
估计是山寨的 看看是不是仿这个牌子的?THOMAS WYLDE|托马斯
这个来自美国的大热设计师Thomas Wylde曾是名模和Julien MacDonald的灵感缪斯。现在,她成了一名特立独行的设计师,将死神头像印在其奢华的真丝面料上,为人们带来了洛杉矶的好天气。她的时装系列远离了世俗,Rock味与Cool感十足  自从2005年Thomas Wylde这个充满了摇滚味道的时尚品牌出现在人们眼前的时候便注定了它将在时尚产业中永远的刻上了无法磨灭的烙印。前超模保拉.托马斯和设计师朱莉.麦克唐纳是这个品牌的奠基人。(这个品牌的名字是保拉.托马斯以自己的祖父母的名字命名的。)自然界中未加工过的天然的钻石,摇滚的风格,雅致的裙装,以烟草为灵感设计的男式的夹克,西装以及奢华的珠宝首饰,这些都是这个品牌的标志。托马斯沃德的一系列品牌标示的Thomas Wylde骷髅包是好莱坞众多明星像Sienna Miller,Kate Hudson,the Olsen-duo,和Lindsay Lohan等等的最爱之一。
Remember the Name
Fort Minor|介绍
黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor)是林肯公园(Linkin Park)的MC-Mike Shinoda的个人音乐计划,在许多好友的协助下,他已经制作完成了首张个人专辑。包括他自己和杰斯(Jay-Z)都是制作团队的主将,黑暗堡垒的首张专辑已经于2005年年底发行了。
Shinoda选择Fort Minor这个名字,是为了要营造出两种极端所迸生的动力-一种又大又强的物体(Fort)碰上一种微弱不明显的情境(Minor)(也可以解释为音乐上感觉较为忧郁的小调)。火线同盟(The Rising Tied)专辑是由Shinoda自己制作混音,他也亲自创作专辑里的每一首歌曲,并且几乎演奏了每一样乐器、亲身参与每一项细节。“Believe Me”迅速成为热门单曲之后,Shinoda似乎已经自在地回归到他的音乐本质。
Remember the NameFort Minor - The Rising Tied(Deluxe Version)
@有谁不服本公主:华语好歌无数,但此类约等于0,一听到remember the name肾上腺素就上涌,想打球,想cs来场5v5,想斗牛飙舞,想为了一腔青春的热血做一切能做的事
You ready? Let's go准备好了?一起来吧Yeah, for those of you that为了那些want to know what we're all about想知道我们都是什么样的人It's like this y'all come on就像这样This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill10%的运气,20%的技巧Fifteen percent concentrated power of will15%的意志凝聚
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain5%的欢愉,50%的痛苦And a hundred percent reason和100%的理由to remember the name去记住这个名字Mike, he doesn't need his name up in lightsMike,他不需要他的名字闪耀光芒He just wants to be heard whether他只希望他的声音通过节奏it's the beat or the mic或者麦克风被人们听到He feels so unlike everybody else, alone他的感觉和每个人都不一样In spite of the fact that some people尽管事实上有些人still think that they know him仍然认为他们了解他But fuck 'em he knows the code但他们错了,他知道规则It's not about the salary不是关于薪水it's all about reality and makin' some noise都是关于现实 那么来点欢呼Makin' the story makin' sure his clique stays up创造一个传奇,确信他的团队还在That means when he puts it down就是说 当他写完Tak's pickin' it up, let's goTak接下去Who the hell is he anyway?他到底是怎样的人?He never really talks much他从来话都不多Never concerned with status也从不关心什么身份地位but still leavin' them star struck虽然人们都崇拜他Humbled through opportunities他谦逊地等待given despite the fact机会的到来That many misjudge him because尽管很多人都误解他he makes a livin' from writin' raps因为他以创作rap为生Put it together himself,他自己把歌曲组合now the picture connects于是画面展现Never askin' for someone's help,他从不寻求别人的帮助to get some respect或者为了获得尊重He's only focused on what he wrote,他只专注于他的创作his will is beyond reach他的意志超越我们想象And now when it all unfolds,现在一切都呈现出来了the skill of an artist一个艺术家的技巧This is twenty percent skill,这是20%的技巧eighty percent fear80%的啤酒Be a hundred percent clear 'cause Ryu is ill100%明显的Ryu很棒Who would've thought he'd be他曾想成为the one to set the west in flames?燃烧西部的一个人物And I heard him wreckin' with我听说他和Crystal Method乐队the crystal method, name of the game创作了歌曲《游戏之名》Came back dropped Megadef,回来之后发行了专辑《Megadaf》took 'em to church去教堂祈祷吧I'm like 'bleach, man,我喜欢《bleach》这首歌,伙计why you have the stupidest verse?