七日杀9.3详细香港地图全图高清版新版的香港地图全图高清版0.0 Random gen详细全图谢谢

我们都知道七日杀目前属于开发状态,游戏有2章地图,分别是Navezgane和Random Gen。前者是的一个小镇,算是游戏单机体验官配地图,地图的大小,地形的种类,建筑物的布局,都算是相当合理的。对于玩家在游戏里进行探索,创造,和获取资源的体验都还算到位,在下你用30分钟就可以逛完包括沙漠,平原,废墟,山林这4大类地形,而且整体布局比较合理,有利于进行全方位体验。第二张是Random Gen官方说是随机无界大地图,其地理风格是和亚利桑那一样的,为的是方便联机需要,为多玩家提供游戏空间。不过,我发现了一个问题,就是地形太单一了,目前只发现废弃小镇,雪地,山林,这3个地形,其他的除了山林还是一望无际的山林,在游戏累计时间超过48小时的时候也只是从一望无际的山林换到了一望无际的平原。。。。我觉得有点别扭,于是开了5个新档,3个档进去就开探索地图,平均每个档飞行20分钟。结果是出生地大致都靠经废弃小镇附近,每个废弃小镇都离一块雪地不远,除此之外,我大部分时间是在一望无际的山林飞行。。。。。。此间,我只发现一间小型农场,离道路很远,整体不大,就一个谷仓和围绕谷仓向外延伸5格的种植地,并没有农作物。最后,我没有找到沙漠,平原,废墟这些地形。有部分建筑物(军营)也没发现。总结:我不知道策划怎么想的,一张大地图的格局居然这么糟糕,体验起来很断链条。
1楼 16:37&|
2楼 16:45&|来自
3楼 17:19&|来自
4楼 17:24&|来自
收起回复5楼 18:22&|来自
楼主 你连续玩的时间不多吧???我在游戏里22天 40分循环
6楼 16:41&|
7楼 16:53&|来自
你没见过的我都见过了 不会没有的
8楼 17:55&|
森林区 和雪原区
9楼 22:30&|
11楼 23:28&|来自
我一出生就在雪地,,然后往北就是废墟城市,,然后没想到穿过城市 就到了沙漠。。然后左边是草原。。在往南是 山林,,真太幸运了。。出生在交界点。。上次玩很久都没见过沙漠。。。。
12楼 17:37&|
想了解更多关于 ”七日杀“的信息,请&或求七日杀A9版本登陆界面的翻译,在线等。最好图文一起的,谢谢_七日杀吧_百度贴吧
1楼 16:24&|
Game Mode 游戏模式Survival SP 单人生存Survival MP 多人生存Game World 游戏世界Navezgane固定世界Random Gen 随机世界Game Name 游戏名字---------------------------------Difficulty 难度选项Scavenger Adventurer NomadWarriorSurvivalist Lnsane一共6种难度,最上面最简单,最下面最难,由简到难。Zombies Run 僵尸跑步Default 默认(白天不跑,晚上跑)Never Run 绝不跑步Always Run 永远跑步Loot Abundance物品丰富度25%50%75%100%150%200%Loot Respawn Time 战利品刷新时间 Disabled 禁用3 Days 3天5 Days 5天7 Days 7天10 Days 10天15 Days 15天20 Days 20天30 Days 30天Drop ON Death 死亡时物品掉落Everything 一切Tooldelt Only 只有腰带Backpack Only 只有背包Delete all 删除所有Damage Given 人物所造成的伤害Very Low 最低Low 低Medium 中High 高Very High 最高Damage Received 人物所受到的伤害Very Low 最低Low 低Medium 中High 高Very High 最高Enemy Memory 敌人的记忆30 Seconds 30秒45 Seconds 45秒60 Seconds 60秒75 Seconds 75秒90 Seconds 90秒Enemy Spawning 敌人生成(丧尸生成的数量)Disabled 禁用Very Low 最低Low 低Medium 中High 高Very High 最高Enemy Aggression 敌人侵略(就是城管来强拆了)Normal 普通Feral 凶猛-----------------------------------------------Gameplay 游戏设置24 Hour Cycle 24小时循环 (就是游戏里一天的时间是现实时间的多久)10 Minutes 10分钟 20 Minutes 20分钟30 Minutes 30分钟40 Minutes 40分钟60 Minutes 60分钟120 Minutes 120分钟240 Minutes 240分钟Perc of Night 黑夜所占百分比(就是游戏里一天黑夜所占的比例)50%35%20%Block Durability 砖块的耐久度(就是游戏中材料的硬度)25%50%100%200%Craft Timer 制造物品计时器(合成材料的速度)Non 瞬间合成不需要时间Normal 正常Fast 快速Loot Timer 拾取定时器(开箱子时间)None 不需要开箱时间Normal 正常Fast 快速Air Drops 飞机空投补给(游戏中每过多久飞机空投补给一次)Disabled 禁用every 8 hour(s) 每8小时every 12 hour(s) 每12小时every 16 hour(s) 每16小时every 20 hour(s) 每20小时every 24 hour(s) 每24小时every 36 hour(s) 每36小时every 48 hour(s) 每48小时every 72 hour(s) 每72小时----------------------------------Misc 杂项Cheat Mode-作弊模式Off-关On-开
收起回复2楼 17:37&|
收起回复3楼 18:54&|
小白必备 谢谢
4楼 15:14&|
想了解更多关于 ”七日杀“的信息,请&或9.2随机大地图的策划太糟糕了。_七日杀吧_百度贴吧
我们都知道七日杀目前属于开发状态,游戏有2章地图,分别是Navezgane和Random Gen。前者是的一个小镇,算是游戏单机体验官配地图,地图的大小,地形的种类,建筑物的布局,都算是相当合理的。对于玩家在游戏里进行探索,创造,和获取资源的体验都还算到位,在下你用30分钟就可以逛完包括沙漠,平原,废墟,山林这4大类地形,而且整体布局比较合理,有利于进行全方位体验。第二张是Random Gen官方说是随机无界大地图,其地理风格是和亚利桑那一样的,为的是方便联机需要,为多玩家提供游戏空间。不过,我发现了一个问题,就是地形太单一了,目前只发现废弃小镇,雪地,山林,这3个地形,其他的除了山林还是一望无际的山林,在游戏累计时间超过48小时的时候也只是从一望无际的山林换到了一望无际的平原。。。。我觉得有点别扭,于是开了5个新档,3个档进去就开探索地图,平均每个档飞行20分钟。结果是出生地大致都靠经废弃小镇附近,每个废弃小镇都离一块雪地不远,除此之外,我大部分时间是在一望无际的山林飞行。。。。。。此间,我只发现一间小型农场,离道路很远,整体不大,就一个谷仓和围绕谷仓向外延伸5格的种植地,并没有农作物。最后,我没有找到沙漠,平原,废墟这些地形。有部分建筑物(军营)也没发现。总结:我不知道策划怎么想的,一张大地图的格局居然这么糟糕,体验起来很断链条。
1楼 16:37&|
2楼 16:45&|来自
3楼 17:19&|来自
4楼 17:24&|来自
收起回复5楼 18:22&|来自
楼主 你连续玩的时间不多吧???我在游戏里22天 40分循环
6楼 16:41&|
7楼 16:53&|来自
你没见过的我都见过了 不会没有的
8楼 17:55&|
森林区 和雪原区
9楼 22:30&|
11楼 23:28&|来自
我一出生就在雪地,,然后往北就是废墟城市,,然后没想到穿过城市 就到了沙漠。。然后左边是草原。。在往南是 山林,,真太幸运了。。出生在交界点。。上次玩很久都没见过沙漠。。。。
12楼 17:37&|
想了解更多关于 ”七日杀“的信息,请&或Alpha 10 更新说明 Apocalypse Release Is Out!_七日杀吧_百度贴吧
Alpha 10 更新说明 Apocalypse Release Is Out!收藏
原文地址:Goededag Survivalists,Alpha 10 code name “The Apocalypse Release” is out and it’s one of our biggest releases to date. The feature rich Apocalypse update includes: our new character creation system with face/body morphing and visible clothing, our new zombie horde world heat map system, a new wellness system which tracks eating habits and disease, a new model based destructible/upgradable door system, an enhanced buff system with criticals, hunger, thirst and lighting zombies on fire, a brand new sexier easier to use server browser, a new random gen township system for dynamic small towns in every biome, Linux client and dedicated server support, offline mode support, a world destruction art pass, over a dozen new locations including gun stores with signs, concrete upgradable fort building, farming overhaul and a multitude of fixes, requested changesFolks this is the largest content drop