
  学习英语不应该很功利,如果是你的兴趣你的爱好,或者你有语言的天赋,或者你足够努力,你应该学的很好!可惜,英语对我来说,即没什么兴趣,也没什么天赋,更没有足够努力,每次只在考试前一两个月抱抱佛脚,有时佛脚都懒的好好抱一抱,所以每次考的不好也很正常!  有人会说,既然这么不喜欢,学的那么痛苦,干脆放弃好了!所以说命运弄人,我现在随先生来到第一语言是讲英语新加坡,这里的人既重视英语,又重视文凭,所以我必须把英语2考好,拿到我的学士学位!还要把口语说好!否则,我将永远只能当个全职妈妈,甚至交个朋友都困难!  好了,首先还是以考试为先,每天学习一点与英语2考试相关的一点内容!我把发帖当自言自语的学习笔记,可能不能给大家英语学习提供什么帮助,请见谅啊!
楼主发言:644次 发图:
  unit 1   1.Do you usually challenge the idea an author represents? what do you think is active reading?  2.What suggestions do you expect the author will give on reading critically?
  Critical reading applies to non-fiction writing.  Consider the context of what is written.  Question assertion made by the author.  Compare what is written with other written work on the subject.
  Analyze assumption made by the author.  Evaluate the sources the author uses.  Identify any possible author bias.
  谢谢大家,昨晚想了又想,英语常用的不就那几千个单词吗,我要把那几千个单词会听,会读,会认,会使用,我的英语不就其本过关了吗?  所以订个学习计划,每天按单词表手输入500个进入有道词典,12天就可以输入6000个单词,每天随时复习,主要是听,说,认。每天记一两个常用句型,这样坚持下来,一定有收获!  然后每天到新浪听一节英文公开课,当作调节,计划看起来不错,剩下就是坚持了!
  这是我喜欢的一句名言:Here is a sure prediction, your future is up to you!  这是一个肯定的预言,你的未来由你决定!和大家共勉!
  刚刚输入时发现有些词很意思!  bank 银行- - bankrupt 破产  battle 战争- -
battleground 战场  better 较好的- -bitter 苦的  bribe 行贿- - bride 新娘
  公牛bull 加 et, --bullet 是子弹,子弹加 in 是公告,公布--bulletin  好像是公牛跑的快,像子弹,子弹出了事故,要公告,公布!
  今天终于输入500个单词,好想睡了,可是还有计划没完成,再坚持一下,完成后计划  后,应该比较快乐!
  Language is the dress of thought.  语言是思想的外衣!  无论何种语言,都表达和接受信息与思想的工具,我们需要工具,以及更好的使用工具!
  从图书馆借了一本英文书,Can Do Writing 把其中一些要点摘下来,加深印象!  1.Analyze purpose and audience  1.1 what result do you want form the document?  1.2 who is the audience?  1.3 what does the audience do with the information?  1.4 does information does the audience need?  1.5 does the audience know little or much about the information?
  1.6 Does the audience need proof?  1.7 Plan how to write to multiple audiences.
  2.Write your document`s purpose statement  3.select facts  4.organize your points in a sentence outline  5.compose the draft  6.review the draft for organization and logic
  7. Edit for coherence  Repeat key words throughout your document.  Ensure that each paragraph begins with a point.  Use transition words.  Use vertical lists for series of like items.  Ensure your graphics make a point.  Apply visual devices.  apply visual devices.
