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Transcription: , syllables separated for alphabetical purposesNote that authors are not listed as a keyword. You can search for authors by pressing keys [Strg][F].
愛日齋叢鈔, biji book by Master Ye 葉 (Song)
All men are brothers, see
An Nam chí l??c, see
安南志略, history of Vietnam by Lê T?c 黎崱 (Tr??n/Yuan)
安南紀略, history of the war against Annam (Qing)
Analects =
熬波圖, book on salt production by Chen Chun 陳椿 (Yuan)
Art of War, see
阿詩瑪, story of the Yi Minority
巴勒布紀略, history of the first Gurkha war (Qing)
八面鋒, encyclopedia by Chen Fuliang 陳傅良 (Song)
八旗滿洲氏族通譜, collection of biographies (Qing)
八旗通志, history and statutes of the Eight Banners (Qing)
八陣合變圖說, military treatise by by Long Zheng 龍正 or Lan Zhang 藍章 (Ming)
稗乘, collectanea by an anonymous scholar (Ming)
百川學海, collectanea by Zuo Gui 左圭 (Song)
稗海, collectanea by Shang Jun 商浚 (Ming)
白毫子兵壘, military treatise by Yin Binshang 尹賓商 (Ming)
白虎通, political treatise (Later Han) by Ban Gu 班固
百家姓, a classic of elementary education (Song)
百家姓二編, text for elementary education (Qing)
百家姓三編, text for elementary education (Qing)
百家姓新箋, text for elementary education by Huang Zhouxing 黄周星 (Ming)
百將傳, military treatise by Zhang Yu 張預 (Song)
拜經樓叢書, collectanea by Wu Jian 吳騫 (Qing)
拜經堂叢書, collectanea by Zang Yong 臧庸 (Qing)
白毛女 "The White-Haired Girl", revolutionary theatre play
白蛇傳 "The White Snake", theatre play (Yuan)
百體千字文, special edition of the Qianziwen 千字文 by Sun Jixiu 孫枝秀 (Qing)
Bamboo annals, see
白氏六帖, encyclopedia by Bai Juyi 白居易 (Tang)
百戰奇法, military treatise (Song)
Bai zi quan shu 百子全書, see
寶刻叢編, catalogue of stone slab inscriptions by Chen Si 陳思 (Song)
保甲書輯要, administration handbook by Xu Dong 徐棟 (Qing)
保甲書輯要, administration handbook by Ding Richang 丁日昌 (Qing)
抱經堂叢書, collectanea by Lu Wenchao 盧文弨 (Qing)
抱朴子, Daoist treatise by Ge Hong 葛洪 (Jin)
寶顏堂秘笈, collectanea by Chen Jiru 陳繼儒 (Ming)
北戶錄, account of foreign countries by Duan Gonglu 段公路 (Tang)
北里志, collection of short stories of the Tang capital Chang'an, by Sun Qi 孫棨 (Tang)
北夢瑣言, collection of short stories from the Tang and Five Dynasties period by Sun Guangxian 孫光憲 (Song)
北齊書, official history of the Northern Qi, by Li Baiyao 李百藥 (Tang)
北山酒經, book on wine by Zhu Yizhong 朱翼中 (Zhu Hong 朱肱, Song)
北史, official history of the Northern Dynasties, by Li Yanshou 李延壽 (Tang)
北狩見聞錄, history of a northern expedition of the Song, by Cao Xun 曹勛 (Song)
北堂書鈔, encyclopedia by Yu Shinan 虞世南 (Tang)
北西廂弦索譜, book on music by Shen Yuan 沈遠 (Qing)
北溪字義, philosophical treatise by Chen Chun 陳淳 (Song)
北軒筆記, biji book by Chen Shilong 陳世隆 (Song)
北苑別錄, book on tea by Xiong Fan熊蕃 (Song)
北征錄, history of Emperor Ming Chengzu's military campaigns by Jin Youzi 金幼孜 (Ming)
碑傳記, biographies of Qing period persons, by Qian Yiji 錢儀吉 (Qing)
碑傳記補, biographies of Qing period persons, supplement to the
碑傳記, by Min Erchang 閔爾昌 (Rep)
碑傳集三編, biographies of Qing period persons, supplement to the
碑傳記, by Wang Zhaoyong 汪兆鏞 (Rep)
本草綱目, pharmacological encyclopedia by Li Shizhen 李時珍 (Ming)
本草經集注, pharmacopoeia by Tao Hongjing 陶弘景 (Liang)
Ben cao jing 本草經, see
神農本草經, pharmacopoeia (Zhou to Han)
本草衍義, pharmacopoeia by Kou Zongshi 寇宗奭 (Song)
本事詩, collection of stories in verses by Meng Qi 孟棨 (Tang)
Bi ji 筆記, 1) biji book, by Song Qi 宋祁 (Song), see
宋景文公筆記, 2) by Chen Jiru 陳繼儒 (Ming)
筆記小説大觀, collectanea by Shanghai jinbu shuju 上海進步書局 (Rep)
避暑錄話, biji book by Ye Mengde 葉夢得 (Song)
比丘尼傳, biographies of Buddhist nuns by Baochang 寳唱 (Liang)
比雅, dictionary of parallel sentences by Hong Liangji 洪亮吉 (Qing)
碧雲騢, collection of stories by Mei Yaochen 梅堯臣 (Song)
辨惑編, philosophical treatise by Xie Yingfang 謝應芳 (Yuan)
汴京遺跡志, local gazetteer of Kaifeng by Li Lian 李濂 (Ming)
便宜十六策, military treatise attributed to Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 (Sanguo-Shu)
編珠, encyclopedia by Du Gongzhan 杜公瞻 (Sui)
別本茶經, book on tea by Tang Xianzu 湯顯祖 (Ming)
別雅, dictionary on synonyms by Wu Yujin 吳玉搢 (Qing)
賓退錄, biji book by Zhao Yushi 趙與時 (Song)
兵鏡類編, military treatise by Li Rui 李蕊 (Qing)
博物志, encyclopedia in short story style by Zhang Hua 張華 (Jin)
博物志補, miscellaneous collection by You Qian 游潛 (Ming)
Bo ya 博雅, same as
Book of Changes, see
Book of Documents, see
Book of Songs or Poetry, see
Book of Rites, see
駁五經異義, commentary to the Classics by Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 (Han)
駁五經異義疏證, commentary to the Classics by Pi Xirui皮錫瑞(Qing)
博物志, short encyclopedia about strange items by Zhang Hua 張華 (Jin)
博異志, collection of stories by Zheng Huangu 鄭還古 alias Gushenzi 谷神子 (Tang)
捕蝗考, book on disaster relief by Chen Fangsheng 陳芳生 (Qing)
捕蝗要訣, anonymous text on locust plagues (Qing)
補農書, book on agriculture by Zhang Lüxiang 張履祥 (Qing)
and sutras see also
菜根譚, moral instructions by Hong Yingming 洪應明 (Ming)
蔡葵書, agricultural treatise by Cai Kui 蔡葵 (Han)
驂鸞錄, travel report by Fan Chengda 范成大 (Song)
蠶書, book on sericulture by Qin Guan 秦觀 (Song)
倉頡篇, gloss book for elementary education by Li Si 李斯 (Qin)
藏一話腴, biji book by Chen Yu 陳郁 (Song)
草廬經略, anonymous military treatise (Ming)
曹毗志怪, story collection by Cao Pi 曹毗 (Han)
曹州牡丹譜, book on chrysanthemums, by Yu Pengnian 余鵬年 (Qing)
冊府元龜, political encyclopedia by Wang Qinruo 王欽若 et al. (Song)
茶董, book on tea by Xia Shufang 夏樹芳 (Ming)
茶館 "The Tea House", theatre play by Lao She 老舍 (Republic/PRC)
茶經, book on tea by Lu Yu 陸羽 (Tang)
茶寮記, book on tea by Lu Shusheng 陸樹聲 (Ming)
茶錄, book on tea by Cai Xiang 蔡襄 (Song)
茶史, book on tea by Liu Yuanchang 劉源長 (Qing)
茶疏, book on tea by Xu Cishu 許次紓 (Ming)
茶約, book on tea by He Binran 何彬然 (Ming)
讒書, essay by Luo Yin 羅隱 (Tang)
纏子, philosophical treatise by Master Chan (Zhou)
Chang an tu ji 長安圖記, see
長安志, description of the Tang capital of Chang'an, by Song Minqiu 宋敏求 (Song)
長安志圖, illustrated gazetteer of Chang'an by Li Haowen 李好文 (Yuan)
長春真人西遊記, report of Qiu Chuji's 丘處機 travels by Li Zhichang 李志常 (Jin)
長短經, political treatise by Zhao Rui 趙蕤 (Tang)
Chang hen ge 長恨歌, &Lament everlasting&, poem by Bai Juyi (Tang)
長生殿 "The Hall of Everlasting Life", theatre play by Hong Sheng 洪昇 (Qing)
長物志, book on antiques by Wen Zhenheng 文震亨 (Ming)
昌言, philosophical treatise by Zhong Zhangtong 仲長統 (Han)
鈔幣論, treatise on paper money by Xu Mei 許楣 (Qing)
晁氏新書, political treatise by Chao Cuo 晁錯 (Han)
朝鮮史略, history of Korea (Ming)
朝野僉載, collection of stories by Zhang Zhuo 張鷟 (Tang)
Chao zi 巢子, see
車營扣答合編, military treatise by Sun Chengzong 孫承宗 (Ming)
陳旉農書, agronomical treatise by Chen Fu 陳旉 (Song)
臣軌, political book by Wu Zetian 武則天 (Tang)
陳書, official history of the Chen dynasty, by Yao Silian 姚思廉 (Tang)
成都府志, local gazetteer of Chengdu by Tong Shiyong 佟世雍 (Qing)
Cheng du ming hua lu成都名畫記, see
Cheng shi jia shu du shu fen nian ri cheng 程氏家塾讀書分年日程, see
乘異記, collection of stories by Zhang Junfang 張君房 (Song)
誠齋揮麈錄, collection of stories by Yang Wanli 楊萬里 (Song)
Chong bian bai jia xing 重編百家姓, see
重訂三字經, text for elementary educatoin by Zhang Binglin 章炳麟 (Rep)
Chong xu qian wen 重續千文, see
重訂欣賞編, collectanea by Mao Yixiang 茅一相 (Ming)
崇文總目, bibliography by Wang Yaochen 王堯臣 (Song)
崇有論, philosophical treatise by Pei Wei 裴頠 (Jin)
崇禎長編, history of the last Ming emperor, by Wang Ji 王楫 (Ming/Qing)
籌辦夷務始末, history of the foreign affairs of the late Qing period
籌海圖編, military treatise by Zheng Ruoceng 鄭若曾 (Ming)
楚辭, &Poetry of the South&, poems by Qu Yuan 屈原 (Warring States)
畜德錄, philosophical treatise by 1) Chen Yi 陳沂 (Ming), 2)
Xu Qitu 席啟圖 (Qing)
楚漢春秋, chronicle by Lu Jia 陸賈 (Han)
楚史檮杌, history of ancient southern China (Song?)
