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C1 商业与奥运会——胜利者与战利品 By 张美思&陈怡
C1 商业与奥运会——胜利者与战利品 By 张美思&陈怡
Business and the Olympics
Victors and spoils
The Olympic games are big business. Who wins, and who loses?
奥运会是门很大的生意,谁是赢家,谁是输家?Jul 21st 2012 |LONDON| from the print edition
IN ANCIENT GREECE it was impossible to stitch a sponsor&s logo to an Olympic athlete&s singlet or shorts, because the competitors were all naked. In today&s Londonit is still impossible. Though clothing is now allowed at the Olympics&indeed it is compulsory&so is a veneer of amateurism. No advertisements are al no logos may be emblazoned on the athletes& kit (except at the Paralympics: see article).
Behind the veneer, commercial interests are vying furiously for gold. The sums involved make Russian weightlifters look insubstantial. The British government&s budget for the games has risen to &9.3 billion ($14.5 billion) from an initial estimate of &2.4 billion. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has raised $4.87 billion in broadcast fees and sponsorship for the four-year cycle that includes theLondonsummer games as well as theVancouverwinter Olympics of 2010. The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG), which is actually in charge of staging the games, has raised another &700 it is raking in pots more by selling tickets and licensing souvenirs.
Five rings to bind them
Eleven global sponsors (known as top Olympic partners, or TOPs) pay fat sums to the IOC for the right to use the Olympic brand. Only one TOP sponsor is allowed in each commercial category: Coca-Cola for soft drinks, Panasonic for televisions and so on. This business model dates back to the 1980s. Before then, the Olympics were a commercial mess, with lots of sponsors paying small sums to borrow the Olympic brand in a few cherry-picked markets. Now, the IOC sells much bigger contracts to fewer sponsors. Top-tier deals are long-term (at least eight years) and global. The size of each deal is secret, but the total for all 11 for 2009-12 is $957m.
Sponsors can pay in cash, in kind, or both. For example, Atos, a French consultancy, is a top-tier sponsor. It also manages the information technology for the games. In its command room overlookingLondon&s Docklands, 450 technicians and support staff hunch over screens. Among other things Atos handles the accreditation system for all 250,000 athletes, trainers and hangers-on. This means creating a big database for personal information for people from all parts of the world. It has to hook up with the British immigration authorities, so everyone who needs a visa gets one. And it has to be secure: visiting prime ministers don&t want their private data published on WikiLeaks.
The pay-off for Atos comes from proving it can do all this. &It&s the only project of this magnitude that has a deadline you can&t change at all,& says Patrick Adiba, Atos&s man on the spot. There is also no room for serious errors, he says: &You can&t ask Usain Bolt to rerun the 100 metres because the technology didn&t work.& So every system has backups: some have four.
All this is costly. But it lets Atos boast to potential customers: if we can handle both the summer and winter Olympics, we can probably handle your project. The Olympics generate hundreds of millions of euros of new business for Atos every year, reckons Mr Adiba.
The risk is that if you mess up, you do so very publicly. G4S, a British-based security firm, was hoping that handling security for the games (which it, too, sponsors, though not at the top level) would gild its reputation. &If we can do it for the Olympics, we can do it for you,& said Ian Horseman-Sewell, G4S&s director of events, on June 21st. Shortly afterwards, the firm discovered that it couldn&t do it for the Olympics, having failed to train anything like enough staff. G4S&s share price did a &passable imitation of an Olympic diver (see ).
存在的风险就是,如果你陷入困境了,那全世界都会知道。英国安全公司G4S本来希望可以借助在奥运会期间负责安检工作(这属于它资助的范围,虽然不是最高级的)来获得声誉。G4S在该活动的总监伊恩.霍斯曼.休厄尔(Ian Horseman-Sewell)在6月21号宣称:&如果我们能在奥运会中做好,那我们也能为你们做好。&此话说出不久后,该公司就发现它不能够在奥运会中做得很好,因为它不能够训练处足够的员工。G4S的股价就像奥运会中的跳水运动员一样直线下降(见另文)。&
Most top-level sponsors, such as McDonald&s, Omega, Panasonic and Procter & Gamble, are not trying to prove their prowess. They are just trying to look noble and global by association in a way that wows and woos customers. How they do so reveals the brilliance of the IOC&s stand against the &crass commercialism& of corporate ads and logos at the games. Unable to advertise inside, the sponsors must advertise outside, by way of posters and packaging and every other platform at their disposal. And to reap the benefit of their sponsorship, this advertising must be linked back to the Olympics: so every billboard and chocolate bar and television set carries the Olympic logo. It is hard to walk down a high street anywhere in the world without being reminded of the Olympics.