to date as Fred Sanford used to say “it’s the big one.” This update has some big framework changes so starting a new game is a must. Please don’t try to salvage your old saved game. And for those of you that experience any problems please use your steam client to delete local files and reinstall the game. Note: EAC will be disabled for 24 hours.Now for a complete list of Alpha 10 release notes read on you big dummy!Official Alpha 10 Release NotesAddedAdded a brand new Character Creation System complete with custom face, body morphing and fully visible clothing and armor on your character. With it you can make customize your character and make him or her look like you’d like. Future versions will include custom skin, eye color and hair style choices. Also included in this build are a shit ton of new lootable or craftable clothing including: Kevlar helmets, swat helmets, bandanas, goggles, sun glasses, denim jacket, pants, worn boots and tank tops. You can also remove, make a favorite outfit and put it back on quickly using the -, star and + buttons below the new character mirror in the inventory menu as well as rotating around your character in the mirror. Profile Creation has been added to the game options menu where you can create your custom charters as well as zoom in and pan around them.Added a new zombie horde world heat map system that tracks how much noise and smells have added up in a zone. Over time the zone will cool down, but if it heats up too fast spider zombies will come and investigate the area. If they find something and start screeching a horde will soon follow. Campfires, forges, smells and dead animal gore also contribute to the heat maps intensity.Added a new Wellness System that can go up and down based upon your eating habits, disease and death. Your wellness influences your stamina and health cap and can go from 0 to 200 over boosting these caps. Note: 100 is your base starting wellness. If you live well you’ll benefit from it with more stamina and health potential. If you live poorly you’ll suffer with less stamina and health. You can check this stat in your character screen. Remember that dying is bad so you have to play the game a little more cautious. It is possible to live well for several days and raise your wellness level quite high and reap the benefits of boosted stamina and health.Added a new model based destructible/upgradable door system provides elegant door animations, multistage destruction and upgrades to all player built and intact world doors. Now you know when a door is going to break open with physical model changes, particle effects and impact sounds. Also replaced all world doors with new model onesAdded our enhanced buff system which controls the new debuff hunger and thirst states with multiple stages. Dehydration will kill you faster than starving and both lower your wellness. Also the broken leg system has been reworked to a more intuitive healing system with a splint icon. The new system allows buffs to affect other buffs, buffs to affect zombies and animals and even apply critical and timed damage. With it clubs have a chance to do criticals on heads, arrows cause bleed out on other players and animals and torches can light zombies on fire. Zombies are immune to bleeding, sickness, and disease.Added a brand new server browser with a completely overhauled GUI. The new browser spools pages of servers better and has a large row of top buttons providing options to sort servers by Standard, Modded, Peer to Peer, Friends, History/Favorites, LAN and more. The main left panel has a sub header with icons for easily digesting server information and sort by many categories including ping. The browser also includes a new vertical server stats page on the right with a custom server message, and server address linkAdded a township system that creates small towns in random gen can appear in every biome type with a greater probability than cities but less probable than rural locations along roads. They are smaller than cities but can have between 2-8 blocks with each block having anywhere from 4 to 8 buildings.Added Linux 32 bit client and the Linux dedicated server 32 bit only. Future versions will include 64 bit.Added Steam offline mode support. now you can play Survival SP or Survival MP by yourself or continue your client hosted games offlineAdded a post apocalypse world destruction art pass. Every structure has been upgraded with boarded windows, cracked windows, broken windows, partially broken doors, locked