
IPOD classic
屏幕亮起时就会有黑线 正在变长
背光暗掉就看不见了 怎么回事啊 先谢谢。。
屏坏了, 不是接口的问题, 屏的显示是矩阵的, 出现黑线, 有一部分坏了,导致电压不稳定, 所以 时亮时暗穿伐扁和壮古憋汰铂咯, 黑线粗到一定程度, 真的该换了.
703浏览 / 10回复
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[翻译]Apple美国官方论坛关于iPad Air阴阳屏、黑线痕迹问题的讨论帖,持续更新中
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本帖最后由 咬人的兔子 于
23:27 编辑
LZ算是一个外观党而且在乎屏幕显示效果的人了,所以很喜欢苹果的产品,目前差个iPad Air就齐了却由于阴阳屏而下不了手。只能每天刷威锋Air版和Apple官网论坛期望出现新一批货消除阴阳屏问题的好消息。想到与其潜水看着,不如做点好事帮大家翻译下Apple官网论坛的相关帖子好及时更新美国那边iPad Air阴阳屏事件的发展,所以就有了这个帖。每日更新,英文一般,如果有错误请FY们指点,谢谢大家。
42374 Views&&359 RepliesiPad Air 屏幕的左半部分是黄屏?<font color="#ff 查看& &359回复& &
Hi, I have just got a new ipad air today. I am noticing that the left side of the screen has a yellow tint. Should I take it back for a replacement?
嗨,我今天刚买了台新的iPad Air。我发现屏幕的左半边是黄色的,我该不该去换货呢?
下午4:15 ()
Try a reset:
- hold the home button and sleep/wake button at the same time
- the iPad will turn off (keep holding) but as soon as you see the Apple logo appear release both buttons
If this does not resolve the issue then yes I'd suggest to take the iPad back for a replacement.
下午4:33 ()
Thanks, I've now tried the reset twice but still no luck. The strange thing is I did notice one or two units in the apple store which had this slight yellow tint also.谢谢,我已经重置过2次了但是还是没用。奇怪的是我还发现在苹果直营店里也有一两部Air有些微的左半黄屏现象。
下午4:34 ()Only really noticeable when having a web page with a white background etc.只有在看白色背景的网页的时候非常明显
& && && &Australia 下午4:48 ()You could try a restore to factory settings with iTunes on a computer or just take it into an Apple Store to be evaluated and replaced if they cannot resolve the issue with troubleshooting.你可以试试在电脑上用iTunes来将Air恢复到出厂模式,或者拿到苹果直营店去检测,如果他们还是没法解决问题的话就换货。
下午4:58 ()Thanks will take it back to apple store tomorrow.谢谢,我明天就带Air去苹果直营店
下午5:14 ()Hi you are doing the right thing by returning the ipad, I noticed this to on my ipad air the yellow tint was on the left bottom side and I could only notice it on white pages for example safari. I called apple they told to me to return it ASAP so I did. But I found on other ipad post that this Is the glue that hasn't dried yet as they are &fresh& out of the factory and this disappears after a few days. Anyway hopefully it gets sorted out and enjoy they ipad!嗨,你把Air退了是正确的决定,我也在我的iPad上发现这个问题了,黄屏部分是在屏幕的左下角,只会在看像safari这样的白色页面的时候感觉到。我打给苹果客服他们让我去退货越快越好,我就退了。但是我发现在其他的iPad相关帖里有人说这是因为刚出厂的iPad屏幕里的胶水还没干,在一些天后这现象就会消失了。不管怎么说,希望这个问题能解决,让我们好享受iPad。
下午8:03 ()Hi there! I've got the same issue - you are not alone. However, I had something similar with my iPad 2 which I bought on launch day. Wait a few days - if it stays, take it back. This is the only logical reason for multiple iPads having screen issues. Unless, there is a major production defect.....After spending close to $1000, I hope this goes away!嗨你好!我也碰到了同样的问题——你不是一个人。不过我在首发日买的iPad2也有一些相似的状况。试试看等几天——如果还是这个状况,就去退货。除非存在巨大的生产缺陷……否则这是唯一合理的理由(胶水说法)能解释为什么这么多的iPad有此问题。在花了近1000美元买Air后,我希望这个问题能尽快解决!
