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重新安装浏览器,或使用别的浏览器Secret Ponchos Gets New Characters, Free Maps on 2/17
CEO, Switchblade Monkeys
Hello outlaws! The team here at Switchblade Monkeys is thrilled to announce The Hunting Ground, our first major content drop for Secret Ponchos coming to your
February 17th, 2015. Our goal is to keep the game evolving and growing over time, so it keeps getting better and better.
What’s in this expansion?
A lot! With The Hunting Ground update we aimed to make sure we provide content for everyone: those who want to support us in expanding the game by purchasing some DLC, and our players who just love Secret Ponchos and want free new content.
New Content
We learned a lot from community feedback since the PS+ launch of our game, and we’ve been working hard on many improvements.
Being a tiny indie team, we aimed to putout a game that’s fun and deep, but to do that it would have to start small.
One of the things we heard the most is “more content”, so we took that to heart and here it is! Included are 2 new maps – for FREE. Additionally, our artists wanted to show a gesture of appreciation for our community, and have built a custom exclusive unlockable skin as a special reward for our community as a thank you for supporting us and playing the game. In addition to the free content, for those who want to support us there will be 2 new Purchasable playable Outlaws that make their debut!
We’ve been listening and working very closely with the community in our Secret Ponchos forums, and we’ve implemented many tuning/balancing improvements. We’ve also learned that we needed stronger support for new players, so we’ve started implementing improvements such as creating a basic in-game tutorial to get new players started and moving Practice mode (with the outlaw move-sheets) to be front and center.
“Hunting Ground” – 2 New Maps Included
Everyone will get two free maps, increasing our total level count to six. Creatively we tried to push these maps to offer new dynamics to the Secret Ponchos environments.
A classic, battle-torn Spaghetti Western Mexican-style plaza. This is a smaller map, resulting in high-tension combat. Players can battle outside or take fights into smaller buildings. Teams can break off and regroup, and the interiors loop around back to the central open area.
The Mines provide a vastly different experience from Secret Ponchos’ other levels. They combine confined narrow tunnels with an open area, creating a multitude of player opportunities for tactical battles.
New Outlaws!
We are proud to introduce two new purchasable DLC Outlaws in “The Hunting Ground”: Gordo & The Wolf. Following our tradition of ensuring each Outlaw plays as different as they look, these two with their unique mechanics expand our diverse cast from 5 to 7.
The new Outlaws are available for purchase, and our goal is to use DLC proceeds to fund development of more content moving forward. These in-game purchases are the best way for the community
to support the games growth. And for those reluctant to make purchases, these Outlaws will still add a lot of fun to the game for you because you’ll have a richer variety of enemies and teammates.
Gordo’s development was put on hold last year as we switched the game Engines, and we’re super happy to have him back because he is just an insane archetype.
A vile and vicious bandit, Gordo makes his way to claim Lonetree.
Armed with a high-powered Gatling, Gordo is able to cut his enemies down from a distance.
Gordo also comes to battle with a Molotov, and can block off parts of the map by leaving huge splashes of persistent flames, and he can even pour a trail of fire behind him to further control the environment.
The Wolf was a lot of fun to work on. We wanted to make her feel focused and deadly.
It was a lot of fun to figure out how to build archery mechanics into Secret Ponchos, and her wolf stance animations especially were so much fun to work on.
The Wolf is a deadly predator rumored to prowl near the town of Lonetree. Hunting enemies, she deals devastating critical hits as her arrows pierce her enemies. She can switch to “Wolf Stance” moving with great agility to pounce, tackling enemies for the kill with a bone knife. The Wolf is awesome for a technical player, who can take advantage of skill shots with her bow and land critical hits.
Thank you everyone for being part of our Secret Ponchos community, and helping us grow the game from its infancy stages. It’s been a crazy experience for an indie team to launch a game into the competitive multiplayer space, and we really hope to continue improving and growing the game. Stay tuned as Feb 17 “The Hunting Ground” debuts exclusively on PS4. As we get closer we will announce more about our Secret Ponchos contest for our Generation 1 users, and more info on the new content.
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Copy .Com. All Rights Reserved.《神秘斗篷:最高通缉(Secret Ponchos: Most Wanted)》现已正式登陆Steam平台
【游侠导读】狂野西部射击游戏《神秘斗篷》的PC版《神秘斗篷:最高通缉(Secret Ponchos: Most Wanted)》现在已经正式登陆steam平台,PC版中将会加入10位角色,还有新的游戏模式。
  《》是一款狂野西部射击游戏。游戏曾在EVO 2015进行展示。《神秘斗篷》有浓浓的西部电影的味道,游戏在早前也已经登陆PS4平台。游戏的PC版《神秘斗篷:最高通缉(Secret Ponchos: Most Wanted)》增加了新模式、全新角色。
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小游戏在线玩游戏信息 /GAME INFO
神秘披风 Secret Ponchos
开发厂商:Switchblade Monkeys
发行厂商:Switchblade Monkeys
Switchblade Monkeys创意总监兼CEO Yousuf Mapara在PlayStation官方博客公开了更新内容,包括免费及付费内容。此次更新将加入两大新地图分别为&矿场&(The Mines)和&广场&(Plaza),地形各有不同,所需的作战策略也各异,两个地图都将免费开放。
而&猎场&更新中加入的两大新角色&戈多(Gordo)&和&(狼女)The Wolf&都为付费内容,价格尚未公开。&戈多&可使用机枪和燃烧瓶进行攻击,而&狼女&的设定则是一名印第安人,拥有娴熟而致命的弓技,同时使用骨刃进行近身格斗。
操作系统: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8
CPU: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
内存:4 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GeForce 460GTX or AMD Radeon HD 6800 1GB
DirectX:Version 11
硬盘空间: 3 GB available space
声卡:Direct X 11 sound device
网络:Broadband Internet connection
其它:Controller / Gamepad Recomended : Sony PS4 Dual shock, Microsoft Xbox 360(R) Controller for Windows(R). Keyboard/Mouse is supported. Please note: these specifications are deliberately high as we are in the early stages of optimization. They will be gradually reduced.
操作系统: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8
CPU: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
内存:4 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GeForce 460GTX or AMD Radeon HD 6800 1GB
DirectX:Version 11
硬盘空间: 3 GB available space
声卡:Direct X 11 sound device
网络:Broadband Internet connection
其它:Controller / Gamepad Recomended : Sony PS4 Dual shock, Microsoft Xbox 360(R) Controller for Windows(R). Keyboard/Mouse is supported. Please note: these specifications are deliberately high as we are in the early stages of optimization. They will be gradually reduced.
介绍:《耻辱:终极版(Dishonored Definitive Edition)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
厂商:Nordic Games
介绍:《咒语力量3(Spellforce 3)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
介绍:《泰拉瑞亚:来世(Terraria: Otherworld)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
厂商:Gaddy Games
介绍:《挖或死(Dig or Die)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
介绍:《神奇青蛙(Amazing Frog ?)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
厂商:Team Meat
介绍:《超级食肉男:永恒(Super Meat Boy Forever)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
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