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回合制策略游戏 RAD Soldiers激情速评_软件学园_科技时代_新浪网
回合制策略游戏 RAD Soldiers激情速评
  RAD陆战队(RAD Soldiers)是一款在ios平台独占的回合制策略游戏,前段时间开发商Warchest在官方博客上进行了一系列的宣传造势活动,宣传影像把玩家的胃口吊的很高!如今看来这一切都不是在吹牛。
RAD Soldiers激情速评
Damage,如果你对这个名字感到陌生也不奇怪,下面的这几个名字也许会让你唏嘘不已:“雷神之锤”,“毁灭战士”,“德军总部”系列等等,其在PC端 开发射击游戏的宝贵经验,就是对本作素质最大的保障。
  游戏本身下载是免费的,不过内置了iap收费项目。而且主推的是多人游戏模式,鼓励玩家创立,并且通过实战不断完善自己的小队。游戏中的士兵是有等级设 定的,而玩家自己也要通过不断的战斗,去掌握一些战略战术,与自己的军队共同成长!这就是RAD Soldiers最核心的游戏价值。
RAD陆战队 RAD Soldiers
RAD陆战队 RAD Soldiers
** RAD Soldiers 支援-iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPod Touch第5版或更高**“非常具娱乐性”- 掌机游戏玩家(PocketGamer), 9/10,金奖*应用商店编辑的选择和99个国家的第一策略和棋类游戏*重大更新!快速游戏选项,新的可收藏的卡片系统,一个更简单的商店和更多。召集一队无惧的士兵并带领他们进入具爆炸性,可轮流玩的战争来对抗你的朋友们和来自全球的单人玩家任务。以你具有吓人的特殊能力的雇佣兵来扭转战争,并以搞笑的新方法让你的对手吃下榴弹/子弹/尘埃。当你在游戏中掌握新能力便可提升你的小队,并以战利品去释放全新的士兵,兵器和服装。WarChest和获奖的多个玩家开发者Splash Damage (Enemy Territory(TM), Batman: Arkham Origins(TM)) 邀请你加入RAD Soldiers的超过4百万名的全球玩家。特色- 带领你的小队进入全球爆炸性的战争-
在线上与你的朋友战斗或在线下以新任务的模式来锻炼你的技巧- 利用你的士兵的特殊能力来扭转局势- 为你越来愈强大的军队释放新士兵,兵器和装束- 感谢轮流玩家的游戏,可以随时随地去玩- 以特别效果(SpecialEffect) 的接近支援来开发- 以单人玩家的挑战来锻炼你的能力- 经常以新颖的特色和内容更新!- 支援游戏中心(Game Center)和视网膜(Retina display) 显示,包括iPhone 5我们的玩家这样说:5/5 “这是你可以找到的最棒网上多人玩家的游戏。相信我,我已经寻遍了。”5/5 “不论是图像或游戏,这是最刺激和具娱乐性的策略游戏。我的最爱!”5 /5 “充满乐趣。谁还会在洗手间里看杂志?”欲知RAD Soldiers最新的新闻,请在脸书上“喜欢”WarChestGames。在推特上追随我们,或在YouTube上订阅:/WarChestGames/WarChestGames/user/WarChestGamesWarChest和RAD Soldiers以及其图形和商标均是Warchest Limited的注册商标。版权所有。Enemy Territory是id Software在美国和/或其他国家的商标。Batman: Arkham Origins是华纳兄弟 (Warner Bros.) Entertainment Inc.在美国和/或其他国家的商标。 所有其他的商标是其拥有者的财产。 Watchest, RAD Soldiers和其开发者与之前所述的并不相关,而且并不为其背书。任何事件,第三方的品牌,图像,名字,类似,图案或商标均为保密,并且不隐含与其有关或为其背书。
崭新的更新RAD Soldiers 而且是更好的!此更新包括可收藏的卡片,超快速的多个玩家和全新的增强包和钱币!新特色!快速游戏
透过15分钟的快速游戏选项,旋风式的玩完游戏。不用再等慢吞吞的对手。舍弃了RAD BUX
为了让事情更简单,透过游戏赢得的硬币现在是RAD Soldiers的唯一钱币。所有的RAD Bux现在已经被转换成硬币。可收藏的卡片
三亿手机枪战梦想。完美支持3D Touch功能。《穿越火线:枪战王者》是腾讯游戏出品的CF正版第一人称射击手游,作为一款国民级竞技手游,游戏完美传承了PC端的品质和玩法,同时还针对手机端的操作特点,将3亿鼠标的枪战梦想延续到手机上,爽快的手感,让玩家随时随地体验极致射击乐趣和竞技对抗的热血,好玩就要一起玩。【游戏特色】——20人激战世界BOSS,全新玩法火线防御推出全新模式世界BOSS,冰火巨蜥灭世来临。支持20人实时互动、同屏作战。冰火状态切换,一不留神还会被吸进肚子里!快叫上队友一起同心协力击退世界BOSS,赢取极品掉落。火线防御上线,地图中设置防御塔,阻止怪物抵达终点。不仅能对防御塔进行养成,逐渐增强玩家实力,还创新推出了上帝视角,方便触屏操控,一览大局。——继承原作精髓,延续经典枪战体验《穿越火线:枪战王者》从世界观、玩法模式、操作规则等多个方面完美继承端游原作精髓,依旧是保卫者和潜伏者的斗争贯穿始终;依旧拥有爆破模式、个人竞技、团队竞技等经典玩法;依旧是左手控制玩家移动,右手控制瞄准和射击的操作方式;这些熟悉的元素让亿万玩家的枪战梦想完美延续至移动端。——创新玩法层出不穷,乱斗模式轮番开启武器大乱斗、大头大乱斗、手雷大乱斗、刀王大乱斗等六大乱斗模式轮番开启,区别于端游的创新玩法,快节奏的对战体验让玩家迅速上手,主武器、副武器、近战武器……都可以在不同的乱斗模式中尽情体验。——剧情战役,组队击退僵尸狂潮在挑战模式中,玩家将重返战场,面对更加强大的Blitz生化怪兽。这一次,玩家双拳难敌四手,只有与队友一起协作奋战同心协力,才能顶住怪兽强势的进攻。不仅如此,僵尸狂潮强势来袭。新BOSS天蛛、天蛛骑士、凤凰、雷霆天使……组队击退,更有雷刃、凤舞等神级掉落!——完美支持3D Touch功能,射击手机游戏新革命《穿越火线:枪战王者》在iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus上支持最新3D Touch功能,革命性的把射击手游的瞄准和射击这两个维度的操作合并到一起,玩家在瞄准过程中同时加大自己的按压力度即可完成开火,极大的降低了操作上手的门槛。——细节制胜 美术树立新标杆游戏的画面经过全新改良引擎打造,全面提升了画质。角色和枪械更加精细,特效也更加爆炸。在美术资源上不仅实现了对端游经典内容的重现,而且在带给用户熟悉感和亲切感之余,也不乏一些与过去有所不同的尝试。例如在PVE闯关模式下,画面色彩更为厚重,光影对比更为强烈,从而使得关卡氛围更符合故事背景,较端游中的关卡有了更多提升,有过之而无不及。【联系我们】如果您喜欢我们的游戏,欢迎随时给我们评价、留言官网地址:/手机官网:/m/index.shtml官方论坛:http://cfm.bbs. 官方微信号:cfmcyhx客服电话:6【特别说明】在游戏《穿越火线:枪战王者》中,用户登录时可以选择“与QQ好友玩/与微信好友玩/游客登录”,三种登录方式在iOS设备上的游戏数据不互通(包括等级、分数、金币、钻石等)。用户在游戏中购买的代币“钻石”仅限于在本应用中使用。腾讯的虚拟货币,比如Q币、Q点无法在本应用中使用。