doors, old blinds and more.Added new random gen locations with custom signs including Shotgun Messiah’s gun stores and Pass-n-Gas gas stations as well as several new wasteland city buildings, rubble piles, parking lots, 4 farm shed variants and 4 vacant junk filled lot variants to the worldAdded new concrete fort building path. You start with a rebar frame and place it. Then you upgrade that with wood planks which places the concrete forms. Then you take a bucket of concrete mix and pour it on the wood form and when it dries the wood pops off and you have hard reinforced concrete. Also added a new broken concrete textureAdded new better ladder physics so players can stay on ladders easier and fight from laddersAdded 5 new craftable containers that are labeled with symbols for player crafted storage to keep your items organized including guns, ammo, supplies, food and explosivesAdded new search by ingredient that shows uses of an itemAdded mouse over ingredient name tooltip to crafting tarpMajor efforts put into server performance which should support more players in multiplayer than before. Optimized mesh building of chunks so that this should take less CPU powerAdded new improved wood hit set for using wooden weapons to hit zombies and objects in the world of varying material typesAdded scrap armor recipesAdded bio-fuel. It is made from animal fat in the beakerAdded pigs, stags drop animal fat and animal fat to fat zombie lootAdded new nail gun to loot which can be used to upgrade forts really fast or used as a weapon requires new nail ammo which can be found in loot or forgedAdded recipe for concrete mixAdded new recipe for gravel using small stones. Note the old two recipes are still there as wellAdded a baby cotton plant that grows into the existing cotton plantAdded lead and tungsten trophies to the lootAdded reinforced concrete rampsAdded a texture quality option to Options-&Video to allow to down sample textures to half and quarter resolution. This will lead to memory and speed improvements on lower end hardwareAdded tallow made from animal fat in a cooking potAdded Animal Stealth and sneak damage (must be crouched and they must be unaware). NOTE: animals do not affect player stealth stateAdded new hard to get loot stash in each apartment building which include a munitions crate and Shotgun Messiah crateAdded animal gore block which spawns after looting an animal or after an animal dies. These contribute to the horde heat mapAdded vegetable stewAdded mold time to forgeAdded shipping crates which must be broken to expose a lootable interior crateAdded new shotgun messiah loot containersAdded spawnDeadChance to biome spawning to allow the simulation of ambient ecosystem heat and the potential to spawn scout hordes not directly due to player interactionAdded both good and bad wellness attributes to all foodsAdded goldenrod seed recipeAdded slight animated wobble to campfire and forge lights to create natural bouncing shadow effect, as a followup to the disabled flicker that caused headaches previouslyAdded MacDyvers guide to scrap metal crafting which unlocks scrap iron armor recipesAdded new craftable Wooden Hatch Doors which can be placed to fill a ladder hole. Note the top ladder block must be placed firstAdded zoom function to sniper rifle scope part for a makeshift telescopeAdded: Hard coded backpack for the player, this will always be on the player. Note: future version will include crafting backpacksAdded gravel to mining and added stability to coal and potassium nitrateAdded to Navezgane the new small gun store in the snow biome and the large gun store to the wasteland biomeChangedChanged Overhauled clubs. They use more stamina now and have a slower animation but do more damage. Barbed and spiked clubs have a chance to do bleeding damageChanged farming with a complete overhaul. The hoe now raises dirt and makes the dirt it raises fertile (along with a new fertile dirt texture) and the ground adjacent to it gets flattened out and it clears out the grass and turns it to regular dirt. So you can make these nice pretty looking farm fields now and its easy to tell where to plant as well. Seeds will project where the plant will be planted when you focus on a spot. Also crops won’t break if walked on any more and grass doesn’t grow under your crops or on the dirt adjacent to it that was hoed. If you want to grow grass just place a dirt block. Also we added goldenrod farmingChanged Bone breaking. Now there are two stages. A sprain or break. Both