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Riven是一个来自的国际另类摇滚乐队,成立于2013年。乐队成员包括:Christian von Heland(主唱&吉他,),Jakk Sludge(吉他&和音,),Rene Laforge(贝斯&和音,)和Gunnar Thorsteinsson(鼓&和音,)。Riven is an international post-rock alternative band from , China, formed in 2013. The band consists of Christian Von Heland (lead vocal, rhythm guitar), Jakk Sludge (lead guitar, backing vocals), Rene Laforge (bass guitar, backing vocals), and Gunnar Thorsteinsson (Drums,backing vocals).音乐作品
Riven是一个来自广州的国际另类摇滚乐队, 成立于2013年。乐队成员包括:Christian von Heland(主唱&吉他,),Jakk Sludge(吉他&和音,),Rene Laforge(贝斯&和音,)和GunnarThorsteinsson(鼓&和音,)。  受,,,和等乐队的影响,Riven致力于保持现场演奏传统,旨在创造与众不同的真实现场音乐。随着对模拟音色、现场表演、现代技术的了解,Riven努力将他们的音乐发展到国际水平。乐队从不重复自己的歌曲和声音。出于对“虚假音乐”的厌恶,Riven始终保持着他们的纯粹性,在打磨技巧的同时拒绝加入任何他们无法在现场演奏的声音。Riven十分注重他们的现场演出质量,因为他们相信超越录音室作品的现场演奏是对喜欢他们的人的最好回馈。  Riven起源于2009年夏天的某一个晚上,Christian独自坐在中山大学的校园里弹唱。这时,Jakk走过来,他们发现对方都想做很棒的音乐,于是一段真诚的友谊开始了。在那之后,很多人来来去去,并以他们的方式影响着乐队。随着Rene和Gunnar的加入,Riven变得更加成熟,他们开始向世界分享他们的音乐了。[1]
  绝不对声音进行的简单重复  将每一首歌的创造达到极致  每一首歌都应独一无二  现场表演应该超越录音室作品  所有的声音必须能在现场演奏 Riven is an international post-rock alternative band from Guangzhou, China, formed in 2013. The band consists of Christian Von Heland (lead vocal, rhythm guitar), Jakk Sludge (lead guitar, backing vocals), Rene Laforge (bass guitar, backing vocals), and GunnarThorsteinsson(Drums,backing vocals).
Riven is the coming together of various different backgrounds: Sweden, China, Canada and Island. The band’s aspirations are to break free from the traditional limitations of what a rock band — and rock music — could and couldn’t do. By combining analog original sound with challenging social messages that transcends cultural boundaries, Riven strives to expand rock music on an international level.
The band keeps the sound pure, without digital add-ups. The equipment they use is almost completely analog, as they produce and give a real sound that is an extension of them, not a computer product. Riven also puts a lot of emphasis on the quality of their live performances, as they believe the best way to be real to their fans is to deliver a live performance that surpasses the quality of their studio recordings.最开始的riven其实是叫Loke,那个时候鼓手是的Mason,但是2013年九月份,他离开了广州,Riven在的日记中写道:“For so many reasons, our drummer Mason will leave the band(hope he will come back in future)PS: we are going to change our band name from &Loke& to &Riven&, so please call us &Riven& in future, thanks”。
“We don‘t want your money,we just want your smile.”他们不卖艺,他们只想分享音乐。入秋后的每个周六下午四点,Riven乐队都会准时出现在中大康乐园南草坪上的大榕树下,用音乐交换听众的微笑[3]。
之后的Julien Masse担任了Riven的鼓手,并一起完成了《wireless》专辑在广州的巡演。cityweekend采访他们的时候做了一篇报道如下:
In the five years they've played in Guangzhou, Riven has been immersed in Guangzhou's underground music scene of original artists that some didn't even know existed. And now, they are emerging out from darkness into the light. You may have seen them playing at venues such as T:union,C:unionor Hooley's. Mix a little Coldplay, Radiohead, Nirvana and a dash of the Cure and you only have a basic sound of Riven. Lead by guitarist and lead singer, Christian Von Heland along with Jakk Sludge on lead guitar, Rene Laforge on bass, and Julian Masse banging on the drums, Riven is wholly unique.