In effect, the sponsors are paying to provide publicity for the Olympics. This is a fantastic deal for the IOC. Is it also good for the sponsors? &I don&t know,& admits the boss of one big sponsor.
A study by Jonathan Jensen ofColumbiaCollege,Chicagoand Anne Hsu of Relay Worldwide, a sports-marketing firm, has found that in general companies that sponsor generously tend to do well. They looked at the 51 American firms that spent more than $15mannually on sponsorship (mostly of sports) between 2005 and 2009. Net income at these firms grew faster than at S&P 500 firms in general (7.8% to 6.5% per year). The biggest sponsors did even better: the top 16, which spent on average $160ma year on sponsorship, saw net income grow by 22.1% annually.
来自芝加哥哥伦比亚大学的乔纳森.延森(Jonathan Jensen)以及来自体育营销公司Wolrd Relay的许安娜(Anna Hsu)做得一次研究表明,一般赞助比较多的赞助商都会取得不错的效果。他们调查了2005年-2009年期间每年赞助(多数是在体育上)超过1500万美元的51家美国公司。这些公司的纯收入一般比标准普尔500家公司增长得快(前者是每年7.8%,后者为6.5%)。那些最大的赞助商收益也更多:赞助最多的16家公司每年平均都要赞助1亿600美元,它们每纯收入平均每年增长22.1%。&
The authors do not claim that sponsorship makes businesses more profitable. Rather, big sponsors tend to be firms with brands that are already well-known. Lesser-known firms buy ads to explain to customers who they are. The likes of Coke and IBM back athletes to make consumers feel warmer about their brands. There is evidence that such backing can work, at least on a team-by-team level. Jorg Henseler ofRadboudUniversityhas found that in theNetherlandssponsoring football teams makes brands more valuable. And even if there is no such direct effect from sponsoring the games, there is an indirect benefit: you raise ever further the costs of entering the global market. It is spending like this that makes competing with Coke hard, even when making fizzy drinks is easy.
笔者并不是说赞助就能够盈利。而是说,那些大的投资商通常都是那些本来已经享誉盛名的牌子。不那么知名的公司则需要通过广告来向消费者宣传。可口可乐以及IBM通过支持运动员使得消费者觉得它们十分温暖。有证据表明这种支持能够行得通,至少在团队与团队之间的层次上。拉德伯德大学的Jorg. Henseler发现在荷兰,对球队进行赞助能够使它们的品牌更有价值。即使在赞助中没有出现一些直接的效果,但会产生一些间接的好处:你想要打入国际市场恐怕花费得要更多。正式因为这样才使得与可口可乐竞争非常苦难,即使生产汽水是个简单的事情。
It is hard to argue the case for Olympic sponsorship from any effect it has on the share prices of the TOPs (see chart). But the companies must believe they are otherwise they wouldn&t keep doing it, and indeed upping the ante. The IOC&s revenue from TOP sponsors rose 10.5% in the 2009-12 quadrennium. Visa ran Olympic-themed promotions in 45 countries in 2008; this year it has71 inits sights. It is also passing on the rights to use the Olympic brand to the banks that issue its charge cards: some 950 financial institutions will join its marketing push.
Visa&s first Olympic campaign was brutal. Having displaced American Express as the official payment card, its ads crowed: &At the 1988 Winter Olympics, they will honour speed, stamina and skill&but not American Express.& Its recent Olympic ads conform more closely to the generic feel-good norm. One shows Nadia Comaneci, a gymnast, scoring a perfect 10. Morgan Freeman&s soothing voice-over encourages viewers to cheer for perfection.
维萨第一次取得奥运会的赞助权时是非常残酷的。它取代了美国运通成为了官方支付卡,它的广告是这样写的:在1988年的冬运会中,他们赞颂的是速度、经历还有技巧&&但不是美国运通。& 维萨最近的奥运广告则更加符合一般的常规。其中一个广告讲得是体操运动员娜迪亚.科马内奇(Nadia Comanei)取得十分满分的画面。还有摩根.弗里曼让人宽慰的声音则鼓励着投资者去追求更完美的比赛。
Big boys& games
Because the games are truly global, they offer a plausible springboard for regional brands that want to conquer the world. Samsung is perhaps the best example. It was once a big dog only in its nativeSouth Korea. In 1997 it pipped Motorola to become a global Olympic sponsor. The American mobile-phone maker, a longtime second-tier sponsor, wanted to upgrade but demanded a big discount. The IOC was so annoyed that it turned to Samsung, which quickly agreed to pay full whack. Motorola&s managers realised they had been supplanted only when they read the headlines. Such ruthlessness keeps sponsors in line.
