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购买 FarSky
With FarSky, you take the role of Nathan who got lost in the Ocean after the crash of his submarine. You need to learn how to survive in the depths of the Ocean.
Use the environment to gather resources, build a base to refill your oxygen and manage all your items, craft equipment and weapons to explore and protect yourself in the Ocean depths, create an in-base farm or go fish hunting to feed yourself,...
Your ultimate goal is to find all the pieces of your submarine, fix it and reach the surface. You can also choose to play in Sandbox mode to enjoy the game freely with a wider map!
All maps are randomly generated to immerse you in an unknown world.
SteamOS + Linux
OS: XP or later
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2, or equal at 1.6GHz or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card (OpenGL 2.0)
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java required
OS: 10.7.5 (Lion) or later
Processor: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card (OpenGL 2.0)
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Processor: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card (OpenGL 2.0)
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java required
7.4 小时(记录在案的)
0.5 小时(记录在案的)
不推荐,就是一深海版MC,而且也是用java写的,游戏整体优化还好,画面很一般,剧情没看懂怎么展开的,主角直接突然从飞机失事后就到了深海,很突兀很生硬,可见开发者不怎么会讲故事,而且不怎么懂物理,深海建筑的入口你好歹也得有个阀门隔离舱什么的吧,直接就在下面弄个小口架个梯子以为海水这样就进不去了?难道是为了游戏性?再说氛围丝毫没有紧张的深海生存的压迫感,场景比较粗糙,模型很单一,而工艺选项少之又少,唯一亮点可能就是能自由的想mc那样搭建漂亮的房屋,和种植一些植物,但大方向还是和mc一样,挖石头钢铁修工作台……不说了,一款生硬的模仿MC之作,题材很好,开发者没有把握好这个题材……我倒是很期待明天上架的standed deep,至少画面没这么蛋疼。
有 2 人觉得这篇评测很有趣
9.1 小时(记录在案的)
Simply amazing for 1 night, then you will never play it again. Its way too shallow on content with mostly useless items and very few reasons to craft things twice.Play on hard to add fear and slow you down. Or better yet, buy something else.This could have been a great series but has already been abandoned. On of the best games I dont recommend, if that makes sense.
2.5 小时(记录在案的)
I really want to recommend this game. It has a really cool premise and it is pretty well realised.The problem is that it is short as all hell. Unlike other &Minecraft-like& games out there this really does have a hard end point to it. Your objective is to collect all the pieces of your sub so that you can get back to the surface(which doesn't ,make sense but whatever VIDEO GAMES!) and once you have them all that is pretty much it. You do unlock a sandbox mode but in playing the main game you will see everything the game has to offer. With the lack of mods and the Developer stating that they will not be adding any more content it is kinda hard to recommend. It also has one of the worse save functions around. To save you have to quit out of your game completely. That would only be mildly annoying if the game didn't have a nasty habit of crashing to desktop. I stopped playing the game for a week after the game crashed as soon as I found the final piece of the sub. Losing me near to an hour of gameplay. So in summation+Cool Premise+Nice Graphics+Nice Atmosphere-Very Short-No future support-terrible save function-Crashes alot
9.8 小时(记录在案的)
I remember years ago when I first purchased Ecco the Dolphin for my Sega CD. The gameplay was simple, move the dolphin from the beginning of the stage to the end of the stage, avoiding or destroying obstacles in your path. But, it wasn't the gameplay that intrigued me the most about the game, it was the ambience - the sheer joy of being able to immerse myself within the superior graphics (of the time) and excellently composed music to create what felt to me the ideal oceanic environment. I still have the soundtrack on MP3, for when I wish to isolate myself within once again.When I purchased this game, I had high hopes that it would create a new dream of ambience, despite all of the negative reviews that I had perused, the simple gameplay mechanic really wasn't what I desired the most - in fact, it falls extremely short in depth of every other sandbox game that I have ever played. Yet, I was extremely disappointed after playing this game to realize that all of the potential for beauty that was promised was nothing more than an illusion designed simply to entice dreamers like us to waste our money on a poorly crafted attempt to make quick cash.The music was engaging, until it became repetitive. The graphics were good, until I realized there was no way to interact. The extremely limited availability and flexibility of creation components destroys the &sandbox& quality of the game. The overly simplified equipment upgrade mechanics destroy the gameplay. The collision detection is broken. The interlude and story sequences are poorly written. There is absolutely nothing about this game that I can honestly compliment other than the fact that it had wonderful potential if the developers had not given up on it so early, but even then I just can't bring myself to admire those who choose to be lazy. I will *not* be purchasing another game from this developer ever again.I do not recommend purchasing this game based purely on disappointment that I have suffered, the empty promises, and poor overall quality of something that should have been a wonderous achievement.
