八尺女和slenderman man:school功略

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简介:无面人起源:消失的学校(Slender Man Origins 3: Abandoned School)是一款恐怖题材益智解谜游戏,包含精彩...
简介:特技学校HD是一款卡通挑战游戏,如果给一个汽车换装上喷气飞机的引擎会怎么样?如何让汽车离地跳起100多米?top gear就是这样一款游戏,...
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简介:回到学校比赛最多链接是一款益智游戏,Light Sleepers是一个新媒体艺术家独立团队,专业性强,热衷于创建高质量的娱乐应用。个具有挑战...
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& 瘦长鬼影:起源3
瘦长鬼影:起源3 简介
The long-awaited sequel to the major hit games Slender Man Origins 1 & 2. Introducing Slender Man Origins 3: Abandoned School. Reviews: - Been a long time since I was that scared! Amazing voice-acting, thrilling story! Slenderman! - Screamers and the scene where Slender attacks you are great. Survival elements make the game more interesting and difficult, too. - Always wanted to see Slender Man in school environment. Children ghosts are pretty cool. One of them flew from around the corner, I nearly crapped my pants! More than 5 million gamers from around the world! Join us, install the game! Story: Children started to disappear from a very ordinary school. All the search for them was in vain: the police efforts failed, and the local government closed the school off. The place became abandoned. Years later, our heroine enter the school once again through her dreams, and tries to rescue the stolen souls of the lost children. But the Slender Man stands in her way... Things that make Slender Man Origins 3 an awesome game: - Story: The Slender was never closer to you! - Atmosphere: The Slender is looking for you, in your own school! - Horror: Screamers, survival, music... Install it and experience unparalleled terror! Slender Man Origins 3: Abandoned School is Your Game! Our social links: www.slendermanorigins.com www.facebook.com/HorrorSlender Performance improved.
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The Slender Man stabbing occurred on Saturday, May 31, 2014, in the American city of
in , , when 12-year-olds Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser lured Payton Leutner, of the same age, into the woods and stabbed her 19 times in an attempt to impress the fictional character . After being stabbed, the victim crawled to a road and lay on a sidewalk where a cyclist found her and called . She was rushed to a hospital, at which point she was "one millimeter away from certain death", according to a criminal complaint. The victim recovered after being hospitalized for six days. During the resultant legal proceedings, both perpetrators were ultimately found . Weier was sentenced to 25 years in a state mental institute while Geyser is currently awaiting her sentence.
Slender Man is a fictional entity created for a 2009
contest on , an online forum, the goal of which was to create
images. The Slender Man mythos was later expanded by a number of other people who created
and additional artistic depictions of the entity.
Slender Man is depicted as a tall, faceless man in a black suit with
growing out of his back. According to the Slender Man mythos, the entity can cause , bouts of coughing and
in individuals. He is often depicted hiding in forests or stalking children.
Weier and Geyser were 12 years old at the time of the stabbing, as was Leutner, the victim. All three were classmates enrolled in the same middle school and had been at a sleepover at one suspect's home the night before. The attackers had discovered Slender Man on the Creepypasta Wiki, a website that hosts . The two perpetrators said they believed Slender Man was real at the time, and wanted to prove their loyalty to him so they could become his "proxies", or followers, prove his existence, and prevent him from harming their families. The two believed that the only way they could become the Slender Man's proxies was to murder someone. They believed that after they carried out the killing, they would become servants of the Slender Man and be allowed to live in his mansion in .
The two girls targ reports indicate they initially planned to carry out the attack on May 31, 2014 at 2:00 AM, when the victim would be sleeping over to celebrate the birthday of one of the other girls. They planned to duct tape the victim's mouth, stab her in the neck with a kitchen knife, and flee. They did not carry out the attack at that time, however, since one of the girls is believed to have delayed the attac she claimed that she desired to give the victim one more day to live.
The two planned to carry out the attack Saturday morning in a bath instead, they chose to carry out the attack in a nearby forest while playing a game of hide-and-seek. During the game, one of the perpetrators pinned the victim down, but there was a dispute about who would carry out the stabbing. According to allegations published in Newsweek, the perpetrator who had pinned the victim down ordered the other supposed perpetrator to carry out the attack. She is reported to have complied and stabbed the victim 19 times in the arms, legs, and torso with a five-inch-long (13 cm) kitchen knife. Two of the stab wounds were to major arteries. One of the two stab wounds missed her heart by less than a millimeter and the other went through her diaphragm, cutting into her liver and stomach. Immediately following the attack, the two attackers told the still-conscious victim to be quiet and that they would get help for her. However, they fled shortly after.
