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Buy Anno 2070 DLC Complete Pack
Includes 9 items:
Anno 2070(TM)
- The E.V.E. Package, Anno 2070(TM)
- The Nordamark Line Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Central Statistical Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Crisis Response Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Distrust Series Package, Anno 2070(TM) - The Silent Running Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Development Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Eden Series Package, Anno 2070(TM): The Keeper Package
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"Anno series is known for its complex production chains and goods transportation. This newest entry takes it to near future and is most well made of them"
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Complete Edition
Anno 2070(R) Complete Edition includes the award-winning strategy game Anno 2070(R), Anno 2070(R) Deep Ocean and all downloadable content packs. Also included and delivered via download: the complete Anno 2070 soundtrack, updated Tree of Technologies poster, and 152-page art book.
About This Game
2070. Our world has changed. The rising level of the ocean has harmed the coastal cities and climate change has made large stretches of land inhospitable.
The latest in the award-winning strategy series, Anno 2070(TM) offers a new world full of challenges, where you will need to master resources, diplomacy, and trade in the most comprehensive economic management system in the Anno series.
Build your society of the future, colonize islands, and create sprawling megacities with multitudes of buildings, vehicles, and resources to manage. Engineer production chains such as Robot Factories, Oil Refineries, and Diamond Mines, and trade with a variety of goods and commodities.
While adhering to the fundamentals that made the Anno franchise a success, the near-future setting will bring numerous new gameplay mechanics, architectural breakthroughs, and all-new challenges. Additionally, players will be able to build massive cities, the scope of which has never been seen in prior Anno games!
Become an Architect of the Future
Face the current world’s challenges to shape the world of tomorrow. You can either join the Tycoons to pursue an industrial and efficient course, or side with the Ecos to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly direction.
An Evolving, Dynamic World
Decisions will have an impact on the environment, the architectural look of the world, and the needs of the population.
Discover Hidden Depths and New Resources
The mysteries of the sea and the sky are waiting to be discovered. Take advantage of the transport systems of the future and develop a powerful economy.
The Enhanced Anno with New Features to Master
Smuggle wares between harbors without being detected by the coastal patrols, or forge alliances with powerful figures to expand your influence.
System Requirements
OS: Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7
Processor: 2 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 or better
Memory: 2 GB (4 GB recommended)
Graphics: 512 MB DirectX(R) 9.0c–compatible with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)*
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c–compliant
Peripherals: Windows-compatible mouse and keyboard
Internet Connection: Temporary broadband connection for product registration, permanent broadband connection for multiplayer.
*Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:
ATI Radeon(TM) X1000/HD 00/ series
NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7/8/9/100/200/300/400/500 series
Laptop versions of these cards may work, but are not supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ on our support website at: /.
Requires a UPlay account
(C) 2011 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Anno 2070, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Produced by Blue Byte. Blue Byte and the Blue Byte logo are trademarks of Red Storm Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Red Storm Entertainment Inc. is a Ubisoft Entertainment company. Developed By Related Designs.
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50.1 hrs on record
I want to give a thumbs up, but i will explain with complete honesty why i did not: game is great, game is good, game is full of fun, play it. just one issue Uplay = U-DONT-play. it barely worke on my ???? computer, then i got a great comp (FINALLY)
and guess what? Uplay dosnt work. Honestly if this is the route that game comps want to go, ill just go back to buying disks if that could work as an alt to NOT have to face online interfaces. Just let me play my game. I dont care about online states, Im playing a strategy game that i want to play ON MY OWN. I honestly dont care about online points or which of my freinds built the Dam before I did, I jsut want to play the game I paid money for!P.S. I got around it by downloading Far Cry 3 again since that is attached to a more up-to-date Uplay, and some have done it just by downloading Uplay else where, but my point still stands, as sometimes even when all the planets align and everything works perfectly, Uplay decides to f you over. Hopefully we all find a work around because the devs of the game dont deserve the flak on this great game brought about by their employers
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12.2 hrs on record
Good game but I would not buy it again. Ubisoft is one of this pathetic companies that add crappy malware into steam. This time it's called &UPLAY&. You know what big publishers? We don't need you crap. First of all we bought the game over steam. So adding ????ty malware for piracy concerns is a joke. People can probably pirate your game anyway. BUT people who bought it over steam get the grief of non-functional, non-working malware like UPLAY. Even your damn ubisoft website crashes the browser. RESULT: GAME IS NOT FUNCTIONAL for a lot of people. As PC-Geek I could get it working after 30 minutes of research, updating ????ty uplay etc. STEAM should not sell games with ????ty malware like uplay or origin or the like. Short said: DO NOT BUY, DO NOT SUPPORT MALWARE LIKE UPLAY.
