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H5游戏推荐解析《Candy Crush Saga》盈利机制与社交系统
发布时间: 16:48:14
作者:Sheldon Laframboise
关于《Candy Crush Saga》
《Candy Crush Saga》是一款设计过硬的连线消除游戏。它趣味十足,机制设计巧妙,并包含富有吸引力的玩法节奏。在我看来,它可以算是当今市场中连线消除游戏的典型代表。它是免费游戏,或更准确地说,应该是免费增值游戏。
Candy Crush Saga(from gamasutra)
《Candy Crush Saga》极具视觉亲和力,含可爱的角色,明亮的色彩以及令人愉悦的氛围。我想该游戏4600万的月活跃用户都会同意这个说法。
我说过本文不提游戏设计,所以我们就此打住吧。《Candy Crush Saga》是一款盈利机制和社交系统整合到核心体验,而非令核心体验迎合盈利机制、社交系统的游戏。当今有太多免费增值游戏就是采用了本末倒置的方法:
B是一个比A更高效的方法,但这两者都会产生空洞的设计/体验,市场反应可想而知。《Candy Crush Saga》采用了“整体大于独立部分之和”的设计方式。其效果十分理想,截止本文撰稿,该游戏每月创收高达6200万美元。
shut-up-and-take-my-money(from gamastra)
这款游戏含有可怕的Zynga生命模式……但这没有关系。它是一个可行的系统,可通过禁止/限制玩法次数而保持游戏的新鲜感。该系统有助于增加玩家粘性,减少流失率以及玩法疲劳感。虽然游戏最初只为玩家提供 5条命,但已经足够玩家等地铁或公交车时打发时间。这个生命模式还整合到了游戏中的其他盈利和社交系统。玩家可以向好友发送和请求更多条命,或者花99美分重新填充生命条。
social_CP(from gamasutra)
colour Swap(from gamasutra)
你是否注意到了上图中的继续按钮会根据不同情况变化颜色?在玩家用完所有行动的失败关卡中,继续按钮“Play On”会从原先的粉色变为绿色。这是一个微小的变化,但却可引诱玩家下意识地去点击这个按钮。我自己就已经无数次执行这一操作。正如我之前的文章所言,你永远不能低估人类潜意识的力量。
易消耗的能量道具可以提供打败这些困难关卡的优势。玩家在按下Play按钮进入游戏之前就可以购买。易消耗能量道具在许多游戏的转化率贡献中占比达到60%。《Candy Crush Saga》将其所有的易消耗道具植入3个内容包中,以增加玩家的价值。该游戏在移动平台有三种能量道具包:
Color Bomb x3
Striped and Wrapped x3
以一个条纹包装弹果开启游戏,条纹糖果可以爆炸两次,两次都能破坏其身边的3 X 3格子。条纹糖果可清扫匹配的阵列。
Coconut Wheel x3
符咒道具(仅适用于《Candy Crush Saga》铁杆玩家)
charms(from gamasutra)
(这是早前的截图,现在游戏已经减少了Frozen Time这种符咒,以便减少成本,增加销量。)
*Frozen Time符咒
retention(from gamasutra)
《Candy Crush Saga》关卡很短,一般介于30秒至2分钟。其短小的玩法可以让玩家在最短暂的无聊时期打发时间。
还有好多目标,《Candy Crush Saga》是一款进展无限的游戏。
Map(from gamasutra)
这里要注意另一个游戏设计。《Candy Crush Saga》是以其难度节奏为基础而创造。那些极令人受挫的高难度关卡之后,通常会紧跟5-6个简单至中等难度关卡。这种起伏变化的难度持续吸引玩家重返游戏。成就感是玩家进程和留存率的主要动力。
如果你的好友在玩游戏,你很可能也会玩。所以《Candy Crush Saga》几乎每个层面的设计都整合了Facebook功能:
虽然我遗漏了许多内容,但我们已经不难看出《Candy Crush Saga》是一款表面看似设计简单,但却在游戏设计、社交和盈利系统中注入了许多深思熟虑的游戏。
Candy Crush Saga: A Sweet Journey into Monetization
by Sheldon Laframboise
The following blog was, unless otherwise noted, independently written by a member of Gamasutra’s game development community. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Gamasutra or its parent company.
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Foreword: Why Write this Article?
The industry is changing, and we are all trying to keep up. Now I should mention, I don’t claim to have all the answers and may have missed some things. If so, please let me know – I love to polish my work. With that out of the way, read on brave adventurer…
By itself, Candy Crush Saga is a solid Chain reaction/Match 3 game. It has fun, well designed mechanics and contains engaging gameplay pacing. In my opinion it currently stands at the pinnacle of the match 3 genre. (And if you were to look at market saturation, I think the public would agree) I could easily see myself spending 99 cents or more as a “retail” game. But the game
it is free – or more accurately put, it is Freemium.
I could go into depth on what makes this game so entertaining and its game design, but that is not what this article is about. We are here to talk monetization and this game is a shining example of systems design and why the Freemium model works. So let’s get to this!
