
三国志13 最新升级挡1.03更新内容 1.03更新了什么
发布时间: 08:03 () 作者:3DM论坛-夏夜、不再有 编辑:vincent
三国志13 升级挡1.0.3.0补丁 1.03更新了什么内容
升级挡1.0.3.0补丁 1.03更新了什么内容
更新信息版本1.0.3.0(2 / 18 / 2016)
2月18日- ktg_dev_messenger
&更多精彩尽在 专题:
Sangokushi 13
发行商:Koei Tecmo
→ 奇迹时代3 1.092BETA号超大补丁已经发布,更新内容介绍
奇迹时代3 1.092BETA号超大补丁已经发布,更新内容介绍
9:09:03 来源: 作者:不详 (0)
这是一个奇迹时代3 1.092BETA号超大补丁已经发布,升级补丁的更新内容介绍,这个补丁的更新内容非常的丰富,在介绍中,做了简单的翻译,有兴趣的玩家可以先看看这个介绍。1.别被版本号欺骗,这个是重大更新,内容多,耐心看,好长好长。估计正式版补丁的版本号会叫1.10?(类似于1.08BETA和1.09)2.更新后,预测,T1和T2兵种将主导这个游戏的大部分时间,T3是宝贝,T4是奢侈品。成编制的T4大战应该是100回合之后的事儿了。3.战役:英雄锁级。随机地图:初期的和平打猎期将被提前打破。4.兵种平衡、技能平衡、法术平衡。增加蓝上限。5.T4多被nerf,但蝎狮未挨刀。神官被nerf,nerf,再nerf。。。术士和大德变相被buff。Change Log:更新日志To prevent Players from rushing to and mass producing T4 units:防止玩家速出和量产T4:Add an additional city upgrades that act as prerequisites for class T3 and T4 unit production.T3和T4兵种分别增加各自的城市升级建筑。(这回调整把T3也扯进去了。要出T4,一个城要多建两个建筑。)Also added additional city upgrades for classes without class specific T3 and T4 units that can be build in cities, to maintain cross class balance.某些职业无需T3、T4建筑,但也增加了两种建筑,以保持平衡。•& && &&&Added new Arch Druid city upgrade “Henge”. This city upgrade gives an additional +5 production. This upgrade requires the Arch Druid’s Dolmen.大德的建筑“巨石圈”:+5锤子•& && &&&Added new Arch Druid city upgrade “Megalith”. This city upgrade increases Mana Capacity by +100, allowing you to store more mana. This upgrade requires the Henge.大德的建筑“巨石碑”:+100蓝上限.•& && &&&Added new Dreadnought city upgrade “Blast Furnace” which is needed to produce the Cannon unit. This city upgrade also gives an additional +5 production. This upgrade requires the Dreadnought’s Foundry.无畏T3建筑:+5锤子。生产火炮。(坦克呢?不在此限?)•& && &&&Added new Dreadnought city upgrade “Juggernaut Factory” which is needed to produce the Juggernaut unit. This city upgrade also heals garrisoned machine units. This upgrade requires the Blast Furnace.无畏的T4建筑:机器回血。•& && &&&Added new Rogue city upgrade “Planar Gate” which is needed to produce the Shadow Stalker unit. This city upgrade generates an additional +5 mana. This upgrade requires the Rogue’s Palace.盗贼的T3建筑:+5蓝•& && &&&Added new Rogue city upgrade “Shrouded Altar”. Monster units produced at this city gain an additional medal Rank. This upgrade requires the Planar Gate.盗贼的建筑“暗蔽坛”:怪兽类兵种多奖励一块牌(潜行者是怪兽类)•& && &&&Added new Sorcerer city upgrade “Mana Vault”. This city upgrade increases Mana Capacity by +100, allowing you to store more mana. This upgrade requires the Sorcerer’s Conflux.术士的建筑“魔法馆”:+100蓝上限•& && &&&Added new Sorcerer city upgrade “Wizard’s Academy”. This city upgrade gives an additional +5 Research. This upgrade requires the Mana Vault.术士的建筑“巫师学院”:+5蜡烛•& && &&&Added new Theocrat city upgrade “Celestial Chamber” which is needed to produce the Exalted units. This city upgrads also gives an additional +100 happiness. This upgrade requires the Theocrat’s Conclave.神官的T3建筑:+100欢乐度•& && &&&Added new Theocrat city upgrade “Holy of Holies” which is needed to produce the Shrine of Smiting. Also increases Mana Capacity by +100, allowing you to store more mana. This upgrade requires the Celestial Chamber.神官的T4建筑:+100蓝上限• Added new Warlord city upgrade “Gladiator Pit” which is needed to produce the Blood Phalanx and Warbreed units. This city upgrade also gives an additional +100 happiness. This upgrade requires the Warlord’s Command.战神的T3建筑:+100欢乐度•& && &&&Added new Warlord city upgrade “Manticore Lair” which is needed to produce the Manticore Rider unit. This city upgrade also gives an additional +5 Reasearch. This upgrade requires the Gladiator Pit.战神的T4建筑:+5蜡烛Reduce the need to rush for T4.现在拿起屠刀,开始nerf T4了:Reduce AoE bust damage for T4 units and reduce protective abilities to make them easier to counter when used without support.先是减抗,降低AOE伤害。•& && &&&The Shrine of Smiting now has 20% Fire Weakness.棺材:-20火弱点(龙人和矮人乐了)•& && &&&The Juggernaut’s Fire Mortar ability now starts on cool down, Fire Broadside now does 25 physical C was 30 C and Fire Mortar now does 18 physical, 18 fire C was 20 physical, 20 fire.