After the stabbing, the victim dragged her way out of the forest to a ditch at the side of a nearby road. She was discovered by a cyclist, who called
to get medical assistance for the victim. The victim reportedly said "Please help me. I've been stabbed" to gain the attention of the cyclist. The criminal complaint stated that the victim was in extreme pain and could only answer yes or no questions. The Waukesha Fire Department and Police Department responded to the call and located the victim, who gave law enforcement the name of one of her attackers. The victim was transported to a hospital, where she underwent surgery. Of the 19 stab wounds, two were to major organs, with one wound missing a major artery by "less than a millimeter". The victim was injured in what is commonly known as the "cardiac box," an area tha patients wounded in the "cardiac box" typically have a 25 to 50 percent mortality rate. A criminal complaint filed shortly after the stabbing described Leutner as being "one millimeter away from certain death".
Law enforcement conducted a mass search for the two suspects. Agencies that participated in the search included the police departments of the city of , ,
and , as well as the Waukesha Fire Department and
emergency helicopter services. The two girls were apprehended near
by a Waukesha County sheriff's deputy. The officer discovered the knife used in the stabbing in a bag carried by one of the suspects. After being arrested, the girls reportedly expressed ambivalent views about the attack. They were described as feeling guilty for stabbing their friend, but felt that the attack was needed to appease Slender Man.
The victim was discharged from the hospital six days after the attack, although she continued to have physical difficulties for several weeks after that. She received thousands of letters of support from well-wishers around the world. The victim ultimately healed from her injuries, and was able to resume school in fall of 2014.
Winnebago Mental Health Institute
In August 2014, one girl was ruled incompetent to stand trial. She had been diagnosed by state
and . Her father is also schizophrenic. She was remanded to . In December 2014, both girls were ruled comp the ruling says that one of the two girls refused to take her prescribed schizophrenia medication.
The girls have been charged with
first-degree intentional . They have been set to be tried as adults because Wisconsin law states, "all murder and attempted-murder charges for children older than 10 start in adult court." A conviction on first-degree charges in adult court could result in a sentence of up to 45 years in state prison, whereas a conviction in
could lead to three years incarceration, then supervision until the age of 18. Bail was set at $500,000 each.
In February 2015, both of the accused were interrogated by local police. Each claimed that the other had come up with the plan to murder their friend. One of the two also reiterated the belief that Slender Man would harm her and her family if they did not carry out the attack. Later that month, Anthony Cotton, an attorney for one of the two girls, filed a brief contending that his client should not have been charged with attempted first-degree homicide. The brief claims that the correct charge should be attempted second-degree homicide because the girl believed Slender Man would have hurt her and her family if she hadn't killed on his behalf. In March 2015, the judge disagreed with this argument, ruling to keep the two in adult court. Their cases could still have been moved to juvenile court for other reasons during hearings in May and June 2015, but on August 10, a judge ruled that both teenagers would be tried in adult court. On August 21, Waukesha County
Judge Michael Bohren entered a "not guilty" plea on behalf of both girls after their attorneys declined to enter pleas. On September 30, 2015, Judge Bohren
the case against the two girls so that a state appeals court could determine whether they should be tried in adult or juvenile court. The appeals court decision was initially scheduled to be made in January 2016, but was pushed back until April of that year due to an extension requested by the state of Wisconsin and the attorney of one of the accused.
In December 2015, the girl found incompetent to stand trial was remanded to the Winnebago Mental Health Institute again by the
for treatment. She remained there until March 2016, when doctors determined that her condition had stabilized.
On April 15, 2016, a judge refused to reduce the bond of the two girls because of the seriousness of the crime and the belief that they posed a
On July 27, 2016, the Wisconsin District II Court of Appeals upheld the Waukesha County Circuit Court's decision to try the accused as adults, per Wisconsin statute. The girls are allowed to appeal to the
if they want to be tried in a juvenile court. The attorneys for the accused say that one of the girls has
and , while the other has
and a , thus rendering adult court unnecessary. The court, however, ruled that the stabbing was not accidental or impulsive, but premeditated and "extremely violent".
On August 26, 2016, one of the two girls entered a plea of "" by reason of "". Two psychiatrists were appointed by the
they were to turn in a report as to the mental status of the accused by October 6, 2016. The trial date was tentatively rescheduled for March, 2017.
On September 1, 2016, the second girl followed suit, pleading "not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect". The hearing for the plea was set for September 6, 2016. On the same day, the girls' attorneys filed a brief arguing that a "non-Waukesha County jury should be " because of heavy media coverage of the trial. The defense argued, "While change of venue might be appropriate in the case of an adult defendant, it would create significant hardships for a child defendant."
On September 9, 2016, one of the girls' attorneys said that she would stop trying to move the case to a juvenile court.
