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Fourier Transform (FFT)
In this section we
present several methods for computing the DFT efficiently. In
view of the importance of the DFT in various digital signal
processing applications, such as linear filtering, correlation
analysis, and spectrum analysis, its efficient computation is a
topic that has received considerable attention by many
mathematicians, engineers, and applied scientists.
From this point, we
change the notation that X(k), instead of y(k)
in previous sections, represents the Fourier coefficients of
Basically, the
computational problem for the DFT is to compute the sequence {X(k)}
of N complex-valued numbers given another sequence of
data {x(n)} of length N, according to
the formula
In general, the data
sequence x(n) is also assumed to be complex
valued. Similarly, The IDFT becomes
Since DFT and IDFT
involve basically the same type of computations, our discussion
of efficient computational algorithms for the DFT applies as well
to the efficient computation of the IDFT.
We observe that for each
value of k, direct computation of X(k)
involves N complex multiplications (4N real
multiplications) and N-1 complex additions (4N-2
real additions). Consequently, to compute all N values
of the DFT requires N 2 complex
multiplications and N 2-N complex
Direct computation of
the DFT is basically inefficient primarily because it does not
exploit the symmetry and periodicity properties of the phase
factor WN. In particular, these two properties are :
The computationally efficient
algorithms described in this sectio, known collectively as fast
Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms, exploit these two basic
properties of the phase factor.
Radix-2 FFT
Let us consider the computation
of the N = 2v point DFT by the divide-and
conquer approach. We split the N-point data sequence
into two N/2-point data sequences f1(n)
and f2(n), corresponding to the
even-numbered and odd-numbered samples of x(n),
respectively, that is,
Thus f1(n)
and f2(n) are obtained by decimating
x(n) by a factor of 2, and hence the resulting
FFT algorithm is called a decimation-in-time algorithm.
Now the N-point DFT can be
expressed in terms of the DFT's of the decimated sequences as
= WN/2. With this substitution, the
equation can be expressed as
where F1(k)
and F2(k) are the N/2-point
DFTs of the sequences f1(m) and f2(m),
Since F1(k)
and F2(k) are periodic, with period
N/2, we have F1(k+N/2) = F1(k)
and F2(k+N/2) = F2(k).
In addition, the factor WNk+N/2
= -WNk. Hence
the equation may be expressed as
We observe that the direct
computation of F1(k) requires (N/2)2
complex multiplications. The same applies to the computation of F2(k).
Furthermore, there are N/2 additional complex
multiplications required to compute WNkF2(k).
Hence the computation of X(k) requires 2(N/2)2
+ N/2 = N 2/2 + N/2 complex
multiplications. This first step results in a reduction of the
number of multiplications from N 2 to N 2/2
+ N/2, which is about a factor of 2 for N
TC.3.1 First step in the decimation-in-time algorithm.
By computing N/4-point
DFTs, we would obtain the N/2-point DFTs F1(k)
and F2(k) from the relations
The decimation of the data
sequence can be repeated again and again until the resulting
sequences are reduced to one-point sequences. For N = 2v,
this decimation can be performed v = log2N
times. Thus the total number of complex multiplications is
reduced to (N/2)log2N. The number of
complex additions is Nlog2N.
For illustrative purposes, Figure
TC.3.2 depicts the computation of N = 8 point DFT. We
observe that the computation is performed in tree stages,
beginning with the computations of four two-point DFTs, then two
four-point DFTs, and finally, one eight-point DFT. The
combination for the smaller DFTs to form the larger DFT is
illustrated in Figure TC.3.3 for N = 8.
TC.3.2 Three stages in the computation of an N
= 8-point DFT.
TC.3.3 Eight-point decimation-in-time FFT algorithm.
TC.3.4 Basic butterfly computation in the
decimation-in-time FFT algorithm.
An important
observation is concerned with the order of the input data
sequence after it is decimated (v-1) times. For example, if we
consider the case where N = 8, we know that the first decimation
yeilds the sequence x(0), x(2), x(4), x(6), x(1), x(3), x(5),
x(7), and the second decimation results in the sequence x(0),
x(4), x(2), x(6), x(1), x(5), x(3), x(7). This shuffling
of the input data sequence has a well-defined order as can be
ascertained from observing Figure TC.3.5, which illustrates the
decimation of the eight-point sequence.
TC.3.5 Shuffling of the data and bit reversal.
Another important radix-2 FFT
algorithm, called the decimation-in-frequency algorithm, is
obtained by using the divide-and-conquer approach. To derive the
algorithm, we begin by splitting the DFT formula into two
summations, one of which involves the sum over the first N/2
data points and the second sum involves the last N/2 data points.
Thus we obtain
Now, let us split (decimate) X(k)
into the even- and odd-numbered samples. Thus we obtain
where we have used the fact that WN2
The computational
procedure above can be repeated through decimation of the N/2-point
DFTs X(2k) and X(2k+1). The
entire process involves v = log2N stages of
decimation, where each stage involves N/2 butterflies of
the type shown in Figure TC.3.7. Consequently, the computation of
the N-point DFT via the decimation-in-frequency FFT requires (N/2)log2N
complex multiplications and Nlog2N
complex additions, just as in the decimation-in-time algorithm.