4.1 小时(记录在案的)
This game is calm, inoffensive and free of major bugs. It is also essentially a tech demo.I cannot recommend it, mostly because there isn't much to it. There's no story to follow, the environment doesn't invite exploration, and the combat is unchallenging (although I appreciate the fact that it can be avoided almost completely). None of these is obligatory - if the game had just one strong feature, it would be enough. Sadly, it has none. The game's mood lasted for about ten minutes.There is no interesting activity involved in finding resources, mining, or crafting - these systems exist in the game in a bare bones, token form. Base construction is essentially pointless: you may need to expand a bit in order to make room for crops, but that's it. You don't get to build anything pretty or impressive. Exploration is minimal: there are three &depth levels&, each with its own look, but there's no constant re-discovery, like in games that actually manage to generate interesting landscapes. Everything looks the same here, and there's no storytelling through decorations. Pacing is non-existent, save for increased danger during the night. The winning strategy is to hide in the base until sunrise, which means you spend a few minutes doing nothing (you cannot &go to sleep& and jump forward).Unless you're specifically interested in performing a series of simplistic tasks in an underwater setting without thinking about it too much, this game has nothing to offer.
4.4 小时(记录在案的)
Could be better if it were not just a cash grab. Devs put it up on greenlight and then once it was accepted just stopped development. Stear Clear as what little content there is, is all there will be.
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很有趣
16.9 小时(记录在案的)
I've only have nearly 17 hours of playtime in this game and I already feel like I've done nearly everything there is to do. This game is infectiously addicting, though a bit lacking. Make no mistake I love this game, though currently it feels like a beta. I thought it was an early access game untill I came back to this page. This game has potential to grow. There's no doubt about that. Deeper depths are always a possiblity, new ores, new building materials, mounted/mountable defences, scarier creatures, new objectives and missions, just to name a few ways this game can grow.
33.3 小时(记录在案的)
I have now played this game through once on Adventurer, and twice on Survivor. Here are my thoughts.Since FarSky is tagged as &survival&, &adventure&, &indie&, &sandbox&, and &crafting&, I'm obligated to compare and contrast it with Minecraft, which I also have played extensively. This game is not Minecraft. Its crafting system is much simpler. It has a goal, whereas Minecraft does not. I you can &win&. The randomly generated world, while being large and immersive, is finite. The movement mechanics are much different as you're under water. The terrain cannot be deconstructed, but minerals can be mined from it.The graphics are relatively simple, yet work quite well. All the plants and animals under the sea have convincing movements. The enviroment itself is very well done, between the day/night cycles, and the way it fades into a blue haze at a distance.The game mechanics were fun. I could get around without any trouble. The combat system is not overly complex. It can be difficult, especially at night in the first days of the Survival mode, but becomes effortless later on.The premise is that your submarine broke into 9 pieces during a dive, and you are marooned on the bottom of the ocean floor. You must survive, equip yourself, and find the 9 pieces of your submarine. Once you do, it will assemble, and you can ascend to the surface, thereby winning the game. The game itself is relatively short. I have been everywhere, done everything, and beat it 3 times, for a total of 25 hours.
14.1 小时(记录在案的)
After beating adventure and survivor mode and explored every where and even started going to max depths to see what else try not dieing and trying to kill as many krakens I can, but it dose get boring pretty quickly. I hope maybe someday the dev may release source code or allow moding. As far starting out it is a great game with a ton of potential, and its pretty good for a rainy day. It is worth giving this game a try.
11.1 小时(记录在案的)
&FarSky& is one of my new favorite survival games.
It's not as in-depth as some other survival games on the market, but still offers base building, base defense, mining, crafting, a hunger system, and combat.
Here, you take on the role of Nathan who crashed his submarine and must find his ship parts in order to escape (sort of like &Sir, You Are Being Hunted&).
