windows phone 8.1home 不支持8.1

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Project Description
For Win8+ : IsoStoreSpy WP8.1 EDITION
+ WP8.1 & WP8 apps allowed
+ WP8.1 device / emulator allowed (for WP8 devices take the last version of ISS)
+ Folders &Local&, &Roaming& or &Temp& selectable for WindowsRuntime apps
+ Version of ISS in Title :)
WARNING : For using SQLServerCE options on Windows 8 please install this :
For Win8 : IsoStoreSpy WP8 EDITION
+ Installation in a Zip package
+ Works with WP7 and WP8 xaps on Windows 8 !
+ Various bugs fixed
WARNING : For using SQLServerCE options on Windows 8 please install this :
For Win7+ : RELEASE Beta 5
+ Installation in a Zip package
+ Show reals WP devices
+ Bug in upload fixed
RELEASE Beta 4 !
Explore the isolated storage of yours WP8 + WP7 applications without having to install anything on your windows phone
Fig 1 : Home page
Fig 2 : Choose an application
Fig 3 : Preview image
Fig 4 : Preview text
Fig 5 : Preview database SqlCE
Fig 6 : Execute SQL
Fig 7 : Preview Music+Video
Fig 8 : Create ringtone
Fig 9 : IssTools : MediaLibrary
Fig 10 : IssTools : Ringtone
Look a the video to see IsoStoreSpy in action : Create folder, import/export files, drag and drop files,... (Version Beta 1)
This video is from the Beta 1 version.
Last edited
by , version 32合作账号登录:
Windows Phone 8.1不再被支持,微软手机永远退出舞台了吗?来源:10000知道作者:小石头阅读其实很多人都不知道,在手机行列中,除了安卓手机和苹果手机之外,还有一个微软手机。其实很多人都不知道,在手机行列中,除了安卓手机和苹果手机之外,还有一个微软手机。之前我们在面对智能手机的时候,拥有三种不同的选择,分别是iPhone、Android、Windows Phone,然而Windows Phone 8.1是Microsoft最新一代Windows Phone的最终命名。随着微软的渐渐退出,现在的智能手机市场基本上由之前的三分天下变成现在的二分天下了。大多数都被iPhone与Android设备所瓜分,而微软在7月20日也正式宣布,将终止对Windows Phone 8.1系统的支持。曾经iPhone、Android 设备和Windows Phone三足鼎立的时代,现在可以说是暂时画上一个句号了。根据日前发布的《全球手机季度跟踪报告》预测,2017年Windows Phone份额将跌至0.1%(约合180万设备);到2021年的时候,其份额更将接近于零(全球可能只剩80万设备左右)。现在的市面上也的确难以看到微软的Lumia手机,目前微软的网上商店已没有Lumia手机在销售,微软Lumia950和Lumia950 XL似乎也成了最后的Lumia旗舰手机。从公布的数据可以看出,Windows Phone的0.1%与Others持平,它基本上也可以归为Others之列了。作为对比,安卓的份额则达到了85%,iOS也有14.7%的份额。微软方面表示,运行Windows Phone 8.1的手机将不会再获得升级或者技术支持,Windows Phone 8.1将是Windows Phone最后一个系统迭代版本。微软在2010年带来了Window Phone 7,很多人都希望 Window Phone 7可以向iOS和Android 设备发起挑战,同时也发布了系列手机,比如Lumia,当时也得到许多人的关注与信赖。不过微软推出该操作系统一直都缺少一些关键的功能,并且一直缺少任何有突破性的设备的支持,最终,iPhone和Android设备还是击败了微软手机。其实微软手机无论在外观还是系统性能上,和苹果、安卓手机还是有一定差距的。在我们心目中。微软一直是苹果的竞争对手,只不过更多是也集中在iPad 、苹果笔记本电脑和Surface 产品上。现在微软的移动战略主要围绕支持iOS和Android 的应用和服务开展,例如Office 组件可以在iPhone和iPad上使用。其实最不想说再见了,不管是微软手机还是安卓、苹果手机的如何竞争,对于用户来说,最终受益的还是用户群体。当手机竞争越大,我们选择就越多了,手机的性价比同时也会在竞争中不断的提高。最后呢,还是和Windows Phone 8.1说一声再见吧,期待王者归来。
[增值电信业务经营许可证 A2.B1.B2-]&ICP 证号:京 ICP 备 号
打开微信,点击底部的“发现”,使用“扫一扫”即可将网页分享至朋友圈。Windows Phone 8.1 Update hands-on: An insignificant upgrade
Use commas to separate multiple email addresses
Mark Hachman
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Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 (we'll call it 'the Update') is , but don't get too excited.
The infrequency of these releases makes any new one seem important. This was justified with Windows Phone 8.1. Not so with this update (er, Update), which I tried on the Lumia 1520 phablet (it wasn’t available yet for our Nokia Icon test phone). It adds a nice feature or two, but nothing earth-shattering. Mark Hachman
Opened folders appear as a small icon at top, with contents grouped below. When compressed, the icons shrink down and live in the folder.
