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  11. 4势力图和跑海图。。这个是精华。它能看每个你发现的岛屿适合种什么。有什么矿。你的船在什么位置。别人的船在什么位置。。如何设置买卖赚钱。
  12. 种子 。没有的种子可以买。在别人的方舟。。或者别人的势力。在有主仓库的位置 。花钱可刷新的(当然可以自己科技研究做出来这比较高难的地方)
  13. 卡片。。或者叫宝物。或者叫科技卡。随便你叫什么。。反正就是这东西。在物品格里
  每个小图片下面的的。黄色或者红色的或者蓝色的东西 代表。它可以镶嵌在什么位置上才能发挥作用。比如种子。。安装上后要点击下开启
  14. 自己科研出来的大多是方舟用的。是直接放入科研所在的岛屿的主仓库。需要什么科研什么。需要什么材料。多长时间都可以看到 逆天卡片都是这里做出来的
  15. 黑市商人。
  16. 黑市商人 在外交里可以做特快专递。。你缺什么东西他都能卖你。。而且是特快飞机给你空运。是花钱的服务。买了后在要仓库的购买里输入需要的货物。
  17. 工业。住宅。农业。要分岛屿建设。不然环境污染玩死你。
  18. 升级。有的要求多少研究员或者多少集团总管之类的。你什么都满足了但是就是不升级。因为你没有人口基数。也就要是你建筑的太少了
  19 。 种子。卡片的开启。
  20. 集结船队。可以CTRL+数字。。和星际争霸。。魔兽争霸。都一样 。。或者双击莫一个船。。然后屏幕上所有这个类型的船都汇集
  21. 转载。(破解版的。和正版区别。1.01.6234。每日任务没有 世界事件没有 参议院投票和董事长选举没有(这个主要是会有个buff) 不能聊天 不能多人联机 没有ubisoft的成就积分没有成就奖励和积分奖励(积分奖励很鸡肋 壁纸主题神马的)其他的暂时未发现)《最主要的没说吧。是不能用自己科技院制造出的逆天级方舟插槽物品》
  22. 同一海滩有多个港口的时候怎么让贸易船进港不等待。。在一个港口。制造码头另结算
  23. 想要几万人的大城市要。最好有布局。网上别人的或者自己的都行。
  24. 特权点能刷。找黑商 随便买一个在卖回去。就比原来多了。破解版本10.1.6234有效
  25. 转载。《我补充点,对于新老玩家都有用的,就是关于宝具。。在2070里宝藏图为XXXX指定坐标,,另外还有所有人都想知道的,目前个人只在生态方舟和工业方舟刷出过关税宝,无任何限制只要看你RP。除了生态和工业的方舟其他的基地或方舟都未刷出过关税宝~!切记~!以上只是目前经验~!至于科技势力的关税宝就不得而知了~!总的来说2070的贸易方式和以往系列不同。除了主动拉PC固定无限收的货物出去卖,主动拉其他的都是不划算的。还是老实的挂码头吧,默认的价钱都比较高~!2070的关税宝资源少的可怜,建议只是有刷出来不管是什么关税宝一律弄来,因为2070的关税宝使用之后若你取消的话,就没了。。使用前请慎重考虑~!》
  26. 开矿。。要保证副仓库的范围能覆盖到矿。不然开不了矿。而保证副仓库范围覆盖。就要有市场覆盖。记住矿要和主仓库有一条路想通 升级后的副仓库可不连接它有飞机
  27. 像电脑一样的华丽码头 转载+补充 建好码头岸墙后在水里单独建立一个维修站或者建立个单独结算码头。然后用吸管工具。吸码头的墙。。就有这个效果了。按住Ctrl制造海上建筑也一样。。
  28. 存档在C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\ANNO 2070\Accounts\RELOADED\Savegames\ WIN7 32位
  29. 关于修改器。用现成的比较多。但是用CE 或者金山之类的改人口非常好。这个游戏大多数的数据都是浮点型。你搜索整数型搜索不到
  30. 不爆仓修改。其实有个变通的方法。就是在黑商订货。你要什么他就给你什么。而且很快。飞机直达。因为你钱是锁定的。所以相当于不爆仓修改物品
  31. 军队数量 。 最高是85 这要看你的城市发展情况。和魔兽争霸。星际争霸不同。。它可以用插槽工具提升。。 最高是85
  32. 游戏自带的加速。最好自己改了快捷键。很有用。
  33. 任务。。如果不知道任务怎么过。鼠标移动到任务图标那里、然后看小地图上有提示的
  34. 优质的环境 能增加生产力
  35. 工业种族 环境最高就是0 可以用什么天气控制之类的增加。如果只用工业最高就是0环境
  36. 正版KEY的 要汉化 。要先恢复成英文在打 1.1的大字补丁 1.1的支持正版汉化了。
  37. 无尽模式 种子困难模式下。地图上所有的岛屿一定会少一种。种子的肥料 。来阻止你发展。你也刷不出来。只能在黑商买成品。然后发展到自己制作出需要的肥料为止
  38. 插槽有5类 仓库 方舟 船 飞机 还有一种也是船上的 类似大力水手的胳膊。
  39. 破解版用户打过全卡补丁后 可以在中后期科学院你制造3星卡片。大多数原料都可以自己制造。特殊的几个的原料要在黑商刷。(3星卡还有召海豚的。好囧 我的钱啊)
  40. 在玩游戏前尽量 把 右键快捷工具菜单开启 这个很有用 默认是关闭的 可以拖拽修建图标到快捷右键上
  41. 一个岛屿只能在仓库制造一种不存在的肥料。想用另外的如果本岛本身不支持。只能把上一个创造的肥料卸载后重新安装其他肥料
  42. 无尽困难模式 下 在岛屿的主仓库 挂买东西。前期基本不会有人来卖你。你只能在黑商用特快专递。特快专递 一次能运输4个货物
  43. 开始只能选择一个种族 然后发展到一定程度 方舟告诉你是不是解锁好像是1W块。然后就有其他种族。在后来还能解锁一个种族。。。主要看人口发展情况。
  44. 飞机 。潜艇。。之类的有的是科技族里才有的。。科技种族是中后期才有的。
  45. 打败大战舰或者海盗岛后完成任务。。就可以用制造特殊的小船。。比如海盗船
  46. 卡片或者叫宝具或者叫宝物。效果是可叠加。。。
  47. 主仓库和副仓库 都是可以升级的 副升级到3以上可以它的运输车会变成飞机。可以不用连接道路直接用
  48. 方舟是可以移动的
  49. 有些任务必须在你的城市 里找物品或者人。比如通缉犯。车之类的。要放大城市才能看见。
  50. P键暂停游戏后 按V拆除模式 狂拆房子。你会发现 钱物品在狂涨。1.01.6234有效
  51. 科技种族 只能升级到2次 没有高楼大厦
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Title: Anno 2070(TM)
Release Date: 17 Nov, 2011
Buy Anno 2070
Packages that include this game
Buy Anno 2070 Complete Edition
Includes 11 items:
Anno 2070(TM), Anno 2070(TM)
