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Transferred from "Living Healthy",
Reader's Digest, August 5, 2010
8 Essential Foods for Beautiful
Avocados are not just for eating! A good source of biotin
avocados help to prevent dry skin and brittle hair and nails. When
applied topically, they can hydrate parched skin. Create a
moisturizing mask. Pit the fruit, puree the pulp, and pat it on
your face. The oil acts as an emollient. It also contains
beneficial vitamin E.&
2. Sip your way to
healthy skin. Green tea's high on the list of
skin-friendly beverages thanks to its impressive storehouse of
polyphenols. Aim for four cups throughout your day.
3. Reach for
tomatoes. A German study found that lycopene-rich tomato
paste helped participants prevent sunburn when they combined it
with olive oil, daily for ten weeks. Besides being a great source
of the antioxidant lycopene, tomatoes are considered a
high-carotenoid fruit. These nutrients may help slow down cellular
damage from free radicals.
4. Slow down aging
with salmon. Salmon contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid
that improves skin elasticity, so you'll have fewer fine
5. Crack open some
eggs. Protein helps repair cells that have suffered free
radical damage. Eggs, a complete source of protein, also contain
biotin, an essential vitamin that protects against dry
6. Put pomegranate on
your list. When applied topically, this antioxidant-rich
fruit may help skin create more collagen, while speeding
walnuts. Looking to add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet
but not a fan of fish? Walnuts are a rich source of Omega-3s, which
help put shine in your hair and aid in making skin smoother and
younger looking.
8. Build better skin
with beans. Another protein source, legumes help repair
cells that have suffered free radical damage. During digestion,
protein breaks down into amino acids, the building blocks of cells.
Amino acids help to speed the repair and regeneration of skin cells
and collagen.
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Hooks in Me
Devil's Son Blues
Come and Get It
Old Days New
Same Old Thing
What's a Man to Do
Deep Shadows
Precious Jewel
Beans & Fatback的熱門專輯和歌曲
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