
中;Stranded II&#92,受到尖锐物品伤害导致出血治疗方案:使用物品『绷带』『蓝色药草』或是合成『藤蔓Vine+兽皮Skin』『藤蔓Vine+树叶Leaf』(绷带为一开始海边箱子内的物品,蓝色药草一开始的岛上蛮易见的)骨折 Fracture 负面状态,治疗方案、水等等,不再多做介绍,非玩家状态可以藉由编辑地图时添加在Npc身上。一开始玩家前方的告示牌是让敌人开始进攻。---------游戏介绍---------这是一款自由度极高的第一人称荒岛求生类型的游戏、使用工具E 捡取、对东西进行动作0 卸下手上的物品滚动滚轮 切换快捷键的物品,没有快捷时会卸下手上物品C 物品栏X 状态栏Y 睡觉S 合成(对物品用)T 拿在手上(对物品用)R 使用(对物品用)空白键 跳跃---------状态---------按下X开启状态栏之后。亮 Light 非玩家状态,依序为、无尽生存模式-一般,但是都还在可接受的范围内。困难模式一开始什麼也没有,会有数条数值表,然后逃离这里。下载完游戏之后,会看到StrandedII、StrandedII -win、StrandedII -win -debug的档案StrandedII是以全萤幕来进行游戏StrandedII -win是以视窗模式进行游戏StrandedII -win -debug是以视窗模式以及Debug模式进行游戏,不过应该不会用到、猛禽猎人PS:无尽生存模式是在一座岛上面生存(建议大小是中大,小型真的非常小…玩困难模式估计会一开场就被狮子咬死吧)。简单模式身上会有很多食物。第二种模式 进入后玩家背后会有各种远程武器。后面几项是由游戏资料中抽取出来的介绍,此外有很多不明的状态或是非玩家的状态,对其按E可以建立最下级的塔(50Gold)对以建立的塔按E可以花钱帮塔升级(升第二级50Gold,升第三级100Gold),本模式玩家不能进行空手攻击,弓弩类要有箭---------辅助&#47,大致上的故事叙述是主角在海上遇上了暴风、恐龙),数值越低状况越佳,在进行各种动作后都会升高、雪、无尽生存模式-困难,岛上会开始有一些危险动物,资源随机。有兴趣的玩家可以在Npc上添加状态尝试---------求生技能---------职业介绍PLANTING(种植)50级Berry bush planter果树丛栽培者您现在能够利用果实来种植出果树丛了。-利用果实(Berry)种植果树丛100级Herbalist草本植物学家您发现了最适合种植草药的土壤,您能够用此方式来建立种植草药的温床。可以开始种植草药。-可以建筑培养草药(Herb)的平台。200级Forester森林管理者如果您把一根树枝埋在地底下,树将会在此成长。另外,埋下叶子可以种植树丛。-利用树枝(Branch)种植树、利用树叶(Leaf)种植树丛400级Master of the fruits水果之王您在草本科植物的学识已经非常的充足了。您现在有能力能够种植香蕉、梅子(Plum)、椰子、可可、咖啡豆。-种植香蕉、梅子、椰子、可可、咖啡豆800级Farmer农夫-没有实质作用HUNTING(狩猎)25级Master of sling弹弓专精者当您使用弹弓时,射出的碎石子因未命中而掉落於地上将会有机会回收它。(这里只限定碎石子,葡萄等是捡不回来的)-弹弓射出的碎石子有一定机会可以回收(未击中的状况下)50级Spearman持矛者在某些状况下丢出去的矛也可以被再一次的捡回了。-投射出的矛有一定机会可以回收(未击中的状况下)100级Bowman弓箭手学习正确的射箭姿势,这使得射出去的箭支可以保持完好无缺。现在您可以在一个安全的地方准备对动物攻击(后面这句不太清楚)。-射出的箭矢有一定机会可以回收(未击中的状况下),可以建筑射箭平台,可以提供攻击动物安全的地方。200级Spearmaster长矛专精者现在起投射出去的矛将不再被摧毁,您可以在任何想要使用的时候使用它们。-投射出的矛一定可以回收(未击中的状况下)FISHING(钓鱼)25级Rod amateur业余钓客50级Rod adept熟练钓客增加抓到鱼的可能性。此外,可以建筑渔网,这些陷阱会自动的进行抓鱼的活动。-抓到鱼的机率增加、可建筑渔网100级Rod semi-professional半职业钓客因为技术的增长,您将可以在任何地方抓到鱼(当然这是指海岸),让您有更高一阶的成就。-钓到鱼的种类增加200级Rod professional职业钓客您现在在制作饵及用饵方面是一个真正的专家。因此,您不再只是在某些地方抓一些没用的垃圾,而是去抓取更大,更帅气的鱼。-钓到鱼的种类增加、钓到鱼的数量增加500级Pike-Man-钓到鱼的数量增加LUMBERING(砍树)此技能除了第一项和最后一项以外都是增加斧头对树的伤害,半职业樵夫和职业樵夫就不再多做介绍。25级Hackling乱砍(真的就翻译成这样…)一根大的木头(Log)可以和斧头或是开山刀进行合成,得到十根树枝。-Log+Axe or Log+Machete=10 Branches50级Axe amateur业余樵夫利用正确的方法增加斧头在砍树时的伤害。-斧头对於树的伤害增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)100级Axe adept熟练的樵夫利用砍伐正确角度使得斧头在砍树时更加有威力。-斧头对於树的伤害再次增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)200级Axe semi-professional半职业性樵夫-斧头对於树的伤害再再次增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)400级Axe professional职业樵夫-斧头对於树的伤害再一次的增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)800级Butcher of wood木头杀手(还是想不到怎麼翻比较好)注意!请保持著树木对地球的气候是相当重要的心态,因为您的技能,把世界上所有的森林砍伐乾净是相当简单的。-斧头对於述的伤害大幅的增加。DIGGING(挖掘)每当我开始挖掘时,这个技能的熟练度增加25 -挖出您在地面,但是chim不再无目的地窥探它系统地,特此增加研究结果的机会。50 -铁锹爱好者 Carefuller开掘使您发现昆虫和蘑菇。100-铁锹专家更好的技术furtherly增加可能性发现某事。 加号,您能从现在起挖掘齿苋200-铁锹半职业性选手您不让什么再滑倒。 当您开掘,您永远将发现某事。500-铁锹专家优化铁锹技术现在提供巨大获取在开掘。,依序为。永恒火焰 Eternal Fire 非玩家状态、水以及治疗用药物,岛上没有任何危险性动物,资源大量,火不会熄灭。(可以用密技使用武器攻击。) 除了内建的模式以外,将s2格式的地图档放到stranded2_en\mods&#92,藉由在船长身上添加Light+Eternal Fire状态的话可以让船长在晚上会发亮,还可以烤肉呢XD&游戏资料里面还有电疗,治疗方案:使用『治疗药剂』=强力治疗药草Strong Healherb×1+水Water+石头*Stone=治疗药草Healherb×3+水Water+石头*Stone=金色药草Goldherb×5+水Water+石头*Stone或是使用急救箱(Frist Aid Box)。一般状况下就会持续减少,在岛上狩猎恐龙,使用烤熟的肉或是果实等食物即可增加,有数个选项,此游戏也有这个模式 路边会有许多方型的黑色石头,起始Gold100;异常状态---------出血 Bleeding 负面状态,数值越低状况越佳,基本上各种物品都会加。本游戏在论坛玩家推荐版块可以下载到、冻伤、脓等等的状态、水,拥有此状态将会发光。必须在这个小岛上取得所有的材料:无尽生存模式-简单。紫色-疲劳指数、大中间的是地形,猛禽猎人模式和无尽生存简单模式身上皆会有此物品混乱 Fuddle 负面状态,固定式火把等物体的状态;maps内的话可以在此看到玩家自制的地图档,到一定程度之后就必须休息(睡觉)右下角。Single island 会看到四种内建模式的选项第一种 Colors Game 进入后会有四色的柱子和踏板。蓝色-口渴指数,岛上有大量的危险动物(狮子。七彩的是体力条。火焰 Fire 非玩家状态,各种果实、熟肉,先进背包,点那个工具在按1~9的某个数字,或按E自动给你设置,用滑鼠滚轮可以换(比较方便):一般、小山丘、山、沙漠:睡一觉治疗 Healing 正面状态,30秒内持续回覆体力条,使用治疗药剂的作用。无敌 Invulnerability 正面状态,使用密技产生的状态,体力条不会减少(有一种无敌药水,也可以达成无敌状态)驯服 Tame 非玩家状态,驯服动物:Advance 进入荒岛生存模式(剧情故事)Random Island 进入随机产生的小岛生存或狩猎最上面的是调整大小,拥有此状态将会冒烟,抽大麻菸、喝太多酒的后遗症治疗方案,岛上也充满著箭靶,纯粹让玩家练习准度。第三种模式 单纯的新手教学。第四种Tower Defence 建立塔来防守敌军入侵的游戏,依序为:手上的工具要设定快捷键的话,算是度假消遣用的。一般模式身上只有一点食物。最明显的差异就是生物身上会有名称和动作的标示。进入主标题画面后。烟 Smoke 非玩家状态:小。---------基本操作---------W 前进S 后退A 左移D 右移左键 攻击(或是采集)右键 捡取(空手状况下才有效)、建造,资源极少。猛禽猎人模式会给一把散弹枪和大量子弹:合成『藤蔓Vine+树枝Branch』或是使用急救箱(Frist Aid Box),降至无则GameOver。绿色-饥饿指数,数值越低状况越佳。一般状况下就会持续减少,营火等物体的状态,火将会因故而熄灭,猛禽猎人模式和无尽生存简单模式身上皆会有此物品中毒 Poison 负面状态、沼泽最下面的是四个模式,加上一道雷击中了船只,以至於船只起火燃烧,自己则失去意识漂流到一个荒岛,数值越高状况越佳,被攻击或是下列三项有一项过高的话就会降低,记下颜色闪的顺序,然后轮到玩家动作时依照颜色对踏板按E即可本文由3DM论坛玄亟天整理。我也是转发一下,希望有对这游戏感兴趣的大家可以少走点弯路
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文章来源:中国科学报&&&&发布时间:日 02:57&&【字号:&&&&&&】
约翰伯格的BBC电视系列剧《观看之道》一个男人走进一家画廊,拿出一把斯坦利刀割破了波提切利的油画。过去的艺术已不复存在,这位头发蓬乱,眼眸闪烁的马克思主义评论家说,它丧失了自己的权威。代替它的是一种新的图像语言,而今,重要的是如何运用这种语言,为何而用。1972年,约翰伯格(John Berger)的电视系列剧《观看之道》在BBC播出,它改变了整整西方一代人观看艺术的方式。在伯格之前,西方艺术史学家关注绘画的细节、风格的发展、创作者及其鉴定。这些实践在20世纪大获成功,伯纳德贝伦森在佛罗伦萨的别墅中著书阅画,建立了自己的收藏和图书馆;肯尼斯克拉克在肯特郡买下了Saltwood城堡,因庄严的电视系列剧《文明》而获封骑士他们的工作,连同他们的生活都属于贵族行列。然后,约翰伯格登上历史舞台。他1926年出生于伦敦东部的哈克尼,他没有进入哈佛、牛津等名校,只是在伦敦的艺术学校毕业,他没有和收藏家、艺术商混迹,反而参加了革命组织黑豹党。1972年,伯格以实验小说《G》获得布克文学奖,获奖小说讲述了一个富有的意大利人阶级意识的一段心灵旅程,他将自己一半的奖金捐献给黑豹党。在《观看之道》中,伯格教导人们,油画是对阶级地位的认可,风景画是为领土拥有者创作的,你画一个裸体的女性,因为你喜欢这样看着她。同名平装书随后出版,直截了当的陈述、古代大师油画朦胧的复制品,以及当代的摄影作品集结于一本书中,该书很快成为畅销读物,风靡全球。1970年代至1980年代,很多学生通过牛津和剑桥的艺术、文学小册子认识这个世界的文艺传统,而伯格的出现仿佛是真理的大爆炸。《金融时报》的Jackie Wullschlager认为,伯格解开了高雅艺术的神秘外衣,代之以平凡生活的包装,证实一幅伟大的作品并不需要置于高高在上的地位,也可以与公共的价值观并存。而今,在我们阅读一幅绘画时,也不会忘却考察其社会和政治背景,而在那个年代,伯格的立场却是革命性的。从罗伯特休斯到温蒂修女,此后的艺术评论家无不受到伯格的影响。由于系列片中出现了数百幅绘画和广告,因为这些作品的版权限制,伯格的系列片无法制成DVD发行。2012年,英国电影学院在《观看之道》播出40周年之际完整播放4集30分钟的系列剧,同时还将举行相关会谈,重新审视他带给人们的新思路。市场交响曲的杂音伯格对于艺术史的理论框架源自瓦尔特本雅明1936年的论文《机械复制时代的艺术作品》,他的见解不仅是具有革命性的,而且是务实的。《观看之道》摧毁了博物馆的阶级壁垒,让每个人得以进入其中。伯格成功引用了调查数据,说明欧洲没有学历的人当中参观美术馆和画廊的还不到1%。他宣布其实大部分人都不会去参观美术馆,对于英国的美术馆而言,这或许是唯一过时的言论。泰特现代美术馆每年接待600万参观者,而英国国家画廊2006年的展览从马奈到毕加索吸引了100多万访客。伯格的影响力文化的民主化,通过电视等大众媒体对艺术的普及,公共画廊和展览的可接近性继续造福数百万人,尽管也许他们从未听说过伯格的名字。然而,这种民主化方式并非伯格所欣赏的。在《观看之道》的结尾部分,他就艺术结合金钱的危险性提出了警告,而这样的现实而今正环绕着我们。假若社会上对个人的妒羡没有发展成普遍而广泛的情绪,魅力就不可能存在。想民主推进而中途辍步的工业社会,是生产这种情绪的理想社会。获取这一行为,取代了其余的一切行为今天,在发达国家,资本主义的同一目的又在得逞,它使用的手段是把判断事物吸引人与否的虚假标准强加于人。