The band's start isn't the typical garage band stereotype, but merely just on chance. One day years back when Christian was playing in a park over near Zhong Shan University, a passerby overheard the native Swede's plunks on the acoustic guitar, stopped to listen and boldly said to Christian, &Shit.& Normally, some musicians would either take offense or jus however, Christian did the opposite and became curious as to why the spectator criticized his playing. To his surprise, the passerby is another talented guitarist who focuses on mechanics and playing structures on the stringed instrument. Just like a movie, the two guitarists sat and shared guitar techniques bonding over their passion for music. Christian asked the name of this guitar maestro, &but he didn't have an English name at the time so I decided to call him Jakk.& The rest is history.
Ever since that fateful day in the park, Christian and Jakk began a beautiful and meaningful relationship jamming in the park, which they still do today, at the same tree. Eventually, their sound began to change from a hobby crooning cover songs to evolving into their own original songs that embody Alternative music. The guitar duo then recruited the likes of a rambunctious Quebecois bassist, Rene and the newest addition to the troupe, a French drummer, Julian. Collectively, they strive to become more than a band that only plays to have fun, but to become legitimate musicians with original music. &With the songs we perform in China, our goal is to maintain originality and go to the next level of becoming a professional band. We now have a band manager and the means to go beyond playing in popular live music venues in Guangzhou.&
With each already having a full-time job and some with significant others as well, Riven maintains a strict rehearsing schedule in order to achieve their goals. Just for Christian, he practices for perfection and takes his music very seriously. His own personal rehearsing schedule includes six to eights hours daily of practicing on his trusty guitars repeating &illogical& scales, finger patterns on the neck of his piece, and reciting different tempo and beat combinations. His regimen not only reflects in his dedication to his music as a single musician but also as a whole in his band Riven.
I had the pleasure of joining in one of their twice-weekly rehearsal sessions at their music studio near Liugang station in Haizhu. At first glance, the studio is a simple, cramped, carpeted room with so much audio equipment and snakes of electric cords slithering on the ground they would make Indiana Jones cringe. But what seems like a bit of chaos, the amazing acumen of the band are the white wipe boards on all walls in the dark box listing problematic areas calling for consistent improvement. &Every piece in the band has homework to improve and perfect their part of the whole picture,& as Christian explains. &We play, record, and listen to problematic areas to maintain tightness.&
The day I arrived to the rehearsing session, Riven was working on individual work on their unique catchy song, &Rise,& based on waking up in the morning. Each piece of the band started with constant repetition on the song, starting and stopping every few measures to go through everyone's sound. You can instantly see the dedication as each person listens to every instrument--one-by-one, then duos, trios and at last, the quartet.
At the end of the session, you sense the brotherhood between the musicians in Riven with each helping one another in order to visualize perfection in any performance. Just watching the band in action and listening to music that I wouldn't have expected to hear in Guangzhou, they've made me a groupie.
Even when Christian leads like a conductor in a chamber orchestra, he breaks practicing moments offering constructive criticism, but also acts as the group's cheerleader. Actually, that's the case for every member of the band. Every one listens and offers support as they are all sharing the same goals toward making a serious band with serious musicians: providing good music for the audience and inspiring others to pass on the live music tradition by conveying their emotions through their own songs like the big names in the world starting from Guangzhou out.