大船:迫击炮技能,开局是处于裤裆状态(冷却)。环形爆是25伤(以前30)。迫击炮是18物理+18火(20,20)(大船怕电,未被进一步减抗)•& && &&&The Eldridge Horror now has Mind Control Immunity and 60% Spirit Protection, instead of Strong Will.墨斗鱼:现在是免疫精神控制+60%精神抗性,被取消意志坚定。(说白了,就是-40%精神抗性)•& && &&&The Horned God now has 20% Blight Weakness and it’s Call Lightning ability starts on cool down, now has cool down of 1 C was 2 C is a Full action C was single action. The damage amount not being displayed in game was also fixed.角神:-20%毒弱点。闪电,开局是裤裆状态。裤裆(冷却)从原来的2改为1。不能移动闪电攻击(需要3个行动点)。To prevent the AI Player from rushing to T4 units:防止AI玩家速出T4的措施:•& && &&&Changed research priorities to reduce AI rushing up the unit tech-tree.降低AI研究T4的权重To extend the duration of the mid game. I.e. the period focused on T2-3 unit production.延长中期的游戏时间,重点放在T2-T3的生产Reduce the city growth speed.•& && &&&Changed population growth for cities to 250 C was 300.市的人口增长速度是250(以前300)•& && &&&Changed required population for a City to 12000 C was 10000.从镇发展到市需要12000人口(以前是10000)•& && &&&Changed starting population for a City to 14000 C was 11000.市的起始人口是14000(以前是11000)•& && &&&Changed rebel spawn population loss for a City to 3500 C was 2750.造反一次减3500人口(2750)•& && &&&Changed rebel spawn population requirement for a City to 7000 C was 5500.(下面是大都市的情况)•& && &&&Changed required population for a Metropolis to 22000 C was 18000.•& && &&&Changed starting population for a Metropolis to 24000 C was 20000.•& && &&&Changed rebel spawn population loss for a Metropolis to 6000 C was 5000.•& && &&&Changed rebel spawn population requirement for a Metropolis to 11000 C was 10000.•& && &&&Changed rebel spawn population requirement for a Metropolis to 11000 C was 10000.Reduce city production.降低建筑带来的锤子加成(出兵更慢了)•& && &&&Changed the production value of the Siege Workshop to 10 C was 20.投石车建筑:降为10锤子(20)•& && &&&Changed the production value of the Master Guild to 15 C was 20.大公会建筑:降为15锤子(20)Lower income where needed C focusing on Mana C to prevent surplus mana.防止出现mana过剩用不完的情况:•& && &&&Reduce frequency of occurrence of mana generating structures on RMG maps as a factor of distance from Player’s starting positions.随机地图上降低mana节点的生成几率,与玩家初始地点越近越少。Reduce mass City Founding.防止过度开分城Producing settlers now stagnates city growth, making it more of a choice in the early game.移民车会降低城市人口的发展速度•& && &&&Changed cost for the Pioneer: Gold cost 200 C was 150 C Population cost 2000 C was 750 C Recruit cost 400 C was 300.移民车:200金(150),减人口)(AI特别爱好建分城)Reduce surplus mana.降低过剩的manaTests in the office showed that play style was a large factor in the reported mana surplus issue. To prevent issues with superfluous mana, while not impacting players with a more exploration, expansion or magic based play style.•& && &&&Players can now hold a limited amount of mana at once. A player can hold 500 mana, researching a casting point skill or building a great temple will increase mana cap by 100.玩家的mana上限设为500蓝,研究CP技能或建“大庙”+100蓝上限。(还有新增T3或T4建筑也+100蓝)To increase the mana spend on spells we’ve reduced the casting cost of maintained spells C to make them more worthwhile to cast C while increasing the maintenance cost C to make which spells to maintain a more deliberate decision.地图法术的维持成本大幅增加(让你抱怨蓝用不完,这回蓝还够用吗?)•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Arch Druid’s ‘One with the Elements’ to maintenance 10 C was maintenance 6.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Arch Druid’s ‘Fertile Domain’ to cast 40, maintenance 20 C was cast 60, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Arch Druid’s ‘Insect Plague’ to cast 60, maintenance 20 C was cast 80, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Arch Druid’s ‘Poison Domain’ to cast 100, maintenance 30 C was cast 140, maintenance 16.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Arch Druid’s ‘Thorn Hedge Walls’ to cast 120, maintenance 30 C was cast 180, maintenance 18.