503 Service Temporarily Unavailable The requested URL '/cgi-bin/index/a qq农场一进去怎么回事

nginx 0.7.64 503错误解决方法
浏览器提示503错误:The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.Please try again later.
#more error.log 15:35:48 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 28541 exited on signal 11 15:35:49 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 28540 exited on signal 11 15:35:49 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 28538 exited on signal 11 15:35:54 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 30384 exited on signal 11 15:35:54 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 30385 exited on signal 11 15:35:54 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 30386 exited on signal 11 15:35:59 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 30389 exited on signal 11 15:35:59 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 28539 exited on signal 11 15:36:00 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 30390 exited on signal 11 15:36:09 [alert] 28537#0: worker process 30398 exited on signal 11
15:36:11 [error] 30399#0: *140 limiting connections by zone "one", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /aim/380K/mv/fcd03770.mp4/a532ccdcd9e/4b877865.mp4 HTTP/1.1", host: "60.*.236.22:*80", referrer: "http://*.com/theme/index/t2/" 15:36:23 [error] 30399#0: *143 limiting connections by zone "one", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /aim/380K/mv/d9c8a4.mp4/be38dfa2da46/4b877865.mp4 HTTP/1.1", host: "60.*.236.22:*80", referrer: "http://*.com/theme/index/t2/"
lai@ff:/var/log/nginx$ sudo more error.log|grep worke
07:38:08 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 31304 exited on signal 11 08:40:07 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 31301 exited on signal 11 09:08:03 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 2068 exited on signal 11 11:08:55 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 31303 exited on signal 11 11:38:34 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 2262 exited on signal 11 13:08:32 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 2641 exited on signal 11 13:40:57 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 31302 exited on signal 11 14:07:55 [alert] 31300#0: worker process 4684 exited on signal 11 15:08:02 [alert] 14374#0: worker process 14376 exited on signal 11 16:37:55 [alert] 14374#0: worker process 14377 exited on signal 11 17:37:59 [alert] 20435#0: worker process 20437 exited on signal 11lai@ff:/var/log/nginx$
#more iphone.access.log124.128.18.164 - - [25/Feb/:11 +0800] "GET /aim/380K/mv/fcd03770.m/a532ccdcd9e/4b877865.mp4 HTTP/1.1" 503 383 "http://*.com/theme/index/t2/" "Mozilla/5.0 (iP U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; zh-cn) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16"
[983] nginx[31582]: segfault at 1 ip
sp bf8c1d00 error 4 in nginx[00][677] nginx[31604]: segfault at 1 ip
sp bf8c1d00 error 4 in nginx[00][635] nginx[31225]: segfault at 1 ip
sp bf8c1cc0 error 4 in nginx[00][643] nginx[31551]: segfault at 1 ip
sp bf8c1d00 error 4 in nginx[00][712] nginx[994]: segfault at 1 ip
sp bf8c1d00 error 4 in nginx[00][609] nginx[32105]: segfault at 1 ip
sp bf8c1d00 error 4 in nginx[00]
worker process 20437 exited on signal 11的错误原因:
段非法错误 SIGSEGV 试图访问未分配给自己的内存, 或试图往没有写权限的内存地址写数据.
2190200-/+ buffers/cache:
2931748 ps aux|grep pop3|wc
9803 ps aux|grep php|wc
现代操作系统中有两个关键性的概念,其一是作为程序运行实体的进程(也叫任务),其二是进程运行的空间广度,也即地址空间。在x86体系下,地址有三级,其一是逻辑地址,也就是你写汇编时用的那种指定段和偏移的地址;其二是线性地址,不同的进程都可以有一个重合的线性地址集合,即线性地址空间;其三才是真实的物理地址空间。而你所说的C++的析构函数其实是实现了线性地址空间层次上的资源回收。现代的操作系统普遍支持虚存特性,即把进程运行在其中的地址空间与实际的物理内存空间隔离开来,从而实现多任务“同时”运行。而在主流的32位地址总线系统中,进程可以寻址的线性地址空间是4GB,也就是说,你写程序时可以认为系统有 4GB的内存——当然,大多数普通pc都没有这么奢侈的配置——而不必关心真实的物理内存大小,unix/linux的内核自然会把你的4GB的地址空间转换到也许只有512MB的真实物理内存上去运行。从这里就可以看出,当我在程序里malloc了10MB的一块内存时,其实只是将我的地址空间拉长了 10MB,也就是告诉内核,“我这个程序现在运行在110MB的空间上,请你分配新的目录和页表以便寻址物理地址”云云,而并不是说真的立刻就在内存中划出10MB空间供使用。事实上,此刻在内存中,你的程序所占的物理地址也许只有5MB不到。那为什么书上又要说“分配了内存就一定要释放”呢?这是因为你最大的地址空间是有限,对于通常的系统,这个限制是4GB。如果你只malloc不 free,那么你的地址空间就被不断地拉长,最后超出4GB的限制,这时内核无法正确做地址转换,就会把向你的进程发送一个SIGSEGV信号,把你的进程强行kill掉,并释放起初为你的进程分配的所有资源,包括任务描述符,段表和页表等等。 而我们所说的操作系统的内存管理是负责逻辑、线性和物理地址转换,以及内存的监视,对缓冲和缓存进行管理的整个sub system,其重要的一个任务便是更加有效地使用内存,包括避免产生控制之外的内存,以及提高程序的响应速度。为此unix/linux的内核都会实现缓冲(cache)与缓存(buffer)两种机制(在2.6系列内核中似乎两部分已经统一了)。缓冲把程序的一部分内容放在内存内,因而你会发现当你关闭一个大的程序后,以后再启动同一程序的速度会变得很快,这其实是因为内核此时并没有从硬盘上读取可执行文件,而是直接执行了内存中的代码。缓存则主要用于硬件i/o操作,当你写一个大文件到硬盘时,你会发现硬盘灯并不是一直亮着,而是一下一下地闪烁,这就是因为数据先被缓存在内存中,到一定数量时才一次性写到硬盘中(也就是sync),这样大大提高了硬盘i/o的效率,也避免了硬盘无谓地损耗。基于上述的原因,unix/linux内核会尽量使用多的物理内存做缓冲和缓存。但是当内存不够时,内核完全可以在可以忽略的时间内取得足够的内存分配给需要的程序。上面这段话的关键点是不要搞混编程中的释放内存和内核中的管理内存两个概念。程序中操作的是线性地址空间,而只有内核才会和物理地址空间打交道。而不管你的程序写的多糟糕,只要进程结束,所有的内存立刻都会被内核回收做他用。并不是说如果我的程序malloc后没有free,那么这部分内存就再也没办法再使用了。
Debian Bug report logs -
nginx worker exit with 11 signal if wildcard dns names are used with ssl
Changes with nginx
01 Feb 2010
*) Security: now nginx
/Windows ignores trailing spaces in URI.