  8.Edit for clarity  9.Edit for economy  Cut useless verbs, prepositions, repetition,redundancy, comments, and modifiers.  10.Edit for readability
  @foxgtl 20楼
14:38:31  新东方混序的单词书比较实用,最近也准备重新学,输了三年,本来还可以勉强交流的现在完全渣了。  -----------------------------  我也有一本,但只看了看,没好好学!其实我知道学语言不是真的难,而是我太懒!  我看过一本书,中文名叫&&异类&& 它提出一个1万小时定律。也就是说,要想成为无论  哪个行业的大师,必须有1万小时的学习!以钢琴为例,即使是神童莫扎特,也是青年  以后,拥有1万小时后的学习生涯后,才被认为是大师!如果你的目标是钢琴教师,也  必需要有5000小时以上的学习!  具
  我既不想成为英语语言大师,也不想成为英语教师,但要真正掌握到可以熟念交流,可  以看书看报,可以写的文章,最起码要有2000小时的不间段学习吧!如果每天3小时,至  少要2年!  我看起来学了好几年,可我怎么算也不超过1000小时,而且还断断续续的学,所以学的  不好真是太正常了!  所以祝福你,祝福我,自己好好的坚持下去,只要好好的不间断的认真学2000小时,  我们都会成功的!
  @保护眼睛预防近视 23楼
23:03:51  今天因为琐碎小事又耽误了学习进度,明天一定要补上!  -----------------------------  你坚持不了的。你没有那么强的意志力
  @保护眼睛预防近视 23楼
23:03:51  今天因为琐碎小事又耽误了学习进度,明天一定要补上!  -----------------------------  我是深有体会的,就算是现在有那么多学习资料,那么多软件,那么多伙伴,你也坚持不了的
  @保护眼睛预防近视 23楼
23:03:51  今天因为琐碎小事又耽误了学习进度,明天一定要补上!  -----------------------------  所以还是请老师吧
  There is a quote I like it: what we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.
  @foxgtl 27楼
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  你是四川人?
  Your mind knows only some things. your inner voice,your instinct, knows everything.  -
  A pessimist makes difficulties
an optimist makes opportunities of his difficulties.
  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  Facing life`s challenges
  1 text B  The language of confidence  Even the smallest of words can have the deepest effect on our subconscious mind.  I`ll try to.....I will do  I can`t.........I choose not to.....
  Tips for English learning  Building up your vocabulary - practice, practice, practice  reading is a very good way to learn new words.most words learned from the context.  it help to write the word - both the definition and a sentence you make up using the word.
  又是新的一天,有深意的复杂的人生确是由每一个平凡的一天构成的!所以过好今天!  昨天英语学习效率不错,今天继续加油!@@
  To keep the body in good health is a duty......otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.  ---B U D D H A
  I make my life rich  To wait for someone else, or to expect someone else to make my life richer, or more satisfying, puts me in a constant state of suspension.  KATHLEEN
  I will watch for patterns in my life and answer their call.  "Opportunity knocks at evey man`s door once. on some men`s door, it hammers   till it breaks down the door, and then it goes in and wakes him up if he`s   asleep, and ever afterward it works for him as a night watchman."  -------- FINLEY
Milk  The renowned scientist remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he   don`t need to be afraid mistakes. instead, he learned that mistakes were just  opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what   scientific experiments are all about. even if the experiment "does`t work", we  usually learn something valuable from it.
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视 29楼
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  额,重庆
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl 45楼
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视 46楼
18:07:09  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.  -----------------------------  哇咔咔,雾都夜话都走向全国了啊,我不怎么看,觉得十分狗血啊啊啊。。话说楼主去试试扇贝单词嘛,电脑和手机都有,将词汇量扩上去学英语就没得什么太难了。
  我们那个年代是中学才开始学英语的!家长不重视,我爸常说:“什么学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕。”还有什么类似于“我是中国人,何必学英语!”在校园流行。现在想想蛮好笑的!老师水平也不咋的,自己讲的都带方言。学习环境也差,几乎听不到录音带。  现在英语学习环境真是太好了,而且自己也到了必需学好的境地!还在上幼儿园的女儿从图书馆拿了一本儿童英语书,一定要我读给她听,我读的结结巴巴,真不好意思啊!  下面是那本故事书,比我中学学的英语教课书实用多了!  名叫ABBY`S PINK PARTY  It was a sunny day, perfect for a walk in the park. When Elmo saw his friend Abby, he smiled happily. But Abby did not smile black.