- The E.V.E. Package, Anno 2070(TM)
- The Nordamark Line Package, Anno 2070(TM) - Deep Ocean, Anno 2070(TM) - The Central Statistical Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Crisis Response Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Distrust Series Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Silent Running Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Development Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Eden Series Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Keeper Package
Downloadable Content For This Game
Buy Anno 2070 DLC Complete Pack
Includes 9 items:
Anno 2070(TM)
- The E.V.E. Package, Anno 2070(TM)
- The Nordamark Line Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Central Statistical Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Crisis Response Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Distrust Series Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Silent Running Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Development Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Eden Series Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Keeper Package
About This Game
2070. Our world has changed. The rising level of the ocean has harmed the coastal cities and climate change has made large stretches of land inhospitable.
The latest in the award-winning strategy series, Anno 2070(TM) offers a new world full of challenges, where you will need to master resources, diplomacy, and trade in the most comprehensive economic management system in the Anno series.
Build your society of the future, colonize islands, and create sprawling megacities with multitudes of buildings, vehicles, and resources to manage. Engineer production chains such as Robot Factories, Oil Refineries, and Diamond Mines, and trade with a variety of goods and commodities.
While adhering to the fundamentals that made the Anno franchise a success, the near-future setting will bring numerous new gameplay mechanics, architectural breakthroughs, and all-new challenges. Additionally, players will be able to build massive cities, the scope of which has never been seen in prior Anno games!
Become an Architect of the Future
Face the current world’s challenges to shape the world of tomorrow. You can either join the Tycoons to pursue an industrial and efficient course, or side with the Ecos to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly direction.
An Evolving, Dynamic World
Decisions will have an impact on the environment, the architectural look of the world, and the needs of the population.
Discover Hidden Depths and New Resources
The mysteries of the sea and the sky are waiting to be discovered. Take advantage of the transport systems of the future and develop a powerful economy.
The Enhanced Anno with New Features to Master
Smuggle wares between harbors without being detected by the coastal patrols, or forge alliances with powerful figures to expand your influence.
