
随笔 - 233Unity3D首页、文档和下载 - 移动游戏软件框架 - 开源中国社区
当前访客身份:游客 [
Unity3D 是一个跨平台的浏览器/移动游戏软件框架,与Flash直接竞争,已经可以在iPhone上应用了
Unity3D引擎采用了和大型、专业的游戏开发引擎相同的架构方式和开发方式实现Web3D,对于Web3D行业来说,是一次大的飞跃,游戏是VR行业 的最高端,呵呵,但是现在都已经平民化了,甚至过春节在山区也能碰见搞VR的老乡,因为会用3Dmax或者VRP也算VR了,呵呵,但是Unity3D的 出现和大量应用将把Web3D拉到Game的快车道上来,让Web3D也&三高&起来,游戏行业的&高投入,高风险,高利润&众人皆知,但是第一高&高投 入&让很多Gamer不能揽Game Dev入怀,现在可以Unity3D了
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使用 Unity3D 中的任何问题
:我只想 呵呵……
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共有 149 人关注 Unity3D用Unity3D 做 Flappy Bird 游戏 - 简书
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用Unity3D 做 Flappy Bird 游戏
创建项目用到的文件夹 例如 images
scripts等,之后将图片素材拖入到images中, 如下图所示:
接着创建鸟扇动翅膀的动画 如下图所示
这样一个 Bird 扇动翅膀的动画就完成了
接下来呢,该为我们的小Bird 加上上下两个顶部, 如下图所示:
紧接着, 我们需要为小鸟能在按空格键或者鼠标右键的时候,跳一下,为此,在scripts文件夹下创建birds C# script 文件
下面解释一下代码:首先,C# 的程序入口在unity3d中被封装成了 Start() 和 Update()两个,其中 Start() 是在游戏启动后仅仅执行一次,一般完成一些初始化工作, 而Update()则是在游戏启动后逐帧执行,也即每帧执行一次Update()函数
第6行 定义了小鸟的飞行速度值, 即可以理解成没按一下按键上升多少距离第14行 检测是否触发了键盘的空格键或者是鼠标的右键,其中GetMouseButtonDown()的参数中0为左键,1为中键,2为右键,若触发则接着执行第15行的动作, 即将小鸟的y轴上的速度加上刚才设置的瞬时速度。第19行 的代码用来检测小鸟和上下顶的关系,若两者碰到则在终端打印 "Game Over" 并重新加载游戏ps: 这里要注意将上下两个顶部的名字重命名成为end
下一步先将照相机的投影模式改成正交模式, 因为我们做的是2d游戏,所以选择正交模式更加适合一些
然后为Flappy Bird 添加背景图片 首先和小鸟图片一样将导入的背景图片变成unity可以直接用的2d精灵图片, 之后直接拖到我们的场景中就可以了如下图所示:
这样一个基本的雏形已经完成了, 下面就该为小鸟添加障碍物
在这之前, 为了界面简洁可以将背景图片和上下顶部放到一个空的GameObject里然后命名这个GameObject为BG, 即如下图所示
接着将我们images文件夹中的pipe1像之前那样编程unity可用的精灵对象,之后拖到我们的场景列表中放置好位置后,复制一个相同的pipe出来 然后旋转180并拖动位置 像下图所示:
因为这两根柱子必须要对齐才行所以创建一个新的GameObject将两根柱子拖到其中,并命名该GameObject 为pipes
这样我们的柱子的场景就做好了 接下来 我们要做的是让柱子动起来,首先将其移出视线内,然后在scripts文件夹中创建Move c# script 文件用来控制柱子的移动
第6行: 首先设置柱子移动的距离 这个大家需要自己算一下自己的 我的柱子是从右向左 分别x的坐标为(7)和(-12)所以移动的距离为-19第7行: 设置了柱子移动的速度值第8行: 定义了柱子的终止位置(即一个三维向量)第11行: 在Start() 函数中首先计算出endPos坐标第16行: 在Update() 函数中计算柱子实时坐标第17行: 该行用来检测柱子是否移动到了终止坐标,一旦移动到了,则自我销毁。
到了这一步,我们的鸟儿应该可以穿越柱子啦, 但是这时候小鸟碰到柱子上并不会有什么反应,然么怎么加上小鸟碰到柱子时候结束游戏呢? 最简单的办法就是修改两个柱子的名字和上下底部一样为 end 并给柱子加上碰撞检测组件即如下图所示:
接下来我们创建更多的柱子, 为了实现这一点,要用到一个叫做预制的技术首先在images, scripts等在同一目录创建一个新的文件夹叫做 prebab。
然后在scripts文件夹中创建一个新的名叫 CreatePipes 的C# script 文件先将其拖拽到Main Camera下作为其组件,并写下以下代码:
第5行: 首先创建一个pipesPrefab的GameObject 待会用来关联之前的pipesP第8行: 重复调用 "Create"函数第12行: 实例化pipesPrefab, 即不断的制造柱子
写完后保存回到Unity3D 将prefab文件夹中的pipes和Main Camera中的 pipesPrefab 关联(即拖拽到标签为pipesPrefab 的值中)之后就可以将场景中原来的pipes 删除掉。
这样就能源源不断的出现柱子啦! :)
很显然,我们不能让柱子一直这么以一个不动的姿态出现, 下面来看看如何让柱子的高度发生些变化:完成这一步其实非常简单我们只需要自己测量下柱子在屏幕中y轴的上下临界值即可(例如pipes的y轴设置为3则上面的柱子恰好在屏幕上看不到,y轴设置为-3则下面的柱子恰好看不到)
如此以下 我们的柱子出现的时候位置就是随机的啦,效果如下所示:
接下来,我们为小鸟加上分数, 即每通过一个柱子,获得一点分数, 首先在场景中添加一个 Canvas(在场景列表中右键UI中选择Canvas)并在Canvas中添加Text移动到适宜的位置并修改其内容为0
接下来我们要如何知道小鸟通过了一个柱子呢? 这里用到触发检测, 即一种特殊的碰撞检测(不影响物体的运动,仅仅检测两者有没有碰着)
到这里触发体就设置好了,下面通过一个脚本来测试是否通过柱子并为其加分, 打开 之前创建的 Bird C# script 文件
第2行: 添加UnityEngine.UI库 以便可以获得Text对象第7、8行: 分别定义scoreText对象和整型score变量第30行: 该函数用于处理触发离开事件(即小鸟飞过柱子后分数+1)
最后一步, 得分时,如何加上声音呢,首先我们创建新的文件夹叫做audio并且将我们的声音资源文件添加进来, 然后打开 Bird 脚本文件 添加以下第6行和第35行代码之后保存退出:
然后将声音文件 关联到bird下得的coin:
· 202人关注
选择支付方式:分享使用Unity 3D免费版本编写游戏的教程(三) - 推酷
分享使用Unity 3D免费版本编写游戏的教程(三)
作者:John Boardman
请先阅读有关这一Unity 3D教程的
5.Kindle Fire(第一代)
6.三星Galaxy S2
7.三星Galaxy S3
8.三星Galaxy Nexus
9.HTC Desire
在最初宣称手机授权的免费版本时,我希望看到游戏是否可以不做出任何改变而运行于手机上。所以我便创造了构建设置并面向Android进行编译,然后将文件复制到我的三星Galaxy S3上进行尝试。我轻敲了开始游戏按键,然后在数据输入域中输入了我的信息。到目前为止一切都很棒!
bool touched =
bool space =
if (SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer) {
foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches) {
if (Input.touchCount == 1 && touch.phase == TouchPhase.&&&&&&&&&&& Stationary) {
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) {
if (touched || space) {
// fire weapon
所以碰触是作用于射击。简单地测试Input.touchCount = 2让我能够支持打开防护物,即在“S”之前所做的那里。其它“碰触”添加是关于,如果3个手指按住主屏幕,“重设数据”按键便会出现。这替代了之前打入“key”进行呈现的方法。
// From scriptPlayer.cs lines 38-61
void Update () {
float transH = 0;
float transV = 0;
Vector3 dir = Vector3.