下午8:26 ()The glue thing doesn't apply to iPads just iPhones. The glass on an iPad is not glued directly to the LCD like on iPhones since the iPhone 4, like galaxy phones except Apple glue is tougher. The iPad 1, 2, 3, 4, and mini glass is only adhered around the perimeter with black double sided tape. I'm sure this new iPad Air is the same way. You can watch YouTube, I've done all before, the LCD/glass separation on an iPhone requires an screen hot plate and cutting wire, the iPad only require heat and a good pry tool. My iPad Air whole screen is a tiny bit yellow actually may be perfect but compared to the two iPad 4th Gen I have it's a bit yellow. The 2 4th gen screens are totally different, one has a really yellow screen one has a really bright blue screen. I have an iPhone 5 and a 5s the 5 is tinted blue the 5s is perfect color comparable to the Air, but the Air is not as right. I think it's the LCD itself and how it was made and where the iPad was manufactured, I'm not sure but I know there's not glue between the glass and LCD panel for an iPad.胶水的说法只适用于iPhone上而不是iPad上。iPad的屏幕玻璃不是像iPhone 4以及后续的iPhone那样直接粘在LCD上的,而是像三星galaxy系列那样,只不过苹果的胶水更坚固。iPad 1代、2代、3代、4代和mini的屏幕玻璃只用黑色的双面胶环绕在边缘粘住而已。我很肯定新款iPad Air也是这样的。你可以去YouTube上看看,我已经试过了,要拆分开iPhone上的LCD屏和玻璃需要用到拆屏用热薄板和切割线,而拆iPad时只需加热并使用方便的撬机工具。我的整个iPad Air的屏幕都有一点点黄,单看起来像是完美的,但是当和我的两台iPad 4代对比时,就显得有些过黄了。两台4代的屏幕完全不一样,一台很黄,一台很蓝。我还有一台iPhone 5和一台iPhone 5s,5有点蓝,5s的颜色和iPad Air对比时显得非常完美,而Air的颜色完全不对头。我想这是因为制作Air的LCD的工艺和工厂的问题,我不确定,但是我相信在iPad Air的玻璃和LCD面板之间是没有胶水的。
上午11:31 ()Yes, i got mine last night. It had slight yellow tint on the Left Hand Side (noticeable on white backgrounds). Went to store for replacement. Got another one, at store it appeared fine but when reached home, noticing the same issue. Unsure, if its by design. The display should be even (if background is of same color). Looking for some expert technical answer.没错,我昨晚刚拿到我的Air,在左手边的屏幕上有淡淡的黄色(在看白色背景时很明显)。去店里换了一台新的。新的那台在店里时看起来不错,但是当我到家后,又发现同样的问题了。不确定这是不是因为设计问题。甚至只要背景显示一样的颜色都能看出来。坐等技术专家来回答。
下午5:11 ()Yea your right the whole LCD panel display color should be one color. There's no glue between the glass and LCD. If the LCD panel has different color spots it may have not been cured correctly or quality didn't inspect it well, they'll swap that. Have you noticed the lighting in the ARS compared to your home? The Apple Store lights are setup to make you not notice stuff like that, at least my store. And all the display model units have beautiful blue tinted screen. If the devices whole screen has a yellow tint they'll tell you that how it is it is what it is and we can swap out but there's no guarantee&&the next will be better and they'll give you another one with a known yellow screen they keep behind the Genius Bar to make you keep yours. Then if you argue with them they say that is not an issue that affects functionality and some screens are just yellow because of the glue and manufacturing process, not curing right or excessive glue, and it's fine. Which is true but I know I hate yellow screens.你说的没错,整个LCD面板的颜色本应是一样的。在玻璃和LCD面板之间根本没有胶水。如果LCD面板有不同颜色的色斑说明其没有被准确校准过或者质量不好,这样的面板本该处理掉。你们注意过苹果直营店里的灯光和我们家里有什么不同吗?苹果直营店的灯光是被精心设计成能让你察觉不到像这样的缺陷的,至少我这边的苹果店是这样。并且所有的展示机都是漂亮的蓝色屏。如果设备整个屏幕是黄色的,他们会告诉你这啊那啊的的借口并且告诉你可以换一台但是不保证情况比你手上这台好,然后他们会把藏在天才吧后面的一台他们早知道是黄屏的机器换给你来让你放弃换到好机器的念头。如果你和他们争吵他们就会告诉你这不是一个会影响正常使用的的问题并且有些屏幕由于胶水和工厂的生产流程原因本身就是黄色的,这是因为没校准正确或者用了太多的胶水,是没问题的。说的很冠冕堂皇,但我只知道我讨厌黄屏。
02.11. ()Just got my ipad air 128 gig, left side of screen pink tint, right side green tint took it right back.&&Good old apple same bs as every ipad launch.刚收到我的iPad Air 128GB,屏幕的左边是粉色的而右边是绿色的,当场就拿去退货了。好样的苹果,每次新iPad发售时候都把顾客当傻子玩。
