
RA3 苏联的超凡磁力有什么用啊、、、竟然放在最下面,除了把坦克吸起来,御姐萝莉还有什么么用吗、?
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3567金钱2973 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间146 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3567金钱2973 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
Welcome to part one of the Secret Protocol Guide – The Allies. The Allied Protocols are not as direct as those from the other two factions in terms of damage dealing, except the Time Bomb line, which is more direct but gives more than enough warning ahead of time to avoid the attack. The Cryoshot and Chronorift lines are geared more for support and deal no damage at all, but still have applicable uses.
Advanced Aeronautics/Surgical Strike/Time Bomb Line
高级航空学/外科手术/定时炸弹 一线
The Advanced Aeronautics, Surgical Strike, Time Bomb line of Secret Protocols is the most deadly of the Allied protocol lines. With the exception of Advanced Aeronautics, each of these protocols deals direct damage to enemy units and structures. Since the Vindicator Rush is extremely popular, Advanced Aeronautics is a crucial upgrade for early game harassment. Surgical Strike can be devastating to small groups of units or be used for finishing off structures. The Time Bombs deal high amounts of area of effect damage which can destroy low armored buildings and units, leaving the higher armored units and structures as easy prey for other Allied forces, especially aircraft.
Advanced Aeronautics
Advanced Aeronautics is the backbone of the Allied air force and the primary upgrade for the Vindicator Rush. This support protocol upgrades all aircraft in a couple of important ways. The most notable upgrade is a 33% increase in payload capacity increasing the number of bombs for a Vindicator to three and the number of bombs for a Century Bomber up to nine. Another extremely important upgrade with regard to payload is that the rearming time is cut in half, from 2 seconds per bomb to 1 second per bomb. Using the Vindicator as an example, an un-upgraded Vindicator with its two bombs takes four seconds to reload, while a Vindicator with Advanced Aeronautic with three bombs takes only 3 seconds to reload. This is quite useful when enemy infantry are in your base and you need only one bomb to kill them quickly.
There are also two other non-payload upgrades aircraft get with Advanced Aeronautics. The first and most important is a 30% armor upgrade making your nimble Vindicators and Apollo Fighters and your already resilient Century Bombers more deadly. Another useful, yet under-looked upgrade is that all aircraft gain an additional sight range. This is useful especially in the early stages of a Vindicator Rush in finding and picking off your opponents scouts.
Surgical Strike
The Surgical Strike secret protocol calls for a quick-strike bomber to deal a powerful strike to enemy units or structures within a small area and has a two minute cool-down timer. This is extremely useful in dealing that last bit of damage to enemy structures or Ore Collectors that your harassment force may not have been able to destroy. It also works extremely well against tightly packed clumps of units, since it can destroy a multitude of units, including infantry, tier 1 and 2 vehicles, and artillery units.
Leading Your Surgical Strike
While Surgical Strike does work best on stationary targets, if can also be used on slower moving targets as well. There is a 3 second delay from the time you activate the protocol and the time the bomber strikes. If your enemies are moving in a straight line you can aim a little ahead of your opponent’s forces which will run into the bomber as it drops its payload.
Time Bomb I, II, & III
The Time Bomb is an explosive that is chronoshifted into a selected area and after a short count down timer explodes. With each increasing point invested into the Time Bomb tree, the damage, blast radius and count-down timer increase. For example a level 1 Time Bomb takes 6 seconds to explode and 2 minutes to cool-down. A Level 2 takes 12 seconds and 3 minutes to cool-down and a Level 3 Time Bomb takes 24 seconds to explode and 4 minutes to cool-down.
Preventing Time Bombs from Exploding in Your Base
A Time Bomb in your base can spell disaster for many
however you can delay the inevitable or even redirect them in an Allied mirror. Cryocopters and Cryopowers can freeze Time Bombs and the Chrono Rift protocols can put the bomb into a temporary stasis, buying you time to move units out of the way or sell structures. Time Bombs can also be chronoshifted back into an enemy base, but if your opponent also has a Chronosphere, they can shift them back again.
