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Brain Research
An international multidisciplinary journal devoted to fundamental research in the brain sciences.
Brain Research publishes papers reporting interdisciplinary investigations of nervous system structure and function that are of general interest to the international community of neuroscientists.
As is evident from the journals name, its scope is broad, ranging from cellular and molecular studies through systems neuroscience, cognition and disease. Invited review suggestions for and inquiries about potential reviews are welcomed.With the appearance of the final issue of the 2011 subscription, Vol. 67/1-2 (24 June 2011), Brain Research Reviews has ceased publication as a distinct journal separate from Brain Research. Review articles accepted for Brain Research are now published in that journal. N.B. Review articles ar inquiries and suggestions for reviews should be directed to the Brain Research
().In the journal's Table of Contents, published papers will be shown under one of the Section titles listed below.
Authors will be given the opportunity to choose the most appropriate section upon manuscript submission.SECTIONS&Cell Biology, Signaling and Synaptic TransmissionSenior Editors: Leonard K. Kaczmarek (New Haven, CT, USA)Studies investigating the cellular, molecular and genetic bases of structure, function and signaling (both intracellular and intercellular) in nervous systems.&Development, Degeneration and Regeneration, and AgingSenior Editors: Fen-Biao Gao (Worcester, MA, USA), Michael E. Selzer (Philadelphia, PA, USA), Flora M. Vaccarino (New Haven, CT, USA)Studies concerning neuronal and glial development and the formation of the nervous system, molecular and cellular aspects of degeneration and regeneration, and changes associated with the aging brain.& Neuroscience and BehaviorSenior Editors: Gary Aston-Jones (Charleston, SC, USA), Mary Heinricher (Portland, OR, USA), Barry Waterhouse (Philadelphia, PA, USA)Studies concerning structure and organization of neural circuits, sensory and motor systems, internal regulatory systems and the control of behaviors. &Cognition and ComputationSenior Editors: Erich Schr?ger (Leipzig, Germany), Maria Natasha Rajah (Verdun, Quebec, Canada),
Christina L. Williams (Durham, NC, USA)Studies of the neural mechanisms of cognition and behavior in humans and animal models including basic behaviors and hig as well as studies dealing with realistic simulation, analysis and prediction of the structure and functions of nervous systems and individual neuronal and glial elements within nervous systems.& Neurobiology of DiseaseSenior Editors: Lorraine Iacovitti (Philadelphia, PA, USA), Jae-Young Koh (Seoul, Korea), Ramesh Raghupathi (Philadelphia, PA, USA), Peter H. Reinhart (Boston, MA, USA), J. Paul Taylor (Memphis, TN, USA)Studies whose primary focus is on clinically diseased nervous systems or disease models, including molecular, cellular, systems and behavioral approaches and analysis of therapeutic interventions.& ReviewsSenior Editor: Irwin B. Levitan (Philadelphia, PA, USA)Invited reviews on all aspects of nervous system structure and function. The editors welcome suggestions for specific review topics.
Brain Research publishes papers reporting interdisciplinary investigations of nervous system structure and function that are of general interest to the international community of neuroscientists.
Editor-in-Chief: Irwin B. Levitan
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.971Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP):SNIP measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.572SCImago Journal Rank (SJR):SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the G it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s impact.Impact Factor: 2.828Impact Factor:The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.(C) Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 20145-Year Impact Factor: 2.957Five-Year Impact Factor:To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2013 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years.(C) Journal Citation Reports 2014, Published by Thomson ReutersImprint: ELSEVIERISSN:
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Belinda Pletzer | Martin Kronbichler | ... Cathy Mitchelmore | Lene Gede
J. O'Keefe | J. Dostrovsky
Volume )Volume )Volume )
Jeanelle Ariza | Craig Steward | ... John Kealy | Rachel Bennett | ... Tomonobu Hida | Fumio Nakamura | ...
Nina Kosi | Ivan Ali? | ... Juhyun Song | So Yeong Cheon | ... Philip M. Lewis | Helen M. Ackland | ...
Catalina Betancur
Kent C. Berridge | Chaoyi Ho | ... Gary S. Aston-Jones | Rachel J. Smith | ...
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