初學備忘, book on learning by Zhang Lüxiang 張履祥 (Qing)
初學記, encyclopedia by Zhang Yue 張說 (Tang)
芻言, moral treatise by Cui Dunli 崔敦禮 (Song)
傳奇, collection of short stories by Pei Xing 裴鉶 (Tang)
吹劍錄, biji book by Yu Wenbao 俞文豹 (Song)
淳化法帖, colletion of calligraphies by Wang Zhu 王著 (Song)
Chun hua ge fa tie 淳化閣法帖, see
Chun hua ge tie淳化閣帖, see
淳化閣帖釋文, book on calligraphy (Qing)
淳化秘閣法帖考正, book on calligraphy by Wang Shu 王澍 (Qing)
春明退朝錄, biji book by Song Minqiu 宋敏求 (Song)(Song)
春秋 "Spring and Autumn", chronicle of Lu, one of the Five
(Spring and Autumn)
春秋别典, alternative history to the Spring and Autumn period by Xue Yuji 薛虞畿 (Ming)
春秋繁露, metaphysical book by Dong Zhongshu (Former Han)
春秋左氏傳事類始末, history of the Spring and Autumn period in the style of events in their entirety, by Zhang Chong 章沖 (Song)
淳熙三山志, local history of Fujian by Chen Fuliang 陳傅良 (Song)
純正蒙求, encyclopedia for elementary education by Hu Bingwen 胡炳文 (Yuan)
春渚紀聞, biji book by He Wei (He Yuan) 何薳 (Song)
輟耕錄, history of the late Yuan period by Tao Zongyi 陶宗儀 (Yuan)
次柳氏舊聞, collection of stories Li Deyu 李德裕 (Tang)
, collection of 5+4 to 13 canonical writings of
Confucius, see
Creation of the Gods, see
催官篇, book on geomancy by Lai Wenjun 賴文俊 (Song)
崔氏政論, political treatise by Cui Shi 崔寔 (Han)
Cun ren bian 存人編, see
Cun xing bian 存性編, see
Cun xue bian 存學編, see
Cun zhi bian 存治編, see
大戴禮記, parallel to the
(Former Han)
大誥 "The Great Announcement", 1) a chapter of the , 2) political instructions by emperor Ming Taizu 明太祖
大公報, political newspaper of the Republican period
大金德運圖說, ritual canon of the Jurchen-Jin dynasty
大金吊伐錄, history of the Jurchen conquest of northern China (Jin)
大金國志, History of the Jurchen Jin dynasty, by Yuwen Maozhao 宇文懋昭 (?; Yuan)
大金集禮, ritual compendium of the Jin dynasty, by Zhang Wei 張瑋 (?; Jin)
大明會典, collected statutes of the Ming dynasty
大明律, the Ming law code
大明一統志, imperial geography of the Ming dynasty
大清會典, collected statutes of the Qing dynasty
大清律例, laws and precedences of the Qing, the Qing law code
大清一統志, imperial geography of the Qing empire
大事記, overview chronicle by Lü Zuqian 呂祖謙 (Song)
大事記續編, history by Wang Yi 王禕 (Yuan)
大唐創業起居注, diary of the foundation of the Tang dynasty, by Wen Daya 溫大雅 (Tang)
大唐西域記, description of foreign countries in Central Asia by Xuanzang 玄奘 (Tang)
大唐新語, collection of stories by Liu Su 劉肅 (Tang)
大學, &The Great Learning&, , one of the Four Books (Warring States to Han)
大學衍義, philosophical treatise by Zhen Dexiu 真德秀 (Song)
大學衍義補, Confucian treatise on statecraft by Qiu Jun 丘濬 (Ming)
大元大一統志, imperial geography of the Yuan empire
Da Yuan ma zheng ji 大元馬政記, see
Da Yue shi lüe 大越史略, see
岱南閣叢書, collectanea by Sun Xingyan 孫星衍 (Qing)
Dai shi shu pu 戴氏鼠璞, see
??i Vi?t s? l??c, see
道德經, the Daoist Classic, said to be written by Laozi (Warring States)
道德經論兵要義, military treatise by Wang Zhen 王真 (Tang)
島夷志略, description of foreign countries in the southern seas by Wang Dayuan 汪大淵 (Yuan)
登壇必究, military treatise by Wang Minghe 王鳴鶴 (Ming)
帝範, political treatise by Emperor Taizong 唐太宗 (Tang)
地理大全, collectanea on geomantic books compiled by Li Guomu 李國木 (Ming)
帝王經世圖譜, illustrated encyclopedia on statecraft by Tang Zhongyou 唐仲友 (Song)
帝王世紀, chronicle by Huangfu Mi 皇甫謐 (Jin)
帝學, political treatise by Fan Zuyu 范祖禹 (Song)
弟子規, text for elementary education by Li Yuxiu 李毓秀 (Qing)
弟子職, book on education, chapter of
管子 (Zhou)
殿閣詞林記, collection of biograhpies by Liao Daonan 廖道南 (Ming)
滇考, history of Yunnan by Feng Su 馮甦 (Qing)
滇略, local gazetteer of Yunnan by Xie Zhaozhi 謝肇淛 (Ming)
典論, literature critique by Cao Pi 曹丕/Wei Wendi 魏文帝 (Three Kingdoms-Wei)
點石齋畫報, illustrated newspaper from the late Qing
釣磯立談, collection of stories by Shi Xubai 史虛白 (Southern Tang)
疊雅, dictionary on depublicative words by Shi Menglan 史夢蘭 (Qing)
鼎錄, notes on tripods by Yu Li 虞荔 (Chen)
東都事略, history of the Northern Song, by Wang Cheng 王稱 (Song)
東觀漢記, history of the Eastern Han dynasty, by various authors (Later Han)
東觀奏記, collection of histories by Pei Tingyu 裴庭裕 (Tang)
Dong guo shi lüe 東國史略, see
東家雜記, book about Confucius by Kong Chuan 孔傳 (Song)
東漢會要, institutional history of the Eastern Han dynasty, by Xu Tianlin 徐天麟 (Song)
東華錄, history of early Qing, by Jiang Liangqi 蔣良騏
東京夢華錄, description of Kaifeng, by Meng Yuanlao 孟元老 (Song)
東林列傳, biographies of members of the Donglin Faction by Chen Ding 陳鼎 (Qing)
Dong ling zhen jing 洞靈真經, see
洞冥記, phantastic biographiy of emperor Han Wudi by Guo Xian 郭憲 (Han)
東南記事 by Shao Tingcai 邵廷釆 (Qing)
東南紀聞, collection of stories (Yuan)
東南水利略, book on water conservancy by Ling Jiexi 凌介禧 (Qing)
東坡志林, biji book by Su Shi 蘇軾 (Song)
洞天清錄, book on antiques by Zhao Xihu 趙希鵠 (Song)
東溪試茶錄, book on tea by Song Zi'an 宋子安 (Song)
東西洋考, description of foreign countries by Zhang Xie 張燮 (Ming)
洞仙傳, collection of biographies of immortals (Song)
東軒筆錄, collection of stories by Wei Tai 魏泰 (Song)
東齋記事, collection of stories by Fan Zhen 范鎮 (Song)
東征集, history of the conquest of Taiwan 1723 by Lan Dingyuan 藍鼎元 (Qing)
董子, philosophical treatise by Dong Wuxin 董無心 (Zhou)
Dream of the Red Chamber, see
讀抱樸子, commentary to the Baopuzi 抱樸子, by Yu Yue 俞樾 (Qing)
都城紀勝, local description of Hangzhou, by Nai Deweng 耐得翁 (Song)
獨斷, political tractate by Cai Yong 蔡邕 (Han)
杜工部年譜, biography of Du Fu by Zhao Zili 趙子櫟 (Song)
妒記, collection of stories about court women by Yu Tongzhi 虞通之 (Liu-Song)
篤論, political treatise by Du Shu 杜恕 (Cao-Wei)
Du shi du lun 杜氏篤論, see
讀史方輿紀要, notes on history and geography by Gu Zuyu 顧祖禹 (Qing)
讀史糾謬, historical critique by Niu Yunzhen 牛運震 (Qing)
Du shi you qiu xin shu 杜氏幽求新書, see
讀書分年日程, book on education by Cheng Duanli程端禮 (Song)
Du shu gong cheng 讀書工程, see
讀書錄, philosophical treatise by Xue Xuan 薛瑄 (Ming)
Du shu sui bi 讀書隨筆, see
讀通鑒論, historical critique by Wang Fuzhi 王夫之 (Ming)
獨醒雜志, collection of stories by Zeng Minxing 曾敏行 (Song)
杜陽雜編, collection of stories by Su E 蘇鄂 (Tang)
獨異志, story collection by Li Yin 李冘 (Tang)
遁甲演義, book on divination by Cheng Daosheng 程道生 (Ming)
二程粹言, treatise on the philosophy of the brothers Cheng Hao 程顥 and Cheng Yi 程頤, by Yang Shi 楊時 (Song)
二程全書, complete writings of and on the brothers Cheng Hao 程顥 and Cheng Yi 程頤 (Song), compiled by Zhu Xi 朱熹 (Song)
二程遺書, collected discourses of the brothers Cheng Hao 程顥 and Cheng Yi 程頤 (Song)
二程外書, supplementary collected discourses of the brothers Cheng Hao 程顥 and Cheng Yi 程頤 (Song)
兒女英雄傳, novel from the late 19th century
二十二子, collectanea by Zhejiang Printing House 浙江書局 (Qing)
二十五史, the 25 (or 24, 26) official dynastic histories. Ershisi shi 二十四史 without , Ershiliu shi 二十六史 includes
爾雅, gloss book dictionary for synonymes, a
(Former Han)
爾雅翼, gloss book dictionary by Luo Yuan 羅願 (Song)
法經, penal law code by Li Kui 李悝 (Zhou)
法書要錄, treatise on calligraphy by Zhang Yanyuan 張彥遠 (Tang)
法帖刊誤, book on calligraphy by Huang Bosi 黃伯思 (Song)
法帖譜系, book on calligraphy by Cao Shimian 曹士冕 (Song)
法帖釋文, book on calligraphy by Liu Cizhuang 劉次莊 (Song)
發微論, book on geomancy by Cai Yuanding 蔡元定 (Song)
Fa xun 法訓, see
法言, political treatise by Yang Xiong 揚雄 (Han)
番漢合時掌中珠, Tangut-Chinese dictionary by "Gulemaocai" 骨勒茂才 (Xia)
范村菊譜, book on chrysanthemums by Fan Chengda 范成大 (Song)
Fan cun mei pu 范村梅譜, see
氾勝之書, agronomical treatise by Fan Shengzhi 氾勝之 (Han)
販書偶記, bibliography by Sun Dianqi 孫殿起 (Rep)
梵唐千字文, elementary Sanskrit gloss book by Yijing 義淨 (Tang)
Fan yu qian zi wen 梵語千字文, see
范子計然, anonymous agricultural treatise (Zhou?)