On October 4, 2016, one of the psychiatrists appointed to examine the girls regarding their mental state was dismissed, and a new one was appointed. The stated reason for the dismissal was that the psychiatrist submitted two reports on the same day that provided two different conclusions. The presiding judge in the case, Michael Bohren, stated that the wrong charge was stated consequently, Pareek thought that Bohren wanted the report to read differently and therefore substantially altered the content of the second report. Bohren said, "The case has been pending for over 2 years. Time is relative. But, it's good to keep the case moving if the court can. I'm satisfied that the court should appoint a new doctor and have a new report come in." The reports on the perpetrators' mental health were due on November 11, 2016.
On October 10, 2016, both of the girls' attorneys filed
to have the girls' trials run separately, instead of jointly. The defense asserts that conducting a joint trial would harm the impartiality of the decision because the jurors would be confused by the testimony of the girls, each of which implicated the other as the main perpetrator of the attack. On the same day, one of the accused's attorneys filed a motion to suppress evidence obtained by police in the hours after her client was arrested. The motion stated that the accused's statements were not fully voluntary because of the alleged assailants's mental state, age, and a delayed and improper reading of her .
On November 11, 2016, the presiding judge sealed the reports from four
appointed for the case. No summary of the content of the repor the tentative trial date was again pushed back to June or July, 2017.
On December 12, 2016, the judge ordered separate trials after both the prosecution and the defense agreed it was legally advisable. The next hearing in the case was scheduled for December 22, 2016, regarding the defense motion to suppress statements she made to police at the time of her arrest.
On December 22, 2016, a hearing was held to determine the validity of the confession made by one of the defendants directly after her arrest. The defense argued that the alleged perpetrator was too young to fully understand her . On February 14, 2017, the presiding judge deemed the confession admissible and also denied the defense's request to move the trial out of Waukesha County. The separate trials were scheduled for September and October, 2017.
On August 21, 2017, one of the girls, the now-15-year-old Anissa Weier, pleaded guilty to being a party to attempted second-degree homicide, but claimed she was not responsible for her actions on grounds of insanity. Although prosecutors alleged that she knew that what she was doing was wrong, the jury on September 15, 2017 determined that she was "not guilty by mental disease or defect", and will serve a minimum of three years in a mental hospital. The trial for the second girl is scheduled to begin on October 9.
On September 29, 2017, the second girl, Morgan Geyser, arranged a plea deal with prosecutors. As part of the deal, Geyser will not go to trial and will be evaluated by psychiatrists to determine how long she should be placed in a mental hospital. According to one source she would be required to spend at least three more years in the hospital. On October 7, 2017, she pleaded guilty and was found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. The psychiatric evaluation will begin in November with a determination made in December.
On December 21, 2017, Anissa Weier was sentenced to up to 25 years in a state mental institution. She will have to serve a minimum of three more years at a state hospital, and then remain under state supervision for the rest of the sentence. Waukesha County Circuit Judge Michael Bohren ordered that her sentence be originated from the date of the crime, including time already served. Weier issued a brief statement of apology, where she admitted acceptance of responsibility for her role in the attack. She will be 37 years old at the conclusion of her sentence.
In the aftermath of the stabbing, the Creepypasta Wiki was blocked throughout the .
At Horning Middle School, which the victim and two assailants attended, the stabbing was not initially discussed by staff when classes resumed from the weekend on Monday, June 2, because the Waukesha Police Department had not confirmed that the perpetrators were students there. This decision was criticized by a number of students and parents. On Wednesday, June 4, three links were posted to the school website to address the stabbing. One of the links led to a letter written by Principal Chris Wegner which outlined the school district's response to the attack. The other two links provided came from the
and the . Both of these links provided information on discussing traumatic events with children.
Wegner, in an interview with , said that the assailants and the victim appeared to be friends and that the girls had not had any disciplinary issues before the stabbing. Wegner also stated that he and the staff of Horning Middle School cared for the accused girls and hoped that they would receive the help they needed.
On June 3, counselors and pastors were made available at a local Waukesha church to discuss the attacks. A memorial was also erected at the crime scene to honor the victim.
On the Tuesday following the stabbing, a statement from the creator of the Slender Man was posted to the Creepypasta Wiki expressing condolences for all those involved. Sloshedtrain, the administrator of the Creepypasta Wiki, said that the stabbing was an isolated incident that did not accurately represent the creepypasta community. He also stated that the Creepypasta Wiki was a literary website and that they did not condone
Members of the creepypasta community held a 24-hour live stream on
from June 13 to 14, 2014, to raise money for the stabbing victim. Joe Jozwowski, an administrator on a creepypasta website, said the purpose of the stream was to show that members of the community wanted to help the victim and to demonstrate that they were not horrible people just because they liked scary stories.
On August 12, Wisconsin Governor
issued a proclamation declaring Wednesday, August 13, 2015 "Purple Hearts for Healing Day" and encouraged the people of Wisconsin to wear purple on that day to honor the victim of the stabbing. He also praised the "strength and determination" exhibited by the victim during her recovery.
