
文/Zoya Street&gamerboom手机应用的图标和盒装游戏的封面设计一样重要。就像身处实体店的货架中一样,用户会浏览应用商店,寻找能够吸引自己眼球的产品。开发者不要让自己的应用淹入在众多应用图标中。下面是若干热门iOS应用的图标设计特点:呈现游戏物体多数触屏游戏都很像是玩具。它们都很容易理解,因为它们锁定单个互动物件。产品图标应清楚呈现玩家将操作的物体。《愤怒的小鸟》图标并没有呈现弹弓,而是突出小鸟。在Mobile Games Forum上,Fishlabs的Michael Schade谈到,他希望公司《Volkswagen》游戏的标志是汽车形象,但Volkswagen坚持采用公司的图标。他认为汽车图像更能够有效帮助他们取得成功。2. 呈现用户操作内容这仅次于突出物件,但形象呈现玩法操作所起的作用也非常显著。《割绳子》图标的内容是“沿此处剪开”标记(游戏邦注:剪刀加虚线),但呈现更隐秘的线索也可行。《水果忍者》图标所呈现的就是运动中的模糊刀片,而《愤怒的小鸟》则是通过漫画背景效果示意推进意义。3. 跳出框框这是突出运动元素的另一有效漫画效果策略。首先,你需要设定框框。这些通常呈白色或银色,这样它们就不会干扰我们的视觉效果。然后你会希望物体能够延伸到框框之外。《NFL Flick quarterback》图标所呈现的是,足球员倚在框框之外。《水果忍者》的飞溅果汁刚好落在框框上。《愤怒的小鸟》图标中的云彩既是框框,又是背景。4. 指向玩家和著名的“I need YOU”海报一样,许多热门应用图标直接指向观众。《Monopoly》图标中的招牌角色将手伸出框框之外,直接指向玩家。《Words with Friends》字母方块出现在框框之外,边缘指向玩家。和采用此效果的图标相反,很多图标看起来颇为单调和静态,几乎难以从背景中区分出来。5. 采用基本色对很多游戏来说,这点必不可少,例外情况是:游戏旨在呈现粗糙外观,例如,《Hatchi》或《Stickman cliff diving》,这些游戏主要采用白色和灰色。重点是,图标应采用明亮色彩,或完全不融入色彩;热门应用图标的色彩一般都不多。6. 不要体现名称游戏名称已标记于图标旁,所以你完全无需将其体现在图标中(除非游戏已经非常出名)。例如《侠盗猎车手》就可以体现名称,但其他作品则就不适合这么做。---------------------------- 
日,全球最受瞩目的国际消费类电子产品展览会——CES大展,在美国赌城拉斯维加斯盛大开幕。CE聚焦问题和运动晕眩问题一直以来都是VR领域里的老大难问题,投身VR领域的NVIDIA宣称有一种新科技12月下旬首映的Virtual Voice是音乐选秀节目《英国之声》制作的虚拟现实系列视频,这个选秀节目和大12月29日消息, 互动式娱乐方案公司睿悦信息Nibiru宣布获得由和智资本领投、毅达资本等数家投资机构跟投随着“互联网+”的提出,整个互联网领域发展得十分迅速。人们逛超市不用带现金、买东西不用去店铺,一切的生活都可和许多工作室一样,在nDreams,我们也会使用分析学来帮助游戏开发。但是,因为专门研究虚拟现实技术,我《魔兽》可以说是一代人的情结,现在喜欢魔兽和VR的玩家有福利了!近日魔兽电影官方正式宣布,本月24日魔兽电影2014年,手游行业进入集中爆发期。不管是研发、发行、投资、第三方服务公司都纷纷入驻成都开办分公司或者总公司近日,一份最新的研究报告称,25年后人们会体验到真实、亲近、高效的“网恋”,越来越多的人可以享受虚拟现实恋爱从去年Oculus与三星合作开发的三星Gear VR公布“创新者版”以来,这款设备就受到了全球VR爱好者的关从今年下半年起,VR越来越受到公众的关注。在笔者参加11月的中国(成都)数字娱乐节(DEF)时,许多人都谈及近日,VR引爆了A股相关概念股,相关股票的涨幅超过了50%,VR迅速地成为了资本市场最热门的话题之一。这引发聚焦问题和运动晕眩问题一直以来都是VR领域里的老大难问题,投身VR领域的NVIDIA宣称有一种新科技
这是VR最好的时代,巨头们正在热情地拥抱虚拟现实。 智能手环、智能机器人的推广需要行业巨头的带领,游戏的发展根据视频游戏研究机构EEDAR的一项最新报告,移动游戏市场在2015年底将会产生超过250亿美元的收益,而其
