zorro打火机真假 since2008 14hk多少钱

Sina Visitor SystemSina Visitor System黑鹰坠落&电影原声&CD02
电影原声 CD02
这有点好笑 You know, it's kind of funny.
洁白的沙滩,灿烂的阳光 Beautiful beach, beautiful sun.
几乎是一个好地方 Could almost be a good place to visit.
几乎 Almost.
你认为我们不该来 You don't think we should be here.
你知道我怎么想吗?我怎么想不重要 You know what I think? It don't really matter what
第一颗子弹从你头上呼啸而过 Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics
and all that shit...
那些狗屁倒灶的事都不重要 ...just goes right out the window.
我只想完成任务 I just want to do it right today.
打起精神,让弟兄活着回来 Just watch your corner. Get all your men back here
就是这里还是汽车抛锚? Now, is this supposed to be the place, or did his car
just take a dump?
阿弟,请回答 Abdi, come in,
你听到吗?这是目标吗? Abdi, can you hear me? Is this the place?
阿弟 Abdi, come in,
听到吗? Can you hear me? Abdi,
请回答,是这里吗? Abdi, come in, Is this the place?
我右手边,咖啡厅楼上 To my right side, above the cafe.
他说就是这里 He says this is the building,
他确定? He's certain?
阿弟,你要确定才行 Abdi, you need to be sure,
你确定? Are you sure?
目标在我左边两条街口外 Well, it's down the road, two blocks over on my
不过民兵太多了 But there's too many militia.
我一靠近他们就会开枪 If I go closer, they might shoot me,
他说目标在两个街口外 NoW he's saying the building's a couple blocks
不过他怕对方会向他开枪 ...but if he's seen outside it, he'll be shot.
我才会宰了他 I'll fucking shoot him myself.
叫他把车子停在目标门口 Tell him I want his skinny ass parked in front of the
他不去就拿不到钱 He's not getting paid till he does exactly that.
离目标三哩,不要走小路 Three miles to the target. We're never off the main
到了圆环先向北然后往东 At K-four traffic circle, we turn north, then east on
在那儿等候劫出人犯 ...and we wait until extraction of prisoners is complete
然后全队开进 Then we roll up in force on Hawlwadig...
把人犯跟地面部队载回来 ...load the prisoners, the assault-blocking forces and
bring them back.
一小时后回基地 Home in an hour. Okay?
敌人会反击,那儿就像西部电影一样 There will be some shooting. Bakara market is the
Wild West.
小心开枪,那儿有平民 But be careful what you shoot at. People do live
呼吓 Hoo-ah.
上一个线民玩俄罗斯轮盘挂掉了 Last one of these guys shot himself in the head
playing Russian roulette.
长官,他停车了 Sir, the vehicle is stopped,
这就是目标,他确定吗? So this is the real deal now. He's sure this
-好,好现象 -He sounds scared
-Good. That's always a good sign.
这就是我们的信号 That's it, That's our signal,
好 All right.
要所有飞机离开该空域 All QRF out of the airspace.
出动快速反应部队 All QRF out of the airspace.
全体注意,艾琳,重覆,艾琳 All units, lrene. I say again, lrene.
检查完毕,B51号好了 S41号好了 Check in When ready, Barber 51 up and ready,
Star 41 up and ready,
艾琳! lrene!
收到 Copy, Irene,
出动了 Fucking lrene!
收到 Come on.
祝好运 Good luck, boys.
小心点 Be careful.
决不抛弃同胞 No one gets left behind.
怎么了? What's wrong?
他从没来道过别 Nothing. He's just never done that before.
天杀的 Aw, fuck!
走吧 Let's go.
指崔克中士,出发吧 Sergeant Struecker. Let's roll.
两分钟 TWo minutes,
两分钟 Two minutes.
他们干嘛烧轮胎? Why are they burning tires?
通知民兵我们要来了 Signals to the militia that we're coming!
看来地面有平民 Okay, 56, looks like there's some friendlies on the
我能拦截到他们的对话 Looks like I've got a tally on the voice,
一分钟 One minute.
还有一分钟 One minute.
你在干嘛? What's that for?
上次我差点把舌头咬断 Last rope, I almost bit my tongue off.
