如何在omniplan 破解上让一个角色在同一时间内执行.omnipla

OmniPlan for Mac
November 14, 2017
Requires macOS 10.12
OmniPlan 3.8.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.
Outlines & Addressed a bug that could cause outline text to disappear or appear black.
PDF Export & Row background color is once again preserved when exporting outlines to PDF.
OmniPlan for Mac
November 1, 2017
Requires macOS 10.12
OmniPlan 3.8 for Mac introduces support for importing and exporting elapsed time values to and from Microsoft Project. This release also fixes numerous bugs and crashes.
OmniPlan 3.8 for Mac requires macOS 10.12.
Microsoft Project & OmniPlan now supports importing and exporting Microsoft Project elapsed time values.
Intro Video & OmniPlan now presents an introductory video the first time the application is launched.
Calendar View & Header text is no longer too crowded in the Calendar View.
Dashboards & Addressed a bug that caused resources to appear to be idle when they were not.
Export & Exporting an OmniGraffle file now creates a file with the appropriate canvas settings enabled.
Gantt View & Scrolling in the Gantt View with the Scheduling Influences popover visible no longer squishes explanation text.
Gantt View & Selecting “Hide Gantt” when the Inspector is visible now hides the Gantt chart completely.
Groups Tasks & Fixed a bug that could cause group tasks durations to temporarily stop recalculating.
Localizations & TouchBar labels are now fully localized.
Publish/Subscribe & Lead/lag time changes now properly update when a project is synced via a server repository.
Microsoft Project & Fixed various bugs related to OmniPlan’s Microsoft Project import/export support.
Network View & Network diagram now lays out properly when task nodes contain additional non-default variables.
Styles View & It is no longer possible to undo the completion of the default complete task.
Task Outline & Adjustments to the Title column width are now properly saved.
Task Outline & Empty white space now draws to the right when columns in the task outline are adjusted to be smaller than the width of the outline sidebar.
Violations & Undoing after leveling no longer creates bogus violations when tasks are assigned to a group which contains a resource that has less than 100% units.
Stability & Fixed a crash that could occur when hiding the project Gantt.
Stability & Adding a new task in the Network diagram no longer triggers a crash when there is a dependency loop in the project schedule.
Stability & Fixed a crash that could occur in the Styles View if undo is used while editing a template task’s name.
Stability & Fixed a crash that could occur when leveling some projects.
Stability & Addressed a bug that could cause the TouchBar to get into a state that would trigger a crash.
Stability & Deleting the duration value in the leveling dialogue no longer triggers a crash.
Stability & Fixed a crash that could occur when reopening a file saved in the Styles View.
OmniPlan for Mac
September 25, 2017
Requires OS X 10.11
OmniPlan 3.7.3 for Mac is a minor update intended to address compatibility issues with macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
About & Restored missing App icon in the About panel.
Calendar View & Fixed a High Sierra compatibility issue that could cause only Monday to be displayed in Calendar View.
OmniPlan for Mac
May 18, 2017
Requires OS X 10.11
OmniPlan 3.7.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.
Filtering & Fixed a bug that could prevent filters from saving values for effort, duration, and variance.
Filtering & OmniPlan no longer allows attempting to sort a filtered flat list.
Import & Tasks imported from .ooutline files now import in the correct order.
Inspectors & Restored  place holder value to lead/lag field.
Localizations & The in-app Help is once again localized.
Microsoft Project Import & Fixed a regression in our Microsoft Project import tool that could cause some .mpp files to fail to import.
Localizations & Dashboards are fully localized again.
Network View & Fixed a bug that caused some variables not to update correctly in Network view.
Performance & Improved Inspector performance when switching between tasks in a large OmniPlan project.
Resources & OmniPlan now cleans up references to resources that no longer exist in a file (these references could cause OmniPlan to hang or crash).
Scheduling & Resource leveling no longer ignores project non-working days.
Scheduling & Tasks now immediately reschedule to a resource’s next working period after a resource is assigned.
Scheduling & “Resources Work Independently” once again correctly respects earliest resource availability.
Task Cost & Fixed a bug that caused OmniPlan to fail to read task cost for tasks with fixed durations.
Stability & Attempting to edit a value in the read-only Hierarchical Title column no longer triggers a crash.
Stability & Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to undo leveling.