雷内玛格丽特作品《在自由的门槛上》伯格充满希望地以雷内玛格丽特的超现实主义图像《在自由的门槛上》作为系列剧的结束画面,一座大炮对准了各式的传统图画天空和森林,女性的裸体而在书中,他的结语是,未来有待读者续写。《观看之道》推出时,现在当红的这批艺术家还是孩子,当他们长大,他们果真将枪炮对准了风景画和裸体画,但他们很少攻击街垒,他们成为了全球资本的合作者,比如拥有2.15亿英镑个人资产的达明赫斯特,或者保守党的忠实支持者翠西艾敏。巧合的是,在《观看之道》播映的同时,不远处的泰特现代美术馆中,达明赫斯特在英国首次回顾展正在举办。赫斯特的主题是金钱,钻石镶嵌的头骨《为了上帝之爱》价值5000万英镑,赫斯特个人作品在苏富比的传奇拍卖我脑中永恒的美丽成交额达到1.11亿英镑,品牌营销是他的绝活。这样的搭配让很多当今最具有名望的当代艺术家获得了财富,赫斯特以外,还有杰夫昆斯、村上隆、理查德普林斯。达明赫斯特作品《为了上帝之爱》当金钱发出的声响如此震耳欲聋,人们是否还能听见伯格那老式的、乌托邦式的回响?或者,在这个物质至上的时代,当荒诞的价格弗兰西斯培根3300万美元、亨利摩尔1900万美元迷住了人们的双眼,艺术似乎只剩下作品商品的价格,伯格的声音是否更能显出其意义所在?又或者,是否他的声音已经被消灭、驯服,成为艺术市场交响曲的一个声部了?砸烂西方的后花园伯格的艺术批评理论如此独特,因为它是一针见血和诗歌的混合体。他以前的作家是新艺术形式的经理人纪尧姆阿波利奈尔为20世纪初期立体主义摇旗呐喊,克莱门特格林伯格为战后美国的抽象表现主义振臂高呼但他们依然属于鉴赏家。伯格使用一种雅致的艺术批评语汇近几个月,他谈论了塞尚对黑色的运用,以及德加与曼特尼亚的关系但《观看之道》从这种形式中解放出来。《观看之道》是克拉克《文明》(1969)的左翼、民粹主义版本。这两部系列片尽管相隔只有3年时间,但它道出了英国文化一个巨大转变、扩展。克拉克,英国20世纪最伟大的艺术史学家,他是既有审美规范的忠实捍卫者。1933年,30岁的克拉克成为英国国家画廊有史以来最年轻的馆长。1968年全球青年人群情激昂之时,克拉克辗转于庄园、图书馆厚厚的牛皮案卷中搜寻拍摄线索。《文明》是欧洲中心主义、个人主义的,它对现代性视而不见。我看到(学生)急不可耐想要改变世界,充满渴望,尽管他们在渴望什么,他们的信念是什么,我一无所知。克拉克在倒数第二集中喃喃自语。事后看来,克拉克已经感知到一个群体的不安。他后来承认,那个时代孕育着批评的发展,还有对西方文明将面对的事物的恐惧。1949年,西里尔康诺利忧伤地总结说:这是西方花园关闭的时间,自此以后,艺术家只会因他的孤独带来的共鸣,或他的绝望的程度而受到评价。保罗鲁本斯作品《帕里斯的审判》如果克拉克是花园最后的看门人,那么伯格就是那个砸烂篱笆、破坏草坪的人。克拉克在裸体章节中讨论了古典主义的理想形式,伯格则通过鲁本斯笔下《帕里斯的审判》探讨了男性看待裸体女子的深层想法。男子重行动而女子重外观。男性关注女性,女性注意自己被别人关注。当克拉克在艺术中的风景中在庚斯博罗的《安德鲁夫妇》营造的细致美景中流连,伯格看到的是领主对于环绕他们土地的态度在他们的姿态和表情中清晰可见。而今我们对这样的评论已经习以为常,但在1972年,这依然极具先锋性。学习阐释的关键文本而今,每一个考察庚斯博罗作品的评论家都无法绕开关于其绘画中展现的特权的话题。实际上,多多少少的,而今每一个公开举办的艺术展览都得面对阶级、性别等话题,美术馆的馆长、策展人也倾向于选择与这样的话题相关的展品就如同这个春天在伦敦举办的展览一样。泰特英国美术馆举办的移民展览回顾了移民对于英国艺术的贡献,特别是那些黑人移民和某些社区。泰特现代美术馆庆祝了草间弥生女性主义的旅程。英国皇家学院将肖像画家Johann Zoffany看作18世纪英国上流社会的局外人和讽刺者。英国国家肖像画廊认为卢西安弗洛伊德是社会变革、阶层崩塌的记录者。在这样的诠释下,展览获得了数百万观众的蹙拥,也反映了伯格持续的影响力。值得注意的是,这种类型的展览,在英国,比在德国、法国更具有政治性。战后欧洲并不缺乏鼓励人们阅读艺术作品背后潜藏的政治、社会意义的理论家。伯格在上世纪70年代中期移居法国东部的上萨瓦尔省,至今依然在那里居住、务农,他是福柯、鲍德里亚、德里达的同代人。而在德国,1955年以后就在卡塞尔文献展中专注于文化和政治的讨论。但任何的其他努力都不及伯格那样深入渗透进文化的肌理。西蒙麦克伯尼-plicite剧团的团长,该剧团在1995年改编并上演了伯格的小说《露西卡贝罗的三生》,他回忆自己在上世纪70年代还是剑桥大学文学系学生时初次读到伯格时的情形,《观看之道》是我们学习阐释的关键文本。当时,人人都沉浸于巴特和法国结构主义,寻找新的观看艺术和文学的方式,而伯格如此特别,因为他的表达方式直截了当,清晰务实。他的清晰,他的激情,进入我的潜意识,和我相伴至今。《观看之道》的清晰表述部分源于伯格毫不妥协的政治立场,同样,在观念艺术主导的当代艺术领域,它也代表着一种坚持,即,艺术是关于图像的力量。艺术家和策展人都不应该忘记这一点,因为历史不会忘记,观众也不会忘记。20世纪最成功的公共展览之一,1999年英国皇家学院的莫奈大展吸引了70多万观众,而大卫霍克尼2012年的回顾展同样吸引了众多参观者,这些展览都是伟大艺术家创作的令人难忘的图像。霍克尼经常引用美国艺术史学家大卫福利伯格1989年著作《图像的力量》,当艺术史和图像史分离,力量依旧在图像一边艺术会成为微不足道的事情。对于伯格来说,艺术是一件大事,他告诉我们图像如何承载了思想、情感以及看待历史的方式。我无法告诉你艺术何为,或者艺术怎样完成自己的使命,但我知道,很多时候,艺术审判那审判之人,为无辜之人伸冤,向未来展示过去的苦难。他在1992年的文集《约定》中写道,我还知道,有权势者害怕艺术只要做到这一点,不管是什么形式的艺术而且,在民众中间,这些艺术有时就像谣言和传奇那样发生作用,因为它赋予了生命之残酷以它自身所不能拥有的意义,正是这种意义把我们联合在一起,因为它最终与正义密不可分。在这个非政治化的21世纪艺术世界中,成功的艺术家、富有的收藏家都对金钱、地位执迷不悔,荒诞的市场像脱缰的野马般奔腾着欢呼全球资本主义时代的到来。伯格的理想主义和他的愤怒在此时显得尤为深刻。。
(责任编辑:new{名字})- 荷里活廣場shape-英汉词典-英中字典-速译通-解释意思-English Chinese Dictionary
&&500万 速译通 英汉/汉英/双语词典 翻译/解释/意思 如下: (查询0.002秒)(第2个版本的新版在线词典上线了,查询新版本)
{n.}形状,形态,外形,模样,形式,定型,模型,种类,具体化,表达,体现,实现,轮廓,模糊的形影,幽灵,状态,情况,(女人的)姿态,身段,[剧]戏剧服装,做法[口],成绩,生活方式,[军]锥形信号标,型材[钢,铁],钢材,模制塑胶{v.}定形,使...成形{vi.}[口]成形,成型,形成,成长,发展,发达,发生{vt.}使成形,塑造,制作[(+into/from/out of)],(加工、修整、刨削)成形,定[整]形,构成,定出标准横断面,使适合,使具体化,实现,说明,设计,计划,想象,使朝向
词形变化:&过去式和过去分词:shaped&&现在分词:shaping&&复数形式:shapes&大小写不同的单词:&&超音速高空降落伞试验,欧洲盟军最高司令部&&&&习惯短语和短句: "Barney the dog is in great shape. 巴尼身体健康 3D shape {n.}三维形状 3D shape recognition {n.}三维形状识别 A bay or baylike shape. 海湾或海湾形 A couple of days work will get the garden into shape. 再干上几天,花园就可以整好了 A four-sided planar figure with a diamondlike shape;a rhombus that is not a square. 菱形钻石形状的四边平面图形,不是正方形的菱面体 A head covering,such as a balaclava,that is shaped like a helmet. 帽盔一种形状象头盔的头部覆盖物,如巴拉克拉瓦盔式帽 A regularly shaped and lengthy a lode. 矿脉某种矿石的形状规则而且漫长的出现,矿脉 A shape resembling a jellyfish. 类水母体象水母的形状 A supporting part resembling a leg in shape or function. 假腿,义腿在形状或功能上与腿类似的支撑部分 A tropical American wading bird(Cochlearius cochlearius) having a large bill shaped like an inverted boat. 船嘴鹭热带美洲地区的一种涉水禽鸟(船嘴鹭),有形状如翻过来的船的大喙 A variety of corn,Zea mays everta,having hard kernels that burst to form white,irregularly shaped puffs when heated. 爆玉米花玉米的一种爆花玉米,具有加热时会爆裂成松软、形状不规则的白色一团的硬壳 Abnormal shape of pupil [医]瞳孔异常形状 After seeing that his liver was in fine shape,Ghobrial sliced off a little more than half of the organ's right side. 在确认他的肝脏健康完好,贾布里勒医生切下了右边肝脏的多半部分 An unraised doughnut,usually twisted but also shaped into rings or oblongs. 炸圈饼面团一种未发涨的油炸面团圈,通常成纽绞条状,但也有圆环或长方形的 As St. James saith,they are as men that look sometimes into a glass,and preently forget their own shape and favor. 这些人是,有如圣雅各所说,有时看看镜子,而不久就会忘了自己的形貌的 Beak shape [医]鸟嘴形 Bipartite shape [医]二分形 Chinese character enter method with quick shape codes {n.}汉字表形快码输入方法 Chinese character quick shape code computer {n.}汉字表形快码计算机 Circinate shape [医]盘旋形 Circinate shaped [医]盘旋形的 Club shape [医]棒形 Club shaped [医]棒形的 Congenital abnormal shape [医]先天性异常形状 Congenital anomaly of lens shape [医]先天性晶状体形状异常 Distinctive shape of mitochondrial cristae [医]线粒体嵴的特殊形式 Dome shape [医]圆顶形 From the aircraft we could see a patchwork of fields of different shapes and colours. 我们从飞机上能看到一片片不同形状和颜色的田野 Funnel shape [医]漏斗形 Having the shapepincerlike. 螯状的,钳爪状的 He looked at Emma's femate shape curved under the cotton sheet. 他凝视着被单下艾玛她女人独有的身躯,线条是那么的清晰、诱人 Hollow shape [医]中空形 Horseshoe shape [医]马蹄形 Horseshoe shaped [医]马蹄形的 Inequality of shape [医]不均等形 J shaped curve {n.}J形曲线 J shaped tip guide wire [医]J型头导丝 Koware globular shape vase 哥瓷铁箍天球瓶 Lorentz line shape 洛伦兹线形 Lot Shape 地块形状 Mach wave shape {n.}马赫波(线)形状 Mark's tutor had difficulty in reducing his draft chapter to coherent shape. The orginal had rambled on for fifteen pages. 马克的导师难以将他的草稿改缩成一篇通顺连贯的文章,底稿漫漫地写了15页之多 Mayo-Harrington bayonet shaped lung tissue forceps [医]梅-哈二氏枪形肺部组织镊 Minor details,such as the size of the ears,hands and shape of the shoulders,gave the look-alikes away,it said. 只有在一些小的细节上,比如耳朵的大小,手以及肩膀的形状,才能使这些替身的身份暴露 Morrisby Shapes test 莫里斯比形状测验 Navicular shape [医]舟形 Normal variation in shape [医]形状的正常变异 One that forges and shapes iron with an anvil and hammer. 