准备降落 Touching base,
两英尺、一英尺 TWo feet, one foot,,,
触地 ,,,clear,
小型直升机安全降落 Little birds touching doWn at target,
潘下绳索 Ropes!
快...快... Go! Go! Go!
第一小队着地,第二小队出动 Chalk One troops are on the deck, Chalk TWo
这是麦奈,地面车队接近目标 This is McKnight, Uniform 64 approaching staging
趴下来!趴下! Down! Get down!
趴下!趴下! Down! Stay down!
快趴下! Get down! Everybody down!
你,趴下! You, down!
趴下! Get down!
趴下! On the floor.
快走,走! Let's go, let's go!
葛姆,别害怕! Grimesy! No fear!
是呀 Oh, yeah, right!
游骑兵守住防线 Rangers securing perimeter, Four corners,
中校,他们在开火 Colonel, they're shooting at us!
中校,他们朝我们开枪 Colonel, they're shooting at us!
那就打回去啊 Well, shoot back!
我们到地面,准备建立防线 This is 64, Chalks on the ground, going into holding
出动部队,准备建立防线 This is 62, delivered chalks, Going to cover
黑鹰直升机,请在空中掩护 Super 62, take up an overhead pattern to provide
sniper cover, Over,
部队登陆,准备建立防线 This is Super 65, Chalks on the ground, going into
holding pattern,
贝克朋,快下去 Go, Blackburn, go! Go!
快呀 Go, Blackburn!
抓紧了! Hold on!
C-2,有位弟兄摔下去 C-2, We got a man fallen,
超级61号,别一直盘旋 Super-61, you're a sitting duck,
请在空中掩护我们 Take up overhead pattern to provide sniper cover,
收到,我们要离开 Roger that, 61 coming out,
13组,快赶到街口北边 13, go ahead, I need you to move to the north of the
那儿,就在那边 Right to the north, Right there, Over,
史医官,快点 Doc! Doc Schmid!
快! Come on!
史医官,有人受伤 Schmid, we got a man hit.
-没有,他摔下来 -Where's he
-He's not. He fell.
-什么?&&& -他摔下来
-What?&&& -He
你怎么不开枪? Why aren't you shooting?
他们没向我们开枪 We're not being shot at yet!
你怎么分辨? How can you tell?
子弹咻一声代表很近 A hiss means it's close.
啪哒一声表示... A snap means--
他们向我们开枪了 Now they're shooting at us!
杰利顿! Galentine!
快帮我接史上尉! Get me Captain Steele! Get me Captain Steele!
J64,这是J25,请回答 Juliet 64, this is Juliet 25. Come in. Over.
贝克朋,听得到吗? Blackburn, can you hear me?
J64,这是25,请回答 Juliet 64, this is 25. Come in. Over.
我联络不到他 I can't get him!
J64,这是第四小队!有弟兄受伤! Juliet 64, this is Chalk Four! We've got a man
快把他救走! We need to get him out of here! Over.
请再说一次 This is 64. Say again, 25. Over.
有一名弟兄受伤 We've got a man doWn! Over,
别紧张,冷静点 Take a breath, 25, and calm down. Over.
-弟兄受伤&&& -没听到
-Missed that, 25,
-没用&&& -再说一次
-Fuck it.&&&
-Say again,
我们离悍马车队很远 Matt, it's a long way to the humvees!
这儿有担架,把他抬进去 We'll get a stretcher in here. Get him to the target
他说什么? What did he say?
有一名弟兄受伤倒地 Super 61, We got a man Wounded on the ground,
-担架,&&& -快拿担架
-Get me a stretcher!
快点 Come on. Stretcher.
快点… Come on, come on!
抓住另一边 Grab this end!
走吧 Let's go!
-好&&& -走 -All
把他抬上悍马车,我们来掩护 Get him to the humvees. We'll hold down the
快把他抬上车 Up to the humvees! Now!
快,快 Go! Go!
快走,快跑 Keep moving, Grimes! Run!
-安全&&& -走吧
-Let's move out!
快起来,快走 Everybody up! Let's go!
走吧 Come on!
快走 Let's go! Let's move!
-葛姆,跑!&&& -好啦
-Grimes, run!&&&
-All right.
