
Space Engineers
Topic Details
DX11:missing files
The reason i avoided playing DX11 is because it would crash the game every time at intervals of 5 seconds to 30 minutes. However now that DX11 is now the mandated GPU i now have to deal with worlds that crash every single time i so much as look at an item wrong. Its similar to this guys post but i narrowed down the error a little more precisely...
10:58:47.111 - Thread:
MySession.Static.LogSettings - START 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
Name = Egg Miner 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
Description =
10:58:47.113 - Thread:
GameDateTime = 01/01/:38 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
Password =
10:58:47.113 - Thread:
CurrentPath = C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870\Egg Miner 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
WorkshopId =
10:58:47.114 - Thread:
CameraController = Default_Astronaut 10:58:47.114 - Thread:
ThumbPath = C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870\Egg Miner\thumb.jpg 10:58:47.124 - Thread:
Settings: 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
GameMode = Creative 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MaxPlayers = 4 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
OnlineMode = PRIVATE 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AutoHealing = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
WeaponsEnabled = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ThrusterDamage = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableSpectator = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableCopyPaste = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MaxFloatingObjects = 16 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
CargoShipsEnabled = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnvironmentHostility = SAFE 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ShowPlayerNamesOnHud = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
InventorySizeMultiplier = 10 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
RefinerySpeedMultiplier = 3 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AssemblerSpeedMultiplier = 3 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AssemblerEfficiencyMultiplier = 3 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
WelderSpeedMultiplier = 5 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
GrinderSpeedMultiplier = 5 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ClientCanSave = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
HackSpeedMultiplier = 0.33 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
PermanentDeath = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
DestructibleBlocks =
True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableScripts =
True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AutoSaveInMinutes = 5 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
SpawnShipTimeMultiplier = 0 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ProceduralDensity = 0 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ProceduralSeed = 0 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
DestructibleBlocks = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableIngameScripts = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ViewDistance = 5000 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
Battle = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
Voxel destruction = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableStructuralSimulation = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MaxActiveFracturePieces = 50 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MySession.Static.LogSettings - END 10:58:47.213 - Thread:
Session loaded 10:58:47.213 - Thread:
RunLoadingAction - END 10:58:47.216 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadData - START 10:58:47.300 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadData - END 10:58:47.300 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadContent - START 10:58:47.302 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadContent - END 10:58:47.369 - Thread:
Updating continues. 10:58:47.691 - Thread:
GC Memory: 1,235,974,264 B 10:58:52.793 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:52.795 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:59:03.708 - Thread:
ERROR: Failed loading texture C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures\Particles\ 10:59:03.717 - Thread:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---& SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88760B59], Module: [Unknown], ApiCode: [Unknown/Unknown], Message: Unknown Then a bunch more errors would follow suite. This would make sense because each time i loaded the game and made the attempt to look at my interior lights the game would crash. So in my case this could mean that the DX11 files were not installed correctly or are missing from the supposed paths. This is the full log file: 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Log Started 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Timezone (local - UTC): -4h 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
App Version: 01_137_006 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Steam build: Always true 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Is official: True [NO][IS][NAMP] 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Environment.ProcessorCount: 4 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
mandLine: &C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\SpaceEngineers.exe& 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Environment.Is64BitProcess: True 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Environment.Version: 4.0. 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
MainAssembly.ProcessorArchitecture: Amd64 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
ExecutingAssembly.ProcessorArchitecture: Amd64 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
IntPtr.Size: 8 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Default Culture: en-US 10:57:34.835 - Thread:
Default UI Culture: en-US 10:57:34.851 - Thread:
IsAdmin: False 10:57:34.866 - Thread:
MyConfig.Load() - START 10:57:34.882 - Thread:
Path: C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
GraphicsRenderer: DirectX 9 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
MusicVolume: 0.0991603 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
GameVolume: 1 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
DebugInputs: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyConfig+MyDebugInputData] 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
Language: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ControlsGeneral: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.Object] 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ControlsButtons: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.Object] 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
NeedShowTutorialQuestion: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