The download and installation took about 20 minutes or so, after which the phone’s OS version reported itself as 8.10..As Microsoft confirmed earlier, the Update : the addition of folders and VPN updates to the Corta
the ability to forward and delete SMS messages in bulk, and an update to the Xbox Music app. Unfortunately, the net effect of my brief period of playing with the new update, my Lumia 1520 phablet feels a touch slower. And I got stalled while testing the VPN capability, which was one of the features I most wanted to try. Folders ahoyThe ability to resize Live Tiles on the Start screen into small icons already provided an incremental step toward folders. With the update, you can effectively make those icons even smaller, and add a label to remind yourself what's in there.Like folders on Android or iOS, folders are created by dragging and dropping one Tile over another. To close the folder, you’ll need to tap the folder icon at the top of the Windows Phone screen, rather than just anywhere else on the screen. That’s a change from Android, and it feels a bit awkward.It’s also a bit time-intensive to drag a contact out from People, pin it to the Start screen, and then drag the contact’s name into a folder. But simply grouping pinned apps together takes just seconds.A couple of features, such as the bulk deletion of SMS text messages, and the updated Windows Phone Store tile, are simple additions that you’ll quickly forget about. VPN support: for business onlyAs we noted in our previous coverage, VPN support will prove useful for those trying to access protected company websites while on the go. Our initial impression of the benefits of VPN support for consumers was probably too hopeful. This is really for business customers or those consumers who have subscribed to a private VPN, not casual users. Mark Hachman
The VPN configuration screen in Windows Phone 8.1 Update.
To use the VPN, you’ll need to start in the Settings menu. Microsoft will then direct you to the Store to download a compatible VPN app. You’ll nee Microsoft does not pre-populate the search field.Microsoft gives you the option of encrypting all traffic passed to and from the phone. You can also turn the VPN on or off manually, or just set it to trigger when certain domains or sites are accessed.My first VPN experience ended quickly. I tried entering the IP address and password for our VPN myself, but I wasn’t able to get the VPN to connect. I'll be checking with our IT department, and you may have better luck if you do the same initially. One nitpick: When editing an active VPN profile, selecting the advanced options brings up a toggle: “Don’t use VPNs on company Wi-Fi.” The default setting is Off—a double negative that’s needlessly complex.Improved Xbox MusicXbox Music fans will probably be happiest that Microsoft hasn’t forgotten about them, promising an updated Xbox Music app. Surprisingly, I didn’t notice any difference—but they again, I don’t subscribe to the service. (I use Slacker myself, especially on my T-Mobile Android phone, where playing music doesn't count against my data cap.) It would be lovely if Xbox Music for Windows Phone allowed me at least to play back algorithmically-generated "radio" stations. Mark Hachman
Do an impression, Cortana.
Finally, there's Cortana, which Microsoft says includes new natural-language capabilities. That's a bit difficult to test, although a new "do an impersonation" request prompts Cortana (voiced by actress Jen Taylor) to run through a few lines. Cortana has also been adapted for the UK and China, among other regions. (At least on my phone, however, you can't ask Cortana to speak in an English accent, yet.)The performance drag on my phone could be a subjective impression, and my VPN problems may be easily solved with a bit of help. Your mileage with Windows Phone 8.1 Update may vary. In any case, there's little reason not to upgrade. Just don't go in expecting too much.
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page or ourPerformance Comparison: iOS 8.1.3 Vs iOS 8.1.2 [Video]
| January 28th, 2015
If you own an older iPhone or iPad and have held off updating to iOS 8.1.3 but desperately want your hardware to be a tad quicker, a newly released video shows you what you should expect in the speed increase stakes with Apple’s new software.
Apple yesterday released the latest version of its iPhone and iPad operating system, iOS 8.1.3 and the big news was the blocking of the TaiG, Pangu8 and PP jailbreaks that many had been using. Along with a host of bug and other security fixes, it was hoped by some that the new release would also bring a welcome speed increase to those with older devices. Previous releases had done just that, after all.
With the question very much on the lips of those carrying hardware from yesteryear one YouTuber decided to put together a video showing what speed difference, if any, iOS 8.1.3 brings to the iPhone 4s.
In order to put together a proper test the video shows two identical iPhone 4s handsets but with one running the new iOS 8.1.3 and the other iOS 8.1.2. The test sees a variety of actions repeated simultaneously on both devices, ranging from the launching and closing of apps to taking photographs both of which are pretty common tasks.
As the seven minute video shows and as could probably be predicted, some tasks seem to be quicker to perform on iOS 8.1.3 while others seem slower. The only conclusion we can come to here is that performance on older devices wasn’t Apple’s main focus here, and with plenty of bug fixes to be worked on we can’t really blame Apple’s software engineers for that decision.
If you’re carrying an iPhone 4s or iPad 2 and find iOS 8.1.3 to still be unbearably slow, and you don’t care about jailbreaking, then we’re afraid the only suggestion we have is to upgrade to newer kit. You’re worth it, after all.
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