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今天 Nexus 5 手机收到了 Android 5.0.1 升级推送,升级更新包大小为 13.3MB,主要功...
HTC 今年推出 HTC One
M8 距今已经有很长一段时间了,所以我们可以肯定,HTC 正在努...
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为防止黑客窃取用户隐私,苹果再次为网页版的 iCloud 推出两步验证,这样看起来似乎安...
今日所推荐的《模拟烟花》(Fireworks Simulator)是一款模拟烟花汇演的休闲游戏,这...
《Tap Titans(点爆巨人)》是一款这周四新上架的游戏,该作十分的丧心病狂,它的玩法...
游戏开发商The Binary Mill原来计划在上周发布旗下最新赛车竞速游戏《环球竞速(Mini ...
《卡丁车明星》(Kart Stars)是一款极具激情的卡丁车赛车游戏,与其他各种卡通主题的卡...
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《永不言弃》(Give It Up!)是一款极具音乐艺术气息,节奏感十足的跑酷类游戏,游戏...
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全球游戏外设的领导者 SteelSeries 赛睿,今天宣布正式发布 Stratus XL。
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益智冒险类超级强贴:&big fish HD&合集 解密游戏超级经典!!(6.25增加白金汉宫更新!)不断更新,求支持~~~
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间724 小时 UID
白苹果, 积分 879, 距离下一级还需 621 积分
严重声明:所有游戏均从网上收集,仅供体验~~感谢原分享者~~如有能力请从itunes购买正版~~in-app的游戏就不分享了,请自行下载并安装补丁! 这里只提供完整付费版的下载!!!看之前的情况,big fish一般会先放出iap的免费版,之后一个月左右就会放出付费完整版的游戏,所以请懒得装补丁的FY积极关注本贴的更新哦~~~& & & &另外,所有游戏在4.2.1上完美运行,不排除在其他版本上出现秒退的情况~~~~
big fish 是一家著名的游戏公司,出过很多经典游戏,画面十分精致,特别是解密类游戏(hidden objects)最为经典,逻辑性较强,内容也很丰富。
1 Amazon: Hidden Expedition 1.7.3 亚马逊探险:隐秘的征程 1.7.5已更新
亚马逊探险:隐秘的征程Amazon: Hidden Expedition是一款以神秘的亚马逊热带丛林为故事背景的解谜游戏,是Big Fish继Everest:Hidden Expedition的又一力作!游戏容量再度突破400MB,推荐下载享受解谜的乐趣。
“…one of the slickest hidden object games we’ve played”
Slide to Play 4/4 ‘Must Have’
&Amazon: Hidden Expedition is probably the best hidden object game I’ve played both on iPhone, and on iPad.&
&With phenomenal hint systems, a lengthy adventure, and inventive multiplayer on iPad, Amazon: Hidden Expedition is a delight.&
Pocket Gamer '8/10 Silver Award and Top 10 most promising iPad launch titles'
'..a very immersive and addictive hidden objects game.'
2 Azada HD 1.0 阿扎达 HD
Bigfish Games 带来的解谜大作,故事发生在一本被诅咒魔法书里,里面封印着提多好玩单机您必须解决阿扎达一系列的迷题,寻找隐藏的线索,才能释放他。游戏画面是本作的亮点之一,丰富的背景图象绘制出丰富而别致的场景环境,并且表现的都十分细腻精美。特别是过关后的动画效果,给人以气势恢弘切的逼真感觉。
游戏有 40 个解迷关卡,跟随故事剧情通关后玩家可任意选择其一进行游戏。众多的谜题类型加上丰富多彩的小游戏,绝对是喜欢解迷类玩家不可错过的必玩之作。
** Requires Game Center to play.
** Issues loading the game? We've found restarting your device may help resolve this in some cases.
Trapped in a haunted room by his great-uncle, the adventurous Titus has asked you to help release him from the magical spell. To do this, you must solve the most mysterious puzzles of Azada now enhanced and remastered for iPad! Crack a series of puzzles and fill in the missing pages of the enchanted book to free Titus from his prison.
☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆
? Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad.?
? Integrated Game Center Achievements.