02.11. ()(iPad Air 64Gb Black) Same problem here, my 3rd replacement and still the same. I think we need to send tips to popular sites
, so they can publish and Apple can recognize the problem, and fix it, because trying to explain this in the Apple Store is hard, they arranged the light so that every iPad screen looks good. My replacements look good in the store but when I get home I notice the tint with dim lights.(iPad Air 64GB 黑色版)相同的问题,我已经换了3次了还是一样。我觉得我们得把问题发到热门的网站比如
和 ,让他们发表消息好让苹果能意识到问题并解决,因为在苹果店里解释这个问题真的很难,他们把灯光布置得让每台iPad看起来都很好。我换回来的机器在店里看起来很好,但是当我到家后在淡光下又发现了同样的问题
02.11. ()I got a bad one too. Today I returned my defective iPad Air and got a new one. I checked before I left the shop and it was also bad. The Apple clerk and I inspected floor iPad models and they ALL were just as defective! Whether it's a 16gb or 64gb is irrelative. The non-retina iPad Mini's we're perfect in comparison interestingly enough.I'm going to stick this one out for a week then return it. I'll return it to a different store and see what happens. I'll keep you updated.我也买到问题机了。我今天刚去退机然后换了台新的。在离店之前我检查后发现还是一样的烂。苹果员工和我一起检查了一整层的iPad展示机,统统都有缺陷!不管是16GB的还是64GB的,无一幸免。而有意思的是,非retina屏的iPad Mini在对比中显的非常完美。我最后决定将就用手上这台新机了,再过一星期后就到另一家苹果店退掉然后看看这个事件有没什么新进展。如果有的话我会让大家知道的。
02.11. ()In the same boat. My whole screen is &yellow& in comparison to my ipad3 which is very bright and intense. Whites are very white and blacks are very black...not the case with the Air.If you have an iPad 3 put them side by side and you will see a huge difference.I will be returning also after a few days.和大家在一条船上。和我明亮的iPad3屏幕对比后我的Air整个屏幕都显得黄黄的。我的iPad3该白的地方很白,该黑的地方很黑……完全不像Air的这个情况如果你有iPad3,把他们靠在一起放着,你会看到巨大的差别的。准备再过几天也去退货了
下午10:04 ()&Air user& did you return yours yet? If so how is the replacement?“Air user”,你退货了吗?如果退了的话换回来的机器情况怎么样?
上午9:42 ()Also having the same issue on the left side of the screen of my ipad air.&&Brought it in to the Apple store and the clerk (along with several others) agreed.&&We looked at the display models and all had the same yellowing (or darkening) on the left side, similar to what you would see when reading something in ibooks (where it is intentional to imitate a shadow in the spine of a book).&&They replaced the original one I purchased with a different unit but the issue is still there.&&If anyone has any success in getting a corrected unit please post to let us know.&&Otherwise it seems to be a defect with the screen production/design that will need to be corrected.&&It almost seems as if the attention to the small details within Apple as a company is slipping.&&A design and production issue like this should never have been allowed to get through.&&The attention to detail was one of the big reasons why Apple became the company they are today.&&The more this attention to detail slips away, the more people will turn to other companies on the rise.我的iPad Air左边的屏幕也有同样的问题。我把Air带到苹果店去给苹果员工看(一共好几人),结果他们也看出问题来了。我们一起检查了展示机,发现所有机器在左侧都有一样的黄色调(或者暗黑色),就像你用iBooks看书时看到的一样(就是有意模仿真书翻页转轴的阴影部分)。他们把我的机器退了但是换来的新机器还是有一样的问题。如果谁成功买到了无缺陷的机器请发帖让大家知道一下。否则这样看来的话就是显示屏生产或者设计方面有需要被改造的缺陷,似乎苹果作为一个企业,对细节的要求正在下滑,一个像这样的设计和生产缺陷是完全不应该被允许通过的。对细节的关注正是让苹果成长为如今这样一个大企业的重要原因之一。苹果对细节的关注越下滑,转而选择其他公司产品的顾客人数就越会上升。
