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$6.99 USD
“You Never Realized Fonts Could Be This Exciting”
“The unlikely appeal of Type:Rider, a platformer about fonts”
About This Game
The European cultural TV channel Arte innovates and launches its first video game !
Immerse yourself in this fascinating and unique experience to uncover the history and secrets of Fonts & Characters !
Play as 2 dots and travel through the ages of typographic styles and techniques.
From the rock paintings of prehistoric times to Pixel art of the 2000’s, solve all the riddles by riding the most popular fonts and characters (Garamond, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Pixel, Comic Sans...) in a very captivating musical and visual environment.
Type:Rider is an adventure puzzle game produced by AGAT – EX NIHILO and ARTE that brings gaming experience to a whole new daring level.
10 worlds echoing key periods of the typograhy’s history
Breath-taking artworks and musical vibes
Immersive and intriguing atmosphere
Great historical archives and paintings
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Core i5
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: OSX 10.6
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: OSX 10.8
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: Ubuntu
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: Ubuntu 12.04.3
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
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4.7 hrs on record
Type:Rider is a strikingly ambitious game. It’s a platformer that has you play as a pair of dots who jump, swim, and solve environmental puzzles to progress. It’s also an educational game that teaches you about the history of typography as you play.The game plays out as a series of side-scrolling levels that hinder your progress with puzzles and obstacles instead of enemies. The usual platformer ingredients are on display here, like spikes, lava, water, and moving platforms. It might not sound terribly original, but the developers have pumped tons of creativity into the game’s design. Each world is based on a particular font, and the environments are made up of giant letters in that font, plus whatever new printing technology became available at the time.The controls aren’t as precise as they could be, but checkpoints are closely spaced so you never lose much progress. Every good platformer has collectibles, and here they’re the letters of the alphabet. A number of asterisks are also scattered t grabbing them unlocks sections of text that teach the history of writing and typography. The history is fun to read even if you’re not particularly interested in fonts.Like in Limbo, the graphics are silhouetted and stunning, set against abstract pages of text, drawings, and photographs. The music is pleasantly atmospheric, changing with the timeframe the levels take place in.One problem– and it’s a minor one– is that stopping to read the text sections as you collect asterisks in the game does a disservice to the gameplay. It’s far better to play the levels without stopping for the history lessons, and then read the texts you’ve collected between levels.Despite the somewhat mushy controls, Type:Rider is an incredibly fun, unique platformer. It manages to entertain and inform in equal measure, which is more than most games try to do.
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0.8 hrs on record
A short but sweet review for a
Type:Rider is a simple and delicate platformer type game - great for the casual gamer! It involves some clever physics mechanics, it's very pretty to look at and listen to, little to no learning curve so it's quite easy to play, and you may even learn a thing or two about the history of typography (font) while playing. It's a little bundle of quality craftsmanship from the developers/designers, you can tell a lot of love went into the game.It's affordable as it is, and if you see it on sale, go ahead and grab it. I'd definitely recommend it to anybody. 8/10. Enjoy!
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3.1 hrs on record
At first, I thought I've found another game as good as 140 or Thomas Was Alone. It was until the second set of levels... Now first of all, the graphics are very good execpt for the Futura levels in my opinion. The music is really enjoyable too and the ambience is there. There's quite a few pages about typography history. But as with any games, the gameplay is the most important part and it's where this game has many issues...First of all, the controls. Your character is a colon. Sure, it allows for some tactics with lines and such, but it also makes it hard to control. Also the gravity and acceleration are so wacky... It just doesn't feel right.Then you get into bugs, a game breaking bug where a letter (letter are obstacles and platforms in this game) is facing the wrong way, making the level impossible to finish. In case it happens, you have to restart the level all over again and hope it's fixed. Sometimes the music/sounds go away and sometimes when you pause or alt-tab, the controls doesn't work anymore and you have to Alt+F4 out of the game. Also i've had an issue where my character got stuck in the middle of a letter and I had to restart the game...Some more issues: the maximum resolution is , there's no 1080p, there's a few frame drops throughout the game and the last achievement is really frustating. Also you need to modify your computer settings to change the language of the game (It's in your natal language or pc language by default).I didin't enjoy playing through this game very much because of all the CONs i've listed. There are way more fluid and responsive platformers out there that you should play first, if you're out of platformers, you could always pick this game up, but with it's controls it's quite frustating to play.