can be splinted. Splints are still applied like before but when you splint your leg it replaces the broken leg icon with a splint icon. When the leg heals the splint icon is removed. If you fall while splinted the splint will break off and a new one will be neededChanged removed planks block and many other old blocks that used its texturesChanged replaced old wood planks with new plank counterpartsChanged updated fertile farm ground textureChanged farming grass no longer will grow on hoed earth. Crops will not grow on placed dirt only on hoed dirt. Grass grows on placed dirt blocks. The hoe turns dirt into fertile farm ground nowChanged icon for lead trophyChanged removed deprecated material metal_no_distortionChanged wasteland cars are easier to mine for resourcesChanged updated white brick and decayed brick texturesChanged updated adobe peach and white textures and clay roof textureChanged all sidewalks to be cracked with a new sidewalk textureChanged corn crops to new growing conceptChanged Antibiotics and grain alcohol cook twice as fastChanged gas cans are now made from grain alcohol and bio fuelChanged: Reduced the health of pigs to match stagsChanged cloth and plant fiber torches now require animal fatChanged yucca juice now takes 4 yuccaChanged removed recipes for concrete blocks replaced by new upgradable concrete formsChanged dirt to grow grass in at a random time intervalChanged you can’t eat or drink if you are full or not thirstyChanged If you eat or drink excess food or water increases your meter more than 100% (but it still shows as 100%). (i.e. this means food/water can be over saturated)Changed lowered airdrop medicine quantities a bitChanged moving in water slows you downChanged now plants continue growing, even if no player is aroundChanged Forge and Campfire now operate if no player is nearbyChanged Creative menu can now also be enabled per client with the “cm” / “creativemenu” commandChanged almost all prefabs to use a new Terrain Filler block. This allows these prefabs with allow topsoil decorations true flag to fit into nearly all biomes for better locational varietyChanged fuel values and weight values of many objectsChanged resource rocks no longer drop coal or potassium nitrate powderChanged fire should debuff if in waterChanged hay bales can now be picked up and negate all fall damageChanged Air Drop from hours to Days and changed the
Default to Every 3 Days and change the options to Disabled, 1 Day, 3 Days, 7 DaysChanged in game option main categories to Stock, Modded and Multiplayer reorganizing the options under these 3 new fields and reordered the options under them to better match our new server browser structure.Changed removed Difficulty Presets,
Damage Given and Damage received and rolled them into one new category called Difficulty with 6 levels 1. Scavenger, 2. Adventurer, 3. Nomad, 4. Warrior, 5. Survivalist and 6. InsaneChanged updated particle system on wall torch, campfire and forgeChanged updated shader on sniper rifleChanged increase zombie dogs pain-hit pause to make dogs betterChanged increased chance for rare books to appearChanged random gen spawning to limit the largest buildings in the cities with the new MaxPerHub function. F.E you should only see one movie theater or 1 of the same large apartment buildingChanged updated English.txt with all new in-game items, blocks and clothingChanged optimized resource boulders to use less draw callsChanged recipes learned from books will now show on the tooltip above the toolbeltChanged improved locker loot, added clothes and football helmetsChanged disabled BB Colors on server names and chat windowChanged lowered volume of frig, chainsaw and augerChanged: Zombies respawn immediately in wasteland. 4 days in other biomes. Animals respawn every 5 daysFixedFixed bug in spawn algorithm that led zombies spawn in player’s view coneFixed prefabs and roads overlapping sometimes causing an asphalt block with air densityFixed Terrain decoration flag on small trees in burnt forestFixed dysentery so it advances and lasts forever until curedFixed Goldenrod doesn’t break when you walk on itFixed wrong popup “Player was kicked by server” if a player was kicked and disconnected from another server after being kickedFixed with Unity 4.5.4: game window always on topFixed with Unity 4.5.4: Mac full screen sometimes shows texture garbageFixed flickering between up/downgrades of block entitiesFixed not being able to eat food that increases hydration when full. Food is discarded