? Play through over 40 unique puzzles.
? 5 magical master-level puzzles.
? Conquer multiple 'escape the room' challenges.
3 Awakening: The Dreamless Castle HD 1.1 觉醒:无梦城
从一座古堡中醒来的你,发现对周围的环境充满陌生感。这里是哪儿?我为什么在这里?被种种谜团包围的你在一位小精灵伙伴的帮助下决定逃离这座城堡,你需要面对一系列的谜题,发现隐藏的线索,最终离开这座古堡。游戏画面精美,难度适中,对应GAME CENTER和成就系统。女主角很软!对此类游戏有爱的玩家不要错过!
After Awakening in a mysterious castle it’s up to you to collect clues and valuable items needed to solve perplexing puzzles and escape! Listen to your fairy friend as she guides you towards the exit. In the graphically rich iPad version, play fun mini-games and solve clever locks to make it to the next room in the castle. Use your Hidden Object skills to search for the next hint and discover a young Princess’ destiny in Awakening: The Dreamless Castle.
- Fun, challenging mini-games and puzzles to solve along your quest
- Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards
- Challenge for the high score in Goblinjong mode!
<font color="# Ancient Spirits: Columbus&#39; Legacy 1.0.27 古之精魂:哥伦布的传说
A Mysterious ghost story, gripping thriller and historical adventure!
Virginia and Professor MacNara have found Christopher Columbus’ missing ship! Though it is over 500 years old, it still looks like it was abandoned only yesterday. Discover a mysterious artifact as you explore the galleon in Ancient Spirits: Columbus Legacy and solve a mystical puzzle that transcends time in this fun and exciting Hidden Object Adventure.
-160 scenes to discover
-Thrilling mini Games
-Scrolling scenes for cinematic gaming experience
-High resolution ‘HD’ graphics
-Game Center achievements
-Thousands of clues to find
-Mysterious atmosphere
-Explore a haunted island
<font color="# Buckingham Palace: Hidden Mysteries HD (Full) 1.0.0 白金汉宫之谜 1.0.2已更新
这是一款在PC上非常有名的解谜找图游戏!由Big Fish制作这个是其IP移植版本,其实有算是个老游戏了!
Travel to Buckingham Palace, the home of the kings and queens of England, and one of the most visited places in the world! Scour this famous building and its surroundings for hidden objects, collect items to unlock puzzles, and learn about the palace’s remarkable history. Uncover the mysteries behind Buckingham Palace in this version remastered exclusively for iPad.
☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆
? Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad.
?? Integrated Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards.
? Explore more than 20 scenes from the famous palace and its surroundings.
? Challenging mini-games to master!?
? Learn exciting facts about the places and objects you encounter as you play!
**Attention: Game content is available in English only.
6 Big City Adventure: New York City HD 1.0.0 都市大冒险:纽约
Explore magnificent New York City on your next Big City Adventure! The Big Apple has become home to thousands of hidden items and minigames. Discover fascinating and obscure facts about NYC and its history. Earn magnificent mementos and beautiful postcards as you travel around the huge city, finding Hidden Objects and playing minigames. Challenge all of your friends and family to beat your high score!
☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆
? Scavenge through Central Park, Times Square, and many more famous locations. ?
? Great mini-games
? Remastered graphics for the iPad
? Facebook integration
? Multiplayer
- Bluetooth
- Vs Computer
- HD Exclusive Head to Head
7 Drawn: The Painted Tower HD (Full) 1.0.2 谜画之塔
Drawn: The Painted Tower HD (冒险解谜)是一款非常好玩的冒险类解谜游戏!在游戏中你需要进入迷画之塔拯救爱丽丝,可塔里每一层都被设下了诅咒,只有最具想象力的冒险者才能顺利通过。超过70个不同场景,大量谜题挡在你前进的道路上,还有神秘的魔法人物给你指引,支持GAME CENTER和成就!
