一个小孩处处鲁迅碰壁的事例 玩游戏 最后 you good 的图片

一个美国家喻户晓的I Spy游戏_百度文库
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一个美国家喻户晓的I Spy游戏|
You: heyStranger: hiYou: how are you?Stranger: botheredStranger: you?You: :D&& hmm.very goodYou: why ?You: Why are you bothering Stranger: because my brother blackmailed meYou: Why would he do that? Stranger: he caught me masturbating on videoYou: hmmYou: How he could be so Stranger: so he said if i want to keep it a secret i have to have sex with himYou: He's not kidding you? Stranger: no i already sucked it for himYou: How old you are? Stranger: 13You: How old your brother? Stranger: 16You: You should tell your mother You: Your brother do this is shamefulStranger: then she'll know i was masturbating for peopleYou: heyStranger: hiYou: how are you?Stranger: botheredStranger: you?You: :D&& hmm.very goodYou: why ?You: Why are you bothering Stranger: because my brother blackmailed meYou: Why would he do that? Stranger: he caught me masturbating on videoYou: hmmYou: How he could be so Stranger: so he said if i want to keep it a secret i have to have sex with himYou: He's not kidding you? Stranger: no i already sucked it for himYou: How old you are? Stranger: 13You: How old your brother? Stranger: 16You: You should tell your mother You: Your brother do this is shamefulStranger: then she'll know i was masturbating for peopleYou: But can't let your brother so threatening you You: Masturbation is children youth transition Stranger: i don't know what to do he'll be back soonYou: You can't let him do his thing You: He was not worthy to do your brother You: Your mother know you masturbate? agoStranger: noStranger: my parents are christianYou: You should tell your mother, she will forgive you Stranger: kYou: you come from?Stranger: californiaYou: hmm.&&Stranger: i have to go he's homeStranger: i'll be backYou: You want to good? You: You can't You: You should try to tell your mother You: Your brother will be insatiable Stranger: .....backYou: how about?Stranger: i couldn't tell herYou: But if you agree to your brother, Your brother will be insatiable Stranger: he wants to again in an hourYou: ohYou: You there's late at night? Stranger: yeaYou: so.What time do you want to sleep? Stranger: idkYou: Your brother peacetime to hello? 英语很烂,
1楼 15:17&|
2楼 15:19&|
3楼 15:28&|
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或& 推荐一个美国家喻户晓的I Spy游戏吧!
I Spy游戏在美国可以说是家喻户晓。当听到&I spy with my little eye.&每个美国人都会重温起童年记忆中的温馨和快乐。这个游戏不仅仅是几句英文,还是一种文化的熏染。中国孩子在童年时期,玩这类趣味的游戏,就获得了和美国孩子一样的文化体验。在他们长大之后,能更容易理解对方,真正具备国际化人才的视野和胸怀。 & 道具 孩子认识的物品或图片若干,旧报纸 人数 2人(孩子和家长) 适合年龄 3岁以上 玩法 家长和孩子坐在一起。家长环顾四周,找到一个物品(或物品的图片),用语言进行描述,但不说出确切的名字,让孩子猜一猜是什么东西,说出名称,或者指出来。家长可以描述物品的颜色、大小、位置等特征,也可以用肢体动作来辅助孩子理解。 这个游戏可以在家里进行,也可以在户外进行。对小孩子,建议家长做一个&单筒望远镜&(把报纸卷起来),来增加游戏的趣味性,吸引孩子去观察周围的事物。 在玩游戏的时候,家长可以用下列句子引导孩子观察: &I spy with my little eye.&(透过报纸卷环视四周) &It&s something red. It can swim.&& 当孩子找到符合要求的物品时,家长立刻回应: &Yes, it&s a goldfish. Good for you!& 当孩子回答不上来时,可用眼神引导孩子朝着某个方向找,教孩子用英语询问&Is it a &?& 当孩子对游戏规则熟悉之后,家长可与孩子变换游戏角色。让孩子描述一个物品,家长来猜。在游戏的过程中,双方可采用如下语句进行对话。 孩子:&I spy with my little eye.& && &&&&It&s something green. It is very tall.&
家长:&Is it a tree?& 孩子:&Yes, it&s a tree.& I Spy游戏对提高孩子的语言应用能力和建立英语思维非常有帮助。孩子在游戏的过程中,通过对物品属性的了解,围绕着这个核心概念,建立起了一个立体的语言网。孩子不是单纯记住了某个名词,而是在英文环境中掌握了一个概念。这和美国孩子掌握概念的过程是一样的。这样,在孩子头脑中就逐渐建立起了英语的思维系统。当孩子需要使用这个概念时,可以很迅速地从英语思维系统中调用,不必受汉语&&译的限制。 &&& 孩子在寻找的过程中,观察能力得到了很好的练习。在成人的引导下,孩子有意识地观察物品的各种属性,把这些细节与家长给出的线索相比较,找出相同点和不同点,最后把这些属性加以综合,推理出需要寻找的是什么物品。这种方式会帮助孩子养成良好的观察习惯和思维习惯,大大提高判断的准确度和灵敏度。}


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