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SlimDX Runtime .Net2.0 (June 2010)官方
SlimDX Runtime一个由对XNA的Windows支持不满的群体发起的开源项目。SlimDX是一个MDX替代品,用于.NET平台上的DX应用开发,提供了绝大部分DX C++API的一一对应功能,其中包括了DX10、Xinput、XAudio、XACT的接口。目前已经成熟稳定。
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最新游戏工具游戏下载SlimDX Homepage
What is SlimDX?
SlimDX is a free open source framework that enables developers to easily build DirectX applications using .NET technologies such as C#, VB.NET, and IronPython.
It is designed to be an efficient, simple, and lean wrapper that fully encompasses all of Microsoft's gaming and multimedia technologies and exposes them to managed code.
All of the code is under the MIT/X11 license, and all content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.
Our latest release is March 2011, and can be found for users and developers on the .
All development is based in our .
You can use that site to report bugs (using our issues page), as well as download a complete copy of the source code.
If you have questions to ask, or otherwise wish to discuss SlimDX, we ask that you use the
on GameDev.Net.
This is the only forum on which the d we do not use any other forums or mailing lists.
Please prefix your thread subject with [SlimDX] if the question is reasonably specific to SlimDX.
If it isn't, feel free to include or exclude the prefix as you like.
You can also try and get a hold of us on IRC, in the #graphicsdev channel on .
Consulting Services
SlimDX Consulting is now up and running to help you get the most of your applications.
Our expertise in DirectX, SlimDX, and both managed and native code means getting things done in a fraction of the time and cost of an in house solution.
That leaves you to focus on your application, instead of fighting with unfamiliar libraries and obscure bugs.
SlimDX already powers a wide range of multimedia, from big budget games to large scale weather services to television.
You deserve the same level of polish for your own projects.
page for more information what we can do for you.
Why use SlimDX?
SlimDX is a highly polished, fully featured wrapper around almost all Microsoft multimedia and gaming APIs. There are however several
other choices for managed game development. Follow the link below to our features page to get a list of notable SlimDX
features, as well as comparison charts comparing the main players in the managed game development scene, both past and present:
SlimDX, XNA, MDX, OpenTK, and the Windows API Code Pack.
Getting Started
Getting started is easy! Check out our
page for an introduction
to SlimDX and Direct3D 11, or follow the link below to read our documentation article on getting started
with SlimDX development. While SlimDX doesn't have many samples and or in-depth documentation, concepts
related by XNA, MDX, and DirectX tutorials on the web should translate easily to SlimDX. We recommend
the DirectX SDK documentation as a particularly good source of explanatory material.
Current Status
SlimDX is currently rock solid, covers just about every multimedia API provided by Microsoft, and is stable enough to be used
by commercial projects and companies, including several AAA game studios. Several companies and products using SlimDX:SlimDX Download Page (January 2012)
January 2012
The January 2012 release of SlimDX is now out!
The January 2012 release was a minor stability release.
Once again this release does not reflect a corresponding release of the DirectX SDK.
Development effort was spent on fixing minor bugs and resolving issues in the installer and deployment infrastructure.
NOTE: As of this release, samples are no longer part of the SDK but shipped as a separate download.
End User Runtime
NOTE: Application developers do not need these files.
These packages are for end users and install all prerequisites for SlimDX based software.
If you're just trying to run a SlimDX based program that someone else gave you, you will need one of these installers.
Developers do not need this except for distribution purposes, and should install the SDK below instead.
The SDK includes these files.
x86 (32-bit)
x64 (64-bit)
Developer SDK
The SDK includes all of the binaries, documentation, and samples.
It also includes all of the files necessary to build custom installation packages if desired.
The SDK supports both 32 bit and 64 bit systems.
Information For Developers
If you're new to this whole thing, read the
documentation page.
It should help get you moving.
Other pages of interest include:
-- Information on the work we did for the January 2012 SDK release.
-- Our main homepage. This page makes it fairly straightforward to get to all of the other pages related to this project.
-- Describes the rationale behind the recommended message loop for SlimDX applications.
-- Tips on how to work on and debug applications using SlimDX. It's a really good idea to be familiar with the contents of this page, and check on it every so often, because it is updated periodically.
We have updated our documentation so that it now links to the DirectX documentation for many classes, taking you straight to the original unmanaged type that a SlimDX type represents.
However, this linking is machine generated, and we haven't filled it in for everything yet.
If you see something that is incorrectly linked, please report it in our .天嗨助手|天嗨苹果助手下载v2.0.43 官方最新版_西西软件下载
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