A level 1 Time Bomb will severely damage structures like Barracks, Power Plants, and tier 1 base defenses and also kill any unsuspecting infantry and tier 1 and 2 vehicles after a 6 second countdown. Level 2 Time Bombs will destroy Barracks, Power Plants and tier 1 base defense as well as destroy the previously mentioned units, but takes 12 seconds to explode and 3 minutes to cool-down. Level 3 Time Bombs are especially deadly since they can destroy the previously mentioned units and structures, but can also severely damage production structures to the point where a Vindicator or Surgical Strike will destroy them.
Surveillance Sweep/Chrono Rift/Free Trade Line
Surveillance Sweep
Surveillance Sweep is a very useful early game scouting tool that doesn't become obsolete throughout the game. This power basically gives a safe way of scouting any part of the map. Select 2 points on the map and three scout drones will fly in a line along that path, revealing everything underneath. This power is very useful as it comes with a short cool-down and allows you to get a guaranteed scout on your opponent before you commit to purchasing or attacking with certain units.监视扫描是早期游戏非常有效的侦察工具,在后期也不会荒废。这项能力基本上是提供了一种安全的侦察地图任何部分的方法。在地图上选择两个点,三架侦察无人机将会沿着这条路径飞过,暴露所有飞过的区域。这项能力非常有用,因为它拥有很短的冷却时间,在你决定建造或是用某些单位攻击之前,可以让你得到一个有保证的侦察对手的手段。
Chrono Rift I, II & III时空裂缝I,II,III
This is a very useful utility power which phases your opponent’s units and structures out of the battle for a brief period of time. These units cannot be attacked, and also are unable to do anything while in this state. The good thing about Chrono Rift, is that it will work on any of your opponent’s structures right from level I. It has a 4 second pre-attack delay, before everything under the area is affected. Coupled with a short cool-down, this power has some potential as a decent harassment power. 这是一个非常有用的应用能力,可以让你敌人的单位和建筑在一段时间内离开战场。这些单位不会被攻击,当然在这种状态下也不能做任何事情。对于时空裂缝好的方面是,在第一级的时候它就可以作用于敌人的任何建筑上。它拥有4秒的攻击前延迟,在所有东西都进入这个区域后起作用。配合短暂的冷却时间,这项能力作为有效的骚扰力量有很大潜力。
More points invested into the Chrono powers increases the size of the rift, the amount of time the effect lasts, and the protocol’s cool-down timer. At level 1, Chrono Rift phases units for 15 seconds, has a small area of effect, typically enough to phase a Construction Yard or 2-3 small buildings with a 1 minute cool-down. Level 2 phases for 30 seconds, has a larger area of effect, large enough to cover a standard sized army or an expansion, and has a 90 second cool-down time. Level 3 continues the pattern and phases for 45 seconds, has a massive area of effect, enough to cover a good proportion of a base, and has a 2 minute cool-down. Also, levels 2 and 3 Chrono Rifts leave your opponents helpless for 2-3 seconds as they phase back in, but they are still targetable.
Effectve Uses
Use Chrono Rift as a method of harassing your opponents expansion efforts, or denying them damage. Chrono Rift their MCV while it’s moving to an expansion, giving you time to get forces to intercept it, or alternatively chrono a retreating army to prevent it escaping, or a pursuing army to allow your units to get away.