铁匠用砧和锤来锻造和改造铁的形状的人 Out of physical shape 身材不好 Ovoid shape [医]卵形 Picasso's liberated shapes and excitingly applied and inventively combined colours. 毕加索解放了形体,极富激情地运用了并创造性地融合了色彩 Resembling an ellipse in shape;elliptical. 椭圆形的形状类似椭圆的,椭圆的 Rod shaped microglia [医]柱状小[神经]胶质细胞 Round shape [医]圆形 Saber shape [医]马刀形 Saber shaped [医]马刀形的 Saddle shape [医]鞍形 Saddle shaped [医]鞍形的 Sausage shaped cyst [医]腊肠型囊肿 Scaphoid shape [医]舟形 Shaped like a crescent. 新月形的象新月形状的 Shaped like a foot. 足状的脚状的 Shaped like a leaf. 叶状的形状象树叶的 Shaped like a rod or rods. 杆状的形状类似于杆的 Shaped like a sword,as the leaf of an iris. 剑形的,如鸢尾属植物的叶子 Shaped like a tree. 树状的形状象树的 Shapedalar. 翼状的形状象翅膀的,翼形的 Shaped like an earlobe. 耳垂状的 She shaped a folktale into a narrative poem. 她把一个民间故事改写成了一首叙事诗 Something shaped or hanging like a drop. 滴状物似液滴或象液滴一样悬挂的东西 Spiral shaped [医]螺旋形的 Tadpole shape [医]蝌蚪形 Tadpole shaped [医]蝌蚪形的 The lawn is interspersed with flower-beds in the shape of five-point stars. 草地上点缀着五角星形的花坛 The process or art of shaping things out of metal. 金属加工用金属制造物品的过程或工艺 These wishes are as fleeting as the wind.They have no power to shape anyting.The number of people who stop here:70 percent. 这些愿望就像一阵风一样,没有办法成就任何事憾,抱着这种态度的人占了70% U shaped coil {n.}U形线圈 U shaped curve {n.}U形曲线 U shaped element {n.}U形元件 U shaped magnet {n.}马蹄形磁铁 V shape 叉式 Visual distortions of shape and size [医]形状和大小性视力变形 a chessman in the shape of a horse'can move two squares horizontally and one vertically. 马头形的国际象棋棋子,能水平走两个方格垂直走一个方格 a devil in human shape {n.}装成人的魔鬼 a freak shape 奇特的形状 a monster in human shape {n.}装成人的妖怪 abnormal shape [医]形态异常 above shape [船]水上部分形状 accuracy of shape 形状的精确度,形状精确度 aircraft like [shaped] missile 飞航式导弹 airfoil shape 翼型 allowed spectrum shape 容许能谱形状 amplitude shaping operation 振幅整形 an angular shape made by folding. 由折叠而产生的有角形状 an ugly shape 丑陋的形态 any spherically shaped artifact. 指任何球状的人造物体 arbitrary shape 任意形 arrow shaped share 箭形铲 attributed shape grammar 属性形状文法 axially symmetric shape 轴向对称型 band shape 谱带形 band shaping 频带形成 band shaping circuit 频带形成电路 bandpass shape 带通频率特性 bar and shape 型材 bar and shape mill 型材轧机 bar shape 型钢 bar tubing shapes and pipe benders 金属筒材、型材和管材用折弯机,棒料 barrel shape 桶型 barrel shaped distortion 负畸变 barrel shaped head rivet 盘头铆钉 barrel shaped movement 桶型机心 barrel shaped roll 桶形轧辊 barrel shaped tooth 中凸齿 basin shape 流域形状,盆地形态,盆地形状 bayonet shape tongue depressor [医]枪形压舌器 bayonet shaped cataract knife 枪状白内障刀 bayonet shaped chisel for maxillary resection [医]枪形上颌窦切除凿 bayonet shaped ear and mastoid chisel [医]枪形耳及乳突骨凿 bayonet shaped intestinal clamp [医]枪形肠钳 bayonet shaped needle holder 枪形持针钳 bayonet shaped tonsillotome [医]枪形扁桃体铡除刀 be crushed out of shape {vi.}被压得变了形 be in bad shape 情况还处于混乱状态,健康情况不佳 be recognized by their characteristic shape 根据其典型形状识别出来 beak shaped 喙状的,鸟嘴状的 beam shape 束廖状 beam shaping 束成形,波束[射束]成形 beam shaping filter [医]束流成形滤线器 beam shaping kit [医]线束成形设备 beam shaping kit including lead blocks [医]带铅块的射线束定形装置 beam shaping platform [医]线束成形台架 bean shaped structure 豆形结构 behavior shaping 行为塑造法,行为塑造 bell captain shaped curve {n.}钟形曲线 bell captain shaped symmetrical curve {n.}钟形对称曲线 bell shape chest piece [医]钟形胸件 bell shaped cervix adapter [医]钟型子宫颈盖口通液器 bell shaped curve {n.}钟形曲线 bell shaped insulator 铃式绝缘子 bell shaped suspension insulator 碗形悬挂绝缘子 bell shaped symmetrical curve {n.}钟形对称曲线 belly shaping press 猪的去骨腹肉模压机 blade shape 叶片形式 boat shaped heart [医]舟状心 boat shaped object 船形器 boat shaped vase 船形壶 boiler shape 锅炉型式 boneless meat shaping 无骨肉整形 boot shaped cell 长靴状细胞 bottle shaped {adj.}瓶形的 bottle shaped alcohol lamp [医]瓶形酒精灯 bottle shaped screw base support 瓶形螺栓支座 bottle-gourd shaped wine-jar 匏尊 bowl in the shape of a steamed bun 馒头形碗 bowl shape {n.}(出生图型态)碗型 (行星皆位于出生图中一百八十度内的型态)[天] box shaped module open on two sides 两侧被打开的盒形组件 box shaped pillow 箱形枕 brush shapes 刷子形 bucket shape {n.}(出生图型态)提桶型 (九颗行星位于出生图中一百八十度的范围,只有一颗行星个落在外面)[天] bud shaped acrylic trimmer [医]蓓蕾形丙烯酸树脂修整器 bullet shape 弹头形式 bundle shape {n.}(出生图型态)集团型 (行星皆位于出生图中一百二十度内的型态)[天] butter shaping and packing machine 黄油形成和包装机 buttonhole shape [医]纽扣孔状:主动脉瓣狭窄时M型超声显示 cannula shape blood filter [医]套管形血液过滤器 capillary action shaping technique 毛细管定形生长 capillary shape hollow [医]碳纤维 capillary shape hollow fibers [医]毛细管型空心纤维 carrot shaped covering {n.}细头药皮 carved wooden figure shaped pendant 木雕人物坠 case shape 表壳形状 cast to shape 不再进行机械加工的铸造,精密铸造 celadon lotus shaped cap 青瓷莲花形盅 change in shape [医]形态变化,形态异常 change of wave packet shape 波包形状变化 characteristic S shaped curve {n.}特性S形曲线 charger shape 锭料形状,装药形状 chart shaping {n.}出生图型态[天] chisel shape ear polypus forceps [医]凿口式耳息肉钳 chisel shaped lancet for blood test [医]凿形血液化验刺血刀 circular shape 环形轧材 circular shaped {adj.}圆形 circular shaped lens loop [医]线环形晶状体环匙 cluster shape [计]聚类形态 cocoon shape 茧形 coefficient of wave shape 滤光片的波形系数 coil shape factor 线圈形状系数 cold rolled shape 冷轧型钢 color shape coding 色形编码 columbium shape 铌型材 comb shape 鸡冠形状 combustion-chamber shape 燃烧室形状 complex shape 形状复杂的(冷弯)型钢 complicated shape 复杂形状 complicated shape brick [化]异型砖 computed pulse shape 脉冲的计算波形 computing surface shape {n.}计算曲面形状 concertina shaped {adj.}手风琴形的 cone shape [医]圆锥状的 conical shape urine glass jar rack [医]锥形尿玻缸架 conical shaped aorta and pulmonic clamp [医]锥形主肺动脉钳 contoured square shape 方形表壳 contraction shape 收敛形状 crank shape exhaust hood 曲柄式排气罩 critical shape of the drop 液滴的临界形状 cross shaped 十字形的 cross shaped budding 十字 cross shaped column 十字形截面柱 cross-relaxation line shape 交叉弛豫线形 cross-sectional shape 横断面形状,截面形状 crystal shape 晶形 cup shaped [医]杯状的 cup shaped rotor 杯式离心头 curve shape {n.}曲线形状,曲线型式 cylinder shaping machine 汽缸(牛头)刨床 cylindrical shape urine glass jar rack [医]筒形尿玻缸架 cylindrical shaped acrylic trimmer [医]柱形丙烯酸脂类修整器 cylindrical shaped screen 圆筒筛 delay line pulse shaping [医]延迟线脉冲成形 delay-line pulse shaping 延迟线脉冲整形 diamond shape 菱形,钻石形 diamond shaped {adj.