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Arch Druid’s ‘Nature’s Eyes’ to cast 80, maintenance 40 C was cast 120, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Dreadnought’s ‘Suppress Nature’ to cast 100, maintenance 40 C was cast 140, maintenance 16.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Dreadnought’s ‘Dragon Oil’ to cast 120, maintenance 30 C was cast 180, maintenance 20.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Dreadnought’s ‘Great Mobilization’ to maintenance 80 C was maintenance 64.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Poison Mastery’ to cast 50, maintenance 20 C was cast 60, maintenance 8.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Iron Grip’ to cast 40, maintenance 20 C was cast 70, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s Treasure Raiding to cast 60 C was cast 80.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Incite Revolt’ to cast 60, maintenance 40 C was cast 100, maintenance 15.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Corpse Looting’ to cast 60, maintenance 15 C was cast 100, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Network of Scrying Eyes’ to cast 60, maintenance 20 C was cast 100, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Spy Network’ to cast 150, maintenance 50 C was cast 300, maintenance 36.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Night Wish’ to cast 100, maintenance 20 C was cast 180, maintenance 18.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Rogue’s ‘Age of Deception’ to maintenance 80 C was maintenance 64.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Sorcerer’s ‘Glyphs of Warding’ to cast 40, maintenance 15 C was cast 60, maintenance 5.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Sorcerer’s ‘Dread Omen’ to cast 60, maintenance 40 C was cast 90, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Sorcerer’s ‘Dome of Protection’ to cast 100, maintenance 20 C was cast 120, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Sorcerer’s ‘Enchanted Walls’ to cast 120, maintenance 30 C was cast 180, maintenance 18.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Sorcerer’s ‘Summoner’s Aura’ to cast 100, maintenance 20 C was cast 120, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Sorcerer’s ‘Age of magic’ to maintenance 80 C was maintenance 64.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Beacon of Faith’ to cast 50, maintenance 10 C was cast 90, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Paid Absolution’ to cast 80, maintenance 20 C was cast 100, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Prayer for the Hurt’ to cast 100, maintenance 30 C was cast 150, maintenance 15.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Sanctified Sites’ to cast 100, maintenance 30 C was cast 160, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Denounce City’ to maintenance 20 C was maintenance 16.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Hallowed Domain’ to cast 100, maintenance 20 C was cast 120, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Great Purge’ to cast 100, maintenance 40 C was cast 300, maintenance 32.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Theocrat’s ‘Armageddon’ maintenance 64 C was maintenance 80.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Warlord’s ‘Authority of the Sword’ to maintenance 5 C was maintenance 6.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Warlord’s ‘Dread Siege’ to cast 60, maintenance 30 C was cast 80, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Warlord’s ‘Inspire Loyalty’ to maintenance 20 C was maintenance 15.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Warlord’s ‘The Draft’ to cast 120, maintenance 30 C was cast 160, maintenance 18.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Warlord’s ‘Conqueror’s Feast’ to cast 120, maintenance 40 C was cast 240, maintenance 24.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Warlord’s ‘Hero Slaying’ to maintenance 30 C was maintenance 24.