if (!useKeyboard) {
dir.x = Input.acceleration.x;
dir.y = Input.acceleration.y;
transH = dir.x * (playerSpeedH + 10.0f) * Time.deltaT
transV = dir.y * (playerSpeedV + 10.0f) * Time.deltaT
// calculate x and y movement based on time
transH = Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) * playerSpeedH * Time.deltaT
transV = Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) * playerSpeedV * Time.deltaT
transform.Translate(transH, transV, 0);
float z = transform.position.z;
// ensure movement does not go outside playfield
transform.position = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.x,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& playerPosHMin, playerPosHMax), Mathf.Clamp&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (transform.position.y, playerPosVMin,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& playerPosVMax) , z);
使用基本的Unity去设计UI具有一定的挑战性。Asset Store中有一些库存能够提供帮助,但是因为我们所面对的是一款简单的游戏,所以我只想使用基本的Unity,从而避免对于任何费钱的库存的依赖。当我为会议创造UI时,我只需要为一个屏幕分辨率费心。而现在我却面对着一个未知范围的分辨率。
在这种情况下,我发现面向Unity 3的分辨率并不能支持手机上的动态字体。我记得曾在Unity 4上看过有关手机的动态字体,但是我却找不到任何有关它的例子。最后,我决定尝试看看这一脚本,即使用Screen.dpi去决定特定屏幕的字体大小。我敢保证,如果Unity可以返回一个数值(除了0)进行呈现(而不是报告它们的DPI),这一方法便会很有效。我需要一些能够作用于任何平台和屏幕的内容,如此便不需要进行删减了。
screenshot(from gamasutra)
screenshot(from gamasutra)
public static int GetSizeFromResolution() {
int size = (int)(Screen.width * .016);
if (SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer) {
size = (int)(Screen.width * .024);
if (size & 5) size = 5;
if (blah == true)
do something else…
public static string MakeString(string text, int size, string color, bool&&&& bold, bool italic) {
string newText = “”;
if (color != null) newText += “”;
if (bold) newText += “”;
if (italic) newText += “”;
newText +=
if (italic) newText += “”;
if (bold) newText += “”;
if (color != null) newText += “”;
newText += “”;
return newT
void OnGUI() {
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
style.richText =
style.normal.textColor = Color.
int size = scriptFont.GetSizeFromResolution();
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size), scriptFont.MakeString&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (“Time&& : ” + gameTime), style);
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size), scriptFont.MakeString&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (“Score& : ” + score), style);
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size), scriptFont.MakeString&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (“Lives& : ” + lives), style);
if (!shieldOff) {
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size),
scriptFont.MakeString(“Shield : ” + shieldStrength),&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& style);
if (score &= bonusScore) {
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size),
scriptFont.MakeString(“AUTOFIRE”, “red”, true, true),&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& style);
void OnGUI () {
int size = scriptFont.GetSizeFromResolution();
GUIStyle boxStyle = GUI.skin.
boxStyle.richText =
boxStyle.normal.textColor = Color.
GUIStyle buttonStyle = GUI.skin.
buttonStyle.richText =
buttonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.
buttonStyle.fontSize =
button(from gamasutra)
button(from gamasutra)
void Start() {
Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeL
inspector(from gamasutra)
接下来我选择了Android API的最低级别,如此即使是在我儿子的DroidX上也能够运行了。我也基于同样原因选择了OpenGL ES 1.x。我认为这很有趣,因为我不能禁止互联网连接,尽管我知道自己并不需要这么做。
你需要安装一个ADT(Android开发工具包)。然后你只需要在Unity询问时告诉它ADT在哪里便可。尽管Build Settings为Android提供了“创建并运行”的选择,但是它却不能找到我的设备。相反地,我将自己的Android设备作为大容量储存器,将APK复制到下载文件夹中,然后使用内嵌文件应用(三星)或已安装的ES File Explorer去找到应用并安装它。你将能够从未知的资源中安装应用并允许它安装游戏。
inspector(from gamasutra)
inspector(from gamasutra)
Writing Games With Unity 3D, Part 3 – Mobile!
by John Boardman
Part 3 of this blog series is going to be a fun one because we’re going beyond PC/Mac and beginning to support iOS and Android! Unity 4 made this possible by altering the basic version of the license for these platforms to be free (THANK YOU!). I learned a lot through this process and wanted to share it with all of you.