上午10:28 ()Mine had the same issue. 2nd replacement iPad air also has the same issue.They basically all have this issue as far as i can tell. Every single one in the store had the discolored left side panel. Some far worse than others. This compared to every other iPad model in the store who's panels display color fine (including my old ipad).These first run of iPad air's are pretty much a bust for those that need it side-cast free or use the iPad air for serious photo work.If possible wait a month or 2 before buying an iPad air or absolutely open it in store before leaving. After 2 weeks the iPad air you walk out with is yours and you have to live with all the display issues.我的机器也有相同的问题。第二次换货回来的iPad Air也还是一样。据我所知基本上所有的机器都有这个问题。每一台苹果店里的机器的屏幕都在左侧有变色效果。有一些机器比其他的严重很多。这就是比较过店里所有的机器后的答案(包括我的旧iPad)这次iPad Air的首发简直就是个笑话,特别是对那些需要用到精准色彩的相片制作工作的人来说如果可能的话,等上一两个月再买iPad Air,或者果断在店里开箱检查完再走。要注意的是14天后你买走的iPad Air就永远是你的了,而你从此就必须忍受它所有的屏幕缺陷了。
上午11:18 ()Glenn and hail or any others that have returned theirs. Can you put safari in private mode for me and tell me if the top part of browser is black or grayish. Mine is grey while my other iPads are black. Whites are not as white, blacks are not as black.Anyone?Glenn和Hail或者其他成功退货的人。你们能不能帮我将safari设置成私人模式然后告诉我浏览器顶部是黑色的还是灰色的啊。我的是灰色的但是我其他的iPad都是黑色的。白色不像是白色,黑色不像是黑色。有人帮帮忙吗?
下午1:17 ()Went back into apple store, they acknowledged the issue but didn't have any of my model in stock for replacement. Have to wait until Tuesday for it. They said it was 'light leakage on the left hand side of screen'. With so many other people reporting the same issue I'm starting to worry my replacement will have the same problem! Definitely gonna check it before I leave the store, will wait and see.又去了次苹果店,他们承认了问题所在,但是我买的版本却没货了没得换。得等到周二了。他们说这是“屏幕左手边的漏光问题”。可由于这么多的人都有一样的问题,我开始担心换完货我还是会碰到相同问题!绝对得在店里先检查完再走,看看周二会怎样吧。
下午1:49 ()This is my 4th replacement, all of them with the same issue. I think we should tip the popular sites, like macrumors, 9to5mac.. so Apple can fix it. This clearly is a produccion problem.这已经是我第4次换货了,所有机器都有一样的问题,我认为我们还是要告诉像Macrumors,9to5mac这样的热门站点……这样苹果才会去修复问题。很明显这完全是产品问题。
下午1:52 ()It is gray, but I think that is the software making it more translucent。是灰色的,但是我认为是软件原因才让它变得更透明的。(针对某楼的Safari浏览器顶部颜色问题的回答)
下午2:13 ()Glue is used in gobs to hold all the inner components down in the ipad air. It helps keep the device lighter as we'll read
for more info on the gluing of inner components.胶水是用在封口处来固定iPad Air所有内部原件的。它让设备变得更轻成为可能——就像上写到的一样,网站上有关于苹果是怎么使用胶水固定内部原件的信息。
下午7:21 ()My iPad purchased on Novemeber 1st 2013 has the same problem, it is darker on the left hand side when held in portrait. I left it on full brightness for a few hours, and that seems to have resolved the yellow-tint problem, but the left hand side is still noticeably darker and possibly also a little blurry. iPads are supposed to be a premium tablet, and they should not have this problem. Quality control should not let this sort of thing through, it is very dis**ing. I find the problem most noticeable when using Safari's &reader& function (i.e pressing the thing in the left address bar that looks like a paragram when reading a news article or similar). Anyway, this iPad is going back to Best Buy. I may repurchase one in a couple of months when the manufacturer has sorted this out.我在日买的iPad也有一样的问题,竖着拿的时候可以看到左手边更暗一些。我把屏幕开着保持百分百亮度几个小时,之后看起来就像是已经解决了黄屏问题,但是左手还是可以明显看到更暗一些甚至好像更模糊一些。iPad算是优质高价的平板电脑了,本不应出现这种问题的。质量检测部门就不该让这样的东西通过,实在非常扫兴。我发现在使用safari的“阅读模式”时候屏幕缺陷最明显(就是在地址栏左边看起来像是正在看新闻文章的那个图标)。不管怎么说,我已经将iPad退给百思买了。我可能会等几个月后厂家解决了这个问题后再买一台。
上午3:24 ()
