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1 下载xmind软件,即可打开图谱文件
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1 下载xmind软件,即可打开图谱文件
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电影放映机Maya模型 ,含材质含贴图;
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
  Requires Unity 5.0.0 or higher.
  Requires Unity 4.6.9 or higher.
  Compatibility with Unity 5
  This package contains simple tool for Unity t
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
1 下载xmind软件,即可打开图谱文件
2 每个知识点前面的时间就是这个知识点在对应课时视频中的时间点
1 下载xmind软件,即可打开图谱文件
2 每个知识点前面的时间就是这个知识点在对应课时视频中的时间点
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
  Requires Unity 5.6.3 or higher.
  RAM pack gives you ability to create river automatically. Shader generates few
  Requires Unity 5.5.1 or higher.
  Imagy VFX Beta!
  The package will continue to be improved including mo
burgzergarcade 发布在youtube的经典unity游戏开发视频,这是2017新版
1 出生点出生后
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
unityUI资源 20个动感按钮UI素材20 Sweet Buttons;
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**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
unity 游戏运行中的错误显示代码;可用来参考
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**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
  Requires Unity 5.1.0 or higher.
  The perfect AAA quality character controller for your humans and non-humans!
Features:  - Fast and Lightweight
  Faster than PlayerPrefs, JSON & XML
  - Auto Save Visual Scripting (beta)
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
Requires Unity 4.3.0 or higher.
  Works in Unity 5!
  Rewired is an advanced input system that completel
Originally r
eleased: 9 September 2015
Package has been submitted using Unity 5.1.1.
下载链接:Realistic Blood FX
Requires Unity 4.0.0 or higher.
One click mesh combine tool
Easily combine meshes by attaching this script to
unity宝石贴图资源包Ultimate Organic Stones;
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
可以使用这个插件制作 : 死亡回放,全场最佳等
[+200]在本地使用火狐浏览器测试与试玩没问题,但是把项目上传到服务器IIS后,使用IP访问加载出错。有配置过MIME类型为 ".unity3d
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
This is so much more than just a smooth and flexible character controller. The Third Person Controller is your ultimat
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
unity 游戏运行中的错误显示代码;可用来参考
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
Requires Unity 5.3.5 or higher.
This art package is intended for easy and
fast construction of various sci-fi
  今天带给大家的3D模型是全民斗战神孙悟空+龙女+巨灵神模型,3ds max格式,带贴图。喜欢么?是可以下载的哦。怎么样,小伙伴么
Requires Unity 4.3.0 or higher.
  Works in Unity 5!
  Rewired is an advanced input system that completel
DescriptionUse your favorite jetpack, snazzy outfit and stock up on items then get out there for a quick joyr
精致和专业的动画,包括Xbox360 gamepad兼容,基于物理的角色控
DCG Water Shaders-动态水,水的效果很真实;上图:
  Candela SSRR reflections can easily enhance the look of your scene or game, making objects more grounded and attache
Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher.
Build high detailed, atmospheric alleys and city streets with buildings and props with
  Requires Unity 5.1.1 or higher.
  This project is “ Action Role Player template for Unity”. Everyone can ea
  Requires Unity 5.1.0 or higher.
  The perfect AAA quality character controller for your humans and non-humans!
DCG Water Shaders-动态水,水的效果很真实;上图:
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
  Requires Unity 5.5.1 or higher.
  Imagy VFX Beta!
  The package will continue to be improved including mo
Unity Asset -针对2D图片的图集插件--TexturePacker Importer
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
Behavior Designer 1.5.11 请使用Unityf3及以上版本。
Behavior trees are used by AAA studios to create a lifelike A
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
This is so much more than just a smooth and flexible character controller. The Third Person Controller is your ultimat
Unity Free & Pro v3.5.7+ Supported
ProCore is a "Professional Core" for any Unity game developer- a collection ofpo
Requires Unity 5.5.2 or higher.
If you need some backgrounds for your Space/Sci-Fi games then this package is for you.
Requires Unity 5.2.0 or higher.
Gamestrap UI is a Unity pack that helps you design User Interfaces by providing you
  今天带给大家的3D模型是全民斗战神孙悟空+龙女+巨灵神模型,3ds max格式,带贴图。喜欢么?是可以下载的哦。怎么样,小伙伴么
  Requires Unity 5.6.3 or higher.
