
Better Germany than Italy.
A weak teammate does you more harm than a strong enemy.
A bullshit buddy sucks more than a holyshit enemy
Give me no burden, but Burning!
a piggish teammate fuck you.2.A toug a piggish teammate make you want to kill yourself.2.If you want to destroy a team, send them a piggish teammate.
The godlike opponent's plan to beat us is only a bad joke ,but our piglike teammate is a gifted comedian.上面这个自己想的然后以前在美服打LOL的时候见到过a 6 on 4 game is hard to play
six is more than five
A foolish teammate ruins more than a brilliant opponent does.
Unbeatable team is ruined by silly mate.
Surrender to your enemies or defeated by your teammates, your call.
I would prefer a godlike match rather than a piglike mate.
据说肯尼迪这样说过: We fear not God-like rivals, but pig-like team members.
It's better suck up an enemy than a sucking teamate.
Fight even against God,not with a pig。
I'd rather counter a tough-as-devil rival than accompany a fool-as-pig partner. 乱译……
实在不怎么会翻译,所以给演绎成了一个小段子。You could have been Satan when you fight God. However, you're doomed to go to hell when he has angels while you choose fools as your teammates. Alas, Amen.
Never afraid the opponents like god, but afraid the teammates like dog.个人翻译不求准确……附:万能Google的翻译No fear of God opponent, afraid of pigs as teammates
首先感谢邀请。这是翻译能力很糟糕的我的水平,见笑了!There are no fear of opponents
like god but
如果是在游戏里的话大部分老美说u fukin retard,没了
I would rather face 430 than support CTY上传时间:
节操还可以这么玩! 关注捧腹微信公众号:,送话费!
京ICP备号-5 京公网安备59号不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友。。。… | 蛋花儿 GIF 趣图
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