}菱形 diamond shaped loop electrode [医]钻石形环状电极 diamond shaped murmur [医]菱形杂音(心音图) diaphragm shape chest piece [医]膜形胸件 die and profile shaping machine 刨模机 digital pulse shaping circuit 数字脉冲整形电路 disc shaped core 盘形铁心 disk shaped [医]盘状的 disk shaped roll 盘形辊 displacement shape 位移形状 display shape 显示形状 dome shaped dam 穹顶坝 dome shaped ear pieces [医]圆顶形耳件 dome shaped fold 丘状褶皱,穹状褶皱 dominant shape 主形 double-peaked line shape 双峰值线形状 doughnut shaped 环形的 drum shaped aorta clamp [医]鼓状动脉夹,大血管止血夹 dry shaping 干法成形 dumb bell shape [医]哑呤形 dumb-bell shape 哑铃形 dumb-bell shaped gauze [医]葫芦形纱布 dumbbell shaped tumor [医]哑铃形肿瘤 duodenal tube with ball shaped weight [医]带球形重锤的十二指肠管 eagle shaped din 鹰鼎 egg shape 蛋型,卵形 egg shaped kiln 蛋形窑 egg shaped section 蛋形截面 elastic saddle shaped washer 弹性鞍形垫圈 elasticity of shape [化]形状弹性 electrochemical shaping 电化学成形 elegant shape {n.}外形大方 elongate renifore shape 细长的肾形 enclosed shape 封闭形 entry shape 进口形状 events which shape people's lives 决定人一生的大事 exciting voltage pulse shape 激发电压脉冲形状 explosive shaping 爆炸成形 extruded shape 推挤型 fabricated shapes 加工型材 fan shaped 扇形的 fan shaped pate {n.}扇形屋顶 fan shaped round 扇形炮眼组 fenestrated scoop shaped uterine curet [医]开窗匙形子宫刮匙 fenestrated scoop shaped uterine curette [医]开窗匙形子宫刮匙 field shape 田间形态 field shaping technique 场成形技术 filter shape 滤波整形 final shaping 最后整型 flame shaped acrylic trimmer [医]火焰型丙烯酸树脂修整器 flame shaping 火焰异形加工 flask shaped 瓶状的 flat shape 平面形状 flattened and curled shape 变平或变弯曲的形状 flower pot bell shape 复线金钟盆 forceps shaped trachea dilator [医]钳形气管扩张器 form and shape perception 形状知觉 form shaping 仿形刨法 four main pelvic brim shape [医]四种基本的骨盆类型 frequency shaping 频率整形 fume shape 尘雾形状 funnel shaped 漏斗形的 funnel shaped ear spout [医]漏斗形耳科手术接脓血器 funnel shaped pelvis [医]漏斗型骨盆 gating and shaping unit of pulse [医]脉冲门控及整形单元 gaussian bell shaped curve 高斯钟形曲线 gauze shaped eyepiece micrometer [医]网状测微目镜 gear shaping {n.}刨齿 gear shaping cutter 齿轮刨刀 gear shaping machine 插齿机 gear shaping tool 插齿刀 geometric shape {n.}几何形状 geometrical shape 几何形状 get [put] sth into shape 使成一定形状,整顿,使具体化,条理化 get in shape both physically and mentally {vt.}身心健康 get into shape {vi.}进入竞技状态 get one's idea into shape {vi.}理清某人的思路 get one's thought into shape {vi.}理清某人的思路 get sth into shape 使成适当形式,整理 get sth. into shape 使成一定形状,整顿,使具体化,条理化,使成适当形式,整理 give shape to==>{vt.}实现(使...成形,修整) {}使成形,表达,使...具体[条理]化 globular shape 球形,点状 good shape 良形 good stream shape 良好的流线型 gouge shape bone forceps [医]圆凿形骨钳 gradient shape 梯度形状 grain shape 晶粒形状 grain-boundary shape 晶(粒间)界形状 grinding wheel shape 砂轮形状 groove shape 槽形,(录声)纹道外形 ground shape (压延滚筒)研磨断面形 guessing shape {n.}猜测形状 hair grown in circles or in a circular shape 环状或卷状的毛 half-moon shape 半月形 hatchet shaped chisel for spine [医]斧形脊柱凿 he can perceive shapes kinesthetically. 他通过肌肉运动感觉形状 he perceives shapes tactually. 他通过触觉感知形状 heart shape pelvis [医]心脏形骨盆(X线相上骨盆开口部呈心脏形变形) heart shaped hoe 心状锄 heavy-duty shaping machine 重型牛头刨床 helical-shell conical shaped bowl 锥形实壳体转筒 hemispherical shape 半球形 high-speed shaping machine 高速牛头刨床 hook shaped elevator for spine [医]钩形脊柱剥离器 horizontal covergence shape control 水平会聚形状控制 horseshoe shaped headrest [医]马蹄形头靠 horsetail shape 马尾状 hot shaping 热成型 hour glass shape 计时砂漏型 i shaped fracture system i型断裂体系 image shape 镜像形状 image shape converter 像形状变换器 in any shape {adv.}不论哪种形式,完全,全然 in any shape or form {adv.}以任何形式 in bad shape==>{adv.}处于不佳状态,混乱 {adj.}处于不佳状态的,混乱的 in excellent shape {adj.}在外形上很好 in good financial shape {adv.}经济情况好 in good shape==>{adj.}完好无损(整齐,有条不紊,完整无损,情况好) {}处于良好状态,健康情况良好 in no shape {adv.}决不(一点也不) in no shape (or form) 决不,完全不,一点也不 in of shape 身体状况良好 in okay shape {adv.}处于良好状态,完好,整齐 in poor shape {adv.}处于不良状态,健康状况不佳 in pretty bad shape==>{adv.}一团糟,混乱 {adj.}一团糟的,混乱的 in shape 在形状上,在外型上,结构恰当地,保持固有形式地,处于良好状态,处于有准备状态 in shape for sale {adj.}适于销售 in such good shape {adv.}处于如此良好的状态 in the shape of==>{adj.}以...形状(通过...方式,假借,作为) {}以...的形状[形式] in top shape 很健康,竞技状态极好 inability to see shapes and contours. 不能看见图形或轮廓 inclusion shape {n.}夹杂,形状 ingot shape 锭形 installed positions and shapes 安装位置与形式 interface shape 界面形状 internal shaping 内成形 inverted t shaped footing 倒型基脚 inverted-channel shaped beam 反槽形板 irregular particle shape 不规则颗粒形状 irregular shaped can 异型罐 irregularly shaped [医]不规则形状的 irregularly shaped target volume [医]不规则形靶体积 javelin shaped fuel rod {n.}标枪状燃料元件棒 just beginning to take shape {adj.}初具规模 keel shape (电视唱片触尖)龙骨形 keep ... in shape 使...保持原形 keep its shape {v.}不变形 keep one's body in shape 保持形体,保持身体的健康,电影名称专辑 keep... in shape 使...保持原形 keyhole shaped orifice 钥匙孔形喷孔 keystone shaped [电]梯形 kidney shaped 肾形的 kidney shaped cross section 肾形截面 kiln in the shape of steamed bun 馒头窑 knead and shape children 培养塑造儿童 knife shaping tool 刀头刨头 knitting for shaped knitwear 成形针织品编织 knock sth into [out of] shape 使成形[变形,走样] knock sth into shape 把某物敲打成形,大力推动某事物使成形/使合格,把某事物整理好 knock sth. into shape 使成形[变形,走样] ladder shaped {adj.}梯形 large shape 大型钢材 large shape of brick [机]大砖模 law of good shape 良形法则 leaf shape 叶形 lens shaped 透镜状的 lick ... into shape 塑造,使象样,使有效能,使趋于完善 lick into shape {vt.}使成形(使完善) lick... into shape 塑造,使象样,使有效能,使趋于完善 light shape 小型钢材,小型型钢 light weight steel shape 轻型钢材 lightweight steel shape 冷弯型钢,轻型钢材 line shape 线形 line shape recognition {n.}直线形识别 linear shape change {n.}线性形状改变 linear shape function 线性形状函数 lithotrite shape bone holding forceps [医]碎石器式持骨钳 lobe shaping 波瓣成形 locomotive shape {n.}(出生图型态)火车头型 (行星分布在出生图中留下一百二十度空白的型态)[天] long shaped 长形白芸豆 long slender shaped lens loop [医]长线环形晶状体环匙 longitudinal shape 纵向形状 loop shaped ear curet [医]环形耳刮匙 loop shaped ear curette [医]环形耳刮匙 mandarin fish in the shape of a squirrel {n.}松鼠桂鱼 marquise shape case 蛋形表壳 meniscus shape 弯月面形 meniscus shaped lens 弯月形透镜 merchant shapes 商品钢材 metal shaping equipment 金属轧制设备 micelle shapes 胶束形状 molecular shape [医]分子形状 molecular shape analysis [医]分子形状分析 moon shaped face 满月脸 multi-flavour shaped dropping pill machine 多味异形滴丸机 myrtle-leaf shaped probe [医]桃金娘叶[形]探子 natural line shape 谱线自然形状 natural mode shape 固有振荡频率[特性] needle shaped cataract [医]针状(白)内障 needle shaped crystallite 针状晶体 noise shaping {n.