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level up是什么意思
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level up英 ['levl ?p] 美 ['l?v?l ?p] level up 基本解释将(收入等)向上拉平; 垫平level up 网络解释1. 平整:包布要看面料是否紧紧贴覆(keep close to)内部填充(filled)物,是否平整(level up)挺括,特别是两个扶手和座、背结合处要过渡(transition)得自然(natural)、无碎褶(pleat,fold,tuck).2. 升级:讯息画面(Infromation)选项可以看到一些关于游戏难度的统计数字.点选「完成」回到人物记忆画面.重组队伍(Reform Party)可以让你改变队伍内的成员.在此外你要以解雇队员.点选「完成」可以回到人物资料画面.升级(Level Up)选项是当你的人物获得了足够的经验点数之后,3. 3. 上升:上升:increase, rise ,ascend ,core, surge,go up, climb ,mount ,level up | 下降: decrease, fall, drop ,descend ,decline ,reduce ,lessen ,level d... | 波动:fluctuate ,fluctuation ,rise and falls ,up and d...4. 升级,即升级后进行属性点处理的页面:々々. Skills:角色技能,可以查看角色的技能.
| 々々. Level Up:升级,即升级后进行属性点处理的页面.
| 々々. Log:登陆记录,查看你的帐号的登陆记录.level up 双语例句1. The resistance level of hybrids was closely related with the resistant level of the parents. In the field the resistance in seedling was highest and lowest in tasselling stage, that means the plant resistance level was dropped when the plant grow up.&&&&杂交种的抗病性与双亲的抗病性有密切关系;玉米杂交种苗期较抗病,抽丝期极为感病,这表明杂交种抗性随植株生长而递减。2. The space distribution tendency of CODM, NH3一N and TP was analyzed. The results show that after storing water up to 156 m in the Three Gorges reservoir. the variations of riverway breadth, water level and velocity result in pollutants being stagnated around the drain outlet for a long time and vertically diffused relatively evenly.&&&&结果表明,三峡水库蓄水 156 in后涪陵污水处理厂排污口附近的河道变宽,水深加大,流速减缓,致使污染物较长时间停留在排污口附近水域稀释和扩散,各断面的污染指标浓度在垂向上扩散较为均匀。3. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD3. Some traditional fork art such as the multi-tone fork songs and the Qiang kampang dance have been listed as the state-level non-material cultural heritage, and now it is the time to speed up the declaration of the Qiang fork opera as the cultural heritage for its rescue and protection.&&&&当羌笛、羌绣、羌年、羌族多声部民歌、羌族羊皮鼓舞等项目已入选国家级非物质文化遗产代表作名录之时,应该加快释比戏、许家湾花灯戏等羌族民间戏剧文化遗产及其传承人向上申报、争取抢救保护的步伐。4. 4. But, the Nong Gengwen of condition and massiness changes advantageous nature to go up in certain level however fetters and handcuffs the development of local economy.&&&&但是,优越的自然条件和厚重的农耕文化在一定程度上却桎梏了当地经济的发展。5. level up5. This research improve the logistics management level of the storehouse and service level, raise the ability of storing up of the storehouse field, thus improve the capacity of The raw materials port of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporations industrial harbor.&&&&本文研究的结论对提高武钢工业港散货码头生产能力,物流管理水平和服务水平,实现码头和堆场的智能化管理有重要的参考意义和实用价值。6. This research improve the logistics management level of the storehouse and service level, raise the ability of storing up of the storehouse field, thus improve the capacity of The raw materials port of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation`s industrial harbor.&&&&本文研究的结论对提高武钢工业港散货码头生产能力,物流管理水平和服务水平,实现码头和堆场的智能化管理有重要的参考意义和实用价值。7. We went up to do rough sensitivity analysis to the influence of this incident in different level.&&&&我们在不同层面上对该事件的影响做了粗略的敏感性分析。8. level up8. Potential semifinal opponents for Venus are No.3 seed Caroline Wozniacki, although the Dane has been struggling since mid-April after injuring her ankle in the C No.6 seed Svetlana Kuznetsova, who has had a string of early losses this year but did win the French O recent Top 10 stars Li Na and Flavia P and a true dark horse, No.31 seed Alexandra Dulgheru, who won the Premier-level lead up tournament in Warsaw last year, has gone deep there again this year.&&&&如果大威闯进半决赛,那么等待她的可能是丹麦美少女沃兹尼亚奇,尽管丹麦美少女在4月中旬的查尔斯顿半决赛上弄伤了脚踝,但是实力仍不可小觑;此外还有卫冕冠军库兹涅佐娃,而李娜和佩内塔也都将可能成为大威在半决赛上的对手。9. You will work directly with a start-up company, as well as with CEOs and board-level executives of global companies.&&&&您将直接与刚刚起步的公司,以及与公司总裁和董事会的全球性公司的管理人员。10. Meanwhile, multi-level and multi-factor models and methods are built up, of the vague mathematics synthetic assessment.&&&&房地产项目环境性能评价是项目可持续开发的必然要求和趋势。11. In 1992, for example, China reached a smoking rate of 10 cigarettes per person per day - the peak level in the U. S. in the 1950s. Forty years later, Americans paid the price of all that lighting up, with a record 33% of all middle-aged deaths caused by cigarettes.&&&&&&比如在1992年,中国已达到了平均每人每天吸10支香烟的比率,也就是50年代美国的高峰水平。40年后,美国人对吞烟吐雾付出了代价,在所有中年人的死亡率中,有33%是因吸烟所致,创立了纪录。12. Media reports recently stated that relevant departments have planned to set up a multi-functional and multi-level service system throughout the country, which offers services on personnel matters, domicile registration, matrimonial registration, enterprise registration, tax payment, license distribution and the approval of land utilization.&&&&&&媒体报道,有关部门已经计划在全国建设多功能、多层次的服务体系,以提供人事事务、居民登记、婚姻注册、企业登记交税、许可证的分配和土地使用权的审批。13. Researches show that the lack of Chinese football is omnidirectional, which embodies in the following aspects: lacking of technical and basic football skills, especially the poor ability in goaling, controll lacking of stamina, which makes the players can't catch up with the match' lacking
