
塞得之战 Syder Arcade HD_百度百科
塞得之战 Syder Arcade HD
支持Android 4.0
《塞得之战 Syder Arcade HD》是一款Android平台飞行游戏,能够让你找回怀旧的情怀,简单刺激充满挑战,驾驶着飞船把外星入侵者消灭掉!4个困难关卡,6个挑战关卡,1个生存模式关卡等着你全部通关!游戏为科幻风格,画面和操作感良好。  关于数据包 游戏需下载40M数据包,请自行下载。(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2369049',
container: s,
size: '960,48',
display: 'inlay-fix'
Tiger Arcade
街机模拟器(Tiger Arcade) v3.0.5 中文无广告版(附neo深度刷机大师(深度一键ROOT工具) v3.2.5.0 简体中文绿 anroid系统一键ROOT …
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Syder Arcade
[游戏] 《赛德之战》(Syder Arcade)[光盘镜像] [动漫] 《库德之星》[1-2集已完结][漫画]日本Gakken授权香港中文版
... of Amn(博德之.
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Arcade Game
...过为了方便分类,掌上主机和手机的游戏会通称“便携游戏”(Handheld Game)。街机主条目:、, 街机(Arcade)即是流行于街头的商用,以此名称别于个人电脑和家用游戏机。在街机上运行的游戏软件称为“街机游戏”(Arcade Game)。, 街机在中国十分受争议,因为赌博街机的出现让整个游戏业都蒙上了阴影。事实上,赌博游戏机和街机、电子游戏.
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Royal Arcade
皇家拱廊(Royal Arcade),位于澳大利亚墨尔本市市中心,是世界上著名的现存拱廊建筑之一。是维多利亚州墨尔本市的历史遗产 …
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i请填写生词本名称!Global Achievements
Space Turtle I
Get hit 10 times without dying
Space Turtle II
Get hit 15 times without dying
Space Turtle III
Get hit 20 times without dying
Action Hero I
Fire 5000 bullets
OmNomNom I
Pick up 50 powerups
Death Dealer I
Kill 500 enemies
OmNomNom II
Pick up 100 powerups
Death Dealer II
Kill 1000 enemies
Action Hero II
Fire 20000 bullets
Mr. Scott I
Absorb 50 bullets with your shields
Mr. Scott II
Absorb 100 bullets with your shields
El Satanico I
Kill 100 enemies in melee combat
OmNomNom III
Pick up 500 powerups
Die in less than 30 seconds
Action Hero III
Fire 100000 bullets
Mr. Scott III
Absorb 200 bullets with your shields
Complete a campaign level without getting hit or sufferig damage
El Satanico II
Kill 250 enemies in melee combat
The Most Powerful Man In The Universe
Be one of the top players in the campaign leaderboard
Double Facepalm
Die in less than 15 seconds
Bomb the Bass
Kill 1000 enemies with your special weapons
Survive 5 minutes in survival mode
Death Dealer III
Kill 10000 enemies
Complete a campaign level using a retro filter
Complete the campaign at young gun difficulty
El Satanico III
Kill 500 enemies in melee combat
Roasted Abruzzese Skewer
Complete the campaign with the Dart
Complete the campaign at tourist difficulty
Heavy Duty
Complete the campaign with the Mule
Insect Man
Complete the campaign with the Wasp
Immortal (kind of)
Be one of the top players in the shield nebula leaderboard
Diehard II
Survive 10 minutes in survival mode
Triple Facepalm
Die in less than 5 seconds
Dodge This!
Play 5 minutes without getting hit
Diehard III
Survive 15 minutes in survival mode
Piracy is not a problem
Be one of the top players in the Lighthouse leaderboard
You don't have to be pretty to kick some ass
Complete the campaign with the Overseer
Arcade Master
Complete the campaign at arcade difficulty
In less than 12 Parsecs
Be one of the top players in the Frozen Canyon leaderboard
Panzerotto Prophet
Complete the campaign at “pure” difficulty
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