僵尸炮艇:生存 Zombie Gunship Survival
相比前作,《僵尸炮艇:生存 》剧情内容的丰满以及不同的关卡任务体验都让游戏的可玩性得到大大增强。主角将呆在一艘AC-130的炮艇上,使用各种各样的重型武器消灭成群结队的僵尸,让队友以及城镇中被困的市民存活下去解决僵尸危机。
争分夺秒 Tempo (TM)
小羊肖恩回家记 Home Sheep Home 2
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** RAD Soldiers supports – iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPod Touch v5 and higher **“Massively entertaining” – PocketGamer, 9/10, Gold Award *App Store Editor’s Choice and #1 Strategy or Board Game in 99 countries*RAD SOLDIERS ‘AND 1/3’ UPDATE! Snappy Quick game option, new Collectable Card system, a simplified store and more.Holy Falling Rockets! Build a squad of fearless Soldiers and throw them into explosive, turn-based battles to capture the mysterious missiles plummeting from the skies. Combine outrageous abilities with sneaky tactics as you fight against friends and in single player missions around the globe.WarChest and the award winning multiplayer developer Splash Damage (Enemy Territory(TM), Batman: Arkham Origins(TM)) invite you to join over 4 million RAD Soldiers players around the world.BE THE BOSSBuild an unstoppable team and lead them to victoryCONQUER THE WORLDBlast your way through dozens of single player missionsPUMMEL FRIENDSPut the boot into friends and strangers onlineGET TACTICALUse the unique abilities of your Soldiers to turn the tide of warUNLOCK AWESOMECollect new Soldiers, weapons, and outfits to hone your gameTAKE YOUR TIMEPlay whenever, wherever thanks to turn-based gameplayPLAY AWAY ONiPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 PlusiPad2, 3rd & 4th gen, Air, Air 2, Mini, Mini Retina, Mini Retina 2iPod Touch 5th gen -----------------------------What our players are saying –5 / 5
“This is the best turn-based online multiplayer game you will find. And believe me, I have searched.”5 / 5
“The most exciting & entertaining strategy game both in graphics and gameplay, my favourite one!”5 / 5
“So much fun. Who reads in the bathroom anymore?”To be kept up to date with all of the latest RAD Soldiers news, be sure to Like WarChestGames on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter & Subscribe on YouTube:/WarChestGames /WarChestGames/user/WarChestGamesWarChest and RAD Soldiers and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Warchest Limited. All rights reserved. Enemy Territory is a trademark of id Software in the U.S. and/or other countries. Batman: Arkham Origins is trademark of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trade marks are the property of their respective owners. Warchest, RAD Soldiers and its developers are not associated with or endorsed by any of the foregoing. The existence of any event, third party brand, image, name, likeness, logo or trade mark is coincidental and implies no such association with or endorsement.
