
雷电射击游戏源码,看懂这个射击游戏,就差不多能做简单的小游戏了。大家一定要认真学习,很棒的教程哦。 &?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?&
&LinearLayout xmlns:android="/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"&
& &TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/hello" /&
& &/LinearLayout&
具体下载目录在 /pub/Android源码集锦/2011年/10月/Android雷电射击游戏源码/
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匿名 发表于 玩家不能监听onkeydown
(0) 匿名 发表于 高手,请问,为什么,我运行不了,是不是main.xml 文件中 布局没有输入代码
(0) 匿名 发表于 nihao58cv网址导航A retro multiplayer shooter
Teeworlds is a free online multiplayer game, available for
all major operating systems. Battle with up to
16 players in a variety of game modes, including
Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag. You can even
design your own maps!
Need help? Head over to the !
As a result of a recently reported security vulnerability in the server, this release contains little updates. In particular it's only the following changes:
Fix the above-mentioned security vulnerability (Memory reads, Segmentation Fault) in all 0.6.x servers.
Fix server crash in the console code.
Fix master server lookup for servers.
Fix scripts/make_release.py script.
Fix client crash when opening a map with an invalid version.
As a result, server owners are urged to upgrade ASAP, you're running an exploitable server right now.
Client updates however, are not as urgent as the server updates, because the only fix is an editor crash.
Hello to all you tees out there,
we're currently thinking about moving this forum to the new
platform (for the reference, we're currently using ). One of the main factors why we're considering this is that the current system has aweful moderation tools.
minus has set up a test instance of the forum at , feel free to poke around a bit and test it.
We'd be happy to receive some feedback about what you think regarding such a migration.
PS: Of course we'll make sure that the old forum content won't be gone, be it via continuing to run this forum read-only or by migrating all the data to the new software.
The second tournament will be an 2vs2 Team-Deathmatch - Tournament, taking place on 19th june 2014, 7 P.M (CEST)!
You will fight several 2vs2 rounds in single elimination mode.
Final and Semi-Finals will be best of 5, while all other matches will be best of 3.
The played maps can vary. The first is chosen randomly. The loser of the first round picks the second map, the loser of the second round the third map etc.
The scorelimit is set to 30 points without a timelimit. The respawn delay is decreased to 2 (default: 3).
How to sign up:
The participations will be managed via . You have to register there and form .
You can sign up your team for this tournament
until 18th june 2014!
Feel free to join the tournament with a team mate. Altough there is no fee to sign up, we want to encourage each participant (or sponsor) to donate some money. It will be taken 1:1 as prize money!*
Do not hesitate and grab your slot, as the number of participating teams is limited to 32 teams!
When all slots are taken, you can still keep signin up. You will be put on a waiting list and in case that a team cancels, you will be moved to the slot.
If you need more players or a team, then you might consider using this thread:
Where will the fights take place?:
The matches will take place on several servers, sponsored by Sushi, ghost and DDraceNetwork.
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #2 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #3 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #4 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments GER #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments GER #2 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments GER #3 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments USA #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments USA #2 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments RUS #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments RUS #2 : (hosted by )
We run modified servers to give you a unique livestream experience. There are some differences to vanilla servers:
- Reserved Slots were added to guarantee free slots for participants and the tournament-staff.
- Spectators are prohibited to use the public chat to avoid cheating.
- (NEW) The command "change_map_random" will randomly pick the first map.
- We prepared a client for streamers who share the stream with a broader audience.
They can zoom out for improved streaming experience!
- In addition, our servers will send health- and armor information.
The first team reaching the scorelimit of 30 will win the round.
To guarantee a maximum live-stream performance, all team-owner have to join our IRC:
irc.quakenet.org, channel: #TeeworldsTournaments.
Your IRC Nickname has to be equal to the nickname in your challonge-team.
If your team-owner is not in IRC and/or does not react for 10 minutes after your teams match started, your team will get deff-loss and your opponent team wins.
If the team-owner does not join IRC until 18:45 CEST, his team will be replaced by a team on the waiting list. In this case, the team-owner will be banned from the next tournament!
The team-owner needs to inform our tournament-staff at 18:45 CEST, if a team-member is not going to show up in time for the team's first match. In this case his team will be replaced by a team on the waiting list! If the team-owner did not notify us, the team-member will be banned from the next tournament !!!
You can sign out your team until 18th june 2014 (to avoid a ban).
Our staff will assign your team and your opponents (according to the bracket) to one of our servers. The match can not take place anywhere else.
You have to follow our directives when a tournament-staff is there. (A round will not begin if we do not start it)
You may not request a (short) pause during a round, but after it.
After each round (if there is no referee), both teams have to send us the results via demo-file (or screenshots) verifying the results. (3 rounds = 3 screenshots etc.)
Using a bot, any kind of tool not provided by the official teeworlds version or watching a stream during your match (or spectating with a second client), means immediate disqualification from this and further tournaments.
You may use Anti-Ping to work against high latency.
You may not swap your team mate during the tournament
We reserve the right to change the rules, even during a tournament.
You want to stream, too? Send us a
and we will give you all needed information.
Prizes and donation:
60% of the prize money
40% of the prize money
2 , made by Landil ()
How the prizes will be shared:
The first placed team can pick one of the prizes: money or beanies.
Then the second placed team will pick its prize and the third placed team gets the last one.
