模拟人生四sims4 get to workk什么时候上

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EA旗下模拟经营大作《模拟人生4(The Sims 4)》终于迎来了首部大型资料片“来去上班(Get to Work)”,今天游侠论坛会员“egureh”就为我们带来了《模拟人生4:来去上班》的中英文数位版的原装正版下载。
09:22:25 上传
在《模拟人生4:来去上班(The Sims 4: Get to Work)》中,玩家将可扮演治愈病人的医生、解谜破案的侦探,或是设计疯狂发明的科学家。拿起徽章、听诊器或实验室工作服去上班!在全新工作场所管理模拟市民,运用您的分析谋略,以科学家身份创建疯狂的发明,看一看以侦探身份在调查犯罪场景时能揭露什么样的秘密,或者变身医生以治疗病患、接生婴儿和实施紧急外科手术。如果您比较喜欢当自己的老板,创立、自订并管理您自己的零售事业并成为模拟百万富翁。总之,由你决定模拟市民如何去上班。
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【游侠导读】EA今日正式公布了《模拟人生4(The Sims 4)》的首部大型资料片“来去上班(Get to Work)”的上市日期,并公开了一段全新的官方中文预告片,介绍了新加入的“医生”角色。
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4:来去上班(The Sims 4: Get to Work)是EA Games制作发行的一款模拟经营类游戏,这款游戏的画面十分的逼真,在这款游戏中玩家要打造属于自己的人生!【游戏介绍】这款游戏是系列的最新作品,游戏在原来的基础上还加入了全新的元素。在这款游戏中主要讲述的是为了满足各位工作狂的需要而特别打造的。在这里玩家要扮演一名领导者,在这里你需要掌握公司的大小事物,在游戏中你需要让公司全体员工都能为公司很好的工作。而同时你要寻找人才让他们晋升,以及让其他打酱油的退出公司。这款游戏深受到玩家们的喜爱,玩家们千万不要错过哦!【配置要求】最:操作系统:Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, 或者Windows 8.1处理器:1.8 GHz 2核, AMD Athlon 64 双核 4000+ 或同等级处理器内存: 至少 2 GB硬盘空间:: 最少9 GB空间和1GB存储空间显卡: 128兆显存, 支持颗粒渲染器3.0的显卡:GeForce 6600 或者更高, ATI Radeon X1300 或者更高, Intel GMA X4500 或者更高声卡: DirectX 9.0c兼容声卡DIRECTX: DirectX 9.0c compatible输入设备: Keyboard and Mouse推荐配置:操作系统: 64 Bit Windows 7,8, or 8.1处理器: Intel core i5 or faster / AMD Athlon X4内存: 4GB RAM硬盘空间: 至少9GB空闲空间以及至少1GB空间来存储自定义内容和游戏存档DVD-ROM: DVD ROM drive required for installation only显卡: NVIDIA GTX 650或更高级别声卡: DirectX 9.0c CompatibleDIRECTX: DirectX 9.0c compatible输入设备: Keyboard and Mouse【模拟人生4来去上班游戏视频】
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中文植物大战僵尸(Plants vs. Zombies)中文汉化单机第二版预览图
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中文仙剑奇侠传5(Chinese Paladin 5)标准硬盘完整破解版预览图
模拟人生4:来去上班 (The Sims 4: Get to Work)PC豪华中文破解版
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www.3h3.com 版权所有 浙ICP备号The Sims 4 Get to Work: Scientist Career (Active)
The Sims 4 Get to Work: Scientist
Inventions, Serums, and Active Career Schedule
A Scientist works with the Invention Constructor
The Sims 4's Scientist Career is a fun new Active Career added with the
. While on the job, you'll do a lot of science-y activities and unlock new inventions and serums, upgrade your SimRay, as well as the ability to order your co-workers around. There are loads of lab coats and accessories to unlock for your Sim in CAS as you get promoted, and you'll gradually get the ability to travel to Sixam, the Alien World in The Sims 4! Look to the screenshots here to see the three pieces of equipment you need to properly do your job. Below, you will find a listing of all the serums and inventions, with what those do and what you need to make them.