你的歌词怎么这么愚蠢?This dude is the truth,这是事实now everybody givin' him guest spots现在每个人都请他(Ryu)合作His stock's through the roof他的人气直线上升I heard he fuckin' with S-dot我听说他正和Jay-Z一起工作This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill10%的运气,20%的技巧Fifteen percent concentrated power of will15%的意志凝聚Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain5%的欢愉,50%的痛苦And a hundred percent reason to和100%的理由remember the name去记住这个名字They call him Ryu the sick他们说 Ryu他很棒and he's spittin' fire an' mike他正和Mike一起‘喷火’Got him out the dryer he's hot看得出他现在很火found him in Fort Minor with Tak在Fort Minor里和Tak一起配合A fuckin' annihilist porcupine he's a prick,什么他妈的虚无主义he's a cock他是个*巴The type women want to be with女人喜欢这类型的and rappers hope he gets shot说唱乐手希望他被枪杀Eight years in the makin' patiently waitin' to blow8年的‘修炼’,耐心地等待着爆发Now the record with现在带着专辑Shinoda's takin' over the globe正和Shinoda走向国际He's got a partner in crime,他和搭档一起his shit is equally dope做出的东西酷毙了You won't believe the kind of shit你不会相信这样(棒)的歌曲that comes out of this kid's throat出自这小子的口中Tak, he's not your everyday on the blockTak,他不像你们每天在街头晃悠He knows how to work with what he's got他知道如何利用他所得到的Makin' his way to the top用他的方式达到顶峰People think it's a common owner's name他常听到对他名字作出的评论People keep askin' him was it given at birth人们不断地问他是否出生就有Or does it stand for an acronym?还是象征一种简称?No, he's livin' proof got him rockin' the booth不,他就是这样生活,人们都欣赏他的歌曲He'll get you buzzin' quicker than他的语言会让你得到a shot of vodka with juice比果汁伏特加更迅速的震撼Him and his crew are known around他和他的伙计组成众所周知的as one of the best最棒的团队之一Dedicated to what they doin'一心一意为他们所做的give a hundred percent付出100%的努力Forget Mike, nobody really knows忘记了Mike,没有人真正知道how or why he works so hard为什么他如此努力It seems like he's never got time好像他从没有休息的时间Because he writes every note因为他写下了每一个音符and he writes every line写下了每一句歌词And I've seen him at work when that我看到过他工作时light goes on in his mind灵感闪现的那一刹那It's like a design is written in his head every time就像在脑中预先设计好一样Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme在他豁然开朗,或者唱出韵律之前And those motherfuckers he runs with,那些和他一起的家伙those kids that he signed还有他签下的歌手Ridiculous, without even tryin', how do they do it?天哪,甚至没有尝试,他们怎么就做出了这样(棒)的东西?This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill10%的运气,20%的技巧Fifteen percent concentrated power of will15%的意志凝聚Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain5%的欢愉,50%的痛苦And a hundred percent reason to和100%的理由remember the name去记住这个名字This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill10%的运气,20%的技巧Fifteen percent concentrated power of will15%的意志凝聚Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain5%的欢愉,50%的痛苦And a hundred percent reason to和100%的理由remember the name去记住这个名字Yeah, Fort Minor, M. ShinodaStyles of Beyond, Ryu, TakbirMachine Shop
Go Big or Go Home
American Authors简介
American Authors是一支来自美国纽约布鲁克林的独立乐队,成立于2006年,由主唱兼吉他手Zachary Barnett、主吉他手James Adam Shelley、贝斯手Dave Rublin和鼓手Matt Sanchez组成。在伯克利音乐学院相遇之后的第一年,他们来到波士顿录制音乐(包括EP:Anthropology和Rich With Love)。代表作有《Best Day of My Life》、《Believer》。2014年发行专辑《Oh, What a Life》。 2015年5月发行了新单曲《Go Big Or Go Home》。 2016年7月发行专辑《What We Live For》
Go Big Or Go HomeAmerican Authors - Go Big Or Go Home
@有谁不服本公主:希望下赛季科比、邓肯、加内特、卡特、皮尔斯、吉诺比利、诺维斯基、帕克这些老男孩能继续战斗!GO BIG!DON‘T GO HOME!
@楚枫大大:看到老詹哨响跪倒在地嗷嗷大哭那会 我也流泪了 关键我可是科密!!