Free Trade
This is a late game power that basically adds an increase onto the income from your Ore Collectors. It gives them a 25% increase in money brought in from then on, increasing it to $312.5 each run. This is useful in the late game if you're economy is behind or if you want to run an additional build/production queue.这是游戏后期的能力基本上是用来增加从你矿车中获得的收入。它可以让它们带回的现金有25%的增加,也就是从此开始,每次采矿就有312.5元的收入。这在游戏后期非常有用,特别是如果你的经济处于落后或是想要开启额外的生产建造序列的话。
High Technology/Chrono Swap/Cyrogeddon Line
高科技/空间交换/冰冻科技 一线
The High Technology, Chrono Swap and Cyrogeddon Support Powers are perhaps the least used powers in all of the Secret Protocol lines. But can still prove to be a rather useful line in the midst of a battle. High Technology allows units such as the Guardian Tank and Cyrocopter to get a boost in their secondary abilities, allowing for more destruction to ensue. Chrono Swap is does what it says, swapping to units on the battlefield, and keeps them phased out for a short period of time, depending on their distance apart. Last there are the Cyro-powers, which freezes most units and structures in an area of effect, but at early levels can’t freeze all units and structures. This power increases in strength, duration and radius for each tier purchased. 高科技,空间交换和冰冻科技支援力量大概是所有秘密协议中最少用到的路线了。但是它们在战斗中仍然可以被证明是相当有效的协议线路。高科技让单位诸如守护者坦克和冰冻直升机的第二能力有了很大增益,使它们可以更具破坏性。空间交换物如其名,可以交换战场上的单位,让他们相移一小段时间,这取决于他们分开的距离。最后是冰冻能力,它可以冰冻一个范围内的大部分单位和建筑,不过在早期它不能冰冻所有单位和建筑。这个能力随着每一点点数的投入,将会增加强度,时间和影响半径。
High Technology
High Technology is designed to bolster certain unit’s abilities, giving them more of an ‘expertise’ in that role, specifically, the Guardian Tank, Attack Dog, Cyrocopter and Aircraft Carriers. Guardian Tanks receive a 50% increase in their Laser Targeting, increasing the 50% damage increase all the way up to 100%. This means for every unit you have, it acts as if two units are firing on that target. Attack Dogs receive a boost to their Bark stun time from 5 seconds to 10 seconds, giving a larger safety barrier with which to dispose of infantry. The Cyrocopter’s Freeze Beam increases efficiency allowing a Cyrocopter to freeze a unit in less time. This makes it more of a hit and run unit on small targets, and is able to take on those big targets much quicker. Finally, the Aircraft Carrier receives a boost to the EMP ‘Blackout’ Missile, increasing in both area of effect, and time taken to recover from the after effects of the EMP.高科技是被实际用来增益特定单位的能力的,使他们在行使使命是更加“专业”,尤其是守护者坦克,狗,冰冻直升机和航母。守护者坦克在激光瞄准模式将得到50%的增益,增加50%的伤害,合在一起将达到100%。这就意味着每个你拥有的单位,都可以以一当二的攻击目标。对狗来说,它们的犬吠致晕时间将从5秒增加到10秒,这使得干掉敌人步兵变得更加安全。冰冻直升机的冰冻光束将更加有效,使他们可以在更短的时间内冰冻单位。这使得它不仅在对付小型目标时可以打带跑,同时也可以更快的搞定大型目标。最后,航母的EMP中断导弹能力,将在影响范围和敌人从EMP打击后的回复时间上都得到增益。
If you find yourself with a reasonable sized force consisting of Guardian Tanks and other ground forces, and are up against a similar force. Using High Technology and swapping one Guardian into its ‘Painter’ mode, it immediately doubles your attack force size in terms of the damage they do, giving an extra edge over the enemy.