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0.5 hrs on record
Once again, a great concept that's ruined by its mechanics. The game looks good and sounds good, and you can even learn a thing or two about the history of typography. Fantastic! The downside to this is sluggish controls that ruin most of the fun. You steer a colon (the punctuation mark) around the levels, but it reacts quite slowly to your inputs – it feels like it is constantly wading through sticky goo, but even in the air it feels inert. (To clarify, i don't mean that the controls are unresponsive per se, it's rather the slow-moving and slowly-reacting behaviour of your character.) And then there are the &usual& issues many indie games suffer from these days: No way to skip past the opening titles and no options menu (you can't even change the display resolution, and the in-game language is set to whatever region your OS is set to). As much as i would like to recommend this game, i can't because these issues weigh it down too heavily.
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3.0 hrs on record
Great concept, amazing visuals, interesting historical lessons. But this game is a platformer, so it needs responsive controls.
Alas, this is not the case here. Movement is sluggish, the character (colon, in fact) reacts slowly and even the most basic actions require a lot of patience and luck.Bottom line: this is a nice history lesson, but a bad platformer.
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4.9 hrs on record
A beautiful, fantastic puzzle platformer that also happens to be educational, Type:Rider teaches you about typography through the ages. The design is impeccable: each era has a distinct visual and auditory style that is wrapped in a remarkably soothing package. The generally easy game does have the occasional difficulty spike and there are some rare typos/translation errors in the historic entries (nothing rendering them incomprehensible/unpleasant - at least in the English version) but it is definitely a journey worth taking. Don't let it's relatively short game time put you off, your time will definitely be well spent with this game!
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3.1 hrs on record
Well here is the thing. Usually when you want to jump right, you press the correct buttons to do so and expect that to happen. If you play this game, get used to the little dots jumping left when you want them to go right. What if you want them to jump left? No sorry they don't do that they only jump in place then. They are also slow to respond to command so get used to not being able to react to sudden changes in your way when they happen.It pains me to press THUMBS DOWN for this game because it looks so pleasing to eyes and you get to learn from it but the mechanics ruin the whole thing. I dont know if I will even finish it because tetris level is torture with these controls. Boo.
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10.2 hrs on record
Cons:You can get stuck/become unable to jump/fall out of the minecart. Doesn't happen too often though, and the respawn points are fairly dense.If you leave mid-chapter, you lose progress (collectibles) from that run.The final (secret) level is infuriatingly difficult, as is getting one of the achievements that requires you to play through a whole level without dying.The text on pretty much every page in the books has typos/missing words/grammatical errors/odd English, giving the impression that it wasn't written by a native English speaker, or even proofread for that matter.Pros:It's stylish, I suppose.Ultimately, you'd be better off just reading the Wikipedia article on typography.
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4.5 hrs on record
Type:Rider in really a unique game and interesting game. Is a game that manages to mix wisely entertainment and culture, provides a very well presented history of typography. Everything about it is relaxing and you never feel rushed. The game is beautiful and so is the music that accompanies it. This is the type of game that everyone can find something to like about it. The atmosphere and level design wonderfully compliment the information provided. The colon shape of your hero is good choice for the game mechanics as it allows you to grab corners and spin as you play. Overall, I had fun with the game, and enjoyed the artwork, music and concept.
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4.0 hrs on record
This is a fairly fun game and I appriciate a game developer attempting to teach their audience about history. The gameplay is straight-forward and mostly intuitive, though some mechanics are unique and require a little getting used to. You can tell that the devs put a lot of work into their level design and creating an atmosphere that compliments what the player is learning about.One major drawback to this game is the sloppy manner in which the educational aspect is presented. The developer's refusal to use the past tense is a constant annoyance. Numerous errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling plague the text. This is somewhat ironic in a game dedicated to teaching about the history of writing.Overall, the game is entertaining and does an adequate job educating the player. I'd recommend this game, but I'd wait for it to go on sale.
