谁是人狼littlunder the red hoodd解谜游戏

Enchanted Little Red Riding Hood
At 3 years old, I first heard the tale of the Little Red Riding Hood. At 6 years old, I made my first jointed doll. At 10 years old, I promised myself that one day I’d make a beautiful Little Red Hood doll. At 30 years old, I finally made it. It took me 27 years to go full circle. I feel like I’ve touched the origin of my being.
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Little Red Riding Hood
once upon a time,there was a little village girl--the prettiest that had ever been seen.her mother doted on her,her grandma was even fonder and made her little red hood which became her so well that everywhere she went by the name of "little red riding hood".
one day her mother who just made a bake of cakes,said to her:"go and see how your grandmother is,for ive been told that she is ill.take her a cake and this little pod of butter."
little red riding hood set off at once for the house of her grandmother who lived in another village.on her way through a wood she met old father wolf.he would very much to eat her but dared not do so on the count of some woodcutters who were in the forest.he asked where she was going.the poor child not knowing that it was dangerous to stop and listen to a wolf,said:"i'm going to see my grandmother and i'm taking her a cake and a pod of butter which my mother has sent to her." "does she live faraway?"asked the wolf."oh yes,"replied the little red riding hood,"it is yonder by the mill which you can see right below there,and it is the first house in the village." "well now,"said the wolf,"i think i shall go and see her,too.i'll go by this path,and you by that path,and we'll see who gets there first."
the wolf set off running with all his mind* by the shorter road and the little girl continued on her way by the longer road.as she went she amused herself by gathering the nuts and running after the butterflies and making nosegay of the white flowers which she found.the wolf was not long and reaching the grandmother's house.he knocked:tock!tock!"who is there?""it is your little daughter,red riding hood"said the wolf,disguising his voice,"and i bring you a cake and a little pod of butter as a present from my mother.the worthy grandmother was in bed,not being very well,and cried out to him:"pull out the peg and the latch will fall."the wolf drew out the peg and the door flew open.then he sprang upon the poor old lady and ate her up in less than no time for he had been more than three days without food.
after that he shut the door,laid down in the grandmother's bed,and waited for the little red riding hood.presently she came and knocked:tock!tock!"who is there?"now little red riding hood on hearing the wolf's gruff voice was at first frightened.but thinking that her grandmother had a bad cold,she replied:"it is your little daughter,red riding hood,and i bring you a cake and a little pod of butter from my mother."softening his voice the wolf called out to her:"pull out the peg and the latch will fall."little red riding hood drew out the peg and the door flew open.
when he saw her enter,the wolf hid himself in the bed beneath the counterpane."put the cake and the little pod of butter on the bin,"he said,"and come on the bed with me."little red riding hood took off the clothes,but when she climbed up on the bed she was astonished to see how her grandmother looked in her nightgown:
"grandmother dear!"she screamed,"what big arms you have!"
"the better to embrace you,my child!"
"grandmother dear!what big legs you have!"
"the better to run with,my child!"
"grandmother dear!what big ears you have!"
"the better to hear with,my child!"
"grandmother dear!what big eyes you have!"
"the better to see with,my child!"
"grandmother dear!what big teeth you have!"
"the better to eat you with!"
with these words,the wicked wolf leapt* upon little red riding hood,and gut her up.
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关注虾米:Little Red Riding Hood Story - Page 1
Once upon a time, there was a little
girl who lived in a village near the forest.& Whenever she went out, the little girl
wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One morning, Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could go to visit
her grandmother as it had been awhile since they'd seen each other.
&That's a good idea,& her mother said.& So they
packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.&
Take a minute to fill in our .
& &•&& & &•&&
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【游戏信息】游戏名称:小红帽物语 Little Red Hood Free
支持系统:Android 2.2以上
小红帽物语(Little Red Hood Free)是Panda Zone开发的一款休闲益智类游戏。小红帽物语(Little Red Hood Free)的官方介绍小红帽的故事相信大家都听过,大灰狼绑走她的外婆,她需要穿过好几座大山来找到他的外婆,你的任务就是帮助小红帽度过危险,找到他的外婆,游戏操作上非常的简单,就是我们常用的触屏跳跃类的游戏,点击屏幕就可以使小红帽跳跃出去,同时记得收集苹果和鲜花,不要忘记救助小兔子,不过特别的是,小红帽不在是无休止的直线奔跑,而是在一颗一颗的植物星球上跑,调整好角度跳出去,收集红苹果,3颗红苹果到手之后,游戏顺利过关。细腻的画面,绝对让你眼前一亮,没事的玩玩,放松眼睛和神经,为生活平添一点乐趣!小红帽物语(Little Red Hood Free)的特色o神奇的游戏o甜美跳跃动作o卓越的图形和动作o优秀的游戏效果会让你震惊o在一个扭曲的童话世界中的令人着迷的游戏设定o非常容易理解非常引人入胜的休闲冒险游戏
小红帽物语 (Little Red Hood Free) 更新说明:
① 本游戏源自互联网,请勿在未经本游戏版权所有者书面授权的情况下用于商业用途。
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