
Day Three, 10 June
By the morning of 10 June Einan’s 162 Ugda – supported by vicious attacks of IDF/AF fighter-bombers and attack helicopters - broke through the positions of the 51st Syrian Brigade at Ayn Dara, destroying a number of T-62 tanks in the process. In return, it was hit by several Gazelle- and attacks by SyAAF fighter-bombers between 07:15 and 08:30hrs, losing additional vehicles in the process. Namely, the SyAAF has sent a large number of Gazelles into “search and destroy” missions over Lebanon, as the Syrian army was unable to confirm location of enemy units due to a very fluid situation. The Gazelle-crews were thus roaming deep over the Beka’a Valley, searching for suitable targets. Several times they were successful, in other cases not: as by the time the IDF started deploying M-163 Vulcan self-propelled anti-aircraft guns with its forward mechanized units, their task became extremely dangerous. One of the Gazelles was indeed badly damaged by 20mm AAA after attacking a column of Israeli tanks and claiming four direct hits. The pilot was badly injured but flew his smoking SA.342 back to al-Mezzeh and laded it safely: he was immediately hospitalized and managed to recover only after emergency surgery.
第3天 ,6月10日
The last in this series of attacks, executed around 09:00hrs near the Hill 1943, reportedly left a number of Israeli vehicles afire. Simultaneously, another Gazelle-attack was flown against the Task Force Vardi, in the area between Ayn Zhalta and Azzoniyeh, and two hours later Gazelles of the 977 Squadron attacked also a column of Israeli tanks moving from Barouch towards Ayn Zhalta. Eventually, Einan’s advance was stopped cold only few kilometres short of his objective: it remains unclear if this happened due to fierce Syrian counterattacks or because Einan was ordered to turn and attack towards east. Certainly, the IDF was interested in capturing at least a section of the Beirut-Damascus highway and thus splitting Syrian forces in Lebanon in two, as well as advancing into the rear of the 1st Armoured Division. There must have been a strong reason for them not to attempt doing this.
在这一系列的攻击之后,在9:00左右在1943高地附近执行任务,据报道,以色列留下了一定数目的着火车辆,其他的“小羚羊”攻击了vardi特遣队,在Ayn Zhalta 和Azzoniyeh之间的地区,两个小时之后,第977“小羚羊”中队也攻击了一队自Barouch向Ayn Zhalta移动的以色列坦克,埃南的推进停止在距离他的目标仅仅几千米的地方,仍然不清楚,是发生了叙利亚军队的激烈抵抗还是因为埃南决定转向向西攻击,当然,以军得兴趣在夺得贝鲁特-大马士革高速公路的至少一段,将在黎巴嫩的叙利亚军队分割为两部分,以及推进到叙利亚第1装甲师的后方,一定有重要的原因使他们不愿做这样的尝试。
Meanwhile, the 252 Ugda was moving as well, despite very difficult terrain and poor roads, and by the noon its leading elements were in full advance towards north. However, around 15:30hrs it was hit by an attack of SyAAF Gazelles while struck in a traffic jam near the Hill 1794, north of Shab’a. As the helicopters targeted one tank and APC after the other, firing their missiles outside the range of Israeli machine-guns, a chaos broke out. Syrians claimed seven M-113s and M-60s destroyed during this attack. Ignoring his difficult situation Ben Gal was pushing his units forward, reorganizing 252 Ugda for an advance by night.
To the right of the Ugda 252, after overruning vacated positions of the Syrian 91st Tank Brigade, the Task Force Peled reached Yanta, near the Syrian border, where it was stopped by the Syrian 21st Mechanized Brigade – the second element of the 1st Armoured Division that was still on march from Damascus. The leading elements of the 90 Ugda joined Peled after a fighting march through Beka’a Valley. Despite fierce air battles raging overhead, in the afternoon Yanta and the newly-set-up local Israeli HQs was hit by a tremendous attack by several waves of Syrian Sukhoi Su-22s, in which the IDF vize-Chief of Staff, Gen. Yekotai Adam, was killed as well (according to Israeli sources, Adam was killed by a Palestinian boy, using an RPG-7).