I'm lucky not to be suffering any of these problems! In private browsing the top bar is dark grey but my brightness setting is around 75% so not surprising. We should bear in mind that the numbers of complaints here are relatively small compared to the numbers of Airs sold, my local store in Hong Kong must have sold into the thousands on the first day alone so do the math! Not defending Apple on this as their reputation is well known for faulty products (iPhone 5s has battery issues with a recall for some customers and the accelerometer issues, not forgetting the free bumper for iPhone 4 antenna problems!), but trying not to alarm all Air owners that they've bought a dud!我运气很好没碰到这些问题!我的浏览器里顶部是黑灰的但是我的亮度设定是75%所以不奇怪。要知道在这里投诉的数量对比Air的销量来说是个相当小的数字,我在香港,本地的苹果店在第一天卖掉了几千台Air,算一算吧!不是我在这事上拥护苹果,他们早已因为有缺陷产品而&声名在外&了(iPhone 5s有被部分召回的电池门以及协调仪问题,更别忘记了因为iPhone4的天线门而免费发放的bumper!),但是请尽量不要让所有的Air拥有者人心惶惶认为自己买到了次品!
上午5:10 ()
Hi everybody - don't worry about the yellow screens - they change in a few days, it's the glue that is used for the screens and it takes a little time to cure, other tablets from other manufacturers don't sell they sit in their boxes gathering dust and in 6 months time they are moved to bargain bins, during this time the Surface/Surface2 glue has cured.However Apple products are hot of the press, so there is not a thing wrong don't worry it'll be fantastic in a few days, this happend with all iPads since 2010, so relax and don't bother returning to Apple because you'll get another one just like it.Be patient you've been waiting for the iPad 5 for a long time it's here, it's fantasic and this problem disappears within days, so use it and love it there is nothing wrong here.嗨各位 - 不要担心黄屏问题了 - 黄屏会在过些天后自动好转的,这是因为用来粘住屏幕的胶水的得花些时间来蒸发,其他厂家的平板电脑卖的不好,放在盒子里吃灰,然后6个月后就被扔到大减价便宜货柜上了,在这段时间里Surface/Surface2的胶水早蒸发完了。而苹果的产品热门的很,所以别担心了没问题的,你的iPad会在过些天后变得超棒的,这种情况自从2010年以来已经发生在各型号的iPad上了,所以放轻松别去退货给自己找麻烦了,因为你还是会换到台和原来一样的机器。耐心些,你已经等了iPad 5代这么长的时间了而这台超棒的机器现在就在你手上,这些问题过几天就会消失了,所以好好享用吧,你的Air没问题的。
上午5:14 ()
ok all you need to do is bring it for a recyicle thay will take the ipad and give you anything for $125行了你该做的就是带着你的iPad去二手回收站,他们会帮你换成任何你想要的价值125美元的东西的
上午5:28 ()
Oh and btw I bought mine on Friday Nov1 today Monday 4th the yellow on the left side (entire half of the screen) has gone and it's just lovely, I've been using it alot this weekend - glad I remembered the glue curing thing.噢对了顺便说下我的Air是在11月1日星期五买的,今天是4日星期一,屏幕左边的黄色已经消失了(整个左半边屏幕)显得很好看,上个周末我天天都在用Air - 很庆幸我还记得胶水蒸发的事情
上午5:49 ()
At first I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me. I started to see the blue tint leakage from the top left hand side then after about an hour of usage the whole left side of the screen had a yellowish tint. I took to the apple store the same day of release nov 1 and they replaced with a new ipad and after 2 full days of use finally no tint so I believe there are defective devices don't think it's your eyes take back to apple and have them fill out the report I did so this is fixed with the refresh.刚开始的时候我还以为是我眼睛有问题,能看到屏幕的左上角漏蓝光,接着在用了1个小时的iPad后发现整个屏幕的左边都是黄色的。结果在11月1日首发日当天我就得把机器带回苹果店换了另一台新的Air,接着又用了2天整后终于确定新机器没偏色了,所以我认为的确是有缺陷机的存在的,别怀着侥幸心理认为是你自己眼睛有问题,把机器退回去并叫他们填写好报告,我就是这样才换到没问题的Air的。
下午3:02 ()
pffff!mine too second replacement was worse.I have upper and lower corners of the right side with yellow tint.seems to be the usual, all ipad Air screens I've seen have the same problem,but many people do not realize and others accept it as normalI hope it fixed soon擦咧!我的也是这样已经换了第二次了结果还更糟。我的机器右上角和左下角是黄色的。似乎这情况很普遍,所有我看过的iPad Air都有一样的问题希望苹果能尽快解决问题吧
下午4:30 ()
I have a yellow tint too.Can you confirm that with maximum brightness for a few hours resolve the problem definitively??Thanks!我的也是黄屏。你确定把亮度调到最高放上几个小时肯定能解决问题?谢谢!