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Warlord’s ‘Global Assault’ to maintenance 80 C was maintenance 64.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Air Adept’s ‘Domain of Winter’ to cast 60, maintenance 20 C was cast 80, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Air Master’s ‘Arctic Empire’ to cast 80, maintenance 40 C was cast 100, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Earth Adept’s ‘Domain of Earth’ to cast 60, maintenance 20 C was cast 80, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Fire Adept’s ‘Domain of the Sun’ to cast 60, maintenance 20 C was cast 80, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Fire Master’s ‘Tropical Empire’ to cast 80, maintenance 40 C was cast 100, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Creation Adept’s ‘Domain of Life’ to cast 60, maintenance 20 C was cast 80, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Creation Master’s ‘Temperate Empire’ to cast 80, maintenance 40 C was cast 100, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Destruction Adept’s ‘Scorched Earth’ to cast 40, maintenance 15 C was cast 60, maintenance 9.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Destruction Adept’s ‘Domain of Corruption’ to cast 60, maintenance 20 C was cast 80, maintenance 12.•& && &&&Changed the cost of the Destruction Master’s ‘Blight Empire’ to cast 80, maintenance 40 C was cast 100, maintenance 12.Reduce the period of unhindered early game expansion in Random Maps随机地图初期的和平打猎期将被提早打断•& && &&&The distance between player start positions now take into account the amount of players with regards to map size. Few players on a large map will result in a significant nearer distance. Likewise, many players on a smaller map will result in a slightly larger distance.玩家之间的初始地点将根据地图的大小进行调整。地图大,玩家少,他们之间的距离将被大幅拉近(提前接触,外交和开战)。相反,地图小,玩家多,他们之间的距离将被大幅拉远。Made Random XL maps more closely follow the setup of other maps•& && &&&XL map feature distribution now more closely resembles the smaller maps.Other Balance Fixes&各种平衡性调整:•& && &&&Berserkers: Removed Martial Arts as a level up reward, they now get the Tireless ability战神的狂战:金牌奖励改为无限反击。(符合这个人物的特点)•& && &&&Rogue Infiltration squad Hero Upgrade now filters on Machines盗贼的渗透小队技能:集体爬墙,现在对机器兵种无效•& && &&&Rust Strike can’t be used twice on same unit anymore.大德的锈蚀打击:不能对同一兵种使用两次(我记得1.09也不能用两次啊)•& && &&&Order of Healing now gives correct Healing Ability神官的“法师兵种全部能回血”改为正确的回血技能。(估计是从20改为15,神官的特权被取消。神官被nerf的第一季。)•& && &&&Suppress nature negates the effects of Domain of … spells无畏的“压抑自然”法术:原来是令部队无视因地形导致的士气降低效果,现在改为也可以抵消各种“XX领域”魔法的效果。(感谢eternalloser同学纠误)•& && &&&Units can now attack an enemy after using Sprint.疾步技能:现在可以跑步后攻击了(向瞬移看齐的节奏。那瞬移的优势呢?)•& && &&&Dwarf Hunter base hp 35 C was 40矮人族猎手:-5血•& && &&&Yeti now has Regeneration雪人:增加“下回合满血”技能。•& && &&&Befriend Animal Ability now has Primary Effect Link Resist安抚动物技能:没看懂(?)•& && &&&The Explorer’s Skill Trail Running move bonus was changed to +8 C was +12探索者(初始法术专精)某法术:移动增益,-4步•& && &&&Theocrat Exalted hp set to 50 C was 55 C and no heal ability on levelling.神官的鸟人:-5血。金牌后无回血技能。(神官被nerf第二季)•& && &&&Sabotage is now a type ‘Touch’ ability C was Melee破坏技能:现在改为触摸,以前是近战•& && &&&Dwarf first born now has Mind Control Immunity C was Strong Will矮人的T3火矮子:取消100%精神抗性(nerf!)•& && &&&Heal Ability now has a Cooldown of 2 C was 1回血技能:裤裆改为2,以前是1(神官被nerf第三季)•& && &&&Throw Curse now has a Cooldown of 1 turn C was 0诅咒技能:有裤裆了,以前没有•& && &&&Sorcerer Chaos rift now costs 70 C was 50术士神技rift:+20cp(以前够放三次,现在够放两次)•& && &&&Shrine of Smiting now has Ram (was Melee Strike)神官的棺材:近战攻击改为撞击(和大船保持一致,三发变一发)(神官被nerf第四季)•& && &&&ArchDruid Summon Beast Horde now summons Blight Tusk Boars, Bleak Wargs, Dread Spider Babies, Hunter Spider Babies, Vampire Spider Babies and Dire Penguins.大德的终极召唤:改为这几种。(还是不够强啊。猪狗。3种小蜘蛛,都是只能挨一刀的货。吸血企鹅。)下次还得被buff。•& && &&&Sprint now has a cooldown of 3. Units may now attack after using sprint.疾步技能:裤裆改为3。