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4.1 hrs on record
Nice art and theme but F?CK this game is frustrating. It is buggy as hell, so getting ANYTHING done is a nightmare. If you press escape too early after dying, then woah, my escape key doesn't work anymore! Now I have to Alt+tab and force quit the game! Or JESUS, the minecart levels in this game...sometimes it randomly ejects you from the minecart even when it's upright (which kills you), or it won't let you out at the end, so you are forced to restart the level! The worst is when you go through a letter and you DON'T COLLECT IT!! That's just hitting the surface of these bugs. The gameplay is shít too. It doesn't teach you anything. I'm not saying it should instruct you everything - it should just have levels that introduce game mechanics or obstacles in a friendly way instead of letting you think everything is okay while you're sitting on the power lines in Clarendon part 3 when suddenly a spark flies across the screen at mach fúcking 10, killing you. Heed my warning and beware the poor design!
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5.3 hrs on record
If you are looking for a fun video game I cannot recommend this game. If you are looking for an interactive opportunity to learn about the history of writing and typing then I can recommend this game (this is assuming the information taught is correct, this statement is necessary because of the issues I had seen in the game). The GameThe controls are very difficult and somewhat unpredictable. When reading the books the game will sometimes not pause, this results: in sounds and music repeating itself on a few second loops, physics objects continue to move, deaths and missed items. Sometimes the mouse and the controller combine thus making menu navigation difficult. However, the level design throughout the game is pretty good, particularly the last few levels.The KnowledgeSpelling and grammatical errors are much more prevalent than you would expect from a game teaching about writing and texts. Interesting subject matter, assuming they used reputable sources.My ThoughtsEverything is mediocre. The gameplay is just good enough to be playable, the writing is just good enough to be understandable. Because they didn't do any part particularly well, it is hard to tell what was the makers focus. It is a shame though because had they tested the game better, fixed the controls a little or made you control a period instead of a colon and proofread the books, this could have been an excellent game. This is why I have my doubts about what I learned through this game, hopefully that historical aspect was their focus.
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2.5 hrs on record
You go around collecting different letters and learn about the history of fonts.What more do you want?Visuals are cool and music is cool, It somehow manages to make you interested in fonts and is fun to play!!8/10
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2.3 hrs on record
This is a real eye-opener game. Unique design concept deep heart and it made a very good detail. Plot is entirely inferior to Hollywood blockbusters. Role model is very fine, making good interface. So what? You worth trying to play!這TM叫遊戲~玩個球!! 對,沒錯.就是玩球!他給你兩個球.讓你玩球.滾啊滾..還建議你帶上高級的耳機去享受..我去..整個遊戲比GAL還坑人.幾張圖片加還算挺有意境的配樂就能賣錢了...
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2.2 hrs on record
What a neat little game.
It is an artistic platformer with historical tidbits about the orgins of typography.
Has a nice soundtrack, slick visuals, and serviceable controls.
I got in a Humble Bundle cheap but I recommend it at full price if you want a little eye candy and a history lesson :)EDIT:
Also, the secret Comic Sans level is the best thing in the world.
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2.3 hrs on record
pretty interesting but the controls are just awful (I've played it with an xbox controller too, and they're still pretty awful)
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2.3 hrs on record
I wish educational games like this existed 20 years ago - our gaming landscape might be very different now.However, we're still at a starting point: I'm glad the game exists, and equally glad I'll never have to play it again.