下午4:36 ()
I have used my ipad extensively for the last three days. Today I had it on for 2 hours straight at 100% brightness and the issue has not resolved itself. The left side is darker than the right side of the screen in portrait mode.&&Still have the &book spine& shadow effect on the left side. Going to wait a few more days then try again with a new replacement.过去三天里我一直在频繁地用iPad。今天我让机器在100%亮度下开了2个小时可是问题还是存在。在竖着iPad的情况下看屏幕的左边要比右边暗淡。在左屏部分还是有“书脊”阴影现象。决定等个几天再换台新的看看。
下午5:26 ()
There are several issues with the display some described here:1) yellow edges (that some say goes away with use)2) dark &book spine& edges (sometimes on all edges) that basically never goes away (dark or bluish tint).3) dark bands at the 3/4 marks top or bottom that streak across the screen4) ?????my book spine shadowed edges on my latest replacement are still there and it appears no amount of leaving it on is going to change that.. or the dark bands on the screen.Technically these are semi-minor issues to people who never use light colored screens, dont actually see the problem, or who dont care about the problem. The iPad is still useable... just not perfect by any stretch compared to an iPad with crystal white 4 corner color display.If you take an older ipad, ipad 2, 3, mini, etc. put it to full brightness and go to photos in IOS7 (or any app with a white background) it's night and day difference.This issue can be hard to see if you are only looking at the iPad air itself... you need to see a &good screen& to get a sense of how bad the problem actually may be on a particular iPad air with problem screen.The &book spine& shadow effect (totally different than the yellow tint problem) is reminiscent of a cheap LCD display thats simply been squeezed too tight at the bezel edges. As is the dark band issues on the screen (on light solid backgrounds).There are definately issues with the iPad Air display on some units... everyone however has their own tollerances toward some or all of the issues or many not even notice them.. or are lucky and have zero issues and a perfect display.下面这帖子里描述了一些Air屏幕的问题:1)屏幕边缘泛黄(有些人说多用用会慢慢消失)2)屏幕边缘有暗色的“书脊”(有的情况是屏幕四边都有),这个基本上是不可能消失的(暗色或者蓝色)3)在屏幕上部或者下部3/4处有黑色线痕迹4)?????我最近这次换的机器还是有屏幕边缘书脊阴影问题,看起来是没有可能摆脱书脊阴影以及黑线痕迹问题了严格来说这些事对从来没用过干净漂亮屏幕的人来说只是一些小问题,他们的确看不到问题所在,甚至知道了也不在意。iPad还是可以用的……只是不再像以前那样有着水晶般色泽外加四边角是正常白色的屏幕了如果你把旧款的ipad、ipad2代、3代、mini之类的机器开到最大亮度,然后打开iOS7的“照片”(或者任意有着白色背景的应用),你会发现这和Air简直就是天差地别。但是只单单看iPad Air的话是很难意识到这个缺陷的……你得看过“好屏幕”才能感受到有缺陷的iPad Air屏幕问题确实是很严重“书脊”阴影问题(和黄屏问题完全不同)只是由于廉价的LCD显示屏被安装在底座时边缘部分被挤压得太紧而造成的。就和屏幕上的黑色线痕问题一样道理(在亮色背景时尤为明显)有着屏幕问题的一些iPad Air绝对是存在的……只是有的人对某些或者全部的屏幕问题容忍程度比较宽,甚至完全没有感觉到……又或者运气好拿到了没有任何问题的完美屏幕
下午5:47 ()
I believe that some of these devices are just going too far in creating something thinner (and thinner, and thinner). Something has got to give.