There's a sandbox available and the gold you find in the campaign can be spent equipping your character from the onset.
The ambience is a bit cartoony like &The Long Dark&, but still remains beautiful to look at.
Overall, definately worth $15.00.Full Review:
8.6 小时(记录在案的)
Like most other reviews out there point out... It definitely feels like an unfinished game. But that's not to say the game in it's so called &finished& state isn't fun or worth buying. I bought this game knowing exactly what to expect which is why I'm not all that disapointed in the game.The game does lack a lot of content in many ways. The story is dumb and barely existing, the balance of things is a little screwed up, etc... the game could have easily been game of the year for sure, but I guess the devs got lazy or bored with it. But I definitely enjoyed the game for what it is. I completed the story mode in 8 hours (only because I really took my time and took advantage of all the content that was available to me and explored a lot (had over a dozen very organized chests full of stuff). During a speed run, I could probably complete the story mode between 1/2 hour to an hour). I'll likely come back to the game and try it out on the difficult setting and see how it is.Would I recommend ppl to buy this at full price... hell no. Why pay full price for half a game?
50% price or better, hell yes, buy it.
9.9 小时(记录在案的)
its a really fun game and I enjoyed playing it, however I feel it would be more fun with multiplayer but other than that its really fun
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很有趣
23.4 小时(记录在案的)
Nice little underwater twist that Minecraft players are going to enjoy.
The terrain in the game is smoother, so it's not exactly a voxel game, but rogue-like to be sure.
The only issue is that the developer felt it was necessary to cut development on the game early (I'll give the developer credit for being honest, but a lot of people are not happy about this), so the capabilities of what you can craft in the game is easily lacking when you look at the number of other voxel games on the market.
Because of the lack of content & how short the game is, I wouldn't suggest purchasing at full price, but definitely when on a sale.A few issues I'm going to note here:The game does not have any means of time tracking as far as I can see, so you can easily get caught out after dark & get pummeled by attacking fish/sharks where you can't move fast enough to dodge or run from them.
If you have a weapon, you can at least defend yourself to a point, but you're still going to get hit considering it takes several spears to take most predators down.There are some areas in the game that you might get stuck on the terrain (happened to me a few times in my base); a simple hop should get you moving again.The game does not remember your resolution settings, so you will need to reset this every time you restart the game.There is no tutorial in the game, so you may end up have to use trial & error & the Steam forums to figure out what you need to do to actually play the game.The crafting requirements are displayed for things you are attempting to craft, but all you get is a small icon with no indication as to what you're looking at.
The crafting menu is simplified similar to Terraria & Starbound, but the lack of ability to find out what each icon is (not to mention some of them look very similar with only a sli take copper & gold for example), can cause confusion & isn't really helpful.Occasionally you'll run into sunken ships, these don't seem to have any effect in the game regardless of being shown on your map.
I would assume a the only thing I can see that has any relevance to them is you will occasionally find up to 4 item chests strung around them, but with the item chests having their own map makers, there's really no reason in including a ship icon as well with no purpose other than higher probability of these chests.Only a number of resources actually have map icons.
This is understandable when you consider Iron is literally everywhere, but the rarer resources are harder to find & for the most part don't have a map icon.
Dirt, Coal & Gold all have map icons, but for the most part unlimited resources do not (although Dirt & Coal apparently fit under this category).
The first resource you're going to have trouble locating is Copper & considering their is no map icon for it, you may have trouble locating it again when you need Copper as there is no way I can see to set a marker on you map.
There is however another means to do this & that is to drop an Extractor right on top of it.
This not only continues to mine the material while you're away from it, but the Extractor itself has a map icon, making it easier to re-locate it.
My suggestion on this is to always have at least one Extractor on hand so you can mark rare resource locations to come back to later.While chests with items do have map markers, chests with coins do not.
Coins are used in Sandbox mode to start you off with equipment.
While you are not required to start with equipment in sandbox mode, it does make it a lot easier to deal with.Droids could have been better designed.
Once you have activated one, they follow you around as a means of extra storage space for items you pick up.
The problem here is that in order to call a drone to you, you have to first locate them, then press the Activation button while targeting them.
I think a better method for this would have been to use a controller or keybinding, but unfortunately there is no easy method to call them to you.