C-2,这是超级61号,开始盘旋 C-2, this is Super 61, beginning my orbit of the
target area,
第四小队,我们快要降落 Chalk Four, clear for a clear, Coming in,
凯罗11号,这是超级61号,我掩护你们 Kilo 11, this is 61, providing cover for
prisoner extract, Over,
可以行动 Kilo 64, green light.
-准备搭载人犯&&& -收到了
-Ready for extraction,
Over,&&& -Roger
that, Will relay,
很好,逮到他们了 That's it. We got them.
准备接收人犯 Uniform 64, ready for extraction, Over,
收到了。他们下令了,快去吧 Roger that. There's the call. Let's move out!
-快去吧!&&& -抓紧了
-Let's move
out!&&& -Hold
-还要多久?&&& -五分钟
longer?&&& -Five
minutes, sir.
-什么?&&& -五分钟
-What?&&& -Five
绝对不只五分钟 Nothing takes five minutes!
他是怎么了? What happened to him?
-怎么会? -He fell! Missed the
rope!&&& -How'd
he do that?
把他抬上车,帮帮忙 Put him in that humvee! Grimes, give him a hand!
走吧,快走 Let's go! Let's move it!
快,动作快点 Move, move! Come on! Move!
把他抬上去 Get him in there!
快走 Get ready to move!
快呀 Go! Everybody move! Move!
快上车 Get the fuck up!
葛姆,来呀 Grimes! Come on!
葛姆,葛姆 Grimes! Grimes!
妈的! Fuck this!
妈的 Fuck!
快走 Let's go.
快点 Come on!
快走 Go! Move it!
快点 Move!
我要三辆悍马车后送伤兵 Romeo 64, I need to send out three humvees with a
他的伤势很重,必须立刻后送 He looks real bad. I need to evac now.
收到了 Roger that, Uniform 64.
我会派一组直升机去掩护你 We'll chop a team of gun ships to you, Over,
收到 Roger that.
我要派人掩护悍马车队 I need extra security on these humvees!
我去,我带手下去掩护他们 I'll go. I'll take my team, make sure they get back
快去 Do it.
史崔克,你带领车队 Struecker, you're lead humvee.
快上车,我们要回基地 First three vehicles mount up, We're moving back to
走吧 Move out!
状况如何?没问题吧? How are things going? Things okay there,
我没时间谈 I don't want to talk about it now, Colonel!
我正在忙 I'm busy,
皮中士中弹 Sergeant Pilla's hit!
老天,他伤得好重 Christ, he's fucked up!
有人中弹吗? Is anyone hit?
史崔克,快说 Struecker, talk to me!
是皮中士 It's Sergeant Pilla!
他的状况如何? What's his status?
他的状况如何? What's his status?
他死了 He's dead.
他死了 He's dead.
皮中士死了 Pilla's dead, sir,
C-2,这是麦奈,皮中士阵亡了 C-2, this is McKnight, We have a KIA Dominick
Pilla, Over,
收到了 Roger that,
快接手五○机枪 Get on that 50!
快接手继续发射 Someone get on that 50!
让我来 It's mine.
三个家伙拿着火箭筒接近你 Three guys with RPGs, coming up on your side
稳住! Stay with it!
我被击中了 This is 61, I'm hit, I'm hit,
超级61号被击中,威考的直升机被击中 Super 61 is hit, He is hit, Wolcott's bird is
快把输油阀关掉 You want to pull those PCLs off-line or what?
好 Right, babe.
撑下去啊 Come on.
61号直升机被击中 61, going down.
61号直升机要坠毁 61 going down.
61号直升机坠毁 61 is going doWn,
超级61号直升机坠毁 Super 61 is going doWn,
超级61号直升机坠毁 Super 61 is going doWn,
61号直升机坠毁,重覆,坠毁中 61 is going doWn, I repeat, it's going doWn,
61号坠毁中 61's going doWn,
抓紧了 Hold on!
有一架黑鹰直升机坠毁了 We got a Black HaWk doWn, We got a Black HaWk
超级61号直升机坠毁在市中心 Super 61 is down. We got a bird down in the
61号直升机坠毁地面 Super 61 is on the deck noW,
快赶到现场抢救生还者 Get an MH-six on site. Check for survivors.
快派出搜救直升机 Send in the SAR bird.
快派地面部队前往坠机地点 I want ground forces to move and secure a new
perimeter around that crash site.
