of the
series will regularly slow everything down for most of her spellcards in Perfect Cherry Blossom. Bullet Time is even more epic when there's .
uses Bullet Time as an essential game mechanic. You cannot finish the game without using the time powers, and even with them it's still hard.
In the first game, collecting 20 intel laptops would unlock the "Slow-Mo" cheat. When the cheat is active, you lose the ability to knife things in return for being able to slow time down.
In Modern Warfare 2, time will automatically slow down (though not enough to see individual bullets flying) every time you breach a door with explosives to simulate the kind of reflexes a soldier needs in order to quickly clear out rooms of hostiles without retaliation.
Possibly the first game ever featuring this was the original
(1999), although you could only trigger it with a console command. Just start a Practice Session, and during gameplay, type slomo 0,X into the console. The result is a scalable bullet time environment, considering that slomo 0,1 means super-slow, slomo 0,9 means just a little slower than normal. If you type a number greater than 1 after slomo, you receive a faster gameplay - this can be any number, but after a while, your machine will not keep up with the pace. Any number after 15 caused major suffering to the machine... Slomo 0,0 doesn't work, if you want , there is a command for that too. Combine this with the command behindview 1, and just watch as the game turns into , only you have more freedom. The mentioned commands only work against bots of course, though the game does have an actual Bullet Time mod to work with other players, complete with sound clips from Max Payne and The Matrix.
Even earlier, consuming a red potion in
would cause the game world to slow down to ridiculous levels, complete with distorted audio. This was back in 1993.
Bullet time is one of the major gameplay elements of , powered by .
An Infiltrator with a high enough sniper rifle rating can get a few seconds of bullet time when looking down a sniper scope, to help the player line up a headshot. Soldiers also get the exclusive "Adrenaline Rush" perk, which is like a cross between this and . Vanguards can also specify whether their
either affects a larger area of impact or enters bullet t perfect for lining up a
The Soldier "Adrenaline Rush" can be used to take it one step further. When you sprint, the time is also slowed down slightly. If you activate the Adrenaline Rush and sprint, the missiles and enemies nearly
while you storm across the room. Now, how cool is that?
In , the Haste and Double Haste cards have this effect.
's SMOD has an HEV Suit function which slows down time, mainly giving the player an increased reaction time, even to the point of dodging bullets! Certain players use the cheat for unlimited AUX power to have a little fun with this and, the installation of SMOD: CSS Sci-Fi, Redux, and a few others allow options for how it works such as Default, F.E.A.R. style, Max Payne, Time stop (Stopping other NPC's and Physics but simply slowing down the player while bullets are still hitscan), and Script style (Physics, NPC's and the Player slow down but bullets retain their hit scan properties as if the "Host_timescale" command was used)
's expansion pack Resurrection of Evil has the "Heart of Hell" artifact, central to the plot of the game. Once you kill the first of the Hunter bosses trying to reclaim the artifact, you gain the "Helltime" power, allowing the Heart of Hell to slow down time around all things but the player, complete with changes to the pitch and speed of all sounds around them. It can be later combined with a "Berserker" power and an "Invulnerability" power from later bosses, allowing a fully powered up Heart of Hell to make the player nearly unstoppable for a short time.
: One of Rayne's 'Vision modes'. Curiously it doesn't run out and need to be recharged, so you could play the entire game in slow-mo if you wanted. The second game also added 'super speed' and 'stop time' as upgrades.
has this as a signature mechanic — dodge an attack the instant before it would hit and you enter "Witch Time", where enemies are so slow they might as well be standing still. It's the best way to get hits in against the game's tougher, lightning-fast monsters — which is why the
mode, Nonstop Infinite Climax, makes it nearly impossible to activate. The , Father Balder, is shown to have this in cutscenes as well — in actual gameplay, it's represented as him dodging basically everything you throw at him without an opening.
causes time-slowing whenever choosing a move from the God Reel/Roulette/Wheel.
Done completely unintentionally in the classic
for the . When a Zylon ship is destroyed, the game draws an exploding cloud of pixels for several seconds. That maxed out the processing power of the Atari, so the game slowed down temporarily... which proved beneficial when there was a second Zylon ship nearby.
3 introduces Quicksliver style, which allows Dante to slow down time. It's first used by the boss .
has a Legion sidekick which can slow down time for the enemies, in addition to raining
on said enemies.
The Titan Motion in . Unlike other examples here, it totally sucks since it slows down even your own bullets.
temporary bursts of "Accelerated Vision".