The city of
held a one-day
festival to honor the victim on August 29, several days before the victim returned to school.
and bratwurst were sold to raise money towards the victim's medical costs. The event was run by over 250 volunteers, and raised over $70,000 for the victim.
A season 16 episode of , titled "," is loosely based on the event.
A documentary film on the incident called
was released by
in March, 2016, and was broadcast on
on January 23, 2017.
The stabbing resulted in extensive debate about the role of the
in society and its impact on children. Russell Jack, Waukesha Police Chief, said that the stabbing "should be a wake-up call for all parents", adding that the Internet "is full of information and wonderful sites that teach and entertain", but that it "can also be full of dark and wicked things". John Egelhof, a retired agent of the , argued that the Internet had become a "blackhole" with the ability to expose children to a more sinister world. He suggested that the best way to avoid future incidents was for parents to keep track of their children's web habits and to educate them on the differences between right and wrong. Shira Chess, an assistant professor of mass media arts at the , stated that creepypasta was no more dangerous than stories about
or . She argued that creepypasta websites were beneficial, and that they gave people the opportunity to become better writers.
Gabler, Ellen (June 2, 2014). . Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Chess, Shira (1 April 2012). . Information, Communication & Society. 15 (3): 374–375. :.  .
Jones, Abigail (August 22, 2014). . Newsweek 2015.
Hanna, Jason (June 3, 2014). . CNN 2015.
Fieldstadt, Elisha (February 22, 2015). . NBC News 2015.
. The Washington Post. August 10, .
Effron, Lauren (September 26, 2014). . ABC News 2015.
Davey, M Steven, YACCINO (June 7, 2014). . The New York Times 2016.
Fantz, Ashley (June 4, 2014). . CNN 2016.
Jack, Russell (June 2, 2014). . Los Angeles Times 2016.
. ABC News 2016.
Kuhagen, Christopher (June 2, 2014). . Waukesha Now 2016.
Suarez, Alexandra (September 9, 2016). . International Business Times 2016.
Armadillos, Elaine (August 1, 2014). . People 2015.
Beware the Slenderman. Dir. . HBO. 2016.
Vielmetti, Bruce (March 24, 2016). . Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 2016.
Wagner, Meg (June 19, 2015). . New York Daily News 2016.
Winter, Michael (December 18, 2014). . USA Today 2015.
Bauer, Scott (July 27, 2016).
Coscarelli, Joe (June 4, 2014). . New York Magazine 2015.
. Fox News. Associated Press. February 24, .
Vielmetti, Bruce (March 13, 2015). .
. ABC News. August 10, 2015.
O'Brien, Brendan (August 21, 2015). . Reuters 2015.
. CBS Minnesota. September 30, .
. Waukesha Now. January 20, .
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Press (August 25, 2016). . Minnesota Lawyer. Associated Press 2016.
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. fox6now.com. October 10, .
Vielmetti, Bruce (October 4, 2016). . Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 2016.
McCormack, Michele.
Bohr, Nick (October 10, 2016). . WISN 2016.
. Beloit Daily News. October 19, .
. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. November 11, .
. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. December 12, .
. The Blade. Toledo. December 22, .
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Collins, Julie (February 20, 2017). . fox6now.com 2017.
. BBC News. September 15, 2017.
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News, ABC. . ABC News 2017.
CNN, Dakin Andone and Paige Levin,. . CNN.
Palladino, Christina (June 5, 2014). . ABC Wisconsin 2016.
Maslin, Sarah (June 4, 2014). . Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 2016.
Delong, Katie. . fox6now.com 2016.
Sears, Ashley (June 4, 2014). . fox6now.com 2016.
. Mr. Creepypasta. June 4, .
. The New York Times. The Associated Press. June 4, 2014.[]
Manjoo, Farhad (July 10, 2014). . New York Times 2017.
Collette, Miranda (June 5, 2014). "'Slender Man,' online viewing can haunt kids". Salt Lake City: Deseret Morning News.
Sanchick, Myra (June 13, 2014). . fox6now.com 2015.
. Office of the Governor (Press release). Archived from
on October 15, .
Robinson, Kelley (September 3, 2014). . ABC News 2016.
Bodkin, Bill (November 6, 2014). . The Pop Break 2017.
DePaoliStaff, Tommy. . Movie Pilot 2016.
Maddox, Jessica (15 March 2017). . Feminist Media Studies: 1–14. :.  .
Tillotson, Kristin (June 8, 2014). "How kids fall into Web's 'black hole'". News. Minneapolis: Star Tribune. p. 2OP.
. "Out Came the Girls: Adolescent Girlhood, the Occult, and the Slender Man Phenomenon". , vol. 93, no. 4 (Fall 2017).
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