Samsung&s sponsorship covers just mobile phones. But if the Olympics burnish the Samsung brand, that should help the Samsung Group sell televisions, ships and insurance, too. It is now the second-most-valuable Asian brand (afterToyota), according to Interbrand, a consultancy. &Being seen alongside Coke gives them global credibility. It shows they are at the top table,& says Clifford Bloxham of Octagon, a consultancy. Indeed, five out of the 11 top-tier Olympic sponsors are in Interbrand&s global top 20.
Below the global sponsors are the domestic ones: some 44 companies, from BP to Cadbury, have signed deals with LOCOG that cover onlyBritain. As well as dealing with these domestic sponsors, LOCOG hires contractors to help stage the games. A separate body, the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), is in charge of building the venue.
Between them, LOCOG and the ODA have awarded more than 2,000 contracts, big and small. Some firms follow the games wherever they are staged: Mondo, an Italian maker of running tracks, is there every four years. For others, it may be a one-off. Touch of Ginger, a British design firm with 12 staff, is making Olympic-themed trinkets such as stainless-steel fish-and-chip forks that pop out of a credit-card-sized piece of steel. Gary Moore, the co-founder, laments that retail sales have been slow. But corporate sales have been brisk. Sponsors such as Lloyds Bank are snapping them up to hand out as gifts.
在他们之间,伦敦奥组委和奥运交付管理局已经签署了大小共计2000余个合同。有些公司一直追随着奥运会的步伐,无论在哪里举办奥运会都能看到他们的身影,例如Mondo公司,该公司是一个意大利跑道制造商,每隔4年都参与奥运会的举办。而对于另一些企业而言,这则可能只是一次性的赞助。Touch of Ginger公司是一家员工仅12人的英国设计公司,如今正在设计奥运主题饰品,如从信用卡大小的不锈钢卡片中组合而成的不锈钢炸鱼薯条叉。虽然该公司的合伙人加里&摩尔感叹其产品的零售量已经下降,但企业销售量依旧坚挺。莱斯银行等赞助商如今正买进此类产品作为礼品发送给顾客。&
The eyes are the prize
Pierre de Coubertin, the idealistic Frenchman who founded the modern Olympics in 1896, did not approve of betting. Heaven knows what he would have made of the bets that broadcasters make on the games. For 2009-12, they have stumped up $3.91 billion for television rights, up from $2.57 billion for 2005-08.
Such huge fees make bidding for the rings highly risky. NBC Universal, an American TV company, lost $223mbroadcasting theVancouverwinter Olympics, and expects to lose money inLondon, too. Having paid $1.18 billion for the right to broadcast the London Olympics inAmericait has so far booked only $950min advertising. It will sell more ads at the last moment. But it will also spend a fortune on cameras, servers and breathless commentary, leaving it $100m-200min the red, by one estimate.
Comcast, the cable firm that owns NBC, is confident that the bet will eventually pay off. NBC will pay $4.38 billion to broadcast the games from 2014 to 2020. NBC hopes the Olympics will boost adverts on its free channels, hook more subscribers for NBC Sports (a pay channel) and popularise its digital offerings.
NBC wants the Olympics to help it take on Disney&s ESPN, the giant of American sports broadcasting. This will be hard. The games are usually in an un-American time zone, and involve dozens of sports, many of which make Americans shrug. It is hard for broadcast highlights on a network to make the most of it all. Technology may be coming to NBC&s aid. It plans to offer 3,500 hours of live coverage via 40 online streams, allowing people to watch on their computers and mobile phones while waiting for the bus or pretending to work. When people are desperate for distraction even dressage has its place.
Some worry that digital streaming will hurt the prime-time broadcasts that command the highest advertising rates. After all, who will bother to watch a race when the result is already online? But Michael Payne, a former Olympic official and the author of &Olympic Turnaround&, a book about the games& commercial revival, downplays such concerns. He thinks that all those digital offerings will create buzz. &With 26 sports, there&s enough news to keep people interested. They&ll watch the games on multiple platforms and then go into the office and talk about it,& he predicts. He may be right. Olympic organisers once fretted that the first radio broadcasts would depress ticket sales. They didn&t.