in this case but hydration is consumedFixed improperly rotated cabinets in the apartmentsFix airdrop crates showing smoke if they are in unloaded chunksFixed culling distance on wall torch, campfire and forgeFixed scope aim location on sniper rifle, added muzzle originFixed Dropped items like grass should not clip into terrain any moreFixed dupe bug that allowed you to copy your inventory on exiting the game with Alt-F4 or killing the game processFixed game speed exploit when moving from single player to a multiplayer serverFixed zombie pain-hit pauseFixed weight of scrap lead so that single trophies can be scrappedFixed bug that ambient sound volume was also controlled by music volume sliderFixed joining a password protected server through steam://connect/ links or the friend list while the game is not runningFixed console commands issuing exceptions will not spawn in the server log any moreFixed (Mac/Linux only): problem that some float values were read wrong on non-english localesFixed nullref in buffsFixed password for a door or chest was using a header fontFixed replaying a saved game you can reread the books againFixed ambient loops to not use 3d positionFixed repair wrench should not be allowed to upgrade concreteServerConfig.xml and Dedicated ServersAdded Linux Dedicated Server SupportChanged in game options to Standard, Modded and Multiplayer reorganizing the options under these 3 new fields. Changing Modded options or XML files will make a server sort into the modded server listAdded config options: ServerDescription, ServerWebsiteURLRemoved serverconfig options PlayerDamageGiven and PlayerDamageReceived. Those are integrated with the GameDifficulty (0 = 200% given, 50% received, 1 = 150% / 75%, 2 = 100% / 100%, 3 = 75% / 150%, 4 = 50% / 200%, 5 = 25% / 250%)Removed horde mode and death match parameters (DayCount, FragLimit, MatchLength, RebuildMap)
from serverconfig.xmlRenamed VACEnabled to EACEnabledFor servers to show up in the new “standard” category in the server browser the following settings have to be at their default values: DayNightLength = 40, DropOnDeath = 0, DropOnQuit = 1, CraftTimer = 1, LootTimer = 1, EnemySenseMemory = 60, EnemySpawnMode = 3, NightPercentage = 20 – 50, BlockDurabilityModifier = 100, LootRespawnDays = 7, LootAbundance = 100, AirDropFrequency = 72, BuildCreate = false. Also the XML files in Data/Config/ may not be modifiedChanged default port to 26900. If this port is used and the server set to public it will be found in the local LAN in the LAN tab of the server browserTools and ModdingFolks we’re not really officially supporting modding yet but we’re working on some of the proper framework to do so. That said here are some things that have been done or are in the works.Changed Xml configuration files reside now in Data/Config for moddingBecause we changed our Block IDS dramatically for organizational and performance benefits we have asked Hal 9000 to create a prefab conversion utility which thankfully he agreed. The Utility converts your previously built user prefabs to our new block IDs so you can use them with Alpha 10. More info and download here: Hal 9000 is also working with us on an official Xml Editor which will help folk’s mod the game. It can be downloaded here: Known IssuesSome clients may experience connection problems while playing which can result in the world chunks not drawing and zombies not moving. This can be fixed by disconnecting and reconnectingWhen loading a previous saved game Weapons can sometimes load rotated incorrectly. This can be fixed by switching hold itemsImpact sounds for chainsaws/augers still use bullet impact sounds which is why they are too loud which will be fixed in the next buildThe Iron armor and scrap armor sets are missing their materials and appear to be chrome. This will be fixed in the next patchPlaying Old VersionsWe’re also making the last stable Alpha 9 build and older builds available to re download so here’s how you do it.1. Open your steam client.2. Click on Games/View Games Library3. Right click ‘7 Days to Die’ and select properties4. From the new popup dialogue box select the ‘BETAS’ Tab5. Under ‘Select the beta you would like to opt into’ – select ‘Alpha 9.3 Stable’6. The game will then update and download Alpha 9.37. Switching back to the latest version is as easy as repeating steps 1-4 and on step 5 choose the option ‘None – Opt out of all Beta Programs’ and you’ll revert to the latest versionThis entry was posted in News on 11/22/2014 by rhuenink.