你们能引导车队吗? Can you guide the convoy in there?
没问题 Roger that,
快去呀 Well, move quick.
民兵会蜂拥而上围攻他们 The whole city will be coming down on top of
请试着降落在坠机地点 Star 41, come inbound and see if you can land at the
crash site.
收到,马上去 Roger that, Star 41 inbound,
我们失去了先机 We just lost the initiative.
25,这是64部队 25, this is 64. Over.
25,收到 25. Over.
这是第四小队,你的小队最接近坠机地点 25, Chalk Four is closest to the crash site.
64,我看不到坠机地点 64, I can't see the crash site. Over.
就在正东方,你一定看得到 25, it's due east of you. You will find it.
派人留守,率领其他人赶到坠机地点 Leave a security element in place. Take the rest
of your chalk to the crash.
搜救生还者,维持安全,其它小队会跟着去 Check for survivors. Secure the area. All other
chalks will follow.
你收到吗? 25, do you read me? Over.
杰利顿、史密斯 Galentine! Schmid!
去找尤利 Get Yurek.
和汤比 Get Twombly.
有一架黑鹰直升机坠毁 Hey, there's a Black Hawk down.
汤比和尼森留守 Twombly, Nelson, stay here.
留在这儿,跟悍马车队撤退 Hold this corner and then exfil with the
杰利顿、史医官,跟我来,走吧 Galentine, Schmid, you're coming with me. Let's
你为什么要我留守? How come I got to stay back here?
因为你很可靠 Because you're dependable.
好了 All right...
出发 ...let's go!
我最恨自己很可靠 I hate being dependable, man.
你的西边有敌人接近 Juliet 25, hostiles advancing, parallel West to your
其中有妇女小孩 Women and children among them, Over,
靠着墙走 Hit the wall.
小心 lncoming!
手榴弹 Grenade!
里头还有弟兄 We still got guys inside!
我要去坠机地点 I'll go to the crash.
你带队,我继续装载人犯 You take the rest of the team. I'll finish loading the
不,我们要一起去坠机地点 No! We'll go to the crash site together.
守住防线,等待悍马车队 Secure the perimeter, wait for the humvees.
-收到&&& -跟着我
-Roger that.&&&
-Follow my lead.
中士,听到吗? Sarg'nt, are you receiving me?
听到了,我们马上走 Yeah, I heard you. We should be leaving soon.
好了,我们要撤退 All right, we need to move out now!
人犯都上了车我就去接你们 I'll finish loading the prisoners and pick you up at
the crash site!
出发吧 Let's move out!
出发了,快走 Moving out! Go!
快上车 Get in! Get in!
快点 Move!
八点钟方向 Eight o'clock!
葛姆,别靠着墙 Grimes, stay away from the walls.
你没事吧? Grimes. You okay?
没事 Yeah!
走吧,梅道 Let's go, Maddox.
-收到 -C-2, convoy's moving
out.&&& -Roger
麦道,看看这些猪头 Maddox, look at these jerks! These idiots!
开快点,右转 Go, go! Right, Maddox, right!
汤比,车队走了 Twombly, the convoy is leaving!
嘿,汤比 Hey, Twombly!
什么? What?
-他们忘了我们&&& -什么?
-I think they've forgotten
算了 It doesn't matter.
敌人从四面八方赶过去,我们要赶快支援他们 63 confirm, Skinnies are moving in on all
sides, They need help noW,
索马里人往坠机地点前进 Indigenous personnel advancing to Wolcott crash
请重覆 Say again. Over.
一大堆人蜂拥而上 A lot of people closing in,
第四队离那儿有多远? How far is Chalk Four from the crash site?
-六个街口&&& -他们要快一点
-Six blocks,
sir,&&& -They
need to haul ass.
趴下来 Get down! Get down!
史考帝,你没事吧? Scotty, are you okay?
别回去 No, don't go back!
趴下来 Get down! Get down!
武装车 Technicals!
看到了 Got them!
六点钟方向,快走 Six o'clock! Move, move!
快…快… Go, go, go!
快走 Go, go!
快点 Come on!
尤利,走吧 Yurek, leaving!
快点 Come on!
部队,左转 Uniform 64, left turn, Left turn,
你要告诉我在哪条街左转 Romeo 64, I need to know before I get to the goddamn
先停一下,情报有延误 You have to slow down. There's a delay.