In , the Heaven's Time hissatsu technique allows the user to slow down time around them to a near-halt, leisurely walk past opponents while dribbling the ball, after which the effect wears off and a whirlwind occurs in the space they passed through (presumably because of all the air particles they displaced) and blows the opponents off their feet.
Some Flash games if the game requires more CPU time than your computer has to spare, the effect will often be to slow the game down to a crawl without any loss of detail or frameskipping. In most games this will also cause an
due to the game cursor taking seconds to reach the real cursor's location, or due to keyboard commands not being recognised until the character has finished their current action. In others (where the controls remain responsive), it can let the player get through
or slice up countless
has a modular gear system that you can use to equip "Precognition Protocol" which allows you to slow down nearby enemies.
has the "Precision" mechanic, which slows things down to allow Cole to set up long-range sniper-like blasts of electricity. Especially useful for picking mooks off buildings, or knocking them away from gun turrets, but the game does not tell you that, while you're zoomed in, you're draining your energy, so if you take too long setting up a shot, you might suddenly find that you don't have the power necessary to actually shoot.
In , the unlockable "Marksman" upgrade to
mode slows down time for Titus, allowing him to line up precision shots with his weapon. Extremely useful for putting Stalker-pattern bolter rounds and lascannon shots on target in the middle of a frenetic firefight.
In the 1980 sci-fi RPG game : Rescue at Rigel, the hero is equipped with the AMBLE
system which, when activated, grants the player two moves per round and increases the damage from melee attacks, but also causes fatigue while it's on (and being completely fatigued makes the hero helpless).
frequently uses Bullet Time in cutscenes whenever Wesker's involved.
has an item called the Combat Boost which, when administered,
for greater reaction speed and accuracy. (It was originally called the Adrenaline Pill, but this was later .) There is also a cheat called Singer Play Slo-Mo in which every level can be played this way.
: Sanctuary Battle has the "7th Sense" mode where enemies move slower as well as their attacks and projectiles. While using 7th Sense, some of your cosmo-attacks will trigger special camera angles with the whole game frozen for a second.
The intro of
is done entirely in Bullet Time.
One upgrade in
allows you to press Shift to slow down time enough to pluck bullets right out of the air with the levitation ability.
Jude's ARM in
has the ability to allow him to move in an incredibly high speed, called Accelerator. His
skill is the result of him using this ability in battle to slash the target multiple times in super speed.
: The "Chaos Control" abilities introduced by Shadow in
allow the user to warp space and time including slowing it down. Sonic exclusively can slow down time with a "Time Break" ability introduced in
which was later used in , but it slows Sonic down as well.
In , you get a Bullet Time effect when someone/thing takes a Reaction Shot.
In , you get slo-mo effects when you do an Air Assassination or finish off the last enemy in an encounter. This carries on into .
In , there is a cut-scene involving Trent and a couple of Liberty Security Force officers who are chasing down Lonnigan. They shoot bullets, and as the camera follows the bullet, it does so in bullet time.
calls this AR Mode, and it can be either activated manually, or is automatically triggered . Staying in it too long results in .
has adrenaline pills, which also power up your punches to the point that people are frequently instantly killed sent flying back a good foot or two from them.
In , Michael has this as his special ability. This can be useful when you're playing with "Free Aim". Franklin's special ability is a variant that can only be used when driving. It comes in handy during street races, as it makes your car much easier to maneuver around corners.
Included in one of 's mods that attempted to make this
more playable. The effect kicks in whenever a dinosaur attacks, usually by raptors jumping near the player. Sadly, it also slows down the player, and only wears off after getting to a safe distance from the dinos or by killing them — a hard task, since the player's laughably slow to begin with.
has a time-limited "Slo Mo" mode for Max the six-legged robot dog, though the game keeps it a secret. In the PC version, it's activated by pressing Equip — no matter if it equips a weapon or not — four times while holding down Fire. The effect lasts only for around half a minute, but it's cool nonetheless, and it can be activated as many times as the player wishes.
In , Joe has VFX Slow which allows him to dodge a great deal of stuff. Later on, it actually becomes impractical to just "dodge" them, however.
A feature in
is "Reaction Phase" when you get spotted for the first time. The game goes into a bullet time like phase to give players a few seconds to dispatch an enemy before he can call in reinforcements. Or if you don't like that, you can just turn it off.