}噪声频率成形,噪声整形 noise shaping network 噪声频谱成型网络 non-conforming shape 非整合形状 non-cutting shaping 无切削成形 nose shape 头部形状 numerical shape modeling {n.}数值形式模型化 nut shaping machine 螺母成形机,螺母加工机 oblong shape 长方形 odd shaped {adj.}畸形 of all shapes and sizes 各种各样 of shape {adj.}竞技状态失常 of uniform size and shape 大小和形状一样的 ogee shape S 形曲线形 olive shaped ear piece [医]橄榄形耳件 optimum reactor shapes {n.}最佳堆形状,最佳反应堆形状 optimum shape 最佳形状 original shape 原样 out of shape 处于不良的(健康)状况 oval shape case 卵形壳,蛋形表壳 oval shaped {adj.}椭圆形 oval shaped acrylic trimmer [医]卵圆形丙烯酸树脂修整器 pagoda shaped jar 塔形罐 painting brush shaped electrode [医]刷笔状电极 pancake shaped motor {n.}偏平型电动机 parabolic shape 抛物线状,抛物波 parabolic shaped collector 抛物柱面形聚光镜 partial shape recognition {n.}部分形状识别 particle shape 颗粒形状 path shape 航路形状,通路模型 peak shape 峰形 pear shape [医]梨形 pear shape heart [医]梨状心 pear shape syringes 梨形洗涤器 pear shaped 梨形的 pencil shape beam radar 锐方向性射束式雷达 permissible shapes 许用形式 persimmon shape wash basin 翻口面盆 picture shape 图象形状 pillar shaping machine 柱架牛头刨床 pine leaf shaped needle point [医]松针形针尖(针灸针) pinion shaped cutter 插齿刀 plane shape irdome 平面形红外整流罩 planimetric shape outline 平面相似性 planing and shaping machine 刨床 plastic shaping 可塑成形法 plate shaped drill 板状钻头 pointed body shape 尖头体形状 pointed-body shape 尖头体形状 pole face shaping 极面整形 pole-face shaping 极面整形 polymer shaping process {n.}聚合物成形过程 polysyndactyly with peculiar skull shape [医]多并指/趾畸形伴特殊颅形 precast trough shaped floor unit 预制槽形楼板 predicting shape {n.}预测形状 preliminary shaping 预成形 primary beam shaping [医]初始束流成形 production of shape grammar 形状文法产生式 pronunciation shape code {n.}音形码 pull-type shaping 拉式插削(齿轮) pulse shape {n.}脉冲波形 pulse shape effect {n.}脉冲波形效应 pulse shaped oscillation 脉冲状振荡 pulse shaping 脉冲成形 pulse shaping circuit {n.}脉冲整形电路 punch and profile shaping machine 刨模机 pusher-type shaping 推式插削(齿轮) put ... in shape 使...成形 put ...out of shape 使变样 put one's idea into shape {vt.}理清某人的思路 put one's thought into shape {vt.}理清某人的思路 put sth in shape {vt.}使整理成型 rack shaped cutter 梳形刨齿刀 rack shaping machine 梳齿机,齿条插齿机 radio-frequency pulse shape 射频脉冲波形 radio-frequency voltage shaping 射频电压成形 raster shape 光栅形状 reactor of various shapes 不同形状反应堆 recovery of shape {n.}形状恢复 resistance-capacitance shaping circuit RC (脉冲)形成电路 resonance curve shape 共振曲线形状 response shape {n.}响应形状 reversing shape mill 可逆式型钢轧机 ribbon shape lighting skiascope [医]带状光检影镜,条纹光视网膜镜 ridiculous in dress [shape] 衣服[形状]好笑的 ring shaped 环形的 ring shaped applicator [医]环形施用器 ring shaped core {n.}环状磁心 ring shaped induction furnace 环形感应电炉 ring shaped penetrated blunt curet [医]环状穿透式钝口子宫刮匙 ring shaped penetrated blunt curette [医]环状穿透式钝口子宫刮匙 ring shaped placenta [医]环状胎盘 rod shaped 杆状的 roll formed shape 冷弯型钢 roll shape 辊型 roll shape control 辊型第 rolled shape 轧制钢材 rolled stock shape consistency 轧制件形状均匀性 rolling mill for circular shapes 轧圆型材的轧钢机 rolling shapes 钢材品种 rolling shaping 滚压成型 round in shape 圆形的 round shaped acrylic trimmer [医]球形丙烯酸树脂修整器 saddle shaped arch [医]鞍形弓 saddle shaped curvature 鞍形曲度,鞍形度 saddle shaped lathe 鞍形车床 saddle shaped tower packing 马鞍形塔填充物 saddle shaped washer 鞍形垫圈 saucer shape 凹形 saucer shaped wheel 碟形砂轮 saw shape [医]锯形 saw shaped impulse 锯齿形脉冲 scale shape 刻度形状,刻度样式 scalpel with plain craper shape blade [医]平刮刀刃手术刀 screw driver shaped incisor [医]凿状切牙 screw-driver shaped incisor [医]凿状切牙 sector shaped conductor 扇形芯线 see-saw shape {n.}(出生图型态)跷板型 (行星位于出生图中相对两群的型态)[天] semi-moon shaped 半月形的 semicircular in shape 半圆形,呈半圆形 semilunate shape trachea cannula [医]半月形气管插管 sentential shape [计]句子形状 separation by shape 形状选矿 settle ... into shape 有头绪,上正轨,有眉目 settle into shape {vi.}有头绪(上正绪) shape (stone or wood,for example) by whittling away at it. 在木头或者石头上削使之成形 shape ... from 用... 材料使...成型 shape ... into 把...加工[塑造、铸]成...形 shape analysis {n.}形状分析 shape approximation system {n.}形状近似系统 shape averaging {n.}形状均匀化 shape beam 成形波束 shape broach 成形拉刀,定形拉刀 shape change 形变 shape class 形状等级 shape class index 形状等级指数(孢粉) shape classification {n.}形状分类 shape clay into balls 把粘土搓成圆球 shape code {n.}形状代码,条形码 shape coding 形状编码 shape complexity {n.}形状的完整性 shape constancy 形状常性 shape constant 形状常数,梁常数(结构方法) shape control 形状调整 shape controlling mesh generating {n.}形状控制网络生成 shape cutting 仿形切割 shape decomposition {n.}形状分解 shape deformation {n.}形状变形 shape description 形状描述 shape descriptor {n.}形状描述符 shape design {n.}形状设计 shape design sensitivity {n.}形状设计敏感性 shape design sensitivity analysis {n.}形状设计敏感性分析 shape detection {n.}形状检测 shape discrimination {n.}形状鉴别 shape discrimination operator {n.}形状鉴别操作符,形状鉴别算子 shape distance {n.}形状距离 shape distortion 形状畸变 shape distribution 形状分配 shape elastic scattering cross-section 形状弹性散射截面 shape elasticity 形状弹性 shape extraction {n.}形状析取 shape factor {n.}形状系数 shape feature {pl.}形状特征 shape feature abstraction {n.}形状特征抽象 shape finding analysis {n.}查找形状的分析 shape fitting {n.}形状拟合 shape from shading {n.}由浓淡复原的形状 shape from texture algorithm {n.}由纹理复原的形状算法 shape function {n.}形状函数 shape function matrix 形状函数矩阵 shape grammar 形状文法 shape in with 与...厮混在一起[美俚] shape index 形状指数 shape information 波形信息 shape into {vt.}成形(成特定形状) shape iron 型钢 shape matching {n.}形状匹配 shape measure {n.}形状测量 shape measurement {n.}形状测量 shape memory 形状记忆 shape memory alloy {n.}形状记忆合金 shape memory robot 形状记忆合金机器人 shape mill 型钢轧机 shape model {n.}形状模型 shape modeling technique {n.}形状造型技术 shape modelling technique {n.}形状造型技术 shape modulation {n.}形状调制 shape number {n.}形状号码 shape of T wave [医]T波形态 shape of bottom roughness 底部糙率型 shape of cross section 横截面形状 shape of exit pupil 出瞳形状 shape of product {n.}产品形状 shape of response spectrum 反应谱形状 shape of saddle 马鞍形 shape of the root cap 根冠形状 shape of the seed 种子形状 shape of tool 刀具形状 shape of tooth 齿形 shape one's course 决定航向,决定方针路线 shape one's course for {vt.}计划...的路线 shape operation {n.}形状操作 shape optimal design {n.}形状最佳设计 shape optimal design system {n.}形状最佳设计系统 shape optimization {n.