Chrono Swap
This power requires you to choose two units on the battlefield to swap places. The distance of the forces affects the time taken to phase back in, during this phased state, they cannot move or attack, but can be attacked, similar to the Chrono Legionnaire of Red Alert 2. This allows for many unique combinations, such as zooming in a few Riptides or IFVs into an enemy base, and any left over, can be Chrono-Swapped for a Tanya-IFV, which can cause great chaos left unchecked. Another such example is using a Riptide to speed ahead towards enemy position, then swapping out for an Aircraft Carrier, so as to get towards the enemy sooner.这个能力需要你在战场上选择两个单位来对换位置。部队间的距离影响转回来的时间,在相移状态,他们不能攻击和移动,不过可以被攻击,想RA2里的时空兵一样。这让你拥有很多独特的组合,像转移一些激流或IFV到敌人基地里,比如可以是空间交换一个谭雅IFV,这将会造成巨大的混乱。另一个例子是用激流迅速冲向敌人,然后交换一个航母过去,以便航母可以尽快接近敌人。
Cyrogeddon I, II, III
The Cryo-powers are unique powers that can cause great devastation if used correctly. Cyrogeddon causes a beam similar to that of the Cyrocopter to come from the sky and freeze a small area on the ground or water, causing any units or buildings in the area to start to freeze. Units and structures are slowed down from a near frozen state to actually frozen, and subject to a one shot kill.冰冻能力是很独特的,如果使用得当将会给敌人造成巨大的灾难。冰冻能力可以从空中投下一道很像冰冻直升机发射的那种光束,然后冰冻地面或水中的一小片区域,让区域中的任何单位或建筑开始冰冻。单位和建筑将会慢慢从近结冰状态变成完全冰冻状态,然后可以被一击必杀。
The first tier has a small area, the size of a power plant, and if targeted right can freeze a Power Plant, Barracks and base defenses, as well as all Tier 1 units, and Tier 2 tanks. The second tier affects a larger area twice that of the original, and is able to freeze Power Plants, Barracks and base defenses, as well as a near freeze of production structures. All Tier 1 and 2 units can be frozen, as well as the Mirage Tank from Tier 3. Apocalypse Tanks and King Onis can only be frozen if they remain still while the power is in effect.第一级拥有小的范围,大概是一个电厂的大小,如果瞄准得当,可以冰冻一个电厂,兵营和基地防御,也可以冰冻所有以及单位和二级坦克。第二级拥有大一点的范围,大概两倍于一级,它可以冰冻电厂,兵营和基地防御,也可以基本冰冻一个生产建筑。所有1,2级的单位都可以被冰住,还有三级的幻影坦克。只有释放时天启坦克和鬼王处于静止才会被冰住。
The third tier doubles in size again, able to cover a small expansion. As well as being able to freeze any unit or structure, except for Construction Yards and super weapons. This allows for an easy blitz of Allied forces to destroy bases or armies with ease. 第三级再次加倍了作用范围,能够覆盖一个小的扩张点。同时可以冰冻任何单位和建筑,除了主基地和超武。这为盟军迅速轻松的摧毁基地和武装提供了便利。
While it is not always best to use this ability on an army with the intent of freezing then finishing them off, as most players will see the warning before it launches and move their forces. It is useful for preventing an enemy advance, or stopping their escape. By placing the power at a chokepoint, the enemy has no choice but to either wait for it to end to attack, or to stand and fight instead of retreating at the risk of being frozen solid.
Power Combination
While most games don’t last long enough for this combination to be effective, it can prove disastrous to your opponent in case it does. By launching the Cycrogeddon Power in conjunction with a Time Bomb, or Surgical Strike, can they deal a deadly blow to your opponents base. Just remember the countdown on the Time Bomb, and the un-freezing rate of structures and units for maximum effectiveness.
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3567金钱2973 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间146 小时评议0
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Soviet Protocols are centralized around Orbital Dumb, Desolator Airstrike and Magnetic Satellite and there are many cross-overs between the powers to make them more effective. Since Soviets are centralized around armored units, most of the upgrades are designed to help boost armor's effectiveness. For a breakdown of the Allied Secret Protocols, see the
Terror Drone Surprise/Toxic Corrosion/Satellite Bombardment Line
A mix of three different aspects throughout this line, the first power, Terror Drone Surprise, is able to spring terror into enemy armor and infantry, allowing most engagements to end in the users favor. Toxic Corrosion stops infantry swarms at the expense of allied units, and the Satellite Bombardment causes mass damage to enemy bases. Combined together they counter most of the aspects you’re confronted with in the average game.
Terror Drone Surprise
Terror Drone Surprise is a nifty little support protocol and there are a few reasons for this, The main one being if you’re going for a heavy ground assault this can give you an upper hand because there is a 25% chance that a Terror Drone will spring from the wreckage of your units and be used to infect the enemy units giving you a good surprise attack on the enemy. The chance of a Terror Drone popping out of a destroyed unit increases slightly as the Threat Level increases as well.
This is especially useful if the enemy is using their MCV as an assault unit because if you get a surprised terror drone into their MCV, They either have to retreat and save their MCV giving you the upper hand or they can make a last-ditch effort to crush what they can. Either way, if they lose their MCV, that's a huge advantage to you.