We will be building on Part 1 and Part 2 in this Unity 3D tutorial – so if you haven’t read them yet, head on over there first. One thing you will notice here is that I’ve dropped the JavaScript that we covered before. I found that for what I am doing, the syntax is so similar that it is trivial to convert from one language to another. So, I’m just including my language of choice for Unity which is C#.
In Part 3, we’ll cover the following items:
Changes to the game from the conference version detailed in Parts 1 & 2
Supporting accelerometers, touch screens, and keyboards
Using dynamic fonts to make resolution-independent UIs that work on handhelds and traditional computers
Gathering input when no keyboard (virtual or otherwise) will work
Unity build settings for iOS and Android
Implementing settings
The code has been updated on GitHub, so you are free to download it and alter it in any way you want to make your own game!
The game has been tested successfully on:
3.iPad (4th Gen)
4.iPhone 5
5.Kindle Fire (1st Gen)
6.Samsung Galaxy S2
7.Samsung Galaxy S3
8.Samsung Galaxy Nexus
9.HTC Desire
Changes to the game from the conference version
The conference version of the game was primarily created for marketing purposes. Therefore, before the user played the game, a screen would appear asking for information. The game would also only save the player’s score the first time they played it. Neither of those work very well for general use and game playing fun! So, in this version, the information screen is gone and as long as the score is in the top 10 it will be saved. Also, instead of all the marketing information it now just asks for initials (loosely defined, as I threw in some punctuation characters and numbers just to make it interesting).
Supporting accelerometers, touch screens, and keyboards
When the free versions of the mobile licenses were first announced, I wanted to see how close my game could come to running on mobile with no changes at all. So, I brought up the build settings and compiled for Android, then copied the file to my Samsung Galaxy S3 (SGS3) to try it out. I tapped the Start Game button, then on the entry fields and entered my information. So far so good!
Everything was fine until the screen that stated “Press Space to Start.” But of course, there was no space bar and no way to get to the virtual keyboard. “This should be easy” I thought… and went to figure out how to make a tap act like a key press. Looking at the docs for Input.touches along with TouchPhase.Stationary led me to my first attempt at using touch as a keypress. I used Stationary because I thought “yah I only want it to tell me if the user’s finger hasn’t moved.”
I also hunted around for a generic way to know if the code was running on a mobile device. The most useful thing I could come up with was to test for an accelerometer to avoid getting into checking operating system strings and getting too specific. While this may not account for 100% of the mobile devices out there, it has worked for everything I have tried, and in lieu of something like “supportsTouch” it is close enough for me.
bool touched =
bool space =
if (SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer) {
foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches) {
if (Input.touchCount == 1 && touch.phase == TouchPhase.&&&&&&&&&&& Stationary) {
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) {
if (touched || space) {
// fire weapon
This worked…sort of! It turns out that Stationary means “keep returning yes for every frame while the user’s finger is on the screen and hasn’t moved” which meant I had accidentally implemented autofire without meaning to. I ended up using that as a power up after the user scores 10,000 points. To limit the firing to “once per tap,” use TouchPhase.Began instead.
Okay, so touch is working for fire. Simply testing for Input.touchCount = 2 gave me a way to support turning on the shield where ‘S’ did before. The other “touch” addition was that if 3 fingers are held down on the main screen, the “Reset Data” button will appear. This is instead of typing “key” to show it like it did before (that still works in the keyboard version).
Now then, we can fire and have a shield, but we still can’t move. That’s where the accelerometer comes in. I wanted my transformation position to end up the same whether the user was using tilt or the arrow keys. This was accomplished by first checking to see if the keyboard is in use (discussed later in Settings). If it is not, then ask Unity what the current X and Y acceleration is. These values change based on how tilted the screen is from level on the horizontal and vertical axes. The farther the tilt, the higher the value.
After some experimentation, I determined that the default values didn’t provide enough sensitivity. I played around with the “fudge factor” until 10.0f felt about right (I’ve bolded this value in the code below). This value probably should be exposed to Unity and also made a Setting so the user can adjust the sensitivity, but after testing with 10 different devices all of them felt about the same with that value. Further, this value made it feel similar to using the keyboard arrows.