放翁家訓, Confucian treatise by Lu You 陸游 (Song)
方言, dialect dictionary by Yang Xiong 揚雄 (Han)
方輿勝覽, geography by Zhu Mu 祝穆 (Song)
焚椒錄, history of an empress of the Liao by Wang Ding 王鼎 (Liao)
分類字錦, encyclopedia (Qing)
焚書, philosophical treatise by Li Zhi 李贄 (Ming)
楓窗小牘, collection of stories by Yuan Jiong 袁絅 and Yuan Yi 袁頤 (Song)
Feng shen bang 封神榜, see
封神演義 "The Investiture of the Gods", 16th century novel
封氏聞見記, collection of stories by Feng Yan 封演 (Tang)
風俗通義, encyclopedia of customs and habits by Ying Shao 應劭 (Han)
奉天邊務輯要 by Li Tingyu 李廷玉(Qing)
Five Classics, see , the Five Confucian Classics , , , , and
佛國記, report of Faxian's 法顯 (Jin) travel to India
Four Books, see , the Four Confucian Books , , ,
復古編, book on the Chinese script by Zhang You 張有 (Song)
伏侯古今注, small encyclopedia by Fu Wuji 伏無忌 (Han)
婦女雙名記, glossary of female names by Li Zhaoheng 李肇亨 (Ming)
賦役全書, complete tax registers (Ming/Qing)
傅子, political treatise by Fu Xuan 傅玄 (Jin)
苻子, Daoist treatise by Fu Lang 苻朗 (Jin)
干祿字書, glossary of Chinese characters by Yan Yuansun 顔元孫 (Qing)
甘石星經, astronomical and astrological treatise by Gan De 甘德 and Shi Kun 石申 (Zhou)
甘薯錄, book on sweet potatoes by Lu Yao 陸耀 (Qing)
甘澤謠, collection of stories by Yuan Jiao 袁郊 (Tang)
紺珠集, collection of stories (Tang)
干子, Confucian treatise by Gan Bao 干寶 (Jin)
綱鑒易知録, history textbook by Wu Chengquan 吳乘權 (Qing)
高僧傳, biographies of Buddhist monks by Huijiao 慧皎 (Liang)
高士傳, biographies of eminent persons by Huangfu Mi 皇甫謐 (Jin)
格古要論, study of antiques by Cao Zhao 曹昭 (Ming)
格致叢書, collectanea by Hu Wenhuan 胡文煥 (Ming)
格致鏡原, encyclopedia by Chen Yuanlong 陳元龍 (Qing)
Geng sang zi 庚桑子, see
庚申外史, history of the late Yuan period, by Quan Heng 權衡 (Yuan/Ming)
耕織圖, illustrated book on agriculture by Lou Shou 樓璹 (Song)
公孫龍子, philosophical treatise by Gongsun Long 公孫龍 (Warring States)
公孫尼子, Confucian treatise by Gongsun Ni 公孫尼 (Zhou)
宮閨小名錄, glossary of female names by You Tong 尤侗 (Qing)
公羊傳, commentary to the Chunqiu by Gongyang Gao, a
(Warring States)
公子牟子, Daoist treatise by Prince Mou 牟 (Zhou)
觚不觚錄, collection of stories by Wang Shizhen 王世貞 (Ming)
古杭雜記, stories from Hangzhou by Li You 李有 (Yuan)
古畫品錄, critique on painting by Xie He 謝赫 (Southern Qi)
古今刀劍錄, handbook on ancient swords, by Tao Hongjing 陶弘景 (Liang)
古今列女傳, biographies of eminent women by Jie Jin 解縉 (Ming)
古今說海, collection of short stories by Lu Ji 陸楫 (Ming)
古今同姓名錄, handbook on persons with the same name, by Xiao Yi 蕭繹 (Liang)
古今圖書集成, large encyclopedia from the Kangxi period (Qing)
古今姓氏書辯證, encyclopedia on family names by Deng Mingshi 鄧名世 (Song)
古今逸史, collectanea by Wu Wan 吳琯 (Ming)
古今印史, book on seals by
Xu Guan 徐官 (Ming)
古今注, small encyclopedia by Cui Bao 崔豹 (Jin)
古經解鉤沉, commentary collection to the classics by Yu Xiaoke 余蕭客 (Qing)
古經解彙函, collectanea by Zhong Qianjun 鐘謙鈞 (Qing)
穀梁傳, commentary to the Chunqiu by Guliang Shu, a
(Warring States)
Gu lie nü zhuan 古列女傳, see
古三墳, divination text from the Han period
古史, alternative history to the
by Su Che 蘇轍 (Song)
古史辨, series of historical critique, by Gu Jiegang 顧頡剛 et al. (Rep.)
古詩紀, anthology by Feng Weine 馮惟訥 (Ming)
古詩十九首, collection of 19 old style poems from the Han period
古詩選, literary anthology by Wang Shizhen 王士禛 (Qing)
古詩源, literay anthology by Shen Deqian 沈德潛 (Qing)
姑蘇志, local gazetteer on Suzhou by Lin Shiyuan 林世遠 and Wang Ao 王鏊 (Ming)
古文觀止, literary anthology by Wu Chucai 吳楚材 and Wu Diaohou 吳調侯 (Qing)
古文苑, literary anthology from the Tang, commented by Zhang Qiao 章樵 (Song)
古小說鉤沉, collection of early novellas compiled by Lu Xun 魯迅 (Rep)
古謠諺, anthology by Du Wenlan 杜文瀾 (Qing)
古異傳, story collection by Yuan Wangshou 袁王壽 (Liu-Song)
古樂經傳, book on music by 1) Zhan Ruoshuo 湛若水 (Ming), 2) Li Guangdi 李光地 (Qing)
古樂書, book on music by Ying Huiqian 應撝謙 (Qing)
古微書, collectanea on apocryphal texts by 孫瑴 Sun Jue (Ming)
Guan miao zhai jin shi wen kao lüe 觀妙齋金石文考略, see
闕尹子, Daoist treatise by Yin Xi 尹喜 (Zhou)
官箴, admonishions to state officials by Lü Benzhong 呂本中 (Song)
官箴書集成, collectanea on local administration
管子, politico-oeconomical tractate by Guan Zhong 管仲 (Spring and Autumn to Warring States)
廣百川學海, collectanea by Feng Kebin 馮可賓 (Ming)
廣百將傳統, military treatise by Chen Yuansu 陳元素 (Ming)
廣博物志, miscellaneous encyclopedia by Dong Sizhang 董斯張 (Ming)
廣倉, gloss book for elementary education by Fan Gong 樊恭 (Liang)
廣廣事類賦, encyclopedia by Wu Shizhan 吳世旃 (Qing)
廣漢魏叢書, collectanea by He Yunzhong 何允中 (Ming)
廣近思錄, philosophical treatise by Zhang Boxing 張伯行 (Qing)
廣快書, collectanea by He Weiran 何偉然 and Wu Congxian 吳從先 (Ming)
廣蒙求, historiographic encyclopedia for elementary education by Yao Guanglu 姚光祿 (Ming)
Guang qun fang pu 廣群芳譜, see
廣三字經, text for elementary education by Master Jiaoxuan 蕉軒氏 (Qing)
廣事類賦, encyclopedia by Hua Ximin 華希閔 (Qing)
廣釋名, gloss dictionary by Zhang Jinwu 張金吾 (Qing)
廣雅, gloss dictionary by Zhang Yi 張揖 (Han)
廣異記, collection of stories by 戴孚 Dai Fu (Tang)
廣夷堅志, collection of stories by Yang Shen 楊慎 (Ming)
廣易千文, text for elementary education by Zhou Lüjing 周履靖 (Ming)
廣輿圖, provincial atlas of China by Luo Hongxian 羅洪先 (Ming)
廣韻, dictionary arranged in rhyme groups by Chen Pengnian 陳彭年 (Song)
廣卓異記, loose collection of biographies from the Han to the Tang period by Yue Shi 樂史 (Song)
歸藏, fragmentarily preserved divination book (Shang)
貴耳集, biji book by Zhang Duanyi 張端義 (Song)
閨範, treatise on women by Lü Kun 呂坤 (Ming)
會稽三賦, poetic description of Shaoxing by Wang Shipeng 王十朋 (Song)
桂海虞衡志, local history and description of south-western China by Fan Chengda 范成大 (Song)
會稽志, local gazetteer of Shaoxing by Shen Zuobin 沈作賓 and Shi Su 施宿 (Song)
桂林風土記, local gazetteer of Guizhou by Mo Xiufu 莫休符 (Tang)
歸潛志, history of the late Jurchen Jin period by Liu Qi 劉祁 (Jin/Yuan)
癸巳存稿, biji book by Yu Zhengxie 俞正燮 (Qing)
癸巳類稿, biji book by Yu Zhengxie 俞正燮 (Qing)
歸田錄, historiographical essay by Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 (Song)
癸辛雜識, historiographical essay by Zhou Mi 周密 (Song)
桂苑叢談, biji book by Fengyizi 馮翊子 (Five Dynasties)
Guo chao gong shi 國朝宮史, see
國朝耆獻類徵, collection of biographies of eminent persons from the Qing by Li Huan 李桓 (Qing)
國朝獻徵錄, collection of biographies of eminent persons from the Ming period by Jiao Hong 焦竑 (Ming)
國朝先正事略, collection of biographies of eminent persons from the Qing by Li Yuandu 李元度 (Qing)
國老談苑, collection of stories by 王銍 Wang Zhi (Song)
過庭錄, collection of stories by Fan Gongcheng 范公偁 (Song)
國榷, alternative history of the Ming dynasty, by Tan Qian 談變 (Qing)
國語, historical anecdotes (Spring and Autumn)
郭子, collection of stories by Guo Chengzhi 郭澄之 (Liu-Song)
國子監志, book on the institution of the Directorate of Education by Lu Zongkai 陸宗楷 (Qing)
海國圖志, world geography by Wei Yuan 魏源 (Qing)
海錄碎事, collection of phantastic stories by Ye Tinggui 葉廷珪 (Song)
海內十洲記, phantastic biographiy of emperor Han Wudi attributed to Dongfang Shuo 東方朔 (Han)
海瑞罷官 "The Dismission of Hai Rui", theatre play by Wu Han 吳晗 (PRC)
海山仙館叢書, collectanea by Pan Shicheng 潘仕誠 (Qing)
海塘錄, book on water conservancy by Zhai Junlian 翟均廉 (Qing)
海棠譜, book on crab-apples by Chen Si 陳思 (Song)
韓非子, legalist philosophical tractate by Han Fei 韓非 (Warring States)
漢宮秋 "Autumn in the Han Palace", theatre play by Ma Zhiyuan 馬致遠 (Yuan)
漢官舊儀, administrative text by Wei Hong 衛宏 (Han)
Han guan liu zhong 漢官六種, see
