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The GATA1 mutation in an adult patient with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia not accompanying Down syndrome
Hideo Harigae, Gang Xu, Tomohiro Sugawara, Izumi Ishikawa, Tsutomu Toki and Etsuro Ito
Blood 103:; doi:
Hideo HarigaeGang XuTomohiro SugawaraIzumi IshikawaTsutomu TokiEtsuro Ito
Mutations of the GATA1 gene, which is located on chromosome X, have been found in almost all cases of transient myeloproliferative disorder (TMD) and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) accompanying Down syndrome (DS).- No GATA1 mutations have been detected in patients with AMKL who did not have DS, except in AMKL with acquired trisomy 21.,, However, because only 10 cases with AMKL in non-DS have been analyzed for mutations of the GATA1 gene, it remains unknown whether the GATA1 mutation is exclusively involved in the development of AMKL with DS. Here, we report for the first time a GATA1 mutation in AMKL cells from a patient who did not have DS or acquired trisomy 21.
In October 2002, a 48-year-old woman was admitted to Furukawa City Hospital with complaints of shortness of breath and a bleeding tendency. Peripheral blood analysis showed severe anemia, thrombocytopenia, and mild leukocytosis with the appearance of immature cells: red blood cell count, 87 × 1012/L; hemoglobin, 27 g/L (2.7 g/dL); platelet count, 6 × 109/L; and white blood cell count, 10.8 × 109/L (neutrophils, 29%; basophils, 1%; lymphocytes, 46%; blasts, 16%; metamyelocytes, 2%; myelocytes, 3%; and promyelocytes, 3%). Pathologic examination of her bone marrow showed a mixture of dominantly proliferated small lymphocytic cells, which were positive for leukocyte common antigen (LCA) and CD79α, and scattered blastic cells, which were negative for myeloperoxidase. Chromosomal analysis revealed 47XX, add(17)(p11), +add(17), add(20)(q13). The patient was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chemotherapy was given, and complete remission was achieved. In February 2003, the disease relapsed and became refractory to chemotherapy. The morphology of leukemic cells at the relapse resembled that of small megakaryocytes, and they were negative for myeloperoxidase and positive for acid phosphatase. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that the leukemic cells were positive for CD33, factor VIII, and CD41a, and dull-positive for CD4 and CD45. In addition, flow cytometric analysis using an anti–GATA-1 antibody revealed that the leukemic cells were positive for GATA-1. The same chromosomal anomaly as that detected at onset was detected by chromosomal analysis. Based on these results, she was finally diagnosed as having AMKL.
We analyzed the GATA1 mutation in her bone marrow samples. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient. Genomic DNA was extracted and cDNA was constructed, and then polymerase chain reaction was performed and the products were sequenced directly, as described previously. An insertion of 20 nucleotides corresponding to a sequence in exon 2 of the GATA1 gene was detected, resulting in the introduction of a premature stop codon in the gene sequence encoding the N-terminal activation domain ().
GATA1 mutation in an adult patient with AMKL not accompanying DS. Direct sequence analysis of cDNA and genomic DNA from AMKL blast cells of the adult patient who did not have accompanying DS showed that 20 nucleotides of the duplicated sequence were inserted in exon 2 of the GATA1 gene. The mutation resulted in the introduction of a premature stop codon in the gene sequence encoding the N-terminal activation domain. The predicted protein from a downstream initiation site, GATA-1s, lacks the transactivation domain.
Our results suggest that GATA1 mutations play an important role in the development of AMKL in non-DS individuals. Our discovery warrants further investigation in a larger series of non-DS patients with AMKL.
Footnotes Correspondence: Etsuro Ito, Department of Pediatrics, Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Aomori, 036-8563 J e-mail: eturou{at} References
Wechsler J, Greene M, McDevitt MA, et al. Acquired mutations in GATA1 in the megakaryoblastic leukemia of Down syndrome. Nat Genet. ;32: 148-152.
Mundschau G, Gurbuxani S, Gamis AS, et al. Mutagenesis of GATA1 is an initiating event in Down syndrome leukemogenesis. Blood. ;101: 4298-4300.
Hitzler JK, Cheung J, Li Y, et al. GATA1 mutations in transient leukemia and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia of Down syndrome. Blood. ;101: 4301-4304.
Rainis L, Bercovich D, Strehl S, et al. Mutations in exon 2 of GATA1 are early events in megakaryocytic malignancies associated with trisomy 21. Blood. ;102: 981-986.
