此时此地的我此任务 嘚瑟妖艳求关注什么意思

当前位置: &
英文翻译 under the present circumstances:&&&& ...:&&&& here
例句与用法1.Let's stick to here and now .我们还是谈此时此地的事情吧。2.There seems to be an extraordinary number of people around for this time of day .今天此时此地人多得不可胜数。3.You always believe somehow that the world will end with your death .此时此地人人都是死心眼儿,总以为自己两眼一闭,这世界就不存在了。4.Here the lot of men born of the flesh is but to endure midst toil and tribulation .此时此地,芸芸众生的血肉之躯,只不过是在劳役和苦难中熬煎。5.With all his jokes, if ever a man looked as though he needed a drink, it was willie at this moment .虽然威利在插科打诨,要是有个人看来需要喝酒的话,那就是此时此地的他。6.The fertility of this period and place owed a great deal to the strong collective sense of purpose developed by chicago sociologists .此时此地的丰富成果在很大成度上要归功于由芝加哥社会学家所确立的强烈的集体目标感。7.How do you conceive your own death in all the marble vaults, the brick ridges, and the furnaces that lead to the market place ?看头上有多少巍巍拱顶,灿灿瓦脊,地上有多少工厂通着市场,此时此地,人对自己的死又是怎么想的呢?8.At this particular time and place , to do my work ,此时此地,为了完成我的工作, 9.I want my bike back , and i want it here and now我想要回我的自行车,我此时此地就要。 10.All of life is exactly where he is对于他来说,此时此地就是生活的全部。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
公司旗下心道茶会所,位于河南省会郑州国基路与索凌路口西北角一个蕴涵着1600亩的巨大能量的国际梦想生活城——普罗旺世五期地中海商业步行街内,它是将茶道与国学、养生、传统文化、关系情感相结合,在品茗论道中可以让人们轻而易举体验身心成长变化的高端茶文化交流会所。心道茶馆以茶为载体,以茶会、文化沙龙为形式,吸引着社会各界的文人雅士,在安静优美的环境中推广传统文化,传播正能量,倡导一种质朴优雅的慢生活方式,让亲爱的茶友家人们可以在此平台中自由的交流、分享与学习,在品茗论道中体验身心成长的变化,是芸芸众生在红尘中一个爱的家园。当前位置: &
英文翻译right here and now:&&&& move towards:&&&&shí]:&&&& here
例句与用法1.- y ' all gonna do this here ? - right here . right now-你们真想动手? -就在此时此地2.Y ' all gonna do this here ? - right here . right now你们真想动手? -就在此时此地3.Through initiation , we can taste heaven again , right here and right now透过印心我们可以重温天堂的滋味就在此时此地! 4.I don ' t want to miss one smile , i don ' t want to miss one kiss , i just want to be with you , right here with you , just like this . i just want to hold you close , feel your heart so close to mine , and just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time我不想错过你温馨的笑容,我不想错过你甜美的吻,我只想和你在一起,就这样与你一直在一起,我只想紧紧拥着你,感觉你我的心跳如此接近,就在此时此地度过所有剩余的时间。 5.These bright flowers swayed in the wind in total harmony with one another , as the suns rays broke through the clouds after a brief downpour , creating a rainbow in the sky . i watched brothers and sisters from all walks of life , of all creeds and colors , talking , eating , sitting , walking or picking wild herbs and mushrooms from the fields我看着这些来自各行各业有着不同宗教背景和不同肤色的同修,他们或聊天畅谈或享受食物或静坐冥思或散步寻幽或在田野里采摘野生的药草及蘑菇,眼前的这一幕,不禁让我感受到人间天堂就在此时此地!


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