Current prize money: 77.73 EUR
We accept donations via PayPal!
(Please donate at least 3 EUR, as anything else is more like a donation to PayPal)
The donations will be taken 1:1 for the prize money!*
We also accept any material form of donations as prizes (e.g. hardware). Please contact us via
or E-Mail (teeworldstournaments@gmx.de) if you want to do so.
*Less the paypal fee (EU: 1.9% + 0.35EUR).
Share this news on facebook, twitter, via whatsapp, telefon, e-mail, IRC, TeamSpeak and Skype to spread the word of Teeworlds and its tournaments!
Follow us on !
Good luck and have fun!
Edit 19.06.2014:
Our second Teeworlds Tournament is over and we congratulate our winners:
Team claw (won two Teeworlds-beanies)
Team tbb. (won 46,60 EUR)
Team INFINITEE (won 31,1 EUR)
Also we want to thank all participants, viewer, our team members Alucard, Cartman, ghost, Jambi*, Landil, MMilos, Rayon and Sonix and our supporters DDRacenetwork, ghost and Sushi!
Your feedback is welcome:
In order to better manage the translations, we have moved them to the transifex platform, .
Contributing new translations should be easier and more straightforward now.
Steps in order to translate strings:
Create an account
Verify your email address
Click on the language you want to translate
Click 'Join team'
Click 'teeworlds.pot'
Click 'Translate now'
Start translating! :)
Status as of May 3, 2014:
As you can see, all but two languages still need strings translated, ranging from a few strings (~5) needing translation to coverage of slightly below 50%, your help would be very appreciated.
Inspired by the , in order to attract more players and improve competitive vanilla.
We (devs, support staff and part of the community) proudly present the:
Teeworlds Tournaments Series
The first tournament will be an 1vs1 DeathMatch - Tournament, taking place on 26th march 2014, 7 P.M (CET)!
You will fight several 1vs1 rounds in single elimination mode.
Final and Semi-Finals will be best of 5, while all other matches will be best of 3.
The played maps can vary. The first is chosen randomly. The loser of the first round picks the second map, the loser of the second round the third map etc.
The scorelimit is set to 10 points without a timelimit.
You can sign up via
(or simply send a
(no guarantee!)).
Everyone is free to join and take part in this tournament. It does not matter whether you are a low or high skilled player, from EU or not. There is no limitation. We encourage everyone to take part in this tournament and prove your skills. No need to mention you will gain prestige and respect from others if you succeed.
Do not hesitate and grab your slot, as the number of participants is limited to 32 players!
Edit: Altough all slots are taken (yes, we did it!), you can still keep signin up.
You will be put on a waiting list and in case that somebody cancels, you will be moved to the slot.
(Plus we can see how much interest there is for further tournaments!)
Where will the fights take place?:
The matches will take place on several servers, sponsored by Sushi, ghost and DDraceNetwork.
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #2 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #3 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments FRA #4 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments GER #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments GER #2 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments GER #3 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments USA #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments USA #2 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments RUS #1 : (hosted by )
Teeworlds Tournaments RUS #2 : (hosted by )
The servers are running a for tournament streaming purposes coded modification. Although there are not many differences to vanilla there are some:
- Reserved Slots were added to guarantee free slots for participiants and the team.
- Spectators are prohibited to use the public chat to avoid cheating.
- We prepared a client for streamers who share the stream with a broader audience.
They can zoom out for improved streaming experience!
- In addition, our servers will send health- and armor information.
The first player reaching the scorelimit will win the match.
To guarantee a maximum live-stream performance, all participants have to join our IRC:
irc.quakenet.org, channel: #TeeworldsTournaments.
Our team will assign you and your opponent (according to the bracket) to one of our servers. The match can't take place anywhere else.
You have to follow our directives when a team-member is there. (A round will not begin if we do not start it)
If you aren't in IRC and/or do not react for 10 minutes after your match started, you will get deff-loss and your opponent wins.
If you don't appear to your first match, you will be replaced by a player on the waiting list.
Your IRC Nickname has to be equal to your nickname in the bracket (respectively to your nickname , when you were added via PM)
You may not request a (short) pause during a round, but after it.
After each match, both participants have to send us the results via demo-file (or screenshots) verifying the results. (3 rounds = 3 screenshots etc.)
Using a bot, any kind of tool not provided by the official teeworlds version or watching a stream during your match (or spectating with a second client), means immediate disqualification from this and further tournaments.
You may use Anti-Ping to work against high latency.
We reserve the right to change the rules, even during a tournament.
You want to stream, too? Send us a
and we will give you all needed information.
But why should you participate?
Besides fun, challenge, action, fun, being-on-tv (ok just twitch) and winning the respect of all Tees you won against....there is currently nothing else.
Share this news on facebook, twitter, via whatsapp, telefon, e-mail, IRC, TeamSpeak and Skype to spread the word of Teeworlds and its tournaments!
Good luck and have fun!
Edit: The bracket can be found here:
Our first Teeworlds Tournament is over and we congratulate our winners:
Also we want to thank all participants, viewer, our team members MMilos, Cartman, Sushi, ghost, Landil, Alucard, Sonix and Sancty and our supporters DDRacenetwork, ghost and Sushi!
The final bracket can be found here:
and the recorded stream here:
(until Twitch will delete it).
You can download (all available) serversided demo files of the matches from}


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