And so, Riven plays on. Listen to the wailing vocals and guitar, growling lead guitar solos, the deep, pulsating bass, and the constant thumps of syncopating drums along with experimental sounds.[4]
鼓手Julien Masse在中国其实已经有了一个美好的家庭,还有稳定的工作,出于乐队对未来巡演等多方面的考虑,Julien Masse在2014年的夏天离开了乐队,来自的Gunnar成为新的鼓手,并在今年九月海石音乐节第一次联袂演出。
Riven在日记中写道:()Riven发生了一件大事——鼓手Gunnar大神来了(Julien离开了)。法国的温柔浪漫与冰岛的冷峻严酷在这里来来个擦肩而过。  Gunnar是一个很专业很专业,很pro很pro的鼓手,来自神秘的世界尽头——冰岛(Iceland)。专注,刚强的同时对音乐有自己独特的敏锐和感觉。Gunnar就像冰岛音乐纪录片——尖叫的经典(Screaming Masterpiece)里的冰岛音乐家一样,独特,冷冽,带着极光的冷茫灿烂与雪原的亘古悠远。随着他的加入,Riven将再次blow your shit out!   “他每天需要作的一件事情就是拒绝其他乐队的邀请”——Rene
2014年对Riven来说是重要的一年,他们活跃在广州各个音乐酒吧,做自己的音乐,坚持自己的风格,可以说是广州顶级的band队,每个乐手都有着丰富的经验。我们不知道他们在背后付出了多少汗水,我们只能看到舞台上他们做自己音乐时的那份真挚与热情。在广州,乃至中国,很久都没有这样一支能触动听众灵魂的乐队了。安静的夜晚,你听到的是他们对沉寂世界的诠释,躁动的现场,你看到的是他们对热血生活的演绎。Chris说:all i do is for music . 只有听过他们音乐的人,才能感受到Riven对音乐的痴迷执着。
Riven每个月都会拍一些闹剧和日常生活的搞笑事件放到优酷上,为的是让大家更了解他们,他们觉得音乐不应该是把听众和表演者越隔越开的介质,音乐应该是让人与人之间更亲近的导体。他们穿着动物服装,稀奇古怪的在广州的老村子菜市场里面奔跑,他们在废墟中拍摄宣传照与城管对峙,他们在排练室里一遍一遍严格录制live版曲目,他们也在凌晨两点坐在喜士多门口喝着啤酒弹吉他。主唱&吉他,瑞典人,私底下非常骚,公认的自恋狂。整天纠结自己的发型是不是该换了,善用中文勾搭妹子,每次演出开场必吼一嗓子。去过现场的朋友都知道,Chris善露内裤和股沟,裤子穿成酱爆那样,他称:This is my fashion.吉他&和音,中国人(一个中国人为什么要有这样的英文名字。。。。。。),就读于中山大学,博士生(屌丝一枚),整天把WTF挂在嘴边,听说遇到Chris的时候一句英语都开不了口,如今骂人都全英文的了,啧啧啧。激情四射,经常和band里面的乐手玩暧昧,时不时传出绯闻。性取向至今不明。但是,Jakk确实是个效果器大湿啊啊啊啊啊。贝斯&和音,加拿大人,属于加拿大那边说法语的,在广州国际幼儿园当教师(会不会有小朋友被猥琐的大叔吓着)。活跃于广州各个live的open mic,非常热爱跟粉丝交流。乐队中有个传说“bigger nose,bigger d*ck”,但是René从来没给我们证明过(因为他的鼻子最大!乐队里的人都吵着要他证明)。。。。。。此人比较憨厚诚实,各种情绪什么的,直接射你一脸,Riven的angry bird!鼓&和音,来自神秘的冰岛,和主唱一样都有着维京血统,Rene说跟他们是不能比拼喝酒,不然自找苦吃。Gunnar是一名大哥哥一样的角色,稳重,照顾别人,特别有安全感啊啊。他入队了后,Chris的女粉丝掉了多少数不清。按照时间顺序排列时间:
费用: 免费时间:
日 周四 19:30
地点: fei livehouse 广州天河区天河员村四横路128号红专厂创意园B4-01/02
费用:40元(预售) 80元(现场)[5]时间:
日 周日 15:30-22:00
费用:100元(现场) 80元(预售) 70元(学生仅限预售)[6]时间:
日 周六 20:00-23:30
地点:广州海珠区Hooley's Irish restaurant
日 周六 20:00
地点: 松山湖创意公园
日 周五 20:00-21:30
费用:50元(门票) 40元(预售)时间:
日 周六 21:00-23:00
费用:40元(预售) 40元(学生) 80元(现场)[8]时间:
09月06日 周六 14:30-22:30
日 周五 20:00-23:00
费用:40元(学生) 50元(预售) 60元(现场)时间:
日 周六 20:00-22:00
费用:70元(门票) 50元(预售)时间:
日 周四 22:00-23:00
地点:[ 喜窝、hooleys、TU凸空间]
日 周六 19:00-22:30
地点:广州海珠区广州市海珠区工业大道北132号7号楼 (花城x往事创意园)SDLIVEHOUSE
费用:120元(现场) 80元(预售)时间:
06月07日 ~ 06月08日 每天19:00-22:30
费用:60元(单日) 50元(预售) 80元(两天门票预售) 80元(双人单日预售)时间:
日 周二 22:30-23:30
日 ~ 日 每周六 16:00-18:00
日 周六 22:00-23:30
3、HollowBliss  There are monsters hiding under my bed  At night the crawl to feast inside my head  They chew and they chew with their hunger forever unfed  She is covered in layers of bandage that sometimes turns red  Coated in meaning that blows with the breeze of her head  Armored in mirrors that show you who you are instead  Hush now, don’t you think too much, things are gone when flushed  Watch them twirl, unfurl, revolt and baby  Stand by your brand new electric chair your stairway up or slide down there  and like and share and share and share  Baby, did I cut you these pretty scars, did we burn from the start?  Did we burn?  Hush now, don’t think of what you leave behind just think of now, you'll be fine  Touch to save to save to save  Loan it, from the future oh so bright, enjoy it now it is alright  You're young once, once, once, once  We are Wireless  Online we confess  Touch my, touch my face