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6.1 hrs on record
In this game you control two balls (colon) which travels between the history of typing and fonts. You also take the help of a dot at the end of the level to open doors. From cave drawing to 2000s pixel font. In each level you have to go through A to Z (they are platforms). Also a-z, 6 asterisks and a hidden ampersand to collect in each level. The game ends too soon though. Each level takes like 10-20 minute to finish. The last level (pixel) takes a bit more time to finish though. The platforming is simplistic, you can move,jump and wall jump. Art design is nice. Solid and fast paced gameplay. Interesting puzzles. And a great secret level after finishing the game (a cat/catlike animal chases you from A to WTF xD). Game is bit too short though (even after collecting all colons,ampersands and asterisks). And theres a bug: You can't change resolution. Example: you change resolution from
and go in game the keyboard will not work. But the keyboard will work in the main menu. If you exit and restart the game it will be fixed though. But when you take screenshots you will find out that it isnt saving screenshots in . Its saving screenshots in . Not a big problem though. This bug can be easily ignored.+ Great Art Design+ Solid And Simple Gameplay+ Teaches The History of Typing And Fonts+ Interesting Puzzles+ Fun Secret Level+ Unique In The Platforming Genre+ A Good Game To Have 100% Acheivements/Stats- Bit too short- A Bug/Glitch (can be ignored easily)Rating: 8.5/10
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4.1 hrs on record
Rating 7/10 What is it?2D PlatformerThe Good:+The game has you controlling two spheres as you jump through the levels. Each level is based on a type of typography(Font).
Each level more unique from the last. + As you progress through the level you collect letters and stars that give you a brief history of the font, types of printing technology or the person who helped develop the font. Its actually quite facinating seeing how technology changed and history of fonts through out the ages.
You learn as you play. + The levels themselves are pretty+ Most of the achievements are easy.The Bad:-Short-Numerous bugs/glitches, achievments not unlocking - Basic platfoming, very easy Conclusion:This is a fun little game that caught me by surprised as I had no idea what I was getting into. Its pretty basic and not very challenging but you should play it to learn about the technology and people that went into all the typography that was created.
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12.2 hrs on record
Awesome game! Very chill. Soothing soundtrack, amazing art, and great gameplay! Wonderful little platformer that is different from the rest. BONUS: Its educational! I know more about fonts now than I ever did! Buy it now!
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Includes 12 Steam Achievements
Title: Type:Rider
Release Date: 6 Nov, 2013
European Indie Game Days 2013: The Price of Artistic Consistency
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Buy Type:Rider
“You Never Realized Fonts Could Be This Exciting”
“The unlikely appeal of Type:Rider, a platformer about fonts”
About This Game
The European cultural TV channel Arte innovates and launches its first video game !
Immerse yourself in this fascinating and unique experience to uncover the history and secrets of Fonts & Characters !
Play as 2 dots and travel through the ages of typographic styles and techniques.
From the rock paintings of prehistoric times to Pixel art of the 2000’s, solve all the riddles by riding the most popular fonts and characters (Garamond, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Pixel, Comic Sans...) in a very captivating musical and visual environment.
Type:Rider is an adventure puzzle game produced by AGAT – EX NIHILO and ARTE that brings gaming experience to a whole new daring level.
10 worlds echoing key periods of the typograhy’s history
Breath-taking artworks and musical vibes
Immersive and intriguing atmosphere
Great historical archives and paintings
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Core i5
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: OSX 10.6
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: OSX 10.8
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: Ubuntu
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
OS: Ubuntu 12.04.3
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 3D accelerated
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: Compatible SB16
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4.7 hrs on record
Type:Rider is a strikingly ambitious game. It’s a platformer that has you play as a pair of dots who jump, swim, and solve environmental puzzles to progress. It’s also an educational game that teaches you about the history of typography as you play.The game plays out as a series of side-scrolling levels that hinder your progress with puzzles and obstacles instead of enemies. The usual platformer ingredients are on display here, like spikes, lava, water, and moving platforms. It might not sound terribly original, but the developers have pumped tons of creativity into the game’s design. Each world is based on a particular font, and the environments are made up of giant letters in that font, plus whatever new printing technology became available at the time.The controls aren’t as precise as they could be, but checkpoints are closely spaced so you never lose much progress. Every good platformer has collectibles, and here they’re the letters of the alphabet. A number of asterisks are also scattered t grabbing them unlocks sections of text that teach the history of writing and typography. The history is fun to read even if you’re not particularly interested in fonts.Like in Limbo, the graphics are silhouetted and stunning, set against abstract pages of text, drawings, and photographs. The music is pleasantly atmospheric, changing with the timeframe the levels take place in.One problem– and it’s a minor one– is that stopping to read the text sections as you collect asterisks in the game does a disservice to the gameplay. It’s far better to play the levels without stopping for the history lessons, and then read the texts you’ve collected between levels.Despite the somewhat mushy controls, Type:Rider is an incredibly fun, unique platformer. It manages to entertain and inform in equal measure, which is more than most games try to do.