  " Why does Abby look sad?" he asked.  "Well, today is my birthday," Abby replied. "but nobody remembered."  "What can Elmo do to cheer up his friend Abby?" he wondered.  "I don`t know," Abby said. "I don`t even feel like playing with anyone today."  "Abby and Elmo should take a walk down sesame street,he decided." maybe that will help."
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
18:07:09  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.  -----------------------------  @foxgtl 47楼
18:11:37  哇咔咔,雾都夜话都走向全国了啊,我不怎么看,觉得十分狗血啊啊啊。。话说楼主去试试扇贝单词嘛,电脑和手机都有,将词汇量扩上去学英语就没得什么太难了。  -----------------------------  谢谢了,我现在用有道词典和开心词场,都很好,就是自己有点懒!
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
18:07:09  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
18:11:37  哇咔咔,雾都夜话都走向全国了啊,我不怎么看,觉得十分狗血啊啊啊。。话说楼主去试试扇贝单词嘛,电脑和手机都有,将词汇量扩上去学英语就没得什么太难了。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视 50楼
18:54:48  谢谢了,我现在用有道词典和开心词场,都很好,就是自己有点懒!  -----------------------------  扇贝那个是一种类似于打卡和复习系统的软件,根据你对单词的熟悉度反复乱序显示单词,它那个多科学的,比自己一个劲瞎背省力。
  " Here`s the party store," Elmo said. "Elmo and Abby get some pink and purple  streamers! And confetti! And polka-dot hats! And make a party!"  "I don`t think so," Abby said quietly.  "Would Abby like some lemonade? Elmo asked as they wandered into the grocery  store. but Abby did not want anything to dink.  Next stop was the bakery.  "How about some pretty pink cupcakes?" Elmo suggested.
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
18:07:09  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
18:11:37  哇咔咔,雾都夜话都走向全国了啊,我不怎么看,觉得十分狗血啊啊啊。。话说楼主去试试扇贝单词嘛,电脑和手机都有,将词汇量扩上去学英语就没得什么太难了。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视 50楼
18:54:48  谢谢了,我现在用有道词典和开心词场,都很好,就是自己有点懒!  -----------------------------  谢了,我试试!其实语言是交流,在新加坡卖菜阿姨都讲英文,可她不见的会写,会看!为了中国的英语考试,我必须要很多单词量!在新加坡生活,我必须说的流利!都得努力!
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
18:07:09  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
18:11:37  哇咔咔,雾都夜话都走向全国了啊,我不怎么看,觉得十分狗血啊啊啊。。话说楼主去试试扇贝单词嘛,电脑和手机都有,将词汇量扩上去学英语就没得什么太难了。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
18:54:48  谢谢了,我现在用有道词典和开心词场,都很好,就是自己有点懒!  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视 53楼
19:51:09  谢了,我试试!其实语言是交流,在新加坡卖菜阿姨都讲英文,可她不见的会写,会看!为了中国的英语考试,我必须要很多单词量!在新加坡生活,我必须说的流利!都得努力!  -----------------------------  我朋友从新加坡回来给我吐槽那边的人讲的英语比听中式都恼火,奇怪的发音,美国乡村那种浓重口音的美音都比新加坡人说话发音要正常。。。
  “I`m not hungry right now," answered Abby.  "Something will cheer Abby up soon," Elmo said gently."Elmo is sure of it!"  I`d like to walk some more," Abby told Elmo. so They kept going down Sesame street.  "I don`t need flowers for that," Abby answered."just walking around with you is making me feel a little better already."  "I have an idea," Abby continued, sounding a little more cheerful."let`s go to my house and play some games."
  "Okay!" Elmo answered with a big smile.  And when they got there......the dining room was full of friends!  "Surprise!" they shouted  And for the first time that day, Abby really smiled.  "You remembered my birthday!" she exclaimed.  "We made a pink party for Abby," Big Bird said.  "And it is very, very pink indeed," Grover added."Do you not just love it?"