You'll need no particular
to be successful as a Scientist, given the negligible boost that
provides to active careers. Geek can be good, given the
present at the Science Lab. Something like 'Good' or 'Cheerful' may be handy as a buffer against negative , however. The Curator Aspiration is a little easier to complete as a Scientist, given the collecting opportunities afforded by being able to ask your coworkers for , , collectible opportunities on the Laboratory lot itself, and the use of the SimRay to transform duplicate items (very random, but can help!).
A lot of little things can happen at work, but I'll leave those up to you to discover! For example there are collecting days, and days where
have infiltrated the lab. On collecting days, you'll learn of the many valuable items that can be found on the Science Lab's lot. You can get the required 10 collectibles very easily by harvesting the plants in the lab. These plants should be tended from time to time if you want to use them, because they can die.
Scientists can
using the SimRay in its upgraded form. Its transform function effectively changes objects into different variants. Sometimes the same type, sometimes not, but when you start with a cheap object and transform it, you're almost guaranteed to have something more valuable to sell in buy mode.
Be aware that if you're running behind on performance for the day, you can stay late. Know however that there's no need to keep going once you've filled the bar. You'll get the maximum performance for that day. Just be sure to stay until your shift is over, because you get a hefty performance penalty for leaving early even if your
The level 10 Scientist Uniform is ultra-futuristic. The arm and eye augmentation are nice touches.
Using the NotebookYou can access your Sim's notebook by clicking the phone, then the notebook button at the top of any of its screens. This will show you the ingredients to make any of the inventions or serums. This handy little section also tracks your progress in gardening by providing
used to create new species.
Analyzing Crystals and MetalsScientists get to skip sending
to the Geo Council in order to
. You'll get them faster and don't lose the metal/crystal in the process, which lets you complete these collections faster (along with asking co-workers for these two types). You may need to go to Sixam to finish the collection, but it's a great perk. Simply use the chemical analyzer to do this. Thanks to PrismagramAuthor for the tip on the Elements page and Playalot for bringing it to my attention that this was not in the guide!
Breakthroughs: Eureka! MomentsScientist Sims can have a Breakthrough any time while doing certain activities. Start with something like Browse Simpedia on the computer, pondering chess moves, studying fossils, or drinking pitch black tea to get a Focused Moodlet. Look for the little light bulb and gear icons next to interactions to know if it will give you a Breakthrough. Just about anything that raises Logic can be used, but reading is also an excellent method. Use a bookshelf and 'Read Something'. You will see a lightbulb over the Sim's head when they've had a Eureka Moment. The Bookworm Trait may be used to read a bit faster and perhaps speed this up.
A Eureka! Moment in action. Scientists learn new inventions and serums this way.
The Eureka Moodlet (+2 Focused) can help Sims to make yet another scientific discovery. Tinker (used on Computer, Coffee Maker, Invention Constructor and other Objects) as well as Experiment (on some scientific equipment) are reliable sources of new breakthroughs. Because you'll be seeking to make these Eureka moments happen often and the Nerd Brain Aspiration's focus on Logical activities, it's not a bad Aspiration for your Scientist. You'll get the Quick Learner Bonus Trait as well, which helps with leveling all Skills.
Ordering Co-WorkersAs you level, you will be given to order your Co-Workers to do things for you. Whatever they collect or invent is given to your Sim, so you can do quite well for yourself to use this regularly. They can be promoted using 'Praise Work Ethic'. Thanks, Playalot!
Career Tasks
The Chemical Analyzer is one object you'll use frequently
Here are some of the things you are called to do while working as a Scientist, with brief instructions on how to do them should you get stuck:
Invent the Momentum Conserver, SimRay, etc. - Use the Invention Constructor
Use Inventions - Drag them from the Invention Constructor after built
Upgrade Inventions - Drag from your Sim's inventory to the Invention Constructor
Synthesize Serums - Use the Chemistry Lab
Practice Analysis - Use the Chemical Analyzers (look like a PC work station)
Analyze Plant Sample - Take from any plant, use Microscope. Note that this can raise the quality level of a plant sample one time.