So anyway, once the X and Y transform values were normalized, I told the transform for the player to move to that position, then clamped the position to the playfield so the user couldn’t move off of the screen.
// From scriptPlayer.cs lines 38-61
void Update () {
float transH = 0;
float transV = 0;
Vector3 dir = Vector3.
if (!useKeyboard) {
dir.x = Input.acceleration.x;
dir.y = Input.acceleration.y;
transH = dir.x * (playerSpeedH + 10.0f) * Time.deltaT
transV = dir.y * (playerSpeedV + 10.0f) * Time.deltaT
// calculate x and y movement based on time
transH = Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) * playerSpeedH * Time.deltaT
transV = Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) * playerSpeedV * Time.deltaT
transform.Translate(transH, transV, 0);
float z = transform.position.z;
// ensure movement does not go outside playfield
transform.position = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.x,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& playerPosHMin, playerPosHMax), Mathf.Clamp&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (transform.position.y, playerPosVMin,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& playerPosVMax) , z);
With this code in place, the player can now move, fire, and invoke the shield. With this simple game that’s all there is to change for the game to be playable.
Unity is an awesome cross-platform tool for game development! These changes only took a few hours to get going thanks to great documentation and a few Google searches for examples. When you get stuck, remember that someone else has too, and the answer is likely only a search or two away because of the fantastic community using and sharing information about Unity. With gameplay fixed, I next turned my focus to the UI, because there was definitely something amiss…
Using dynamic fonts to make resolution-independent UIs that work on handhelds and traditional computers
Designing a UI using basic Unity is a bit of a challenge. There are definitely libraries in the Asset Store that can help, but for this simple game I wanted to use only base Unity to remove the reliance on any libraries that would cost money. When I did the UI for the conference, I only had one screen resolution to worry about. Now, I had an unknown range of resolutions.
When testing the game, I noticed that the font was very small on the mobile devices, because they had very large screen resolutions in a very small display. So, I did what I always do in these situations, I started searching Google to see what other people had done before me.
In this case, I found solutions geared for Unity 3, which did not support dynamic fonts in mobile. I remembered reading about dynamic fonts for mobile in Unity 4, but I couldn’t find any examples of it. Finally, I tried this script which uses Screen.dpi to determine the font size for a particular screen. I’m sure it would work great if Unity could return a value other than zero for displays that do not report their DPI. I needed something that would work on any platform and any screen, so that would not cut it.
Instead, I chose to base my font size on the screen resolution, because Screen.width always returns the width of the current window the game is running in, or the screen width if it is fullscreen. I only base the font size on screen width because I always run the game in landscape. Below are two screenshots to display the problem that I am solving.
The first screenshot is how the game looked without dynamic fonts. Squeeze this picture onto a mobile device and you can get a feel for just how small the default fonts rendered on the screen. The buttons were so small it was tricky to choose the right one.
The second screenshot shows what the screen looks like with dynamic fonts. I could fix up the vertical size of the box a little more, but the point is that the display is now consistently large no matter what screen resolution is being used.
The calculation for font size is based on the width of the screen times another fudge factor (which again could be exposed to Unity and made a Setting for the user to control). I tried to use the same code for laptop/desktops and mobile, but due to the large discrepancy in DPI between the two, I ended up using different factors. If the font size ends up being less than 5, I force it to 5.
These two fudge factors have a lot of power, because changing them just a little scales the UI a lot. Be sure to try it out to see what I’m talking about. Keep in mind that only by deploying to devices can you see the dramatic difference due to the DPI differences.
This is the first method in my class scriptFont.cs:
public static int GetSizeFromResolution() {
int size = (int)(Screen.width * .016);
if (SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer) {
size = (int)(Screen.width * .024);
if (size & 5) size = 5;
Now we know what font size to use, but how do we tell Unity about it? Well…in my experience the answer is “it depends” and I’ll show you why. Unity now supports using XML-like tags to specify properties about a font.