  "I do!" Abby said. "but what I love even more is that I have so many good friends!"  " Here`s a card for you, too, Abby" Said Murray.  "Oh, thank you!" Abby replied. And now she could not stop smiling.
  Now is 9/1,that is new day coming!
  Everything is going on, but give up trying!
  Everything is going on, but don't give up trying!
  To stay at home is safe, but that not my life meaning for!
  Success is going from failure to failure without losing   your enthusiasm.
_Winston Churchill
  刚看到&智慧人生&中Samuel 关于Youth的二段写的真好,很有共鸣!  Youth i it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red l it is a matter of the will, a quality of  the imagination, a v it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
  1.in my opinion,there was no credible evidence against him.  2.even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.  3.people tend to make assumption about you based on your appearance.  4.this new report represents the current situation in our schools.  5.the performance of each employee is evaluated once a year.  6.we need to ensure that the teaching they receive is appropriate to their needs.
  apply to- - to use something or make something work in a particular situation.使用,应用  put forth- - to suggest an idea, explanation etc, especially one that other people later consider and discuss提出,产生  take...into account- - to consider particular facts,circumstances,etc.when making a decision about something考虑到,顾及  accept/take...at face value相信表面,信以为真  with a grain of salt- - with reservations,skeptically有保留地,持怀疑态度地
  We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line. We must make our business the one life purpose to which every other must be subordinate.  I hate a thing done by halves. If it be right, do it boldly. If it be wrong, leave it undone.  Hemingway
  carry out
完成(任务)  be up to
取决于  have an impact on/upon
对...产生巨大影响  rub...out
用橡皮擦掉(字迹等)  be in control of
  @realsnowlake 67楼
22:37:25  加油  -----------------------------  谢谢!
  楼主,祝你成功!  你一定行的。
  @我心托明月 73楼
03:46:25  楼主,祝你成功!  你一定行的。  -----------------------------  真谢谢你的鼓励,我一定加油!大早上看到你的留言很告兴!
  To live with a high ideal is a successful life. it is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that makes a man strong.
  The true way to gain much is never to desire to gain too much.  Wise men don`t care for what they can`t have.
  请问你每天会不会复习前一天的内容, 我感觉我忘得很快,或者根本记不住,去学习英语的方法。
  @gw1725 78楼
09:32:14  请问你每天会不会复习前一天的内容, 我感觉我忘得很快,或者根本记不住,去学习英语的方法。  -----------------------------  要及时复习,我也不喜欢复习,但复习比学新的内容有效率!如果不喜欢第2天复习,在一天内多看几次,比第2天复习更有效!
  @gw1725 77楼
09:29:04  楼主,我也在学习英语,我底子很差很差,对英语没兴趣没天赋,只是要考职称英语和学位英语,第一次学位英语我才考了27分,基本都不会,今天考到你的帖子,我有了学习英语的动力,希望你能顺利通过考试。  -----------------------------  谢谢,哪怕是为了应付靠考试,只要你有学,其实或多或少英语都有进步,比你不学一定更好一点。如果我能把不喜欢,没什么天赋的事做好,那别的事我会做的更好,我是这样给自己加油的!
  There are several key abilities that allow success people to fail forward instead of taking each setback personally.  First, successful people don't blame themselves when they fail. They take
responsibility for each setback, but they don't take the failure personally.  Second,successful people don't define themselves by individual failures. They recognize that each setback is a small part of the whole.   Third,achievers are willing to vary their approaches to problem. That's important in every walk of life. lf one approach doesn't work for you, of it brings repeated failure, they try something else. To fail forward, you must do what works for you, not necessarily what works for other people.  Finally,successful people are resilient. They don't let one error keep them down. They learn from their mistakes and move on.