What's New in Version 1.1.5
BRAND NEW UPDATERAD Soldiers but BETTER! This update includes collectible cards, super quick multiplayer and brand new boosters and currency!New Features! QUICK GAMESBlast through games with the 15 minute Quick Game option. No more waiting for slowpoke opponents.RAD BUX REMOVEDTo make things easier, Coins earned by playing are now RAD Soldiers’ only currency. All RAD Bux have now been converted to Coins.COLLECTIBLE CARDS Card Booster Packs contains a Soldier, a Weapon, and another random card. They’re purchasable from the store with Coins or cash. Simple!REWORKED TUTORIALSTo minimise head-scratching, we’ve made the tutorial easier to follow, and included the one thing the world’s been clamouring for: Talkyheaded Smith and Jones!
Customer Reviews
A few problems
I love the game overall, but there are a couple of design flaws. 1) while the &booster card& concept is alright, it's left me with a lot (by which I mean A SHITLOAD) of duplicate characters that I don't want. We should be able to delete the characters we don't want to save space and keep things more organized, or maybe set up a trading system so we can swap with other players online. If you can't do any of this, then at the very least organize the barracks better so I don't have to swipe through 20 Hipster Daves to select the 1 Tree Mendes I just unlocked. 2) I don't understand why we can't customize our commander at all. Like, we choose one skin at the beginning and then we can never change it to something else? Where is the logic in not letting me change it from an Asian man to a black woman, when we are allowed to customize the other characters appearance? I think we should be able to swap race/gender for the commander just as easily as we can swap skins for the other characters. 3) like the
more cities to fight in! 4) I'd have aired these grievances on the forums, but your confirmation email won't let me create an account for some reason. This is an excellent game otherwise, but it could use these improvements!
Strategic skirmish done right
Well balanced levels with just the right amount of challenge built on a solid squad-on-squad strategy game enhanced by the up-close tactical decisions that go into each individual soldier and their hilariously unique abilities provide for a game that casual players and serious tacticians can both get in on. Fans of xcom-enemy unknown and skirmish-level miniatures games of all types will rejoice. The latest update streamlines the menial character-accumulation as the final dose of perfection. The only thing it lacks is more cities to do battle in! Surely London and Rio aren't the only two locales our mercs can deface on their search for rockets ... But even without more levels, RAD soldiers still deserves every karat of that pocketgamer
Great, but imbalanced
Good overall, but needs some tweaking.Balance:-Textbook Kate and Archie are overpowered.-Hipster Dave and Madame LeHaque are underpowered.-The sniper rifles are all overpowered.Soldiers/Equipment:-Too many duplicates are obtained. Please add a &sell& option in (I.e. Sell excess Persuaders for m$ney)-New weapons...1: MK17 SCARIt'd be similar to the Hoo-Hah AR, but it'd offer a higher damage and range output (but not as extreme level as with the machine guns) at the cost of energy and mobility. Essentially, the M4 would be to the SCAR as the MP5K is to the Uzi.2: Glock 18Essentially a Cold Automatic with a higher mobility level but a lower range.-Commander Customization (skins, swap gender/race, etc)Other:In singleplayer, the Deploy-o-cover's spawn animation either gets stuck or does not play. In other words, the deploy-o-cover is permanently rendered with a parachute above it, and its model stays there, parachute and all, after it's destroyed.-Weapon packs should be able to be obtained by in-game currency, too.Still worth playing despite all these necessary tweaks?
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 1.1.5Size: 248 MBLanguages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, SpanishSeller: WARCHEST LIMITEDInfrequent/Mild Realistic ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude HumorInfrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceCompatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Customer Ratings
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4.32168&&&&&286 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&3071 Ratings
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