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0.8 hrs on record
A short but sweet review for a
Type:Rider is a simple and delicate platformer type game - great for the casual gamer! It involves some clever physics mechanics, it's very pretty to look at and listen to, little to no learning curve so it's quite easy to play, and you may even learn a thing or two about the history of typography (font) while playing. It's a little bundle of quality craftsmanship from the developers/designers, you can tell a lot of love went into the game.It's affordable as it is, and if you see it on sale, go ahead and grab it. I'd definitely recommend it to anybody. 8/10. Enjoy!
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3.1 hrs on record
At first, I thought I've found another game as good as 140 or Thomas Was Alone. It was until the second set of levels... Now first of all, the graphics are very good execpt for the Futura levels in my opinion. The music is really enjoyable too and the ambience is there. There's quite a few pages about typography history. But as with any games, the gameplay is the most important part and it's where this game has many issues...First of all, the controls. Your character is a colon. Sure, it allows for some tactics with lines and such, but it also makes it hard to control. Also the gravity and acceleration are so wacky... It just doesn't feel right.Then you get into bugs, a game breaking bug where a letter (letter are obstacles and platforms in this game) is facing the wrong way, making the level impossible to finish. In case it happens, you have to restart the level all over again and hope it's fixed. Sometimes the music/sounds go away and sometimes when you pause or alt-tab, the controls doesn't work anymore and you have to Alt+F4 out of the game. Also i've had an issue where my character got stuck in the middle of a letter and I had to restart the game...Some more issues: the maximum resolution is , there's no 1080p, there's a few frame drops throughout the game and the last achievement is really frustating. Also you need to modify your computer settings to change the language of the game (It's in your natal language or pc language by default).I didin't enjoy playing through this game very much because of all the CONs i've listed. There are way more fluid and responsive platformers out there that you should play first, if you're out of platformers, you could always pick this game up, but with it's controls it's quite frustating to play.
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0.5 hrs on record
Once again, a great concept that's ruined by its mechanics. The game looks good and sounds good, and you can even learn a thing or two about the history of typography. Fantastic! The downside to this is sluggish controls that ruin most of the fun. You steer a colon (the punctuation mark) around the levels, but it reacts quite slowly to your inputs – it feels like it is constantly wading through sticky goo, but even in the air it feels inert. (To clarify, i don't mean that the controls are unresponsive per se, it's rather the slow-moving and slowly-reacting behaviour of your character.) And then there are the &usual& issues many indie games suffer from these days: No way to skip past the opening titles and no options menu (you can't even change the display resolution, and the in-game language is set to whatever region your OS is set to). As much as i would like to recommend this game, i can't because these issues weigh it down too heavily.
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3.0 hrs on record
Great concept, amazing visuals, interesting historical lessons. But this game is a platformer, so it needs responsive controls.
Alas, this is not the case here. Movement is sluggish, the character (colon, in fact) reacts slowly and even the most basic actions require a lot of patience and luck.Bottom line: this is a nice history lesson, but a bad platformer.
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4.9 hrs on record
A beautiful, fantastic puzzle platformer that also happens to be educational, Type:Rider teaches you about typography through the ages. The design is impeccable: each era has a distinct visual and auditory style that is wrapped in a remarkably soothing package. The generally easy game does have the occasional difficulty spike and there are some rare typos/translation errors in the historic entries (nothing rendering them incomprehensible/unpleasant - at least in the English version) but it is definitely a journey worth taking. Don't let it's relatively short game time put you off, your time will definitely be well spent with this game!