Groet J, McElwaine S, Spinelli M, et al. Acquired mutations in GATA1 in neonates with Down's syndrome with transient myeloid disorder. Lancet. ;361: 1617-1620.
Xu G, Nagano M, Kanezaki R, et al. Frequent mutations in the GATA-1 gene in the transient myeloproliferative disorder of Down's syndrome. Blood. ;102: 2960-2968.
Miura T, Yokoyama H, Minegishi N, Sasaki T, Kaku M, Harigae H. Flow cytometry of GATA transcription factors. Cytometry. ;56B: 1-7.
Volume: 103
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Hideo Harigae, Gang Xu, Tomohiro Sugawara, Izumi Ishikawa, Tsutomu Toki, Etsuro Ito
Blood 103 (8) ; DOI: 10.1182/blood-6
Citation Manager Formats
Harigae, H., Xu, G., Sugawara, T., Ishikawa, I., Toki, T., & Ito, E.
The GATA1 mutation in an adult patient with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia not accompanying Down syndrome.
Accessed July 27, 2018.
Hideo Harigae, Gang Xu, Tomohiro Sugawara, Izumi Ishikawa, Tsutomu Toki, Etsuro Ito
Blood 103 (8) ; DOI: 10.1182/blood-6
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最近搞个板子,使用Mega128访问DS3231SN,可是数据读取始终为0,不知何故,请大家帮忙看一下代码,看看哪有问题,谢谢。 上拉电阻为10K。
#ifndef&_ds3231_h#define&_ds3231_h //==================================================================== #define&RST_On&CLR_BIT(PORTB,PB6) #define&RST_Off&SET_BIT(PORTB,PB6) #define&GET_SDA&GET_BIT(PINA,PA3) #define&SDA_High&SET_BIT(PORTA,PA3) #define&SDA_Low&CLR_BIT(PORTA,PA3) #define&SDA_In&CLR_BIT(DDRA,PA3) #define&SDA_Out&SET_BIT(DDRA,PA3) #define&SCL_High&SET_BIT(PORTA,PA2) #define&SCL_Low&CLR_BIT(PORTA,PA2) #define&SCL_Out&SET_BIT(DDRA,PA2) struct&DS3231_DAT { &&&&uchar& uchar& uchar& uchar& uchar& uchar& &&&&float& }*ds3231; void&I2C_Start(void) { &&&&SDA_O SDA_H SCL_H delay_nus(5); SDA_L delay_nus(5); SCL_L delay_nus(5); } void&I2C_Stop(void) { &&&&SDA_O SDA_L SCL_H delay_nus(5); SDA_H delay_nus(5); } uchar&I2C_Write(uchar&dat) {&&& &&&&uchar&i, SDA_O for(i=0;i&8;i++) { &&&&SCL_L delay_nus(5); &&&&if(dat&0x80) { &&&&SDA_H LED_ON(); } else { &&&&SDA_L LED_OFF(); } delay_nus(5); SCL_H &&&&&&&&delay_nus(5); dat&&=1; } //read&the&ack&bit SDA_In; SDA_H SCL_L delay_nus(5); SCL_H delay_nus(5); ret=GET_SDA; SCL_L delay_nus(5); return& } void&I2C_Write_byte(uchar&add,uchar&data) { &&&&//I2C_Start(); I2C_Write(0xd0);//Write&mode I2C_Write(add); I2C_Write(data); //I2C_Stop(); } uchar&I2C_Read(uchar&ackBit)//ackBit:&low&for&ACK,&high&for&None&ACK { &&&&uchar&i,dat=0x00; &&&&SDA_In; &&&&SCL_L delay_nus(5); for(i=0;i&8;i++) { &&&&SCL_H &&&&&&&&delay_nus(5); dat|=GET_SDA; dat&&=1; SCL_L &&&&&&&&delay_nus(5); } //Send&ACK &&&&SDA_O if(ackBit==0) { &&&&SDA_L } else { &&&&SDA_H } SCL_H delay_nus(5); SCL_L delay_nus(5); SDA_In; return& } uchar&I2C_Read_byte(uchar&addr,uchar&ackBit)//ackBit:&low&for&ACK,&high&for&None&ACK { &&&&uchar& //I2C_Start(); I2C_Write(0xd1);//read&mode I2C_Write(addr); dat=I2C_Read(ackBit); //I2C_Stop(); return& } void&Ds3231_Set_Time(uchar&year,uchar&month,uchar&day,uchar&hour,uchar&minute,uchar&second) { &&&&I2C_Start(); I2C_Write_byte(0x00,num2BCD(second,10)); I2C_Write_byte(0x01,num2BCD(minute,10)); I2C_Write_byte(0x02,num2BCD(hour,10)); I2C_Write_byte(0x04,num2BCD(day,10)); I2C_Write_byte(0x05,num2BCD(month,10)); &&&&I2C_Write_byte(0x06,num2BCD(year,10)); I2C_Stop(); } void&DS3231_init(void) { &&&&OE_On; SDA_O