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Artist Feature: The Knight Shines Bright |
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Artist Feature: The Knight Shines Bright
&There’s something wonderful about fantasy. The Knight Shines Bright knows this very well, blending in the sexy characters you find in games like Tera or WoW with the hot, hot sex you’ve wanted to see. There’s a lot to check out from KSB. That’s why we wanted to talk with them about their works and learn more about the process behind their universe.&Tell us about yourself. Where are you from and where did the name “KnightShinesBright” come from?Hi, I am Knight77 and I am from Germany, but please don’t imagine me as some fat guy in leather pants. I am as sexy as you are, maybe a bit sexier, or not. I’m a student with a passion for 3D.
I named my blog TheKnightShinesBright.blogspot because knight77.blogspot was already taken.It belongs to some emo kid who hasn’t posted anything in 12 years. You can check it out yourself, but it’s boring. I wanted a name that implied that a knight in shining armor is coming to safe the fair lady which, of course, rewards him with a blowjob and sex afterwards. The name isn’t something special. I had to take one so I could go on with creating the blog.&How did you get started in 3DX? What was your journey to becoming an artist in the genre?The very first program I came in contact with 3D images, was Terragen. It was so much fun. It had no vegetaion or anything similar. It was just water, terrain and the sun that could be manipulated. After searching for other 3D landscape pictures I can across Vue Esprit, which was totally unknown at this time, but it had vegetaion to add and you could load other object into it. But it was just an assembly tool and an environmental renderer, no real modelling.I tried to create beautifull landscapes with a medieval atmosphere, but they got boring when figures enliven the scene. And that’s how I came across Poser. Problem was, all figures were naked at the beginning. Editing and creating beautifull men and women, plus a perveretd yound man – BAM you have it: 3D erotic. I was playing WoW that time and renderosity had this sexy Orc for V4. She became my first character and I had much to learn, but she was always first to test it. Some time has passed since then, and I think I improved a bit.&Tell us about your main characters. What is their background and who is your favorite and why?My main characters, or my favorite characters changed over the time. As I mentioned before the female Orc was my first one. I am not good with creating names (Nickname Knight77, duh!), so it was just that female Orc, which traveled through the world of Azeroth and encountered all kinds of partners, she was mating with, or just having fun.I have to mention that there is no rape in all of my works! It’s this utopia, where women are allways lustful, and when overpowered, they enjoy being taken by a strong male. Male fantasies, you know. I love the female body way to much, to hurt these beautifull beings.I have another WoW related character. Whitemane, which is an existing character in the game. I liked her design with the red and gold clothing and the scarlet crusade she was in. There were already fan-fictions about her and her sexual life, I just added my version of raiding her inner sanctuary ?After the horde got their bloodelfes, I got one too and named her Valeera. Since the bloodelfes were sinfull and naughty in the game, you can imagine what my one was going to do. As you can see, I was really focused on that game and its lore, because it was so damn great. I came across another strong and sexy female hero: Sylvannas, the leader of the forsaken. In my fantasies, she using her minions for her own pleasure, but also rewarded friends for their good services.There were several other characters like Jaina, Alexstrasza, Tyrande and some Nightelfes and Dreanei, which are well known by WoW fans. When I didn’t play WoW anymore, the interest in this characters faded, since I didn’t felt connected to them anymore. And when I started playing Tera I quickly fell in love with the castanics. They had something demonic with their horns, and something of an elf, because of their pointy ears. Pointy ears are super sexy! Their home city has a “Pleasure Street” and there are red light all over the city. So the Castanics are the Twi’Leks of Tera univers. Not that the other female classes in Tera are in less skimpy armor, the castanics are just in the skimpiest ones.My castanic Saasha is my absolute favorite right now, because I feel most connected to her. After her following my WoW characters.&Where do you see your art fitting into the broader spectrum of 3DX art?I try to let it look like “normal”, passionate sex between fanatasy figures, you mostly know from your beloved games… well WoW and Tera. Even though I have some worgen, I wouldn’t discribe it as furry or beastialty. Worgen are still human, so they are humans with just more intensified hunger for lust. Some blog visitors criticized that I use too small penises in my renderings. There are some big fellas for special needs, but often I use “human” size, which is often enough for our real girls, why
should it be not enough for our fanatasy girls. This way I try to bring these girls closer to the watcher. Sometimes…. often, there is some kind of good ol’ hentai in it:
tentacles, well hang men, ever horny women who just love to please men in every way they can.&Who or what are your inspirations?At first just my dirty little mind. If you look up my clips, you will see that no animation is exactly the same. I tried to do every animation a different position, because it always has to be something new. Now I try now to rebuild specific porno scenes, something like X-Art or WoW Girls, where there is some passion and love in it. So my inspiration right now are pornos and my thoughts of fantasy, mixed together in the lore of games with a bit of: “What would have happened if…”&Your focus is animation, something that few 3DX artists have ventured so far, but definitely adds a new dimension. Why did you decide to go the animation route and what do you find most interesting about it?In still images, a lot of detail can be lost. In animations, your characters could be real. I was bored that the movement of my characters were indicated, but you had to imagine it yourself. That’s why I started to animate them and add even sound to my video clips. This way they came real close to be real. Sadly I had to set back the sound adding, because it took too much time to adjust the sound files, so that it doesn’t look asynchrony, or doesn’t sound unreal with the few voice samples I had. The most interesting part for me about it is that you have some tiny little details which will let you forget that it’s not real.&In your experience how does the process of creating animations differ from creating still images? What were some of the challenges?Well in still images, you can cheat a lot in comparison to animations. If you cheat in animations about possible poses, you have to adjust a lot of things while animating. If you want to make an animation, you have to think about how it will work. If you make to extreme movements, it won’t look really good. The most difficult challenge is the start of every animation where I want to show specific parts of my character, but also want to do a specific movement, which could block the view. Another thing is if the start posing will be even able to animate, or if the smallest movement just looks unreal.&Tell us about the process that goes into creating an animation. How do you plan an animation and ensure that it comes out the way you want it. What are your tools of the trade?If I get an inspiration, I start with the simple posing of the start pose, keeping in mind that I want to do certain movement. After that it goes into several big and small steps. I set the main movement and add some details until I am satisfied with the result. With my new system I can play the animation in real time with 25fps in my viewport, which is a huge help in making the animations more vivid. This wasn’t possible with my old pc I had 3 months ago. So I had to wait until it was rendered to see if it came out the way I wanted, which wasn’t allways the case. Mostly it is just trial and error. I can’t be sure it will come out the way I wanted. Often I have re-do the whole scene, which mostly ends in letting the save file rest a while, before I work on it again.&Do you have any advice you’d like to give to any aspiring artists?Just do it. Trial and error.Using some real life references will help immense letting scenes look lifelike, but the more you practice, the better the results may eventually be. I have nearly 200GB of working files, and just a handfull is released on my blog. The rest is not worth showing, or still in progress.&What do you think is the appeal of mystical/fantasy creatures like Elves, Wargs, Orcs etc? Is it only enjoyed by gamers or does it appeal to all audiences?That is hard to decide, since I am a gamer, I can’t tell if I would like it if I wasn’t one. But I think elves have a broader fanbase, since they are also present in movies and books. They are mystical creatures who could be anything from allmighty and dominant, to sensitive and helpless. Wargs are a totally different league. They are feral and dangerous. They aren’t so common, since some consider them a beasts instead of some humanoids.The orc is some kind of mainstream by now. Every medieval/fantasy univers has orcs. They are some kind of uber humans, without feelings but huge dongs. And they come in different colors. Colors are very important for fanatasy characters. They make them exotic and special. Think about the green martian women from the old Star Trek series. They were sex symbols.&Do you prefer V4 or V5, Poser or Daz3D?Clearly V4 and Poser. But I like the idea behind the Genesis figures.&What is the hardest challenge you have had to overcome on your journey to being a popular 3DX artist?Silent downloads. I like it if the blog visitors like my works, but often they just download it and vanish again until the next update. I see that one file was downloaded
more that a thousand times, but no single comment. It is really frustrating when the only comment towards your work is: “Whats the password?”&What genital props do you work with/recommend for both males/females?I work with Lali Bits which suits my needs pretty good, but Karina Vagina MKII is good as well. The males work with M4 Genitalia Enhanced, which was from Channing and they work perfect with most M4 Gen Maps.What do you have in mind in terms of evolving your animated scenes? Perhaps working on longer sequences?Yes indeed. Longer sequences and more vivid animations, together with a nice scene surrounding. As I mentioned at the beginning long ago, I worked with Terragen und Vue Esprit. I want to set my animations in places of fantasy and beauty. Some magical place where you have everything you want and more.I want to add different camera angles for the same animation, so that you have versions focused on the action, and versions where you can dream.&What do you have coming up in the near future?My first sale. I want to make a set of animations which belong together. But since I want to sell something and not giving it away for free, I want it to be worth selling. On the other hand, there will allways be some updates on my blog. I am also in contact with someone who will help me work on Tera figures for Source Film Maker, short SFM.&Sum up your artist ethos in one sentence.You cannot not communicate!Where can we find you online at?Everything I have is posted on . I also have a thread at &Any last words for our dear Affect3D readers?Are you killing me now? Don’t take me too serious. I am a crazy, stupid, perverted guy with big dreams and a big … very BIG smile on my face.
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