从2013年到2015年,成都手游经历了爆发式增长后逐渐趋于理性。随着市场环境的成熟,细分市场的日渐完“双十一已经到了,购物车装满了吗?近日,咪咕游戏发布了2015年Q3电视游戏数据报告,在留存及付费表现方面,棋牌类游戏占据第一。其实从去年开始PAX (Penny Arcade Expo)是由世界知名在线漫画网站(Penny Arcade)站主——作King公布其最新季度财报
本周刚刚被动视暴雪以59亿美元收购的King报告了其最新季度(2015年第近日,一名《英雄联盟》职业战队数据分析师,在S5中国战队失利之后他在论坛发表感慨,痛斥当前大部分职业选手都普近年来,随着科学技术和生活需求的日益增长,虚拟现实技术得到了长足的发展,“VR”这个词也已经迅速和Oculu据Digi-Capita的数据表示,至2020年,AR市场规模为1200亿美元,VR市场规模则仅300亿美元近日Gamasutra推出了一个Game Design Deep Dive(游戏设计深度分析)系列,旨在揭开昨日晚间,中共十八届五中全会在落下帷幕时,宣布了国家一项重要的政策,全面开放普遍二胎政策。暂不说80、90后By Bryant Francis这周末在卡尔弗举办的IndieCade2015上,设计师Tim Roger全球市场研究机构IHS选择在今天索尼于巴黎游戏周举办的大新闻发布会上预测PS VR头戴设备在2016年的销量近日,《部落冲突》国际邀请赛的直播已经结束,中国1、2队分别战胜了日本、韩国队,中国1队在最终决赛中战胜瑞典戴个全封闭的眼罩,里面有屏幕可以看3D视频就是VR了?答案当然不是,如今VR渐渐受到公众关注,但人们并不太了By Christian Nutt
数据显示,全球手机应用收益的25%都被安卓和iOS平台前十名的游戏在互联网发展的黄金时代,一切皆有可能。近日,一位刚退伍的军人在知乎上提出了这样一个问题,并引发了众多VR爱好中国手游市场这片广阔的红海不仅吸引了大批国内知名游戏厂商向手游转型,也激发了日韩、欧美等国外游戏厂商进军中国By Jon Ingold & Joseph Humfrey《80天环游世界》曾被时代杂志评选为2014年最【随着Valve Xbox Live Arcade版本的《传送门》的再发行,Gamasutra很荣幸地刊登了原作者/Bryant Francis 翻译/傲搜游
关于虚拟现实的好消息是:这是一个全新的媒体,你Glu Mobile的首席执行官尼克·德玛西(Niccolo de Masi)近日再次对外阐述了其专注于与明作者/Bryant Francis关于虚拟现实的好消息是:这是一个全新的媒体,你从一开始就可以在游戏设计中开cdshouyou成都手游CP产业媒体。平台致力于服务成都本地手游CP,分享成都本地手游信息,搭建手游行业共享平台,传播【游戏制作】、【游戏运营】、【行业动态】等游戏方面干货!
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OSCHINA 本期高手问答( 10月27日- 11月2日) 我们请来了 Countly 开发者
为大家解答关于 如何开发引人入胜的手机游戏 方面的问题。
可以使用中文提问,Arturs 会以简单的英文回复
Arturs Sosins( )是来自拉脱维亚的开发者。
他在 2011 年共同创立 ,从事游戏开发和游戏设计的工作。
他在 2013 年加入了 ,一个开源跨平台的游戏引擎。他写了一本关于手机游戏开发的书。
Arturs 在 2014 年加入了 ,一个实时和开源的移动数据分析方案。他参与许多功能开发如插件系统、转介归属和崩溃分析。他继续在开发有趣的小游戏,在博客()分享。
SpryFox、PopCap、 Vlambeer 和 HalfBrick&比较专注玩家乐趣,从而创造社区。社区跟随者愿意花钱玩此公司所开发的游戏,因为玩家知道这些游戏将是值得的。
Arturs 认为恰当使用移动分析工具可以建立强大的参与循环、适当的引入游戏流程和游戏发布后的监督,能提高用户保留率。
为了鼓励大家踊跃提问,Countly 会在问答结束后抽取 5 名幸运提问者赠予 Arturs 的《Gideros Mobile Game Development》
一本。另外还有一位超级幸运提问者可以获得 500 元亚马逊优惠券!