For illustrative purposes, the eight-point
decimation-in-frequency algorithm is given in Figure TC.3.8.
TC.3.6 First stage of the decimation-in-frequency FFT
TC.3.7 Basic butterfly computation in the
TC.3.8 N = 8-piont decimation-in-frequency FFT
We observe from Figure TC.3.8
that the input data x(n) occurs in natural
order, but the output DFT occurs in bit-reversed order. We also
note that the computations are performed in place. However, it is
possible to reconfigure the decimation-in-frequency algorithm so
that the input sequence occurs in bit-reversed order while the
output DFT occurs in normal order. Furthermore, if we abandon the
requirement that the computations be done in place, it is also
possible to have both the input data and the output DFT in normal
Radix-4 FFT
When the number of data
points N in the DFT is a power of 4 (i.e., N =
4v), we can, of course, always use a radix-2 algorithm
for the computation. However, for this case, it is more efficient
computationally to employ a radix-r FFT algorithm.
Let us begin by
describing a radix-4 decimation-in-time FFT algorithm briefly. We
split or decimate the N-point input sequence into four
subsequences, x(4n), x(4n+1),
x(4n+2), x(4n+3), n
= 0, 1, ... , N/4-1.
Thus the four N/4-point
DFTs F(l, q)obtained from the above equation
are combined to yield the N-point DFT. The expression for
combining the N/4-point DFTs defines a radix-4
decimation-in-time butterfly, which can be expressed in matrix
The radix-4 butterfly is
depicted in Figure TC.3.9a and in a more compact form in Figure
TC.3.9b. Note that each butterfly involves three complex
multiplications, since WN0
= 1, and 12 complex additions.
TC.3.9 Basic butterfly computation in a radix-4 FFT
By performing the
additions in two steps, it is possible to reduce the number of
additions per butterfly from 12 to 8. This can be accomplished ty
expressing the matrix of the linear transformation mentioned
previously as a product of two matrices as follows:
TC.3.10 Sixteen-point radix-4 decimation-in-time
algorithm with input in normal order and output in digit-reversed
A 16-point, radix-4
decimation-in-frequency FFT algorithm is shown in Figure TC.3.11.
Its input is in normal order and its output is in digit-reversed
order. It has exactly the same computational complexity as the
decimation-in-time radex-4 FFT algorithm.
TC.3.11 Sixteen-point, radix-4 decimation-in-frequency
algorithm with input in normal order and output in digit-reversed
For illustrative
purposes, let us re-derive the radix-4 decimation-in-frequency
algorithm by breaking the N-point DFT formula into four
smaller DFTs. We have
From the definition of the
twiddle factors, we have
The relation is not an N/4-point
DFT because the twiddle factor depends on N and not on N/4.
To convert it into an N/4-point DFT we subdivede the DFT
sequence into four N/4-point subsequences, X(4k),
X(4k+1), X(4k+2), and X(4k+3),
k = 0, 1, ..., N/4. Thus we obtain the radix-4
decimation-in frequency DFT as
where we have used the property WN4kn
= WknN/4. Note
that the input to each N/4-point DFT is a linear
combination of four signal samples scaled by a twiddle factor.
This procedure is repeated v times, where v = log4N.
Split-Radix FFT
An inspection of the
radix-2 decimation-in-frequency flowgraph shown in Figure TC.3.8
indicates that the even-numbered pints of the DFT can be computed
independently of the odd-numbered points. This suggests teh
possibility of using different computational methods for
independent parts of the algorithm, with the objective of
reducing the number of computations. The split-radix FFT (SRFFT)
algorithms exploit this idea by using both a radix-2 and a
radix-4 decomposition in the same FFT algorithm.
First, we recall that in
the radix-2 decimation-in-frequency FFT algorithm, the
even-numbered samples of the N-point DFT are given as
A radix-2 suffices for
this computation.
The odd-numbered samples
{X(2k+1)} of the DFT require the
pre-multiplication of the input sequence with the twiddle factors
WNn. For these samples a radix-4
decomposition produces some computational efficiency because the
four-point DFT has the largest multiplication-free butterfly.
Indeed, it can be shown that using a radix greater than 4 does
not result in a significant reduction in computational
If we use a radix-4
decimation-in-frequency FFT algorithm for the odd-numbered
samples of the N-point DFT, we obtain the following N/4-point
Figure TC.3.12 shows the
flow graph for an in-place 32-point decimation-in-frequency SFFT
TC.3.12 Length 23 split-radix FFT algorithms from paper
by Duhamel (1986); reprinted with permission from the IEEE
TC.3.13 Butterfly for SRFFT algorithm.
Real Multiplications
Real Additions
TC.3.1 Number of Nontrivial Real Multiplcations and
Additions to Compute an N-point Complex DFT【图文】第四章 图像变换_百度文库
第四章 图像变换


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