Need Metals? Ask Co-Workers or look about the huge lab lot, which has loads of metal spawners.
When you need a common plant ingredient to make a Serum at work, you can sometimes get it by ordering the appropriate type of seed packet by clicking a garden planter in the lab. The computers have the 'Order' function disabled while at work, but this is a little workaround.
With regard to Serums, give them to Co-workers so you don't get your Sim into a bad mood!
Scientist' basic uniforms in Get to Work. Interaction with colleagues is a common task related to job performance.
Scientist Work Schedule
Scientists will see their career performance boosted by going in to work in a . Look for objects on the job that can help you get there. Some of the early inventions, like the Momentum Conserver, can help immensely with this. Consider decorating work areas with collectibles that give off a focused moodlet - .
RankJobWagesSchedule$/DayDaily Task & Promotion RequirementsReward for Promotion
1Lab Technician$24/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$216Have 2 Breakthroughs (Synthetic Food Serum + Momentum Conserver)N/A
2Apprentice Inventor$32/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$288/dayHave 4 Breakthroughs (Red Hot Serum + SimRay)$192, Journey to the Stars, New Clothes
3Junior Tinkerer$39/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$351/dayHave 6 Breakthroughs (Rose Perfume Serum + Hover Lamp)$256, Flying Saucer Table Lamp, New Clothes
4Serum Sequencer$48/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$432/dayHave 8 Breakthroughs (Snake Oil Serum + Satellite Dish)$312, Chemistry Lab
5Technological Innovator$72/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$648/dayHave 10 Breakthroughs (Slimify Serum + Cloning Machine)$384, SIM5-4 Test Tube Pedestal, New Clothes
6Ufologist$102/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$918/dayHave 12 Breakthroughs (Ghost Goo Serum + Electroflux Wormhole Generator)$576, Cautionary Tale Door, X-180 Shatterproof Window
7Laboratory Leader$142/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$1278/dayHave 14 Breakthroughs (Need Fixer Serum + Embiggen Serum)$816, Hygienic Decontamination Pod
8Pioneer of New Technologies$187/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$1683/dayHave 16 Breakthroughs (Spark Drive Serum + Ox Strength Serum)$1136, New Clothes
9Mad Scientist$215/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$1935/dayHave 18 Breakthroughs (Smart Serum + Fixer's Luck Serum)$1496, New Clothes
10Extraterrestrial Explorer$247/hourMon-Fri 10AM-7PM$2223/dayGo to Work! Can discover Reaper's Friend Serum, Alien Aura Serum, and Age-Away Serum$1720, Out of this World Desktop, New Clothes, Mystery Science Laboratory styled room (costs $28,286).
Momentum Conserver (Level 1)When turned on and viewed, the momentum conserver sometimes gives Sims a Focused Moodlet.
The Simray is a portable device with freeze, transform, and mind control options
SimRay (Level 2, 1 Common Metal, 1 Common Crystal)The SimRay is the main invention you'll get to upgrade over time as a Scientist. With each level beyond its invention, you'll unlock a new upgrade that you're often prompted to try on co-workers. At first, it can only freeze Sims for a time, locking them in ice that must be chiseled to set them free. Otherwise, you've just got to wait it out. Here are the various SimRay upgrades you get, along with the level my own Sim unlocked them:
Transform Objects (Level 3) - Changes an object to another. Use on cheap objects to make lots of money
Mind Control: Change Clothes (Level 4) - Pick a
and the outfit type you'd like them to wear
Mind Control: Clean (Level 5) - 'Inspires' a Sim to clean
Mind Control: Sit (Level 6) - Makes a Sim take a seat
Mind Control: Eat (Level 7) - Makes a Sim inspired to eat
Mind Control: Sleep (Level 8) - Put a Sim to sleep
Mind Control: Panic (Level 9) - Freak a Sim out for a time
Transform Sim (Level 10) - Give a Sim random hair and other cosmetic adjustments. Can have wildly unpredictable outcomes.
Hover Lamp (Level 3)Another invention that when turned on and viewed may give Sims a +2 Focused Moodlet.