函海, collectanea by Li Diaoyuan 李調元 (Qing)
漢紀 (Qianhanji 前漢紀), alternative history of the Former Han by Xun Yue 荀悅 (Later Han)
漢晉春秋, chronicle by Xi Zaochi 習鑿齒 (Jin)
Han jiu yi 漢舊儀, see
翰林志, book on the institution of the Hanlin Academy by Li Zhao 李肇 (Tang)
撼龍經, book on geomancy by Yang Yunsong 楊筠松 (Tang)
漢末英雄傳, biographies of late Han persons by Wang Can 王粲 (Sanguo-Wei)
翰墨志, book on calligraphy by Zhao Gou 趙構 (Emperor Song Gaozong 宋高宗)
漢世說, collection of discourses in the style of Liu Yiqing's 劉義慶
世說新語, by Zhang Fugong 章撫功 (Qing)
韓詩外傳, commentary and complement to the
by Han Ying 韓嬰 (Han)
漢書, official history of the Former Han dynasty by Ban Gu 班固 (Later Han)
漢書藝文志, bibliography from the
漢魏叢書, collectanea by Cheng Rong 程榮 (Ming)
漢武帝内傳, phantastic biography of emperor Han Wudi attibuted to Ban Gu 班固 (Han)
漢武故事, phantastic biography of emperor Han Wudi attibuted to Ban Gu 班固 (Han)
翰苑集, collection of political essays by Lu Zhi 陸贄 (Tang)
翰苑新書, encyclopedia from the Song period
漢制考, book on the administrative system of the Han dynasty by Wang Yinglin 王應麟 (Song)
郝氏續後漢書, alternative history to the
三國志 by Hao Jing 郝經 (Yuan)
合璧事類備要, encyclopedia by Xie Weixin 謝維新 (Song)
何博士備論, military treatise by He Qufei 何去非 (Song)
河防記, book on water conservancy by Ouyang Xuan 歐陽玄 (Yuan)
河防疏略, book on water conservancy by Zhu Zhixi 朱之錫 (Qing)
河防一覽, book on water conservancy by Pan Jixun 潘季馴 (Ming)
河防志, book on water conservancy by Zhang Xiliang 張希良 (Qing)
合刻三志, collectanea by Wang Tao 王韜 (Qing)
鶴林玉露, biji book by Luo Dajing 羅大經 (Song)
何氏語林, collection of stories by He Liangjun 何良俊 (Ming)
河源紀略, book on the Yellow River (Qing)
黑韃事略, Short notes on the Black Tartars (Mongols), by Peng Daya 彭大雅 and Xu Ting 徐霆 (Song)
河防通議, book on water conservancy by Shen Li 沈立 (Song), revised by ?ak?i 沙克什 (Yuan)
He nan Shao shi wen jian hou lu 河南邵氏聞見後錄, see
珩璜新論, biji book by Kong Pingzhong 孔平仲 (Song)
洪經略奏對筆記 by Hong Chengchou 洪承疇 (Qing)
紅樓夢 "Dream of the Red Chamber", novel by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 (Qing)
洪武正韻, dictionary from the early Ming period
厚德錄, collection of stories by Li Yuangang 李元 (Song)
後漢紀, Annals of the Later Han dynasty", by Yuan Hong
袁宏 (Jin)
後漢書, official history of the Later Han dynasty by Fan Ye 范曄 (Liu-Song)
後湖志, history of the Ming period by Zhao Guan 趙官 (Ming)
侯鯖錄, collection of stories by Zhao Lingzhi 趙令畤 (Song)
後知不足齋叢書, collectanea by Bao Tingjue 鮑廷爵 (Qing)
戶部則例, administrative regulations of the Ministry of Revenue (Qing)
胡非子, philosophical treatise by Master Hu Fei (Zhou)
湖南苗防屯政考 by Dan Xiangliang 但湘良 (Qing)
虎鈐經, military treatise by Xu Dong 許洞 (Song)
畫史, history of painting by Mi Fu 米芾 (Song)
化書, Daoist treatise by Tan Xiao 譚峭 (Five Dynasties)
華陽國志, regional history of Sichuan, by Chang Qu 常璩 (Jin)
華夷譯語, multi-language dictionaries from the Ming, one by Huo Yuanjie 火原潔 (Ming)
淮軍平捻記, history of the war against the Nian in Jiangsu by Zhou Shicheng 周世澄 (Qing)
懷陵流寇始終錄, history of the late Ming perod, by Dai Li 戴笠 (early Qing)
淮南水利考, book on water conservancy by Hu Ying'en 胡應恩 (Ming)
淮南子, metaphysical collection by Prince Liu An 劉安 (Han)
寰宇通志, imperial geography of the Ming dynasty
還冤志, collection of stories by Yan Zhitui 顏之推 (Northern Qi)
Huang chao 皇朝, see under the respective dynasties, mainly Ming (chao) 明朝 or Qing (chao) 清朝
皇朝禮器圖式, illustrated book on ritual objects of the Qing dynasty
皇朝藩部要略, biographies of Mongolian and Muslim princes and nobles by Qi Yuanshi 祁韻士 (Qing)
皇朝啟運錄, chronicle by Chen Jian 陳建 (Ming)
皇朝武功紀盛, history of four great wars of the Qing dynasty by Zhao Yi 趙翼 (Qing)
黃帝內經, "The Yellow Emperor's classic of medicine" (Han)
黃帝四經, non-canonical Daoist collection (Han)
黃帝問玄女兵法, military treatise (Tang)
黃帝陰符經, Daoist treatise (Tang)
黃金史, the "Golden Histories" of the Mongols from the Qing period
皇覽, enycyclopedia by Liu Shao 劉劭 et al. (Cao-Wei)
黃粱夢 "The Dream of Yellow Millet", theatre play by Ma Zhiyuan 馬致遠 (?; Yuan)
Huang Ming ..., see also Ming ...
皇明寶訓, Legal instructions by Ming Taizu
皇明從信錄, chronicle by Chen Jian 陳建 and revised by Shen Guoyuan 沈國元 (Ming)
皇明法傳錄, chronicle by by Chen Jian 陳建 and revised by Gao Rushi 高汝栻 (Ming)
Huang Ming li chao zi zhi tong ji 皇明歷朝資治通紀, see
皇明千家姓, text for elementary education by Wu Shen 吳沉 and Liu Zhongzhi 劉仲 (Ming)
Huang Ming shi liu chao gong tong ji 皇明十六朝廣彙記, see
皇明通紀, chronicle by Chen Jian 陳建 (Ming)
皇明制書, Statecraft encyclopedia of the Ming dynatsy
Huang Ming zi zhi tong ji 皇明資治通紀, see
皇明祖訓, Family instructions by Ming Taizu
Huang Qing ..., see also Qing ...
皇清經解, collectanea by Ruan Yuan 阮元 (Qing)
皇清職貢圖, description of native tribes in the orbit of the Qing empire
皇清開國方略, military annals of the foundation of the Qing dynasty
皇清職貢圖, description of tributary states of the Qing period
皇清奏議, collection of memorials submitted to the Qing emperors
黃石公三略, military treatise (Zhou to Han)
黃石公素書, military treatise (Zhou)
皇宋十朝綱要, chronicle by Li Zhi 李{直/土} (Song)
皇宋通鍳長編紀事本末, a theme-centered history of the Northern Song period by Yang Zhongliang 楊仲良 (Song)
皇王大紀, chronicle by Hu Hong 胡宏 (Song)
皇言定聲錄, book on music by Mao Qiling 毛奇齡 (Qing)
皇祐新樂圖記, book on music by Ruan Yi 阮逸 and Hu Yuan 胡瑗 (Song)
皇輿全圖, the "Ricci Atlas" of the early Qing dynasty
荒政叢書, collection of books on disaster relief by Yu Sen 俞森 (Qing)
晦庵集, collected writings of Zhu Xi 朱熹 (Song)
揮麈錄, collection of stories by Wang Mingqing 王明清 (Song)
Hui chen qian lu 揮麈前錄, see
灰畫集, military treatise by Li Pei 李培 (Qing)
惠子, philosophical treatise by Hui Shi 惠施 (Zhou)
(Hong ce 紅冊 "The Red Book"), History of Tibet by Kun-dgah rDo-rje (Tibet [late Song])
婚禮新編, encyclopedia on matrimony by Ding Shengzhi 丁升之 (Song)
火攻挈要, military treatise by Jiao Xu 焦勖 (Ming)
火龍神器陣法, military treatise by Jiao Yu 焦玉 (Ming)
Investiture of the Gods, see
畿輔叢書, collectanea by Wang Hao 王灝 (Qing)
畿服經, imperial geography by Zhi Yu 摯虞 (Jin)
Ji gu ge cong shu 汲古閣叢書, see
集古錄, catalogue of bronze and stone inscriptions by Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 (Song)
稽古錄, handbook to Chinese history by Sima Guang 司馬光 (Song)
稽古篇, alternative history to age of Chinese antiquity by Guo Zhiqi 郭之奇 (Ming)
急就篇, character textbook by Shi You 史游 (Han)
稽古千文, text for elementary education by Xu Heng 許衡撰 (Yuan)
雞肋, encyclopedia by Zhao Chongxun 趙崇絢 (Song)
雞肋編, biji book by Zhuang Chuo 莊綽 (Song)
集靈記, story collection by Yan Zhitui 顏之推 (Northern Qi)
紀錄彙編, collectanea by Shen Jiefu 沈節甫 (Ming)
紀事本末彙刻, collectanea by Guangya Publishing House廣雅書局 (Qing)
計倪子, anonymous political treatise (Zhou)
計然萬物錄, anonymous agricultural treatise (Zhou)
Ji ran zi 計然子, see
集仙傳, collection of biographies of immortals (Song)
紀效新書, military treatise by Qi Jiguang 戚繼光 (Ming)
集異記, collection of strange stories, one by Xue Yongruo 薛用弱 (Tang), one by Guo Jichan 郭季產 (Liu-Song)
集韻, dictionary arranged in rhyme groups from the Song period
汲冢書, the "Bamboo Annals"
記纂淵海, encyclopedia by Pan Zimu 潘自牧 (Song)
家範, family rules by Sima Guang 司馬光 (Song)
家誡要言, Confucian treatise by Wu Linzheng 吳麟徵 (Ming)
嘉靖東南平倭錄, history of the war against piracy during the Ming period by Xu Xueju 徐學聚 (Ming)
嘉靖以來首輔傳, biographies of mid-Ming period counsellors, by Wang Shizhen 王世貞 (Ming)
Jia li 家禮, see
朱子家禮 Zhu Xi 朱熹 (Song)
甲申雜記, biji book by Wang Gong 王鞏 (Song)
家政法, anonymous fragmentary text on agriculture (Han?)