  怪物们藏在我的床下  夜晚潜入我脑中,享受盛宴  他们吞食,他们咀嚼,他们的饥饿永难填塞  她穿着时时渗血的层层绷带  她穿的大衣,随心而变  她穿着镜子铸的铠甲,当你看她时,你只能看到自己  静下来吧,你已想的太多,它们会被冲走  旋转,展开,反抗,亲爱的  预备,崭新的电椅,无论飞升还是坠落  只要你喜欢就分享,分享,分享  亲爱的,我是否已留给你这些美丽的伤痕,我们是否由于开始而疼痛,是吗?  静下来吧,别想你做了什么,想想如今,你会没事的  选中,保存,保存,保存  透支未来吧,明朗的未来,没问题的,享受它,就在此刻  反正你曾经年轻,曾经,曾经  我们是无线的  在线上我们会忏悔  触摸我,触摸我的脸吧  They are afraid of it  So they try changing it  Want control of it  Rid your soul of it  So you keep hiding it  Try ti fight with it  Keep constraining it  Try renaming it  Alright  Wont you set it free to roam tonight  If you want it you must dare to say it loud  Won't you please cut the bullshit we are misfits how could we fit in right?  Just release, set it free, like it should be and then lift your head up high  Come and see, it is your soul, let it roll, if it hurts then you're alive  You and me, we are bark boats, set afloat, in the barrel wave of time.  The more you use of it  Less you loose of it  More you're making it  Less they take of it  We want to make it all  We want to try and fall  When we don't really fit  Thats when we know its it.  Alright  Set it free and let it roam tonight.  Wont you please, cut the bullshit, we are misfits how could we fit in right  Just release set it free, like it should be, then lift your head up high.  Won't you please cut the bullshit we are misfits how could we fit in right?  Just release, set it free, like it should be and then lift your head up high  Come and see, it is your soul, let it roll, if it hurts then you're alive  You and me, you and me.  It is one or the other  Or equal of the two  In the third there is nothing  In the first there is me and you.  I am hollow  I am hollow  I'm incomplete  She said it's on it's way  It is on its way  It is all in one way.  It's all-in one-way.  I am hollow  I am hollow  I'm incomplete  I got my dreams decorated with the snow of Stockholm  It falls, my recollection of December ought-to-be's.  And in those dreams I break the bondage that ties matter to time.  And I become the one I always wanted  I am I am I me  Goodbye brother should have been, I wish I got to know you better  Whats under this blanket of snow, a new morning, or an ice-patch on the road.  All these involuntary exits to what we like to think we know.  As we search for love, and happiness and peace, and where to  find the strength to bring us where it is.  If it is till its not  It all cannot be  That makes time an aspect  Of what it means to see.  I am hollow  I am hollow  I'm incomplete  One thing leads to others  Others don't lead to one  Speed may change, not direction  It is set, all has been done.  I am hollow  I am hollow  I'm incomplete  We are  We are  We are incomplete.I move my body in sync as i take pictures, pictures of the party, pictures that are easy to share,easy to like, no statement here
I keep waving my hands in the air, like all of the others, like all the others up there,as they sing about waving their hands in the air
Run into the sun
Burn with everyone
I use my mind in sync with the others, as i make my own calls, that way i got nothing to fear,as my digital footprint becomes clear
I keep making ironic remarks, like all of the others, all of the others up there,I put my heart, nowhere
Run into the sun
Burn with everyone
I' would run to the sun with you to see a smile dance on your chin
I would run to the sun with you to take us back where we begin
All the time I thought to think it had a meaning. How could you leave me like this
All the time I stared to see what you were seeing. How could you leave mine for his
All the time I felt to feel what i was feeling. Then how did it end up like this
All the time I. All the time I... didn't spend with you
It's too late
It's too late
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