For advertisers, the Olympics should be a bonanza. Martin Sorrell, the boss of WPP, a British ad firm, often talks of the boost the global ad market receives when the Olympics, an American presidential election and the Euro football tournament more-or-less coincide every four years. Michael Nathanson of Nomura, an investment bank, predicts that the Olympics will pump up the American ad market by between $800mand $1 billion this year. The global bump in advertising will be $1.3 billion, reckons Jonathan Barnard of ZenithOptimedia, a consultancy.
对于广告商而言,奥与会则是一颗摇钱树。英国广告巨头WPP 公司的老板马汀&索瑞尔常常谈论到每当奥运会、美国总统选举和欧洲杯每四年几乎同时举行,全球广告市场就会成为大赢家。投资银行野村的内桑森预计今年奥运会将使美国广告市场增收8亿到10亿美元。实力传播的分析师巴纳德则预计全球广告业将增收13亿美元。&
Others are more cautious. Non-sponsors assume that, if they advertise during the games, their message will get lost in the hubbub, says Ian Whittaker of Liberum Capital, a bank. He predicts that many will wait until September, and that the Olympic boost will be less than expected.
其他方面则更加小心翼翼。Liberum Capital银行的分析师伊恩-惠特克指出,那些非奥运会赞助商们认为,倘若他们在奥运会期间投放广告,他们的广告将淹没在广告大潮之中。他还预测,许多广告商会等到九月再投放广告,到时候奥运宣传将比预计的要少得多。&
Governments of countries that host the Olympics usually boast that the games will generate vast economic returns for the nation. David Cameron, Britain&s prime minister, promised to &turn these games into gold for Britain&, to the tune of &13 billion over four years (see article). Several studies suggest that is unlikely. Victor Matheson of the College of the Holy Cross inMassachusetts finds that organisers of big sporting events tend to overestimate the benefits and underestimate the costs.
They are particularly bad on opportunity costs, counting every penny that sports-mad tourists spend while forgetting that others will cancel trips to avoid the crush.South Koreaattracted lots of football fans during the 2002 World Cup, but because so many non-fans stayed away total arrivals were the same as the previous year. Some of those who pitch up for a sporting event have merely rescheduled a trip planned for another date, and should not count as extra arrivals. Mr Matheson concludes that, though the gross economic impact of big sporting events is large, these losses mean the net effect is negligible.
It may even be negative. Host governments spend vast sums on building stadiums and sprucing up nearby railways and roads. The Olympic authorities could pick host cities that already have the necessary infrastructure in place, and in such places the games might turn a profit. But the IOC likes host cities to erect grand edifices with the Olympic name on them.
The billions that Britain has spent on revamping bits of east London wi but so would spending such sums on many other things.London&s Olympic aquatic centre looks great, but it cost &269m&a great deal more than most public swimming pools. The roads built for the games may prove useful, but other projects might have done more good. They might have been cheaper, Olympic infrastructure tends to break budgets even more than infrastructure projects in general do. A recent working paper by Bent Flyvbjerg and Allison Stewart of theSa&dBusinessSchoolatOxfordUniversityfound that every Olympiad since 1960 has gone over budget and that the average overrun, at 179%, was worse than for any other kind of mega-project.
When the consumer sits down to watch the games, though, he is not interested in efficient infrastructure investment. He wants to see something that lifts his spirits. This cannot be guaranteed&but unlike other purported benefits, it is at least not ruled out by the data. A study by Stefan Szymanski of theUniversityofMichiganand Georgios Kavetsos of theCassBusinessSchoolinLondonfinds no statistically significant upswing in national happiness attributable to hosting the Olympics (in this it comes a poor second to the football World Cup). But it doesn&t seem to do any harm. And maybe this one will be particularly uplifting. After all, what could be more fun than watching athletes sweat while eating fish and chips?
from the print edition | Briefing &译者:张美思,陈怡
vt. 擦亮;使&光亮;将&打磨光亮
n. 光泽;抛光;闪闪发光
vi. 磨光发亮
adj. 敏锐的,活泼的,轻快的;凛冽的
vi. 活跃起来;变得轻快
vt. 使&&活泼;使&&轻快;使&&兴旺
vt. 使烦恼;焦急;使磨损
vi. 烦恼;焦急;磨损
n. 烦躁;焦急;磨损4.bonanza
n. 富矿带;带来好运之事;幸运
adj. 微不足道的,可以忽略的
vt. 修补;翻新;修改
n. 改进;换新鞋面
adj. 传说的
v. 声称(purport的过去分词);意图
n. 上升;增加;向上摆动
vi. 提高;回升;向上摆动&
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