  RAM pack gives you ability to create river automatically. Shader generates few
  Requires Unity 5.1.0 or higher.
  The perfect AAA quality character controller for your humans and non-humans!
DescriptionUse your favorite jetpack, snazzy outfit and stock up on items then get out there for a quick joyr
精致和专业的动画,包括Xbox360 gamepad兼容,基于物理的角色控
HTC VIVE房产项目实战教程
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
DCG Water Shaders-动态水,水的效果很真实;上图:
要探索建筑模型,喜欢你做的视频游戏吗?学习在Unity 2017中创建架构可视化,免费的,功能齐全的游戏引擎,使你可以把3D模型转换
Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher.
Build high detailed, atmospheric alleys and city streets with buildings and props with
  Requires Unity 5.1.1 or higher.
  This project is “ Action Role Player template for Unity”. Everyone can ea
要求Unity 5.4.5 或更高版本。
A node based procedural and infinite game map generator.
Unity Studio是一个工具,可以从Unity游戏和应用中查看、提取和导出资产。从网络、PC、Li
 Requires Unity 5.0.0 or higher.
  A low poly asset pack of characters, props, vehicles, weapons and environ
Udemy - Learn to Code in C++ by Developing Your First Game [24th July Update]Udemy - 在虚幻引擎里使用 C++ 开发你的第一
DCG Water Shaders-动态水,水的效果很真实;上图:
&&Powered byUnity专业版试用30天是不是跟专业版完全一样?【unity3d吧】_百度贴吧
包括使用全功能的Unity,然后免费发布到iOS pro,Android pro?这些东西要全套购买的话不便宜呢,一套Unity pro1500美刀,外加每个平台的pro版本,各是1500美元,如果那30天的试用能够做这些事情,那不就爽歪歪了吗?求大神解答。。。
在unity answers上看到这样一句话“The only thing you &can't& do is use a free 30 day trial version of the Pro (paid) version of Unity to make a game and then sell that game without purchasing Unity Pro.”,看来不能够用30天试用专业版发布专业版游戏,但我想使用功能方面应该没差吧。
还有一句“Unity make trial versions available to allow you to evaluate the product. If you want to publish a game, then Unity will conclude that your evaluation was successful, so will expect you to make a purchase. In your case I imagine you will want to use the free editor with the $400 Flash add-on. In fact, when you purchase the $400 Flash add-on and activate using the serial number that is generated your trial will end and you'll have the free+Flash combination.”,大概是说试用版是你用来评价unity本身的,如果你想发布游戏,那么意味着你认可了unity,那么就需要交钱了。
登录百度帐号推荐应用Free VS Pro 官网翻译与解读。【unity3d吧】_百度贴吧
Free VS Pro 官网翻译与解读。收藏
详细看了下官网上的Free VS Pro,把Free版缺失的功能列了出来,供大家参考。(发现现在的自己根本不需要Pro版本,只能继续屌丝了)各平台的选项基本读一样。统一翻译解读如下:1.LOD support(Level of Detail)场景优化技术,也叫做无极缩放,原理很简单,就是一个物体有2,3层不同的材质渲染,根据角色离物体多远,来显示应该渲染出哪种材质。2.Audio Filter音频滤波器,支持FMOD声音系统,声音效果更加真实与个性化。3.Video Playback and Streaming视频播放和流,应该就是Movie Texture,在3D/2D物体上播放视频。4.Fully Fledged Streaming with Asset Bundles流媒体资源包(AssetBundles)可以把unity3d中你所创建的文件或任何资源导出的一种文件格式,这些文件导出后使用的是一种特定的文件格式(.Unity3d),这些特定格式的文件能在需要的时候加载到场景中。5.May be licensed and used by companies or incorporated entities that had a turnover in excess of US $100,000 in their last fiscal year.老生常谈了,年销售额100,000美元的公司要付钱。6.Mecanim: IK Rigs动画系统里编辑细节。