1楼 08:50&|
机翻:Goededag者, 10代号“天启释放”,这是我们最大的版本之一。 功能丰富的启示包括:更新我们的新人物创建系统,面部/身体变形,可见服装,我们的新僵尸部落世界地图热系统,一个新的健康系统跟踪的饮食习惯和疾病,一种新的基于模型的易损坏的升级/门系统,增强与重击所迷系统,饥饿、干渴和照明僵尸着火,一个全新的更性感更容易使用浏览器,一个新的随机创乡镇系统动态小城镇在每一个,Linux客户机和专用服务器支持,离线模式的支持,世界毁灭的艺术,十几家新地点包括枪支商店标志,具体升级堡建筑,农业改革和大量的修复,要求更改人这是迄今为止最大的内容跌幅弗雷德·桑福德常说“这是最大的一个。 “这更新有一些大框架改变,开始一个新的游戏是必须的。 请不要试图挽救你的旧保存游戏。 和如果你经历任何问题请使用蒸汽客户端删除本地文件并重新安装游戏。 注意:EAC 24小时将被禁用。现在的完整列表10发布说明阅读对你大假!官方10发布说明添加添加了一个全新的人物创建系统完成定制的脸,身体变形和衣服和装甲在你的角色是完全可见的。 你可以定制你的角色,让他或她看起来像你想。 未来版本将包括自定义皮肤,眼睛的颜色和的选择。 还包括在这个新建的屎吨lootable或服装包括:但凯夫拉尔头盔,斯瓦特头盔、头巾、眼镜、、牛仔夹克,裤子,穿靴子和背心。 你也可以删除,把最喜欢的衣服,快速使用,明星和+按钮下面的新角色目录菜单以及绕着你的角色在镜子里。 配置文件创建已添加到游戏选项菜单,你可以创建定制的章程以及放大和锅。添加了一个新的僵尸部落世界地图热系统跟踪多少噪音和气味已经添加在一个区域。 随着时间的推移,欧元区将会降温,但是如果它升温太快蜘蛛僵尸会来调查。 如果他们找到并开始尖叫部落很快就会跟进。 篝火、伪造、气味和死动物戈尔也有助于热图强度。添加了一个新的健康系统,可以根据你的饮食习惯,疾病和死亡。 你的健康影响你的耐力和卫生帽和可以从0到200增加这些限制。 注:100年是你的基地开始健康。 如果你过得好,你会从中受益更多的耐力和健康的潜力。 如果你住不好你会遭受更少的体力和健康。 你可以检查这个属性在屏幕你的角色。 记住,死亡是坏的,所以你必须玩游戏更谨慎。 可以活好几天,提高你的健康水平相当高,获得提高耐力和健康的好处。添加了一个新的基于模型的易损坏的升级/门系统提供优雅的门动画,多级破坏和升级所有玩家建造和完整世界的大门。 现在你知道当一扇门会打开与物理模型变化,粒子效果和影响的声音。 也更换了所有世界大门的新模型添加我们的增强迷系统控制新减益魔法饥饿和干渴状态与多个阶段。 脱水会杀了你速度比饥饿和降低你的健康。 还断腿系统已经修改了一个更直观的夹板治疗系统图标。 新系统允许爱好者影响其他爱好者,对影响僵尸和动物爱好者甚至关键应用和时间损失。 与俱乐部有机会做重击所,箭造成流血了其他球员和动物和火把可以在火上僵尸。 僵尸免疫出血、疾病和疾病。增加了一个全新的浏览器完全彻底的GUI。 新的浏览器卷页面服务器更好的和有大量排按钮提供服务器标准排序选项,美佳,点对点,朋友,历史/收藏,局域网等等。 主要的左面板有子标题和图标容易消化许多类别包括ping服务器信息和排序。 浏览器还包括一个新的垂直服务器统计页面右侧自定义服务器信息,和服务器地址链接添加了一个小镇在随机系统,创建小城镇创可以出现在每一个类型与概率大于城市比农村更不可能,但位置沿道路。 比城市小,但可以有2 - 8块之间的每个街区都有4到8的建筑。添加32位Linux客户机和Linux专用仅32位。 未来版本将包括64位。添加蒸汽离线模式支持。 现在你可以自己玩生存SP或生存议员或继续您的客户端离线托管游戏添加一个帖子启示录世界毁灭的艺术通过。 每一个结构与食物已经升级,破解窗户,破窗,部分破碎的门,锁着门,百叶窗和更多。添加新的随机创位置与定制迹象包括猎枪弥赛亚的枪支商店和Pass-n-Gas加油站以及一些新的荒地城市建筑、碎石桩、停车场、4农场流变体和4空垃圾对世界充满许多变体增加了新的混凝土堡垒建设路径。 你开始用钢筋框架和地点。 然后用木板条你升级,哪些地方的具体形式。 然后你把一桶混凝土混合物倒在木地板上的声音形式和当它干木头钢筋混凝土脱落下来,你有困难。 还添加了一个新的破碎的混凝土结构添加新的更好的阶梯物理所以玩家可以继续梯子容易,从梯子战斗5添加新的容器,但用符号标记为玩家精心存储保持项目组织包括枪支、弹药、用品、食品和炸药添加新的搜索成分,显示了一个项目的使用添加鼠标成分名称提示制作tarp主要工作放在性能比以前应该支持更多的玩家在多人游戏。 优化网格构建块,这应该采取更少的CPU增添了新的改善木材打击使用木制武器打击僵尸和对象集世界上不同的材料类型添加废盔甲的食谱添加生物燃料。 