Stunning graphics and music& 4 out of 4 Must Have - Slide to Play
“I might not have heard of it before, but now I’m drooling.” Kotaku
“… Drawn: The Painted Tower, a charming game with an enigmatic setting, a game of haunting beauty that defies easy description – a game that does not easily fit into the convenient pigeonhole of either “Adventure” or “Casual. This game is in a class of its own…. – it is poetry.” Just Adventure
“it is unlikely that any gamer will be disappointed by this wonderful little game.” Adventure Classic Gaming
The magical world it pulls you into is strangely compelling, and you won&#39;t want to leave until you&#39;ve fully explored every inch of the tower and helped Iris escape.” Gamezebo 4.5/5
Enter the world of Drawn, the newest adventure from Big Fish Games Studios. Unravel the secrets of the Painted Tower while overcoming challenging puzzles on your quest to save Iris. A curse has locked each floor of the tower, and only the most creative adventurer can find a way through. Enter lush painted worlds and meet fantastic characters who will help you and sometimes try to stop you, on your quest through the dream world of The Painted Tower.??Beware! Darkness approaches the tower. Can you save her in time?
o Explore 70+ screens on your magical journey through the Painted Tower
o Original music score composed specifically for each area of the Tower
o Overcome dozens of elaborate environmental puzzles that block your way
o Enter lush paintings and meet fantastic characters in magical worlds
o Integrated Game Center Achievements
o Gestural navigation
o Localized in Spanish, French, German, and Japanese
8 Everest: Hidden Expedition HD 1.0 珠峰探险
这款游戏是继《泰坦尼克探险》之后,Big Fish Games又发布了探险解谜游戏《珠穆朗玛探险》。探险小组在完成了泰坦尼克的冒险后,把目光瞄准了神秘的世界第一高峰,那里究竟隐藏着什么秘密呢?这得由玩家来自己去探索了。
What the critics say about Everest: Hidden Expedition:
“This game is highly recommended.”?-
“It&#39;s a really fun time-killer that tests your patience and your ability to focus on small details.”?-
&Bottom Line: Everest: Hidden Expedition is a challenging hidden objects search game with amazing detail and a fun Where’s Waldo meets I Spy setup. 9/10& -
?Hidden Expedition: Everest is the smash-hit hidden object casual game from Big Fish Games. Optimized for the Apple iPad, this seek and find game is unlike any puzzle game (or action, platformer, side-scrolling game for that matter!) you’ve seen on a touch screen.
Join the Hidden Expedition team in an object-finding race up the highest mountain in the world: Mount Everest! You’ll search for objects hidden in breath-taking scenes. The adventure begins at Base Camp, but who knows where the race will lead? Find all the objects faster than the other teams to win the race. Dozens of locations to search and game play that’s perfect for the iPad&#39;s large touch screen, this is the one race you’ve been waiting for!
We even enlisted the help of Ed Viesturs, the world’s foremost expert on mountain climbing and mountaineering. Trust us, he knows the difference between a clip and a carabiner! He has climbed more mountains, faced more sheer cliffs, and spanned more deep crevasses than most anyone alive. As an added bonus, he was kind enough to let us use some photos taken while on the treacherous path from Nepal to the summit.
o Head to Head multiplayer!
o Challenge your friends and family in over 30 unlockable levels.
o Slow and distract your opponent by throwing snowballs!
o More than 30 gorgeous HD scenes optimized for the iPad
o View Ed Viesturs&#39; epic photo album
o Free play mode lets you replay your adventure!
o Dynamic hint system
9 Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror HD 1.0 时间之谜:魔镜
一面镜子,一段往事,一座古堡,一个秘密……曾在iPhone大受好评的解谜游戏Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror登陆iPad了!针对iPad的屏幕重新绘制了图像,支持GAME CENTER成就系统,独创了新的得分系统,你能找齐散落的镜片并最终发现隐藏其中的秘密么?超过27个精心制作的关卡,细腻的画面,利用镜像原理设计的小游戏等等,带给你不一般的探索乐趣!
The Duchess of Fairwich bequeathed a mysterious mirror to her maid in honor. Records show this trusted servant is a direct descendant of your family. With the town of Fairwich facing bankruptcy, its beloved Castle Fairwhich is set to be auctioned in three days time. Can this ancient mirror lead to riches beyond your imagination, or does it possess more magical powers? It’s up to you to uncover the mysteries hidden in time.
- Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad!
- Integrated Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards!
- Exclusive new points system added!
- Collect lost mirror shards to reveal an hidden mystery.
- Search an ancient castle through 27 beautiful locations.
-Great mirror themed mini-games.
-Play in Timed and Relaxed modes and unlock Mirrored mode for even more game play!
The Duchess of Fairwich bequeathed a mysterious mirror to her maid in honor. Records show this trusted servant is a direct descendant of your family. With the town of Fairwich facing bankruptcy, its beloved Castle Fairwhich is set to be auctioned in three days time. Can this ancient mirror lead to riches beyond your imagination, or does it possess more magical powers? It’s up to you to uncover the mysteries hidden in time.
- Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad!
- Integrated Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards!
- Exclusive new points system added!
- Collect lost mirror shards to reveal an hidden mystery.
- Search an ancient castle through 27 beautiful locations.
-Great mirror themed mini-games.
-Play in Timed and Relaxed modes and unlock Mirrored mode for even more game play!
The Duchess of Fairwich bequeathed a mysterious mirror to her maid in honor. Records show this trusted servant is a direct descendant of your family. With the town of Fairwich facing bankruptcy, its beloved Castle Fairwhich is set to be auctioned in three days time. Can this ancient mirror lead to riches beyond your imagination, or does it possess more magical powers? It’s up to you to uncover the mysteries hidden in time.
- Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad!
- Integrated Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards!
- Exclusive new points system added!
- Collect lost mirror shards to reveal an hidden mystery.
- Search an ancient castle through 27 beautiful locations.
-Great mirror themed mini-games.
-Play in Timed and Relaxed modes and unlock Mirrored mode for even more game play!
The Duchess of Fairwich bequeathed a mysterious mirror to her maid in honor. Records show this trusted servant is a direct descendant of your family. With the town of Fairwich facing bankruptcy, its beloved Castle Fairwhich is set to be auctioned in three days time. Can this ancient mirror lead to riches beyond your imagination, or does it possess more magical powers? It’s up to you to uncover the mysteries hidden in time.
- Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad!
- Integrated Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards!
- Exclusive new points system added!
- Collect lost mirror shards to reveal an hidden mystery.
- Search an ancient castle through 27 beautiful locations.
-Great mirror themed mini-games.
-Play in Timed and Relaxed modes and unlock Mirrored mode for even more game play!
The Duchess of Fairwich bequeathed a mysterious mirror to her maid in honor. Records show this trusted servant is a direct descendant of your family. With the town of Fairwich facing bankruptcy, its beloved Castle Fairwhich is set to be auctioned in three days time. Can this ancient mirror lead to riches beyond your imagination, or does it possess more magical powers? It’s up to you to uncover the mysteries hidden in time.
- Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad!
- Integrated Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards!
- Exclusive new points system added!
- Collect lost mirror shards to reveal an hidden mystery.
- Search an ancient castle through 27 beautiful locations.
-Great mirror themed mini-games.
-Play in Timed and Relaxed modes and unlock Mirrored mode for even more game play!
The Duchess of Fairwich bequeathed a mysterious mirror to her maid in honor. Records show this trusted servant is a direct descendant of your family. With the town of Fairwich facing bankruptcy, its beloved Castle Fairwhich is set to be auctioned in three days time. Can this ancient mirror lead to riches beyond your imagination, or does it possess more magical powers? It’s up to you to uncover the mysteries hidden in time.
- Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad!
- Integrated Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards!
- Exclusive new points system added!
- Collect lost mirror shards to reveal an hidden mystery.
- Search an ancient castle through 27 beautiful locations.
-Great mirror themed mini-games.
-Play in Timed and Relaxed modes and unlock Mirrored mode for even more game play!
10 Megaplex Madness - Now Playing HD 1.0 疯狂剧院—正在上映
Megaplex Madness - Now Playing HD (疯狂剧院—正在上映)是一款非常好玩的模拟经营类的游戏,在游戏中玩家需要收购5个不同风格的电影院,创建出玩家自己的电影城,游戏画面是采用卡通风格人物的造型和2D图像想结合的方式构建的细腻画面。游戏音乐优美温馨,共有50个关卡,在游戏里你并可以收集金币玩更多的迷你小游戏,非常有意思的经营类游戏。
Enjoy enhanced visuals, exclusive Game Center leaderboards, achievements, and the same great managing madness in this specially developed version!