下午7:58 ()
I think that with usage the yellow tint problem will go away, but not the darker (and lower constracst) &book spine& problem. It's not that bad, but I notice it when I'm not looking for it... I'll be using the iPad, go into &reader& mode on Safari, and bam, it jumps out at me.我认为在长期使用后黄屏问题会慢慢消失,但黑色的“书脊”问题就没那么容易解决了,(低对比度下)不是那么严重,但是就算我没有特意去看还是会注意到……只要你在用iPad,点击safari的“阅读”模式,嘣!效果直接就跳到你眼前了
下午9:24 ()
Big thanks to Glenn, that was very insightful! Since I have the &book spine& problem I'll be cashing mine back within the 14 days then. Instead I'll trade my older iPad model for a discount elsewhere and buy an iPad Air when this mess hopefully gets fixed. Such a shame, it's almost perfect!非常感谢Glenn,相当有洞察力!自从发现我也有“书脊”问题后我就趁还在14天内赶紧退钱了。如果不是你的话说不定在苹果解决了这摊烂事后我还得把我的iPad廉价处理然后再买台新的没问题的机器了。实在丢人啊苹果,差这点就完美了
下午10:17 ()
I went to the Apple store in town today to check out the iPad Airs.&&I noticed the yellowing issue on the left side of the screen on about 70% of the in-store units.&&You can check it easily in the notepad app.&&A similar issue kept me from buying a high definition tablet from a major bookstore chain last year.&&Are there two different screen suppliers for Apple?&&Hopefully, those who are saying its the glue curing and will go away with time are right.&&LCDs tints are sensitive to stress.&&If the glue relaxes over time, the tint could well change.我今天去了我这边的苹果店看了些iPad Air。我发现店里几乎70%的机器都有左半屏偏黄的现象。在记事本应用里可以很轻易地察觉到。这就和去年让我放弃从某大型连锁书店购买某型号高清平板电脑的原因非常相似。苹果是不是有两个不同的屏幕供应商呢?我只能寄希望于那些说这只是胶水未蒸发问题的人是对的了。LCD的色彩对压力很敏感。如果胶水蒸发后能减少压迫屏幕,颜色有可能会变好吧
下午10:31 ()
edit:spots are on the left side, excuse mea picture, compare left and right side of the keyboard:纠正一下:色斑是在左边才对,不好意思如图,对比下键盘的左边部分和右边部分就能发现了:
下午11:23 ()
I just received my new iPad and what I've noticed -- when comparing my old iPad 3 to my new iPad Air -- that the color is &off& with the iPad Air. Whites on the iPad 3 are bright white...almost a bluish white, cool in tone. With my new iPad the whites are off white, more dirty white, more warm in tone. Though I love everything else with this new iPad, the color tones issue is a huge dis**ment. No matter how I adjust the brightness level, it doesn't change the dirty look of anything on my screen that's white.我刚收到我的新iPad后就发现了——当和我的旧iPad3对比时候,iPad Air的颜色失真严重。iPad3的白色显示为亮白……色调很冷有点像蓝白色,而新的iPad的白色一点也不白,色调很暖更像脏脏的白色,但是我喜欢新iPad的所有其他特性,色调问题让人非常失望。不管我怎么调整亮度,还是不能改变脏脏的白色显示效果。
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This changes everything . Aga
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对咬人的兔子于 04:03:14在楼主发表的人气:+1;
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LZ算是一个外观党而且在乎屏幕显示效果的人了,所以很喜欢苹果的产品,目前差个iPa ...感谢分享^_^
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谢啦 楼主 。。。
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如果真是单灯管的问题,那么这代air 100%都是阴阳屏,可能有的工艺处理稍好点才会看不出来
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说什么都白说 品控问题 我在实体店好几个人都是完美的 也有几个人悲剧了
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