
> LandGrabbers: medieval real time battle strategy
应用大小:82.3 MB
语言:俄文, 德语, 英语
运行环境:需要 iOS 5.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。
LandGrabbers: medieval real time battle strategy应用说明
LandGrabbers是一款令人难以置信的十字军远征模拟游戏,现可在iPhone上使用!试想一下,你处在中世纪。那是一个有关城堡、骑士和十字军远征的时代。现在,假设你是一名卓越的军事领导人,拥有自己的部队。有什么可以阻止你征服世界吗?也许只是缺乏空闲时间。花几个小时把弄你的设备、组建民兵、攻克敌人的堡垒和周围的土地,你准备好了吗?这款令人上瘾的游戏非常独特,结合了策略游戏、模拟游戏和资源管理游戏的经典元素。准备在森林、沙漠甚至冰山中厮杀一番吧,共有27关,关关扣人心弦!特点:- 在4个不同地点的36关- 独特的层次映射设计支持更深入的战术能力- 三支令人难以置信的敌军- 五种具有不同战略功能的建筑物- 三个难度级别,即使是经验丰富的战略专家也将面临挑战- 华丽的图形和引人注意的配乐营造出中世纪氛围将军,你的部队都在等着你!现在是征服世界的时刻了!--------------------------------------------- 获得关于Nevosoft Games的内部独家新闻 在Facebook上加入我们: 在Twitter上关注我们: 在YouTube上观看我们的视频: 访问我们的网站:
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19:41:43.647---- 19:41:43.662----15.6001LandGrabbers游戏下载_LandGrabbers安卓版_手机爸爸游戏
体验令人着迷的、仿真和时间管理游戏《土地抢夺者》(LandGrabbers),该游戏在2011年俄罗斯游戏开发者大会上被评为年度游戏。 发动你的并在4个不同地方通过36个关卡 穿越中世纪,参加十字军,攻克城堡和塔楼,升级你的军队,并透过在中世纪战争中提升你的军队来成为传奇领袖。 针对更深战术能力而的独特关卡映射 准备好在森林、沙漠、冰
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Use your powerful army to conquer the world in Land Grabbers, a fun Strategy game set in the Middle Ages! In a time of castles, knights, and crusades, you are a brilliant military leader who has decided to take on the world! Take your army to the woods, the desert, and even a snowy winter wonderland in this challenging Strategy game!
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Game System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/8
CPU: 1.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 185 MB
Big Fish Games App System Requirements:
Browser: Internet Explorer 7 or later
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LandGrabbers is rated
4.8 out of
Rated 5 out of
jimchape from
Real time strategy for everyone!
This is the Big Fish game I play the most and have been playing it for years! The levels make it challenging for young children right up thru seasoned adults such as myself. Its great and challenging to beat the AI and the clock on one level and then have to come up with a completely new strategy on the next higher level so the AI won't kick your butt! If you've got an empty 10-15 minutes at work or home you can get in a quick round that will get you up and running better than 4 cups of coffee but watch out - its addictive and I've lost more hours than I care to know playing &just playing one more round...&! I really wish the creators at Nevosoft would come up with a sequel or new game along these same lines!
Rated 5 out of
PsiBorg from
Best game on big fish!
I must have replayed and finished every level on every difficulty at least 50 times.
I'll put it away for a few months and then come back to it after a fresh windows install and play it all over again.
Would love to see a second installment of this game one day!
Rated 5 out of
LthrTrooper from
Must get game
I have played this game over and over and over. Once I Have achieved all the prizes, I go back and come up with challenges for myself. I wish they would come up with a version where after you win playing one color you can go back and try to won from other (your choice) of color.
I HIGHLY recommend this game.
Rated 5 out of
denisekaye from
Fast and fun!
This game is fast-paced and challenging. I've beaten it but keep coming back to play again and again. I wish they'd come out with Land Grabbers II! Don't pass this one up :)
Rated 5 out of
Excellent Game with Deep Strategy
At first glance, Landgrabbers seems to be a pretty casual time management game, but it's more like a strategy game that hinges on time management. The strategic themes that are required to win at this game are so much more complex than just &take all their land.& You've got to really keep moving and never rest on the oars, because the AI is constantly attacking everywhere all the time. You've got to watch where you sent the troops from and how many will be left in the building afterwards. The power-ups really help quite a bit if you remember to use them consistently. On the bright side, if there's two or more enemies, they usually just attack each other and leave you alone for a bit. In conclusion, Landgrabbers is not remotely &casual& but a good blend of challenge and fun.
Rated 5 out of
dizzycarnie from
looking for a part 2?
Love playing this game. Does anyone know if Landgrabbers 2 is a thing maybe?
Rated 5 out of
rya2177 from
Great strategy/take over the land game!
Lots of fun! The kids love it too!
Rated 5 out of
markfitz1234 from
Did they ever make a Landgrabbers 2?
I got this game a few years ago, and enjoyed it. I played all three levels. Now I have a new computer and have rediscovered how much fun this game is again. I was wondering if they ever made a Landgrabbers 2? I would get it in a heartbeat!
I recommend this game. Very unique amongst the genres of Big Fish. Give it a few minutes and you will be hooked!
Rated 5 out of
sabinesa from
Goes to show
Don't judge entertainment value by it's cover.
I never play shooters in any form or kind, not only don't I enjoy them, I also am pathetic at it. Give me a decent Match3 or a Time Management Game any day over a shooter or tower defence game.
Initially by the pictures I wondered if this was a Time Management type game and therefore ended up reading the reviews. Hmm, sounded sort of neat - but a shooter type game???
Well, I've had hours of fun with this one. It's easy enough in what needs to be done, there is a fine element of strategy involved and it's humorous to boot. Every time I master a level, by now as Colonel, it gives me such good vibe. Its actually invigorating, and I didn't think I'd say that about a game in a hurry.
I can only hope that more people will try this even if its not their normal fair, because this is a little gem of fun.
Please, can we have a sequel. And keep it just as simple and straight forward, don't clutter it with gadgets or otherwise fancy stuff. This is great as it is.
Thanks a mill, Nevosoft.
Rated 5 out of
wasmoo from
This game is totes awesome
As it says on the tin, this game is amazing! Good strategy, good replay, and you get to go through twice more to do it without magic and under an almost ridiculous time crunch (but still possible).
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