•& && &&&Trebuchet and Giant Hurl Boulder ability now requires 3 action points to use投石车和石巨人的扔石头技能:不能移动后攻击•& && &&&Graphics•& && &&&Fixed an issue where the Node Serpent’s death animation glitched when hit by ‘Huge’ attacks, such as the Hellfire spell.•& && &&&Fixed an issue where some structures C e.g. hasteberries C showed an incorrect state after loading a save game.New Features新增:•& && &&&Improved VPN support to local multiplayer.•& && &&&Added a new advanced game option to give all leaders and heroes Resurgence, this is disabled by default地图创建时增加:“所有主帅和英雄可以战后复活”的选项。默认是关闭。•& && &&&Campaign: All heroes and leaders will have Resurgence, allowing them to return from the dead if their side wins the battle. This is disabled in “Hard” mode.战役:所有主帅和英雄可以战后复活。只有困难难度是关闭的。•& && &&&Campaign: Implemented named saves when a campaign scenario is won•& && &&&Added tier level to unit info, allowing preview of the tier level in the city production panel in both the popup and the unit panel.•& && &&&Added an overlay image for items being couriered兵种显示界面显示是几级(T1/T2等)。•& && &&&Added keyboard shortcuts for next/previous city. Defaults bindings are “;” and “,”.增加城市间切换的键盘快捷键下面是各种bug的修复Interface Fixes游戏界面的修复•& && &&&Fixed an interface dead state for the item forge by closing the interface when the city is deselected.•& && &&&Fixed an interface dead state in the Tome of Wonders after combat was completed.•& && &&&Fixed a glitch so spell icons now no longer go beyond the bounds of the overview panel.•& && &&&Fixed a bug where the vision fog area on the mini-map did not match the actual vision fog area on the world map.•& && &&&Fixed a bug where dwelling icons in the Tome of Wonders were not refreshing.•& && &&&Added a ‘Save Game’ and an ‘Exit Game’ button in the player disconnect window.•& && &&&Fixed an issue where the damage values in the abilities list would disappear after changing tabs.•& && &&&Fixed a bug where the icons in the dragon dwelling text in the Tome of Wonders were clipped in-correctly.•& && &&&Fixed the French tool-tip for “order of sacred support”.•& && &&&Localized the report feedback button.•& && &&&Fixed an issue where tooltips would remain visible in Tactical Combat•& && &&&Improved the scrollbar: holding the mouse down on the buttons now keeps scrolling and the scrollbar in the tome of wonders now also support scrolling by clicking on the scrollbar background.•& && &&&Enabled word cutoff for tabs, fixes an issue in polish where the custom leader tab would have text overflowing•& && &&&Fixed an issue in the key binding screen where the entire row would receive input.•& && &&&Fixed an issue that caused problems with the vertical alignment of the text on combo-boxes•& && &&&Fixed a bug where multiline quest headers would be unreadable due to wrong vertical alignment•& && &&&Enabled double clicking to confirm in the Lobby screens•& && &&&Fixed an issue where the icons in the overview panel weren’t clipped correctly when opening the overview directly from diplomacy•& && &&&Fixed the leader death glow C star night sky C in diplomacy•& && &&&Fixed an issue where the small quest dialogs would use the large dialog hit boxes•& && &&&Fixed an issue where the events would slide in again after a resize of the screen•& && &&&Fixed an issue where the decorations on the hero join panel weren’t clipped correctly•& && &&&Added a close button to the “item has arrived” event panel•& && &&&Translated the close button on the refugee camp event panel•& && &&&Fixed an issue where replacing selected text was impossible if the text was already at max length•& && &&&Fixed an issue where the dwelling icon wouldn’t render in the Tome of Wonders•& && &&&Enlarged the textfield of the target text to fix a bug in Russian where the text would be cut off.•& && &&&Enlarge the textfield of the “Search local” text to fix a bug in Russian where the text would be cut off.