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93.2 hrs on record
game is brilliant, unfortanatly it is launced by uplay which *will likely*
crash force closeing the game along side it.Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: TAGES(TM)3 machine activation limityeh uplay is garbage
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193.6 hrs on record
Uplay ruined a game that I was really excited to get back into. Nearly 200 hours down the drain, as Uplay and all the various fixes will not work at all.
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2.8 hrs on record
Ubisoft is downright criminal, this Uplay thing is highway robberyI tried everything to connect and be ABLE to play MY OWN game, went to their forum, fiddled with my system32 folder, flushed my DNS and yet, I wasn't able to connect to this godawful brainhared DRM escheme.
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0.1 hrs on record
WARNING: If you don't like having to register with publisher-specific on-line services to play individual (or publisher-specific groups of) games... DON'T BUY THIS GAME.This game requires registration and login into Ubisoft's unique/ publisher-specific on-line gaming service, UPlay, in order to play this game. To the best of my present knowledge, login into this service is mandatory each/ every time you play the game (it cannot be bypassed).Personally... I HATE publisher-specific on-line gaming services (MMO's excepted). (I don't count steam into this category, as they have opened their platform to various publishers for authentication and other purposes.) I refuse to create seperate accounts with EA, Microsoft, Ubisoft, etc. (e.g., all the big publishers) so that they can track my activity, on a granular level, accross their portfolio of games (among other things). I also don't want the (further) hassle of having to maintain seperate user identities just to *play games*, like I have to already do to manage the remainder of my on-line life.As a matter of principle... I also consider it ridiculous that I should have to log into a publisher-specific service to play what would otherwise be an off-line single-player gaming experience, with *zero* content otherwise hosted &in the cloud&. (e.g., all game saves would be to local media.)I can't give a critique on the content of the game itself, as I have been unable to play it, as I have refused to create an account on uplay.I now have to uninstall the game that I paid good money for... Without reasonable hope of ever being able to play it. To say that I'm pi$$ed off at the moment is a monumental understatement. (Shakes fist at heavens whilst cursing Ubisoft.)
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12.1 hrs on record
WARNING : This game requires Uplay. I hope Ubisoft files for bankruptcy so we get rid of the gamer scourge called Uplay.SIMPLY UNPLAYABLE
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0.6 hrs on record
The game itself is fun and I will play it again but I can not recommend this game as long as UPlay is tied to it.
A massive pain to install and set up (kept crashing) until UPlay magically worked and let me play the game.Ubisoft this is the worst service you could attach to a game
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2.3 hrs on record
U-play crap. Good game, but a shame they move you to a third party program
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231.6 hrs on record
DO NOT BUY. Ubisoft's Uplay is a broken piece of software. Since it implements an always online DRM, this often makes the game completely UNPLAYABLE (broken ubisoft servers, buggy uplay software crashing, etc.). Steam should never have allowed something like this to be even in the store.
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55.1 hrs on record
The game itself isn't horrendous, but the Ubisoft U-play DRM is absolutely terrible.
Not worth anywhere near $30, and the DLC is pricey for how little it actually adds- most of it's just re-skins.Additionally, I'd have to say that the gameplay is very lacking. It has 2 factions, but they play very similarly, and no matter what campaign you do most of what you build is repetitive.
All in all, a poorly-made game made nearly unplayable from DRM. 3/10, would not recommend.
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2.1 hrs on record
Could not get it to work, Uplay broke everything.