OSChina 高手问答一贯的风格,不欢迎任何与主题无关的讨论和喷子。
可以使用中文提问,Arturs 会以简单的英文回复
下面欢迎大家就 如何开发引人入胜的手机游戏
方面或者 Countly 相关的问题向
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Hi everyone, I noticed that game quality, acquisition and retention of users as well as in-app purchase seem to be hot topics. Some of you tried to point to&specific examples to illustrate these points.&
Therefore, I have downloaded "Summoners War", a popular game in China. I am currently playing this game. I welcome your questions in relation to this game!
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:&Hello, if you have questions on game development, improving engagement or using analytics and different metrics to track game performance, let me know :)
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HTML5 is growing in performance and popularity every day. I want to become a HTML5 mobile game developer and make some distinctive games.How should i start.
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: 作为一家公司,从来都是以赚钱为导向,作为一款好的游戏,用户体验必然是最重要的(个人理解),但是就这样的一款游戏未必能给公司带来多大的利润,您认为这是为什么呢?
are different ways to monetize the game, and each of the way could be applied
to specific case. For example, for simple games, time killers, advertising is
the best way to monetize. It works even better, when you incentivize showing
advertisements, like give a power up or a boost at the next try.
game purchases, you really need to have a quality game with a story, narative
and beautiful graphics, because what you are selling to users is the experience
(think of The Cave, for example, /app/221810/)
purchase mostly work for long commitment games, where users knows he will spend
lots of time to have fun and buying something, would make the life easier for
him. You can usually gain a lot on impulsive buys there, like he has some time
to finish the one-time available event/mission and he knows he can’t make it,
he can make an impulsive buy to help him with mission, so he would not lose it.
monetization boils down to what type of game do you develop. But great user
experience is a base, a much needed foundation. Without it, all others simply
you need to figure out, why your users do not convert, and Analytics is the
great way to understand that. Do you retain users, for how long? How much time
do they spend in the app? Maybe they stuck on specific mission/level? On which
screens they usually exit, etc.
you can provide more information about your use case, and I could try to
provide more insightful answers? :)
手游可采用不同的赚钱方式,并且每个的方式可以适用于不同情况。例如,对于简单的游戏,时间杀手(Time killers)和广告是最佳方式。当你采用激励展示广告,就像给功能提升,效果会更好。
也许你能提供更详细信息,我们可以共同研究? :)
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@今朝有酒今朝醉:&I think this decision has to be made before you start releasing games as a company. You need to decide, whether you are going to make one big game and try to make the most of it. Or concentrate on multiple smaller games and try to build your user base through them. Your game’s lifecycle depends on it.
If you go with a single game, you must update it periodically, provide new levels and tasks, make some timed events, like change its skin during holidays,&all to keep current users interested. All while doing promotions and attracting new users.
For multiple games approach, you release the game, and basically you forget about it. You will do some maintenance, like fixing important bugs and maybe even adding some levels after some time, but you do it mostly not to retain users, but only to attract new ones. Because your main goal is not to have lots of users in this one game, but to get existing users to play&your other games too. So with every new game you publish, you gain, let’s say 100 new users. Imagine if you could drive all those new users to try all the games you previously created. Then it makes sense for you to release new games and do it periodically, if you can make new users to download your other games through power of cross-promotion. With each new game, your older games will have more users.
In both cases, I believe, if you are going for a long-term income, you should first concentrate on getting more users, and only then try to monetize them. Thus quality goes before profit. And by quality I do not mean just graphics, because it can be based on different tastes, as not everyone likes pixel art. What I mean by quality is the process of how you on-board your users and provide them fun and entertaining gaming experience. That is a real challenge.