侦察队要先向指挥中心报告,然后再向我下令 From the time directions are relayed from
surveillance to JOC, then to me.
不能停,我们受到猛烈攻击 We can't slow down! We're taking heavy enemy
我们不能停下来 We can't slow down!
我正收到侦察机的情报 Danny, I'm getting information from Orion surveillance
快告诉我该怎么到坠机地点 So get me my fucking directions to the crash
等一下,我看不到你的位置 Danny, hold on, I no longer have the best vieW of your
快到正确位置呀 Get your ass in the right place, goddamn it!
史崔克的车队情况如何? What in the hell is the status of Struecker's
车队几时会回到基地? Colonel Harrell, ETA to base, Struecker's column.
就快到了 ETA to base momentarily,
开门 Open the gate!
-把他抬下车&&& -来
-Get him out! Let's go! Let's
go!&&& -Come
小心头 Watch his head.
小心 Easy.
-找军医来 -Blackburn, can you hear
-Get him to a medic.
我们在坠机地点抢救伤者 Star 41 is at the crash site to evacuate the injured,
收到 Roger that,
我帮你 I got you.
小心 Easy.
杰利顿,你没事吧? Galentine, you all right?
杰利顿、寇斯,跟我来 Galentine, Kurth, with me! Cover fire, now.
掩护他们 Full cover!
有几个人? How many are in there?
两名驾驶阵亡,两名人员受伤 Two pilots are dead, two crew chiefs are
-好,去吧 -He's hurt bad. We must get out of
here.&&& -All
right. Go ahead.
这是第四小队,你在开枪吗? 26, this is 25. Is that you shooting up the
没错 This is 26. Roger that.
狄马索,到东南边建立防线 DiTomasso, take the southeast corner. We're setting up
a perimeter. Over.
收到,马上赶过去 This is 26. Roger that. Moving there now.
出发 Move out!
史上尉,请回答 Captain Steele, come in.
请说 Go ahead, 25. This is 64.
有两名伤者,两名直升机驾驶都阵亡了 We got two wounded and we got both the pilots
dead in the chopper!
请立刻派人接送伤兵 We need a medivac now!
救援直升机没办法降落,你要先建立防线 It's too hot to land a bird. You must secure the
perimeter first. Over.
悍马车队呢? Where are the humvees?
车队一定会到 Be advised, 25, the convoy will be there.
他们遭到猛烈攻击 They're encountering a lot of resistance. 64 out.
-坠机地点就在前面 -Get the 50
up!&&& -You
should see the crash directly ahead.
前面只有路障 All I see is a roadblock!
我会再找另一条路 I'll have to figure out another way.
建立防线,把伤兵运走 Give me a defensive perimeter so we can load the
快开枪呀 Fire your weapon, Othic!
跟我女儿说叫她们安心 Tell my girls I'll be okay.
医官 Medic!
呼吓! Hoo-ah!
医官… Medic! Medic!
乔斯,帮我把他抬起来 Joyce! Joyce! Come on, help me pick him up!
快帮我们逃走,坠机地点到底在哪儿? Get us off this fucking street! Where's the crash
site? Say again.
直走两百米 Keep going straight 200 meters.
收到 Roger that.
走吧 Let's go!
快走吧 Let's go, goddamn it, let's go!
汤比,过来 Hey, Twombles. Come here.
车队不会回来了 The humvees ain't coming back, dude.
什么? What?
我们要去找他们吗? Were we supposed to go to them?
我以为他们要来找我们 I thought they were coming to us.
-我们应该去找他们&&& -该死
-I think we're supposed to go to
我们赶去坠机地点 Let's go to the crash site.
好吧 Okay.
别在我耳边开枪,我听不到了 Don't fire that thing so close to my head. I can
barely hear as it is.
出发 Move out.
可恶,趴下来 Shit! Get down!
我警告过你,别这么近 What did I just tell you? If you do that again--
尼森,你没事吧? You okay? Nelson.
你没事吧? You all right?
搜救直升机在现场进行救援 Search and rescue bird on station inserting
快,快 Go, go!