}形状优化 shape optimum design {n.}形状最佳设计 shape out {vt.}成...形 shape parameter 形状参量[系数,参数] shape parameter of boundary layer 边界层的形状参数 shape perception 形状知觉 shape preserving {n.}形状保持,形状保留 shape preserving interpolation {n.}形状保持插值 shape preserving spline {n.}形状保持样条 shape processing {n.}形状处理 shape property {n.}形状特征 shape recognition {n.}形状识别 shape representation {n.}形状表示 shape restoration {n.}形状恢复 shape retention 形状保持性 shape rolling 成形辊轧 shape rolling mill 型钢轧机 shape rule {n.}形状规则 shape segmentation {n.}形状分割 shape sensitivity {n.}形状敏感性 shape sensitivity analysis {n.}形状敏感性分析 shape similarity {n.}形状相似性 shape smoothing {n.}形状光滑 shape sorting {n.}形状分类 shape steel [机]型钢 shape sth into {vt.}把某物做成...形 shape symmetry {n.}形状对称 shape the boat very long 把这船做得很长 shape the destiny of 决定...的命运 shape the universe {vt.}塑造宇宙 shape to {v.}使适合于 shape tool {n.}形状工具 shape transform {n.}形状变换 shape up {vt.}形成(不负期望地行动) shape up for {vt.}为...做准备 shape up to {vt.}面对 shape wave 浪形 shape welding 异形焊 shaped bar 小尺寸的异形钢材 shaped beam 成形光束,特形光束,定形射束 shaped beam antenna 成形波束天线 shaped bloom 异形初轧坯,异形方坯 shaped brick [机]型砖 shaped canvas 成形画布 shaped charge {n.}定向炸药,锥型装药 shaped conductor 型线 shaped curve 钟形曲线 shaped die 异形模 shaped dish reflector 变形碟式反射器 shaped dual reflector 异形双反射面 shaped edit 整形编辑 shaped electrode 成形电极 shaped fabric 造形织物 shaped field stop 成形的场光阑 shaped form 曲线形 shaped frequency generator 整形频率发生器 shaped glass 异形表玻璃 shaped goods 定型制件[产品] shaped lead block [医]形成铅块 shaped like a pear 梨形 shaped orifice 型线孔口 shaped plate 形板 shaped pressure squeeze board 异形压实板 shaped profile milling cutter 成形铣刀 shaped pulse {n.}成形脉冲,经整形的脉冲 shaped reflector antenna 成形反射器天线 shaped rod 型棒 shaped roll 型钢轧辊,有槽轧辊 shaped section 异形型钢 shaped size information 形状尺寸信息 shaped susceptor 成形的衬托器 shaped symmetrical curve 钟形对称曲线 shaped waterproof watch case 定型防水表壳 shaped wire 成形线,异形钢丝 shapes and bars 碳素钢板和型材 shaping and development of educational economics 教育经济学形成与发展 shaping and planing 刨削 shaping and planing tool 刨刀 shaping behavior 塑造行为 shaping by handcraft work 雕镶成形 shaping by stock removal 切削成形 shaping circuit {n.}整形电路 shaping dies 成形模 shaping element 成形元素 shaping filter 整形滤波器 shaping for laser pulse 激光脉冲整形 shaping loop 脉冲整形电路 shaping machine 牛头刨床,成形机 shaping mill 成形机,冷弯机,(型钢的)粗轧机 shaping network 整形网络 shaping of metal powders 金属粉末成形 shaping of teeth 齿的成形 shaping operation 整形作用 shaping pass 粗轧孔型 shaping plate 样板,型板 shaping property 成形性能 shaping pulse {n.}整形脉冲 shaping roll 粗轧辊 shaping signal [计]整形信号 shaping stand 粗轧成形机座 shaping technique for light pulse 光脉冲整形技术 shaping theory of values 价值外塑论 shaping tool 成形切刀,样板刀 shaping unit 信号形成部件,信号形成器 shaping without pressure 无压成形 shaping without stock removal 非切屑成形,无屑成形 shipbuilding shapes 造船型材 show your shape s 让大家瞧瞧你 sickle shaped 镰刀状,镰刀状的 sickle shaped arch 镰刀形拱 sickle shaped blade [医]半月刃 signal shaping {n.}信号整形 sine-curve shaped structure 正弦状构造 sine-squared shaping network 正弦平方脉冲成形网络 size and shape {n.}大小与形状 size and shape of colloidal particles 胶体质点的大小和形状 small steel shape 小型钢材 snail shaped 蜗牛状的 snake shaped spring tape [医]蛇形簧板:胃切除缝合器附件 spade shaped 铲状的 spade shaped subcutaneous electrode [医]皮下起搏桃形无关电极 special shaped brick 异型砖 specimen shape {n.}试样形状 spectral line shape 谱线形状 spectral shape 频谱形状 spectrum shape 频谱形状 sphere shaped 球形的 spheric shape 球形 spheric shape cocoon 球形茧 spheric shape irdome 球面形红外整流罩 spherical shape 球形 spherical shape infrared dome 球形红外整流罩 spherical shape irdome 球面形红外整流罩 spindle shaped 纺锤形的穗,纺锤状的 spindle shaped bomb 纺锤形火山弹 spindle shaped squamous carcinoma [医]梭形鳞状细胞癌 spindle shaped training 纺锤形整枝 spiral shaped catheter [医]螺旋形导管 spiral shaped column [医]螺旋形柱 spiral shaped needle [医]螺旋形缝合针 splash shape {n.}(出生图型态)散落型 (在出生图中每一行星皆位在不同星座的型态)[天] splay shape {n.}(出生图型态)扩展型 (行星在出生图中不规则的散布,而且有些成群的型态)[天] spoon shaped bone lever [医]匙形骨折复位挺子 spoon shaped goitre depressor [医]匙形甲状腺压板 spoon shaped rectal director [医]匙形直肠探条 spoon shaped speculum [医]匙形窥器 spot shape correction 光点形状校正 square shape medicament bottle stand [医]方型药瓶架 square shaped [医]方型的 standard shape parameter 标准形参数 star shaped 星形的 star shaped domain 拟星形域 star shaped network 星状网 star shaped set 星形集 stay in shape {vi.}保持外形 steel shapes 型钢 stirrup shaped loop electrode [医]镫形环状电极 stoneware shapes 缸器填料 strap shaped 带状的 streamline shape 流线型 streamlined shape 吝型 strength depending on shape 疲劳强度 strengthened five shapes [医]五形完坚 strip shape control {n.}带状控制 strip shaped 带状的 stroke shape {n.}笔形 structural shape {n.}型钢,结构形状 structural shapes 建筑型钢 surface shape {n.}表面形状 surface shape factor 表面形状因数 symbol shape [计]符号形状 symmetric shape {n.}对称形状 table tennis racket shaped {adj.}乒乓球拍状 table-top sugar coating machine for water-chestnut shape pill [医]台式荸荠形糖衣机 take shape {vi.}形成(具体化,体现) take shape in {adj.}成形(实现,具体化) take the shape of 呈...形状,以...形式出现 tangled shape 缠结形 tapered shaped acrylic trimmer [医]锥形丙烯酸树脂修整器 tapered shaped can 锥形罐 tapering shape (截)锥式 templet shaping press 样板压机 the shape and curve of the sacrum [医]骶骨之形态及弯度 the shape and size of the sacrosciatic notch [医]骶坐骨切迹之大小及形态 the shape of a triangle 三角形 the shape of things to come 未来事物的状态 three-high shape mill 三辊式型钢轧机 tile shape {n.}瓦片形 tilted shape 倾斜形状 tongue shape oesophageal bougie [医]舌形食管探条 tooth shape 齿形,齿廓 toothed-wheel shaping machine 刨齿机 triangle shaped loop electrode [医]三角形环状电极 triple petticoat bell shaped insulator {n.}三裙碗式绝缘子 trough shaped collector 凹形接电器 trough shaped ear spout [医]槽形耳科手术接脓血器 trough shaped valley 槽形谷 truncated cone shape 截锥形,斜截锥形 trunked-cone shaped stump [医]锥形残肢 tubular shape (小)管状 turret shape 炮塔形状 two-lobe epitrochoidal shape 双叶长短辐圆外旋轮线形状 u shaped manometer u形压力计 u shaped valley u形谷 udder shape 乳房形状 umbrella shaped 伞状的 underglaze blue vase with pagoda shaped cover 青花塔式盖瓶 universal shape 宽缘型钢 universal shaping machine 万能牛头刨床 v shaped chromosome v形染色体 valley shape 河谷形状 valley shape factor 河谷形状系数 variable shaped electron beam exposure system 可变电子束曝光装置 various shaped fishplate 异型鱼尾板 various shapes 不同的形状 vase with washer shaped month 洗口瓶 versatile shaping machine 多功能牛头刨床 vibration shaping 振动成形 volume shape factor 体积形状系数,体积形状因子 wave shape 波形 wave shape distortion 波形畸变 wave shape equalization 波形均衡 wave shaping 波形整形 wave shaping circuit 整形电路 wave shaping electronics 波整形电子学 waveform shaping 波形整形 waveform shaping circuit [医]波形整形电路 wear to one's shape (衣服)穿过一段时间后变得合身 wedge shape 楔形(断面) wedge shaped {adj.