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状 态:评 分:0类 型:|动作片|剧情|惊悚简 介:刀锋战士自小就被专门打造新式武器的吸血鬼猎人惠斯特(克里斯多佛森饰)收养,专门出入有吸血鬼出没的场所,拯救即将被消灭吞噬的人类,凭着他驾骑着银翼机车,手持无敌火力的巨型火焰枪,以及无敌旋风刀和身后背负着的那把长剑,不死的...
状 态:评 分:0类 型:|剧情片|爱情|喜剧简 介:故事的主线人物是一位新晋的英国首相(休格兰特),年轻有为的他在刚刚入主伦敦唐宁街10号(英国首相官邸)的第一天,就发现自己爱上了漂亮的单身母亲娜塔丽(玛蒂麦克卡森),而娜塔丽的工作就是每天负责为首相端茶倒水,首相碍于自己的身份不...
状 态:评 分:0类 型:|动作片|动作|战争简 介:影片根据马克思?马努斯抗击纳粹的真实英雄事迹改编。他先在芬兰的“冬天战争”中抗击俄国人,后回到被德国人占领的挪威,立刻投身于抵抗运动,迅速成为奥斯陆抵抗组织最重要的成员之一。在冈瑟的领导下,他们在奥斯陆港口策划了一次大规...
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状 态:高清版评 分:0类 型:|喜剧片|爱情|喜剧简 介:◎译名女人们/女人我最大/女人至上(港)/女人大作战(台)
◎片名The Women
◎文件大小 1.43G
◎IMDB评分 ...
状 态:评 分:10类 型:|动作片|惊悚|冒险简 介:讲述了兰德尔?雷恩斯(尼古拉斯?凯奇饰)--一个人称“孟菲斯”的窃车大盗的传奇故事。孟菲斯是个窃车高手,世界上再奇特的车锁,再灵敏的警报系统只要到了他的手里也只是件小摆设。你不信?把车停在这试试,孟菲斯一到,六十秒之内,它...加勒比海盗I 全英文对白完整版_百度文库
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字数太多,我给你分别上传啊! [Elizabeth singing softly]:Drink up,me hearties,
We kidnap and ravage and don'
Drink up,me hearties,
Yo ho,yo ho,A pirate'
We extort,we pilfer,we filch and sack,Drink up...; [Gibbs]: Quite,missy. Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them.. [Norrington]: Mr.Gibbs,that will do.
[Gibbs]: She was singing about pirates. It's bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark
my words. [Norrington]: Consider them marked. On your way.
[Gibbs]: Aye,Lieutenant. It's bad luck to have a woman on board,too. Even a miniature one. [Elizabeth]: I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate. [Norrington]: Think again,Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures,the lot of them. I intend that any man who sails under a
pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves. A short drop and a sudden stop. [Swann]: Lieutenant Norrington,I appreciate your fervor,but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my
daughter. [Norrington]: My apologies,Governor Swann. [Elizabeth]: Actually,I find it all fascinating. [Swann]: Yes.That's what concerns me. [Elizabeth]: Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water! [Norrington]: Man overboard! Man the ropes. Fetch a hook. Haul him aboard. He's still breathing. [Gibbs]: Mary,Mother of God.
[Swann]: What happened here? [Norrington]: It's the powder magazine.Merchant vessels run heavily armed. [Gibbs]: A lot of good it did them. Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it. Pirates. [Swann]: There's no proof of that. It's probably an accident. [Norrington]: Rouse the captain immediately. Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats. [Swann]: Elizabeth, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him. [Elizabeth]: It's okay. My name's Elizabeth Swann. [Will]: Will Turner. [Elizabeth]: I'm watching over you,Will. You're a pirate. [Norrington]: Has he said anything? [Elizabeth]: His name's William Turner. That's all I found out. [Norrington]: Take him below. [Swann]: Elizabeth? Are you all right? Are you decent? [Elizabeth]: Yes. [Swann]: Still abed at this hour? Oh,it's a beautiful day. I have a gift for you. [Elizabeth]: Oh,it's beautiful. [Swann]: Isn't it? [Elizabeth]: May I inquire as to the occasion? [Swann]: Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter? Go on.
Actually,I... I hoped you might wear it for the
ceremony today. [Elizabeth]: The ceremony? [Swann]: Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony. [Elizabeth]: I knew it. [Swann]: Commodore Norrington,as he's about to become. A fine gentleman, don't you think? He fancies you,you know. Elizabeth?
How's it coming? [Elizabeth]: It's difficult to say. [Swann]: I'm told it's the latest fashion in London. [Elizabeth]: Well,women in London must've learnt not to breathe. [MAN]:Milord,you have a visitor. [Swann]: Mr.Turner. Good to see you again. [Will]: Good day,sir. I have your order. [Swann]: Well. [Will]: The blade is folded steel. That's gold filigree laid into the handle. If I may. Perfectly balanced. The tang is
nearly the full width of the blade. [Swann]: Impressive. Very impressive. Now,now. Commodore Norrington is going to be very pleased with this. Do pass my
compliments on to your master. [Will]: I shall. A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated. [Swann]: Elizabeth,you look absolutely stunning. [Elizabeth]: Will. It's so good to see you. I had a dream about you last night. [Will]: About me? [Swann]: Is that entirely proper for you... [Elizabeth]: About the day we met. Do you remember? [Will]: How could I forget,Miss Swann? [Elizabeth]: How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth? [Will]: At least once more,Miss Swann,as always. [Swann]: There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety. We really must be going. There you are. [Elizabeth]: Good day,Mr.Turner. [Swann]: Come along. [Will]: Good day. Elizabeth...
[Man]: What -- hey. Hold up,there,you. It's a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock. And I shall need to know your name. [Jack]: What do you say to three shillings,and we forget the name? [Man]: Welcome to Port Royal,Mr.Smith. [MAN#2]: Two paces march! Right about-face! Present arms! [Murtogg]: This dock is off limits to civilians. [Jack]: I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know. If I see one,I shall inform you immediately. There's some sort of high-toned and
fancy to-do up at the fort. How could it be two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation? [Murtogg]: Someone has to make sure this dock stays off limits.


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