煎茶水記, book on tea by Zhang Youxin 張又新 (Tang)
鑑誡錄, collection of stories by
He Guangyuan 何光遠 (Song)
建康實錄, history of the Southern Dynasties by
Xu Song 許嵩 (Tang)
鋻略妥注, book for primary education by Li Tingji 李廷機 (Ming)
建炎以來朝野雜記, collection of documents on statecraft from the early Southern Song by Li Xinchuan 李心傳
建炎以來繫年要錄, history of the foundation of the Southern Song by Li Xinchuan 李心傳
江表志, historiographical tables of the Southern Tang by Zheng Wenbao 鄭文寶 (Song)
江南别錄, history of the Southern Tang by Chen Pengian 陳彭年 (Song)
江南野史, history of the Southern Tang by Long Gun 龍衮 (Song)
江南餘載, history of the Southern Tang from the Song period
蔣氏家訓, Confucian treatise by Jiang Yi 蔣伊 (Qing)
將苑, military treatise by Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 (Three Kingdoms-Shu)
蔣子萬機論, political treatise by Jiang Ji 蔣濟 (Sanguo/Jin)
剿捕臨清逆匪紀略, history of the war against Wang Lun (Qing)
教坊記, collection of essays on court music by Cui Lingqin 崔令欽 (Tang)
角力記, book on martial arts by Diaoluzi 調露子 (Song)
Jiao nü yi gui 教女遺規, see
剿平捻匪方略, history of the suppression of the Nian rebellion
剿平三省邪匪方略, history of the war against the White Lotus rebellion (Qing)
剿平粤匪方略, history of the suppression of the Taiping rebellion
焦氏易林, divination book by Jiao Gan 焦贛 (Han)
教童子法, book on education by Wang Yun 王筠 (Qing)
Jie an jing shuo介庵經說, see
解放日報, political newspaper of the CCP during the 1940s
羯鼓錄, treatise on music by Nan Zhuo 南卓 (Tang)
借月山房彙鈔, collectanea by Zhang Haipeng 張海鵬 (Qing)
借雲館小唱, book on music by Hua Wenbin 華文彬 (Qing)
戒子通錄, Confucian treatise by Liu Qingzhi 劉清之 (Song)
芥子園畫譜, book on painting by Wang Gai 王概 et al. (Qing)
津逮秘書, collectanea by Mao Jin 毛晉 (Ming)
近代中國史料叢刊, collectanea by Shen Yunlong 沈雲龍 (Rep)
金華子, collection of historical stories by Liu Chongyuan 劉崇遠 (Southern Tang)
Jin hua zi za bian 金華子雜編, see
晉記, restructured version of the Jinshu 晉書, by Guo Lun 郭倫 (Qing)
金樓子, philosophical treatise by Xiao Yi 蕭繹, i.e. Liang Yuandi 梁元帝 (Liang)
金瓶梅 "Plums in a golden vase", 17th century novel
晉春秋, chronicle by Du Yanye 杜延業 (Tang)
金史, official history of the Jurchen Jin dynasty by Toqto 脫脫 (Yuan)
Jin shi cheng 晉史乘, history of ancient northern China, see
金史紀事本末, history of the Jin dynasty, by Li Youtang 李有棠 (Qing)
Jin wen chun qiu 晉文春秋, see
金石錄, catalogue of bronze and stone inscriptions by Zhao Mingcheng 趙明誠 (Song)
金石錄補, catalogue of bronze and stone inscriptions by Ye Yibao 葉奕苞 (Qing), supplement to the
今世說, collection of discourses in the style of Liu Yiqing's 劉義慶
世說新語, by Wang Zhuo 王晫 (Qing)
金石文考略, book on inscriptions by Li Guangying 李光暎 (Qing)
晉書, official history of the Sima Jin dynasty by Fang Xuanling 房玄齡
近思錄, philosophical treatise by Zhu Xi 朱熹 and Lü Zuqian 呂祖謙 (Song)
金佗稡編, book on Yue Fei by Yue Ke岳珂 (Song)
金文雅, collection of Jin period writings by Zhuang Zhongfang 莊仲方 (Qing)
金文最, collection of Jin period writings by Zhang Jinwu 張金吾 (Qing)
今獻彙言, collectanea by Gao Mingfeng 高鳴鳳 (Ming)
錦繡萬花谷, encyclopedia from the Song
Jin xue gui cheng 進學規程, see
晉陽秋, chronicle by Sun Sheng 孫盛 (Jin)
金漳蘭譜, book on orchids by Zhao Shigeng 趙時庚 (Song)
荊楚歲時記, regional history of southern China, by Zong Lin 宗懍 (Liang)
經典釋文, commentary to the Confucian Classics by Lu Deming 陸德明 (Tang)
景定建康志, local gazetteer of Nanjing by Zhou Yinghe 周應合 (Song)
鏡花緣 "Flowers in a mirror", early 19th century novel by Li Ruzhen 李汝珍 (Qing)
靖康要錄, history of the end of the Northern Song by Wang Zao 汪藻 (Song)
竟山樂錄, book on music by Mao Qiling 毛奇齡 (Qing)
經世大典, statutes of statecraft of the Yuan dynasty
Jing shi wen bian, see
明經世文編 and
京氏易傳, divination book by Jing Fang 京房 (Han)
Jing shi zheng lei bei ji ben cao 經史證類備急本草, see
敬鄉錄, collectino of biographies by Wu Shidao 吳師道 (Yuan)
經學五書, commentary of texts on the Classics by Wan Sida 萬斯大 (Qing)
經訓堂叢書, collectanea by Bi Yuan 畢沅 (Qing)
旌異記, collection of stories by Hou Bai 侯白 (Sui)
經苑, collectanea by Qian Yiji 錢儀吉 (Qing)
景子, Confucian treatise by Master Jing (Zhou)
酒概, book on wine by Shen Shen 沈沈 (Ming)
九宮大成南北詞官譜, book on music (Qing)
九國志, history of nine of the Ten States by Lu Zhen 路振 (Song)
救荒本草, medical encyclopedia by Zhu Su 朱橚 (Ming)
救荒活民書, book on disaster relief by Dong Wei 董煟 (Song)
Jiu jing 酒經, 1)
北山酒經, book on wine by Zhu Yizhong 朱翼中 (Zhu Hong 朱肱, Song), 2) book on wine by Su Shi 蘇軾 (Su Dongpo 囌東坡, Song)
九經古義, collected commentaries to the Classics by Hui Dong 惠棟 (Qing)
九經集解, collection of commentaries to the Classics by Lei Xueqi 雷學淇 (Qing)
Jiu jing jie 九經解, see
九經說, collection of commentaries to the Classics by Yao Nai 姚鼐 (Qing)
酒譜, book on wine by Dou Pin 竇蘋 (Song)
酒史, book on wine by Feng Shihua 馮時化 (Ming)
舊唐書, first official history of the Tang dynasty, by Liu Xu 劉昫
舊五代史, first official history of the Five Dynasties, by Xue Juzheng 薛居正
九星穴法, book on geomancy by Liao Yu 廖瑀 (Song)
Jo seon sa ryak 朝鮮史略, see
Journey to the West, see
橘錄, book on tangerines and oranges by Han Yanzhi 韓彥直 (Song)
Ju pu 菊譜, see 1)
劉氏菊譜, 2)
史氏菊譜, 3)
劇談錄, collection of stories by Kang Pian 康駢 (Tang)
居業錄, Confucian treatise by Hu Juren 胡居仁 (Ming)
郡齋讀書志, library catalogue by Chao Gongwu 晁公武 (Song)
Kai yuan zhan jing 開元占經, see
勘靖教匪述編, history of the White Lotus rebellion by Shixiangcun jushi 石香村居士 (Qing)
堪輿五種, collectanea on geomancy by Cheng Wenke 程文格 (Ming)
堪輿十一種書, collectanea on geomancy by Li Sizong 李思總 (Ming)
亢倉子, Daoist writing by Wang Shiyuan 王士源 (Tang)
康濟錄, treatise on disaster relief by Lu Zengyu 陸曾禹 and Ni Guolian 倪國璉 (Qing)
康熙字典, dictionary of the Kangxi era (Qing)
考古編, collection of essays by Cheng Dachang 程大昌 (Song)
考古質疑, biji book by Ye Daqing 葉大慶 (Song)
考槃餘事, book on tools of the study by Tu Long 屠隆 (Ming)
孔叢子, collection of Confucian teachings by Kong Fu (Han)
孔氏六帖, encyclopedia by Kong Chuan 孔傳 (Song), supplement to Bai Juyi's 白居易 Baishi liutie 白氏六帖
孔氏談苑, collection of stories by Kong Pingzhong 孔平仲 (Song)
Kong shi za shuo 孔氏雜說, see
孔氏志怪, collection of stories (Jin)
Kong zi 孔子 (Kong fu zi 孔夫子), , late Spring and Autumn philosopher and purported author and compilator of some of the
孔子編年, biographic chronicle of Confucius by Hu Shunbu 胡舜陟 (Song)
孔子家語, complement to the
孔子集語, collection of scattered citations of Confucius, compiled by a) Xue Ju 薛據 (Song) and b) Sun Xingyan 孫星衍 (Qing)
孔子實錄, book on Confucius (Yuan)
快書, collectanea by Min Jingxian 閔景賢 and He Weiran 何偉然 (Ming)
蒯子, philosophical treatise by Kuai Tong 蒯通 (Han)
匡謬正俗, handbook on writing errors in classical books by Yan Shigu 顏師古 (Tang)
睽車志, collection of stories by Guo Tuan 郭彖 (Song)
愧郯錄, biji book by Yue Ke 岳珂 (Song)
閫外春秋, military treatise by Li Quan 李筌 (Tang)
困學紀聞, collection of essays by Wang Yingling 王應麟 (Song)
困學齋雜錄, biji book by Xianyu Shu 鮮于樞 (Yuan)
坤輿圖說, world geography by Ferdinand Verbiest (Qing)
括地志, imperial geography by Li Tai 李泰 and Xiao Deyan 蕭德言 (Tang)
廓爾喀紀略, history of the second Gurkha war (Qing)
括異志, collection of stories by Zhang Shizheng 張師正 (Song), see also
攬轡錄, travel report by Fan Chengda 范成大 (Song)
Lan pu 蘭譜, see
蘭亭考, study to Wang Zhizhi's 王羲之 Lantingxu 蘭亭序 by Sang Shichang 桑世昌 (Song)
懶真子, biji book Ma Yongqing 馬永卿 (Song)
蘭州紀略, history of the war against the Muslim rebels of Lanzhou (Qing)
老殘遊記 "The Travels of Lao Can", late 19th century novel by Liu E 劉鶚 (Qing)
老學庵筆記, biji book by Lu You 陸遊 (Song)
Lao zi 老子 (Zhou), see