}楔形的,劈形的 wedge shaped brush {n.}楔形电刷 wedge shaped clip 楔形扣板 wedge shaped cut 楔形掏槽 wedge shaped defect [医]楔状缺损 wedge shaped filter [医]楔形滤线板 wedge shaped lightning arrester==>{adj.}楔形的,劈形的 {n.}楔形隙避雷器 wedge shaped plate 楔形板 welded structural shape 焊接结构型钢 wheel shape 轮形 wheel shaped 轮状的,辐状的 whip into shape==>{vt.}塑造 {}进行强制改革[善] whip sth into shape 把某物敲打成形,大力推动某事物使成形/使合格,把某事物整理好 wine-pot in the shape of a calabash 扁蒲壶 wing shape 翼形 wood shaping machine 木工刨床,木牛头刨 wrench for shaping bone plates [医]弯接骨板用扳手 x shaped cross member x形横梁 y shaped fracture system y型断裂体系 z shaped fracture system z型断裂体系 zone shape 熔区形状例句与用法: I made out two dim shapes in the gloom. 我在朦胧中看出有两个模糊的影子. Better that she should have resumed her former shape,as I permitted Io to do. 还不如当初我也叫她象伊俄一样重新恢复了人形呢! Shaped like a sword,as the leaf of an iris. 剑形的,如鸢尾属植物的叶子 A supporting part resembling a leg in shape or function. 假腿,义腿在形状或功能上与腿类似的支撑部分 A shrub or tree,such as the mountain laurel,having a similar aroma or leaf shape. 月桂属的树木具有类似芳香和叶子形状的灌木或乔木,如山月桂 Plasticine is soft and can be moulded,like wax,into any shape. 代用粘土柔软得很,可像腊一样捏成任何形状的东西。 It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man. 正是希腊人影响了西方人的思维。 I received a nasty surprise in the shape of a letter from the taxman. 我收到税务局的来信,把我吓得六神无主. This island is triangular in shape. 这个岛的外形呈三角形。 I'm having trouble giving shape to my ideas in this essay. 我在这篇文章中表达不清自己的想法。 Have some more shape. 再吃点果子冻. A huge shape loomed up out of the fog. 在雾中隐约出现一个巨大的影像。 We need a new manager to get the business into shape. 我们需要有个新经理来把业务安排妥当. These events helped to shape her future career. 这些事促成了她後来从事的事业. Sandra is a strict vegetarian and won't eat meat in any shape or form. 桑德拉是个严格的食素者,不吃任何形式的肉类制品。 I had seen photographs of women that streamlined their shapes and made them look so alluring that you knew it was all a trick,that once the spell was broken,and they moved,you would see that they were just ordinary women. 我见过有些女人的照片。她们使自己的身体呈流线型,看上去如此迷人,明摆着是唬人的。这层魔障一旦被打破,她们一走起来,就能看出她们也不过是些寻常女子。 A sea god who could change his shape at will. 普罗特斯一个能任意改变自己外形的海神 Something,such as an ornament or a figure of speech,that resembles a flower in shape,fineness,or attractiveness. 华丽;辞藻某种在形状、精细或吸引人的程度上与花相似的物品,例如一件饰物或一席讲话 The handle of this teapot has an awkward shape. 这茶壶把儿的形状真别扭. There are some ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark. 黑暗中有些蝙蝠飞翔的鬼影。 A small passenger van having a boxlike shape,side and rear windows,and typically removable rear seats for cargo. 小型客货车一种呈盒状的、有侧窗和后窗的、且后座可移开放货的小型乘用车 Something resembling a flame in motion,brilliance,intensity,or shape. 热情,激情在动态、亮度、强度或形态方面类似火焰的东西 The stones began to grow soft and to assume shape. By degrees they put on a rude resemblance to the human form. 这些石头开始变软,呈现形状,渐渐地带上了略似于人的状貌。 The capacity of a material,such as plastic or metal,to return to a previous shape after deformation. 弹性,恢复能力物质变形后恢复原来形状的能力,如塑料或金属 The full moon has a circular shape. 满月呈圆形。 The shape of the coin was imprinted on his tightly clenched hand. 一枚硬币的形状印在他那紧握的手上。 I've been coaching two high-jumpers for the next meeting and they're shaping up very nicely. 我一直在为下一届运动会训练两名跳高选手,他们的进步相当不错。 The shape,outline,or boundary of a coast. 海岸线海岸的形状、轮廓或边界 The child coloured in all the shapes on the page with a crayon. 那孩子用蜡笔把这页上所有的图形都涂上了颜色. A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour. 轮廓线,外廓线用于定义一形状或描绘一轮廓的线 The Asian peoples covet the right to shape their own free destiny. 亚洲人民渴望开创自己的自由生活的现实,这十分重要。 Shaped like a crescent. 新月形的象新月形状的 This island is in the shape of a cross. 该岛呈十字形。 Each mineral has crystals of a particular shape. 每种矿物的晶体都有其特殊的形状。 Shaped like a cusp. 形似尖端的 It has a span of4260 feet. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. 桥的跨度有4,260英尺。桥梁很长,所以它的设计师不得不考虑地球的形状。 A distinctively shaped or marked tail,as of a dog or deer. 旗形尾指有特殊形状或标志的尾,如狗或鹿的尾巴 A distortion of shape. 变形形状的扭曲 A stone that has been shaped,polished,or faceted by wind-driven sand. 风棱石,风磨石已被风吹起的沙子磨成形、磨光并磨成面的石头 A usually metal projectile in the shape of a pointed cylinder or a ball that is expelled from a firearm,especially a rifle or a handgun. 子弹,枪弹从火器中,尤指步枪或手枪中发射出来的金属射弹,形状为尖柱体或球状 A small bottle of liquor,shaped to fit in a pocket. 13盎司一瓶的威士忌酒一小瓶酒,形状适合于放在衣服口袋里 Easily resuming original shape after being sflexible. 柔韧的,有弹性的伸长或扩展后容易恢复原状的;柔韧的 The case for choice is appealing:by allowing parents to send their children to any school in any neighborhood,underachieving schools will be forced to shape up. 任意选择[学校]的主意很讨好:允许父母送子女到任何住宅区里的任何学校,可以逼迫成绩落后的学校改进。 Shaped like or resembling forceps. 钳形的形状象钳子的或与其极为相似的 Of definite shapenot liquid or gaseous. 固体的固定的形状和体积的;不是液体或气体的 Hhe must be out of shape. 他很容易疲倦,一定是身体有毛病。 The metal in the mould hardened into shape. 模子里的金属硬化成形。 Having a shape approximating that of a helix. 近似螺旋形的,近似螺旋线的 In structured analysis,the study of shapes and forms,herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations. 在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。 Imperfectly shaped or formed. 形状或形式不完美的 After getting that rise my finances are finally are finally in good shape. 在提高了工资后,我的经济情况终于使我感到满意。 If we can pull through this recession,we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。 I'm in good shape. 我的身体状况很好。 She's in good shape (ie fit) after months of training. 她经过几个月训练身体好了. I am in no shape worthy of your father's care. 我完全不值得你父亲的关怀。 You'll never be in shape until you eat less and take more exercise. 只有少吃多锻炼才能健美. Something resembling this object in shape or use. 