它是由动物脂肪在烧杯里添加猪,鹿减少动物脂肪和动物脂肪,脂肪僵尸战利品增添了新的钉枪打劫可以用来升级城堡真的快或用作武器需要新的指甲弹药可以掠夺或伪造添加混凝土混合物的秘诀增加了新的配方砾石用小石块。 注意旧两个食谱依然存在添加一个婴儿棉花植物种植到现有的棉花种植添加铅、钨掠夺战利品增加钢筋混凝土斜坡添加了一个纹理质量选择选项- &视频允许下样本纹理和季度解决一半。 这将导致内存和速度在低端硬件上的改进添加脂制成的动物脂肪烹饪锅添加动物隐形和溜损害(必须蹲,他们必须知道)。 注意:动物不影响玩家隐形状态增加了新的困难战利品塞在每个公寓,包括一个弹药箱和猎枪弥赛亚箱添加动物戈尔阻止抢劫后产生一个动物或动物死后。 这些导致部落热图添加蔬菜炖肉增加模具打造添加航运箱必须打破暴露lootable室内箱增加了新的猎枪弥赛亚战利品容器添加spawnDeadChance生态区产卵允许仿真环境生态系统的热量和潜力产生童子军成群不直接由于玩家互动包括好的和坏的健康属性添加到所有的食物添加秋麒麟草属植物种子配方添加轻微摆动营火和伪造灯来创建动画自然跳跃阴影效果,帮助残疾人闪烁,引起头痛添加MacDyvers废金属制作指南,它铁屑盔甲食谱添加新的木舱口但门可放置梯子洞。 注意梯子顶部块必须放在第一添加变焦功能,狙击步枪范围部分临时望远镜补充道:硬编码的背包的球员,这将永远是球员。 注意:未来的版本将包括制作背包增加了砾石采矿和添加稳定煤炭和硝酸钾添加到Navezgane新的小枪支商店在雪中和大型枪械商店荒地生态区改变了
2楼 08:52&|
改变了俱乐部。 他们现在使用更多的耐力和较慢的动画但做更多的伤害。 刺和飙升俱乐部有机会造成出血的伤害改变农业全面检修。 锄头现在引发了污垢,使污垢它提出了肥沃的(连同一个新的肥沃的泥土结构)和地面附近被夷为平地,它清除了草,常规的污垢。 所以你现在可以使这些好好看农田及其容易知道植物。 种子将项目的植物种植,当你专注于一个点。 农作物也不会打破如果走了,草地上不种植在你的作物或污垢相邻,锄。 如果你想要种草只是一块肮脏的地方。 我们添加了秋麒麟草种植改变骨破坏。 现在有两个阶段。 扭伤或休息。 都可以用夹板固定住。 夹板仍应用之前,但当你夹腿它取代腿部骨折夹板图标图标。 当腿伤夹图标删除。 如果你用夹板固定住时下降夹板将中断,需要一个新的改变了木板块和其他许多古老的街区,利用其纹理改变了新的取代旧的木板条板改变地面纹理更新肥沃的农场改变农业草锄地球上不再生长。 作物不会生长在泥土只放在锄地污垢。 草生长在泥土块。 锄头把泥土变成肥沃的农场现在地面改变图标铅奖杯改变metal_no_distortion移除废弃材料改变荒地汽车更容易开采资源最新的白砖和腐朽砖的纹理改变更新adobe桃子和白色的纹理和粘土屋顶结构改变了所有人行道与一个新的人行道裂缝纹理改变了玉米作物增长新概念改变了抗生素和酒精库克的两倍改变气体罐现在由乙醇和生物燃料改变:减少猪的健康与雄鹿改变了布和植物纤维火把现在需要动物脂肪兰汁现在需要4 yucca改变改变了混凝土砖的配方升级新混凝土形式所取代改变了污垢生长草在一个随机的时间间隔改变你不能吃或喝你是否充满渴改变如果你吃或者喝过量的食物或水增加你计超过100%(但它仍然显示为100%)。 (这意味着食物/水可以超过饱和)改变降低空投药品数量改变朝着水使你变慢现在改变植物继续生长,即使没有球员现在改变了伪造和篝火附近如果没有玩家操作改变了创造性的菜单现在还可以启用每个客户机的“厘米”/“creativemenu”命令几乎所有预制改为使用新的地形衬块。 这使得这些预制允许表土装饰真正的国旗为更好的区位变化适应几乎所有的生物群落改变燃料值和权重值的对象改变岩石资源不再下降煤或硝酸钾粉末改变了火应该减益魔法如果在水里改变了干草包现在可以拿起,否定所有伤害下降改变空气从数小时到数天下降和默认改为每3天,更改选项来禁用,1天,3天,7天改变在游戏选项主要类别的股票,而修改和多人重组的选项根据这三个新字段和重新排序的选项下他们更好地匹配我们的新服务器浏览器结构。改变预设了困难,伤害,伤害收到并卷成一个名为困难6水平1的新类别。 食腐动物,2。 冒险家,3。 游牧,4。 战士,5。 活命主义者和6。 疯狂的改变更新粒子系统在墙壁上火炬,篝火和伪造改变更新材质狙击步枪改变增加僵尸狗疼痛袭来了暂停,让狗更好改变增加了罕见的书出现的机会改变随机创产卵限制最大的建筑城市新的MaxPerHub函数。 f。 你应该只看到一个电影院或1相同的大公寓改变英语更新。 txt和所有新游戏项目,块和衣服改变优化资源巨石少用电话改变食谱从书现在将显示在工具提示在你之上改变改善储物柜的战利品,添加衣服和足球头盔改变残疾人BB颜色服务器名称和聊天窗口改变了降低冰箱的容积,电锯和钻立即改变:僵尸重生在荒地。 