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21.7 hrs on record
this game cant launch because of uplay the stupid thing keeps crashing after an update they did like awhile ago and they cant be bothered patching thier faulty patch
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310.2 hrs on record
Anno 2070 offers the perfect synergy of RTS and City Building. I recommend the complete edition because the Deep Sea expansion adds a layer of extra depth to the tech trees.In Anno 2070, the size of your city is limited only by the size of your island--and there are some really BIG islands. If for some reason you aren't satisfied with your island, build some nukes, launch them, watch the pretty mushroom clouds and then move into your newly acquired glass parking lot (island). Don't feel like remediating nuclear radiation from your newly conquered paradise? Try sabotaging your enemies' main food source--destroy an oil tanker off the coast of an enemy island (preferably next to their fish hatcheries) and while he/she scrambles to clean up the oil, harass the cleanup crew with fast attack boats or helicopters and then send in your attack units. Even better, with the Deep Sea expansion, you can create tsunamis to wipe out your enemies' coastal holdings by destroying strategically placed geothermal power plants. After all, your citizens are worth more than your enemies' citizens, especially if your enemies happen to be the Eden faction... those hippie tree-hugging ???????s! Pick the Tycoons and use the power of coal and nuclear energy to crush the Eco ???????s! There's no Captain Planet to help them against your rain of nuclear fire! Crush them and their tree covered islands and pave over everything with concrete!Honestly, this game is a blast! The only reason Anno 2070 doesn't have 'Overwhelmingly Positive' reviews is because people hate on the Uplay DRM. I agree that its annoying but, its no reason to avoid one of the best city builders/rts hybrids of all-time.EDIT: I noticed a number of people complaining that Uplay doesn't work for Anno 2070. Since I hadn't played in a few weeks I decided to boot it up and see if there was a problem. Uplay works just fine. The Steam version of Uplay is outdated. You need to update Uplay and everything works just fine.The fix for this is so simple its mind boggling how many people fail to see it when its mentioned in numerous threads within the community hub. I know the Steam fan-boy knee-jerk reaction is to hate/blame any third party DRM so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised.
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4.6 hrs on record
Can't play the game because UPLAY crashes the game at startup. Thanks Ubisoft!
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1,010.5 hrs on record
Good times here. but be ready to spend a few hours at a time. Even with Ubi Soft DRM it's still a
sweet game.
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16.3 hrs on record
Anno 2070 is a hybrid resource management, city building sim and RTS by Ubisoft. Using futuristic technology, you must build a city to complete various goals while balancing the favor of three factions.The main campaign for Anno 2070 revolves around a rogue A.I. and the steps that you must take to protect your people while solving the puzzle of how to defeat it. The story is told through in game events as you complete quests, and through pre and post mission cutscenes. While story can be somewhat secondary in these types of games, I found it rather compelling and was definitely interested in what would happen next.For the campaign mode, you will be designing your city so that you can complete certain goals given to you by one of three factions, which are representative of business, technology and environment. Towards later missions you will be balancing the needs of multiple factions, whose unique buildings or abilities you will need to complete your quests. Since your city is persistent through multiple levels, this can create some issues while you are planning. You may spend one whole mission optimizing your city for the tech faction, only to find out later that you will need high level buildings from the business faction to continue. Your cities are mostly built on islands, and square footage is at a premium, so this can be problematic. Luckily for the most part there is not much of a penalty for having to tear down a building to place something new in its place, but still you can find yourself having spent hours designing a city perfectly just to find out later you have to tear it down.Game balance is done very well. You will need to provide your citizens with certain goods, depending on what faction they are from, and most of these goods can be manufactured in your buildings. You will need to balance your cash, power supply and ecobalance to complete each mission, and luckily there are generally ways to increase each if you are patient.Graphics are top notch, as our sound effects and voice acting. A lot of effort was put into the creation of this game, and it shows.After completing the main storyline, there is still plenty to accomplish. There are council votes which you can participate in, and will give you bonuses to certain factions. There are many scenarios to play through. The main story can take you upwards of 20 hours or more to complete, and if you still want more to do, more is available.Overall, I would completely recommend Anno 2070. It has that one more turn mentality that can keep you hooked for hours at a time. There is so much to do even after the main campaign that you will definitely get your money's worth. Anno 2070 is highly polished, well balanced, and very, very entertaining.Score: A-
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0.6 hrs on record
Avoid.. Avoid.. Avoid!!!!I wish I could comment on the game, but the invasive uPlay prevents me from playing this game I spent hard-earned cash on.