Restore the historic Bowmont Theater as the first act of your mad dash to bring cinematic excitement back to Movieville! Purchase ailing theaters all over town and return them to their former glory. Keep customers happy with quick service and delicious concessions! Become a Megaplex Expert to gain access to fun arcade mini-games, and master levels to unlock theater repairs and upgrades. Get caught up in the Megaplex Madness today!
- Optimized for the iPad
- Challenge yourself to over 5 retro style mini-games.
- 50 levels spanning across 5 theaters
- From Popcorn to Arcade Machines, upgrade your theater to satisfy your customers!
- Original Game Center Leaderboards for each Arcade Game.
- Integrated Game Center Achievements
- Localized in English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese.
11 Nick Chase: A Detective Story HD 1.1 恶魔追踪:侦探的故事
What the critics said about Nick Chase on iPhone:
&Nick Chase: A Detective Story is worth every penny and is one of the best adventure/hidden object games on the iPhone.&
&No other hidden object game provides so much variety and weaves it together in such an interesting story.&
Awarded the Gold Award from
&...if you enjoy mystery games, this is the best I have seen on the iPhone.&
&This is another game that came to me completely off of the radar, but was a very pleasant surprise.&
The Current Gamer
&This game packs solid gameplay&
Mobile Tech Review
Nick Chase, a hard-boiled Private Investigator, is in need of a job. Lucky for him, one arrives from a man known only as The Collector. In this enhanced version exclusive to the iPad, solve a variety of puzzles and find hidden clues to uncover the mystery behind the missing manuscript penned by Leonardo Da Vinci. Explore gorgeous hand drawn scenes with a gritty film noir style in this one of a kind Adventure game where everyone is a suspect!
- Remastered graphics tailored for the iPad
- Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards
- Exclusive visuals added throughout the game, such as the new hint effect
- Exclusive 5 Finger Fillet mini-game
12 Puppetshow: Mystery of Joyville HD (Full) 1.0 木偶戏:欢乐谷之谜完整版
游戏提供的线索也非常有趣,例如你之前会遇到一个断手的木偶,在其他地方找到一只机械手之后给她安上,她就能弹琴了,而钢琴里会逐渐呈现出一张乐曲,上面会有重要的线索,或者你在第一个房间会看到一个箱子,但钥匙却会在另一个房间的桌子上找到,打开箱子里面会有许多砝码,这些砝码在未来则会派上用场。而且每完成一处场景的寻找,其中总会有一样东西会在以后帮助破案。我们比较喜欢的是,在之前一个房间找到的喷油壶在一个墓地派上了用场,墓地外一个生锈的机器玩偶喷油之后,他拉起了小提琴,所有墓地的门就打开了。 这些情节环环相扣,串联起了一个引人入胜,扣人心弦的奇妙故事。
13 Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors HD (Full) 1.0 完整版
辛苦上传, 请多多支持!! 终于补全啦& & & &
<p id="rate_6291" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_88" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="助人为乐^_^&人气 + 10
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_4412" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更给力:)&人气 + 2
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_9064" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更给力:)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_1630" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 5
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_946" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_0676" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="收藏先 慢慢找对应的汉化版了&人气 + 3
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_5466" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="下了好多,最喜欢解密类游戏了,多谢哈~&人气 + 5
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_8477" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="大鱼我喜欢!收藏了!&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_6361" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_0753" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="感谢分享^_^&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_732" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_4794" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="大鱼家的解谜很精美的,谢谢&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_7612" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_5537" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="全是英语的?就当学习英语了&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_3613" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="有没有觉醒2月落moonfell啊??好想玩~~~&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
收藏先 慢慢找对应的汉化版了
虽然不玩 但支持下
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注册时间 最后登录
在线时间2297 小时 UID
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间809 小时 UID
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间290 小时 UID
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