VideoAdapter: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ScreenWidth: 640 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ScreenHeight: 400 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
RefreshRate: 60 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
WindowMode: 1 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
VerticalSync: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
HardwareCursor: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
RenderQuality: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
FieldOfView: 60 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
RenderInterpolation: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
AntialiasingMode: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ShadowMapResolution: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
TextureQuality: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
AnisotropicFiltering: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
MinimalHud: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
FirstTimeRun: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
HudWarnings: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
VoiceChat: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
GrassDensity: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
TutorialsFinished: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
CubeBuilderBuildingMode: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ControlsHints: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
RotationHints: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ShowCrosshair: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
DisableHeadbob: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
CompressSaveGames: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ShowPlayerNamesOnHud: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
UiTransparency: 1 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
UiBkTransparency: 1 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ScreenshotSizeMultiplier: 1 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
Tonemapping: False 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
FoliageDetails: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
VoxelQuality: 3 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
LowMemSwitchToLow: 0 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
VoiceChatVolume: 1 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
ReleasingAltResetsCamera: True 10:57:34.991 - Thread:
EnableMuteWhenNotInFocus: True 10:57:35.007 - Thread:
MyConfig.Load() - END 10:57:35.007 - Thread:
Checksum file is missing, game will run as usual but file integrity won't be verified 10:57:36.570 - Thread:
Creating Direct3D 10:57:36.601 - Thread:
Creating Direct3D - success 10:57:38.179 - Thread:
Steam.IsActive: True 10:57:38.179 - Thread:
Steam.IsOnline: True 10:57:38.179 - Thread:
Steam.OwnsGame: True 10:57:38.179 - Thread:
Steam.UserId: 41870 10:57:38.179 - Thread:
Steam.UserName: jouster500 10:57:38.179 - Thread:
10:57:38.179 - Thread:
Build date:
04:56 10:57:38.179 - Thread:
Build version: 0.1. 10:57:38.476 - Thread:
MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START 10:57:38.476 - Thread:
Game dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 10:57:38.476 - Thread:
Content dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content 10:57:38.476 - Thread:
Found processor count: 4 10:57:38.476 - Thread:
Using processor count: 4 10:57:40.899 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START 10:57:40.931 - Thread:
d413f04a912a4d7343fabe0dc6847 10:57:42.056 - Thread:
Loading scenarios 10:57:42.196 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END 10:57:42.212 - Thread:
82aa1ee2f117e1da58fa 10:57:42.243 - Thread:
Preallocate - START 10:57:42.243 - Thread:
MySpaceBuildComponent - START 10:57:42.243 - Thread:
MySpaceBuildComponent - END 10:57:42.243 - Thread:
MySpaceWorldGenerator - START 10:57:42.274 - Thread:
MySpaceWorldGenerator - END 10:57:42.274 - Thread:
MyEntities - START 10:57:42.352 - Thread:
MyEntities - END 10:57:42.352 - Thread:
MyObjectBuilder_Base - START 10:57:42.352 - Thread:
MyObjectBuilder_Base - END 10:57:42.352 - Thread:
MyTransparentGeometry - START 10:57:42.604 - Thread:
MyTransparentGeometry - END 10:57:42.604 - Thread:
MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START 10:57:42.635 - Thread:
MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END 10:57:42.635 - Thread:
MyMath - START 10:57:42.635 - Thread:
MyMath - END 10:57:42.635 - Thread:
MySimpleObjectDraw - START 10:57:42.635 - Thread:
MySimpleObjectDraw - END 10:57:42.682 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager - START 10:57:42.682 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager - END 10:57:42.682 - Thread:
MyCubeGridDefinitions - START 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyCubeGridDefinitions - END 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyAIActionsParser - START 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyAIActionsParser - END 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerBase - START 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerBase - END 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerServerBase - START 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerServerBase - END 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyDedicatedServerBase - START 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyDedicatedServerBase - END 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyDedicatedServerBattle - START 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyDedicatedServerBattle - END 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END 10:57:42.842 - Thread:
MyServerDebugCommands - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyServerDebugCommands - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerClient - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerClient - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerLobby - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyMultiplayerLobby - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyDedicatedServer - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyDedicatedServer - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyAiTargetManager - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyAiTargetManager - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyChatHistory - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyChatHistory - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MySyncDestructions - START 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MySyncDestructions - END 10:57:42.857 - Thread:
MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START 10:57:42.951 - Thread:
MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END 10:57:42.951 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START 10:57:42.951 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END 10:57:42.951 - Thread:
MyCommandCharacter - START 10:57:42.967 - Thread:
MyCommandCharacter - END 10:57:42.967 - Thread:
MyCommandConsole - START 10:57:42.967 - Thread:
MyCommandConsole - END 10:57:42.967 - Thread:
MyCommandEntity - START 10:57:42.967 - Thread:
MyCommandEntity - END 10:57:42.982 - Thread:
MySyncScenario - START 10:57:42.982 - Thread:
MySyncScenario - END 10:57:42.982 - Thread:
MySyncEntity - START 10:57:42.982 - Thread:
MySyncEntity - END 10:57:42.982 - Thread:
Preallocate - END 10:57:42.998 - Thread:
MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END 10:57:43.014 - Thread:
MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - START 10:57:43.014 - Thread:
Assembly.GetName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1., Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:57:43.014 - Thread:
Assembly.FullName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1., Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:57:43.014 - Thread:
Assembly.Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\Sandbox.Game.dll 10:57:43.014 - Thread:
Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion: v4.0.30319 10:57:43.014 - Thread:
MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - END 10:57:43.029 - Thread:
MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - START 10:57:43.123 - Thread:
Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: FUJITSU 10:57:43.123 - Thread:
Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: LIFEBOOK T725 10:57:43.123 - Thread:
Virtualized: False 10:57:43.123 - Thread:
Environment.ProcessorName: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz 10:57:43.139 - Thread:
ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 12,754,710,528 bytes 10:57:43.139 - Thread:
ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes 10:57:43.139 - Thread:
ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 9,701,433,344 bytes 10:57:43.139 - Thread:
ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 140,736,640,897,024 bytes 10:57:43.139 - Thread:
Drive C: | Capacity: 236,318,617,600 bytes | Free space: 59,810,033,664 bytes 10:57:43.139 - Thread:
MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - END 10:57:43.139 - Thread:
MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START 10:57:43.795 - Thread:
Loading adapters 10:57:43.889 - Thread:
MyGraphicTest.TestDX() - START 10:57:43.904 - Thread:
WMI Data 10:57:43.904 - Thread:
MyGuiGameControlsHelpers() 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Driver version: 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Driver date:
00. 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
VideoController1 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Intel(R) HD Graphics Family 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
5 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1616&SUBSYS_189910CF&REV_09\3&&10 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
igdumdim64.dll,igd10iumd64.dll,igd10iumd64.dll,igdumdim32,igd10iumd32,igd10iumd32 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
------------------------------------------- 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Good graphics in WMI detected: False 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Debug runtime enabled: False 10:57:43.920 - Thread:
Adapter count: 1 10:57:43.936 - Thread:
Found adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
) 10:57:43.936 - Thread:
Adapter count: 1 10:57:43.936 - Thread:
Adapters count: 1 10:57:43.936 - Thread:
Adapter array count: 1 10:57:43.936 - Thread:
Adapter Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
: \\.\DISPLAY1
10:57:44.154 - Thread:
d3d handle ok
10:57:44.256 - Thread:
MyGraphicTest.TestCurrentSettings() - START 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Ordinal ID: 0x1616 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Vendor ID: 0x8086 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Device name: \\.\DISPLAY1
10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Device identifier: d7b78e66-5556-11cf-f67c-c735 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Driver name: igdumdim64.dll
10:57:44.272 - Thread:
DirectX Driver version: 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Identifier of the adapter chip: 0x1616 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Adapter certified: NO 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Adapter revision: 9 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Subsystem ID: 0x189910CF 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
WHQL level: 0 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Vertex shader version: 3.0 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Pixel shader version:
3.0 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Max primitives count:
8388607 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Max texture width:
8192 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Max texture height:
8192 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Max vertex streams:
16 10:57:44.272 - Thread:
Max render targets:
4 10:57:44.288 - Thread:
MyGraphicTest.TestCurrentSettings() - END 10:57:44.288 - Thread:
Rgba1010102Supported: True 10:57:44.288 - Thread:
MipmapNonPow2Supported: True 10:57:44.288 - Thread:
HDRSupported: True 10:57:44.288 - Thread:
Create query 10:57:44.335 - Thread:
HkGameName: SpaceEngineers Release 10:57:44.335 - Thread:
Dispose query 10:57:44.350 - Thread:
Queries supported: True 10:57:44.444 - Thread:
MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START 10:57:44.444 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START 10:57:44.819 - Thread:
d81c263f154fa5cd0013590ebacfec6 10:57:44.944 - Thread:
f4a32bef64c1b592ea2fdb452f7c7e5 10:57:45.006 - Thread:
Loading sound definitions 10:57:45.022 - Thread:
Loading shadow textures definitions 10:57:45.022 - Thread:
WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Text shadow sets' 10:57:45.038 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END 10:57:45.069 - Thread:
MyAudio.LoadData - START 10:57:45.254 - Thread:
MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
- Channel #: 2 10:57:45.291 - Thread:
Good graphics in DX detected: False 10:57:45.291 - Thread:
Is better graphics available: False 10:57:45.292 - Thread:
MyGraphicTest.TestDX() - END 10:57:45.292 - Thread:
Found adapters 10:57:45.294 - Thread:
Adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
) 10:57:45.294 - Thread:
VendorId: 32902 10:57:45.294 - Thread:
DeviceId: 5654 10:57:45.294 - Thread:
Details: \\.\DISPLAY1
10:57:45.294 - Thread:
Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
10:57:45.499 - Thread:
MyAudio.LoadData - END 10:57:45.533 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'None' 10:57:45.534 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'HudCraftBarProgressLoop' 10:57:45.534 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'HudErrorMessage' 10:57:45.534 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenCraftWin' 10:57:45.534 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenInventory' 10:57:45.542 - Thread:
MyGuiManager() 10:57:46.003 - Thread:
MyScreenManager() 10:57:46.244 - Thread:
MyConfig.Save() - START 10:57:46.246 - Thread:
Path: C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 10:57:46.335 - Thread:
MyConfig.Save() - END 10:57:46.340 - Thread:
MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 10:57:46.958 - Thread:
MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 10:57:46.959 - Thread:
MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 10:57:46.959 - Thread:
MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 10:57:47.247 - Thread:
MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END 10:57:47.346 - Thread:
MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END 10:57:47.408 - Thread:
Timer Frequency: 2533198 10:57:47.408 - Thread:
Ticks per frame: 42397 10:57:54.221 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START 10:57:54.236 - Thread:
6ac10ea2afb98dd71c2fd 10:57:54.266 - Thread:
Loading available saves - START 10:57:54.273 - Thread:
GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870' 10:57:54.316 - Thread:
Exception occured: System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowInvalidChar(Char[] data, Int32 length, Int32 invCharPos)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)
at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(String sessionPath) 10:57:54.326 - Thread:
Exception occured: System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowInvalidChar(Char[] data, Int32 length, Int32 invCharPos)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)
at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(String sessionPath) 10:57:54.403 - Thread:
bc08f2230c25aee2fdf8a3daa3c4e9b0a691e525 10:57:54.484 - Thread:
aecd8e0a84a539c443f7c6d3d73df21a 10:57:54.986 - Thread:
80f6a7a3be77107ece0c8add70df94a 10:57:55.074 - Thread:
2e3a53d232aa71bd00a 10:57:55.081 - Thread:
9dfb8ded7e20cd8da06 10:57:55.103 - Thread:
cbdd870dcfde84a2ee258890bfc93 10:57:55.661 - Thread:
f15eda6d03cdc93fbed27f78c39cc91af47134ab 10:57:55.716 - Thread:
abe8e2bc2f52fac42f17 10:57:55.781 - Thread:
fcfacee17459 10:57:55.904 - Thread:
ee3ce32eb2b89b721 10:57:55.961 - Thread:
b6d2fdadad4cfe213 10:57:56.029 - Thread:
bcd4e741e01c92d5ed69 10:57:56.037 - Thread:
Loading available saves - END 10:57:56.037 - Thread:
Corrupted worlds:
10:57:56.037 - Thread:
asdffadsInsiduious mk 2 10:57:56.063 - Thread:
cece8e38daf55c44d18a29d4b0b8f130b246efe4 10:57:56.136 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:57:56.137 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:57:56.160 - Thread:
438a37c99b3751decbca3521ee39 10:57:56.198 - Thread:
caccc7506c8 10:57:56.231 - Thread:
dcf1ca206fa67e6fec54a9c20ceefa8 10:57:56.471 - Thread:
6cca7d309daf377c5a1edf436b06d69a0b1c1b3d 10:57:56.487 - Thread:
deef307f782 10:57:56.515 - Thread:
3afaa6b39ce8161edf1550baf2194 10:57:56.529 - Thread:
0ec310b18faf66bb8e8fb89f3a98c 10:57:56.600 - Thread:
0c14ce53deb58f9adcfa5a3136730 10:57:57.096 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:57:57.097 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:57:59.053 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenWorldSettings.ctor START 10:57:59.241 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenWorldSettings.ctor END 10:58:00.800 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenAdvancedWorldSettings.ctor START 10:58:00.915 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenAdvancedWorldSettings.ctor END 10:58:03.473 - Thread:
362b87e2f2da60c3ea5bf67b7ae93a5 10:58:03.504 - Thread:
7c68c6ea02eb7a86 10:58:03.525 - Thread:
4bec53d65859bbab27ed0c 10:58:03.550 - Thread:
8ce76b3dbafceb5a92ac3f17a38b 10:58:03.576 - Thread:
abcd696b3f865fe4716b 10:58:03.597 - Thread:
9a46f2f06937baee19 10:58:03.664 - Thread:
643d15b3b30901eedba7f2e02ba4ec9e73474d7b 10:58:03.705 - Thread:
b9e381c5cf39f60c5f72de60c34daf 10:58:03.762 - Thread:
1b5dd188eeb6d9a570d3f0ac43d8 10:58:03.823 - Thread:
c45cc515ea959d38b4e5cb8357cb5c 10:58:03.839 - Thread:
36079fc74fdaccc826dcd564f5050 10:58:03.848 - Thread:
278a106d6ab1b8f877f87b8b110b 10:58:03.864 - Thread:
823b6dc4ba0d7eb76e27e4c1a59ae5d1ceef82f4 10:58:03.920 - Thread:
5aa045d6bb76ded5ef56ef79f8919 10:58:04.153 - Thread:
b6447afb9fef20b24f4b82ffc4c71805 10:58:04.167 - Thread:
0dccafef31aeda3c9774d 10:58:04.298 - Thread:
c0bbc321df5d 10:58:04.779 - Thread:
e14b57fba0dc84c7f23fe5377ab68c 10:58:04.919 - Thread:
925e618e030cd759b7f01fed008f490ef560c501 10:58:04.946 - Thread:
48ffcb18d40d447f7fce 10:58:04.977 - Thread:
3d691aa7f2f0caaafa9 10:58:05.184 - Thread:
1a10df5de5bd80c6a83ec1f14b79c 10:58:05.193 - Thread:
9074a0afb547bda218b6e4fbf1acd7f170e75933 10:58:05.208 - Thread:
7e0ef52aff422ad1eee9a6ac65ce3a 10:58:05.211 - Thread:
4aee17eb909954affb8 10:58:05.259 - Thread:
d5bcccc3eda8b6bdf06 10:58:05.283 - Thread:
35c3e8d08ba18f3e7daa1c149d190c3 10:58:05.387 - Thread:
45e48ff5d5c9e3a375dca 10:58:05.400 - Thread:
8fc43c72f18c00cfa3756fff932c8c 10:58:05.424 - Thread:
deddfd7d6c1b9459cb70baa015e75c8d6ed65536 10:58:05.525 - Thread:
6ba4e53ccd1db31a75c27e0895526c 10:58:05.556 - Thread:
6941dae4bd80ff261f190 10:58:05.561 - Thread:
01ffbdda127ad853fe6839 10:58:05.626 - Thread:
d741d29683dfb48c5921c60ffdcc4fd2804bddfd 10:58:05.664 - Thread:
79413c4dfd3bc8e2a629a37c6928 10:58:05.744 - Thread:
99a2101a1cec6dade9fcd03a58eba 10:58:05.789 - Thread:
22eb7c23acd1c478af1a44 10:58:05.888 - Thread:
de283ba763ab4d53da185c3ae13973 10:58:05.891 - Thread:
12c8f99b17f32b48ad676e3cedbeb 10:58:05.895 - Thread:
cf56d31bcfa58bcc13bd 10:58:06.269 - Thread:
e0bf9a50aeee060204 10:58:06.459 - Thread:
7e3ef2a02bf1a5fd 10:58:06.620 - Thread:
ca43dedb3 10:58:06.767 - Thread:
d942eb4a6bae5ba8c0ffe88008d3efd2b9f2704b 10:58:07.128 - Thread:
5552efcdbd7f2aab7f7754d9ede8f240a33c9e2f 10:58:07.307 - Thread:
7f68bc3f668948dde9a92c617dca 10:58:07.331 - Thread:
dbf2bd66a392f8bf753e26f0f426d 10:58:07.338 - Thread:
903cbc4c74af4a302db117de5a05 10:58:07.340 - Thread:
89b5671ddaa679a5b9a1d9b7121670cfb6787a00 10:58:07.343 - Thread:
6f348d330e393d7a087ecdc3a811b754fc952b81 10:58:07.346 - Thread:
f78d27d05d3bb6b4a7bb285c007f0 10:58:07.349 - Thread:
a39eeeef764d7e07f7e 10:58:07.352 - Thread:
215b2c3b1264beda611d7cf5c29144 10:58:07.354 - Thread:
7e69b1dfc 10:58:07.356 - Thread:
fac6cd4 10:58:07.386 - Thread:
2c56de8b6a2d0ec737 10:58:07.419 - Thread:
af239fbcb6d6d612af0fac877f453d 10:58:07.434 - Thread:
8bfda05ad45a29d3a6fb 10:58:07.455 - Thread:
0bd834aae38 10:58:07.493 - Thread:
a1de0a6bbda9aa409e 10:58:07.532 - Thread:
34ba7eecf170d1a7ddc 10:58:07.535 - Thread:
353fef66fd095b1dda75f2abc6fa06f3cd540f8c 10:58:07.538 - Thread:
2cbeacdef593af89da95c5bd7bcc 10:58:07.542 - Thread:
44bc7ff58ec9e513e1c026a92a1f439a5aaf987c 10:58:07.551 - Thread:
91a6bd5c08fa81739dbff6b262f6ba 10:58:07.555 - Thread:
917a402cf240a148bcc382bfaddb5fd12d31bdaf 10:58:07.608 - Thread:
fa82eda89fced276c382ba6a8f4a43b67ac09fe7 10:58:07.669 - Thread:
6f532eea16da74a7b33a1739823cbc4a2b971be9 10:58:07.684 - Thread:
9e1e5b20a85d469e55d 10:58:07.689 - Thread:
51e4ba0b6bd3bd9ec43cebfa15fa1 10:58:07.692 - Thread:
94d7472cc87cdca67fcad770ba8a0b8 10:58:07.701 - Thread:
f53c8dff41bf7d8f0ee1ede36470b 10:58:07.720 - Thread:
feea5fba8e5c95dd7d0 10:58:07.770 - Thread:
66a396a9ff74f0b9b0fe6a87d70c01 10:58:07.819 - Thread:
c3b9f2673ceb84edaf829c8b5ad98ebd0420fbbb 10:58:07.833 - Thread:
4c67acf4b8af8f17ac2d 10:58:07.844 - Thread:
4eade72d20d27b0f9814abda03dbd7 10:58:07.852 - Thread:
bf712bf80ef676926aae91f41b4ee28c18e2ea26 10:58:07.857 - Thread:
d3b7a0d0f1f0e7092cf 10:58:07.875 - Thread:
ca5d73dbf54a791abed62d08c0fdb 10:58:07.901 - Thread:
6d51a70a930c2fb0a0d1df2a88afcfec0d364d6e 10:58:07.915 - Thread:
42c9d1fdac571c9ec1a 10:58:07.929 - Thread:
43a39e446d842e3ec568cd7bda756b 10:58:07.942 - Thread:
e76ed93cb852a7f4dbfb7f60c10c2 10:58:07.974 - Thread:
b57af78da988f257eceeb 10:58:08.011 - Thread:
a9ef83309fcd5eceb3c38c6c71cb 10:58:08.024 - Thread:
cfdee9aaddf88 10:58:08.034 - Thread:
151a41ba6a2dca9e3bc72b179bc6f843a66bb84d 10:58:08.068 - Thread:
fcc171ece9329deadfd0d7e998b1 10:58:08.097 - Thread:
bfa8cfe7db293a 10:58:08.102 - Thread:
32ede6df5334dbc248fd8cdba5dbb97 10:58:08.107 - Thread:
24dcbe7dd915a518b29d4a1fc1ec1f3 10:58:08.114 - Thread:
c7aca57e92aa 10:58:08.124 - Thread:
4cfdcf151a346947eedcc9a8bbda61bb 10:58:08.182 - Thread:
fe6de32b20f2e8c3c75a84 10:58:08.235 - Thread:
e2c4668654aec7b3ca102f3f144b6d 10:58:08.262 - Thread:
be1c3b80a12d70ba1d491c2776576 10:58:08.294 - Thread:
8fddccf8f90d9 10:58:08.301 - Thread:
5955db0deb7ee0cab304e044ccf1 10:58:08.305 - Thread:
ec16c7eb21af1db09d54be67ac5e5b47dff59e07 10:58:08.308 - Thread:
7a0a9e5b20bc226c3784ddfda794 10:58:08.319 - Thread:
ee485f2e1eeecfb4b50e8eb928e4d43ff6708a96 10:58:08.336 - Thread:
fd8d6d9a5cfc247ac388d0aaf8dc0c0e7a25a295 10:58:08.362 - Thread:
f5b0ceedb574ef8facd31 10:58:08.403 - Thread:
ec1a2ffedd16719d92ebc05b47b502 10:58:08.443 - Thread:
fa7e2b26a70e7a997acbd754a1c88f5 10:58:08.483 - Thread:
fa6e0eac32d 10:58:08.531 - Thread:
4458c6cebdf1af6b1aca 10:58:08.556 - Thread:
8e2f5a3a71f388e8c45f3186abc5b687f3e924be 10:58:08.563 - Thread:
739fb0a7c5f6df62a9 10:58:08.574 - Thread:
775fcdb28e0ead8d985 10:58:08.617 - Thread:
bf5efdef3aac3fb4338cdb03004ebe3 10:58:08.652 - Thread:
5c028c55cea8daea 10:58:08.664 - Thread:
455a9e788b144f60937 10:58:08.676 - Thread:
fd3f90b7c9a960bf926 10:58:08.685 - Thread:
97a34f91bdb2b037c1fbbd5cfc90fb 10:58:08.701 - Thread:
da9a51b63c 10:58:08.712 - Thread:
86f5c413b657e5c68b0d7dcfa1c8 10:58:08.714 - Thread:
cdf5b49c152a7da2d359c3e9bc59a057adda87ba 10:58:08.717 - Thread:
df358d90fe9cea6aabe5 10:58:08.726 - Thread:
798dab11ca485ee40fbf9e4ec50ddf419deda264 10:58:08.746 - Thread:
c13fa6bfab 10:58:08.752 - Thread:
f47fc34dda1e77ad57 10:58:08.787 - Thread:
e4ea43dbc18313ffbca8 10:58:08.819 - Thread:
cabd72c6bbd95c47df0aae68c8a399ca80c58aae 10:58:08.820 - Thread:
1d9e4082ecc62ed172a0aab4098b12 10:58:08.820 - Thread:
8ee30acfffaadea6215 10:58:08.820 - Thread:
c2db6d98d940caf4ca7e1ce3cfea 10:58:08.821 - Thread:
01be7a627cbfedbd0bccc0 10:58:08.821 - Thread:
0fdf2d809eeb744eafda 10:58:08.822 - Thread:
2e389e2f144d1a25cff2f103bdfbed 10:58:08.823 - Thread:
9e5daddaa661873fced1 10:58:08.897 - Thread:
e7aa5d30be0a9e49fb2b 10:58:08.987 - Thread:
17d1afe34f4c58bf0bde 10:58:09.019 - Thread:
8c6c8d9c26e734ea41a728ca8df3cf37 10:58:09.056 - Thread:
41e05d85f9d386bf39c7fdb8a9640aa 10:58:09.073 - Thread:
d1b5b844c309c853ecded5970ccaf7a19a56473e 10:58:09.100 - Thread:
5d9e34f4b6e9b34bc10c6b650a91 10:58:09.269 - Thread:
d2ba1b3fe8cc0972795cf 10:58:09.465 - Thread:
9cabcd36dbc10 10:58:09.616 - Thread:
ff53c396ccf23cbd077de340afb91d1d6ed5bb7e 10:58:09.708 - Thread:
e203a5da85c308efa 10:58:09.754 - Thread:
e14ce68f0f6eacdc268 10:58:09.812 - Thread:
30a632cec2a3e269afb8 10:58:09.830 - Thread:
850358cefe03ee72d1d 10:58:09.831 - Thread:
cacbaee9f69b1dbfed3 10:58:09.904 - Thread:
ef4e2bbe0c98fb0d1d65b61938eedf 10:58:09.991 - Thread:
ec088df6dc70e1b4bc257a6c29a1f 10:58:10.000 - Thread:
a0d33aed7 10:58:10.017 - Thread:
3d3b8c5dd37f8e9d5a23cc7fafb11 10:58:10.043 - Thread:
63f4ddf7c34e6bb0adc1e4f9db6fc7d 10:58:10.068 - Thread:
6ab3f80cefb66bf57e66a 10:58:10.074 - Thread:
cee1bf005ee8bd26ae 10:58:10.084 - Thread:
54aa9314f9cdaffe1cc8b29ffb62eb1 10:58:10.093 - Thread:
01a87adc2408f08afce58ef1afba 10:58:10.106 - Thread:
65c89ac1aab8a2dcae31a4aa62e29a481cafa808 10:58:10.113 - Thread:
e83f625c30e8a9ce1e069760abbfe 10:58:10.117 - Thread:
70acbbade65bd5b662fa79 10:58:10.151 - Thread:
79d194efef1d4c95dac8 10:58:10.183 - Thread:
a468ace5e17bae9af 10:58:10.186 - Thread:
0e95a7afa03a92b316a592c8bbf46 10:58:10.192 - Thread:
f94b30400b0daf4c2f086 10:58:10.195 - Thread:
08aedbecadaf8af5b5f9b3 10:58:10.202 - Thread:
922fe366dd61010dbebdd1e9c1aa4 10:58:10.208 - Thread:
40051bb9fda947f7e66c5d955ad13a75c80e123d 10:58:10.215 - Thread:
8c7f30b5e670bb67ef677f670431adcd819a2d32 10:58:10.231 - Thread:
aaf1e39a80c543c3625334fce24eb5b416cac01a 10:58:10.250 - Thread:
96dce9d4b6eefd730b87a38e84c571f 10:58:10.256 - Thread:
2de2a112ca1ea9feb8cc4fbd7851 10:58:10.259 - Thread:
ce80b301f43556dffaac801d6e834f 10:58:10.276 - Thread:
4e0322ccf58b936f497fabec9fd6af 10:58:10.298 - Thread:
ec7f7bb9cd0eeedf3827ada7bd86ad6b09bdd467 10:58:10.305 - Thread:
379caefe 10:58:10.308 - Thread:
67b9d2ab9749ab49a0f 10:58:10.317 - Thread:
dd2eec0faa533c422e58d55ad14eb7 10:58:10.335 - Thread:
157e9a7bba4d2019dcfa21cd1f580ea1d1b0c890 10:58:10.356 - Thread:
5bbed6ba7efb3d0022 10:58:10.364 - Thread:
d9a1db728fa45f8cdf62 10:58:10.382 - Thread:
1f5a348cebdc58ac00c66df56c9bdde8b6895a4d 10:58:10.395 - Thread:
e96de1aa7ad3c08965fef5846fdd 10:58:10.473 - Thread:
e90b4ee54cddfe87fff1f4 10:58:10.550 - Thread:
678edb93ad8faafb134c2 10:58:10.581 - Thread:
ddf21eadae7 10:58:10.615 - Thread:
0b808e19ebb27d949fa68acf39b6ec4 10:58:10.621 - Thread:
11e8d65fccfdda5d476985 10:58:10.625 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END 10:58:18.992 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:18.993 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:58:22.458 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:22.459 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:58:22.474 - Thread:
Loading available saves - START 10:58:22.476 - Thread:
GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870' 10:58:22.480 - Thread:
Exception occured: System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowInvalidChar(Char[] data, Int32 length, Int32 invCharPos)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)
at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(String sessionPath) 10:58:22.494 - Thread:
Exception occured: System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowInvalidChar(Char[] data, Int32 length, Int32 invCharPos)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)
at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(String sessionPath) 10:58:22.515 - Thread:
Loading available saves - END 10:58:22.515 - Thread:
Corrupted worlds:
10:58:22.515 - Thread:
asdffadsInsiduious mk 2 10:58:22.692 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:22.693 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:58:23.530 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:23.531 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:58:25.139 - Thread:
LoadSandbox() - Start 10:58:25.139 - Thread:
LoadSession() - Start 10:58:25.140 - Thread:
C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870\Egg Miner 10:58:25.254 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:25.255 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:58:25.255 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:25.256 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:58:25.258 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:25.259 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:58:25.319 - Thread:
LoadSession() - End 10:58:25.319 - Thread:
LoadSandbox() - End 10:58:25.321 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenLoading.LoadContent - START 10:58:25.325 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenLoading.LoadContent - END 10:58:25.564 - Thread:
RunLoadingAction - START 10:58:25.573 - Thread:
Loading session: C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870\Egg Miner 10:58:30.486 - Thread:
GC Memory: 312,979,664 B 10:58:30.496 - Thread:
Process Memory: 577,417,216 B 10:58:31.884 - Thread:
MyScriptManager.LoadData() - START 10:58:32.812 - Thread:
Script loaded: _StatLogic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:58:32.812 - Thread:
MyScriptManager.LoadData() - END 10:58:32.835 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - START 10:58:32.837 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START 10:58:32.844 - Thread:
d413f04a912a4d7343fabe0dc6847 10:58:33.293 - Thread:
Loading scenarios 10:58:33.294 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END 10:58:33.295 - Thread:
Loading behaviors 10:58:33.300 - Thread:
Loading ammo magazines 10:58:33.313 - Thread:
Loading ammo definitions 10:58:33.321 - Thread:
Loading animations 10:58:33.340 - Thread:
Loading animations 10:58:33.340 - Thread:
Loading animations 10:58:33.340 - Thread:
Loading sound definitions 10:58:33.342 - Thread:
Loading sound definitions 10:58:33.342 - Thread:
Loading sound definitions 10:58:33.342 - Thread:
Loading sound definitions 10:58:33.342 - Thread:
Loading category classes 10:58:33.346 - Thread:
Loading blueprint classes 10:58:33.354 - Thread:
Loading blueprint class entries 10:58:33.357 - Thread:
Loading blueprints 10:58:33.369 - Thread:
Loading agent definitions 10:58:33.379 - Thread:
Loading character definitions 10:58:33.454 - Thread:
Loading character definitions 10:58:33.454 - Thread:
Loading components 10:58:33.460 - Thread:
Loading configuration 10:58:33.466 - Thread:
Loading container types 10:58:33.475 - Thread:
Loading block positions 10:58:33.491 - Thread:
Loading curve definitions 10:58:33.507 - Thread:
Loading debris 10:58:33.511 - Thread:
Loading environment items entries 10:58:33.514 - Thread:
Loading decal global definitions 10:58:33.515 - Thread:
Loading decal definitions 10:58:33.532 - Thread:
Loading edges 10:58:33.537 - Thread:
Loading entity components 10:58:33.562 - Thread:
Loading component containers 10:58:33.568 - Thread:
Loading environment definition 10:58:33.584 - Thread:
Loading environment items entries 10:58:33.584 - Thread:
Loading factions 10:58:33.589 - Thread:
Loading gas property definitions 10:58:33.592 - Thread:
Loading event definitions 10:58:33.600 - Thread:
Loading physical items 10:58:33.650 - Thread:
Loading LCD texture categories 10:58:33.656 - Thread:
Loading physical items 10:58:33.660 - Thread:
Loading physical material properties 10:58:33.679 - Thread:
Loading pirate antennas 10:58:33.734 - Thread:
Loading resource distribution groups 10:58:33.737 - Thread:
Loading shadow textures definitions 10:58:33.737 - Thread:
Loading ship sound groups 10:58:33.814 - Thread:
Loading ship sound groups 10:58:33.815 - Thread:
Loading sound categories 10:58:33.823 - Thread:
Loading stat definitions 10:58:33.827 - Thread:
Loading grid creators 10:58:33.836 - Thread:
Loading transparent material properties 10:58:33.870 - Thread:
Loading voxel map storage definitions 10:58:33.876 - Thread:
Loading voxel material definitions 10:58:33.953 - Thread:
Audio effects definitions 10:58:33.973 - Thread:
Loading environment item definitions 10:58:33.992 - Thread:
Loading environment items definitions 10:58:33.999 - Thread:
Loading environment items definitions 10:58:34.003 - Thread:
Loading physical material properties 10:58:34.028 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'ImpBulletHitGlass' 10:58:34.028 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'ImpExpHitRock' 10:58:34.028 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'ImpExpHitMetal' 10:58:34.028 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'ImpExpHitGlass' 10:58:34.028 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'ImpExpHitMetal' 10:58:34.028 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'ImpExpHitMetal' 10:58:34.028 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'ImpExpHitMetal' 10:58:34.029 - Thread:
Loading particle effect definitions 10:58:34.447 - Thread:
Loading environment item definitions 10:58:34.448 - Thread:
Loading environment item definitions 10:58:34.448 - Thread:
Loading voxel material changes definitions 10:58:34.449 - Thread:
Loading weapon definitions 10:58:34.475 - Thread:
Loading cube blocks 10:58:35.080 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.084 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.085 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.085 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.085 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.085 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.085 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.085 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.085 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.086 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.087 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.088 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.089 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.090 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.091 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.092 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.093 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.094 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.094 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.094 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.094 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.094 - Thread:
Loading prefabs 10:58:35.096 - Thread:
Loading respawn ships 10:58:35.101 - Thread:
Loading spawn groups 10:58:35.130 - Thread:
List of used mods (0) - START 10:58:35.131 - Thread:
List of used mods - END 10:58:35.350 - Thread:
MyAudio.UnloadData - START 10:58:35.388 - Thread:
MyAudio.UnloadData - END 10:58:35.388 - Thread:
MyAudio.LoadData - START 10:58:35.451 - Thread:
MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
- Channel #: 2 10:58:38.845 - Thread:
MyAudio.LoadData - END 10:58:38.916 - Thread:
Could not find environment item definition for MyObjectBuilder_DestroyableItems/SnowFoliagexxxxx. 10:58:38.937 - Thread:
MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - END 10:58:38.957 - Thread:
Registered modules from: VRage.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:58:38.999 - Thread:
Registered modules from: Sandbox.Graphics, Version=0.1., Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:58:39.002 - Thread:
Registered modules from: mon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:58:39.002 - Thread:
Registered modules from: _StatLogic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:58:39.003 - Thread:
Registered modules from: SpaceEngineers.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:58:39.074 - Thread:
Registered modules from: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1., Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 10:58:39.492 - Thread:
MyTransparentGeometry.LoadData - START 10:58:39.605 - Thread:
External debugger: listening... 10:58:39.781 - Thread:
Skip Procedural World Generator 10:58:39.824 - Thread:
MySunWind.LoadData() - START 10:58:39.827 - Thread:
MySunWind.LoadData() - END 10:58:39.930 - Thread:
MyExplosions.LoadData() - START 10:58:39.933 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'WepExplOnPlay' 10:58:39.933 - Thread:
Could not find any sound for 'WepMissileExplosion' 10:58:39.955 - Thread:
MyExplosions.LoadData() - END 10:58:39.956 - Thread:
MyMissiles.LoadContent() - START 10:58:39.957 - Thread:
MyMissiles.LoadContent() - END 10:58:39.978 - Thread:
Pre-loading neutral ship spawn groups... 10:58:39.978 - Thread:
End pre-loading neutral ship spawn groups. 10:58:39.979 - Thread:
MyLights.LoadData() - START 10:58:39.995 - Thread:
MyLights.LoadData() - END 10:58:47.040 - Thread:
Checkpoint.CameraAttachedTo: 35512 10:58:47.111 - Thread:
MySession.Static.LogSettings - START 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
Name = Egg Miner 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
Description =
10:58:47.113 - Thread:
GameDateTime = 01/01/:38 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
Password =
10:58:47.113 - Thread:
CurrentPath = C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870\Egg Miner 10:58:47.113 - Thread:
WorkshopId =
10:58:47.114 - Thread:
CameraController = Default_Astronaut 10:58:47.114 - Thread:
ThumbPath = C:\Users\Jouster\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\41870\Egg Miner\thumb.jpg 10:58:47.124 - Thread:
Settings: 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
GameMode = Creative 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MaxPlayers = 4 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
OnlineMode = PRIVATE 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AutoHealing = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
WeaponsEnabled = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ThrusterDamage = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableSpectator = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableCopyPaste = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MaxFloatingObjects = 16 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
CargoShipsEnabled = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnvironmentHostility = SAFE 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ShowPlayerNamesOnHud = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
InventorySizeMultiplier = 10 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
RefinerySpeedMultiplier = 3 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AssemblerSpeedMultiplier = 3 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AssemblerEfficiencyMultiplier = 3 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
WelderSpeedMultiplier = 5 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
GrinderSpeedMultiplier = 5 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ClientCanSave = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
HackSpeedMultiplier = 0.33 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
PermanentDeath = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
DestructibleBlocks =
True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableScripts =
True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
AutoSaveInMinutes = 5 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
SpawnShipTimeMultiplier = 0 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ProceduralDensity = 0 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ProceduralSeed = 0 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
DestructibleBlocks = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableIngameScripts = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
ViewDistance = 5000 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
Battle = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
Voxel destruction = True 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
EnableStructuralSimulation = False 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MaxActiveFracturePieces = 50 10:58:47.126 - Thread:
MySession.Static.LogSettings - END 10:58:47.213 - Thread:
Session loaded 10:58:47.213 - Thread:
RunLoadingAction - END 10:58:47.216 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadData - START 10:58:47.300 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadData - END 10:58:47.300 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadContent - START 10:58:47.302 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadContent - END 10:58:47.369 - Thread:
Updating continues. 10:58:47.691 - Thread:
GC Memory: 1,235,974,264 B 10:58:52.793 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 10:58:52.795 - Thread:
MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 10:59:03.708 - Thread:
ERROR: Failed loading texture C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures\Particles\ 10:59:03.717 - Thread:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---& SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88760B59], Module: [Unknown], ApiCode: [Unknown/Unknown], Message: Unknown
at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
at SharpDX.Direct3D9.D3DX9.GetImageInfoFromFileW(String srcFileRef)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyDDSFile.InternalDDSFromStream(Stream stream, Device device, Int32 streamOffset, Boolean loadMipMap, Int32 offsetMipMaps, Texture& texture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyDDSFile.DDSFromFile(String fileName, Device device, Boolean loadMipMap, Int32 offsetMipMaps, Texture& texture) 10:59:03.728 - Thread:
Exception occured: System.ApplicationException: Error loading texture: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures\Particles\ ---& System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---& SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88760B59], Module: [Unknown], ApiCode: [Unknown/Unknown], Message: Unknown
at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