Gazelles followed in the wake of the fighter-bombers, hitting a number of M-60s and M-113s along the road from Ayn Ata to Rashayya. Given that this communication is running parallel to the Syrian border and only few kilometres away from it, the SyAAF now had it very easy to deploy an increasing number of attack helicopters. 12 Israeli tanks were reportedly hit during this attack alone and a number of other vehicles was destroyed as well.
“小羚羊”在战斗轰炸机的轰鸣声中跟进,在Ayn Ata 至 Rashayya的沿途道路上击中了一些m-60s坦克和m-113装甲车,鉴于以军这种通讯情况是并行的,并且距离叙利亚边界仅有几千米,叙利亚空军掌握了它非常容易去部署增加一定数目的武装直升机,据报12辆以军坦克被击中,还有一定数目的车辆被摧毁。
Clearly, until today the Israelis deny any such Syrian strikes, and none of their sources mentions large tank battles in the area south and south-east of Lake Karoun: according to their reports issued to Pentagon their whole force in Lebanon suffered only four injured troops on that day. However, the following comment from an IDF/AF F-16-pilot who scored the only kill against a Syrian Su-22 of that war, on 11 June 1982, is clearly indicating what must have happened at Yanta:
- Of all the four kills I made, downing the Su-22 gave me the greatest satisfaction because I saw the horrendous results of a Sukhoi attack on our ground forces a day earlier.
Another Gazelle-raid then hit the Peled’s Special Manoeuvre Force on the road from Ayn Ata to Rashayya. These attacks bought sufficient time for the Syrians not only to pull back the survivors from the 10th Armoured Division back behind the border, but also to deploy reinforcements in anti-tank commandos by Mi-8 helicopters into the Ghazzah area: despite the supposed “total” IDF/AF air superiority, not a single of at least a dozen of involved SyAAF helicopter was detected by the Israelis. Nevertheless, the SyAAF did lose a Mi-8 to Israeli anti-aircraft fire during another operation.
另一些“小羚羊”空袭,在在Ayn Ata 至 Rashayya的沿途道路上袭击佩莱德特遣队,这些攻击带来了足够的时间不仅使得叙利亚第10装甲师的幸存者回到边界的后方,而且也将由米-8运输的反坦克突击队进入Ghazzah地区以增强防御。尽管假定以军的空中优势,但参与的叙利亚至少一打的直升机没有一架被以色列发现,不过,在另一次行动中一架叙利亚米-8直升机被以色列防空炮火击落。
The Syrian air strikes and fierce artillery attacks against all known forward Israeli headquarters, as well as a fluid situation in Lebanon now obviously resulted in a critical mistake of the Israeli leadership. The situation on the battlefield was far from clear, then the two opponents were deeply wedged into each other. But, at least the IDF/AF should have been in possession of air superiority, enabling Israeli reconnaissance assets to find the enemy and track the Syrians down. Strangely enough, this was obviously not the case. The Israelis either completely failed to notice or misunderstood that the Syrians were reorganizing their units after the battering experienced by their 10th Armoured Division. This elements of this unit that were originally surrounded south of the Lake Karoun were pulled out of Lebanon, regroupped and - as already mentioned - later re-equipped with T-55 tanks. The rest of this division pulled back towards the north. Simultaneously, two armoured brigades of the 3rd Armoured Division were moved towards south from the Beirut-Damascus road, with intention of closing the gap that came into being through the collapse of 10th Armoured Division's front south of them. The 1st Armoured Division, equipped with T-72s and still fresh despite the fighting along the border, was then to enter Lebanon along the Beirut-Damascus road and replace the 3rd. The Syrians were therefore not falling back, just replacing their units: however, the IDF considered the movement of the 1st Armoured Division towards north for a general withdrawal. Consequently, the Israelis immediately pushed their units into “pursuit” towards north. The IDF was to pay a high price for this mistake.
Chaos of &Sultan Yacoub&: 11 June
On the evening of 10 June, Ben Gal once again rushed his troops forward. To the north of them was an area known as well-fortified by the Syrians. Nevertheless, the Israelis considered their opposition as weak: only two commando battalions of 250 men each, and few tanks was what – at least in theory – was standing between them and the Beirut-Damascus road in this part of Lebanon. “In theory”, then the Israelis were already informed about deployment of a strong Syrian mechanized force along the strategic highway, from east towards West. Obviously, the IDF HQs concluded that the Syrians were rather preparing for a “last-ditch” counterattack, then bringing serious reinforcements to the frontlines.