Stability & Addressed a crash computing critical path when a schedule recursion is encountered in projects that share resource loads.
Stability & Fixed a bug that could cause OmniPlan to crash when opening a file with external dependencies.
Stability & Selecting “Add Dependent” in the contextual menu no longer triggers a crash.
Stability & Fixed a crash that could occur when outdenting a task that is part of a dependency loop.
Stability & Fixed a bug that could cause OmniPlan to crash when using Help & Contact Omni to send in an anonymized file.
OmniPlan for Mac
April 25, 2017
Requires OS X 10.11
OmniPlan 3.7.1 is a bug fix update.
Gantt & Addressed a bug that could prevent changing the duration of a task by dragging in the Gantt if the “Adjust Assigned Amounts” resource allocation option is selected.
Inspectors & Addressed a layout bug that could cause the end of a project’s Gantt chart to be hidden “under” the Inspector sidebar.
Scheduling & Restored the ability to set effort and duration independently when no resource is assigned to a task.
Scheduling & Restored the ability to change a task’s effort via the Inspector or task outline when the task’s resource allocation is set to “adjust task effort.”
Scheduling & It is once again possible to enter negative values for task lead/lag time.
Stability & Fixed a crash that could occur when leveling splits a task in a dependency loop.
Stability & Addressed a crash that could occur when deleting a task with a prerequisite.OmniPlan教程中文翻译_中华文本库
此列列出的资源被分配到的任务。请参阅分配 有关如何分配资源,以任务第40页 工作。
此栏会列出该任务所依赖的其他任务。请参阅连接 任务相关性一节第29页上的信息,有关如何依赖 赖关系的工作。
在选定的行,您可以单击附注图标来显示或隐藏该行的注意, 或创建一个注意,如果没有一个。带注释的行显示一个音符图标
独特的ID 分配给每个任务或资源的墨西哥国立自治大学,以确定它是一个数字
biguously ,即使它的名称或位置的轮廓变化。一个独特的ID 不会
曾经发生变化,每个新创建的任务或资源获取一个新的唯一ID 数。这些数字是匹配的项目时,你是进口
和出口的项目OmniPlan 和其他应用程序之间。
IM (在资源视图)
如果一个工作人员资源与地址簿卡,该卡有 即时消息帐户信息时,此列显示的资源是
聊天。您可以双击IM 状态图标来启动一个聊天 人。
续下页 40·自定义工作周(资源视图)
资源的工作周,并从那里你可以随时点击按钮 在右上角的一周,查看,恢复到默认值。
在此栏会出现一个图标资源具有不同的工作日程 其工作周,如当一个人去度假。您可以按一下 图标资源的工作日程,并从那里你可以检查或
安格高亮显示的日期看的例外情况。您可以点击,但 在任何一周的右上角吨,以清除资源的异常 那一周。
大多数任务都需要某种资源,以完成。软件开发 opment 需要程序员,挖掘需要重型机械和施工 TION 需要的木材。跟踪资源分配的任务,帮助 你看多长时间的任务才能完成,而当您的资源 将是繁忙或空闲状态。
任务视图中选择任务,打开任务分配检查员, 检查你想分配的资源。然后,您可以编辑的金额 转让,如果从默认的量是不同的。