  From scratch -from the very beginning,not using any of the work done earlier.  Run out of-to use up or finish a supply of something.  Stay up- to go to bed later than usual.
  @保护眼睛预防近视 81楼
13:44:13  There are several key abilities that allow success people to fail forward instead of taking each setback personally.  First, successful people don't blame themselves when they fail. They take
responsibility for each setback, but they don't take the failure personally.  Second,successful people don't define themselves by individual failures. They recognize that each setback is a small ......  -----------------------------  Totally agree and this is what exactly I was talking about days before. You know youself much better than anyone else. So stick to what you think that works for you. You'll be alright then.
13:44:13  There are several key abilities that allow success people to fail forward instead of taking each setback personally.  First, successful people don't blame themselves when they fail. They take
responsibility for each setback, but they don't take the failure personally.  Second,successful people don't define themselves by individual failures. They recognize that each setback is a small ......  -----------------------------  @MsAB 83楼
14:23:07  Totally agree and this is what exactly I was talking about days before. You know youself much better than anyone else. So stick to what you think that works for you. You'll be alright then.  -----------------------------  Thank you! My major is psychology,that`s only thing I really interested. Knowing myself is more important than anything else.I know English is my big weakness,but I do not upset about that.Just try my best study it.
  Unit 3  Friendship and loyalty  A famous quote  Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship.  Ralph Waldo Emerson  Do you believe that loyal friends are available on the internet?  What personal qualities matter most in your choice of friends? And why?
  Loyalty consist of a friend, who will stick by you, through think and thin. A friends who is always honest with you and never betrays the friendship with lies is a loyal friend  If you have a loyal friend, you habe indeed founds true virtue in that friend.  The current trend on the internet is bhefriending anyone who requests to be your friend. However, this new trend may lead to disasters. It may be popular and trendy to have a network filled with a multitude of mutual friends. However, one true loyal friend   may be the only friend you need.
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视 46楼
18:07:09  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.  -----------------------------  重庆姑娘好哇,据说那边娶媳妇不用给礼金的,可惜锅没遇到重庆姑娘哇
  1.Why do many people choose to keep dogs as pets instead of other animals!  2.Why do you think a growing number of Chinese, especially the elder, prefer to keep pets?  tribute 致敬,悼念
rear 抚养,培养
reputation 名声,名誉
  prone 易于发生..事
prosperity兴旺,繁荣   poverty贫穷,贫困
fiercely猛烈地   lick舔
friendless没有朋友的   faithful忠诚的
embrace拥抱  pursue追求
15:08:56  语言这个,额,我觉得除开环境的变化迫使你必须融入新的语言环境,还有真的得靠天分,身边有学语言的朋友就是例子啊...觉得你如果有点语法常识就行了,还是背单词是王道,反复地跟着标准发音去诵读,然后网上买那种口语课嘛,又不贵,每天上一个小时就可以了,这种的话交流基本没得啥子问题。。  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
20:24:31  你是四川人?  -----------------------------  @foxgtl
17:20:05  额,重庆  -----------------------------  @保护眼睛预防近视
18:07:09  我对那边的女孩印象很好,很久以前还特爱看一个那边的一个方言节目,叫&雾都夜话&.  -----------------------------  @麼麼噠 89楼
02:15:04  重庆姑娘好哇,据说那边娶媳妇不用给礼金的,可惜锅没遇到重庆姑娘哇  -----------------------------  额,如果不是天涯讨论那个聘金的话题,我根本不知道大江南北会有这么多地方要给聘金,重庆可能除了农村或者有特殊讲究的,一般都不得给聘金,就是双方父母资助点给小两口买房婚礼之类的,没看到有特别给嫁妆和聘金的。
  Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship.  ---Emerson  Hardworking is often the father of pleasure.--Voltaire  A visionary is not someone who simply has grand ideas.  It is not good to be serious all the time. i am free to laugh at myself, and even better, i am free to laugh with others at the awkward and silly moments we share.


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