“苏坦 亚库布”的混乱:6月11日
The task of leading this final advance fell on 90 U a unit that was previously successful in fighting the Syrian 91st Armoured Brigade, and destroying no less but 35 Syrian tanks in exchange for five own losses. Commander of the 90 Ugda, Brig.Gen. Giora Leo, received the corresponding order around 19:00hrs. Several hours later, its 362 Battalion, equipped with M48A-3 Magach-3 tanks, drove through the village of as-Sultan Yac'ub at Tanta – only to receive strong fire of all calibres and have its leading element cut off deep inside the Syrian positions.
主导这一关键推进的任务落在第90师级战斗群的身上:一支早先成功战胜叙军第91装甲旅的部队,在战斗交换中摧毁不少于35辆叙利亚坦克,自身损失5辆,90师级战斗群的指挥官是本.加尔.格拉.雷恩,在19:00收到相应的指令。晚了几个小时,它的第362战斗群,装备M-48A3马加奇3坦克,在坦他行进穿过as-Sultan Yac'ub村,仅遇到各种口径的重火器射击,其先头部队深深切入叙军阵地内部。
By 01:30hrs in the morning of 11 June the trapped Israeli battalion was in a state of chaos, blocked in a narrow valley on the end of which was another village, drawing heavy direct- and artillery-fire from several sides. It was not until 04:00hrs that the situation slowly improved, although during the permanent contact with Syrians around it the unit lost several tanks and a number of crewmembers. Several Syrian Army anti-tank teams participated in this battle, attacking from very short ranges with RPGs, as well as Milan ATGMs. Early in the morning the Israelis were also strafed by two MiG-21s, but these dropped no bombs due to close proximity of their own troops. Eventually, the IDF was unable to mount a large-scale operation in time to recover the the 90 and the nearby 880 Ugdas - deployed to Lebanon only a day earlier - were busy attempting to prevent the 3rd Syrian Armoured Division's attempt to advance towards the south, and preven the 1st Armoured Division from deploying along the Beirut-Damascus road towards west.
Eventually, what was left of the 362 Battalion had to dash for Israeli lines in the course of the morning, with massive artillery support, but leaving some eight destroyed or abandoned M-48s behind.
There was a sense of urgency in extracting the remnants of the 362 Battalion from behind the Syrian lines, then meanwhile the final Israeli push towards north was in full swing, while the Syrian 1st Armoured was deploying along the highway from the border towards Beirut. Besides, the Israeli and Syrian governments agreed to a ceasefire, to start at noon of 11 June, and now both sides were in a rush to grab as much as they could.
Final clashes occurred in two sectors. Early in the morning, the 81st Syrian Armoured Brigade, equipped with T-72 tanks, reached Shtawrah - where a forward repair shop was set - and then turned south along two parallel roads – driving directly into positions of the 409 Israeli Anti-Tank battalion (originally part of the Task Force Peled), and M-60s of the 767 Armoured Brigade. The Syrian tankers, emboldened by their first success from 9th of June, advanced without careful reconnaissance of the area in front of them. In a short but sharp clash that occurred in the late morning, the Israelis hit 12 T-72s with TOWs, forcing the Syrian brigade to pull back to Beirut-Damascus highway. This vital communication, however, remained in Syrian hands: in fact, the Syrians also claimed up to ten M-60s destroyed during this battle while collecting their destroyed and badly damaged T-72s back in Shtawrah.
Meanwhile, in the Beka’a Valley 7th Armoured Brigade of Eitan’s 162 Ugda engaged T-62s of the 58th Syrian Brigade due south of Jub Jnin: in exchange for two destroyed Merkavas, the Israelis knocked out at least a dozen of T-62s. The Syrians claimed destruction of 21 to 30 Israeli armoured vehicles during this battle - which culminated shortly before noon, with attacks of attack helicopters from both sides. Israeli AH-1s and MD.500 Defenders claimed destruction of 15 T-62s and few T-72s near Zahla. However, they encountered fierce anti-aircraft fire and were not able to execute their attacks as expected. One of Defenders was badly damaged by explosion of a shell nearby, so that it crashed on the ground in front of Syrian positions: the navigator was heavily injured but the pilot pulled him out of wreckage and both were recoered by an AB.212. Another Defender was apparently lost to anti-aircraft fire from Israeli armoured units after being misidentified as a Syrian Gazelle: obviously, after previous experiences with SA.432s the Israeli gunners were exceptionally nervous by the time. In return, the Merkavas of the 7th Israeli Brigade shot down at least one Gazelle using their 105mm cannons, and another Syrian SA.342 should have been shot down by a long-range TOW-shot from an Israeli Cobra helicopter.