Let’s see how that works by looking at another method in scriptFont called MakeString(). I created this method as a shortcut to building the tagged string for displaying the font I wanted. I’ve shortened the method here to conserve screen space, but I always recommend using brackets around all if statements to keep from unintended side effects such as the example below, where callMethod2() is always called no matter what “blah” is set to. However, due to formatting, it is very difficult to see the problem and it can be very frustrating to track down depending on what the code is doing.
if (blah == true)
do something else…
So, don’t do it, okay?
Anyway, the following method is an easy shortcut for making a tagged string a certain size, a certain color, bold, and/or italic. I also have other shortcut methods that leave out various parameters.
public static string MakeString(string text, int size, string color, bool&&&& bold, bool italic) {
string newText = “”;
if (color != null) newText += “”;
if (bold) newText += “”;
if (italic) newText += “”;
newText +=
if (italic) newText += “”;
if (bold) newText += “”;
if (color != null) newText += “”;
newText += “”;
return newT
Cool, now we can make interesting strings, but two more gotchas are waiting! First, in GUIStyle is an instance variable called richText. If it is not set to true, the XML won’t work! Second, GUIStyle can only be used inside of OnGUI. If you try to use it outside of that method Unity will complain.
There is a style for each type of UI control. In most cases, we just want to augment the style with our font information and go with it. However, for Label we want to create a brand new style and use that. I tried a variety of things to use the existing style, but it wouldn’t accept my changes. This might be a bug in Unity or an error on my part, but when I used a brand new style it resolved the issue. So let’s bring this all together with one of the UI screens to see how it works. The easiest is the actual gameplay screen, where the score and other information are shown in the upper left corner. The following is from scriptSceneManager.cs.
void OnGUI() {
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
style.richText =
style.normal.textColor = Color.
int size = scriptFont.GetSizeFromResolution();
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size), scriptFont.MakeString&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (“Time&& : ” + gameTime), style);
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size), scriptFont.MakeString&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (“Score& : ” + score), style);
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size), scriptFont.MakeString&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (“Lives& : ” + lives), style);
if (!shieldOff) {
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size),
scriptFont.MakeString(“Shield : ” + shieldStrength),&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& style);
if (score &= bonusScore) {
y += size + 1;
GUI.Label(new Rect(size, y, size * 10, size),
scriptFont.MakeString(“AUTOFIRE”, “red”, true, true),&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& style);
I’m setting the text color to white because the background is black. Notice that the position and size of all of the UI elements are determined by using the calculated font size and a few offsets for space. Having the font size turns the screen into a virtual set of rows and columns to use instead of pixels. All strings utilize the MakeString method to build the XML-like text for the controls to use, making it so we don’t have to see all those messy tags. Creating a new style works for Label, but for Button and Box we have to take a different approach and alter the built-in style. Why? Hmm, I wish I could answer that logically, but I figured it out from coding and testing. This code is from scriptScreenMainMenu.cs.
void OnGUI () {
int size = scriptFont.GetSizeFromResolution();
GUIStyle boxStyle = GUI.skin.
boxStyle.richText =
boxStyle.normal.textColor = Color.
GUIStyle buttonStyle = GUI.skin.
buttonStyle.richText =
buttonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.
buttonStyle.fontSize =
GUI.skin contains the built-in styles, which we are free to retrieve and alter however we want. For Box, it is just a matter of turning on richText and setting the textColor. Buttons were more stubborn. Despite everything I tried, unless I set the fontSize in the Button’s style it would not work. It always seemed to ignore the richText setting.
Gathering input when no keyboard (virtual or otherwise) will work
Sometimes, devices or operating systems do things that make no sense at all. I ran into two situations like that and I found other developers that have run into these as well. Just to spread the wealth, one was iOS and the other an Android device, so understand that I’m not favoring one environment over another – I would just like them all to work equally well!
HTC (Desire) – The Desire refuses to lend Unity its virtual keyboard. Nothing I tried would display it. Others have reported the same problem on other HTC devices here and here and I’m sure other places.
iOS – with Android devices, you can pair a bluetooth keyboard (I used a Zagg), choose the keyboard setting (see the next section) and play using the keyboard instead of the touch screen & accelerometer. iOS on the other hand refuses to relay the keyboard events to Unity, so this does not work. I don’t know if it is iOS or Unity’s fault, but the end result is the same – iOS users are locked out of this useful feature.