I bought this game, got a CD key and registering this CD key said &This key is registered with another user& .... and will not launch.So, if you want to toss cash down a drain, buy this DRM nightmare where legitimate buyers get screwed.
But I recommend you find a crack on torrents since their DRM sucks cash from actual buyers so they cannot play the game.
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132.2 hrs on record
Beautiful, Smooth, and Enjoyable. Unlike other strategy games like Civilization, Meridian: New World, Starcraft, etc, this game focues on more realistic ideals. Economy, Citizens, Resources, and the Environment are the main aspects. Now you may say that this game sounds like any other, but it focuses on these aspects greatly. You can't just build a mine on a resource and expect it to instantly be accessible and have the resource flowing to your city. Time el facto is one thing, it takes time for resources to go from point a to point b. Citizens have needs and there are different demographics for citizens. They level up as you fulfill there desires earning you more technology and resources. The economy is based on your tax income and expenses. Unit maintenance, citizen's needs, tax rates, and trade all affect tax income. The important part is the environment. Disasters, cities, units, and resources are affected by how polluted or clean the environment is. Great game, Co-op is good, everything is good.
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4.8 hrs on record
This might be a good game.
I sure don't know - dealing with Uplay and Ubisoft's DRM is too painful for words.May it die of syphyilis in a sewerage filled ditch
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Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: TAGES(TM)3 machine activation limit
Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA
Full audio
Title: Anno 2070(TM)
Release Date: 17 Nov, 2011
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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Anno 2070 DLC Packs
ANNO 2070(TM) DLC 1 – The Eden Project Complete Pack
The Eden Project Complete DLC Pack for ANNO 2070(TM) includes:
The Development Scenario Pack: Want to learn more about the Former technology and its inventor? Then look forward to the Development Scenario Pack and find out what happened to the Inventor Josh &the ghost& Steen. Help him achieve his greatest invention against all odds, and unlock his portrait by fulfilling all missions.
The Keeper Pack: The Former technology is one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time. With the Guardian 1.0 you get access to this powerful technology without playing through the Eden Project World Event. It comes along with a unique skin for the Former Technology tool and as well as access to high-end upgrades, making it an even more decisive asset.
The Eden Series Pack: The success of the Former technologies has been a great victory for the Eden Initiative. Celebrate their success with a new line of architecture that will bring the shine of green tech to your cities. Included in this pack:
o Eden Line Hedge System ecos (4 versions)
o Eden Line Park System ecos (4 versions)
o Eden Line Tree Place ecos
o Eden Line Water Wall ecos
o Town Center Variation ecos
Anno 2070 - Global Distrust - The Great Stock Market Crash
Buy all Financial Crisis DLCs in one package. Get access to the alternative Tycoon Statistic Center, the Mission Package &Crisis Response& adding 2 challenging Missions and the &Distrust Series& Pack, consisting of several new ornamental buildings to customize the look of your city.
Get direct access to the statistic center without fulfilling the world event upfront. You&d like to dress your brand new tool with an exclusive skin? The &Central Statistical& Package provides you with a glamorous look for this economy building.
Master two exclusive Tycoon missions to convince lost investors and attract new followers.
Mission 1: & The long way there &
Mission 2: & Final spurt &
The financial boom and growing consumer behavior, taking place in the Tycoon cities, raises the desideratum to express this prosperity visually. A large variation of ornamental buildings brings variation to the city centers:
Security fence Section
Security fence Corner
Safety fence Gate
Covered city center
Carousel display
Shopping Mall Entrance
Shopping Mall Corridor
Shopping Mall Corner
Shopping Mall Intersection
Anno 2070 - The Nordamark Conflict
The complete package contains all elements of this DLC in one package and gives you a special discount.
Silent Running Package
E.V.E. Package
Nordamark Series Package}


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