侠盗飞车go and find a house to break into zatwor是什么意思

& [ well,&find, other, do,&should, in,&they,&by,time,&stay,&where, important,&&come,&for, together ]
&&&&If you go into the forest(森林) with your friends, stay with them always.&If you don`t, you may get lost .If you get lost, this is what you&should do .Sit down and stay&where you are .Don`t try&to find your friends .Let them find you . You can help them find you by&staying in one place. There is&another way to help your friend or people find you .Give them a signal (信号)&by crying or whistling (吹口哨) three times. Any signal given three times is&a call&for help. Keep up& crying or whistling always three times&together .When people hear you ,they will know you are&in danger .If you&don‘’t think you can get help before night&comes , try to make a little house and a&good bed with leaves and grass .The most&and a important&thing to do when you are lost is to stay in one place.}


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