•& && &&&The save and load menu cannot be opened anymore when the new turn panel is opened. This fixed unresponsiveness of the game in this instance.•& && &&&When the reward from a dwelling opened up and a battle interrupted this screen, the reward was lost. The reward screen now re-opens after the battle has finished.•& && &&&Fixed an issue with the courier items screen: the hero icons would not show up when sending a second item right after sending the first.Audio Fixes音频方面的修复•& && &&&Added multichannel (i.e. 5.1) audio support.增加5.1声道的支持•& && &&&Fixed an issue preventing ambient sound from being enabled when leaving the diplomacy screen•& && &&&Fixed an issue with event sounds being audible for all players.•& && &&&Changed new turn sound trigger to new turn instead of end turn, allows players to hear when it’s their turn in hot seat.大地图每回合开始时播放特殊音效,而不是结束时。(经典回合制,点结束回合,听到声音后再回来)Random Map Fixes随机地图的修复•& && &&&Fixed an issue where water structures were able to be generated on river hexes, thereby blocking ships•& && &&&Fixed a bug in the ‘Land’ type maps where the map edges were temperate fertile instead of the intended terrain•& && &&&Mini-expansion player site which is generated for each player starting position has been moved from ~6 hex to ~8 hex distance from starting location.•& && &&&Fixed a bug in underground where cave exits were only being generated near player spawn area, and never on a more global level.•& && &&&Fixed a bug in the ‘Land’ type random map where Monster Dens and Haunted Boneyards were never being generated.•& && &&&Fixed a bug in the Underground where too many unit spawning structures were being generated.•& && &&&Increased chances of Haunted Boneyards being created instead of Brigand Hideouts and Monster Dens•& && &&&Fixed a clustering issue with unit they should be spaced out more now.•& && &&&Slightly increased chances of Flow Rock Quarry and Trading Posts being generated at expansion sites, instead of tier 1 structures like gold mines and mana nodes.Map Specific Fixes剧情战役和单关战役的修复•& && &&&Campaign: Fixed various issues with ‘capture’ quests.•& && &&&Campaign: Fixed a crash when retreating heroes and leaders from campaign battles.•& && &&&Campaign: Fixed the level cap in the campaign maps.修复剧情战役的锁级bug(个人猜测,这个应该指的是英雄锁级。原来设定有英雄锁级,但由于bug,没体现出来。)•& && &&&4th Elven Court map: Fixed an issue where Bormac was set loose by AI.•& && &&&4th Commonwealth map: Prevented a situation where you could kill Carishar without it triggering your victory.•& && &&&One of the last Commonwealth map: Fixed the ‘Help the Dwarves’ and ‘Slay the Frost Dragon’ quests, they did not always trigger correctly.•& && &&&The last Elven Court maps: Made sure fairies spawned correctly in one of the final Elven Court maps, provided you had done the necessary quest in an earlier scenario.•& && &&&Taming of the Great Khan: Quests now give the intended rewards.•& && &&&Elven Resurgence: Removed the defenders from player 2′s heart of blight.•& && &&&Elven Resurgence: Reduced Player 1′s starting units, to match the strength of the other players.•& && &&&Elven Resurgence: Increased the gold income for players 3, 5 and 6, , to match the income the other players.General Fixes&•& && &&&The game doesn’t crash anymore when a hatched egg of a dead hero is selected.•& && &&&The game doesn’t crash anymore when a game is loaded which was saved before patch v1.09 in which an egg had just hatched.•& && &&&The game doesn’t crash anymore when an item is sent to a hero who just died.