在其他生物群落4天。 动物重生每5天固定固定虫产卵算法导致僵尸在玩家的产卵视图锥固定的预制和道路有时重叠导致沥青块与空气密度固定地形装饰在森林烧国旗小树固定痢疾所以进步和持续永远,直到治愈固定秋麒麟草不休息当你走固定的错误弹出”球员被服务器踢“如果一个球员被踢,被踢后与另一个服务器固定和统一4.5.4:游戏窗口总在最上面固定和统一4.5.4:有时Mac全屏显示纹理垃圾固定/降级的块实体之间的闪烁固定不能吃食物时,则增加水化。 食物被丢弃在这种情况下,但水是消耗固定不当旋转柜的公寓修复空投箱显示烟如果在卸载块固定扑杀距离墙火炬,篝火和伪造固定范围的目标位置狙击步枪,枪口固定的物品如草不应该夹地形固定欺骗错误,允许你复制你的库存退出游戏Alt-F4或杀死游戏过程固定的游戏速度利用当从单人多人游戏服务器固定的僵尸疼痛袭来了暂停固定的废铅的重量,这样单一的奖杯可以取消固定错误环境音量也由音乐音量控制滑块通过蒸汽固定加入一个密码保护服务器:/ /连接/链接或好友名单,而游戏未运行固定控制台命令发出将在服务器日志不会引发异常固定(Mac / Linux):问题,一些非英语地区浮点值都读错了固定nullref爱好者固定密码门或箱子使用标题字体固定重演保存游戏你可以再次重读的书固定的环境循环不使用3 d位置固定修复扳手不应该允许升级混凝土ServerConfig。 xml和专用服务器Linux专用服务器支持改变了在游戏选项标准,美佳和多人重组的选项在这些3新领域。 改变而修改选项或XML文件将服务器到美佳服务器列表排序添加配置选项:ServerDescription ServerWebsiteURL删除PlayerDamageGiven和PlayerDamageReceived serverconfig选项。 这些都是结合GameDifficulty(0 = 200%,50%,1 = 150% / 75%,2 = 100% / 100%,3 = 75% / 150%,4 = 50% / 200%,5 = 25% / 250%)删除部落模式和死亡匹配参数(DayCount、FragLimit MatchLength,RebuildMap)serverconfig.xml重命名VACEnabled,EACEnabled服务器出现在新“标准”范畴在服务器浏览器下面的设置必须在其默认值:DayNightLength = 40,DropOnDeath = 0,DropOnQuit = 1,CraftTimer = 1,LootTimer = 1,EnemySenseMemory = 60,EnemySpawnMode = 3,NightPercentage = 20 - 50,BlockDurabilityModifier = 100,LootRespawnDays = 7,LootAbundance = 100,AirDropFrequency = 72,BuildCreate = false。 XML文件的数据/ Config /不得修改更改默认端口为26900。 如果使用这个端口与服务器设置为公众会发现在本地局域网局域网服务器浏览器的选项卡工具和改装人我们并不正式支持改装,但我们正在努力的一些合适的框架。 说这里有一些东西已经完成或正在进行中。现在改变了Xml配置文件驻留在数据/改装配置因为我们改变块IDS戏剧性的组织和性能优势我们有问哈尔9000创建预制转换实用程序,值得庆幸的是他同意了。 实用工具转换之前构建的用户对我们的新的块预制id,您可以使用它们与α- 10。 更多信息和下载:哈尔9000还与美国进行正式Xml编辑器将帮助民间的国防部。 它可以在这里下载:已知的问题一些客户可能会经历连接问题,这会导致世界块绘图和僵尸不移动。 这可以通过断开和重新连接当加载以前保存的游戏武器有时负载旋转不正确。 这可以通过交换物品影响声音链锯/螺旋输送器仍然使用子弹听起来这就是为什么他们太大声影响将固定在未来构建铁盔甲和废甲集似乎丢失他们的材料和铬。 这将是固定在下一个补丁在旧版本 我们也使最后稳定阿尔法9构建和旧的构建可以重新下载这是你如何做。 1。 打开蒸汽客户机。 2。 点击游戏/视图游戏库 3。 右击“7天死”并选择properties 4。 新弹出对话框选择“贝塔”选项卡 5。 在“选择β你想选择的——选择“9.3 Alpha稳定” 6。 游戏会更新和下载9.3 Alpha 7。 切换回最新版本一样容易重复步骤1 - 4和第5步选择选项“没有退出所有β程序”,你就会恢复到最新的版本这一条目将发表在 新闻 在 11/22/2014 通过 rhuenink 。
3楼 08:55&|
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