泐史, collection of histories from the region of Sipsongbanna (Xishuang banna), Yunnan
類篇, dictionary by Sima Guang 司馬光 (Song)
耒耜經, book on agriculture by Lu Guimeng 陸龜蒙 (Tang)
類書纂要, encyclopedia by Zhou Lu 周魯 (Qing)
類說, collection of short stories Zeng Zao 曾慥 (Song)
雷雨 "The Thunderstorm", theatre play by Cao Yu 曹禺 (PRC)
冷齋夜話, biji book by Huihong 惠洪 (Song)
隸辨, book on the Chinese script by Gu Aiji 顧藹吉 (Qing)
吏部銓選則例, rules of the Ministry of Personnel (Qing)
禮部韻略, dictionary by Ding Du 丁度 (Song)
禮部志稿, statutes of the Ministry of Rites by Lin Yaoyu 林堯俞 and Yu Ruji 俞汝楫 (Ming)
歷代兵制, military treatise by Chen Fuliang 陳傅良 (Song)
歷代帝王宅京記, description of capitals by Gu Yanwu 顧炎武 (Qing)
歷朝紀事本末, collectanea by Chen Rusheng 陳如升, Zhu Jirong 朱記榮 (Qing)
Li dai jing zhai ji 歷代宅京記, see
歷代名臣奏議, collection of memorials through all ages by Huang Huai 黄淮 and Yang Shiqi 楊士奇 (Ming)
歷代名畫記, critique on painting by Zhang Yanyuan 張彥遠 (Tang)
歷代通鍳輯覽, comprehensive history (Qing)
歷代銓選志, history of the official-appointment system by Yuan Dingyuan 袁定遠 (Qing)
歷代小史, collectanea by Li Shi 李栻 (Ming)
歷代禹貢文獻集成, collectanea by Wenqingge 文清閣 (PRC)
歷代宰輔彙考, history of the Chief Counsellors by Wan Sitong 萬斯同 (Qing)
歷代制度詳說, political encyclopedia by Lü Zuqian 呂祖謙 (Song)
歷代職官表, list of state officals through history (Qing)
禮記, a , one of the Five Classics (Warring States to Han)
隸釋, catalogue of calligraphy by Hong Shi 洪適 (Song)
李氏學樂錄, book on music by Li Gong 李塨 (Qing)
歷世真仙體道通鋻, collection of Daoist biographies by Zhao Daoyi 趙道一 (Yuan)
禮書, Confucian treatise by Chen Xiangdao 陳祥道 (Song)
禮書綱目, Confucian treatise by Jiang Yong 江永 (Qing)
李衛公問對, military tractate by Li Jing 李靖 (Tang)
笠翁對韻, text for primary education by Li Yu 李漁 (Qing)
Li xiang kao cheng 曆象考成, astronomical treatise, part of
律曆淵源 (Qing)
隸續, catalogue of calligraphy by Hong Shi 洪適 (Song)
李虛中命書, book on divination by Guiguzi 鬼谷子 (Zhou) or Li Xuzhong 李虛中 (Tang)
理學宗傳, history of Confucianism by Sun Qifeng 孫奇逢 (Qing)
荔枝譜, handbook on lychees, by Cai Xiang 蔡襄 (Song)
練兵實紀, military treatise by Qi Jiuguang 戚繼光 (Ming)
連山, book on divination from the early Zhou
奩史, encyclopedia on women by Ding Shengzhi 丁升之 (Song)
兩漢筆記, historical critique by Qian Shi 錢時 (Song)
兩漢博聞, historical excerpt of the
後漢書 by Yang Kan 楊侃 (Song)
兩漢詔令, collection of edicts by Lin Lü 林慮 and Lou Fang 樓昉 (Song)
梁書, official history of the Liang dynasty, by Yao Silian 姚思廉 (Tang)
兩同書, philosophical treatise by Luo Yin 羅隱 (Tang)
了凡四訓, book on self-cultivation by Yuan Liaofan 袁了凡 (Ming)
遼史, official history of the Liao dynasty, by Toqto 脫脫 (Yuan)
遼史紀事本末, history of the Liao dynasty, by Li Youtang 李有棠 (Qing)
列女傳, collection of biographies of eminent women by Liu Xiang 劉向 (Han)
列仙傳, stories of immortals by Liu Xiang 劉向 (Former Han)
列異傳, collection of stories by Cao Pi 曹丕 (?, Wei)
列子, Daoist anthology by Lie Yukou 列御寇 (Warring States)
麟書, biji book by Wang Ruohai 汪若海 (Song)
靈鬼志, collection of stories by Master Xun 荀 (Jin)
嶺南荔支譜, book on lychee by Wu Yingkui 吳應逵(Qing)
靈棋經, book on divination by Dongfang Shuo 東方朔 (Han)
Ling shu 靈樞, part of the
嶺外代答, geography of southern China by Zhou Qufei (Song)
六朝事跡編類, history of Nanjing by Zhang Dunyi 張敦頤 (Song)
六朝通鑒博議, historical critique by Li Tao 李燾 (Song)
六經正誤, commentary to the Classics by Mao Zhengju 毛居正 (Song)
六壬大全, book on divination, anonymous (Tang)
劉氏菊譜, book on chrysanthemums by Liu Meng 劉蒙 (Song)
六書略, treatise on the Chinese script by Zheng Qiao 鄭樵 (Song), part of the alternative history
六書故, treatise on the Chinese script by Dai Tong 戴侗 (Yuan)
六書統, book on the Chinese script by Yang Huan 楊桓 (Yuan)
六韜, military classic (Warring States)
六藝綱目, book on education by Shu Tianmin 舒天民 (Yuan)
劉子, philosophical treatise by Liu Zhou 劉晝 (Northern Qi)
龍飛紀略, chronicle by Wu Pu 吳樸 (Ming)
龍筋鳳髓判, poetic encyclopedia by Zhang Zu 張鷟 (Tang)
龍龕手鍳, dictionary by Xingjun 行均 (Liao)
隆平集, history of the Northern Song by Zeng Gong 曾鞏 (Song)
龍威秘書, collectanea by Ma Junliang 馬俊良 (Qing)
魯班經, handbook on architecture attributed to Lu Ban 魯班 (Zhou)
廬山記, description of Mt. Lushan by Chen Shunyu 陳舜俞 (Song)
路史, miscellaneous history by Xu Wei 徐渭 (Ming)
陸氏家規, Confucian treatise by Lu Jiushao 陸九韶 (Song)
Lu shi Nan Tang shu 陸氏南唐書, see
錄異記, collection of stories by Du Guangting 杜光庭 (Tang)
錄異傳, story collection from the Eastern Jin period
陸子, Daoist treatise by Lu Yun 陸雲 (Jin)
綠窗女史, collectanea by Qin-Huai yuke 秦淮寓客, i.e. Ji Zhenlun 紀振倫 (Ming)
Lü Jin xi xian sheng xiao er yu 呂近溪先生小兒語, see
律曆淵源, collection of astronomical, mathematical and musicological texts (Qing)
律曆志, type of treatise on musical pitchpipes and the seasons
律呂闡微, book on music by Jiang Yong 江永 (Qing)
律呂成書, book on music by Liu Jin 劉瑾 (Yuan)
律呂新論, book on music by Jiang Yong 江永 (Qing)
律呂新書, book on music by Cai Yuanding 蔡元定 (Song)
Lü lü zheng yi 律呂正義, musicological treatise, part of
律曆淵源 (Qing)
律呂正義後編, musicological treatises (Qing)
呂氏春秋, cosmological tractate by Lü Buwei 呂不韋 (Qin, Han)
呂氏鄉約, book on community compounds, by Lü Dazhong 呂大忠 and/or Lü Dajun 呂大鈞 (Song)
呂刑, law code of the Western Zhou
論衡, rationalist writing by Wang Chong 王充 (Later Han)
論氣, book on physics and metaphysics by Song Yingxing 宋應星 (Ming)
論語 "The Analects", the sayings of Confucius, , one of the Four Books (Warring States)
洛陽搢紳舊聞記, biji book by Zhang Qixian 張齊賢 (Song)
洛陽名園記, descriptions of gardens in Luoyang by Li Jian Li Jian 李廌 (Song)
洛陽牡丹記, handbook on peonies, by Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 (Song)
洛陽伽藍記, descriptions of monasteries in Luoyang by Yang Xuanzhi 楊衒之 (Northern Wei)
Lute, The, see
Ma jing 馬經, see
Ma shi Nang Tang shu 馬氏南唐書, see
馬氏文通, oldest Chinese grammar, by Ma Jianzhong 馬建忠 (Qing)
滿淸野史, collectanea by Changfu Publishing House 昌福公司 (Rep)
馬政紀, book on horse administration by Wen Tingshi 文廷式 (Qing)
蠻書, regional history of the local tribes in Yunnan by Fan Chuo 樊綽 (Tang)
滿文老檔, the old archive of Manchu documents
滿洲祭神祭天典禮, compendium of ritual regulations (Qing)
滿洲實錄, the veritable history of the foundation of the Manchu empire
滿洲源流考, history of the foundation of the Manchu empire
滿洲資治通鑒綱目, joint Manchu version of several Zizhi tongjian 資治通鑒 and Tongjian gangmu 通鑒綱目 books (Qing)
Mao shi 毛詩, see
毛詩草木鳥獸蟲魚疏, commentary to the
詩經 by Lu Ji 陸璣 (Sanguo-Wu)
梅譜, book on plums by Fan Chengda 范成大 (Song)
美芹十論, military treatises by Xin Qiji 辛棄疾 (Song)
捫虱新話, biji book by Chen Shan 陳善 (Song)
蒙韃備錄, history of the Mongols' conquest of the Jurchen Jin empire, by Zhao Gong 趙珙 (Jin/Yuan)
(Menggu bishi) 蒙古秘史 "Secret history of the Mongols", in Mongol language (Yuan)
蒙古源流, complete history of the Mongols (Qing)
蒙古字韻, Chinese rhyme dictionary in Mongolian script (Yuan)
夢粱錄, description of Hangzhou by Wu Zimu 吳自牧 (Song)
(Meng xi bi tan) 夢溪筆談, collection of technical-scientific essays by Shen Gua 沈括 (Song)
Meng qiu 蒙求, see
蒙求集註, encyclopedia by Li Han 李瀚 (Tang)
蒙文旨要, Mongolian grammar by Sai?angga 賽尚阿 (Qing)
蒙兀兒史記, history of the Mongols, by Tu Ji 屠寄 (Qing)
孟子, book of the second Confucian, Meng Ke 孟軻, a , one of the Four Books (Warring States)
秘冊彙函, collectanea by 沈士龍 Shen Shilong and 胡震亨 Hu Zhenheng (Ming)
宓子, philsophical treatise by Mi Buqi 宓不齊 (Zhou)
棉花圖, text on cotton cultivation by Fang Guancheng 方觀承 (Qing)
民報, political journal of the Tongmenghui party during the early decades of the 19th cent.