C-2,这是68号,我被击中了 Son of a bitch. C-2, this is 68. We've been
超级68号,你的螺旋翼冒烟 Super 68, there is smoke coming from the top of your
-建议你立刻返航&&& -收到
-Advise you to come out
最后一个人员 Dropping last man.
我看到正前方有敌人拿着火箭筒,你看到吗? Art, I've got skinnies with RPGs at 12:00. Can
you see them?
看到了,向左转九十度 Got them. Give me 90 degrees left.
我要回去了 68 coming out.
超级68号要回基地 Super 68 is out. Over.
魏肯,情况如何? Hey, Wilkie, what's the situation in there?
两名驾驶都死了 Both pilots are dead.
我们不能移动他们 25, we can't move these guys, Matty.
他们会没命的 We'll kill them just carrying them.
-就在这儿医治&&& -收到
-Stabilize in
我们要在这儿进行医治 Stabilize in the bird. Repeat: Stabilize in here.
收到,我们掩护你们 Understood, Wilkie. We got you covered. Over.
超级64号,去替代超级61号 Super 64, come inbound and take Wolcott's
收到,开进中 Roger. 64 is inbound.
超级64号,你没事吧? Super 64, you all right?
这是超级64号,我没事 This is Super 64. We're good.
确定吗?你的机身受损 You sure? You look like you got clipped pretty
仪表板一切正常 lnstrument panels are okay.
我们没事,机身有点晃动,不过没事 No, we're good. Got a slight vibration in the
pedals, but we're good.
降落后进行检查以策安全 All right, put her down on the airfield, 64. Have it
checked out just to be safe.
收到 Roger.
机身晃动得很厉害再度检查系统 I'm getting movement in these pedals. Check the
systems again.
尾部螺旋翼失效 We lost the tail rotor! It's gone!
64号要坠机 64 is going down!
64要坠机了 64 is going in hard.
我要坠机 64 going down.
我们要坠机了 We're going down.
快派史崔克的车队回去 Get Struecker's column back out there.
叫他们赶到杜伦的坠机地点 They need to get to Durant's crash site fast.
-快去救他们 -Another bird
-I want them out of there.
全都救出来 All of them.
史上尉,再不前进就会受困 Captain Steele, we got to move or we'll get pinned
我们正在尽快前进 We're moving as fast as we can.
你别管我的部队 You let me do my job and you do yours. Over.
-哎呀&&& -路兹,趴下来
-Fuck! Fuck!&&&
-Ruiz stay down.
-我就知道&&& -医官 -I
去他的!史上尉,我来对付狙击手 Fuck this! Captain Steele, I'll take out the threat
in the window.
我们到灰色大楼集合 We'll rally at the gray building. Coming through.
中士 Sarg'nt!
好,走吧 All right, let's move!
掩护我 Cover me!
-快走吧&&& -快走
-Let's go, let's
move!&&& -Moving
友军 Friendly!
我是友军 Friendlies coming through!
走吧,快走 Let's go, let's go! Move up!
快… Come on, come on!
快… Come on!
快走…快… Move up! Go! Move up!
你在干什么? What the fuck are you doing out there?
我们要赶到坠机地点 Doing my job! We got to get to that crash site!
我们一定要赶到那条街 We got to get on that street, and we got to move!
你也要跟上来 And you have got to keep up, sir!
别对我下令,中士 Don't you ever give me orders, Sergeant.
我们没办法迎敌 We are combat ineffective, understand?
太多伤兵了 We got too many wounded to move!
让我带人手绕到坠机地点 Then give me some shooters and I'll circle us to the
葛姆,你在第四小队吗? Grimes! You're with Chalk Four?
是的,长官 Yes, sir!
去跟反恐怖部队和艾中士会合 All right, hook up with Delta! Rejoin with Sergeant
其他的人留守这里 The rest of you, secure this position!
照顾伤兵,等待车队 Treat the wounded, we'll wait for the convoy!
然后在坠机地点会合 Then we'll rally at the crash site. Roger!
我的手下跟我走 My guys, let's go!
两名反恐怖部队狙击手,舒哈和葛顿 C-2, I have two Delta snipers, Shughart and
自愿前往第二坠机地点 ...volunteering to secure crash site two.Over.
不准,不能再牺牲另一架直升机 No, Super 62, negative that request. Can't risk
another bird.