Approachability. Everyone loves candy!
Candy Crush Saga is extremely approachable visually, with cute characters, bright colours and satisfying fanfare. If makes the game extremely approachable for anyone.
Yup.. like I said, it’s damn cute. 46 million active users per month agree.
Game Design meets Social and Monetization Systems Design
Alright, so I said I wouldn’t mention game design so I’ll keep this short. Candy Crush is a game built with its monetization and social system integrated into not the other way around. So many freemium games today are designed in a backwards way of either:
A) Creating a game and then trying to push in a Freemium strategy as an after thought
B) Having a monetization strategy and trying to build a game around it.
B is more effective than A but both of these approaches tends to lead to a hollow sort of design/experience and the market reflects that. Candy Crush is a well rounded, coherent design that takes in a “sum is greater than the individual parts” approach. It works well… So well that it currently (at the time of me writing this) makes well upwards of $62 million per month.
Conversion Mechanics: Monetization System in Detail
The Life Model
That’s right, the game contains the dreaded Zynga life model… But that’s okay. It is a system that works and keeps the game fresh by restricting/limiting gameplay sessions. This system helps increase engagement, reduces burn-out and gameplay fatigue. While the game only offers 5 lives initially, it is usually more than enough to pass by time on that short subway or bus ride.
The life model also feeds into the other monetization and social systems of the game. A player can both send and request more lives from friends or can simply refill the life meter for a mere 99 cents.
Social Checkpoints
The game offers 35 levels before gating the player with a social checkpoint. What’s a social checkpoint you ask? The social checkpoint is another mechanic that has a multi-tiered function. It covers multiple aspects of retention, conversion and attempts to increase daily/monthly active users. I will cover more aspects of the social checkpoint in later sections.
But for now I’ll just highlight the mechanic, it does 3 main things:
1. It gates the player from progressing further and gives them a goal – Unlock the next chapter!
2. If the player wants to overcome this obstacle immediately and keep playing, they can pay 0.99 cents
3. Alternatively a player can ask 3 friends to send them tickets to open the next chapter. The player will then have to wait for their friends to respond to continue on. There are another 2 points here that I should mention:
a. Sending ticket requests to existing friends performs a social callback (this is covered in more depth in the retention section). This encourages active players to come back more frequently.
b. There is a chance players will invite new friends to the game which would help increase the monthly active users count. New users mean new chances at having a customer that will convert.
Note: This is an evolution of the Pay Wall. Pay Walls used to require players to pay to continue playing. Pay walls were short lived as they drove engagement and retention down drastically.
The Impulse Purchase – I WAS SO CLOSE!
So you play candy crush… you’ll understand when I make the statement “Oh god I was so close! I would have beat this level if I had one more move….” This is usually followed by brief internal swearing. Well you can buy 5 more moves so you aren’t stuck on that pesky level for another 2 weeks.
This is easily the most monetized aspect of the game driving the majority of player conversion. Anyone who has played the game past the first 35 levels has surely run into this… multiple times.
The impulse “5 Extra moves” purchase works hand in hand with the life system and more importantly the difficulty pacing of the game. When the player hits a difficulty spike, they can easily spend days or weeks trying to beat a level.
When they finally get close, get that surge of excitement and then fall short, it is much easier to convert them to continue playing.
P.S. Please kill level 97 with fire.
Even the Menu is Built to Drive Player Conversion
Have you noticed that the continue button changes colour depending on the situation? On levels where the player’s fail state is to run out of moves (Clear Jelly, Drop the ingredients or Earn a certain score) the continue button “Play On” changes from its usual pink to green. This is a small change but it entices the player to press the button subconsciously. I know I have done this action more than a few times. Like I’ve mentioned in my past article, you can never underestimate the power of the human subconscious.
Consumable Power-Ups
Consumable power-ups can help offer an advantage over those difficult levels. These can be purchased right before pressing the Play button to enter gameplay. Consumables can count for up to 60% conversion in many games. Candy Crush offers all of its consumables into bundles of 3 for added value to the player. There are 3 main power-up bundles available for use on mobile:
color_BombColor Bomb x3
Start the level with a Color Bomb. Color Bombs can clear whatever colour they are matched with or can be combined with other candies for even bigger effects.
Cost: $0.99
stripedBombStriped and Wrapped x3
Start the game with a Striped and Wrapped candy power-up. Wrapped candies detonate twice , destroying a 3 by 3 grid around them both times. Striped candies clear rows when matched.
Cost: $1.99
coconutCoconut Wheel x3
Add powerful Coconut Wheels to the to the candy mix. Coconut Wheels move in a random direction and create power-up candies along the way.
Cost: $3.99
Charms the Durable Whale items (Warning: For the hardcore Candy Crushers only)
Charms exist to greatly reduce the difficulty of the game. If a charm is purchased by a player, it will reduce the likelihood they will encounter some of the other conversion mechanics currently built in. In other words the player will have an easier time beating levels and they will encounter the life system, 5 extra moves option less frequently. With that in mind, Charm upgrades are priced at a high value.