Toxic Corrosion
This protocol is used for destroying infantry much like the Desolator Airstrike, while also causing substantial damage for any lightly armored units that stay in the radiation patch for far too long. Castable only on allied units, it’s a power that takes some knowledge to use effectively.
Bullfrog – This is useful for the quick radiation explosion due to its weak health, and relatively good speed at charging towards the enemy.
Sickle - Nimble and fast enough to get around quickly and cause chaos, and also has enough health for the power to last long. The real charm is being able to flea jump into a mass of infantry, and then watching the subsequent chaos.
Hammer Tank - Due to its high health, the power would last for a long period of time, useful for creating a toxic wall stopping any infantry advances at choke points, as well as causing more damage to nearby infantry while crushing others.
Orbital Drop I, II & III
All 3 of these powers can be useful to either damage an army which isn't being watched or taking out an Ore Collector which is not being watched. The first level does low damage but can be useful and damaging units and structures for your army to go in and finish the job. The second level does more damage and can be used to destroy Ore Collectors. The final level Orbital Drop dumps a complete satellite station on the target, for more damage. When used with the Magnetic Satellite tech tree you can cause some extra damage for each unit sucked up. The more units you suck up with your Magnetic Satellite, the more are dropped. Using your enemy's or your own unit debris on the enemy's base causes a great deal more damage and is very handy if you need that extra damage to destroy an enemy building or a group of units.
Combining Powers
When Magnetic Satellite is used in conjunction with Orbital Drop, the majority of the units sucked up into space are then hurled back down as more space debris. This causes a huge damage increase depending on the amount of units sucked up.
Cash Bounty/Desolator Airstrike/Mass Production Line
现金奖励/清野空袭/大量生产 一线
The Cash Bounty/Desolator Airstrike/Mass Production Secret Protocol line is one of the most commonly used Soviet power trees. Cash Bounty can give players a much needed economic boost throughout the game while Desolator Airstrikes can easily wipe out masses of infantry. Although rarely seen, Mass Production can help lead the Soviets towards a late-game victory by reducing the cost of units.
Cash Bounty
Cash Bounty places a “bounty” on the units and structures within a small radius. When the unit or structure is killed or destroyed, the player who placed the bounty gets a total of 25% cash back for every targeted unit or structure that is destroyed. This adds insult to injury during small skirmishes by the outcome providing a small profit to you either way. While this only works on targeted units or buildings that are destroyed, it will not work when a unit is scrapped in the Crusher Crane, nor will it work with selling a targeted building. The only building where the cash bounty bonus applies when sold is the Construction Yard.
Desolator Airstrike I, II, & III
The Desolator Airstrike is an incredibly useful anti-infantry aerial bombardment which liquefies any infantry unfortunate enough to be caught under it. While it is not an anti-tank weapon, it does deal substantial damage to light vehicles only. Any vehicle with decent armor can just shrug it off, but it can still deal a world of pain to Allied man-spam.
Clearing Garrisons
Desolator Airstrikes are capable of clearing infantry garrisons! Use them to eliminate deadly yet hard-to-kill Tankbusters, Peacekeepers, and Javelin Soldiers walled up in civilian structures.
The first tier of Desolator Airstrike features only a single bomber with a small kill-radius. The second tier, appropriately named Desolator Dual Airstrike uses two bombers with an increased damage radius. Following the pattern set by the first two Desolator Airstrikes, the Desolator Delta Airstrike utilizes three bombers and has a very large area of effect. It is very good at taking out masses of infantry and tricky garrisons. Each of the Desolator Airstrikes takes about ten seconds to hit its target, so keep that in mind while trying to kill moving infantry.
Mass Production
Although not often seen used in competitive play due to shorter match lengths, Mass Production can turn the tables of a longer match. By reducing the cost of units by 25%, it allows Soviet players to produce more units allowing them to more easily overpower their opponents. Matches that go on past tier three can end up becoming campy and built up armies are easily destroyed before they get a chance to do any serious damage. By having more units out on the battle field, players can worry less about their economy and more about micromanagement and destroying their enemy.
