
& 苏维埃铁拳―BL-9坦克主炮的详细分析
文 章摘 要
  I have previously written about the BL-8 152 mm Very High Power gun, and briefly mentioned the BL-9 Very High Power gun. Here is how both of these projects started. Surprisingly enough, they were originally meant not for the ISU-152, but for the SU-152. CAMD RF 81-12063-1 tells the interesting story.  我之前写过BL-8 152mm超大威力主炮,并提到了BL-9.奇怪的是,一开始它们并不是为ISU-152设计的,而是为SU-152。CAMD RF 81-12063-1告诉我们这个有趣的故事。  &The special NKV telegram #5014 sent on September 24th, 1943, tasked OKB-172 and the #172 Molotov factory to develop a 122 mm self propelled gun, capable of reaching 1000 m/s muzzle velocity with a 25 kg shell.  NKV第5014号特殊电报,发送于日,指示OKB-172和莫洛托夫172厂发展一门122mm自行火炮,能够以1000m/s的炮口初速发射25kg重的炮弹。  Giving the highest priority to this project, OKB-172 completed the draft ahead of schedule, and presents it for your approval. As a result of performing the draft work, we have discovered the following:  这个项目被给予了最高优先度,OKB-172提前完成了设计草图。对原稿进行研究之后,我们发现如下:  The task of creating an SPG with the muzzle velocity of 1000 m/s can be accomplished by installing a new barrel on the KV-14 SPG, to replace the model 1937 howitzer, and a new single-sided hydro-pneumatic balancing mechanism.  As the power of cannons constantly grows, you may be interested in our installation of an OBM-43 barrel, with the muzzle velocity of 880 m/s and a 43.5 kg shell, on the KV-14 SPG, instead of the 122 mm barrel with the 1000 m/s muzzle velocity. Such a solution raises the power of the SPG by 33.5% and increases its armour piercing and concrete piercing capability.  可以通过在KV-14自行火炮上安装一根新炮管以取代1937年型榴弹炮,并安装新的单侧液压气动式平衡装置来造出一辆炮口初速1000 m/s的SPG。鉴于火炮的威力持续提升,你可能对安装的OBM-43炮管(也就是1937年型炮的炮管)有兴趣:它在KV-14自行火炮上的初速为880m/s,发射43.5kg重的炮弹,而122mm炮的初速达到了1000。这样一种解决方案将SPG的威力提升了33.5%,也提升了穿甲以及反混凝土能力。  With this solution, not only does the SPG receive a more powerful gun, but the gun is already in use, and will ease production and use of the guns.&  采用这种方案不仅会让SPG得到一门更强力的在役主炮,还会缓解主炮的产量和需求间的矛盾。  KV-14 is, of course, the pre-production index of the SU-152.  KV-14,嘛,就是预生产型的SU-152  The document then provides comparisons between the different gun options: the ML-20S, 122 mm OBM-50 (BL-9) and the yet unnamed 152 mm gun. The ranges at 22 degree elevation (max elevation for all guns) are: 12 km for the ML-20S, 21 km for the BL-9, and 18 km for the new 152 mm gun. The penetration for both experimental guns at 1500 meters is 195 mm against flat armour, and 160 mm against armour angled at 30 degrees. This is pretty close to the figures given in that other penetration table (197 mm against flat and 160 mm against angled armour). All three guns have the same horizonal traverse: +/-7 degrees. They can carry 16 shells (38 for the new guns with a redesigned fighting compartment). The projected rate of fire is 1.5 RPM for the ML-20S, 2 RPM for the BL-9, and 1.33 RPM for the 152 mm gun. The mass of the SPG is 47 tons with the ML-20S, and 48 tons with either of the new guns.  文档随即对不同主炮进行了对比:ML-20S。122mm OBM-50(BL-9)以及一个尚未得名的152mm炮。仰角22度时的最大射程分别为12km(ML-20S),21km(BL-9)和18km(不知名152)。两门实验用的主炮的穿深为:1500m击穿195mm水平装甲或者160mm 30度倾斜的装甲。这和穿深表中给出的数据很接近(能击穿197水平或160倾斜装甲)。这3门炮的射界均为左右各7度,能携带16发炮弹(在重新设计的战斗室中新炮能携带38发)。计划中ML-20S射速1.5,BL-9 2,152炮1.33.自行火炮安装ML-20S时全重47吨,安装新炮时全重48吨。  However, the OBM series wasn't only destined for tank destroyers. A 122 mm OBM-51 gun, almost equivalent to the OBM-50 (BL-9), was planned for a heavy tank. The project requirements were:  然而,OBM系列并不是仅用于TD。有计划给HT装备一门122mm OBM-51炮(参数和BL-9几乎一致)。项目要求如下:  1000 m/s muzzle velocity  炮口初速1000m/s  200 mm of penetration at 1000 meters  1000m穿深200mm  Use of existing A-19 shells  使用现有的A-19炮的炮弹  Maximum compatibility with ML-20S components  与ML-20S实现最大程度的零部件通用  CAMD RF 38-: BL-9 against a 203 mm plate at 1000 meters. One shell penetrated completely, 4 shells are stuck in the armour, 3 shells left dents.  