当然最主要的,在贝卡谷地的埃南的162师级战斗队的第7装甲旅遇上了在jub jnin以南的叙利亚第58旅,在被摧毁了2辆“梅卡瓦”之后,以军击毁了至少一打的T-62s,叙利亚声称在这场战斗在中午之前的短暂激战中摧毁了21-30辆以色列装甲车辆,同时双方的武装直升机也参与了进攻,以色列的AH-1s和md.500“卫士”声称摧毁了扎赫勒附近的15辆T-62s和几辆T-72s,可是,他们遇到了猛烈的防空炮火,不能执行他们预期的攻击任务,一架“卫士”被附近一阵防空炮火的轰击严重损坏,使得他坠毁在叙利亚阵地前方的地面上:领航员严重受伤,但飞行员将其拉出飞机残骸,两人都被AB-212营救,另一架“卫士”的损失显然被以色列装甲部队的防空炮火误当做一架叙利亚的“小羚羊”:显然,有了以往与“小羚羊”的经验后,以色列炮手到时候异常紧张,作为回报,以色列第7装甲旅的“梅卡瓦”用105mm主炮击落了至少一架“小羚羊”,另一架“小羚羊”应该是被以军“眼镜蛇”武装直升机用一枚远程发射的“陶”式导弹击落。
How fierce and bitter the fighting on the group was shows the fact that - according to contemporary reports in Israeli press - in the fierce fighting of this day a single Israeli Brigade suffered a loss of 18 KIA - including its commander, Col. Avigdor Shriper - 87 injured, and 22 tanks destroyed.
显露怎样在团队中进行激烈和严酷的战斗的事实,根据以色列现代的新闻报告,在这一天的激烈战斗中,一个以色列旅遭受了18人阵亡的损失—包括它的指挥官vigdor Shriper上校,87人受伤,22辆坦克损毁。
Mixed Results
Despite the ceasefire, the fighting was to resume several days later: in fact, by the end of 1982 there were to be no less but eleven additional ceasefires agreed between the Israelis and Syrians.
Bean-counting began already on the afternoon of 11 June, of course. On a press conference in early July 1982, the representants of the Syrian Ministry of Defence stated that SA hunter-killer AT-teams destroyed 23 Israeli tanks during the first three days of fighting (between 8 and 11 June) for only minor losses to themselves (overall, the Syrians claimed destruction of “more than 120 Israeli tanks, APCs and mine-clearing vehicles by their ATGMs by the time). Subsequent studies proved that Syrian &hunter-killer& teams in fact hit a total of some 60 Israeli M-60s and Merkavas. However, no less but half of these remained operational, while only few of the others were completely destroyed (some sources state that SA anti-tank teams destroyed only two IDF tanks). As well-known, the Merkavas were heavily armoured and had very good anti-detonation as well as fire-protection equipment, while M-60s, M-48s and Centurions were heavily protected by explosive-reactive-armour (ERA). Although the IDF subsequently concluded that the ERA on their tanks needed improvement, and that at least two Merkavas were indeed destroyed by Syrian anti-tank teams (the IDF lost a total of seven Merkava Mk.1s written-off during this war), it is obvious that these tanks were extremely problematic opponents. The situation with M-113s was less satisfactory: these APCs apparently suffered such losses in the first few days of the war, that by the time the IDF reached Beirut the Israelis were doing their best to avoid deploying them in combat first of all. The Israeli infantry therefore marched beside its APCs for the best part of their way into Lebanon.