Grinder Treads/Magnetic Satellite/Magnetic Singularity Line
碾压履带/磁力卫星/磁力奇点 一线
The Grinder Tread, Magnetic Satellite, Magnetic Singularity Line has seen the most change since the early stages of the Red Alert 3 Beta but remains the most useful Secret Protocol line in the Soviet arsenal. Grinder Treads allow units such as Hammer Tanks and Apocalypse Tanks to regain health by running over enemy units and is the only passive Protocol in this line. Magnetic Satellite on the other hand sucks up armored and naval units according to its strength and can be used in conjunction with Orbital Drop to drop those sucked up vehicles onto the battlefield. Finally there is Magnetic S it operates as a strange mixture of Vacuum Imploder and EMP Missile by powering down nearby structures and sucking in nearby units to the center.
Grinder Treads
This Protocol is designed to enhance Soviet land forces, much like Advanced Aeronautics and Fortified Fleet support Allied Aircraft and Imperial Navy respectively. Apocalypse tanks are the primary beneficiary of Grinder Treads because in secondary mode, the Apocalypse Tank gains health from &Grinding& its target using its Magnetic Harpoon. But, Hammer Tanks, Ore Collectors, and MCV also gain some health from running over infantry or vehicles.
Magnetic Satellite I, II, & III
Magnetic Satellite sends down a pulsating beam from the sky after a delay. You can select the beam by either tapping &Q& and selecting the Magnetic Satellite or by dragging a box around the base of the pulsating column. Any vehicles in the air, sea, or on land that pass through the beam will be sucked up according to their tech level. Tier 1 units can be sucked up by level one Magnetic Satellite, Tier 2 by level 2 Ore Collectors are considered tier 2 units for the sake of balance. However it should be noted that there is a significant difference in duration, radius, speed and pre-deployment delay. Level 3 Magnetic Satellite takes a while to get up and running but is very large, lasts a while, and moves very quickly compared to the short-lasting level one version.
Terror Drones No More!
Using Level 1 Magnetic Satellite you can literally suck out the Terror Drone infecting your vehicle. Just make sure your vehicle can't be sucked up either. It is not suggested for use on Sickles, Bullfrogs and other tier 1 units.
Magnetic Singularity
Magnetic Singularity is the final protocol in this line and has the largest effect on an opponent's army and/or base. It's primary use is to suck units into a central point allowing you to use some area-of-effect weapons or setting up those units for your tier 3 Magnetic Satellite, allowing you to keep those units in place while you wait for the delay. It also doubles as an infantry killer in a pinch and just generally it is a very useful late game protocol.
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3567金钱2973 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间146 小时评议0
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Empire Protocols are fairly straight forward and either increase the effectiveness of units or deal damage though non-direct ways. Final Squadron, Emperor's Rage and Balloon Bombs make up the core of each Protocol &tree& and upgrades and abilities help Imperial players adapt to the situation. For Allied and Soviet Secret Protocols, check the
Fortified Fleet, Point Defense Drones, Final Squadron Line
加强舰队,点防御蜂,神风中队 一线
The first tree, the one farthest to the left, contains powers that you would want to support a large array of vehicles or navy. The Final Squadron power is deals decent damage at it's target, but isn't the best.
Fortified Fleet
Fortified Fleet increases the health and line of sight of all naval, but not amphibious, units. As well as increasing the speed of all naval units in all aspects. Not the most effective power to choose straight off, unless one aims to get the subsequent powers down the line. This is only useful once Tier 2 or 3 N increasing the effectiveness of both Naganitas and Shogun Battleships. Unless of course early naval is an effective tactic on certain maps.
Point Defense Drones
The Point Defense Drones power is probably one of the few powers that actually are supporting your forces, instead of doing the work for you. When used, three drones appear above the selected armor units, and form a shield around them. They can take considerable punishment for your units, and then are destroyed. Once they are destroyed your units begin to take damage like normal. While these cannot be casts on flying units, if you have a transforming unit, the drones can be placed before they transform, and once transformed they stay with the unit. If used on a Sudden Transport, the drones are not visible to the enemy if it is disguised.