Thanks to Dan Crowley, Core Security Technologies.
*) Security: now nginx
/Windows ignores short files names.
Thanks to Dan Crowley, Core Security Technologies.
*) Change: now the "009" status code is written to an access log for
proxied HTTP/0.9 responses.
*) Change: now the default buffer size of the
"large_client_header_buffers" directive is 8K.
Thanks to Andrew Cholakian.
*) Change: now default SSL ciphers are "HIGH:!ADH:!MD5".
*) Change: now SSLv2 protocol is disabled by default.
*) Change: now $host variable value is always low case.
*) Feature: the conf/fastcgi.conf for simple FastCGI configurations.
*) Feature: now URI part is not required a "proxy_pass" directive if
variables are used.
*) Feature: the $ssl_session_id variable.
*) Bugfix: if a proxied or FastCGI request was internally redirected to
another proxied or FastCGI location, then $upstream_response_time
variable may have ab the bug had appeared in
*) Bugfix: if the "expires modified" set date in the past, then a
negative number was set in the "Cache-Control" response header
Thanks to Alex Kapranoff.
*) Bugfix: nginx
closed a connection if a cached response had an empty
Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
*) Bugfix: nginx
cached a 304 response if there was the "If-None-Match"
header line in a proxied request.
Thanks to Tim Dettrick and David Kostal.
*) Bugfix: nginx
did not treat a comma as separator in the
"Cache-Control" backend response header line.
*) Bugfix: cached HTTP/0.9 responses were handled incorrectly.
*) Bugfix: nginx
sent gzipped responses to clients those do not support
gzip, if "gzip_static on" and "gzip_vary off"; the bug had appeared
in 0.8.16.
*) Bugfix: nginx
always added "Content-Encoding: gzip" response header
line in 304 responses sent by ngx_http_gzip_static_module.
*) Bugfix: the "!-x" operator did not work.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker
limit_rate was used in HTTPS server.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker
$limit_rate logging.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: nginx
did not support dates in 2038 year on 32-
*) Bugfix: nginx
/Windows tried to delete a temporary file twice if the
file should replace an already existent file.
*) Bugfix: nginx
/Windows tried to rename a temporary file twice if the
file should replace an already existent file.
*) Bugfix: nginx
/Windows might not create temporary file, a cache file,
or "proxy/fastcgi_store"d file if a worker
had no enough access
rights for top level directories.
*) Bugfix: in UTF-8 encoding support by "try_files" directive in nginx
*) Bugfix: UTF-8 encoding usage in the ngx_http_autoindex_module.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: the ngx_http_autoindex_module did not show the trailing
the bug had appeared in 0.7.15.
*) Bugfix: nginx
did not close a log file set by the --error-log-path
the bug had appeared in 0.7.53.
*) Bugfix: "addition_types" directive was incorrectly named
*) Bugfix: invalid request line in $request variable was written in
access_log only if error_log was set to "info" or "debug" level.
Changes with nginx
16 Nov 2009
*) Security: now SSL/TLS renegotiation is disabled.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: nginx
sent gzipped responses to clients those do not support
gzip, if "gzip_static on" and "gzip_vary off"; the bug had appeared
in 0.7.63.
*) Bugfix: if names .domain.tld, .sub.domain.tld, and .domain-some.tld
were defined, then the name .sub.domain.tld was matched by
*) Bugfix: segmentation fault and infinite looping in resolver.
*) Bugfix: in resolver.
Thanks to Artem Bokhan.
*) Bugfix: resolver cache poisoning.
Thanks to Matthew Dempsky.
*) Bugfix: memory leak in resolver.
Thanks to Matthew Dempsky.
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable 解决办法-nginx
nginx upstream 容错机制
访问网站出现:HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable
HTTP 503 错误 – 服务不可用 (Service unavailable)
nginx 502/页面图片加载不出的原因


更多关于 08039 的文章