In , a subdued version of this is part Raiden's blade mode: while it doesn't slow down time enough to stop bullets, it can slow down missiles enough to cut them out of the air.
has a variant similar to the Phantom Pain usage, where putting on your mask in view of armed hostiles will put you into a slow-motion state for a few seconds to give you time to clear them out before they open fire and alert the entire level. It also happens when you're incapacitated, assuming it's not a Cloaker kick or Taser, to allow you a little more time to line up shots on whoever downed you.
Sega's 1981 arcade game
had a Warp button that allowed the player to slow down the action to a crawl for 10 seconds that can only be used once per ship in each level.
Xrd add a time slowing mechanic to the series' trademark "" mechanic.
being part of , has this as one of the main gameplay features in all levels, but the second one.
Several action sequences in
(AKA Indigo Prophecy) feature bullet-time scenes, most notably where Lucas is fleeing from police custody. Unfortunately, the players may miss some of the cool effects, as their eyes are supposed to be glued to the lights on the circles they're supposed to be . In the scene, Lucas runs towards a cop shooting at him and dodges al the bullets (in slow-mo, of course) before
the officer.
is able to enter a bullet time mode at any point he has power left in his speed force meter.
Starting with , you have the ability to "Focus", which means you can use your Special meter to slow down the world around you. Doing this would allow you to accumulate points at a normal rate whilst everything moves in slow motion (so holding a grab would rack up way more points than you would if you didn't use it) as well as make it easier to balance grinds and manuals. This would evolve into Tony Hawk's Project 8's "Nail the Trick" function that let you control how you perform flip tricks in slow-motion using the analog sticks to control your skater's feet.
One of the newest features in
allows you to time
more easily as well as gain back some of the Cross Gauge you used to activate it if used correctly.
This occurs during the opening sequence of .
The Autobots have an ability simply called "Focus" in . It works basically like Bayonetta's Witch Time, only it lasts much shorter and will only give them enough time to counter attack an opponent.
&&&&Web Animation&
Used extensively
season 12 episode "Long Time No See" when Epsilon is analyzing and preparing for the fight with the space pirates. It's not clear if that's how he always sees the world, or if he just sped up his perceptions for that situation.
&&&&Web Comics&
Spoofed in one
&&&&Web Original&
Another Matrix spoof can be seen in , episode , complete with bending backwards to avoid projectiles — though this time it's thrown tops and not bullets.
After the release of
and then even more so in case of
and his bullet time sequences are parodied or homage surprisingly often, especially in Post-Soviet web-series.
of Russian movie review web-series
has its host, Pikuly going full-on Quicksilver to go back in time and destroy a script for a bad Russian superhero flick.
And beginning of
has Slowcopper, a
of Quicksilver who only does something with super-speed when he does it slowly. As a result, he doesn't run in his super-speed mode but merely walks, constantly doing seemingly pointless things to slow himself down (such as looking at his reflection in the kettle and tossing around some plastic bags), so he can be faster.
&&&&Western Animation&
: In the episode "Three Hundred Big Boys", this happens to Fry after he drinks 100 cups of coffee. He sees everything in bullet time while he moves normally. Everyone else says "we were just saved from the fire by an orange blur!"
Parodied in the "Party Posse" episode of ;
shows up and starts doing music video tricks, only for one of the members to fall out of the Freeze Frame during the Bullet Time sequence.
in the opening of the episode "Power Mad" where Timmy uses this to dodge carrots shot at him.
In "Timmy's Secret Wish" Foop is trying to find one last thing to blame Timmy on as the judge is above to hit the gavel in bullet time.
In Toph's introductory episode, the battles that she is in use Bullet Time to emphasize that yes she's winning, and yes she's blind.
Also happens in the series finale, when Katara watches Zuko take Azula's lightning for her.
Several of the Pro-Bending Arena fight scenes in .
Two instances in the climax of
3: Web of Whadows: the first when Nuju flips around a string of Visorak web, causing two Visorak to co and later when Vakama blasts Matau with a spinner. As the camera angle changes, it becomes obvious Matau is a .
Parodied a few times in Kerwhizz with the characters reacting in normal time while their racing pods are in ultra-slow motion.
In the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode "Buckball Season", Applejack kicks an apple with the bullet time effect as it falls in slow motion. Her body takes on a similar effect as she lets out a distorted shout.
In "The Saddle Row Review", Twilight dives forward to prevent Rarity from opening the door, her entire body turning into a projectile with this effect.
the Drifter has this as a secondary power of his
and . His lightness and ability to drift on windcurrents makes him appear able to effortlessly
himself, which he demonstrates by performing a flying
in apparent slow-mo while actually
in real time.


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