at SharpDX.Direct3D9.D3DX9.GetImageInfoFromFileW(String srcFileRef)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyDDSFile.InternalDDSFromStream(Stream stream, Device device, Int32 streamOffset, Boolean loadMipMap, Int32 offsetMipMaps, Texture& texture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyDDSFile.DDSFromFile(String fileName, Device device, Boolean loadMipMap, Int32 offsetMipMaps, Texture& texture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTexture2D.LoadDDSTexture(String fileName, TextureQuality quality)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTexture.Load(String contentDir, TextureQuality quality, Boolean canBeMissing)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTexture.Load(String contentDir, TextureQuality quality, Boolean canBeMissing)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTexture.Load(TextureQuality quality, Boolean canBeMissing)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTextureManager.LoadTexture[T](String path, String contentDir, TextureLoadedHandler loadedCallback, LoadingMode loadingMode, TextureFlags flags)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTextureManager.GetTexture[T](String path, String contentDir, TextureLoadedHandler loadedCallback, LoadingMode loadingMode, TextureFlags flags)
at VRageRender.MyTransparentGeometry.GetTexture(MyTransparentMaterial material)
at VRageRender.MyTransparentGeometry.SetupEffect(MyTransparentMaterial& materialProperties, MyTransparentMaterial blendMaterialProperties, Boolean colorize, Single colorizeSoftDist, Boolean near, Boolean ignoreDepth, Matrix& projectionMatrix)
at VRageRender.MyTransparentGeometry.DrawVertexBuffer(Texture depthForParticlesRT, List`1 billboards)
at VRageRender.MyTransparentGeometry.Draw(Texture depthForParticlesRT)
at VRageRender.MyRender.DrawRenderModules(MyRenderStage renderStage)
at VRageRender.MyRender.DrawScene()
at VRageRender.MyRender.Draw3D(Boolean applyBackupStack)
at VRageRender.MyRender.DrawMessageQueue()
at VRageRender.MyRender.Draw(Boolean draw)
at VRage.MyRenderThread.Draw()
at VRage.MyRenderThread.RenderCallback()
at SharpDX.Windows.RenderLoop.Run(Control form, RenderCallback renderCallback, Boolean useApplicationDoEvents)
at VRage.MyRenderThread.RenderThreadStart(Object param)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj) 10:59:03.730 - Thread:
10:59:03.730 - Thread:
Exception occured: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---& SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88760B59], Module: [Unknown], ApiCode: [Unknown/Unknown], Message: Unknown
at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
at SharpDX.Direct3D9.D3DX9.GetImageInfoFromFileW(String srcFileRef)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyDDSFile.InternalDDSFromStream(Stream stream, Device device, Int32 streamOffset, Boolean loadMipMap, Int32 offsetMipMaps, Texture& texture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyDDSFile.DDSFromFile(String fileName, Device device, Boolean loadMipMap, Int32 offsetMipMaps, Texture& texture)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTexture2D.LoadDDSTexture(String fileName, TextureQuality quality)
at VRageRender.Textures.MyTexture.Load(String contentDir, TextureQuality quality, Boolean canBeMissing) 10:59:03.730 - Thread:
10:59:03.730 - Thread:
Exception occured: SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88760B59], Module: [Unknown], ApiCode: [Unknown/Unknown], Message: Unknown
at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
at SharpDX.Direct3D9.D3DX9.GetImageInfoFromFileW(String srcFileRef) 10:59:03.735 - Thread:
Hiding window 10:59:03.761 - Thread:
Network readers disposed 10:59:03.832 - Thread:
Hiding window done 10:59:03.832 - Thread:
Showing message 10:59:03.871 - Thread:
ERROR: branch name cannot be resolved, services= 10:59:03.871 - Thread:
ERROR: branch name cannot be resolved, services= 10:59:03.872 - Thread:
ERROR: branch name cannot be resolved, services=
4 Jun, 2016 @ 8:33am
Showing - of
Hi jouster500. I can tell you that I play and never crash, so it must be a missing update, installation or computer specs.Could share the computer specs please?Would be kind to follow the guide on ''How to do a bug report'' to know how to share the complete LOG file using ''pastebin'' website. i did read, do you want to log file in a comment or the over post?
Hi jouster500.
the complete LOG & shared on ''pastebin'' website would help. :fix: I do not support posting a log file like that public. Is there an alternative?
4 Jun, 2016 @ 8:46am
Hi jouster500, it's OK I see the LOG now and the LOG shows that the game is set on DirectX9 and planets can run only with DX11.I see graphic '' Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 '' and it's a very low graphic card and if you are using 2 monitors it would help to disable one and play on one monitor only. Im only using one monitor and i have no methods or knowledge of upgrading the graphics card. I knew in the past there was a way to convert worlds from one GPU to the other but thats been dropped. It still does not solve the issue where if the world was BUILT for DX11 the game would still crash regardless.
4 Jun, 2016 @ 8:46am
Thanks for telling.Make sure :- Windows updates completed.- NETFramework 4.6.1 is installed in your computer.- Graphic driver uptodate **** How to update integrated graphics :- open control panel -& device manager -& display adapters -& right mouse button on intel(R) HD graphics xxxx (xxxx stands for number of graphics you are having) -& hit update driver software -& after update is done, restart the computer -& start the game Windows updates is diabled as i want to avoid the planned obscelesce that windows puts into their software. Im currently looking for updates to the drivers so i can individually select it instead of all of windows updates.
Originally posted by :Thanks for telling.Make sure :- Windows updates completed.- NETFramework 4.6.1 is installed in your computer.- Graphic driver uptodate **** How to update integrated graphics :- open control panel -& device manager -& display adapters -& right mouse button on intel(R) HD graphics xxxx (xxxx stands for number of graphics you are having) -& hit update driver software -& after update is done, restart the computer -& start the game Windows updates is diabled as i want to avoid the planned obscelesce that windows puts into their software. Im currently looking for updates to the drivers so i can individually select it instead of all of windows updates. According to windows updates for the graphics driver
There is no update for the graphics driver beyond security as i received the computer last fall and the latest security update which i want to avoid was last month. The graphics card does not update, and NETFramework is not responsible as this is singleplayer.
4 Jun, 2016 @ 9:17am
4 Jun, 2016 @ 9:19am
4 Jun, 2016 @ 9:27am
Hi jouster500, you can verify the game files as to know if all files are OK.How to Verify integrity of game cache:- Right click on Space Engineers in your Steam Library.- Go to properties.- Go to LOCAL FILES tab.- Click Verify integrity of game cache- When done try the game. Well that was beautiful. Same DX11 bug as before where i do not so much as even move before the game crashes the computer and the only solution is a hard boot. Typically because one uses DX11 on a world configured for DX9 and now the worlds probably corrupted... great.
4 Jun, 2016 @ 9:53am
Showing - of
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Date Posted: 4 Jun, 2016 @ 8:19amPosts: 16
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