7.Mecanim: Sync Layers & Additional Curves动画层同步,在不同层中能够重用一些相同的状态机;额外动画曲线,为模拟事件使用额外的曲线。8.Custom Splash Screen启动画面,游戏启动时能播放自己定制的画面,否则只能显示Unity的商标。9.3D Texture Support3D纹理,用处不大吧。10.Realtime Spot/Point and softshadows实时点和软阴影,软阴影是平均几个贴图的像素,以致外观更平滑的阴影,但软阴影要消耗更多的性能来渲染。11.HDR, tone mapping色调映射,将颜色值从高动态范围(HDR)映射到低动态范围(LDR)的过程。12.Lightmapping with Global Illumination and area lights部分光照下的光照贴图不能用。13.Light probes灯光探测器,尽管使用光照贴图可以大大提升场景的真实程度,但是它有一个缺点,那就是场景中非静态物体缺少真实的渲染,看上去就好像和场景格格不入。实时为移动物体计算光照贴图是不可能的,但是通过使用灯光探测器我们可以模拟达到类似的效果。13.Static Batching生成静态的几何体,节约CPU开销。14.Render-to-Texture Effects渲染纹理,可以使Water实时进行反射和折射。15.Full-Screen Post-Processing Effects某种图像特效吧。16.Occlusion Culling遮挡剔除, 当一个物体被其他物体遮挡住而不在摄像机的可视范围内时不对其进行渲染。17.Deferred Rendering延迟渲染,一种当前最高级的能实现光线和阴影保真的渲染路径.18.Stencil Buffer AccessShader里优化效果的东西。19.GPU SkinningGPU蒙皮,有平台限制,其他平台用CPU Skinning。20.Navmesh: Dynamic Obstacles and Priority导航网格:寻路用的。21.Native Code Plugins Support插件(Plugin),Unity支持基于C,C++或Objctive-C语言的插件。插件允许你的代码(以Javascript,C#或Boo所写)调用本地代码库。这使得Unity可以整合其他中间件库或者遗留的游戏代码。一看代码,便知道是什么意思了:[DllImport (&PluginName&)]所以应该不是我们通常说的杂七杂八的NGUI等插件,不过直接调用dll的速度比调用Script快。23.Profiler and GPU profiling3分析器,Unity分析器可以帮助你优化你的游戏。它为您报告在你的游戏的各个领域所花费的时间。24.Script Access to Asset PipelineScript中直接进入资产的导入管线。25.Dark SkinStylish dark toned skin to match the skins of professional tools like Max,Maya,and CS5.不清楚,让美工来解释吧。
1-对游戏优化 有很大影响2-不用说了 提高场景代入感3-用处很多 比如小地图的制作4- 无assetbundles 无法做热更新 无法做小更新包5-没用过总来说 还是有影响的
不过,我还有一个疑问,Free版不支持Movie Texture,那我们可以用别的方式解决吗?是否可以把视频转换成Flash?Flash难道Free也不支持播放吗?
奇怪,我记得pro only还有一个反锯齿技术,官网上没说嘛,看来这里的不全啊。
8.Custom Splash Screen启动画面,游戏启动时能播放自己定制的画面,否则只能显示Unity的商标。最近正准备改启动画面
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The Unity Web Player enables you to view blazing 3D content created with Unity directly in your browser, and updates as necessary.Unity allows you to build rich 3D games with animated characters, sizzling graphics, immersive physics.
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CloneDVD is a flexible and easy to use DVD movie copy software. Without special setting, CloneDVD automatically removes all protections (CSS, RC, RCE, UOPs and Sony ARccOS) on-the-fly, lets you freely copy all of your DVD movie …
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The Unity Web Player enables you to view blazing 3D content created with Unity directly in your browser, and updates as necessary.Unity allows you to build rich 3D games with animated characters, sizzling graphics, immersive physics.
VLC Media Player Foot Pedal allows VLC Media Player to be used as transcription software for transcription of all types of media files with full foot pedal support.
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The Unity Web Player enables you to view blazing 3D content created with Unity directly in your browser, and updates as necessary.Unity allows you to build rich 3D games with animated characters, sizzling graphics, immersive physics.
Accelerate downloads by up to 5 times, schedule downloads, recover and resume broken downloads. The program features an adaptive download accelerator, dynamic file segmentation, high speed settings technology, and multipart downloading …
Download Master is an easy-to-use and effective download manager that can increase download speeds by up to 500 percent. It uses intellectual multi-section download to provide the best possible performance for all connection types.
CloneDVD is a flexible and easy to use DVD movie copy software. Without special setting, CloneDVD automatically removes all protections (CSS, RC, RCE, UOPs and Sony ARccOS) on-the-fly, lets you freely copy all of your DVD movie …}


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