我们不能确定有人生还 We don't see anything moving down there, we don't even
know if anyone's alive.
地面部队正在赶去 A ground team is being organized to go in now.
多久能赶到? ETA on ground team? Over.
不知道,不久吧 Unknown, not long.
你们尽力从空中协助 Do what you can from the air.
大家过来 All right, gather around!
杜伦坠毁了,我们要去救他 Durant's 64 is down. We're going back in to get
你疯了,有人生还吗? That's crazy. Is there anyone alive?
无所谓,绝不能抛弃同胞 Doesn't matter, no one gets left behind.
这是浪费时间 We're wasting time here.
五分钟内重新整理弹药 Refit and max out ammo and grenades, you got five!
塞斯莫,你想去哪儿? Sizemore, where are you going?
-你受了伤不能去 -With you
guys.&&& -Not
with that cast on you're not.
好吧,去拿头盔吧 All right, all right, all right. Go get your k-pot.
说话呀 Talk to me.
我不能再回去 I can't go back out there.
汤玛斯,大家都很害怕 Thomas, everyone feels the same way you do. All
你现在的表现才重要 It's what you do right now that makes a difference.
这是你的决定 It's your call.
呼吓? Hoo-ah?
呼吓 Hoo-ah.
最好把悍马车上的血迹冲掉 lt'll probably help to wash the blood out of the
史崔克中士 Sergeant Struecker!
我能去吗? Sergeant Struecker! Can I go, Sarge?
-你有弹药吗?&&& -有
-You got some
ammo?&&& -Roger,
上来吧 Hop in!
等等 Wait!
来吧,上车 Let's go, Thomas. Get in!
走哪儿? Which way?
-那儿吧&&& -别这么大声
-That way, I
think!&&& -Not
so fucking loud.
乖驴子 Nice donkey.
游骑兵吗? Rangers?
你是谁? Who?
我是尤利啦,猪头 It's Yurek! You fucking assholes!
妈的 Fuck!
我们差点杀死你 Dude, we almost fucking killed you!
-你过来&&& -妈的,你们过来
-Come to us!&&&
-Fuck you, come to me.
对不起,中士 Sorry, Sarge!
你上哪儿了? Dude, where the fuck have you been?
你带了夜视镜吗? Never mind, you brought NOD, right?
没有,你知道原因吗? No, I didn't and you want to know why?
因为你说半小时就能回基地 Because you said: "You won't need that, we'll be back
in a half-hour."
我不是跟你说的 Well, I wasn't saying it to you.
尼森,过来 Nelson, cover this way.
我们需要夜视镜 We'll need night vision.
你在等什么? What's the matter with you?
他聋了,都是我害的 Oh, he's deaf. It's my fault.
-我们一定要走&&& -那儿
-We need to get out of
-That way.
离坠机地点不远了,在哪儿? We can't be far from the crash. Which way?
我以为你知道 I thought you might know.
出发吧 Let's move out.
尼森、汤比,请回答 Nelson, Twombly? Come in. Over.
这是杰利顿,车队的位置在哪里? Nelson, Twombly, this is Galentine. We need a
position of the convoy. Over.
我联络不到他们 I can't raise them, Sergeant.
我们快撤退吧 Sir, let's get the fuck out of here and evac!
-快走吧&&& -快回到据点
-Let's move
out.&&& -Back to
the stronghold!
走吧 Come on!
地面部队占领几栋建筑物 Ground forces have occupied several buildings along
Marehan Road...
但是都分散开来 ...but they're all spread out.
艾中士的第四小队在威考的坠机地点建立防线 Eversmann's Chalk Four has set up a perimeter
around Wolcott's crash site.
狄马索在隔壁的大楼 DiTomasso is in the adjacent structure.
史上尉的游骑兵队员在这儿,两个街口外 Captain Steele and about 40 men, Rangers, are
here, a couple blocks away.
他们的情况很惨 They're banged up pretty bad.
他设立了死伤聚集点没办法前进 He set up a casualty collection point, I don't think
they'll be able to move.
桑德森中士率领手下 Sergeant Sanderson and a small Delta team...
正在赶往坠机地点 ...are moving from Steele's position to the crash site as
把炮火引开 Draw off fire!
等对方装子弹就掩护我 When this asshole stops to reload, cover me!