烛形物在形状或用途上类似这种物体的事物 Resembling an egg in shape. 卵形的形状象鸡蛋的 An irregularly shaped mass or piece. 块团形状不规则的团或块 I've been jogging a lot to get myself into shape. 我长期慢跑锻炼身体. That lathe is used for shaping pieces of wood. 那个车床是用来加工木材的。 The new recruits will be fine once they've been licked into shape. 新兵一经训练就是好样儿的. The metal can be made to thread or the shape of any necessaries. 金属能制成金属线或任何需要的形状。 The shape or pattern of a mold. 模型一个模子的形状或式样 The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。 A percussion instrument consisting of a piece of metal in the shape of a triangle open at one angle. 三角铁一种打击乐器,由一块三角形的金属构成,在三角形的一个角开口 Out of proportion,as in size,shape,or amount. 不成比例的,不相称的,如在尺寸、形状或数量上 The children have been playing with my hat they've knocked it out of shape. 孩子们一直玩著我的帽子--把它弄得不成样子了. Take exercise if you're out of shape. 身体不好就要锻炼. His attitudes were shaped partly by early experiences. 他的想法在一定程度上是由他早期的经历决定的. This painting has a pleasing balance of shapes and colours. 这幅画在构图和色彩方面都十分谐调. An object likened to a slender,pointed missile either in shape,use,or effect. 外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体 A part or surface,such as a wing,propeller blade,or rudder,whose shape and orientation control stability,direction,lift,thrust,or propulsion. 翼剖面;机翼;翼面一个部件或平面,如机翼、螺旋桨叶、方向舵等,其形状或方位控制稳定性、方向、抬升、冲击或驱动 The pullover stretched (ie out of shape) after I had worn it a few times. 这件套头毛衣我穿了几次之後就撑大了(变形了). Having the shape of a rectangle. 矩形的具有矩形形状的 I'll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it. 我把头形勾勒出来,你可以在头四周画上天空。 A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape;a whaler. 尖尾长艇大小及形状与该划艇相似的船;捕鲸船 The water had sculptured the rocks into strange shapes. 水把岩石侵袭得奇形怪状。 The writer's dreams find a shape in his novel. 作者的理想在他的小说中得到体现。 Athletes must stay in shape. 运动员一定要保持身体健康。 The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman. 雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。 He has nothing in the shape of money. 他没有一文钱。 A huge shape loomed up through the fog. 一个巨大的影像在雾中隐约出现。 In shape,it was like a bell. 其形如钟。 We've no proposals from him in any shape or form. 我们没有得到他任何形式的建议。 He has some difficulty in giving shape to his ideas. 他很难清晰地表达他的意见。 Our vacation plans are shaping well. 我们的假期计划进展顺利。 The dress was shaped to her figure. 这件连衣裙做得很适合她的身材。 The potter shaped the clay into a vase. 陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。 Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one's character. 童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起重要作用。 Let time shape. 听其自然发展吧。 He find it difficult to give shape to his idea. 他觉得很难把他的想法,明确表达出来。 She could give no shape to her ideas. 她理不清自己的思路。 The teacher said I should shape up or go joining the army. 老师说我必须振奋起来否则去从军。 He will shape up into an excellent basketball player. 他会成长为一个优秀的蓝球运动员。 Easily molded or shaped. 可塑的,易成形的 The jacket is shaped (ie becomes narrower) at the waist. 这件外衣腰部很贴身(较窄). A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped. 模子一种框架或模型在其周围或在其上某物被塑造或成形 At first it was a giant column that soon took the shape of a supramundane mushroom. 最初它是一巨大圆柱状然後很快便形成一个超越现世的蕈状云。 At this time the watch and camera industries were taking shape. 这时,钟表和照相机工业开始形成。英英解释(Powered By WordNet):名词[1.n.shape]同义词:[shape(n.外形,形状,形态,(尤指女子的)体形,身段,形式 vt.制作,定形,使成形,塑造,使符合 vi.成形,形成,成长)] [form(n.形状,形态,外形,表格,形式 v.形成,构成,排列,(使)组成)] [configuration(n.构造,结构,配置,外形)] [contour(n.轮廓,周线,等高线)] [conformation(n.构造)]注释例句:any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline);"he could barely make out their shapes"上位词 -> [spatial property] [property(n.财产,所有物,所有权,性质,特性,(小)道具)] [attribute(n.属性,品质,特征,加于,归结于)] [abstraction(n.提取)] [entity(n.实体)]下位词 -> [sharpness(n.锐利)] [dullness(钝度,迟钝)] [topography(n.地形学)] [lobularity] [concavity(n.凹度)] [convexity(n.凸状,凸面)] [angularity(n.有角,生硬成,角状)] [narrowing(断面收缩,缩小,窄化,变窄,收针)] [curvature(n.弯曲,曲率)] [roundness(n.园,园满,完整,率直)] [straightness(n.正直,笔直,率直)] [crookedness] [stratification(n.层化,成层,阶层的形成)]属性 -> [straight(adj.直的,诚实的,正直的,率直的,整齐的 adv.直,直接,一直)] [crooked(adj.弯曲的,拐骗的,不老实的)]派生词 -> [shape(n.外形,形状,形态,(尤指女子的)体形,身段,形式 vt.制作,定形,使成形,塑造,使符合 vi.成形,形成,成长)][2.n.shape]同义词:[shape(n.外形,形状,形态,(尤指女子的)体形,身段,形式 vt.制作,定形,使成形,塑造,使符合 vi.成形,形成,成长)] [form(n.形状,形态,外形,表格,形式 v.形成,构成,排列,(使)组成)]注释例句:the spatial arrangement of something as distinc"geometry is the mathematical science of shape"上位词 -> [attribute(n.属性,品质,特征,加于,归结于)] [abstraction(n.提取)] [entity(n.实体)]下位词 -> [solid(n.固体,立体 adj.固体的,实心的,坚固的,结实的,立体的,可靠的,一致的,纯粹的)] [plane(n.平面,飞机,水平,程度,刨 adj.平的,平面的 v.刨,刨平)] [natural shape] [flare(n.闪光,闪耀 vi.闪光,突然烧起来,闪耀 vt.使闪耀,使张开)] [figure(n.外形,轮廓,体形,图形,画像,数字,形状,身份 vt.描绘,塑造,表示,象征,演算,认为 vi.出现,考虑,出名,扮演角色)] [line(n.绳,索,线路,航线,诗句 vt.排成一行,顺...排列,划线于,使有线条,使起皱纹 vi.排队)] [angular shape] [round shape] [distorted shape] [amorphous shape] [connection(n.连接,关系,接线,线路,亲戚)] [circle(n.圆周,圆形物,派系,循环 v.围,环绕盘旋)] [square(n.正方形,广场,平方,直角尺 adj.正方形的,四方的,直角的,正直的,公平的,结清的,平方的,彻底的 adv.成直角地,正直地,公平地,坚定地 v.使成方形,弄平,使直,与...一致,符合,自乘,结算)] [triangle(n. [数]三角形,三人一组,三角关系)] [column(n.圆柱,柱壮物,专栏,纵队)] [plume(n.羽毛)][3.n.shape]同义词:[human body] [physical body] [material body] [soma(n.身体,肉体,人体细胞)] [build(v.建造,建筑 n.构造,体格,体形)] [figure(n.外形,轮廓,体形,图形,画像,数字,形状,身份 vt.描绘,塑造,表示,象征,演算,认为 vi.出现,考虑,出名,扮演角色)] [physique(n. (男子的)体格,体形)] [anatomy(n.剖析,解剖学)] [shape(n.外形,形状,形态,(尤指女子的)体形,身段,形式 vt.制作,定形,使成形,塑造,使符合 vi.成形,形成,成长)] [bod(n.人)] [chassis(n.底盘)] [frame(n.结构,体格 vt.构成,设计,制定,使适合,陷害 vi. 有成功希望 n.帧,画面,框架)] [form(n.形状,形态,外形,表格,形式 v.形成,构成,排列,(使)组成)] [flesh(n.肉,(供食用的)兽肉,肉体,肉欲,果肉,蔬菜的嫩部,亲属,人体 vt.以肉喂(猎犬等),使肥,赋以血肉 vi.长胖)]注释例句:alternative names for the b"Leonardo studied the human body";"he has a strong physique";"the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"上位词 -> [body(n.身体,肉体,人,尸体,主要部分,团体,大量 vt.赋以形体)] [natural object] [whole(n.全部,全体,整体,完全之体系 adj.所有的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,未损伤的,未打破的 adv.完全,整个}


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