Nevertheless, the fact was also that the Israelis were swift to adapt tactics of their mechanised formations against Syrian AT-teams. They would use 20mm M-163 Vulcan guns to spray their possible positions and TOW-missiles to hit them precisely – usually with deadly results. To counter such weapons the Syrians preferred fighting at shorter range and using lighter anti-tank weapons. This forced the Israelis to deploy their commandos in order to tackle the Syrian anti-tank snipers: much more often than expected the Syrians had the unpleasant experience of being hunted instead of hunting. The resulting clashes were extremely bitter and brutal. This is at best illustrated by the fact that only between 10 and 15% of Syrian anti-tank hunters survived this war. Very few were captured alive, including only one officer: 1st Lt. Mehdi fell into Israeli hands in a badly injured condition, but defied all the IDF efforts to break his spirit before being returned to Syria. As Captain he was later to fight against the Iraqis, in 1991, together with US forces.
Despite immense problems, quite a few surprises, and losses, the Israelis were eventually satisfied with results of the conventional part of the war in Lebanon: in four days of battles they claimed destruction of 81 Syrian tanks, and capturing 41 (mainly T-62s), losing only eight M-48s and two Merkavas in return. Supposedly, one of destroyed Merkavas was subsequently salvaged and repaired. Pictorial evidence exists for a number of additional M-60s being destroyed as well, while the losses of M-113s were obviously so heavy that they were not deployed in forward lines until much later, when most were equipped with additional protection against anti-tank missiles.
The Syrians were not entirely satsified, even if their local commanders showed great initiative and tactical skill on the battlefied, proving that the additional training and decentralization of the command system of the SA were proper decisions. The main problem of the SA was that some of its larger units failed to fully exploit the poor situation of several Israeli units: there was a number of situations in which Syrian brigades and battalions stopped and started digging-in instead of advancing towards south where they could establish better defensive positions. Consequently, they did not manage to deploy the 3rd Armoured into the old positions of the 10th Armoured Division. Nevertheless, they fought with vigour and ferocity surpassing anything seen before from a Syrian soldier, and eventually stopped the Israeli advance. In fact, the IDF failed to reach its objectives in the Beka'a Valley as by the ceasefire on 11 June the Syrians still held the Beirut-Damascus highway after fighting an opponent that was superior in numbers and quality: the IDF deployed an equivalent of five divisions with something like 1.000 tanks against only something like two Syrian.
The SyAAF, of course, came away in a very bad shape, losing between 85 and 87 fighters and 24 or 27 pilots (Syrian sources differ on this issue) in air battles and to Israeli ground defences between 6 June and 8 July 1982. Yet, the Syrians were proud with performance of their attack helicopter- and fighter-bomber-crews. Although flying well over 150 attack sorties, only two Gazelles were shot down by the Israelis (both crews were killed). Two other examples were badly damaged during the fighting and subsequently captured by the Israelis: one of these was rebuilt and test-flown in Israel (for comparison, the IDF/AF lost only one Defender). At least an additional SA.342 was badly damaged but flown back to Syria. In exchange the SyAAF claimed destruction of 95 ground targets by Gazelles, including 71 tanks, five APCs, three trucks, two artillery pieces, nine M-151 jeeps, and five tanker trucks. While these figures are usually considered as exaggerated, a closer examination of all known reports about IDF losses as published in the Israeli media, shows that the Israelis very likely did lose as many tanks, and certainly many more APCs and other vehicles. Besides, one should not forget that attack helicopters are considered extremely effective by most armies of the world, and that this fact was proved not only in a number of exercises, but also in several wars.
Overall it is sure that the Syrian Gazelles proved their worth during this war beyond any doubt. When they were pulled from the battlefield, in the wake of the cease-fire from 11 June, the SA.342s were badly missed by remaining Syrian troops in Lebanon. For the rest of that war the Syrian Army's anti-tank teams had to fight alone.