SCL_O SCL_H SDA_H I2C_Start(); I2C_Write_byte(0x0e,0x00);//enable&oscillator I2C_Write_byte(0x0f,0x00); I2C_Stop(); //&12:11:10 Ds3231_Set_Time(11,8,10,12,11,10); } void&getDs3231Temp(void) { &&&&uint&hValue,lV uchar& float& I2C_Start(); //check&if&bus&is&busy while(I2C_Read_byte(0x0f,0)&0x04); //write&convert&cmd I2C_Write_byte(0x0E,0x20); //wait&until&busy=0&and&conv=0& while((I2C_Read_byte(0x0f,0)&0x04)||(I2C_Read_byte(0x0E,0)&0x20)); //read&high&byte hValue=I2C_Read_byte(0x11,0); //get&sign sign=hValue&0x80; //remove&sign hValue=hValue&0 //read&low&byte lValue=I2C_Read_byte(0x12,1)&&6; //combine&the&temp&code I2C_Stop(); temp=hValue&&2|lV& //add&sign if(sign&0) { &&&&temp*=-1; } ds3231-&temperature=&0.03125&*//convert&to&degree } void&getFullTimeNow(void) { &&&&I2C_Start(); ds3231-&year=I2C_Read_byte(0x06,0); ds3231-&month=I2C_Read_byte(0x05,0); ds3231-&day=I2C_Read_byte(0x04,0); ds3231-&hour=I2C_Read_byte(0x02,0); ds3231-&minute=I2C_Read_byte(0x01,0); ds3231-&second=I2C_Read_byte(0x00,1); //getDs3231Temp(); I2C_Stop(); } uchar&getYear(uchar&ackBit)//ackBit:&low&for&ACK,&high&for&None&ACK) { &&&&return&I2C_Read_byte(0x06,ackBit); } uchar&getMonth(uchar&ackBit) { &&&&return&I2C_Read_byte(0x05,ackBit); } uchar&getDay(uchar&ackBit) { &&&&return&I2C_Read_byte(0x04,ackBit); } uchar&getHour(uchar&ackBit) { &&&&return&I2C_Read_byte(0x02,ackBit);; } uchar&getMinute(uchar&ackBit) { &&&&return&I2C_Read_byte(0x01,ackBit); } uchar&getSecond(uchar&ackBit) { &&&&return&I2C_Read_byte(0x00,ackBit); } void&resetTime(void) { &&&&RST_On; delay_nms(250); RST_O&&& } //==================================================================== #endif
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void main(void)
&&& //init ds3231
&&& Ds3231_init();
&&& Ds3231_Set_Time(11,8,6,9,10,20);&&& Uart0_SendStr("\nSystem time set OK.\n");
&&& while(1)
&&&&&&&& I2C_Start();&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr("\nControl Register=");&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x0e,0)));&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr("\nStatus Register=");&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x0f,0)));
&&& &&&& Uart0_SendStr("\nYear=");&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x06,0)));&&&&&&&&&Uart0_SendStr(",Month=");&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x05,0)));&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(",day=");&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x04,0)));&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(",Hour=");&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x02,0)));&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(",Minute=");&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x01,0)));&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(",Second=");&&&&&&&& Uart0_SendStr(num2Str2(I2C_Read_byte(0x00,1)));&&&&&&&& Uart0_Send('\n');&&&
&&&&&&&& I2C_Stop();
[ 本帖最后由 doleph 于
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不知楼主最后是怎么解决问题的呢& &我现在调STM8+DS3231SN&&也是读不到数据&&很悲催啊,程序是从51上移植过来的,51的已经批量使用&&
在线时间5 小时
一粒金砂(初级), 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
一粒金砂(初级), 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
if(dat&0x80) 是不是对映SDA口线!
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