-快&&& -长官
再来 Again!
掩护我 Loading!
继续 Keep going!
卡住了 I'm jammed!
让我来 I got it!
该死 No, shit!
火箭弹 RPG!
你没事吧? You all right? You okay?
没事,我死不了 Yeah. I can hear bells ringing.
快,来吧 Come on! Come on!
有一群人正走向坠机地点 A crowd is advancing six, seven blocks from the
舒哈和葛顿再度请求 Shughart and Gordon again request permission...
前往坠机地点进行救援 ...to secure until convoy arrives. Over.
人群增加到好几百人 General, crowds are in the hundreds now.
他们看得会比我们清楚 From where they are, they can see things clearer than
any of us.
他们很清楚状况 They know what they're asking.
让我跟他们说 Let me talk to them.
这是盖将军 This is Garrison.
我要确定你们很清楚状况 大声地说出来 I want to make sure that you understand what
you're asking, so say it out loud.
我们要求在坠机地点建立防线 We're asking to go in and set up a perimeter until
ground support arrives.
支援部队没那么快赶到 You realize that I cannot tell you when that might be,
it could take a while.
-我知道&&& -你们还是要去?
-Roger that.&&&
-You still want to go in there?
是,长官 Yes, sir.
-哈中校&&& -是,将军
-Yes, General?
这是你的决定 It's your call.
收到 Roger that.
把他们送过去 Goffena, put them in.
该死,该死 Motherfucker. Motherfucker.
火箭弹 RPG!
建立防线 Set up your perimeter!
他身上有火箭弹 There's a fucking rocket in him, sir!
冷静点,它会爆炸,快走 Othic, calm down, goddamn it! There's live ordnance,
now get out!
可恶 Son of a bitch.
把他抬起来,小心点 All right, lift him up! Lift him up! Easy, easy!
把他抬上车,很好 All right, get him in there! Good, good! Easy, easy!
快上车,开车 Get in that truck and drive.
-我受伤了&&& -大家都受伤了
-But I'm shot,
-Everybody's shot.
把人犯送回去 We need the prisoners! Let's go!
你要开到哈瓦迪街直走 Surveillance says to take Hawlwadig, then go
我要你回头开到哈瓦迪街 McKnight, we need you to turn around and head back to
拜托,我们才从那儿来 You're shitting me! We just came through there!
一定有更好的路线 There must be a better route!
这是指挥中心的情报,你要调头回去 That's the info I'm getting from JOC, you need to
turn around and head back.
收到了 Roger that. Roger that.
我不敢相信,快调头 I cannot believe this shit! Turn us around, Maddox.
他们会把我们害死 They're trying to get us fucking killed!
快开车吧 Just get it over with! Drive!
该死 Goddamn!
快走吧,开车 Get us out of here, goddamn it, drive!
快踩油门 Keep your foot on the gas!
快踩油门 Keep your foot on the gas!
去死 Fuck!
该死 Shit.
舒哈和葛顿下去了 C-2, Shughart and Gordon are on the deck. Over.
收到 Roger.
是友军!别开枪 Friendlies!
天啊,见到你真好 God, it's good to see you!
你也是,你伤得多重? It's good to see you. How bad?
我的腿断了,我的背很痛 My leg's broken and my back feels kind of weird.
我们要把你救出去 We've got to get you out of here.
我把他拉出来 I'm pulling him out! Cover!
等等 Wait, l--
我把你放下来 I'm putting you down.
我们在坠机地点建立防线 C-2, we're at the 64 crash site, securing
-你还好吧?&&& -我还好
right?&&& -Yeah,
枪上膛了 You're locked and loaded.
后面有敌人就帮我们解决掉 Any skinnies come around these corners, you watch our
-我们就是了 -Where's the rescue
squad?&&& -We're
好了,停车 All right, stop, stop, Maddox. Stop.
可恶 Son of a bitch.
我们又回到原点 Romeo 64, we're back where we started.
弹药快用完了,大家都受伤 I'm low on ammo, I got many wounded including
车辆几乎毁损 ...vehicles that are barely running.
好了,你就老实说吧 Okay, Danny, I need a no-b.s. assessment here.
你能到坠机地点吗? Can you get to the crash site?
我什么也看不到 Colonel, I can't see shit.
不能 Negative.


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