The plus side to using drones is that any items on the drone do not ge only the items on your own body get dropped when you die.
Drones are a good way to safeguard items you may have found before getting back to your base without having to fear not getting back to your body after a death to
this works EXTREMELY well when it's getting dark & you know you're not going to get back to the base before you start getting attacked.This game still easily makes it it doesn't really matter if it's a short game or not, rogue-likes give games a high replay value & keeps things interesting.
As far as functionality & user-friendly is concerned, the game is lacking & not extremely easy to learn for those who haven't played voxel games before & as far as crafting is concerned, it probably has the lowest inventory capabilities of any voxel game out there.
Plus some features seem unfinished, so I can't exactly say the game is worth the $15 price tag, but if you can get the game for approximately a third of the price, you're looking at a pretty decent game.
4.2 小时(记录在案的)
As others have said, this game is not finnished. You are led to belive that there are deeper levels of the ocean but the equipment you have dose not allow you to. multiplayer or more content would complete this game. It is unique however in my experience and would recomend if it went on sale.
0.5 小时(记录在案的)
I had been watching this game for a long time waiting for it to go on sale and when it first did I picked it up. I really like the look, feel and idea behind this game. Sadly however, the world of the game may be colorful yet it just doesn't beg for me to go and explore the vast ocean and aquantic lives thriving behind it. Which actually, are not even there to the best extent. There also just isn't much to the game and nothing to do to keep me entertained or coming back to it for more. I got this on a major sale, but at the price point of $15 I don't see a reason to spend that much money on a game that just in the end leaves you feeling incomplete. After a couple hours, a couple minutes even. You become bored with nothing left to do and no reason to return to it.Collecting materials in the game are like collecting coins that really go towards nothing and serve no major purpose whats so ever. It's just there for you to grab. No story behind this game. No challenge whats
so ever. While it may be a fun time burner there are many more games in my library for me to turn to while i'm craving a survival sandbox adventure, this game just falls short of giving me that complete feeling and there's just to many competitors in this category for this game to hold a strong back bone. On the plus side, I have had no problems with the gameplay. Runs smoothly and works fine with no bugs or malfunctions. So if it's on sale, I recommend picking it up and giving it a try. Otherwise. It just isn't worth the price., you'd be much better off finding another survival Sandbox game at the same or better price.
0.8 小时(记录在案的)
Very nice atmospheric game where you try to survive underwater and get back topside.
6.6 小时(记录在案的)
Very fun game great environment and atmosphere but lacks content i do recommend the game but it does need alot more work
8.3 小时(记录在案的)
I'm only *just* barely edging on the side of recommending the game.
It would be a wonderful $10 game.
But it's being sold for $15.
The game engine is great.
The graphics are pretty and smooth.
The crafting aspect is fun.
The survival aspect is fun.
It just doesn't have enough length of play, and it's not early-access where you can expect to get more content later.
The developers have decided that this short game is the finished product.You can finish through in about 8 hours of play (or less, depending on skill, but it definitely won't take more than that.
I finished in 4.5 hours first time but that was with constant nonstop play.
If I'd put it down and come back later I suspect it would have taken longer overall as I'd not have kept the player skills as fresh in my head.)It also has a sandboxy survival mode which I haven't tried yet, but the main adventure game is a bit short.Don't get me wrong.
The shortness of play is the only thing about it that's not so great.
Other than the duration, everything else about it is wonderful.
It's defnitely very pretty.
Visually it's great to look at, especially in the late game as you go deeper and see lots of bioluminescent life forms.
It's a bit like minecraft but without the ability to alter the terrain - you just gather things and build stuff to add on top of the terrain, trying to make the necessary equipment to survive the adventure.
(For example you'll have to go down deep to finish, but your starting scuba suit can't go deep enough to get to the lower layers, so you'll have to construct a better scuba suit to be able to finish, as well as making better weaponry to survive the monstrous stuff down deep.)
3.4 小时(记录在案的)
Moje ?eská recenze: I really liked this one. I only had courage to play the first mode for now. It's not easy to be trapped down there with so many predators. It's basically like Minecraft under water, except that you don't change the environment so drastically. Mostly just mining and harvesting. I recommend it with 8/10. It also has an option to change the settings, make your own gameplay which I appreciate.
标题: FarSky
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