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- Mac Edition
- Mac Edition
Welcome to the torrent to quite possibly one of the most original and absurd games you will ever find. was released by the canadian company Hoffmann + Associates back in
and by standards it was a horrible failure. The game barely sold. I have owned one copy of the game since it was purchased at a software expo at the University of Guelph over 15 years ago and have only ever seen one copy. It came on one disc which stored the files for both the PC and Mac version.The game intorduced some really advanced features in its day though, notably it's extensive use of QuickTime Virtual Reality movies. It also shows some of the worst puzzle design in gaming history.The Macintosh version is a LOT more stable I found. Where the PC release is limited to Windows 3.1 and 95,
on a Mac will run on any version of the Mac OS from 7.1 to 9.2.2.Unlike my Torrent of Yoot Tower which requires something along the lines of Toast to mount the image, this time I created the image using Apple's Disk Image utility. It's freely available from Apple (if not already on your mac in the Utilities folder) and mounting the image should not be a problem.
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这款Root工具的大小只有100KB左右,以APP的形式直接安装在手机上即可进行Root,无需借助其它任何工具的,但系统要求必须是Android 2.2以上。经过实际使用来看,Towelroot操作可谓简单粗暴,进入界面后点击按钮就可以了!唯一不方便的是,Root成功后并没有提示,需要用户自己去查阅。PS:经过实测HTC One时尚版等均成功。
按照网友的反馈来看,最新的Android 4.4.3设备、三星5S、L36H港行、努比亚小牛2、港行H36Z4.4.2版、亚马逊Kindle fire HDX等设备均可用该软件Root,但也存在不少机型Root不成功的情况,但总体来说这款软件的表现已经非常完美了。
另外需要说明的是该工具并没有自带权限管理,Root成功之后需要Super SU一类的权限管理软件才行(网盘内有)。
文件名:Towelroot_XP85.apk (软件大小:MB)
文件真实下载地址: | |
MD5: 75ebbea94113
SHA1: 035ad94ebd63f80cc87d89fb93bae2aa
建议使用以上版本或、浏览器访问本站,获得更好的用户体验。KingRoot 4.9.6 for Android - Download
Root your Android device in a matter of seconds
KingRoot is an application that lets you root your Android device in a matter of seconds, as long as you have an operating system between Android 4.2.2 and Android 5.1. This means that this app lets you do the same thing as the classic Towelroot, but you can use it even if you have Lollipop.
The procedure to root your device is as simple as Towelroot. Even if the app is entirely in Chinese, the only thing you have to do is press on the blue button and wait. After a couple of seconds, the application finishes working and you'll have your rooted device.
It's important to know that KingRoot doesn't work with all type devices. On Moto G, for instance, it usually has some trouble. With Nexus, though, it usually works perfectly.
KingRoot is an excellent way to root your Android device. That said, rooting a device is always a delicate process, so do it with care and be conscious of the risks involved.
Questions about KingRoot
Security levelSize12.27MBPermissions
Package Name
JRummy Apps
Nathan Campos
Clear Visions
Gejos Enterprise
JRummy Apps
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