Neighborhood Hivemind options on the Satellite Dish can be amusing, and are rather powerful.
Satellite Dish(Level 4, 3 Common Metals, 3 Common Crystals)Can be upgraded at level 8. Satellite dishes can be used to detect aliens (when upgraded) for a time, and even prevent abductions for 24 hours. You may contact aliens, which will seemingly increase the likelihood of an abduction as well. The main fun here lies in the neighborhood hive mind abilities that can be used, namely:
Knockout - puts everyone to sleep
Bladder Epidemic - Makes everyone need to relieve themselves
Happy Town - Makes everyone Happy, with a +2 Inexplicably Happy Moodlet
Angry Town - Inflicts everyone with an Angry Moodlet
Dance Party - You can imagine!
Cloning Machine(Level 5, 2 Common Metals, 2 Common Crystals)Can be upgraded at level 8. The cloning machine requires you to place an object upon it. When a valid item, such as a collectible is placed, that object can be cloned. This can be very handy to making serums, as well as any other item in the game that you need more than one to make something. You can save a lot of money on food with this, as meals can be cloned, as well! To clone an object multiple times, just take the new one off and clone the original again. When upgraded, it will let you clone a Sim! The new Sim will join your household and have the same traits and appearance as the original, though there is a chance they get some evil clone traits, like mean or evil. They will not, however, have any of the
of the original, nor a Career.
Travel to Sixam is one of the major benefits of pursuing the Scientist Active Career
Electroflux Wormhole Generator(Level 6, 2 Uncommon Metals, 2 Uncommon Crystals, 2 of Any ElementCan be upgraded at level 10. The normal Calibrate, Attempt Alien Contact, and Test Alien Environment abilities this features seem primarily to help your Sim to get more breakthroughs as well as Focused Moodlets. When upgraded at level 10, the Wormhole Generator allows travel to .
These are another great feature of being a Scientist. They take ingredients, but don't cost money. In fact, you can make some money off the serums in some cases. The value listed is the sell value, which is often way more than the cost of the ingredients. Keep in mind that you can find the option to give Sims a Serum under the
menu. When you've tested a Serum three times, you can make a tainted version to trick Sims into taking it and getting bad effects. Drinking too many Serums can knock your Sim out, so wait on the effects to wear off before taking more than one or two.
The Chemistry Lab allows the creation of Serums. You'll unlock one for your home later in the Career.
LevelSerum NameValueIngredientsWhat it Does
1Synthetic Food$100Any Plant (2)Satisfies Hunger
2Red Hot$200BasilMakes a Sim
3Rose Perfume$300RoseMakes a Sim
4Snake Oil$400DaisyShould your Sim get sick, this will cure them of the illness.
5Slimify$500Parsley (2), Carrot (2)Makes a Sim slimmer
6Ghost Goo$600Mushroom (3)Temporarily turns a Sim into a Ghost
7Need Fixer$650Spinach, Any Common Metal (2)Fixes all of a Sim's Needs
7Embiggen$700Plantain (2), Apple (2)Fatten up a Sim
8Spark Drive$750Strawberry, Any Common CrystalMakes a Sim
8Ox Strength$800Spinach (2), Any Common CrystalMakes a Sim more fit, increasing muscle mass
9Smart$850Chrysanthemum (2), Apple (2)Provides a 6h Moodlet - may be Inspired, Bored, and possibly others.
9Fixer's Luck$900Any Upgrade Parts (2)For 8 hours, Tinkering and Salvaging give extra Upgrade Parts, while you may also repair broken objects super fast.
10Reaper's Friend$950Death Flower, Alien CrystalHelp Sims
- but given it takes a Death Flower, it's not that useful.
10Alien Aura$1000Alien Metal, Alien Crystal, Alien PlantGives a Sim access to
for a time, without the tense moodlet holding them back. Thanks to dodi for pointing out my mistake on this one.
10Age-Away$1050Quill Fruit, Xenopetrium, Alien Crystal (2)Resets the Sim's current Age back to day 1
Other Careers
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