CAMD RF 38-:BL-9在1000m距离上对203mm钢板的射击实验。一发炮弹完全穿透,另外4发卡在钢板里,3发只是打出了凹陷。  You may be thinking of the IS, but no, the tank that was first meant to carry this powerful gun was the KV. On October 26th, 1943, the Technical Department of the NKV held a meeting on the 122 mm OBM-51 tank gun proposed by OKB-172. The details are contained within CAMD RF 38-.  你也许会想到IS,但是你错了,第一个打算用来携带这门强力火炮的坦克是KV。日,NKV的技术部门召开了一次会议,讨论由OKB-172提出的122mm OBM-51炮。会议细节在CAMD RF 38-中有提到。  &As ordered by the Tech-department of the NKV, OKB-172 developed a project for a modernization of the KV tank by installing a 122 mm gun. The modernization removes the current KV turret and all its armament, and replaces it with a new turret that holds a 122 mm high power gun, two machine guns, and the ammunition rack. The rest of the tank, all of its mechanisms, components, and armoured hull, including the turret ring, remain the same.  如NKV的技术部门要求的那样,OKB-172开展了一个KV坦克的现代化项目,安装122mm炮。现代化工程将现有的KV炮塔及其所有武器移除,转而安装一个装备122mm炮,2挺机枪以及弹药架的的新炮塔。坦克的其他部分,包括其机械装置,部件,车体装甲,炮塔座圈均未改动。  (由於不知道新炮塔长什N样 所以乱P图好了)  The 122 mm gun designed by OKB-172 has the following characteristics:  OKB-172设计的122mm炮性能如下:  Caliber: 122 mm  口径:122mm  Muzzle velocity: 950 m/s  炮口初速:950 m/s  Shell mass: 25 kg  炮弹重量:25 kg  Maximum gas pressure: 2660 kg/cm^2  最大气压:2660 kg/cm^2  Barrel length with muzzle brake: 58.5 calibers  炮管长度(含炮口制退器):58.5倍口径  Recoil resistance: 16 tons  后座阻力:16吨  The tank's turret consists of homogeneous rolled armour plates. Front: 75 mm, side: 60 mm, roof: 30 mm. In order to balance out the gun, the rear of the turret has 150 mm of armour.  坦克的炮塔由均质轧制钢板制成。前装甲:75mm,侧面:60mm,顶部:30mm。为了平衡主炮的重量,炮塔后部安装了150mm的装甲。  The gun is installed in the front of the turret on a welded mount. The mount and vertical aiming mechanism are borrowed from the SU-152 SPG with no changes. In order to balance the oscillating part of the gun, a hydromechanical balancing mechanism is planned. The turning mechanism is the same as in the KV turret. The tank carries 45 rounds of ammunition in the turret and on the bottom of the fighting compartment.  主炮安装在炮塔前方的焊接炮座上。炮座和垂直线瞄准系统照搬自SU-152自行火炮,没有任何变化。为了平衡主炮的的摇摆部分,计划采用液压平衡装置。(炮塔)旋回系统和KV的相同。坦克共携带45发弹药,分别布置在在炮塔内以及战斗室底部。  (神教无所不能!)  After discussion, we have come to the following conclusions:  在谈论后,我们得出了下列结论:  The modernization of the KV tank to equip it with a powerful 122 mm gun is a modern and reasonable course of action.  通过安装强力122mm炮对KV进行现代化改造是一个时髦但却合理的做法。  The project is approved to continue to the prototype stage.  计划获得赞成,进入了原型车阶段。  It is reasonable to also adapt the modernization project, including the turret, to the IS tank.  将同样的现代化方案(包括炮塔)运用于IS坦克也同样合情合理。  During development, it is suggested to:  在开发期间,提出了如下建议  Use the D-5 mount, as it is the most compact.  使用D-5炮的炮座,因为它最为紧凑。  Use a horizontal sliding breech.  使用水平开启的炮闩。  Increase the muzzle velocity to 1000 m/s on the IS chassis.  在IS底盘上将炮口初速增加到1000m/s。  Develop a cast turret variant, and make it as short as possible.  开发一个采用铸造炮塔的变体,越短越好  Reduce the ammunition capacity to 30 shells to reduce turret height and mass.  为了降低炮塔高度以及减轻炮塔重量,将载弹量减少到30发。  Allow for shooting on the move, move the fire button to the elevation mechanism. Implement a secondary electric fire mechanism.  允许在行进间开火,将开火按钮移动到俯仰装置处。添加一个备用电击发开火系统。  Reduce the tank mass to 45 tons.  将坦克全重降低到45吨。  Give OKB-172 the highest priority, given the importance of this project.  鉴于这个项目的重要性,给予OKB-172最高优先级。  Suggest that OKB-172 work with naval armament factories.&  建议OKB-172与海军兵工厂合作。  As we already know, the lower velocity D-25T was chosen as the gun for the IS. Its penetration was entirely adequate for the German tanks that ended up being produced, and the high power 122 and 152 mm guns were ultimately not needed.  现在我们知道的是,军方还是选择给IS初速相对较低的D-25T炮。它的穿深足够对付任何,哪怕是最后生产出来的德国坦克,因此列装大威力122和152炮就完全没有必要了。
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