•& && &&&Changed allied victory so only human players need an alliance to all other players•& && &&&“Research Not Set” event is now also shown when research pickup is used or when vault of knowledge is cleared•& && &&&Fixed issue where empire morale would not be used in TC•& && &&&Fixed issue with throne tooltip showing incorrect owning player•& && &&&Fixed a bug where seasoned achievement was not properly applied when a unit would gain a level in TC•& && &&&Fixed treasure raider achievement•& && &&&Fixed issue where structure’s random defender strength was not resolved during activation resulted in out of syncs on user made maps•& && &&&Fixed issue where quest would not correctly have their rewards set•& && &&&Fixed hot seat issue where an AI player would not correctly end turn when it had won/lost•& && &&&Fixed auto combat crash•& && &&&Fixed bug in AI trade analyzer code•& && &&&Made cities way more valuable in trades•& && &&&AI will no longer trade its throne city•& && &&&AI will not trade accept cities from the other player when at war, because these are to easy to recapture•& && &&&Fixed issue bug where quests were given when a player was at war with the city•& && &&&Fixed players being able to build cities and fortress on top of map hazards, such as briar patches and cobwebs•& && &&&Strategic AI will no longer build a settler if doing so would cause a city to become underpopulated.•& && &&&Fixed issues where the the AI would wait behind city walls while player killed it with spells and long range weapons•& && &&&Tactical AI will no longer spam dispel on abilities bestowed by structures on the world map•& && &&&Fixed issue in classic turns which caused turn order to be handled incorrectly in some cases, when a player is defeated.•& && &&&The AI will no longer target concealed stacks with damage spells on the strategic map•& && &&&Fixed camera controls being affected by tactical battle speed up•& && &&&Fixed certain structures still giving income to cities when occupied by enemy armies•& && &&&Fixed a crash occurring when an item is traded and the item owner died before the trade was resolved.•& && &&&Fixed an input control issue to allow 3rd party software to map gamepad button.•& && &&&Fixed an issue where second player of classic turn MP game would get a new hero every time you load a save file.•& && &&&Fixed an out of sync issue with the Freeze Water spell.•& && &&&Fixed a bug where disabling the ‘Remember Password’ check-box didn’t have any effect the next time the launcher was started.•& && &&&Play as guest check-box is now remembered for the next time that the launcher is started. This also ensures initial settings C e.g. graphics settings C are taken from the Guest profile, preventing players that only played as ‘Guest’ from having their settings be reverted to default settings..•& && &&&Fixed minor issue for players with a ‘.’ (dot) character as the final character of their account name.•& && &&&When the profile data is corrupted then the user will be notified when launching the game.•& && &&&Fixed a crash for players that are loading corrupted save games.•& && &&&Player now gets a notification when the connection to the server is lost.•& && &&&Fixed a mouse clipping issue that sometimes occurs when having multiple monitors.•& && &&&Fixed issues with camera clipping through floor in tactical maps•& && &&&Fixed issues with camera bounding area being to small or to large for tactical maps•& && &&&Fixed various graphical issues in tactical maps•& && &&&Fixed an issue where units could stand on hexes surrounded by blocking obstacles in tactical battles•& && &&&Adjusted Line of Sight settings for various objects on tactical maps•& && &&&Fixed an issue with auto-move which could cause the game to crash on pressing the end turn button.•& && &&&Fixed an issue with custom hero names not showing up properly in the event that shows up when an egg hatches.•& && &&&Fixed an exploit where concealed units in a visible stack could be found through the morale tooltip.•& && &&&The statistic screen now shows data of the last turn C the one that’s selected C correctly.•& && &&&Fixed an issue with the select next hero shortcut: the hero now gets selected instead of the city when the hero is standing on a city.•& && &&&Fixed a bug with the cycling through the heroes when the player first selects a hero stack with the mouse.游戏名称:奇迹时代3中文版
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