Unfortunately, I cannot compare the strategies used by your mentioned games, I tried to download them, but did not succeed. Maybe you can try to compare them and let us know what you think? Do they only try to get new users, or do they also try to retain existing ones? How is the quality, are they fun? And what do they do for monetization? :)
如果你选择 一个大的游戏,你必须定期更新、加入新等级和任务,也做一些应季节活动,如节日期间改变皮肤以维持当前的用户兴趣。你同时做促销活动以吸引新的用户。
对于许多小游戏模式,你发布的游戏后,基本就忘掉它。你还是会做一些保养,比如修复重要的bugs和一段时间后添加一些 新等级,但你这样做不是为了保留用户,而是吸引了新用户。因为你的主要目标不是有很多用户玩一个游戏,而是让现有的用户玩其他游戏。因此,每一个新游戏的发布,你获得比方说,100个新用户。试想一下,如果你能吸引所有新用户来尝试以前开发的游戏:每次发布新的游戏,你的旧游戏也会有更多的用户。
对不起,我目前无法下载你提到的游戏。也许你可以尝试作比较,让我们知道你的反馈?它们是否只侧重吸引新用户,或者也尝试保留现有用户?游戏质量如何?能为用户提供乐趣吗?它们如何赚钱 ? :)&
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: For "Summoners War", I will provide my review in separate postings for easy reading. I will start with the onboarding process, followed by gaming experience and ending with monetisation on the day after. Feel free to jump in with your opinions and highlight if your games are doing better.&
The onboarding process is just brilliant. You are introduced to a character Ellia to take you through the basics. The story is that you had been away but back where you belong. Your friend believes in you more than you do and you accomplish tasks with such ease or do you think it is your skill that made first three summoned monsters to be a golden star monsters? :)&
This&provides a really immersive experience. The game guides you through each detail via pointing arrows, to see the purpose of each action. This is skillfully integrated as part of the story.&
This integration of story, emotion and information is what makes this onboarding process great. This game teaches you all the requirements&and does it without overloading you with information. This teaching is also related to the story.
对于&Summoners War 魔灵召唤&,我将把评论分成几个帖子以方便阅读。我将从Onboarding process 新玩家引导开始,稍后讨论游戏体验和赚钱模式。欢迎大家发表你的意见,或指出你的游戏在哪方面做的更好。
游戏把人物Ellia介绍给玩家,传递基本知识。这故事说玩家之前离开,但回到属于自己的地方。玩家的朋友对他有绝对信心,看他轻松完成起步任务。当然,游戏也安排让玩家先召唤三只特别牛的恶魔 :)&
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: Hello! I will review Summoners War's gaming experience in this post.&
We want to make games fun and engaging, making users spend as more time in our game, which will increase our monetization options.
Usually, we can think of gaming experience in terms of engagement loops, where there is a task users start to do, as users go through different steps and complete it and get to the start of the loop, where new tasks awaits:
If the loop is too big, users might not be motivated enough to complete it.
If the loop is too small, users will get bored.
You will usually use Mobile Analytics to determine how your users behave in your engagement loops and if you need to change or add new ones to make users more engaged.
That is why it is important to have multiple loops so users could chose what to do, and in the beginning it is important that users are close to completing some specific task, And Summoners War does it perfectly.
Let me first explain by a simpler example. So we have a standard physics puzzler (see other ), like Angry Birds. Where we can think of 2 main engagement loops, the levels that users complete and the level packs that users complete. A user
may play this game for a while, and now it is close to midnight and he is tired and wants to sleep.
If user is at the start of the level pack, he will probably simply go to sleep.&But if there is one level left to finish the pack, he will probably try to finish it. Why? Because people love completing stuff. Even more, last levels are usually more difficult, so if user wants to complete it before going to sleep, he might as well buy a power up :)&
So now imagine if, when user completes a level pack and is closer to ending some other engagement loop, like finishing a set of collectibles. He wanted to go to sleep 2 hours ago, but is still playing because he is one step from finishing another engagement loop.
This is exactly what Summoners War does. Users have so many options to accomplish taks. And it keeps them engaged all the time. Users will level up soon, their monster will level up soon or get enough mana stones to buy something soon.
What if users have lost to a monster? The game gives a summoning scroll or mana stones. So users either upgrade runes or power up a monster. Either way, their monster becomes stronger and they will have better chances of winning the monster who just defeated them, so why not try again?&
This kind of thing keeps users in the game and provides great gaming experience and that is probably what makes Summoners War so popular.
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:&Morning! I have been reviewing Summoners War but there has been no feedback so far. If you would like to see my review on this game's in-app purchase, please drop me a note or post on this forum =)&
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:&Thank you everyone for participating and contributing your questions. It has been really interesting and I hope that some of my answers were helpful. And if you are interested in my work, you can follow my projects at Countly () and Gideros ().
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Thank you very much these days
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@ar2rsawseen :


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