Aérospatiale SA.342 Gazelle was the main anti-tank weapon of the Syrian Air Force in this war. The three units equipped with the type flew slightly over 100 combat sorties during four days of battles between the Syrians and Israelis, in June 1982. Their crews claimed well over 30 kills against Israeli tanks and additional hits on a number of other vehicles. In exchange the SyAAF Gazelles suffered a loss of five helicopters. (Artwork by Tom Cooper)
Syrian Army anti-tank team seen displaying its main weapons: RPG-7s. (US DoD via Tom Cooper)
bandoned Syrian T-62 MBT as found in southern Lebanon. The T-62 proved well during fierce battles with Israelis, although the 76th and 91st Tank Brigades suffered a loss of something like 60 tanks of this type. In return the T-62s scored at least two confirmed kills against Merkavas. ( archive)
Advancing along narrow roads in long columns, as seen here, forward Israeli units were easy target of Syrian (and Palestinian) ambushes. The Syrians combined effectivelly the ambushes set by their commandos with helicopter attacks, apparently with considerable success. ( archives)
he ER-armour of Magach 6 was effective against anti-tank missiles and rocket-propelled grenades used by the Syrians, but not yet perfect. This Magach was one of two confirmed victims of Syrian Army anti-tank teams during the fighting in June 1982. (US DoD via Tom Cooper)
SyAAF MiG-23BNs flew over 100 combat sorties between 8 and 11 June 1982, repeatedly hitting advancing Israeli units. However, usually being deployed in the first attack wave they suffered heavy losses to Israeli F-15s and F-16s. (via Yaser al-Abed)
本帖最后由 mp586 于
18:29 编辑
What the Syrians were facing: against an equivalent of two Syrian, the Israelis deployed at least five divisions in Lebanon, equipped with some of best protected armour of their time. However, narrow communications and difficult terrain frequently caused tremendous traffic jams along the routes of Israeli advance. Whenever the Syrians detected such points they would send a flight of SA.342 Gazelles to attack: the Israelis deny suffering heavier losses, but some sources clearly indicate the horror of attacks from Syrian helicopters experienced by IDF troops. (US DoD via Tom Cooper)
SyAAF MiG-23BN seen while pulling up from low-level attack. The type proved capable of moving considerable combat loads at high speed and low level, but suffered during the war in 1982 from the lack of advanced self-protection equipment like RWRs and ECM-systems. At least seven were shot down by Israeli F-15s and F-16s, and at least one by MIM-23B I-HAWKs of the Israeli Air Force. (via Yaser al-Abed)
本帖最后由 mp586 于
18:31 编辑
Members of a Syrian Army anti-tank team taking rest between two engagements with Israelis, somewhere in central Lebanon. (US DoD via Tom Cooper)
Syrian troops parade one of captured Israeli M-48 down the streets of a city in Lebanon. (via A.A.)
During the battle of Sultan Yacoub the Syrians destroyed or captured at least eight Israeli M-48A-3s converted to Magach 3 configuration by addition of ERA. This M-48 is one of former mounts of the 362 Battalion IDF and today displayed at the Teshren Panorama Museum, in Damascus - still in excellent condition, and complete with all markings. (Photo by Tom Cooper)
在Sultan Yacoub战役期间,叙利亚摧毁或者俘获了至少8辆以色列M-48A-3s改装的配置反应装甲的“马加奇3”,这辆M-48是以色列第362营以前的坐骑之一,今天陈列在teshren综合博物馆,在大马士革,仍然处于良好的状态,所有的标志完整。
Although the Israelis claimed possession of air superiority over Lebanon since afternoon of 9 June 1982, the SyAAF continued dispatching ever larger formations of fighter-bombers to attack advancing Israeli units. MiG-21s mainly acted as close escort for MiG-23BN and Su-20/22 fighter-bombers, but were several times also deployed in air-to-ground role - air-to-ground role,
like on the morning of 11 June when two straffed the trapped elements of the 362 Tank Battalion IDF. (Artwork by Tom Cooper)
Syrian anti-tank teams successfully deployed French-made Milan ATGMs during the war in Lebanon as well. The effectiveness of this weapon in combat against well-protected Israeli armour remains unknown. (US DoD via Tom Cooper)
Another victim of Syrian anti-tank teams was this Merkava Mk.1, destroyed in Beirut, in early summer 1982 by an RPG. The Israelis subsequently mounted a local counterattack and recovered the wreckage. ( archives)
另外concord系列的 armour at war系列出版了不少第五次中东战争的专辑,但似乎都没有关注小羚羊的作用效果,话说,小羚羊只能载4枚霍特,在这场战斗中有没有表现出弹药携带量不足的窘境。我很纳闷,小羚羊似乎不常使用其他武器配备,那么在数量有限,弹药有限,一次挂弹量也有限的情况下,是如何大量摧毁以色列目标的
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