您还可以看到所有的资源的分配,并调整其数额 或清除它们,在资源分配督察。 将资源分配给任务·41
编辑分配的任务大纲,列或分配的资源区 在甘特图。
遵循材料或设备的独立的多个资源遵循一个人力资源 资源名称与数名用分号。在花的百分比 在大括号中指定一个括号分配金额
周围拖动任务之间资源的车道和未分配的车道 资源安排图表。拖动任务从一个资源到-
其他的,你可以按住Option 键,将任务分配给第二个资源
从地址簿中的任务,任务视图中拖动一个卡。如果该项目 还没有相关的资源使用该卡,添加一个新的。
续下页 42·分配组
工作组和资源组的行为,特别是当你使用他们在分配 目。
如果你分配到任务的一组资源,OmniPlan 临时标记 作为整个资源分配的任务。然后,当你等级的资源, 选择该任务组的成员。 一个资源组分配的任务
OmniPlan 选择一个可用的成员 本集团
练级重新分配给不同的成员 使用日历视图设置工作时间43
是正常工作周工作时间应遵循的一般设置 一个典型的一周。这组时间是每周的项目,
确定可以完成每一天有多少个小时的努力。资源 继承他们的工作周计划从该项目,但你可以自定义 个别如果他们的工作时间。要建立例外的工作周, 半天,假期和加班等事件,详见下图,有关 自定义的工作日程。
寻找更多 ""应用说明其他版本集合推荐相关阅读应用评论
OmniPlan2绝对是一款强大到无以复加的项目软件,每个细节和更新的日历都是一目了然,这绝对是我见过最强大的管理软件,一个字:值!内容提要OmniPlan 设计用于帮助您对项目进行可视化、维护以及简化。细分任务,优化所需资源并监控您的整个计划 ― 全部一目了然。与您的同事协作,分享每个细节,更新日历,或综合使用。逐个接受以及拒绝更改,或一次性全部处理完。OmniPlan 拥有诸如甘特图、进度表、摘要和重要事件之类的功能,使您能够管理所有的活动。OmniPlan 帮助您管理项目,无论您只想简单管理,还是需要精细复杂的控制,都不会让您感到操作复杂。为什么选择 OmniPlan for iOS:• 发布及订阅:停止,协作,倾听。对您的项目进行更改,并通过同步了解合作伙伴所做出的更改;自定义您的忙闲情况并即时更新同事的行事历。将甘特图以 PDF 的格式通过电子邮件发送给他人,或以 HTML 格式向他们发送任务列表。• 更改跟踪:使用更改跟踪功能监视并审核您到目前为止对项目所作的所有更改。如果您正在同步,则可以使用更改跟踪来审核、浏览然后接受或拒绝合作伙伴所作的更改(逐个进行或一次全部处理)。• 友好的界面:我们设计 OmniPlan 的目的是帮助您将时间花费在更有价值的目标上,而不是浪费在尝试理解如何使用项目管理软件上。OmniPlan 使用直观的方法,帮助您完成工作而又不会干扰您的工作。• 有效的资源配置:借助 OmniPlan 的资源管理,可以确定项目中的瓶颈,并且公正高效地分配工作量。• 可视化的时间表:项目的时间表(或甘特图)视图将在日历中显示各种活动。每项任务的持续时间会以图形方式显示在以时间分段的图标中(按日、周、月、季度或年)。甘特图视图显示了任务的开始和结束时间、相关性、资源或按任务计算的资源使用情况,所有这些都放在一张时间表上。只需在甘特图视图中进行连接,您就可以直观地编辑任务并创建相关性。• 违例:如果您的进度表存在逻辑上的不可能性,OmniPlan 将显示“违例”窗口,以解释问题所在并提供可能的解决方案建议(以及自动解决冲突的链接)。软件功能• OmniPlan Pro:提供应用内购买功能,使您可以导入 MS Project 、2010 以及 2013 (.mpp) 文件,也可以导出为 MS Project 2013 (.mpp) 文件。• 安排影响因素:我们引入了一项全新的功能,可以让您得知 OmniPlan 为何要安排某项任务。选择一项任务并转到“任务: 安排”弹出窗口就可以尝试该功能。• 支持 AirDrop:您可以从文档中将 OmniPlan 文稿发送到其他支持 AirDrop 的 iOS 设备。• 关键路径:OmniPlan 会显示您项目的关键路径,即按计划完成您的项目所必须要完成的一系列任务。• 从“联系人”添加资源:从 iOS 设备的“联系人”应用程序中向 OmniPlan 项目添加资源。将新任务设为默认:可以根据项目来配置默认任务属性,从而更快地进行任务创建。• 任务标签前缀:您现在可以在任务栏的左边和右边定制任务标签,可设置 WBS/位置编号、唯一 ID 或任务的其他属性。• 任务栏粗细调整:甘特图中的任务栏粗细将自动按照 iOS 8 的动态文本大小设置来进行调整。• 基于资源的任务颜色:任务栏现在可以自动根据其资源分配来调整颜色。
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天天领红包,小编得恩惠,谢谢 办公软件
点击“立即注册”转到用户注册页面。输入用户名或电子邮箱地址,您会收到一封新密码链接的电子邮件。 用户名或电子邮件地址12被浏览2,578分享邀请回答19 条评论分享收藏感谢收起写回答}


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