moreover, there are problems in hiring and training coaches, which are the reasons why the teaching level is so low in C the way of selecting and training players is so unreasonable that it is difficult to find suitable and perfect players for our national team.&&&&&&研究结果表明,中国足球与国外强队间有较大的差距,这个差距是全方位的。具体表现在技术动作掌握不好,基本功不扎实,射门、传球、抢截、控球等能力不强;体能不好,不能适应快节奏比赛的需要;比赛中缺少一种一往无前、英勇拼搏的进取精神;因教练员的来源存在问题,各梯队的教练员水平较低;青少年球员培养选材的方式方法有较大缺陷,成年队很难找到各方面能力都较强的球员。14. Proposes a series of possible reforms, such as applying integrated resource planning in master plan, establishing an interdisciplinary charrette system, using building energy simulation techniques to perform energy trade-off in design phase, setting up building commissioning mechanism, and introducing performance contracting system to design charge, in order to improve our HVAC design level in buil...&&&&&&提出了在规划设计中应用综合资源规划方法、建立各专业参与的会商制度、将建筑模拟技术用于设计阶段的能耗权衡、建立全程优化调整机制,以及采用基于性能的设计合同等方法,以进一步提高我国暖通空调节能设计水平。15. 15. They may assume a strident command- and-control approach or else turn passive — by clamming up, being indirect, failing to ask for what they want or need, and refusing to delegate junior-level tasks and responsibilities.&&&&&&她们可能会采取强硬的命令控制方式,也可能转为被动─默不作声、间接、不提出她们的要求或需要、拒绝把较低阶的任务和责任分派出去。<p class="p1查询·英语单词16. Placing a landmark near commercial zones helps businesses grow. The quickest way to determine the reason for your current desirability level is to query the buildings in the area. Using the Query tool, either hover over a building to get a quick glimpse of the most important information, or click on the building to bring up a dialog with detailed information.&&&&&&在商业区附近放地标有助商业发展(译者按:对于地标的作用不要估计过高,依12兄关于地价的研究表明,地标并不能提高地价;而依天唐永的说法,地标只对商业服务业有帮助,对商业办公无效;就鄙人观察而论,在不考虑其他因素的情况下,客流是关键,如果客流低,旁边即使有地标,也未必会起商业高楼)。17. Selecting certain section of North-south Elevated Road in shanghai to develop and set up several curved and erect, turnable noisae-preventing screens, and making comparative noise level test and then conducting analysis and approach on sound environment werw presented in this article.&&&&&&在上海市区南北高架与地面道路建设期间,选择了一些典型的高架路段,开发和设置了弧型与面立型两种可翻转式防噪声屏,并作了对比噪声测试,进行了声环境的分析、探讨。18. level up的解释18. Capacitive level controllers are available for gases to -200 °C as well as hot glue up to +230 °C.&&&&&&PTFE和聚醚醚酮在这里的首选材料,因为它们防止粘连。19. Uses a bottom-up approach to teach students how high level language control and data structures are represented at the machine level.&&&&&&使用一种由下往上的方法教学生高级语言控制和数据结构怎么代表在机器水平。20. There''''s a group of high-level, high-quality technicians and senior management, they will use advanced technology and management system introduced to the concrete mixing transmission equipment on board the series: Vice-car beam, the mixing tube [6m3, 7m3, 8m3, 9m3, 10m3, 11m3, 12m3, 14m3], water tanks, round up, into the hopper and tank discharge, under take-off and landing, the chute, and other accessories mixer coat.&&&&&&公司有一批高水平、高素质的技术人员和高级管理人员,他们将运用先进的技术手段和管理体系向社会推出混凝土搅拌输送车上装各系列产品:副车梁、搅拌筒[6m3、7m3、8m3、9m3、10m3、11m3、12m3、14m3]水箱、托轮、进料斗、卸料槽、升降杆、溜槽等搅拌车上装配件。level up 单语例句1. Does she tend to stay at that level by age 14, or catch up to kids with denser bones?2. The global rate of urbanization has already tilted past 50 percent, and China will catch up with this level by the end of the year.3. But Cloudy doesn't come close to Up's level of subtle emotional detail and incisiveness.4. There's this constant push in China to build things up from the grassroots level.5. The deafening cheering from the Chinese audience certainly drove up their adrenaline to its highest possible level.6. Its core technology, measurement mode and accuracy have reached up to the world advanced level.7. I believe that the Party congress will boost China's independent innovation level and help us keep up with the world's most advanced technology.8. It also asks governments above county level to set up a system, standards and cost ranges for official receptions.9. Under a level IV emergency response, monitoring of emergencies will be stepped up and reported to the State Council.10. Underlying the current crisis is the huge level of government debt built up over many years in several EU countries.level up是什么意思,level up在线翻译,level up什么意思,level up的意思,level up的翻译,level up的解释,level up的发音,level up的同义词,level up的反义词,level up的例句,level up的相关词组,level up意思是什么,level up怎么翻译,单词level up是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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