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迪士尼无限:玩具盒子2.0 Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0
各种令人惊奇的游戏哟,哦MY God,速来!落红和大雁都有去向,时间中的戏耍,把我们变成了此刻的自己,看好下载,珍惜新游。真尼玛有诗意的感慨。
近日,ZeptoLab发预告,将要推出一款益智新作《盗贼王者》(King of Thieves)。通过对开发商之前作品的印象,单是这款新作的名称,就已经让小编非常感兴趣了。不过,大家可以先通过游戏的预告视频,感受一下。
本周,一张呼吁少放鞭炮的图片在网络疯传,图片中的主人公是一对环卫工人夫妇,两人站在街头,手举一张心形卡片,上面写着“年青人,少放点鞭炮!让我老伴早回家过年!谢谢体谅!”,你愿为老人实现愿望吗?支持的话记得转哦!回到本期的《神奇周四》,本周游戏可谓集体井喷,前有电影同命游戏《速度与激情:传承》开道,主打“缅怀”招牌,后有头顶诸多光环的《午夜之星》压阵,剑指iOS大作标杆,绝对精彩纷呈。那么接下来就跟随小编一起走进本期的神奇周四吧!iapps 「大块头」迪士尼无限-玩具盒2.0:Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0
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「大块头」迪士尼无限-玩具盒2.0:Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0
大块头!大块头!随着 iPhone 6/6 Plus 64G 及更大存储容量的机型进入寻常百姓家,苹果似乎也增加了单个软件上传的大小限制,之前 App Store 单个软件似乎不得超过 2G 大小,不过这次的迪士尼无限-玩具盒 2.0 直接飙升到了 3.8G!小编硬是找了台 64G 的牛排才把这货安装好。
要说迪士尼现在风光无限,买了皮克斯和漫威后,其明星阵容大大增加,米老鼠唐老鸭什么的都是元老了,闪电麦昆也是卖萌的货,漫威的超级英雄才是当今的热点,这次的玩具盒2.0 以漫威的超级英雄作为主角,庞大的沙盒机制让游戏充满了自由和冒险。游戏初始可以选择绿巨人、钢铁侠或者花仙子来进行游戏。不过小编表示,这货的要求很高,牛排上的画质简直不敢恭维,而且卡顿十足,主角的操控略微有些蛋疼,不知道是因为设备跟不上导致的手感生硬还是有设计问题。不过喜欢漫威喜欢迪士尼的朋友,如果手中有高大上的新款大容量 iPhone、iPad 还是可以装了试试。
作者: dogcom 所在版块: 游戏发售表
<font color="#0
作者: dogcom 所在版块: 新闻与资讯Best new games of the week: Disney Infinity Toy Box 2.0 and Puppet Punch - 推酷
Best new games of the week: Disney Infinity Toy Box 2.0 and Puppet Punch
Every week, our staff will handpick a game from the past two weeks that we believe is a must-have download for your iPhone or iPad. These games will always be from a wide variety of genres, but they are chosen because our own staff members love it and can’t put it down. So here are this week’s picks! Enjoy, and happy gaming!
Disney Infinity Toy Box 2.0
Get all the action of the Disney Infinite universe in the palm of your hand with our Game of the Week!
Are you a Disney fan? Then you will fall in love with our Game of the Week, Disney Infinity Toybox. This is an iOS version of the console Disney Infinity games.
In this rather large (it will require around 4GB of space on your device) freemium game, players get all of the tools and enhanced features of the Toy Box 2.0 from Disney Infinity 2.0 Edition, as well as multiplayer functionality so you can play with your friends and family. With all of these tools and features available, you’ll be able to create your own one-of-a-kind Toy Boxes, including new Marvel and Disney characters, vehicles, and items.
Another thing to note with Toy Box 2.0 is the fact that it is powered by Apple’s new Metal graphics engine, so the graphics are super high in quality (hence the gigantic file size) and the gameplay is similar to what you would expect from a full console game.
Our staff members have enjoyed the console versions of Disney Infinity and are pleased to see it arrive on iOS. If you are a Disney fan, or want a family-friendly game that everyone can enjoy, make sure to check out Disney Infinity Toy Box 2.0.
, and includes three free characters, with the rest being available through in-app purchases.
For more information on Disney Infinity Toy Box 2.0, make sure to
Honorable Mention
Puppet Punch
You won’t look at puppets the same way again thanks to our Honorable Mention of the week.
In the mood for an arcade game with a twist? Then you should check out our Honorable Mention, Puppet Punch by Kedoo.
In this beautifully crafted arcade game, you’ll play as Pablo, a kid who is bored of the standard fare that can be found in arcades. He discovers a secret room that has a ladder, and when he climbs it, he finds a trap door with some boxing gloves and culturally-inspired puppets will descend on him. The game is filled with gorgeous backdrops that feature various themes like Oriental, European, and more. The puppets you’ll be fending off may look similar, but upon closer examination, you’ll see that they are all uniquely styled based on the culture theme. Pablo’s gloves and various pieces of headgear will also be finely detailed and fun to see in action.
While the game separates itself from the usual fare, it’s still an arcade survival game, and Pablo fights off the puppets in waves. The end of each wave has a boss battle, and there are also various power-up items to use to your advantage throughout the game. The gameplay is simple enough and made for touch screens, as all you need to do to attack a target is tap it until it’s gone (sometimes it takes a few hits). Timing and precision matter in this frantic game.
We’ve been enjoying Puppet Punch over the past week, and it’s a fun arcade survival game that has kept us coming back for more. If you’re in the mood for a punchy arcade game, make sure to check out Puppet Punch.
For a closer look at Puppet Punch, don’t missmy full review.
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