閩海紀略, history of the war against the Southern Ming princes (Qing)
明朝紀事本末補編, supplement to the , by Peng Sunyi 彭孫貽 (Qing)
名臣碑傳琬琰集, biographies of persons from the Song period by Du Dagui 杜大珪 (Song)
明大政記, chronicle by Lei Li 雷禮 (Ming)
明大政纂要, chronicle by Tang Xisi 譚希思 (Ming)
明典彙, ritual canon of the Ming dynasty
明高僧傳, biographies of Buddhist monks by Ruxing 如惺 (Ming)
明貢舉考略, history of Ming period examination graduates by Huang Chonglan 黃崇蘭 (Qing)
明宮史, history of the Ming palace by Liu Ruoyu 劉若愚 (Ming)
Ming hua ji 名畫記, see
Ming huang shi qi shi 明皇十七事, see
明皇雜錄, romantic biography of emperor Tang Xuanzong by Zheng Chuhui 鄭處誨 (Tang)
明紀, chronicle by Chen He 陳鶴 (Qing)
茗笈, book on tea by Tu Benjun 屠本畯 (Ming)
明季北略, history of the wars at the end of the Ming period, by Ji Liuqi 計六奇 (Qing)
明集禮, ritual canon of the Ming dynasty
明季南略, history of the Southern Ming dynasty by Ji Liuqi 計六奇 (Qing)
明經世文編, collection of essays on statecraft from the Ming period
明名臣琬琰錄, collection of biographies by Xu Hong 徐紘 (Ming)
明儒學案, history of philosophy of the the Ming period, by Huang Zongxi 黄宗羲 (Qing)
明儒言行錄, biographies of Ming period Confucians, by Shen Jia 沈佳 (Qing)
名山藏, private history of the Ming period by He Qiaoyuan 何喬遠 (Ming)
明史, official history of the Ming dynasty, by Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉 (Qing)
茗史, book on tea by Wan Bangning 萬邦寧 (Ming)
明史紀事本末, a rearrangement of the official history of the Ming dynasty, by Gu Yingtai 谷應泰 (Qing)
明實錄, veritable records of the Ming period
明書, alternative history of the Ming period, by Fu Weilin 傅維麟 (Qing)
Ming tong ji 明通紀, see
明通鑒, history by Xia Xie 夏燮 (Qing)
名賢集, anonymous text for elementary education (Song)
冥祥記, collection of stories by Wang Yan 王琰 (Southern Qi)
明夷待訪錄, philosophical treatise by Huang Zongxi 黃宗羲 (Qing)
墨法集要, book on ink-making by Shen Jisun 沈繼孫 (Ming)
墨海金壺, collectanea by Zhang Haipeng 張海鵬 (Qing)
默記, 1) miscellaneous treatise by Zhang Yan 張儼 (Sanguo-Wu), 2) collection of historiographical stories by Wang Zhi 王銍 (Song)
Mo jing 墨經, books of the
墨經, notes on inkstones by Chao Guanzhi 晁貫之 (Song)
墨客揮犀, collection of stories by Peng Cheng 彭乘 (Song)
墨史, book on ink-makers by Lu You 陸友 (Yuan)
墨藪, book on calligraphy by Wei Xu 韋續 (Tang)
墨子, Mohist philosophical tractate by Mo Di 墨翟 (Warring States)
牧丹停 "The Peony Pavillion", theatre play by Tang Xianzu 湯顯祖 (Ming)
幕府燕閒錄 (幙府燕閒錄), biji book by Bi Zhongxun 畢仲詢 (Song)
牧令書, administration handbook by Xu Dong 徐棟 (Qing)
牧令書輯要, administration handbook by Ding Richang 丁日昌 (Qing)
木棉譜, text on cotton cultivation by Chu Hua 褚華 (Qing)
穆天子傳, phantastic story of king Zhou Muwang from the Warring States period
納書楹曲譜, book on music by Ye Tang 葉堂 (Qing)
南楚新聞, collection of stories by Yuchi Shu 尉遲樞 (Tang)
南窗記談, collection of stories (Song)
南渡錄, history by 辛棄疾 Xin Qiji (Song)
南方草木狀, descriptions of southern plants, by Ji Han 嵇含 (Jin)
南漢書, history of the Southern Han dynasty, by Liang Tingnan 梁廷楠 (Qing)
南明野史, history of the Southern Ming by Nanshan sanyu shi 南沙三余氏 (Qing)
南齊書, official history of the Southern Qi dynasty, by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯 (Liang)
南遷錄, history by 張師顏 Zhang Shiyan (Song)
南史, official history of the Southern Dynasties, by Li Yanshou 李延壽 (Tang)
南史識小錄, historical excerpt from the
南史 by Shen Mingsun 沈名蓀 and Zhu Kuntian 朱昆田 (Qing)
南宋書, alternative history to the Southern Song period by Qian Shicheng 錢士升 (Ming)
南臺舊聞, history of the Censorate by Huang Sijing 黃思璥 (Qing)
南唐近事, collection of stories by Zheng Baowen 鄭文寶 (Song)
南唐書, history of the Southern Tang 1) by Ma Ling 馬令 (Song), 2) by Lu You 陸游 (Song)
南巡盛典, report of imperial inspection tours (Qing)
南嶽小錄, description of sacred mountains by Li Chongzhao 李沖昭 (Tang)
內訓, treatise on women by Empress Xu 徐氏 (Ming)
Nen zhen zi 嫩真子, see
Nen zhen zi lu 嬾貞子錄, see
能改齋漫錄, biji book by Wu Ceng 吳曾 (Song)
孽海花 "Flowers in a sea of sin", early 20th century novel by Zeng Pu 曾樸 (Qing)
甯子, Confucian treatise by Ning Yue 寧越 (Zhou)
Niu jing 牛經, see
農圃六書, book on agriculture by Zhou Zhiyu 周之璵 (Ming)
農圃四書, book on agriculture by
Huang Shengceng 黃省曾 (Ming)
農桑集要, agronomic treatise from the Yuan period
農書, agronomic encyclopedia by Wang Zhen 王禎 (Yuan); see also
陳旉農書 and
農說, agricultural treatise by Ma Yilong 馬一龍 (Ming)
農政全書, agronomic encyclopedia by Xu Guangqi 徐光啟 (Ming)
女兒經, treatise on women (Ming)
女範捷錄, treatise on women by Ms Liu 劉氏 (Ming)
女誡, Confucian treatise on women by Ban Zhao 班昭 (Han)
女論語, treatise on women by Song Ruoxin 宋若莘 (Tang)
女三字經, treatise on women by Zhu Hao 朱浩 (Qing)
女師箴, treatise on women by Huangfu Gui 皇甫規 (Han)
女史箴, treatise on women by Zhang Hua 張華, illustrated by Gu Kaizhi 顧愷之 (Jin)
女孝經, social tracate by Ms Zheng 鄭氏 (Tang)
女學, treatise on women by Lan Dingyuan 藍鼎元 (Qing)
Nü xun 女訓, see
女則, treatise on women by Empress Zhangsun 長孫皇后 (Tang)
龐氏家訓, Confucian treatise by Pang Shangpeng 龐尚鵬 (Ming)
駢字類編, rhyme dictionary (Qing)
裴氏新言, micellaneous treatise by by Pei Xuan 裴玄 (Wu)
佩文韻府, dictionary from the Kangxi period (Qing)
佩文齋廣群芳譜, encyclopedia on plants (Qing)
佩觿, book on the Chinese script by Guo Zhongshu 郭忠恕 (Song)
裴子語林, collection of stories by Pei Qi 裴啓 (Jin)
Peony Pavillion, see
平播全書 by Li Hualong 李化龍 (Ming)
平播始末 Guo Zizhang 郭子章 (Ming)
平番始末 by Xu Jin
許進 (Ming)
瓶花譜, book on flower vases by Zhang Qiande 張謙德 (Ming)
平回記略 (Qing)
平苗記 Liu Yingzhong 劉應中 (Qing)
平叛記 by Mao Bin 毛霦 (Qing)
洴澼百金方, military treatise (Qing)
平黔紀略 Luo Wenbin 羅文彬 and Wang Bing'en 王秉恩 (Qing)
平猺述略 or Pingding yaofei jilüe 平定猺匪紀略 Zhou Cunyi 周存義 (also called Zhou Yiting 周宜亭) and Chen Kongzhang 陳孔章 (Qing)
埤倉, gloss book for elementary education by Zhang Ji 張揖 (Cao-Wei)
琵琶記 "The Lute", theatre play by Gao Ming 高明 (Yuan)
琵琶譜, book on music by Hua Qiuping 華秋蘋 (Qing)
埤雅, gloss book dictionary by Lu Dian 陸佃 (Song)
駢雅, gloos book dictionary by Zhu Mouhan 朱謀韓 (Ming)
品茶要錄, book on tea by Huang Ru 黃儒 (Song)
平定察哈爾方略, history of the war against the Eastern Mongols (Qing)
平定關隴紀略, history of the suppression of the Muslim rebellions in Shaanxi and Gansu by Yi Kongzhao 易孔昭 and Hu Fujun 胡孚駿 (Qing)
平定貴州苗匪紀略, history of the suppression of the Miao rebellions in Guizhou
平定海寇方略, history of the war against the Zheng family in Taiwan (Qing)
平定回疆剿擒逆裔方略, history of the war against Jahāngīr in Xinjiang
平定教匪紀略, history of the war against the rebellion of the Heavenly Order Sect of Lin Qing (Qing)
平定教匪紀事, history of the war against the White Lotus Sect by Leboo 勒保 (Qing)
平定金川方略, history of the conquest of Jinchuan (Qing)
平定兩金川方略, history of the conquest of the two Jinchuan (Qing)
平定羅刹方略, history of the border conflict between Qing China and Russia in the late 17th century
平定三逆方略, history of the war against the Three Feudatories (Qing)
平定陝甘新疆回匪方略, history of the suppression of Muslim separatism in the west
平定朔漠方略, history of the war against Galdan (Qing)
平定臺灣紀略, history of the suppression of Lin Shuangwen's revolt in Taiwan (Qing)
平定粵匪紀略, history of the Taiping rebellion by Du Wenlan 杜文瀾 (Qing)
平定雲南回匪方略, history of the suppression of Muslims insurgencies of Yunnan
平定準噶爾方略, history of the conquest of Dzungharia (Qing)
平海紀略, history of a war against pirates of 1809
平江記事, local gazetteer of Suzhou by Gao Deji 高德基 (Yuan)
平津館叢書, collectanea by Sun Xingyan 孫星衍 (Qing)
平苗紀略, history of the suppression of a Miao uprising in 1795 (Qing)
平苗紀略, history of the suppression of a Miao uprising in 1726 by Fang Xian 方顯 (Qing)
平捻紀略, history of the Nian rebellion by Li Hongnian 李鶴年 (Qing)
平宋錄, history of the Mongols' conquest of the Song by Liu Minzhong 劉敏中 (Yuan)
平臺紀略, history of the suppression of Zhu Yigui's rebellion in Taiwan written by Lan Dingyuan 藍鼎元 (Qing)