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3.1 hrs on record
Well here is the thing. Usually when you want to jump right, you press the correct buttons to do so and expect that to happen. If you play this game, get used to the little dots jumping left when you want them to go right. What if you want them to jump left? No sorry they don't do that they only jump in place then. They are also slow to respond to command so get used to not being able to react to sudden changes in your way when they happen.It pains me to press THUMBS DOWN for this game because it looks so pleasing to eyes and you get to learn from it but the mechanics ruin the whole thing. I dont know if I will even finish it because tetris level is torture with these controls. Boo.
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10.2 hrs on record
Cons:You can get stuck/become unable to jump/fall out of the minecart. Doesn't happen too often though, and the respawn points are fairly dense.If you leave mid-chapter, you lose progress (collectibles) from that run.The final (secret) level is infuriatingly difficult, as is getting one of the achievements that requires you to play through a whole level without dying.The text on pretty much every page in the books has typos/missing words/grammatical errors/odd English, giving the impression that it wasn't written by a native English speaker, or even proofread for that matter.Pros:It's stylish, I suppose.Ultimately, you'd be better off just reading the Wikipedia article on typography.
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4.5 hrs on record
Type:Rider in really a unique game and interesting game. Is a game that manages to mix wisely entertainment and culture, provides a very well presented history of typography. Everything about it is relaxing and you never feel rushed. The game is beautiful and so is the music that accompanies it. This is the type of game that everyone can find something to like about it. The atmosphere and level design wonderfully compliment the information provided. The colon shape of your hero is good choice for the game mechanics as it allows you to grab corners and spin as you play. Overall, I had fun with the game, and enjoyed the artwork, music and concept.
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4.0 hrs on record
This is a fairly fun game and I appriciate a game developer attempting to teach their audience about history. The gameplay is straight-forward and mostly intuitive, though some mechanics are unique and require a little getting used to. You can tell that the devs put a lot of work into their level design and creating an atmosphere that compliments what the player is learning about.One major drawback to this game is the sloppy manner in which the educational aspect is presented. The developer's refusal to use the past tense is a constant annoyance. Numerous errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling plague the text. This is somewhat ironic in a game dedicated to teaching about the history of writing.Overall, the game is entertaining and does an adequate job educating the player. I'd recommend this game, but I'd wait for it to go on sale.
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4.1 hrs on record
Nice art and theme but F?CK this game is frustrating. It is buggy as hell, so getting ANYTHING done is a nightmare. If you press escape too early after dying, then woah, my escape key doesn't work anymore! Now I have to Alt+tab and force quit the game! Or JESUS, the minecart levels in this game...sometimes it randomly ejects you from the minecart even when it's upright (which kills you), or it won't let you out at the end, so you are forced to restart the level! The worst is when you go through a letter and you DON'T COLLECT IT!! That's just hitting the surface of these bugs. The gameplay is shít too. It doesn't teach you anything. I'm not saying it should instruct you everything - it should just have levels that introduce game mechanics or obstacles in a friendly way instead of letting you think everything is okay while you're sitting on the power lines in Clarendon part 3 when suddenly a spark flies across the screen at mach fúcking 10, killing you. Heed my warning and beware the poor design!
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5.3 hrs on record
If you are looking for a fun video game I cannot recommend this game. If you are looking for an interactive opportunity to learn about the history of writing and typing then I can recommend this game (this is assuming the information taught is correct, this statement is necessary because of the issues I had seen in the game). The GameThe controls are very difficult and somewhat unpredictable. When reading the books the game will sometimes not pause, this results: in sounds and music repeating itself on a few second loops, physics objects continue to move, deaths and missed items. Sometimes the mouse and the controller combine thus making menu navigation difficult. However, the level design throughout the game is pretty good, particularly the last few levels.The KnowledgeSpelling and grammatical errors are much more prevalent than you would expect from a game teaching about writing and texts. Interesting subject matter, assuming they used reputable sources.My ThoughtsEverything is mediocre. The gameplay is just good enough to be playable, the writing is just good enough to be understandable. Because they didn't do any part particularly well, it is hard to tell what was the makers focus. It is a shame though because had they tested the game better, fixed the controls a little or made you control a period instead of a colon and proofread the books, this could have been an excellent game. This is why I have my doubts about what I learned through this game, hopefully that historical aspect was their focus.