Final Squadron I, II, & III
The Final Squadron support power, is simply suicidal bombs with little turrets to take care of any infantry, or weakened armor and air units along their designated attack route. For each tier, they gain another 5 fighters to crash into the selected target. When cast, they choose a flight path coming from your starting base, and depending on distance from the target, is where they shall appear from. Used best to destroy a section of their base, and it is not recommended to use the power on enemy units, as most observant players will hear the warning sirens, and see the target flare, and move their units out of harm’s way.
The first tier is able to take out Power Plants, Barracks, and defensive Structures, as well as tier 1 and 2 units. The second tier cripples all productions structures and Refineries, as well as severely damaging or killing most Tier 3 units. The third tier destroys all buildings except for the MCV, as well as all units.
Honorable Discharge, Emperors Wrath, Robotic Assembly Line
万岁冲锋,帝国之怒,机器人组装 一线
This tree is good if you plan on using suicide units or are facing a faction that can run your units over. It's also decent in general, but really isn't a specialized path.
Honorable Discharge
This is a passive power makes all of your units, with the exception of infantry, explode when they die, dealing damage to enemy units that are near them, as well as your own forces. Also it increases the damage dealt by Burst Drones and Yari Subs suicide attacks. In any situation where an armored unit dies, be it shot, or crushed, the explosion deals significant damage.
Power Combinations
Honorable Discharge works in combination with both Balloon Bombs and Final Squadron, allowing both powers to deal much more damage. So much so that a Final Squadron Tier 1 can destroy a war factory with this power combination.
Emperor's Wrath I, II, & III
Emperors Wrath gives all ground within the targets area of effect an increased Rate of Fire, but slows them down significantly. Each Tier increases their rate of fire by a percentage, all the way up to 50% for Tier 3, but slows their speed dramatically for each tier. Best only used once an engagement is made, with little chance of your enemy backing off and making it off scott-free, or once inside an enemy base or expansion, for a quicker destruction.
Robotic Assembly
While most games will not last this long, when they do this power is one to get if there’s still enough money left on the map, and you want to spend it as soon as possible. Compared to the other powers, this is the least effective. Granting quicker build times for both units and structures, allowing anything to get onto the field in working order much quicker.
Advanced Rocketpods, Sleeper Ambush, Balloon Bombs Line
高级火箭包,沉睡埋伏,气球炸弹 一线
This tree is the most useful, due to the strength of the powers along it. It is a tree that isn't really specialized, but it is the best for harassment.
Advanced Rocketpods
Upgrades all rocket using units, which include the VX Turret, VX Striker/Chopper, Sea Wing and Rocket Angels. Advanced Rocket Pods increases damage dealt by all these units by 20%, which becomes a decider in any match-up with these units. This is generally best used whenever VX’s are used, especially at increasing their ability to harass Ore Collectors.
Sleeper Ambush
Sleep Ambush Provides player with 5 Tankbusters which slowly rise from the ground, during this time they can be easily killed by any form of anti-infantry. But if they are left unchecked, can cause great havoc by simply harassing a key area, or bolstering a mediocre force. This power is best used as a method of harassment, while distracting an opponent at one area, casting the power near a weak point in their base can cause great havoc in the short time that they are given to run amuck.
Balloon Bombs I, II, & III
Once cast the Balloons will start falling towards the earth, in a radius more focused than your casting area. The Balloon Bombs can be shot down by enemy anti-aircraft, but it will simply fall at a greater rate. You can move the Balloon Bombs around by selecting one, then pressing &W& twice once you're sure all the balloons have appeared from the sky. Once selected, they can be moved like normal units until they come in contact with the ground, or a unit or building. While able to catch up with units, it is not as effective as possible, and is better spent taking out buildings.
Each progressive tier adds more bombs, and thus, more damage. At tier one the bomb will kill a Power Plant or Barracks. At tier two it will almost destroy Refinery, War Factory, tech building, Barracks, or Power Plant. At tier three it will destroy any building you target, except for an MCV.
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3567金钱2973 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间146 小时评议0
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
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