Note: Pay to win is acceptable in a single player game. Don’t like it? Don’t pay.
SotreThis is an older screenshot, since it was taken the Frozen Time charm has been reduced in cost to spur more sales.
The Charm of Life
Alright, you play a lot. You are totally invested in this game. You are the Lord or Lady of crushing poor innocent candy. But wait, 5 lives just isn’t enough to carry on your candy smashing madness? Maybe you want to get more lives in that life pool? No problem!
You can purchase a charm to give you more lives permanently in your life pool. This charm is aptly named: The Charm of Life. It increases your life pool from 5 to 8.
Cost: $16.99
Charm of Stripes
Once a game, change any candy to a striped power-up candy. Match it to clear a row, or combine it with other special candies for even better effects. Why is this charm so expensive? It’s better than 5 extra moves and can make clearing levels a breeze.
Cost: $39.99
The Charm of Frozen Time
Any time based level you play, the time doesn’t count down while you look at which gems to match. This charm negates essentially the most difficult aspect of timed Candy Crush levels.
Cost: $16.99
Retention Systems
Bite-sized Gameplay
Candy Crush levels are short, typically between 30 seconds to 2 minutes long. It’s bite sized gameplay that you can indulge in even in the smallest windows of boredom.
Story Lite
There is actually a story in Candy Crush and while it’s not going to be winning literary r it is important to note that there is one. Basically the story is as follows: A little girl is travelling through a land of candy. As she does, she encounters and assists its denizens along the way.
It’s not much and it isn’t compelling but it gives the player another progression goal: Discover the rest of the story.
Progression and Goal-oriented Play
There is always some challenge to overcome or something new to achieve. The player is constantly driving forward. This constant progression brings the player back to the game almost impulsively.
Some of the goal-oriented play is as follows:
o Beat a level
o Beat “that frustrating” level
o Get 3 Stars in a level
o Beat a chapter
o Unlock a new chapter
o Get 3 Stars in all the levels of a chapter
o Beat a friends high score
o Catch their friends on the map
And so on… Candy Crush is a progressive endless game which can be scaled easily.
The map plays an important psychological role for the player. It gives the player a better sense of their progress. Where have they been? Where are the going? Where are their friends?
Social integration into the map also breaths in a small competitive spirit amongst friends as you can see exactly where they are and what levels they are currently stuck on. It makes you feel good passing a level with ease that your friend has been stuck on for 2 weeks.
Difficulty Pacing reduces Player Burnout
Another game design note. At its core Candy Crush is built around its difficulty pacing. Those oh-so-frustratingly difficult levels are immediately followed up with usually 5-6 easy to medium
difficulty levels. This peak and valley difficulty pacing keeps players engaged and coming back. A sense of accomplishment is a primary driver of progression and player retention.
Overburdening the player with too many difficult levels in a row drives retention down.
Complete and Utter Social Integration
If your friends are playing, you’ll likely be playing. Simple as that. Candy Crush has integrated Facebook into almost every facet of its design:
o Friends scores are displayed on every level.
o Facebook profile pics of your friends litter the world map with their latest progress
o Social upgrades and power-ups galore to be sent to and from your friends
o Gifted lives so you can keep playing
o Social Checkpoints give your friends added value
It goes on, but needless to say: Gameplay is improved with your friends. Also another great thing to note is that Facebook integration is seamless and very smooth. The player does not even need to leave the app to receive or send Facebook requests. This seamless integration ensures maximum engagement. By keeping the player in the game, the designer ensures that the player cannot get distracted by their social media. In other words, not leaving the game keeps the player around to invest more time and possibly spend more money.
Social Callbacks
Players can brag, send consumable power-ups and help their friends unlock new chapters. Side note: I hope you like Facebook alerts. Your friends will repeatedly drag you back into the game to help them (or help you). Even if you quit Candy Crush, your friends will bring you back in there to help them and hey, once you’re there, why not crush some candies. Annnnd you’re back.
Social Checkpoint – 3 Game Challenge
Social Checkpoints at their core, give the player a goal. Unlock the next chapter.
So I mentioned social checkpoints and their evolution from the horrible pay wall. But don’t get me wrong, social checkpoints have flaws as well – they still drive player engagement and retention down. If the player waits too long for tickets from a friend and don’t want to pay the 99 cents, they are likely to abandon the game.
To address this,
recently added in the ability for the player to “Play to Progress”. The player is offered the opportunity once a day, for three days, to beat a simple challenge. Once the third challenge is overcome the next chapter is unlocked. This mechanic helps solve some retention issues with social checkpoints.
The Sweet Sweet Summary
I know I’ve missed a fair bit but as you can see Candy Crush Saga is a deceptively simple design with many layers of thought and consideration put into every aspect of its game design, social and monetization systems.
The game monetizes so much yet it still manages to find that sweet balance between fun gameplay and monetary conversion. So what do you think? Does Candy Crush offer enough sweet gameplay without needing a trip to the dentist? Thanks for the read.()
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