So, in these cases, what recourse is there? For iOS the user is relegated to just using touch, but the HTC problem is more severe because even the virtual keyboard doesn’t work. For my high score screen I wanted to allow the user to enter their initials (this is a change from the conference version which asked for more information). With no keyboard, I decided that buttons would be a better option. Since this was a retro-style game it worked to have a retro-style high score screen. Other games that rely more on the keyboard may need to explore other options for getting around this limitation.
Even with the choice of using buttons, I still have to make several iterations over the design in order to create a UI that was easy to use with touch. For example, don’t put the current initials below the buttons, or the user won’t be able to see them because their finger will be in the way! Also make the buttons big enough that the user can feel confident about which button they are pressing. Finally, I spaced the SAVE button down far enough that it wouldn’t accidentally be hit.
Implementing Settings
When I realized that there was an option for Android devices to use a paired bluetooth keyboard, I was left with a quandary. I couldn’t find anything in Unity for detecting the presence of a “real” keyboard, so I couldn’t automate it. Many (if not all) games have a Settings area for configuring environmental factors such as sound effects, music, and sensitivity, so I decided this would be a good option for supporting the keyboard.
As with the high scores, PlayerPrefs is the place I chose to store this setting. I chose the key “keyshot.input” to store the setting, with simple “keyboard” or “touchscreen” strings for the value. If nothing has been set for the value, the default is “keyboard” if no accelerometer is detected, or “touchscreen” if one is. After adding a Settings button to the main menu, it was simple to add another screen and a few more buttons to support this functionality. It isn’t the prettiest UI, but it gets the job done
Unity Build Settings for iOS and Android
I’m including screenshots of my build settings for iOS and Android, because there are a few things to keep in mind when building for these platforms. Notice the “Use 32-bit Display Buffer” and “Use 24-bit Depth Buffer” are unchecked. When I had these checked, I had screen redraw issues and it looked terrible. I set the default orientation to landscape left and also set this on each of my scripts like this:
void Start() {
Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeL
Next, I chose the lowest level of the Android API I could so that devices like my son’s DroidX would work. I also chose OpenGL ES 1.x for the same reason. I thought it was interesting that I could not disable Internet Access even though I knew I didn’t need it.
You will need to install an ADT (Android Development Toolkit) to build with. I used the one here and followed the instructions. Then you just tell Unity where the ADT is when it asks. Even though Build Settings has a “Build and Run” option for Android, it never seemed to be able to find my devices. Instead, I connected my Androids as mass storage devices, copied the APK to the download folder, then used either the built-in file app (Samsung) or installed ES File Explorer to find the app and install it. You will have to enable installing apps from unknown sources to allow installing the game.
For iOS, I chose iPhone + iPad for the Target device and the native resolution since this app supports them all. Note that to compile for iOS you have to use a Mac, have the latest version of XCode installed, be an Apple developer, and have your app and device registered.
Once that ordeal is finished, from Unity you can choose “Build and Run” and Unity handles XCode all by itself and installs your app onto the device. This is super convenient and saves time switching to XCode to finish the builds.
Unity provides a wonderful environment to build games (and many other applications!) for every major platform out there, with more coming all the time. With all of the community support, along with Unity’s excellent documentation, it is possible to achieve the goal of creating games for people to enjoy.
In the past, I spent months writing game engines from scratch (one was a 90 degree turning dungeon crawler on a Commodore Amiga, another was a Doom-style ray caster in Windows 95 with a Pentium 60), along with a bookshelf full of books on writing game engines, only to have new technology render them obsolete. Unity provides a platform in which they worry about keeping up with technology and I worry about creating the best game I can. I am truly excited about moving on to create a multiplayer game with my son that we have designed together. I am confident that with Unity having our back we will be successful in implementing a genre-changing fun experience that many people will enjoy.
Thank you so much for following along with my blogging. If you have questions please contact me. I’m learning along with everyone else but I will help in any way I can!(
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