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2.5 hrs on record
You go around collecting different letters and learn about the history of fonts.What more do you want?Visuals are cool and music is cool, It somehow manages to make you interested in fonts and is fun to play!!8/10
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2.3 hrs on record
This is a real eye-opener game. Unique design concept deep heart and it made a very good detail. Plot is entirely inferior to Hollywood blockbusters. Role model is very fine, making good interface. So what? You worth trying to play!這TM叫遊戲~玩個球!! 對,沒錯.就是玩球!他給你兩個球.讓你玩球.滾啊滾..還建議你帶上高級的耳機去享受..我去..整個遊戲比GAL還坑人.幾張圖片加還算挺有意境的配樂就能賣錢了...
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2.2 hrs on record
What a neat little game.
It is an artistic platformer with historical tidbits about the orgins of typography.
Has a nice soundtrack, slick visuals, and serviceable controls.
I got in a Humble Bundle cheap but I recommend it at full price if you want a little eye candy and a history lesson :)EDIT:
Also, the secret Comic Sans level is the best thing in the world.
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2.3 hrs on record
pretty interesting but the controls are just awful (I've played it with an xbox controller too, and they're still pretty awful)
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2.3 hrs on record
I wish educational games like this existed 20 years ago - our gaming landscape might be very different now.However, we're still at a starting point: I'm glad the game exists, and equally glad I'll never have to play it again.
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6.1 hrs on record
In this game you control two balls (colon) which travels between the history of typing and fonts. You also take the help of a dot at the end of the level to open doors. From cave drawing to 2000s pixel font. In each level you have to go through A to Z (they are platforms). Also a-z, 6 asterisks and a hidden ampersand to collect in each level. The game ends too soon though. Each level takes like 10-20 minute to finish. The last level (pixel) takes a bit more time to finish though. The platforming is simplistic, you can move,jump and wall jump. Art design is nice. Solid and fast paced gameplay. Interesting puzzles. And a great secret level after finishing the game (a cat/catlike animal chases you from A to WTF xD). Game is bit too short though (even after collecting all colons,ampersands and asterisks). And theres a bug: You can't change resolution. Example: you change resolution from
and go in game the keyboard will not work. But the keyboard will work in the main menu. If you exit and restart the game it will be fixed though. But when you take screenshots you will find out that it isnt saving screenshots in . Its saving screenshots in . Not a big problem though. This bug can be easily ignored.+ Great Art Design+ Solid And Simple Gameplay+ Teaches The History of Typing And Fonts+ Interesting Puzzles+ Fun Secret Level+ Unique In The Platforming Genre+ A Good Game To Have 100% Acheivements/Stats- Bit too short- A Bug/Glitch (can be ignored easily)Rating: 8.5/10
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4.1 hrs on record
Rating 7/10 What is it?2D PlatformerThe Good:+The game has you controlling two spheres as you jump through the levels. Each level is based on a type of typography(Font).
Each level more unique from the last. + As you progress through the level you collect letters and stars that give you a brief history of the font, types of printing technology or the person who helped develop the font. Its actually quite facinating seeing how technology changed and history of fonts through out the ages.
You learn as you play. + The levels themselves are pretty+ Most of the achievements are easy.The Bad:-Short-Numerous bugs/glitches, achievments not unlocking - Basic platfoming, very easy Conclusion:This is a fun little game that caught me by surprised as I had no idea what I was getting into. Its pretty basic and not very challenging but you should play it to learn about the technology and people that went into all the typography that was created.
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12.2 hrs on record
Awesome game! Very chill. Soothing soundtrack, amazing art, and great gameplay! Wonderful little platformer that is different from the rest. BONUS: Its educational! I know more about fonts now than I ever did! Buy it now!
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Title: Type:Rider
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