平臺灣紀事本末, history of the war against Lin Shuangwen in Taiwan (Qing)
平浙紀略, history of the war against the Taiping in Zhejiang by Qin Xiangye 秦湘業 and Chen Zhongying 陳鐘英 (Qing)
萍洲可談, biji book by Zhu Yu 朱彧 (Song)
齊乘, history and geography of Shandong by Yu Qin 于欽 (Yuan)
契丹國志, history of the Khitan Liao by Ye Longli 葉隆禮 (Song)
漆雕子, Confucian treatise by Master Qidiao (Zhou)
齊東野語, biji book by Zhou Mi 周密 (Song)
七國考, book on the administrative system of the Warring States by Dong Shuo 董說 (Ming)
七家後漢書, collectanea of histories to the Later Han period by Wang Wentai 汪文臺 (Qing)
棋經, book on chess by Yan Tianzhang 晏天章 (Song)
棋訣, book on chess by Liu Zhongfu 劉仲甫 (Song)
七錄, lost bibliography by Ruan Xiaoxu 阮孝緒 (Liang)
七略, lost bibliography by Liu Xiang 劉向 and Liu Xin 劉歆 (Han)
齊民要術, agricultural treatise by Jia Sixie 賈思勰 (Eastern Wei)
奇器圖說, illustrated book on Western machines by Johannes Schreck/Deng Yuhan 鄧玉函 and Wang Zheng 王徵 (Ming)
Qi xia wu yi 七俠五義 see
齊諧記, collection of stories by Dongyang Wuyi 東陽無疑 (Liu-Song)
啟顏錄, collection of stories by Hou Bai 侯白 (Sui)
千百年眼, historical critique by Zhang Sui 張燧 (Ming)
錢本草, text on money by Zhang Yue 張說 (Tang)
錢幣芻言, book on paper money by Wang Liu 王鎏 (Qing)
乾道臨安志, local gazetteer on Hangzhou by Zhou Cong 周淙 (Song)
前定錄, collection of stories by Zhong Lu 鐘輅 (Tang)
潛夫論, political-metaphysical writing by Wang Fu 王符 (Later Han)
前漢紀, alternative history of the Former Han by Xun Yue 荀悅 (Later Han)
千家詩, anthology of poems, by Liu Kezhuang 劉克莊 (Song)
Qian jia xing 千家姓, see
千家姓文, poem of family names by Cui Mian 崔冕 (Qing)
乾隆內府輿圖, imperial geography of the mid-Qing period
黔婁子, Daoist treatise by Master Qian Lou (Zhou)
錢錄, book on coins (Qing)
錢譜, book on money by Jiang Deliang 江得量 (Qing)
千頃堂書目, library catalogue by Huang Yuji 黃虞稷 (Qing)
錢神論, text on money by Lu Bao 魯褒 (Jin)
黔史, local gazetteer of Guizhou by You Faxian 猶法賢 (Qing)
錢氏私志, biji book by Qian Mian 錢愐 or Qian Shizhao 錢世昭 (Song)
潛書, philosophical treatise by Tang Zhen 唐甄 (Qing)
錢塘先賢傳贊, biographies of persons from Hangzhou by Yuan Shao 袁韶 (Song)
錢塘遺事, history of the Southern Song by Liu Yiqing 劉一清 (Yuan)
錢通, book on money by Hu Wokun 胡我琨 (Ming)
千字文, a classic of elementary education by Zhou Xingsi 周興嗣 (Liang)
千字文釋義, commentary to the Qianziwen 千字文 by Wang Xiaoyin 汪嘯尹 (Qing)
譙周法訓, Confucian treatise by Qiao Zhou 譙子 (Jin)
Qie fen lu 竊憤錄, see
切韻, dictionary by Lu Fayan 陸法言 (Sui)
切韻指掌圖, phonetic charts by Sima Guang 司馬光 (?, Song)
琴操, book on music by Cai Yong 蔡邕 (Han)
Qin ding 欽定 "imperially endorsed", prefix to many book titles issued by the government
禽經, handbook on birds attributed to Shi Kuang 師曠 (Spring and Autumn)
琴律說, book on the zither by Zhu Xi 朱熹 (Song)
琴史, book on the zither by Zhu Zhangwen 朱長文 (Song)
琴書大全, book on music by Jiang Keqian 蔣克謙 (Ming)
Qin zheng ping ding shuo mo fang lüe 親征平定朔漠方略, see
琴旨, book on music by Wang Tan 王坦 (Qing)
秦子, philosophical treatise by Qin Qing 秦菁 (Zhou)
清稗類鈔, collection of historiographical sources by Xu Ke 徐珂 (Republic)
清朝通典, mid-Qing period supplement to Du You's
清朝通志, mid-Qing period supplement to Zheng Qiao's
清朝文獻通考, mid-Qing period supplement to Ma Duanlin's
清朝續文獻通考, early Republican supplement to Ma Duanlin's , by Liu Jinzao 劉錦藻
清宮史, book on palace buildings and administration (Qing)
Qing gong shi xu bian 清宮史續編, see
清季外交史料, collection of documents of 19th cent. foreign affairs
清經世文編, collected essays on statecraft from the Qing period compiled by Wei Yuan 魏源 and He Zhangling 賀長齡 (Qing)
清經世文續編, collection of essays on statecraft by Sheng Kang 盛康 and Sheng Xuanhuai 盛宣懷 (Qing), a sequel to the
清經世文編續集, collection of essays on statecraft by Rao Yucheng 饒玉成 (Qing), a sequel to the
清經世文新增續編, collection of essays on statecraft by Ge Shijun 葛士濬 (Qing), a sequel to the
清經世文三編, collection of essays on statecraft by Chen Zhongyi 陳忠倚 (Qing), a sequel to the
清經世文四編, collection of essays on statecraft by He Lianglian 何良楝 (Qing), a sequel to the
清經世文新編, collection of essays on statecraft by Mai Zhonghua 麥仲華 (Qing), a sequel to the
青樓集, collection of stories by Xia Tingzhi 夏庭芝 (Yuan)
青囊奧語, book on geomancy by Yang Yunsong 楊筠松 (Tang)
青囊序, book on geomancy by Zeng Wenchan 曾文辿 (Tang)
清儒学案, history of Qing period philosophy by Xu Shichang 徐世昌 (Rep)
清史稿, draft to an official history of the Qing dynasty, by Zhao Erxun 趙爾巽 (Republic)
清史列傳, collection of biographies of eminent persons of the Qing period
清實錄, the veritable records of the Qing dynasty
青史子, collection of stories from the Jin period
or Wu ti qing wen jian 五體清文鑒, multi-language dictionary of the Qing
清異錄, biji book by Tao Gu 陶穀 (Song)
慶元黨禁, collection of biographies by Qiaosou from Cangzhou 滄州樵叟 (Song)
慶元條法事類, law code of the Southern Song dynasty
仇池筆記, biji book by Su Shi 蘇軾 (Song)
曲洧舊聞, biji book by Zhu Bian朱弁 (Song)
祛疑說, biji book by Chu Yong 儲泳 (Song)
全芳備祖集, botanical encyclopedia by Chen Jingyi 陳景沂 (Song)
全金詩, the complete collection of Jin period poetry by Guo Yuanyu 郭元釪 (Qing)
全遼文, the complete collection of Liao period writings by Chen Shu 陳述 (PRC)
泉南指譜重編, book on music by Lin Hong 林鴻 (Qing)
全唐詩, the complete collection of shi poems from the Tang period
全唐文, the complete collection of prose literature from the Tang period
全元曲, the complete collection of Yuan period qu arias, by Xu Zheng 徐征 etc. (PRC)
泉志, book on money by Hong Zun 洪遵 (Song)
闕里志, local gazetteer of Qufu by Chen Hao 陳鎬 (Ming)
卻掃編, biji book by Xu Du 徐度 (Song)
闕子, philosophical treatise by Master Que (Zhou)
群芳譜, botanic encylopedia by Wang Xiangjin 王象晉 (Ming)
群經補義, commentary to the Classic by Jiang Yong 江永 (Qing)
群書考索, political encyclopedia by Zhang Ruyu 章如愚 (Song)
群書治要, political encyclopedia by Wei Zheng 魏徵 (Tang)
熱河志, local gazetteer on Jehol (Qing)
人物志, treatise on human character by Liu Shao 劉邵 (Three Kingdoms-Wei)
任子, Confucian treatise by Ren Yi 任奕 (Han)
任子道論, Daoist treatise by Ren Gu 任嘏 (Sanguo-Wei)
日聞錄, biji book by Li Chong 李翀 (Yuan)
日下舊聞, gazetteer on Beijing by Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊 (Qing)
日下舊聞考, enlarged gazetteer on Beijing (Qing)
日知錄, collection of essays by Gu Yanwu 顧炎武 (Qing)
容齋隨筆, collection of essays by Hong Mai 洪邁 (Song)
儒林外史 "The scholars", 18th century novel by Wu Jingzi 吳敬梓 (Qing)
汝南遺事, history of the Mongol conquest of the Jin by Wang E 王鶚 (Yuan)
入蜀記, travel report by Lu You 陸游 (Song)
儒學警悟, collectanea by Yu Dingsun 俞鼎孫 and Yu Dingjing 俞鼎經 (Song)
San Bai Qian 三百千, collective name for
百家姓, and
三才圖會, illustrated encyclopedia by Wang Qi 王圻 (Ming)
三朝北盟會編, history of the
Song period between 1100 and 1160, by Xu Mengxin 徐夢莘 (Song)
三朝要典, jurisdictional collection (Ming)
三楚新錄, history of Chu (Ten States) by Zhou Yuzhong 周羽{氵+肿} (Song)
三洞群仙錄, collection of Daoist biographies by Chen Baoguang 陳葆光 (Song)
三藩紀事本末, history of the war against the Southern Ming by Yang Lurong 楊陸榮 (Qing)
三輔黃圖, geography of the capital region (Southern and Northern dynasties)
三國雜事, historical critique by Tang Geng 唐庚 (Song)
三國志, official history of the Three Kingdoms, by Chen Shou 陳壽 (Jin)
三國演義 (Sanguozhi yanyi 三國志演義) "The Three Kingdoms", a 15th century novel by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中 (Ming)
三江水利紀略, book on water conservancy by Su Erde 蘇爾德 (Qing)
三教搜神大全, collection of portraits of deities and persons of religious relevance (Ming)
三禮圖, book on Confucian rituals by Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 (Han)
三禮圖集注, Confucian treatise by Nie Chongyi 聶崇義 (Wudai)
三十國春秋, collection of histories by Xiao Fangfeng 蕭方等 (Jin)
三十六計 "The 36 stratagems", a popular but unscholarly military tractate (Southern Dynasties ?)
三俠五義 "Three heroes and five gallants", 19th cent}


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