Don't feel like going home不想要回家But all my cash is gone但是我已无钱可花Yeah I got nothing to do tonight我今晚将无事可做I'm passed out on the floor我在地板上失去知觉Up in the hotel bar酒吧里氛围高涨But it don't matter cause I'm feeling fine我感觉很好
I'm thinking life's too short it's passing by生命苦短,时间飞逝So if I'm gonna go at all如果我打算去Go big or go (go, go)去做大(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home要么做大,要么呆在家(go, go)去吧,去吧go big or go home要么做大,要么呆在家I gave the dice a roll我掷下这决定我命运的骰子And then we lost control然后我们兴奋得失去了控制You know we're lucky that we survived我们如此幸运地得救了Cause when we jump the ship当我们跳上这艘船Oh, man, that boat, it flipped噢,船翻了But we should do it all again tonight我们今晚也应如此I'm thinking life's too short its passing by生命苦短,时间飞逝So if were gonna go at all如果我们已经决定去Go big or go (go go)去做大(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home要么做大,要么呆在家(go, go)去吧,去吧Go big or go home要么做大,要么呆在家Giving my body all the things I need给我我要的所有Whisking me with a little whiskey给我一些威士忌Staying out, don't need no sleep一直熬夜I'll sleep when I'm dead直到我死去You can bury me将我埋葬I'll sleep when I'm dead我会在此时沉睡You can bury me将我埋葬I guess I'm going home, cause all my cash is gone我想我会回家,我的钱已用完I spent it all trying to feel alive花光了所有,试着证明我还活着Go big or go (go go)去做大(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home (go, go)要么做大,要么呆在家(去吧,去吧)Go big or go home要么做大,要么呆在家It's getting crazy要变得疯狂We're gonna do some things that we won't forget我们只是想做些永远铭记的事Go big or go home要么做大,要么呆在家I'm going crazy我要变得疯狂Gonna live my life, I got no regrets我不想我的生活里会有遗憾和后悔Go big or go home要么做大,要么呆在家
Kanye West | 介绍
坎耶·欧马立·韦斯特(Kanye Omari West,日出生)是一位美国的饶舌歌手、唱片制作人、作家和歌手。他的前三张专辑获得了许多的奖项以及评论家的赞赏。韦斯特的每一张专辑在销售上也都相当成功,《心碎节拍》成为他第三张发行首周即登上并蝉联美国排行榜冠军的专辑。他的第五张专辑《我的奇特幻想》自发行来获得了广泛的赞誉,被选入多个年终最佳专辑榜单。韦斯特也经营他自己的唱片厂牌“GOOD Music”。韦斯特的象征吉祥物和注册商标是一只“退学熊”(Dropout Bear)-一只出现在三张专辑、多张单曲封面上以及音乐录像带中的泰迪熊。
AmazingKanye WYoung Jeezy - 808s & Heartbreak
@有谁不服本公主:奥尼尔:科比,你职业生涯最后一场必须拿50分 科比笑道:这我可做不到 不要因此质疑一个杀手的心,他要狠狠地拿下胜利,还要骄傲地得高分,在那一刻完美谢幕。于是我们见到今天的科比。“Mamba out”?不,这块场地永远流传你的传说,你的每一个amazing时刻
Amazing神奇it's amazing真神奇i'm the reason我就是原因everybody fired up this evening所有人都把今夜点燃i'm exhausted我已精疲力尽barely breathing呼吸困难
holding on to what i believe in仍然坚持着我所坚信的no matter what无论发生什么you'll never take that from me你都无法使我丧失信念my reign is as far as your eyes can see我的统治如你所见,无处不在it's amazing so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing (let's go)真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇i'm a monster我是怪物i'm a killer是个杀手i know i'm wrong yeah我知道是错了 耶i'm a problem我是个问题般的存在that i never永远都ever resolved不会转变and no matter what无论发生什么you'll never take that from me你都无法使我丧失信念my reign is as far as your eyes can see我的统治如你所见,无处不在it's amazing so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing (let's go)真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇i'm a monster我是怪物i'm a maven是个行家i know this world is changing我知道世界正在不断变化never gave in永不屈服never gave up永不放弃i'm the only thing i'm afraid of我唯一的恐惧就是我自己no matter what无论发生什么you'll never take that from me你都无法使我丧失信念my reign is as far as your eyes can see我的统治如你所见,无处不在it's amazing so amazing so amazing so amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇it's amazing so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇vso amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇i'm amazing真神奇yeah i'm all that耶 我就是一切if i ain't on my grind如果我不磨练自我then what you call that那么你会说这是什么victorious胜利yeah we warriors耶 我们是勇士we make history我们创造历史strive of victory我们夺取胜利standing at my podium站在我的舞台i'm trying watch my sodium我最引人瞩目die high blood pressure可能会死于高血压you even let the feds get cha!甚至会被警察抓去i'm amazing我真神奇born on the full moon生于满月i was bred to get in我被养育成才no spoon从不迷恋that's why i'm so goose所以我会如此疯狂summer time no juice在夏日里拼命big family small house no rooms一个大家庭住在小房子里,没有我的房间they like oh god!他们喜欢 哦 上帝why you go so hard你为何如此刻苦look what he's been through看看他经历的那些he deserves an applause他理应获得掌声so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇so amazing so amazing so amazing it's amazing真神奇,如此神奇 真神奇 真神奇 真神奇


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