System Requirements
OS: Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7
Processor: 2 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 or better
Memory: 2 GB (4 GB recommended)
Graphics: 512 MB DirectX(R) 9.0c–compatible with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)*
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c–compliant
Peripherals: Windows-compatible mouse and keyboard
Internet Connection: Temporary broadband connection for product registration, permanent broadband connection for multiplayer.
*Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:
ATI Radeon(TM) X1000/HD 00/ series
NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7/8/9/100/200/300/400/500 series
Laptop versions of these cards may work, but are not supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ on our support website at: .
Requires a UPlay account
(C) 2011 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Anno 2070, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Produced by Blue Byte. Blue Byte and the Blue Byte logo are trademarks of Red Storm Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Red Storm Entertainment Inc. is a Ubisoft Entertainment company. Developed By Related Designs.
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Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: TAGES(TM)3 machine activation limit
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Full Audio
Title: Anno 2070(TM)
Release Date: 17 Nov, 2011
Buy Anno 2070
Packages that include this game
Buy Anno 2070 Complete Edition
Includes 11 items:
Anno 2070(TM), Anno 2070(TM)
- The E.V.E. Package, Anno 2070(TM)
- The Nordamark Line Package, Anno 2070(TM) - Deep Ocean, Anno 2070(TM) - The Central Statistical Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Crisis Response Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Distrust Series Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Silent Running Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Development Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Eden Series Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Keeper Package
Downloadable Content For This Game
Buy Anno 2070 DLC Complete Pack
Includes 9 items:
Anno 2070(TM)
- The E.V.E. Package, Anno 2070(TM)
- The Nordamark Line Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Central Statistical Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Crisis Response Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Distrust Series Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Silent Running Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Development Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Eden Series Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Keeper Package
About This Game
2070. Our world has changed. The rising level of the ocean has harmed the coastal cities and climate change has made large stretches of land inhospitable.
The latest in the award-winning strategy series, Anno 2070(TM) offers a new world full of challenges, where you will need to master resources, diplomacy, and trade in the most comprehensive economic management system in the Anno series.
Build your society of the future, colonize islands, and create sprawling megacities with multitudes of buildings, vehicles, and resources to manage. Engineer production chains such as Robot Factories, Oil Refineries, and Diamond Mines, and trade with a variety of goods and commodities.
While adhering to the fundamentals that made the Anno franchise a success, the near-future setting will bring numerous new gameplay mechanics, architectural breakthroughs, and all-new challenges. Additionally, players will be able to build massive cities, the scope of which has never been seen in prior Anno games!
Become an Architect of the Future
Face the current world’s challenges to shape the world of tomorrow. You can either join the Tycoons to pursue an industrial and efficient course, or side with the Ecos to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly direction.
An Evolving, Dynamic World
Decisions will have an impact on the environment, the architectural look of the world, and the needs of the population.
Discover Hidden Depths and New Resources
The mysteries of the sea and the sky are waiting to be discovered. Take advantage of the transport systems of the future and develop a powerful economy.
The Enhanced Anno with New Features to Master
Smuggle wares between harbors without being detected by the coastal patrols, or forge alliances with powerful figures to expand your influence.
System Requirements
OS: Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7
Processor: 2 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 or better
Memory: 2 GB (4 GB recommended)
Graphics: 512 MB DirectX(R) 9.0c–compatible with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)*
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c–compliant
Peripherals: Windows-compatible mouse and keyboard
Internet Connection: Temporary broadband connection for product registration, permanent broadband connection for multiplayer.
*Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:
ATI Radeon(TM) X1000/HD 00/ series
NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7/8/9/100/200/300/400/500 series
Laptop versions of these cards may work, but are not supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ on our support website at: .
Requires a UPlay account
(C) 2011 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Anno 2070, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Produced by Blue Byte. Blue Byte and the Blue Byte logo are trademarks of Red Storm Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Red Storm Entertainment Inc. is a Ubisoft Entertainment company. Developed By Related Designs.
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Items included in this package
Anno 2070(TM)
Anno 2070(TM)
- The E.V.E. Package
Anno 2070(TM)
- The Nordamark Line Package
Anno 2070(TM) - Deep Ocean
Anno 2070(TM) - The Central Statistical Package
Anno 2070(TM) - The Crisis Response Package
Anno 2070(TM) - The Distrust Series Package
Anno 2070(TM) - The Silent Running Package
Anno 2070(TM): The Development Package
Anno 2070(TM): The Eden Series Package
Anno 2070(TM): The Keeper Package
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名稱: Anno 2070 Complete Edition
開發人員: ,
: 英文, 法文, 德文, 義大利文, 波蘭文, 西班牙文
第三方 DRM
: 在本套件內有一項以上產品可能有使用協力廠商 DRM TAGES(TM)。


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